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Image from page 200 of "Animal heroes; being the histories of a cat, a dog, a pigeon, a lynx, two wolves & a reindeer and in elucidation of the same over 200 drawings" (1905) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Title: Animal heroes; being the histories of a cat, a dog, a pigeon, a lynx, two wolves & a reindeer and in elucidation of the same over 200 drawings Identifier: animalheroesbein00setouoft Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Seton, Ernest Thompson, 1860-1946 Subjects: Animals, Legends and stories of Publisher: New York Scribner Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: The Boy and the Lynx days more and the Boy also would be unable to leave his couch. Then what ? Despair was on the house and the silent cry of each was, " Oh, God! will Corney never come ?" V THE HOME OF THE BOY On the day of that last Chicken, Thor was all morning carrying water enough for the coming three fevers. The chill attacked him sooner than it was due and his fever was worse than ever before. He drank deeply and often from the bucket at his head. He had filled it, and it was nearly emptied when about two in the morning the fever left him and he fell asleep. In the gray dawn he was awakened by a curious sound not far away—a splashing of water. He turned his head to see two glaring eyes within a foot of his face—a great Beast lapping the water in the bucket by his bed. Thor gazed in horror for a moment, then closed his eyes, sure that he was dreaming, 195 Text Appearing After Image: Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
#bookid:animalheroesbein00setouoft#bookyear:1905#bookdecade:1900#bookcentury:1900#bookauthor:Seton_Ernest_Thompson_1860_1946#booksubject:Animals_Legends_and_stories_of#bookpublisher:New_York_Scribner#bookcontributor:Gerstein_University_of_Toronto#booksponsor:MSN#bookleafnumber:201#bookcollection:gerstein#bookcollection:toronto#BHL Collection#flickr
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Image from page 448 of "The numeration, calendar systems and astronomical knowledge of the Mayas" (1910) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: numerationcalend00bowd Title: The numeration, calendar systems and astronomical knowledge of the Mayas Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Bowditch, Charles P. (Charles Pickering), 1842-1921 Subjects: Maya calendar Mayas Maya numeration Publisher: Cambridge : The University Press Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: 26 PERIODS-FACE SIGNS PLATE XIV Text Appearing After Image: 33 34 CYCLE TUN KIN . Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 61 of "Atlanta City Directory" (1913) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: atlantacitydirec1913atla Title: Atlanta City Directory Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Atlanta City Directory Company Contributing Library: Emory University Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: CELLULOID Buttons and Badges . Xo6gt Supplies W.L Floding Manufacturer Costumes, Robes, Uni-forms, Badges, Banners,Seals and other Para-phernalia for all Socie-ties. Your Patronage Solicited 157 Whitehall St. Text Appearing After Image: Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 464 of "Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together w by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Title: Cyclopedia of American horticulture, comprising suggestions for cultivation of horticultural plants, descriptions of the species of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants sold in the United States and Canada, together with geographical and biographical sketches Identifier: cyclopediaofam03bail Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954; Miller, Wilhelm, 1869- Subjects: Gardening Publisher: New York [etc. ] The Macmillan company Contributing Library: NCSU Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: NCSU Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: nops QUERCUS erect catkins with 4-7-parte(l calyx and 4-12, usually 6, stamens; pistillate in 1-many-fld. spikes in the axils of the young Ivs., rarely at the base of the axillary stami- nate catkins, each flower consisting of an incompletely 3-celled ovary, surrounded by imbricate bracts: fr. a 1-seeded subglobose to oblong nut, surrounded at the base or sometimes al- most inclosed by a cup-like involucre. The numerous species have been divided â II American spe- clong to the sub- . l.M'i'l'iSi.il.ui I- '.'â /,....< is Greek for '! . !. !, , 1. rized by slender, : I :ii-». separate axil- |.i-I ill I'. -|i;. (leiixiflorn belongs to Pasania, li has erect staminate catkins, some bear- lislillate lis. at their base, like the catkins 'astanea. Oyclobalanus and Cyclobala- is have the scales of the cup connate into putric rings; the intiorescence of the tirst bein? similar to that of Pasania, of the second to L.Mii.l.ilialaiiiis. Chlamydobalanus is much lik.- I ., ,,i, iiinii-. but the nut is wholly in- clii ; lie cup. Of Lithocarpus, Witt, I I ,1 1, .Mjnnate with the cup, but oihrr .; i 111., Ill, last iiaini'd subgenus, no sp,-c_-i.-s is in I'ullivaii.ii. Ih,' ,:(k-.of the subgenus Lepidobalni i, !: ilid into two sections, â Leu,,, h ^[(â Ianoba- lanus. In the fonin r. hiiii-iiil' ihf- White Oak tribe, the aconi> niauni- lin- lirst year (Fig. 2039). In the latter, comprising the Black Oaks, the acorns mature the second year (Fig. 2040). Besides the 300 species, about 40 hybrids have been recorded. The latest monograph of the whole genus is by A. De('and..llf in Proilromus, vol. 16, 2, pp. 1-10,S (18t;4-180.S). Important illustrated works i.-aii I )alis an- A. .Michaux. "Histoire des Chenes de I'Ain, I "ii, 1-"1 I. with 36 plates; Kellogg and Greene, â¢11 I W.st American Oaks" (1889), with 37 l.lr -.,' , ^ilva of North America," vol. 8 (1895), Willi -J ; I ,1, - .11,1 Liebmann, "Chenes de I'Amerique iropii-ali- I li^uiii, with 47 plates. Most of the European and west Asian Oaks are figured in Kotsehy, Eichen Kuropas und des Orients (1862), with 40 colored plates. 1477 wagons, tools and many other articles. The bark of some species, in America that of Q. rchitiiia, Priniis and densiflora, is used for tanning leather. Cork is obtained from the bark of Q. Siiber and ficrirJeiilalin in Text Appearing After Image: 2041. Leaves and acorns of \ arious Oalts Phellos; S, Q. alba: S. Q. velutina: 4. Q nibra o Q Pn G, Q. macrocarpa; 7, Q. bicolnr. I Amer- Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
#bookid:cyclopediaofam03bail#bookyear:1900#bookdecade:1900#bookcentury:1900#bookauthor:Bailey_L_H_Liberty_Hyde_1858_1954#bookauthor:Miller_Wilhelm_1869_#booksubject:Gardening#bookpublisher:New_York_etc_The_Macmillan_company#bookcontributor:NCSU_Libraries#booksponsor:NCSU_Libraries#bookleafnumber:467#bookcollection:americana#BHL Collection
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Image from page 375 of "The olive fairy book" (1907) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: olivefairybook00lang Title: The olive fairy book Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 Ford, H. J. (Henry Justice), 1860-1941, ill Subjects: Fairy tales Folklore Publisher: London New York : Longmans, Green Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: to say; and they soon set upquite a pretty quarrel. Suddenly the princess, furiousthat neither of them alluded to the part played by thestudent, quite forgot her vow of silence and cried loudly: Idiots that you are! how could she belong to anyone but the student? If it had not been for him, allthat the others did would have gone for nothing! Ofcourse it was he who married the maiden! And as shespoke the seven veils fell from her, and she stood up,the fairest princess that the world has ever seen. You have won me, she said smiling, holding out herhand to the prince. And so they were married; and after the wedding-feast was over they sent for the old woman whosepitcher the prince had broken so long ago, and she dweltin the palace, and became nurse to their children, andlived happily till she died. fAdapted from Tiirkische Volksmarchen aus Stamlnil gesammelt,ubersetzt und eingeleitet von Dr. Ignaz Kiinos. Brilla, Leiden.] Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd., Printers, Neiv-street Square, London. Text Appearing After Image: Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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<strong>Image from page 87 of "The peacock and the wishing-fairy and other stories" (1921) <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/">by Internet Archive Book Images</a></strong>
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<strong>Image from page 178 of "Stock designs of book division inserts .." (1922) <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/">by Internet Archive Book Images</a></strong>
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Image from page 8 of "The inviting home." (1918) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: TheInvitingHome Title: The inviting home. Year: 1918 (1910s) Authors: Boston Varnish Co. Subjects: paint Division 09 varnish interior decoration Publisher: Boston Varnish Company Contributing Library: MBJ collection View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Text Appearing After Image: *ssSi Many Years Rest Lightly on This Cheery Dining-Room NE of the big points about Kyanize Varnishes andEnamels is that they make old things bright andnew—easily, without effort, and, more importantstilly without destroying those precious associationswe are wont to connect with our heirlooms. Above you see Kyanize White Enamel on ceilingand woodwork while the walls have a soft pearlygray tint. Furniture, such as this, renewed fromtime to time with Kyanize Floor Finish—Walnut,never becomes old or shabby. How well the rose-figured window hangings blend with the shades inthe rag rug. Kyanize Sanitary Floor Enamel-Rich Red, adds that warmth of color to the floor while abright spot is, here and there, revealed in the deftly arrangedflowers and bric-a-brac. Truly a wonderful room. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 54 of "Brimleyana" (1979) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Title: Brimleyana Identifier: brimleyana19nort_2 Year: 1979 (1970s) Authors: North Carolina State Museum of Natural History Subjects: Zoology; Ecology; Natural history Publisher: [Raleigh, NC : North Carolina State Museum of Natural History] Contributing Library: State Library of North Carolina Digitizing Sponsor: North Carolina Digital Heritage Center View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Northern Limits of Southeastern Shrew 53 Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 1. Distribution of the southeastern shrew, Sorex longirostris longirostris, in the District of Columbia (DC), Maryland (MD), and Virginia (VA). Asterisk in WV indicates the only reported locality of S. longirostris in West Virginia (French 1976). Ridge and Valley Province and Piedmont Province are shaded. Solid circle = specimen examined; open circle = specimen reported. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
#bookid:brimleyana19nort_2#bookyear:1979#bookdecade:1970#bookcentury:1900#bookauthor:North_Carolina_State_Museum_of_Natural_History#booksubject:Zoology#booksubject:Ecology#booksubject:Natural_history#bookpublisher:_Raleigh_NC_North_Carolina_State_Museum_of_Natural_History_#bookcontributor:State_Library_of_North_Carolina#booksponsor:North_Carolina_Digital_Heritage_Center#bookleafnumber:55#bookcollection:statelibrarynorthcarolina#bookcollection:ncdhc#bookcollection:unclibraries#bookcollection:americana#BHL Collection
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Image from page 1056 of "Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1919)" (1919) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: canmachinerjanjun1919toro Title: Canadian machinery and metalworking (January-June 1919) Year: 1919 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Machinery Machinery Machinery Publisher: Toronto MacLean-Hunter Contributing Library: Fisher - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor: Algoma University, Trent University, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, Nipissing University, Ryerson University and University of Toronto Libraries View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Text Appearing After Image: Swedish Steel SUmportinoCo., Limited MontrealNew TforR Direct representa-tives of foremostSwedish mills;makers of Tool Steels ALLOY STEELS, BILLETS,BARS, DISCS, SHEETS,HIGH SPEED STEELS,DRILL RODS, DRAWNBARS, SEAMLESS TUB-ING, COLD ROLLED STRIPSTEEL, WELDING WIRE,WROUGHT AND ROLLEDIRON, PIG IRON, STEELAND IRON ENDS, HOL-LOW AND SOLID MININGDRILL STEEL. PROMPT 5HIPMENTS ^ from lap^e stock °UB^ & If any advertisement interests you. tear it out now and vlace with letters to be answered. CANADIAN MACHINERY Volume XX T THE JOHNSON FRICTION CLUTCH Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 355 of "Things worth doing and how to do them" (1906) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: thingsworthdoing00bear Title: Things worth doing and how to do them Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Beard, Lina Beard, Adelia B. (Adelia Belle), 1857-1920, joint author Subjects: Amusements Games Publisher: New York, Scribner's Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: Fig. 436.—Paper woodwork Fig. 437-—Kitchen, window frame. Fit the second box (Fig. 425) in the first one (Fig. 424), mark andcut off the portion of the first box (Fig. 424) extending beyond thefront of Fig. 425; do thes ame with the third box (Fig. 426), that all three boxes maybe of equal depth,and when fastened to-gether the long frontline may be straightand even. If You Want the Doll House to Last for Years, reinforce the buildingwith strips of wood (A B C, Fig. 424; D E F, Fig. 425; G H I,Fig. 426). Where any two strips meet, glue the ends together Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 438.—The living-room. Doll House of Pasteboard 321 Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 24 of "U and I" (1921) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: ui1943univ Title: U and I Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University High School Subjects: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University High School School yearbooks Publisher: Urbana, Ill. : University of Illinois High School Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Digitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ings the best tunes of all. John Rains, the super salesman, is now increasing the circulation of the ChicagoStoi. Richard Ruehe has dedicated his life to building up the Urbana High Schoolmorale, which was shattered in March, 1943. Howard Sachar is now at a rest home. He suffered a breakdown while trying tokeep up with himself. Mary Lou Stauffer is making a triumphal tour over the country after an over-whelming victory in a ladies talking endurance contest. Roger Tobin was recently a judge in a beauty contest. All the entrants wereblondes. Grace Welsh is married to John J. Anthony, and now she knows all the answers. Virgil Willms theory that playing music for cows makes them give more milkhas just been announced. He will employ Mildred Erickson to sing for theexperiment. Dorothy Wright, first woman president, is now serving her fourth term. We took notes on this information so we can compare it with future newsfrom reunions to come. Helen DoddsShirery HowardDorothy WrightHoward Sachar Text Appearing After Image: Page Twenty-one Senior Class Poem His age-tempered hands warped in the salt of his (cars. And a weathered and wrinkled face dissolved and blurred, faded and cracked as a flood of tears swirled up from the glittering vitals. Ugly as a gargoyle, broken and tragic and pathetic and little and miserable ... in a woe most unfitting and unbecoming to a thing of dignity ... to a venerable . . . proud . . . wise . . . mellowed . . . grandfather clock. Why do von weep, my friend? Why forsake yourtime-honored stature in this contemptiblewhine? Where is the frustration? . . . where isthe tragedy? . . . where is the state so deplorableor the conditions? Are your aspirationsquagmired in doubt ... is life disparaging inthis turbulent time . . . thus to shed dignity in socontemptible a whine? Indeed, indeed, came the tremulous response, How can my unutterable sorrow abate or my grief vanish or my forboding diminish when I stand as I stand—a thief? I, the universal symbol for the honorable, for the Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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<strong>Image from page 9 of "Stories" (1922) <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/">by Internet Archive Book Images</a></strong> <br /><i>Via Flickr:</i> <br /><b>Identifier</b>: stories_00mole
Title: Stories Year: 1922 (1920s) Authors: Molesworth, Mrs., 1839-1921 Baldwin, Sidney Cooke, Edna, ill Subjects: Publisher: New York : Duffield and company Contributing Library: New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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Text Appearing After Image: DUFFIELD a COMPANY Its a roval salute, said the Cuckoo. See Page 38 STORIES BYMRS. MOLESWORTH COMPILED BYSIDNEY BALDWIN With Pictures by EDNA COOKEstories_00mole
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Image from page 73 of "Atlanta City Directory" (1913) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: atlantacitydirec1913atla Title: Atlanta City Directory Year: 1913 (1910s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Atlanta City Directory Company Contributing Library: Emory University Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: simple mechanical device linking thought to material expression in a way to makeeisure hours a source of delight and profit. Like the Typewriter, the Telegraph and the Telephone, it serves a purpose. It meets the logical requirementof a visible and objective assistant to mental and physical realization. It is applicable to every phase of human life and expression. It is an integral part of THE SHELDON LEAVITT METHODS. For the 111 it is more Curative than Medicine; for the Unhappy it is a Wellspring of Joy,and for the Unsuccessful it is a help to Better Things. It is a means of curing many a heartache, removing many a pain, giving strength tothe weak, courage to the fainthearted and prosperity to the poor. It is a boon to everybody. We shall be glad to tell you about it. Address MAGNUM BONUM ASSOCIATION, <Dept. D) 4665 Lake Avenue, Chicago. pl)oto Supplies THE OLD RELIABLE PLACE To Have Your Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Toric Lenses Invisible Bifocals Tinted Lenses Opera Glasses Text Appearing After Image: Hawkes Finger Piece Eye Glass Mounting Shell Library Frames Lorgnettes ESTABLISHED 1870 Agents for the Wonderful EDISON HOME KINETOSCOPE A genuine moving pic-ture machine—the sameas the big commercialmachines, only smaller.Our system of film ex-change makes it possi-ble to have new films asoften as you like. Sosimple a child can oper-ate it. As an Educatorin the Home, schools,churches, and colleges its impressions are effective and last-ing and as a pure Home entertainer its equal has not andprobably never will be produced. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 283 of "The history of the nineteenth century in caricature" (1904) by Internet Archive Book Images Via Flickr: Identifier: historyofninetee01maur Title: The history of the nineteenth century in caricature Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Maurice, Arthur Bartlett, 1873-1946 Cooper, Frederic Taber, 1864-1937, joint author Subjects: History, Modern Nineteenth century Caricature Publisher: New York : Dodd, Mead Contributing Library: The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: esident Grant, with a cigarin his hand, is looking on complacently. My friend, he 262 CENTURY IN CARICATURE calls out to Schurz, youve got a soft thing on your wedge,but your mallet will kill the man. To which Schurz re-plies: I dont care whos killed, if we succeed in defeatingyour election. Below, creeping furtively about the rock, arethe figures of Dana, Sumner, Gratz Brown, Trumbull, Hall,Sweeny, Tweed, and Hoffman of the Ring. Anything tobeat Grant! is the cry of these conspirators. Honesty isthe word to shout, there are so many rogues about, muttersTweed. Oh, how freely well win with Greeley, saysHall. Anything to beat Grant. He wouldnt make meCollector for New York, are the words of Dana. The car-toon is a belated specimen of the school of American cari-cature which was in vogue in the days of President Jackson.As has already been stated, Puck was not founded until1877, too late to take part in the Tilden-Hayes campaign.When we speak of Puck, however, we refer, of course, to the Text Appearing After Image: THE BRAINS OF TAMMANY. edition printed in English, for, as a matter of fact, twenty-four numbers of a German Puck were published during theyear 1876. As that year was an important one in American history,these numbers can by no means be ignored, and despite their Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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Image from page 574 of “Diseases of the rectum and anus: designed for students and practitioners of medicine” (1910)
Identifier : diseasesofrectum00gant Title : Diseases of the rectum and anus: designed for students and practitioners of medicine Year : 1910 ( 1910s ) Authors : Gant, Samuel Goodwin, 1869?- Subjects : Anus Diseases Rectal Diseases Publisher : Philadelphia : F. A. Davis Contributing Library : Columbia University Libraries Digitizing Sponsor : Open Knowledge Commons View Book Page : Book Viewer About This Book : Catalog Entry View All Images : All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: rations. Styptics and Astringent agents may be used to arrest oozing,but are never to be employed to stop bleeding from a spurting HEMORRHAGE 481 vessel. The following drugs, either in solution or as dusting-powders, have been employed for this purpose: Monsells pow-der, extract of suprarenal capsule, gallic and tannic acids, zincsulphate, copper sulphate, lead acetate, hydrogen peroxide, andacetic acid (vinegar). Of these the most reliable are extract ofsuprarenal capsule, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and Monsellspowder. The latter is objectional because it leaves the woundand parts in a filthy condition. Vinegar is obtainable in anyhome, and may be used pure or combined with three parts ofwater as an irrigating agent or upon gauze as a packing fordeep wounds. The apphcation of suprarenal capsule imme-diately constricts the vessels. It is especially serviceable inarresting bleeding from superficial erosions, and when the partsare extremely sensitive it may, with advantage, be combined Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 164.—Gants Rectal Evacuator. with eucaine or chloretone, which is a local anesthetic. Hydro-gen peroxide, in addition to being an antiseptic, is especiallyuseful to arrest oozing during operations. General Treatment of Hemorrhage. — In cases in which de-pletion has been so great as to endanger the patients life, everyeffort should be made to improve his condition and prevent arecurrence. If necessary, the blood-column should be in-creased by transfusing a sufficient quantity of physiologic saltsolution, or by the injection of 6 to 8 ounces of the same beneaththe skin. Hot-water bottles should be placed around thepatient and the heart stimulated with strychnine or brandyeither by mouth or hypodermic injection. He should be keptquiet in the recumbent position, with the hips elevated, andrestricted to a liquid diet. The intestines should be kept in- 482 DISEASES OF THE RECTUM AND ANUS active with hypodermic injections of morphine or enemata con-taining V2 drachm (2 grams) of lau Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability – coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. Posted by Internet Archive Book Images on 2014-07-30 09:22:22 Tagged: , bookid:diseasesofrectum00gant , bookyear:1910 , bookdecade:1910 , bookcentury:1900 , bookauthor:Gant__Samuel_Goodwin__1869__ , booksubject:Anus_Diseases , booksubject:Rectal_Diseases , bookpublisher:Philadelphia___F__A__Davis , bookcontributor:Columbia_University_Libraries , booksponsor:Open_Knowledge_Commons , bookleafnumber:574 , bookcollection:medicalheritagelibrary , bookcollection:ColumbiaUniversityLibraries , bookcollection:americana The post Image from page 574 of “Diseases of the rectum and anus: designed for students and practitioners of medicine” (1910) appeared first on Guitar Life Rocks .
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