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#Métal Renaissance Urbaine#art contemporain#art technologique#sculptures modernes#art conceptuel#récupération artistique#upcycling#favelas
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You can’t build a house without good foundations, and the same goes for your insta profile! If you get the basics right to start with, then you’ll find growth a little easier! 1️⃣ Choose the perfect profile picture. Your insta pic is key, it should reflect your account’s personality and catch people’s eye. That being said, it’s a very small space so try not to overcrowd it. And definitely make sure you have one - accounts without a profile pic look spammy from the get go 2️⃣ Use keywords in your name. And for this bit, I mean the name at the top of your bio, not your username. This is the bit of your bio that puts you into instagrams search results. So if you want people who search ‘BLW’ to find you, then add that into your name! 3️⃣ Fill out your bio properly. Give people an idea of who you are and what they can expect from your account - give them a reason to hit that follow button. Also make sure you’ve added a link and your contact info buttons 4️⃣ Make sure you have the right account type as this will make sure you have access to the right features. Individual - for personal account (not the best for growth) Creator - best for bloggers/influencers etc Business - good for businesses/brands 5️⃣ Choose an aesthetic. A profile that is nice or eye catching to look at will get a higher number of people hitting follow as soon as they land on your page 6️⃣ Utilise your highlights. Give people an insight into what they can expect from your account by putting your most engaging, informative or best highlights at the top so they can be seen straight away So those are my top tips for getting the perfect insta profil. ✌️ . . 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ join @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips and hacks 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower #instacoach #instagrowth (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_UW_qn-kw/?igshid=1cf7n1o17vkj9
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Fumo. Una sagra di cuori e pollici. Endorfine. La nuova eroina. La vostra intimità. Le solitudini. Il bisogno di esistere sopra e più degli altri. L'occhio di bue sulle vostre vite. Narcisi. Istrioni. Sgrammaticati. Filtrati. Cloni. Onanisti. Il telefono è una gabbia comoda. Il terzo cervello nel palmo delle mani. I pollici opponibili sono complementi di moto a luogo. Ipnotizzati. Scambisti di cuori e like. Orge in direct. tutti pazzi per la dea apparenza. Appartenenza. "Nuovo post" comincia la festa dell'imbarazzante egotismo. Qualcuno sul narcisismo ha fondato veri e propri imperi. Aziende che vivono grazie alla vendita di pascoli per leoni pecora. Personaggi che vi promettono di aumentare la gittata della vostra balestra social con trucchetti da quattro soldi che non portano a nulla, servono solo a loro. gli unici che vincono. L' oro di Bologna. Bot. È matematica. La vostra esistenza, le vostre passioni sacrificate al dio Algoritmo. Eppure è sotto gli occhi di tutti. Non siete speciali. Nessuno lo è veramente. Una vita vale una vita e nell'ottica degli universi paralleli una vita vale un nano numero piccolissimo che a confronto l'atomo è l'infinito. S'illumina d'immenso. Ognuno è Sole in cuor suo. Senza satelliti. Nessun pianeta. Tutti soli. #italianshortstories #napoli #boostinstagram #lammerda #brevistoriedinutilita (presso Sistema solar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkrKWfCvDa/?igshid=smatutv7dgbk
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Avec notre plaque gravée en bois, incitez vos clients à vous suivre grâce à un QR code unique. Posez-la sur un comptoir ou fixez-la au mur pour maximiser votre visibilité. Pratique et élégante, elle est un incontournable ! 🌟 #BoostInstagram #QRCodeGravé #PlaqueDesign
#Métal Renaissance Urbaine#art contemporain#art technologique#sculptures modernes#art conceptuel#récupération artistique#upcycling#favelas
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💡Focus On Conversation Instead Of Engagement Rates! 💡 Save and Share To Help Others! 🤩 If you want to have a profitable business, you've got to treat it like a business. You are doing Instagram marketing instead of building a business and you are getting upset that you aren't booked out, rich, and sipping caipirinhas on the beach by now ? The problem is that so many Instagram coaches and social media managers learned their craft in a business that wasn't their own. They've been taught to increase engagement rates, how to make graphics that stand out, and so on. 🙌Everybody here was in those shoes! 🙌Keep learning, stay focused and consistent! 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #instahashtag #besthashtags #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #businesstips #digitalmarketingtips #internetbusiness #onlinemarketer #instagrammarketingforbusiness #instagramtip #businesstips #digitalmarketingtips #internetbusiness #onlinemarketer #instagrammarketingforbusiness #instagramtip (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJrgE3JnbML/?igshid=v9krncicqme8
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Preech 🙌😇😁 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Credit @freshtheavocado (DM for wrong credits/removal) 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #hashtaggrowthstrategie #instateacher #instahashtag #besthashtags #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower (hier: Augsburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJlJpExHYWh/?igshid=871w9evywwhy
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🏵 It's really a misconception that you need to be an "expert" to build trust on Instagram 🏵 🤙Anyone can be an expert 🤙Anyone can build trust Why? Because you're constantly educating yourself. The problems you've right now, tomorrow it will be an solution for others. So when you first start out you may not consider yourself an "expert" But learning constantly and trying things can make you a expert ! 💪 Believe in yourself and keep growing 🌱 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower marketingforsmallbusiness #growinstagram #growyourbusiness #socialmediamarketingstrategy #instagramgrowthhacks #inspirationbusiness #instagrammarketingtips #businesscoaching #successtip #followerstrategy (hier: London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJjEM-2nx9k/?igshid=4axe69h77mdv
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⚠️5 HASHTAGS MISTAKES TO AVOID⚠️ ❌1. NOT RESEARCHING YOUR HASHTAGS: Spend time using Instagram to research your hashtags and make sure they are relevant to each post. Start recording these in a document. ❌2. UNAWARE OF YOUR COMPETITORS HASHTAGS: It's good to know which hashtags your competitors are using and get some ideas, however, we don't want to copy them. ❌3. NOT KNOWING WHICH HASHTAGS YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS USE AND FOLLOW: Find your ideal clients on Instagram and check which hashtags they are following and start to include these in your posts, where relevant. ❌4. NOT USING INSTAGRAM INSIGHTS TO REVIEW YOUR HASHTAGS: Keep an eye on your Instagram Insights and see which posts have the best performing hashtags. ❌5. USING THE MAJORITY OF HASHTAGS THAT HAVE A HIGH DENSITY: Check how many posts are linked to the hashtags you want to use. If the aim of the garden is to grow your account with ideal clients and increase engagement. Try using the majority of your hashtags under 120k as a start point so your post doesn't get lost in the high-density hashtag Share. Support. Love ❤️ Happy new Year 🥳 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Credit @ (DM for wrong credits/removal) 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #hashtagstrategy #hashtaggrowth #growthstrategy #hashtagguide #instaguide #hashtaggrowthstrategie #instateacher #instahashtag #besthashtags #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower (hier: Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJe7kh9HIF2/?igshid=17b92rf3rh3wi
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Six content marketing tips for you 💚🌱 🌞Write on niche topics While curating content, stick to a specific topics in order to avoid confusing your audience. 🌞Write with purpose If you are going to curate, you must have purpose, objectives and an end goal. 🌞Be specific Curate specific content in order to keep your audience specific. 🌞Avoid duplicate content Avoid republishing the same content again, instead publish something along the same lines. 🌞Support content with facts & figures Content that shares statistics has more value and credibility, it provides more knowledge. 🌞Stay connected with influencers Stay connected with influencers to stay updated on latest trends, opinions and information. 😎 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 ✅ Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 . . . . . #hashtagstrategy #hashtaggrowth #growthstrategy #hashtagguide #instaguide #hashtaggrowthstrategie #instateacher #instahashtag #besthashtags #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower (hier: Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbMjaDHr2o/?igshid=wueljchnaq45
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❌10 Hacks to master Instagram💢 💯Use your insights 💯Plan & Schedule your content 💯Do live streams 💯Respond to your DM's 💯Reply to all comments 💯Interact with your followers 💯Post user generated content 💯Write long & Engaging captions 💯Study competitor posts 💯Upload videos 💯Follow similar pages in your niche 💯Engage with your target audience ❎Save. Learn. Create. Grow.❎ 💚 advertising 💚 check out the link in my Bio to get handpicked hashtags to grow your Instagram Account organically 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 💚 Follow @instagrowthbible for daily Instagram marketing tips, hacks and memes 💚 . . . . . . #hashtagstrategy #hashtaggrowth #growthstrategy #hashtagguide #instaguide #hashtaggrowthstrategie #instateacher #instahashtag #besthashtags #instagrowthstrategy #iggrowth #igmarketing #igstrategy iggrow #iggrowhacks #ighacks #igtricks #tipsforinstagram #instagramguide #gainfollowersquickly #boostinstagram #fiverrgigs #findhashtags #hashtagmarketing #increasefollower (hier: Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJYhXDxnvKG/?igshid=1pa3jfioz581k
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