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rabbithole512 · 6 years ago
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📦Everyone loves their #bookmail but mine was extra special today. I won a giveaway and couldn't find these hardback books more beautiful. #coverlove #bookreadhappyhour 🧜‍♀️ Lia keeps me on my toes the whole time. Shes a great female protag #myfavouritebookishjune the whole mer village on land is ohana vibe #bookishcoven ♥️The love story totally fits today's theme #BookNerdsAndFriends #bookstababesjune19 #bookscoasttocoastjune19 . True love or love triangle Haha kinda both gotta read to find out. 🔥this is a perfect summer read #wildadventuresjune19 #ampersandjune19 it makes me wanna go on a road trip into this story #goldengirlsjunebooks #allthebooksjune19 https://www.instagram.com/p/By3AbhKgyYp/?igshid=h0vtswwvbg9c
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rainy-rose · 6 years ago
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Hullo. I finally have free time! Well soer if, but at least I am done with school and bridesmaid duties! #tenthingschallenge 10. Words to describe your MC - okay, let's see... I might list some colours as well :)) because i do like to use colours a lot when writing descriptions :)) So, Elise Dunne is: 1. Fierce 2. Caring 3. Guarded 4. Tall 5. Strong 6. Reckless 7. Loyal 8. Short tempered 9. Queer 10. Protective #lcvbjunebookchallenge 10. Ice tea day - ��🇩 Avand in vedere vremea ciudata, caldura de pe lume + ploaie, am tot baut ceai cu gheata 🇬🇧 Since the weather has been weird, really hot + rainy, I've been drinking Ice Tea #allthebooksjune19 10. Candle love #junebookpride2019 10. Queer ship that didn't happen - Wolfstar! I know they are not queer in canon but come on! #grimdragon + #burriedinbooksjune 10. A multitude of emotions/Roller coaster (of feels) - The book thief by Markus Zusak #bookscoasttocoastjune19 10. Set at sea - My favorite Romanian novel, Toate panzele sus! (tr. All sails up!) #pridelibrary19 10. Authors of colour - Kenzaburo Ooe and Mori Ogai cause both of these, especially Ogai, deserve more love #books #bookish #bookishphotograohy #bookphtotography #bookworm #booklover #booknerd #bookishfeature #reader #reading #ilovetoread #literature #iubescsacitesc #cititoripasionati #cititoridinromania #bookstagram #bookblr #igreads #wip #wiptalk #mc https://www.instagram.com/p/ByiVOUdI7aA/?igshid=1g7ya5yulc0kr
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rabbithole512 · 6 years ago
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So its fandom Friday! My true fandom will ALWAYS Haha be Harry Potter. Tell me what other fandoms you love and which tore out our heart #bookishcoven #junebookstagram19 #flatlayfriday #bookravensjune19 but my current read is pretty obvious #bookscoasttocoastjune19 #goldengirlsjunebooks sock its dobbys (and Henry viii) birthday is it's only fitting hes my favorite side character #bookreadhappyhour #bookstababesjune19 Its s/o for #BookNerdsAndFriends so look out in my posts and stories for great pages and challenges. (at Irvingdale, Lincoln) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzRSd4wgF71/?igshid=19yt77xwfpj63
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rabbithole512 · 6 years ago
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These books are what got me started on non fiction and historical fiction. I love the idea of medieval England. It's so romanticized now. You either realize what a psycho her dad was and how hard her life must have been even after being crowned or you just see sparkles. Elizabeth may have done things I didnt agree with and have shit advisor in Cecil but I think she did ok. #qotd were you obsessed with these books as a kid or what got you into reading? My grandma used to read to me as a kid every night. #shelfiesunday #BookNerdsAndFriends #ampersandjune19 #bookscoasttocoastjune19 #socksunday #bookishsummercourtjun19 Cozy Sunday vibes #fearyournovelchapter (at Lincoln, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzD84H-gPWU/?igshid=1kjhxaowk4qp6
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rabbithole512 · 6 years ago
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🌞 Its summer solstice everyone! I'm such a cancer sign I love the water and this time of year. Admittedly I'm the first one to sweat and want a fan/ac but I have all the fun I can until I burn to a crisp. Luckily or unluckily for him, Haha I have a redheaded husband who I can use for a litmus test. 🌠Hes my true Rhysand didnt realize how bad my Tamlin really was. I'm about to turn 26 and I dont think I would have turned 20 without that change. I know in the books #feyrearcheron did her fae wine dance and piss of ianthe light show in spring court Haha both on summer solstice. Haha fuck you prompt #grimdragon 🔥 #qotd what's one of your ships that sank hard? Or you knew weren't going to happen but you hoped anyway 📖challenges Solstice #bookravensjune19 #bookqueensjune19 #bookishcoven #BookNerdsAndFriends (longest read lately was KOA) Summer #bookishsummercourtjun19 #fearyournovelchapter #allthebooksjune19 #bookscoasttocoastjune19 #buriedinbooksjune #bookstababesjune19 Feyre definitely pulled off the ultimate rags to riches #wildadventuresjune19 very empowering that's shes an equal #bookreadhappyhour #goldengirlsjunebooks myth lots of legends got spun into this beauty and beast or hades being just one. (at Lincoln, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-kQprgpFU/?igshid=k3ejqgekfodz
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rabbithole512 · 6 years ago
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🏳️‍🌈 I have many books on my tbr this month but this is the most important. My birthday is actually the 27th of June and the anniversary of equal rights marriage in USA is the 26th of June. So the last week of June is huge. 🏳️‍🌈 My list will be in my next post. If anyone has some great buddy reads I'm down I need some accountability lol plus I'm always down for an excuse to fangirl with this awesome community. Speaking of community I started a love section in my highlights for my recent shares. I want to spread the love this month alot. I'm doing to have s4s at least every weekend. And then shootouts for the hashtag challenge as well. 🏳️‍🌈 qotd: please tell me your pride reads this month or just romance in general. 🏳️‍🌈 heres an article about stonewall and the exhibit about the event https://www.cnn.com/style/article/stonewall-anniversary-exhibitions-pride-new-york/index.html 🏳️‍🌈 heres oprah's reading list for pride month June https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/books/g26428720/best-lgbtq-books-2019/ 🏳️‍🌈 tbr challenges for june #BookNerdsAndFriends #wildadventuresjune19 #junebookstagram19 #bookravensjune19 #bookqueensjune19 #goldengirlsjunebooks #myfavouritebookishjune #bookishsummercourtjun19 #tinylovejune19 #readgushlove #fearyournovelchapter #grimdragon #bookreadhappyhour #ampersandjune19 #bookishcoven #allthebooksjune19 #bookscoasttocoastjune19 #buriedinbooksjune https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLP5q4gp0k/?igshid=mxqrrdhezg7b
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