lejournaldupeintre · 6 months
Cote boooostée
Pastel and cardboard / 40 x 15 cm / Briat 2024 cm – – – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – — – – – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – — – – – – – Le journal…
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rebar-head · 5 months
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boostee gold mayhaps
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howlingday · 1 year
Project "Solution"
Merlot: So... Mr. Winchester, yes? Tell me about yourself.
Cardin: My name is Cardin Winchester, and my dream is to be a huntsman. Being a hero is all I've ever wanted.
Cardin: I used to be a huntsman for almost a year, and I saved more than half a kingdom worth of people.
Merlot: Impressive, Mr. Winchester. But what is a specimen of such high caliber doing not being a huntsman?
Cardin: I... I finally got my license, and things were going great until... until they weren't. There was a situation, and I... I fractured parts of my spine. Even standing up gets to be a struggle at this point. I'm supposed to use a wheelchair, but... I never listened... And I'll probably never be a huntsman again. But... But I can't just give up on my dream. And if I can't help people smile and cheer again, then I don't think I ever want to live that life.
Merlot: ...
Cardin: So that's why I came here. If I can't live my life the way I want to, then I'll just donate my body and soul to science! Then... Then maybe someone else can live my dream for me, and be the hero I never could. Heck, maybe you can fix a broken spine while you're at it!
Merlot: How... valiant of you, Mr. Winchester. Very brave, too. Thank you, Cardin. Your... contributions... won't go to waste.
Cardin: Valiant? Heh heh... Yeah, that's me! Just call me Captain Valiant!
Watts: "Power is earned. It is not gifted by some divine providence, but through sheer effort."
Watts: Sadly, I, too, was forced to suffer the indignation of being only half right. Power isn't gifted; it is delivered.
Watts: Grimm is not enough to win this war. We need soldiers. Weapons. And that, my dear Merlot, is where you come in, though I must say, I am unimpressed with your choice for this "super soldier" project. He's more brawn than brain.
Merlot: Your request was for physical fitness. "Mental capacity was irrelevant." Your words. And physical fit, he is. Especially his heart.
Watts: My request was for a mutant warrior, not a tragic hero. An asset she can wield; means to the end.
Merlot: "Occular amplifier." "Tensile-strength boostee." Regenerative healing factor." Everything about this project is overkill, especially if you want the Grimm to win. Mutagen-G is-
Watts: Was the former name of your base formula. My superior compond, Ouranos, vastly exceeds yours in every aspect.
Merlot: Hmph... And if he turns?
Watts: (Sets vial on the desk) Install this. Now.
Merlot: ...And if this fails?
Watts: Then SHE will take care of him.
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pinkdreamscape1 · 2 years
Amaria crit my (eevium-z boosteed) Eevee and froze my meowscarada after it tanked an ice beam.
Despite the bad luck I still came out on top. Mainly thanks to Glaceon. He carried the battle fr.
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lolboosts01 · 3 months
The Art of Boosting in League of Legends: Strategy, Ethics, and Impact
In the competitive realm of League of Legends (LoL), the concept of "boosting" has sparked both admiration and controversy among players and enthusiasts alike. Boosting refers to the practice of a higher-skilled player (the booster) playing on an account of a lower-skilled player (the boostee) to elevate its ranking. While boosting promises rapid advancement through the ranks, it raises significant considerations regarding strategy, ethics, and the broader impact on the LoL community.
Strategy Behind Boosting
Boosting is primarily driven by the desire to achieve higher Elo Boosting LoL rewards within the game. For many players, reaching a higher division or tier signifies personal achievement and validates their skill level. Boosting services capitalize on this aspiration by offering to accelerate the climb, employing expert players who navigate the challenges of ranked matches with finesse.
From a strategic standpoint, boosting involves not just superior gameplay mechanics but also profound knowledge of game dynamics, champion matchups, and effective strategies. Boosters often employ optimized playstyles and tactics that exploit opponents' weaknesses, showcasing a level of mastery that contrasts sharply with the skill level of the account being boosted.
Ethical Considerations
Despite its strategic allure, cheap lol boosts practice within the LoL community. Critics argue that it undermines the integrity of the competitive ladder by inflating ranks artificially. Accounts that have been boosted may find themselves in matches where their actual skill level does not match their rank, leading to frustration and imbalance for other players in those games.
Ethical concerns also extend to account security and fairness. Boosting services often require access to players' accounts, raising issues of privacy and trust. Additionally, the financial aspect of boosting—where players pay for these services—raises questions about fairness and the disparity it creates between those who can afford boosting and those who cannot.
Impact on the Community
The impact of boosting reverberates beyond individual players. It can skew statistical data used for matchmaking and game balance, potentially affecting the overall competitiveness and enjoyment of matches. High-profile cases of boosting have also drawn attention from game developers, leading to stricter enforcement of rules and penalties for those caught engaging in or facilitating boosting.
Furthermore, boosting affects the perception of skill and achievement within the community. Players who have genuinely earned their ranks may feel undervalued when encountering boosted accounts in matches. This dilutes the sense of accomplishment associated with climbing the ranks through genuine effort and improvement.
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Camille Cerf : de reine de beauté à reine des plateaux télé
Le 6 décembre 2014, Camille Cerf devient la première Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais élue Miss France. Ce jour-là, elle passe de l'ombre à la lumière en un clin d'œil. 5 ans après, Camille n’a pas disparu de nos écrans, et est suivie par presque 850 k sur les réseaux.  Une élection pour son père Camille Cerf grandit à Calais aux côtés de sa sœur jumelle dizygote Mathilde. Elle vit une enfance heureuse jusqu’à ses 18 ans, âge où son père décède d’un cancer. Habituée aux concours de beauté, elle est finaliste du concours Elite Model Look à 15 ans et devient mannequin pour l'agence Elite. Elle confie dans une émission : "Mon père était le plus fier quand j'ai fait le concours Elite. Donc je savais que les Miss, ça allait le rendre fier aussi."  Au moment de son élection, Camille Cerf est étudiante en deuxième année d'école de gestion et de commerce EGC de Lille. Elle souhaitait devenir attachée de presse ou chargée de communication. Le soir du 6 décembre 2014, sa vie change avec son élection et elle succède à Flora Coquerel. Une semaine plus tard, elle devient la marraine de la fondation AVEC (Association pour la Vie, Espoir contre le Cancer).  Une nouvelle vie pour Camille Cerf Le 19 décembre 2019, elle passe le relais à Miss Iris Mittenaere avec qui elle entretient toujours une relation fusionnelle. C'est alors qu'elle obtient son diplôme à l’EGC, un an après son élection. Elle devient la nouvelle égérie de la maison Bellini ainsi qu'ambassadrice Garnier pour sa ligne de soin cheveux Hair Food Fructis. Cette même année, Camille sort également sa propre collection de lingerie en collaboration avec la marque Pomm'Poire afin de concevoir des sous-vêtements féminins en dentelle de Calais qui soient adaptés à toutes les morphologies. Elle prépare d'ailleurs actuellement une nouvelle collection avec la marque. De nouvelles opportunités  Depuis 2015, Camille Cerf ne cesse de faire des apparitions à la télé. Elle participe plusieurs fois à des émissions telles que Vendredi tout est permis avec Arthur ou bien Fort Boyard. De même, l'ancienne Miss France tourne en 2015 dans Nos chers voisins. Elle participe au jeu télévisé The Island : Célébrités et Le Grand Concours et tourne un épisode de l’émission La vie secrète des chats. De plus, en 2018, Camille tourne aussi dans une publicité pour Vinted, un marché en ligne communautaire. Elle rejoint depuis 2019, la troupe des Touristes sur TF1. Depuis 2017, elle est l’animatrice du Super Bêtisier sur NRJ12 qui est renommé en 2019 le Bêtisier des Camille(s) suite à l’arrivée de Camille Lacourt pour l’accompagner. A lire également : Inspirez-vous du style des célébrités : les bagues de fiançailles des peoples Le Bêtisier des Camille(s) - Pinterest Camille Cerf : son engagement  En plus de son engagement contre le cancer, Camille Cerf s’engage contre le bodyshaming. Ayant reçu de nombreux messages haineux concernant son physique et à de nombreuses reprises, Camille Cerf a tourné dans le clip Sereinement du rappeur Boostee qui dénonce les injonctions faites aux femmes et souhaite défendre leur libre-arbitre.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk1-DsJGeLU&feature=emb_title Clip "Sereinement" de Boostee Notamment, après avoir posté des photos de vacances avec Iris Mittenaere en février 2019, Camille avait reçu un message, concernant son poids et sa morphologie. Ce message a, par la suite été relayé en story de son compte Instagram qui compte presque 850 k de followers. Blessée, le mannequin avait commenté : «Je ne comprendrai décidément jamais la cruauté de certains. Il faut arrêter, vraiment... Je suis bien dans mon corps et dans ma tête. Mais ce genre de commentaire fait toujours mal au cœur». Ne rater aucune apparition de l'ancienne Miss France à la télé  Comme beaucoup de ses consoeurs, Camille Cerf a trouvé une place de choix à la télévision. Et pour être sûr de ne pas la rater, il vous suffit de vous rendre en ligne pour découvrir le programme télé. Cela vous permet de vous tenir informé du programme prévu par les chaînes de télévision. Grâce à lui, vous ne raterez aucune apparition de Camille Cerf.  Mais c'est aussi bien peu importe votre souhait. Pour profiter d'un film, d'une série, d'une émission, ou pour regarder un bêtisier à la télé, le programme en ligne s'impose de lui-même pour l'astuce la plus utile pour ne rien louper.  Il indique l'heure de commencement pour chaque programme, ainsi que la chaîne qui le diffuse. Un court synopsis vous permet d'en apprendre plus en tentant de venir titiller votre curiosité. Vous n'allumerez votre télé que si un programme vous plait, et vous ne perdez pas de longues minutes à zapper de chaînes en chaînes, sans savoir quoi regarder.  Prendre le réflexe de regarder le programme télé en ligne, c'est choisir de gagner du temps et de mieux organiser son quotidien. Et surtout, vous ne raterez plus les programmes qui vous plaisent.  Read the full article
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judolord · 1 year
RIP da bass boosteed version of been ballin by ballout & chief keef dat was on youtube like 4 years ago i miss you so bad
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noneedtofearorhope · 1 year
funny to see the perpetual at-er being at-ed, the boostee becoming the booster
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dannykronstrom · 1 year
Google I/O 2023 : la nouvelle recherche boostée l’IA dévoilée !
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wrenforthought · 2 years
The Advantages Of Elo Boost
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You might be familiar with the phrase "boosting" if you enjoy the competitive game and have played them for some time. What exactly does it mean and how does it affect your game? Read on to find out more.
What does ELO Boosting mean?
ELO boosts refer to a match that is ranked in which you utilize an "ELO booster" to improve your standing. The ELO booster has plenty of experience and is able to play at a high level. To increase the chance of a boostee (player) winning the game, an ELO booster is added to a ranked league.
Games like Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm have been able to make rank boosting very popular within the world of gaming nowadays. This service is available in virtually every competitive game to help players outdo their competitors. You can find out more about LoL Boosting advantages here.
Earn Rewards
Riot Games offers rewards for players who reach certain ranks. For every rank that is higher than bronze, players will receive an updated summoner icon. Diamond ranks get an invite flair as well as a loading screen border. As you progress to higher ranks in the level, you earn more rewards. To be able to claim all these rewards you must reach the diamond league at the close of the season, and the best method to reach that goal is to opt for the lol tft elo boosting.
You are safe and secure
Prior to that, boosters could be paid to login to your account, play the game for you, and help you reach a certain rank. The majority of these services came from China and players utilized the same IP address. This made it dangerous as the player's account was linked to many other accounts. If one of these accounts are banned, all the others are also banned. But boosting is safer and secure since you aren't required to share any of your account information with anyone. Be calm and focus only on the game. Online if you can.
Learning Experience
The competitive matches you play with your booster team will not only help you win games, but it also helps you develop new skills. The boosters are all skilled League of Legends players who consistently play at high ranks and might have a few tricks up their sleeves. Therefore, even if you're the lower league playing with a player of an upper rank is bound to give you some tricks and tips.
Time Saver
You could lose a significant amount of time if you have teammates that don't play well or aren't familiar with the game. Or it could take you a long time to get to the top of the League of Legends' ranked ladder.
Here is an area where the league of legends smurf service is useful. You can increase your chances to win the game by playing in an ranked queue using booster. This will also decrease the amount of novices in your group and assist you to climb the ranks faster.
Amazing Account
Skills and ranks matter when playing competitive games. So, if you have a group of players who are avid players of League of Legends, you are likely to want a top rank to be recognized as the best in the group. A booster is a ticket to help you earn that title in a short period of time and also with less money. So, be the center of attention in your group and show off your account with your friends by purchasing a booster.
LoL Boosting is a service which allows a skilled and experienced player to improve your rankings that will provide you with the experience of watching him, getting you placed with better players, which will save you a lot of time battling to climb the ladder of ranking and will make your account appear outstanding due to the often achieved annual rewards.
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mel-ash-books · 2 years
The Great Benefits Of Lol Elo Boost
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You may have heard the phrase "boosting" if you enjoy competitive games and have been playing for some time. But what does it mean and how does it affect your game? Read on to know more.
What does ELO Boosting mean?
The term ELO boost is used in an ranked game with an "ELO booster" in order to boost your ranking during a game. The ELO booster is a player with a lot of experience and has the ability to play at a high level. To increase the chances of a boostee (player) winning the game by a boost, an ELO booster can be added to a ranking league.
Games such as Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm have made rank boosting quite popular in the gaming world nowadays. But, nearly all competitive games have this service available these days to help the players win and outscore their rivals. Learn more details about LoL Boosting benefits here.
Earn Rewards
Riot Games gives out rewards to players that reach the level of. Bronze players usually get an updated summoner icon those with diamond ranks get an invite flair, loading screen border and profile banner trim victorious champion skin along with a summoner icon. The rewards increase as you progress through the ranks. To earn the entire prize, you need to be in the diamond league at the close of the season. the best method to get there is to choose the tft elo boosting.
Safe and Secure
Earlier, boosters could be paid to login to your account, play the game to help you reach a certain rank. A lot of these services came originate from China and players were using the same IP address. This was a risk since the player's account was connected to many other accounts. If one of these accounts are banned, all the others will also be banned. But, boosting is more secure and safer today because there is no need to share your account details with anyone. So, keep your worries to a minimum and just focus on the game. Online if you can.
Learning Experience
The competitive matches you play with your booster team is not just a way to win games, but it also helps you learn new skills. The boosters are all proficient League of Legends players who consistently perform at the top and could have some tricks in their arsenal. Therefore, even if you're an lower league division playing a few games with a player of the top of the ladder is likely to impart a few tips and tricks.
Time saver
You could lose a significant amount of time with players who don't perform well, or don't know the game. It could take a long time for you to reach the highest point on the League of Legends' ranked ladder.
Here is where the tft elo boostingtft boost service is useful. You can increase your chances to win the game by participating in a an ranked queue using an increaser. This can also reduce the number of noobs within your team and help you rise up the ranks quicker.
Amazing Account
Games that are competitive is a competitive game. Competency and rank are important significantly. If you're a part of an League of Legends group, you'll want an impressive rank in order that you can become the best. A booster is a ticket that can assist you in achieving this rank quickly and with lesser cost. So, be the most popular member of your group and show off your account among friends by getting a booster.
LoL Boosting is a method where you allow a more experienced and skilled player to increase your ranking and give you the opportunity to watch him and putting you in a position with the best players. It also saving you lots of time grinding to climb in the ranked ladder and makes your account impressive because of the rarely obtained annual rewards.
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viensdansmatete · 3 years
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𝐷𝑒̀𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑗𝑒 𝑚'𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒, 𝑙𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝 𝑠𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑔𝑒́,
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑖𝑟 𝑙𝑒 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟.
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
BOOSTEE x ZAHO - EGO (acoustique)
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sombre-livre · 6 years
« On s’est loupé, la boucle est bouclée, la boucle est bouclée.. »
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clutch-shift-go · 5 years
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Rocking it!😎👀 🐌🐌 . . . . #clutchshiftgo #csg #wrenchmonkeygarage #turboshirt #boostshirts #boostee #tt #twinturbo #boostlife #turbolife #carchicks #carchick #cargirlsofinstagram #cargirl #cargirls #tunershirts #tunershirt https://www.instagram.com/p/B8fL2SpHIQJ/?igshid=yrjbol9u9ewh
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peachciders · 3 years
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okay maybe today is Good ✨
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