#book shop that's too far for me to drive due to being so busy having STUPID PROBLEMS (body that disintegrates if i leave
b-blushes · 26 days
silly post but i always forget reading is a hobby because i read every day while i eat lunch and dinner so i ban myself from reading at other times so as to not blow through books too quickly (books expensive. library not possible for me to visit in-person regularly due to disabled. no ebooks i wanted to read available for me to borrow through my library bc the catalogue sucks for my taste.) BUT you are allowed to do that....... reading whenever.........
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messers-moony · 3 years
Divorce 2 | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Reader goes through divorce with her arranged husband but sees her Hogwarts crush almost two years later at her Potions shop in Diagon Alley
Prompt: Holding hands while driving
After that moment in the Potions store, James came around a lot more, much to Leo’s excitement. It became customary for James to restock items or help brew potions despite his lower levels. Leo was ecstatic to have him around. The mischievous and playful James Potter always kept Leo excited.
James spent lots of time with both of them. Making sure they were both taken care of and loved unconditionally. Frequently James would stop by to make dinner for them while Y/n worked late shifts or take Leo out of the shop to give him an adventure. A year had passed, and James had a crucial question for her. The shop was empty, and Leo was upstairs - ecstatic for his new Hogwarts adventure.
“Love?” James called as Y/n stepped down from the ladder, “Yes?”
“Can you- Can you come here a moment?” James ran a hand through his hair as she walked in front of him, “What's on your mind?” Y/n questioned softly.
James was hesitant, “Move in with me.”
“Move in with me, please?”
Y/n chuckled, flabbergasted, “James, that’s a big step.”
“I know, but I- I really want to be with you, all the time. I want to wake up to you every morning. I want to make you and Leo breakfast. I want to see you in a dreary state after a long day at work. I want to take care of you when you’re sick. I want to take Leo to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.” James swallowed, “I- I want to be the father Leo never got….” He murmured.
Y/n’s eyes turned soft at his muttered confession, “You- You mean it?” James nodded, “You want to be Leo’s father?” He nodded.
“I want to hug him before he leaves to Hogwarts all seven years. I want him to jump into my arms after his terms at Hogwarts. I want to watch him cause mischief and get those owls home. I want to write him letters to remind him that I’m here if he needs anything.” James’ eyes welled with tears, “I- I want to be there for everything.”
“I may not be his father biologically, but he is the closest thing I have to a son, and I’ll be damned if I don’t treat him like my own.”
Y/n wiped the stray tears away, “James, you need to understand that this is a big responsibility you’re taking on. You know there’s no one in this world I’d rather than you to be a true father to Leo, but I want to make sure this is truly what you want.”
“I’d want nothing more.” James swore, and Y/n smiled softly, “Then yes, we’ll move in with you.”
That night James, Y/n, and Leo were eating at the dinner table when James finally decided to speak up, “Leo?”
“How- How would you feel about leaving this place?” James asked carefully.
Leo’s face contorted to one of confusion, “Leave? Why?”
“Leo…” Y/n began with a smile, “James wants to know if you want to move in with him.”
“Both of us?” Leo queried, looking at his mom and gaining a nod, “James wants us to live with him!?”
James’ features softened at the boy's excitement, “Only if you want to.”
“Of course I want to!” Leo exclaimed with a bright smile.
Leo jumped up from his seat and hugged James tightly, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
James chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair, “You’re welcome.”
Lots of packing came with moving. It was a lot of cardboard boxes. James insisted they do it the muggle way, wanting Leo to experience new things after growing up being a pureblood. James saw how sheltered Sirius was and didn’t want Leo to be the same. It was also the reason they took a car to James’ house. Leo was fascinated when he entered the back seat.
It made Y/n and James laugh at how the boy was so quickly excited. Leo always had a lot of energy and not many ways to exert it, but with James around, that energy never went to waste. James and Leo would spend hours walking around Diagon Alley or flying on broomsticks together away from the muggles. Leo would enter the shop breathless and hair in disarray. James not too far behind. It warmed Y/n’s heart to see her son so happy.
While riding in the car, James gently took her hand in his. It was a small gesture, but it made her blush. Leo stared out the window of the vehicle the entire time while James played music from the radio. It took about an hour, but eventually, they got to Godric’s Hollow. James parked the car outside - upon hours later, he confessed it was Remus’ car - and began putting the boxes in the house. It was about midnight when all the boxes were on the bottom floor.
Leo busied himself with an old spell book James gave him while the other two unpacked. Y/n was opening a cardboard box when two arms wrapped around her waist. Y/n rested her hands on his and leaned back into his embrace. James left a kiss on her cheek, relishing at the moment. His girlfriend in his arms and her - their - child on the couch.
It took a month to get everything in place. James and Y/n had settled in their room together. Leo had found sanctuary in his bedroom that they painted a deep blue color. Leo was always obsessed with the stars and constellations. Perhaps a gift he collected from his biological father. Zenix always had a way with the stars Y/n didn’t quite comprehend. James was always willing to listen to Leo talk about them, though.
Only days until Leo was due to leave for his first year at Hogwarts and Y/n, was wishing for more time with him before she had to send him off. She was well aware that he’d be fine, but it was still her baby. More often than not, she was still selling Potions at her potions store. James stayed home with Leo and took him out on adventures. But the week before Leo was supposed to leave, Y/n took off of work.
The following week was filled with school shopping, getting ice cream, exploring the muggle world, riding broomsticks, and playing board games. It was possibly the best time Y/n had ever had since before getting married to Zenix. Although marrying Zenix was something she never wanted, she did get something amazing out of it - Leo.
He was her pride and joy, so when they - James and Y/n - stood on the platform, Y/n felt like sobbing, but she didn’t. Instead, James was the one crying. Leo held his mom extremely tight out of nervousness and anxiety. Leo reeled back to meet his mom’s bright e/c eyes.
“You’ll be fine, honey. You’ll make plenty of friends.” Y/n assured, and Leo’s eyes welled with tears, “I’ll miss you.” He whimpered.
“I’ll miss you too, my love.”
Leo hugged her again. Y/n chuckled and wrapped her arms around him again. James stood beside him, quietly crying. Here he was - James Potter - crying over his stepson leaving for Hogwarts. He wasn’t expecting it, but Leo wrapped his arms around him too. He was quietly sobbing into James’ shirt. Y/n stood back and watched with a bright smile.
They pulled apart, and Leo’s eyes looked like an ocean with the glossy texture, “You’ll be okay kiddo. Raise holy hell for me, okay?” James chuckled tearfully, kneeling to Leo’s height.
The boy nodded and wrapped his arms around James' shoulders, “I love you, dad.”
Y/n was barely able to withhold a gasp, and James was sobbing, “I love you too, kiddo.”
The raven-haired boy pulled away and took one last look at his parents. Leo jumped on the train and quickly pulled down the window as the train began to move, “I love you, mom! I love you, dad!”
“We love you too, sweetheart!” Y/n exclaimed, and James wrapped his arm around her waist.
The adult male was crying with a smile on his face facing his girlfriend, “He called me dad!”
Y/n laughed, “I can’t believe it! He called me dad!”
“I’ve dreamt about this moment for months!” James laughed, “Is it everything you dreamed of?”
“It’s so much better.” James replied, kissing her lips sweetly.
Not every story starts great. Maybe you’re loved one rejects you. Perhaps you start a commitment with someone you never loved or fell out of love with. Maybe not every story starts excellent. But who’s to say you can’t change the end? The beginning of your account is just that - the beginning. James and Y/n’s start was dreadful, but they were determined to change the ending.
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In your latest post, you said that Dumbledore MEANT to put Harry in a abusive household. That, or when he found out he did nothing to stop it. Why is that?
You’re going to get a lot of people angry with me. Well, I suppose they’re already angry. Somewhere out there, on the wider internet.
Right, anyway, the evidence of Harry’s abuse is so overwhelming that it seems improbable to me that Dumbledore wasn’t aware of what was happening. More, every interaction he has with not only Harry, but characters in similar circumstances, lends me to believe that in the event that Dumbledore does know he’d take no action.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: Scene 1
We start out the entire Harry Potter series with Minerva and Dumbledore waiting in the early dawn for Hagrid’s arrival and to place Harry with the Dursleys. Minerva immediately announces her discomfort with this, 
She specifically says the following:
"You don't mean — you can't mean the people who live here? Dumbledore, you can't. You couldn't find two people who are less like us."
Lily Evans’ relatives are infamous enough such that Minerva McGonagall, who is presumably not as close as her like aged peers (i.e. Sirius, Remus, and Peter) knows about them.
Granted, some of this is anti-muggle sentiment. Minerva isn’t sure that suburban muggles raising a magical child like Harry Potter is a good idea. Nevertheless, she has deep misgivings, and relays them to Dumbledore.
We know from further evidence that Dumbledore is perfectly aware of what Petunia and Vernon are like as well. He gives Harry to the Dursleys anyway.
Dumbledore, for his own reasons, chooses not to listen.
Dumbledore’s Letter to Petunia
Dumbledore writes a letter to Petunia, knowing it is highly necessary, as he gives Harry to the family. The letter is... vaguely threatening but in a very polite Dumbledore way. It pretty much implies “Take Harry, or else, also be nice to your dead sister.”
The point is, Dumbledore is aware that this letter is highly necessary. And then... other things happen.
Dumbledore Sends Hagrid
Dumbledore sends Hagrid to pick Harry up.
Ordinarily, in such circumstances, Minerva is sent to introduce muggleborn children to the Wizarding World. “Perhaps she was busy,” you say, too busy for Harry Potter? Wizard Jesus and the child of perhaps her favorite students who she openly favors throughout the series?
“Perhaps Dumbledore was being nice to Hagrid, and he had an errand to do anyway,” well, it’s all well and good to be nice to Hagrid, but is he really the best guy to introduce anybody to the Wizarding World?
This is Hagrid, the likelihood of him having taken Harry to an exotic pet shop where Harry then gets eaten by the Chupacabra is 95%. The 5% where it didn’t happen is because Hagrid went to the pet shop alone and some, distant, rational part of his brain told him that Harry would want the pretty owl vs. the one-eyed blood sucking rat demon in the cage next to her.
You don’t send Hagrid if you want a child returned to you with all its limbs intact.
So why do you send Hagrid?
When you want someone who’s so painfully oblivious, loyal, and stupid that they could stare a hellscape in the face and wouldn’t even notice.
Hagrid gets a firsthand view of Harry’s living conditions. He learns that Harry’s relatives have been actively blocking Harry’s letters, that they have run across the country to avoid them. He sees the state of Harry’s clothing in comparison to Dudley, how thin Harry is in comparison to Dudley, and the way the family interacts with each other.
Harry’s child abuse is staring Hagrid right in the face.
Minerva would demand that Harry be placed somewhere else, they can find some other means of protecting him.
What does Hagrid do?
He gives Dudley a pig’s tail illegally and proceeds to tell Harry that Dumbledore is the greatest man who ever lived. 
Other Evidence Comes to Light
Other characters start getting pretty big warning signs that all’s not right at the Potters.
Ron and Hermione know the situation is “bad” and that Harry’s relatives “hate magic”. They’re also kids and don’t really understand what this means, the idea of being abused and hated by your guardians is unthinkable to them and Harry doesn’t come out and just say it.
That said, they’ve seen enough that they drop hints to those around them. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are told about the bars on Harry’s window. Ron was so concerned about Harry in the summer after first year that he steals his father’s car with Fred and George to go pick him up. That is not normal behavior, that is deep concern for your friend.
Despite all of this... nothing happens.
Hermione spends far more time at the Weasleys then Harry ever does. Every summer, he returns to Privet Drive, and it’s likely if Arthur and Molly did have concerns Dumbledore told them off.
Arabella Figg
Arabella has been keeping an eye on Harry for years. She’s noted some very disturbing trends and been witness to years of the Dursleys interacting with Harry Potter.
She passes this information on to Dumbledore.
He knows how bad it is.
Harry Potter
Harry tells Dumbledore he does not wish to remain at the Dursleys, he notes that they don’t like him and he doesn’t like them. Now, he tries to downplay it, but this is a child saying some pretty disturbing things. You don’t brush this off.
Dumbledore does.
Dumbledore Visits the Dursleys
In book 6, Dumbledore visits the Dursleys and sees, in person, how bad it is. However, he shows no surprise, only vague disappointment in Petunia. Tsk, tsk, Petunia, I thought you were better than this.
He offers a few threats and then he and Harry go on their merry way.
Severus Snape
Snape is Dumbledore’s spy who reads Harry’s mind for half a year. Granted, Snape is a bastard who loathes Harry Potter, but he sees evidence of the Dursleys abuse of Harry.
We know, from what he relays to Dumbledore later, that he had at least some concern for Harry and was very disturbed by Dumbledore’s plan to murder him in cold blood due to the horcrux.
I think it’s very likely Severus Snape knew and told Dumbledore that Harry was being abused. I’m sure Albus’ response was, “Bitch, I know, would you like a lemon drop?”
Point being, there is no conceivable way that Albus Dumbledore, even if he was the world’s dumbest man, didn’t know exactly how bad it was. He let’s it happen anyway.
But What About the Blood Wards?
Dumbledore eventually tells Harry that the reason he can’t run away from Privet Drive is because of the blood wards created by his mother. They can only be applied if he lives with blood relatives and protect the Dursley house as long as Harry considers it home.
Now, this is a bit suspect given that Harry really considers Hogwarts his home, Privet Drive is just that hell hole he has to go back to every summer. Even the Burrow is more his home than Privet Drive so... That doesn’t sound right.
More, though, there are other means of protection.
There’s the Fidelius which Dumbledore casts on Sirius’ house in book 5. Given that, Harry really could have lived with Sirius (well, Sirius is not in a good place to have a kid around and that would be a disaster and a half). Point being, Harry could be raised elsewhere and there are wards that could protect him.
More, Voldemort and the Death Eaters are out of commission for thirteen years. Indeed, we see Dumbledore up Harry’s security detail by secretly assigning the Order to tail him after fourth year.
So, for a very long time, it’s not about Harry’s protection and when it does become that we see Dumbledore make significant changes.
So, what could it be?
Well, let’s look at Dumbledore’s other actions. Dumbledore prevents Harry from becoming prefect because “he thought it would go to his head”. Which, Harry should absolutely not be made prefect at all, and Ron’s a laughable candidate too but...
To me that’s very telling.
I hate to say this, but this is Dumbledore, but I think he has a very similar reasoning behind Harry going to the Dursleys.
He doesn’t want Harry to be corrupted by the Boy Who Lived persona. He wants him in a certain state of mind when he enters into the wizarding world and... Frankly, he wants him vulnerable. Dumbledore, in time, will need to either murder this boy or have him kill himself. If Harry has a halfway decent guardian, that task becomes a hell of a lot harder.
Harry has to love the wizarding world so much, trust Dumbledore so much, that these things are worth dying for.
You Mentioned Something About Dumbledore’s Other Actions?
Dumbledore has no sympathy for victims of child abuse.
Tom Riddle, an impoverished orphan loathed by those in his orphanage, he thinks is the very devil and sends him back into the Blitz with a smile and a wave. Enjoy the bombs, Tom, hope you die.
Severus Snape, the half blood child of an abusive muggle father and absentee mother, who is nearly murdered by Sirius Black via Remus Lupin, is told to shut the fuck up and sit down before he ruins the lives of his betters.
Dumbledore has a very bad track record with this and, well, Harry Potter is not an exception.
To be fair, I think the wizarding world has not concept of CPS or even child abuse. There’s no hint of a foster system, you go to the closest relative of the godparents. So, I think to them, you’re stuck with whoever you’re stuck with and if your uncle rapes you then it sucks to be you.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
Grade A Business//F.W.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Brief semi-nudity, slight language, two suggestive comments, y/n drools on fred but like in a cute way
Summary: As one businessman makes a trip across the ocean to talk to new investors, he meets his new partner, someone a lot more familiar than he was expecting. 
Prompts: Only One Bed with dialogue prompts “if we get caught, I’m blaming you” and “I don't want to be alone”
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Day 2 of @theweasleyslut‘s 2k writing challenge
  Fred had never gotten used to traveling on Muggle airplanes. He never had a need to before, not with everything being a train ride, floo network, or apparition away. But as he and George progressed into adulthood, and the businessman life no less, they found themselves constantly on the move and needing a fast and easy way to travel without drawing suspicion. Except for the one time that Fred’s magical briefcase set off every airport security system imaginable, but he’d learned from that mistake. 
He was relieved to be exiting the JFK airport in New York City, clutching his luggage and thanking Merlin that his feet could now touch solid ground. Being in one of those huge steel contraptions was nothing like flying in a broom. He had no control over anything and it drove him absolutely insane. Luckily, he was safe now, and one step closer to being done with this awful business trip. 
At the beginning of their business endeavors, Fred and George would travel together, trying to pick up business at other locations for Weasleys’ Wizards Wheezes. But as the shop grew and the locations became more and more foreign (so far having shops in Paris, Cairo, and Madrid) the brothers realized that the operations would have to be solo missions to allow for the other to run the shop for longer periods of time. Usually Fred didn’t mind taking the trips by himself. In fact, he rather enjoyed the alone time and flexibility in schedule. But this meeting was supposed to be a big one, and he was feeling quite nervous about having to tackle it himself. 
Big investors located in the states were meeting with him to discuss opening a joint operation in New York City, combining his shop with another renowned wizard business that they deemed would be most profitable. Fred groaned internally just thinking about it. He didn’t want to have to share this new shop with anyone, no matter what the new investors thought. What if the other co-owner was a horrible person? Or worse, what if they had no sense of humor? They’d ruin the Weasley reputation and make it some boring book store. Or puzzle shop? Honestly Fred didn’t know much about the other business, just that he already didn’t like it. 
Hailing a cab, a trick his sister-in-law Hermione had shown him years ago, Fred lugged all of his prototypes--skillfully hidden from Muggle eyes and detection systems by layers of spells--into the trunk before hopping in, giving the address of the hotel the investors had booked for him. He was about to shut the door when a panting scream startled him enough to make him stop. 
“Wait! Hold the cab!”
Doing as he was told, Fred kept the door open and allowed the stranger to climb in, suitcase and all. 
“Thanks,” you said, Fred noting your distinct British accent and strikingly familiar features. “I really need to get to my hotel, I appreciate it--”
Shocked, you finally looked at your ride partner’s face for the first time. Soft brown eyes. Freckled face. Bright ginger hair. 
“Fred?! Fred Weasley?” You knew for a fact you weren’t mistaken, this was definitely the Fred you remembered. Or maybe it could have been George? It had been so long since you had seen either of them. Since Hogwarts, in fact. 
Luckily, Fred nodded, confirming your belief that this was the older Weasley twin and saving yourself from heaps of embarrassment. “Y/N L/N, what are you doing here?”
Fred and you both wore matching grins, stretching from ear to ear. What an insane coincidence. What were the chances that you two would be in the same cab, in the same city, in the same foreign country?
“I’m actually here for business,” you said. “After Hogwarts I opened my own shop--”
“Excuse me,” the cab driver interrupted, wasting no time with politeness nor formalities. “But I have cars lined up behind me and I don’t know where you wanna go little lady. So let’s get on with it, if you will.”
“Oh, yeah of course. It’s, umm, oh shit which hotel was it? It’s on 53rd and 10th, I know that…” You trailed off, trying to remember what your hotel was called. You dug around in your purse, hoping to find a piece of paper with the name on it. “I think it was called--”
“Lotus Hotel.”
It was Fred who had interrupted you, once again, and once again you were just as bewildered as before.
“That’s right,” you said after a few seconds of confused silence. “Yes, yes the Lotus Hotel please,” you told the driver with confidence. Turning back to Fred you tried in earnest to understand what was happening. 
“So same location?” the driver asked, to which Fred confirmed before you were speeding off down the crowded streets of the city. 
“Oh, I get it,” you said in understanding. “Same hotel as me?”
“That is correct, love. What are the odds?” He wiggled his eyebrows in a half suggestive half just plain goofy manner, awkwardly shuffling so that his long legs had room amongst your many bags. 
“That is quite a coincidence,” you agreed. “Funny thing is, I didn’t even choose the location. I have a business meeting in the morning with possible investors and they set everything up for the stay.”
Fred’s mouth practically dropped open at what you had said. “You’re kidding. These investors don’t happen to be Robbie Goldstein and Rachel McMillan, do they?”
“Ok, you need to stop doing that,” you said, officially freaked. “That’s the third time you’ve predicted something and it’s starting to creep me out. You never were very good at legilimency.”
He hushed you quickly, hoping the cab driver hadn’t caught onto the magical term you just used. Thankfully, he was too focused on the roads to notice. 
“Ok, Y/N, one last question.”
“And then you’ll explain how you know all this?”
Fred ignored your question and continued with his own. “You said you opened a business. Are you perhaps meeting with another business owner to discuss a collaboration on a new store opening in the city?”
“Yes!” you said, eager to know how Fred could have known that. Was this another one of his pranks? Did he have hidden cameras in the cab somewhere? “How do you know all this?”
He only laughed, a joyous and very relieved grin overtaking his face. Sticking out his right hand, he grabbed yours and shook it eagerly. “Well, Miss L/N, it’s a pleasure to be reacquainted. I’m Frederick Weasley, your new potential partner.”
“You know, you haven’t changed a bit.”
“Oh thank Godric, I was worried you’d think I was grown up and mature now.”
You laughed heartily as you dragged your bags out of the cab, thanking the driver before he grunted annoyedly and drove off. Your drive from the airport had gone faster than expected, mostly due to the fact that you and Fred had so much to catch up on. 
After he and George had left Hogwarts in their grand exit, they’d created the shop they’d always dreamed of, parking it right in the middle of Diagon Alley. You, on the other hand, went about creating your success in a much more conventional way. After finishing your last year of school, you started working full time at Zonko’s at Hogsmeade, trying to save up enough money to start your own business. 
Many long hours and tiring days later, you opened up your little place, a toy store and puzzle shop. It was a similar setup to what the Weasleys did, but as you described it, “my toys don’t blow up in the user's face.”
You were now very excited for tomorrow’s meeting, the one you had been dreading beforehand. Your business was much smaller than Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and this would be your first international location. You were afraid that the owner you would be forced to work with would be some stuck up rich big whig who wouldn’t allow you to keep any of your small business charm in the new location. But learning that you would be working with Fred, well that was a relief for many reasons. 
Fred rang the hotel desk bell, chatting happily about ideas for the shared shop and new products that fit with what both of you wanted to do. 
“Hello there,” said the hotel receptionist, coming around the corner. “What can I do for you today?”
“Two night stay for Frederick Weasley,” said Fred. “Should’ve been booked by Robbie Goldstein.”
The young man typed quickly into his computer before offering Fred a hotel key card. “Here you are Mr. Weasley, room 504. We serve complimentary breakfast from 6 to 9 every morning down in our west hall. If you need anything don’t be afraid to call down and we’ll assist you in any way we can.”
Fred nodded at the man. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” He turned to leave before you grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him back. 
“Wait for me,” you said. “I’m not finished talking to you yet.”
Fred smiled and waited behind you as you took your turn at the desk. 
“Y/N L/N, also booked by Robbie Goldstein.” 
He clicked away again but paused for a few seconds, seemingly confused. “You said Y/N L/N?”
Starting to get nervous, you nodded. “Yes, that’s me. Is the reservation not there?” You didn’t want to think about having to find somewhere else to stay, especially because it was getting so late. 
“Oh no,” the man replied. “It’s here all right.” Ignoring the confused looks you and Fred were giving each other, the receptionist handed you a hotel key card and gestured to the elevator. “Thank you for choosing to stay with us. You’ll be staying for two nights in room 504. Don’t forget to enjoy our complimentary breakfast from 6--”
“I’m sorry,” Fred interrupted. “But that’s my room. You did say 504, right?”
“Yes sir,” he replied, not bothering to try to understand the predicament. “Mr. Goldstein booked one room for the both of you.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Fred, silently asking him to help you figure this out. But instead, Fred just broke out laughing, having to brace himself on the front desk. 
“I guess that’s what you expect when you let two investors who specialize in pranking shops make the room accommodations.”
��This isn’t funny Fred,” you said, although you had to give Robbie and Rachel credit for this joke. Turning to the receptionist, you sighed and ran your hands through your hair. “There’s at least two separate beds, right?”
He glanced down at his computer screen before looking back up at you with a guilty smile. “Well, about that…”
“Alright, I’ll take the couch, I’m sure it’s a pullout, it has to be.”
Fred stood in the doorway watching you mumble mostly to yourself. As tired as he was and as much as he wanted to just lie down and sleep, somehow watching you freak out about the sleeping arrangements was a much better use of his time. 
He watched as you threw the pillows and cushions off of the couch and felt around for a lever, something, anything that would allow you a place to rest. Your face lit up as you felt a small impression and yanked with all your might, only causing you to thump backwards onto your butt on the hotel room floor. 
Kicking off his shoes, Fred jumped onto the bed, sighing as he let his body relax. “Come on in darling, there’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
He opened one eye slightly, just enough to see your reaction. You were trying again to make the couch open, although you both knew that it wasn’t a pullout. Nevertheless, you kept pulling at every spot you thought could make a difference. 
It reminded Fred of the good old days, back at Hogwarts when you two were so close. You were always so stubborn, and he didn’t realize just how much he had missed having you in his life. He always wondered what happened to you after he and George left, but with the shop opening up and the war around the corner, he never had the thought to write you or track you down. He hoped this time after you two parted ways you would still remain in touch. 
You groaned loudly, slapping the couch with one of the pillows you had thrown earlier. Nothing was going as planned and you couldn’t be more annoyed. 
“Fine,” you huffed. “I’ll just sleep on the couch, no need for a pullout.” You stomped over to the bed and angrily pulled the blanket from off of him. 
“Hey!” he shouted, trying to grab it back but you were too quick. “That’s not fair, it’s cold!”
“If you get the bed,” you said, wrapping yourself up, “then I get to stay warm. Now go to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He couldn’t help but giggle at the small bundle of you wrapped up in the hotel quilt, looking like an angry little burrito. Standing, he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the corner, followed next by his undershirt before he unbuckled his belt. He turned to face you slowly, feeling your eyes on him as they peeked out of your wrapping. 
You quickly turned your gaze and glared at the floor. “What are you doing?” you said, hoping Fred didn’t see the blush rising to your cheeks. He did. 
He continued to undress, leaving him only in a pair of red boxers that left little to the imagination. “Going to bed, as you said,” he replied nonchalantly. He grabbed a toothbrush from his suitcase and made his way to the bathroom, making sure to walk extra slowly and give you a longer show. 
“This is so unprofessional!” you yelled after him. 
“We’re not business partners until tomorrow, love,” Fred said with a mouthful of toothpaste. “As far as I see it we can do anything we want tonight.”
Rolling your eyes, you shed the large blanket and grabbed an oversized t-shirt from your bag, hoping you’d be able to change before Fred finished in the bathroom. As he emerged, he saw the tail end of you throwing the shirt on, flashing your thighs and part of your panties for half a second. He averted his eyes out of respect, but that didn’t stop his imagination from running away with what he just saw. 
You shuffled past him, taking your turn in the bathroom. How in the world had this happened? How had a nice catch-up with a friend turned into an awkward back and forth the night before the most important business meeting of your life?
All you wanted to do was fall asleep, go through with whatever tomorrow brought you, and pretend like this never happened. But as you came out of the bathroom, you saw that Fred had taken the blanket back, leaving you with nothing except your t-shirt and an uncomfortable couch. 
“Fred, let me have it,” you said, trying to yank it from his grip. 
“No,” he mumbled, voice muffled by one of the many pillows he was cuddled with. 
“Frederick Gideon Weasley, give me the blanket now or so help me…”
Instead of responding, he just reached out and patted you on the top of your head before rolling over and pretending to snore. He was infuriating. 
You sulked back to the couch, accepting your defeat. You pulled out all of the clothes in your bag, hoping they could form as some sort of makeshift blanket. But after a few minutes of shivering and curling into the smallest ball possible, you realized that you’d never manage to sleep like this. Fred was staring at you, partially amused and partially concerned. You looked away. 
“You can always share with me, you know,” he said, patting the bed next to him. 
You scoffed and turned away. “Like I said, Fred, we’re soon-to-be business partners. Imagine how that would look! I’m fine right here, thank you.”
After a few seconds of silence you snuck another look at him. He hadn’t moved an inch, and was instead looking more concerned than before. “You’re going to freeze to death over there.”
“Well maybe that’s because someone stole my blanket.”
“The blanket comes with the bed, and the bed comes with me. Take it or leave it.”
It took everything in you not to scream. You wanted that warm, soft, comfortable bed more than anything at the moment. You needed it. Oh but it would send such a bad message if anyone ever found out…
“If we get caught I’m blaming you,” you relented, trudging over to the bed and crawling underneath the covers, ripping the blanket from a very amused Fred. 
“Who’s gonna catch us, Robbie and Rachel? They’re the ones that set this up! Trust me, nothing’s going to happen.” 
“It better not,” you said. “And make sure you stay on your side of the bed, I mean it! No touching.”
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Fred said, rolling slightly closer to you. “You act as if we’ve never done this before. We’ve slept with each other dozens of times.”
Your face went red at his words, wishing he would have phrased it a different way. 
“You know what I mean,” he said quickly, hearing how his words came across. “But the amount of times we’ve cuddled up in the Gryffindor common room or up stargazing in the astronomy tower. It’s just me, there’s nothing to be scared of.”
“We were also 17 and a lot closer back then,” you retorted, remembering the fond memories you had from your high school days. 
Fred huffed and returned to his side. “I’m not saying we weren’t. I just wish you weren’t acting so different now. It’s like we’re barely friends anymore…” His voice drifted off, wishing that he could go back and change the past. It had been 8 years since he last saw you. 8 whole years. Maybe things would’ve been different if he had tried to stay in touch. You’d never even visited his shop in those 8 years, never seen everything he was so proud of. He was stupid to think that one reunion was going to bring back a friendship that was practically already dead. He was even more stupid to think that maybe, just maybe, fate was giving him one last chance to shoot his shot, close to a decade later. What a right idiot he was. 
On the other side of the bed, less than a meter away, similar thoughts raced through your mind. 8 years. Why hadn’t you, in 8 years, made one trip to visit their shop. Sure, there was a war going on and you were busy starting your own shop, but things had been fairly calm the last few years. Why had you never reached out? Almost subconsciously, you reached out physically for Fred. Your hand brushed up against his back before you tensed and drew back. You both stilled for a few moments, before Fred rolled over, facing you. 
The two of you just stared at each other, both playing mental images of what your lives could have looked like the last 8 years if just one of you had done something. 
“You’re not seeing anyone, are you?” Fred asked, breaking the silence. You shook your head. He moved closer. 
“Are you?” you asked. He shook his head. You moved closer. 
Your faces were now about a foot apart. You moved your hand to rest it between your face and the pillow. Fred copied your actions. You laughed softly, the movement causing a strand of hair to fall into your face. 
Fred reached his hand out to move it before hesitating. “Can I?” His voice was so soft, so full of care. His hand hesitated in the air for a second before you nodded. He brushed the strands behind your ear, fingertips so gentle that you got chills up and down your spine. He let his hand linger before it moved to cup your face. “I’ve missed you.”
You smiled and leaned into his touch. “I’ve missed you too, Freddie.”
His hand left your face and moved down to your waist, eyes not leaving yours in case you ever grew uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him just like you used to do all those years ago. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and hummed contently, before both of you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“Freddie, Y/N! How are ya!”
Robbie Goldstein, a plump man with fading hair ran up to greet you and Fred in the lobby of his and his partner’s office, shaking both of your hands fervently. 
“Hey Robbie,” said Fred, slapping the man on the back. “I’m glad to be here.”
“Same with me,” you said, glad you could finally meet the man with whom you’d been discussing business through letters in person. 
Robbie looked between the two of you, sly grin on his face. “Ah, so I see you’ve already met them. Wouldn’t happen to be because of a little mishap at the hotel last night, would it?”
You groaned internally, hating that someone else knew about the previous night, but Fred only laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
“A great prank, I must admit, but Y/N and I actually go way back. I’ve known her since I was 11 years old, so nice try. I couldn’t imagine how that would’ve gone if we were complete strangers.”
Robbie’s face fell a little before he shrugged and nodded his head in defeat. “Well, what are the odds of that?”
“Astronomical,” you said, giving Fred a subtle tap with your foot. 
Robbie gestured for the two of you to follow him into the conference room where discussions about the new business would commence. “Well, I’m glad that you two seem to get along then, this is going to make things a lot easier. Oh, and don’t worry about arrangements tonight, I’ve decided not to let my joke stretch on and I booked another room for one of you for your last night in town.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Fred, and stepped into the conference room. “Thanks Robbie, that makes things a lot easier.”
“Yeah,” said Fred hesitantly, “thanks for that.”
He shut the door behind you and straightened up. There was no place for personal feelings in this business negotiation. He needed to do what was best for his company and yours, no distractions. No thoughts of crushed hope that suddenly plagued his mind. 
Fred hated the bed he was sleeping on. Granted, it was the same bed as the night before, but this time it felt different. It felt like it was mocking him. You had been the one to offer to change rooms and it seemed like you couldn’t wait to get out of there and to your own bedroom, free of any Weasleys. It made Fred sick to think about. 
He had just gotten used to the idea of something happening between the two of you. Last night, it all seemed perfect. You had cuddled the same way you had before, talked like nothing had changed. Hell, he even woke up with you lying sprawled out on top of him, a little trickle of drool falling onto his chest. He didn’t mind. 
But now, everything that happened the night before seemed like a dream. 
Fred knew he’d at least get to see you sporadically from now on. Your business negotiations with Robbie and Rachel went great, and the two of you, three counting George, were going to be combining forces and opening a joke and toy shop in the city sometime within the next year. It went exactly how Fred had wanted it to go, and yet so horribly wrong at the same time. 
He didn’t want to only interact with you as a business partner and casual friend. He wanted so much more than you were willing to give him, and having to see you and write you and work with you was going to be torture for him. He buried his face in the pillows, gripping the large blanket to his chest, wishing it was you instead. Stupid Robbie and his stupid pranks and stupid business and--
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Fred lifted his head to check the clock. It was 2 in the morning. Who in the world would be knocking this late at night? Fred slowly got out of bed, too tired to bother putting anything more decent on. He looked through the peephole of the door but his eyes were too blurry to make anything out. Groaning, he unlocked the door and pulled it open. 
Standing in front of him, clothed in the oversized t-shirt from last night and a pair of booty shorts, was you, looking nervous and embarrassed. Fred hadn’t noticed the previous day, but the shirt you had been wearing was one of his old Quidditch practice jerseys, all beat up and way too huge on you. He remembered the day he gave that to you, or rather when you stole it from him because you complained about it being too cold. Fred had to hold back a laugh at the irony. 
“I, umm,” you started, not knowing what to say to him. How were you supposed to explain that you missed him so much that spending one night away from him was too much for you to bear? How last night had been the best sleep you had in years because of how content and at peace he made you feel. How could you convey all of your feelings to him at this very moment?
“I don’t want to be alone.”
Fred wasted no time in picking you up, laughing as you screamed and kicked your legs around. “Fred Weasley, you put me down!”
He did as he was told and threw you onto the bed before jumping, arms and legs spread out, and landing straight on top of you. “I’m so glad you're here,” he said, peppering your cheeks with kisses. He pushed himself up, scanning your face to make sure what he did was ok, but you grabbed his face in your cheeks and pulled him down into a long kiss. Fred smiled through the kiss, almost laughing at how everything was working out. Maybe fate did have something to do with it after all. 
Fred pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against yours. “So,” he said, mischief glinting in his eyes, “how about we put this bed to good use?”
Tag List: @famdomhideout​ @amourtentiaa​
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savoies · 4 years
i don't know you yet - anthony beauvillier.
summary: soulmates. they exist right? y/n and tito live their daily lives doing activities thinking if the right person will ever come.
word count: 2k.
warnings: maybe a few bad words. hopefully angst. 
a/n: i think this might be my first "angst" so please let me know what you think. i am so proud of this work and honestly probably one of my bests. loosely inspired by idk yet by alexander 23. thank you so much to @puckbuddies for all the help, love ya!
taglist + tagging a few folks: @quintnsbyfield @vincecdunn @bigboigritty @ana-maa @puckshitbitch @alxvlasic @stfukie @laurenairay @damn-dunner-29 @kaitieskidmore1 @thelionkingpw @aria253264 @hartsyhart @boesxr @mitch-slap @frostythegoalman @teenagekook @barzysthighs
tagging some lovely folks: @laurenairay @konecny-s @bestestbenn @vinceduhn @folkloreflyers .
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(*credit to gif owner.*)
Many people imagine their dream person or think of the person they want to date or marry from a young age. Y/N remembered going to sleepovers and her friends talking about how they wanted a boyfriend with blue eyes and blonde hair or brown hair and brown eyes. But when Y/N's turn came around she always said the same thing "I don't care what they look like as long as they are the right person for me." And that's when the game would end. Because twelve year olds could not fathom that everyone had their person and at some point they'd meet and everything would work out. Her mindset was set as growing up her mom would always tell her the same story. When I met your dad I just knew she'd say.
Tito had dated his fair share of girls. Blonde, brown haired, a red head, and a spontaneous colored haired girl here and there. But none caught his attention. Not that they weren't pretty or anything but Tito was not really one to date and dump. He liked forming connections and really getting to know them. But being a hockey player was not really quite helpful. They'd be invited to a party here and there and of course Mat begged Tito to go with him because he needed a wingman and Tito could not really say no to his best friend.
Y/N had believed she had met her special person her second year into college. A tall lanky boy with brown hair. They had both met in the library when they reached for the same book. Might seem cheesy but she took it as a hint. After "considently" bumping into eachother in the library many more times he had asked her out. Most of their dates were pretty basic just like her. Maybe that's why she enjoyed them so much. Two years. Two years is how long she dated him for. But sadly people fall out of love. She had heard about that happening only in movies. Never really thinking that it could happen to her. But then she heard some of the worst words anyone could ever hear. "I don't love you anymore." 
Her heart was sad. Her first real relationship. Who she believed was the one. But she understood. This wasn't her fairytale. But she was broken. Her still being in love. Thoughts invading her mind. What did she do wrong? What could she have done better? So after that it took her time to open up again, to bring those walls down to handsome looking strangers. She wasn't one just to date for fun. So she rarely did bring them down. Sometimes she'd sit in her dark room late at night letting her thoughts consume her. How maybe she'd never find the one, how she was unlovable, how she had way too high of expectations to believe there was someone for everyone. 
Every Monday morning Y/N would go to the same coffee shop and get the same order, a medium coffee with sugar and cream. To her it was a nice way to start the week. She had been doing it since she moved to Brooklyn in 2016. 
Tito had been begging Mat to go with him to this coffee shop in Brooklyn that apparently had great coffee. Tito was what you could call a food and drinks connoisseur. Having cooked many times for his teammates and best friend.
" Come on Mat, Grace and Anders said it the best they've had and they've lived here much longer than us. Plus you owe me for getting you that girls number last week, don't forget to call her." Tito wasn't one to get acquainted with Mat's hookups but he did feel bad when the next morning Mat was kicking them out before sunrise.
Mat finally agreed and here they were on a Monday morning way too early for Mat's liking for a straight black coffee that was "rich in flavor" according to Tito. It was quite busy for it being Monday but they patiently waited in line.
Y/N gathered her stuff and exited the crowded coffee shop, careful not to bump into anyone and headed her way to work.
After waiting for about fifteen minutes they ordered two medium coffees and headed out to the busy New York streets.
She had walked about ten minutes away from the coffee shop before she realized that she forgot her phone. Y/N checked her watch and noticed that if she was gonna make it on time she had only five minutes to retrieve her phone. So she quickly but carefully dogged through people as she made her way back to the coffee shop.
Tito and Mat were casually walking back to the car having parked it a few blocks down when they saw someone running their way. Tito wasn't paying much attention due to savoring his cup of coffee which to him was totally worth the twenty minute drive and six dollars.
"Dude she's hot." Mat turned around and checked out the girl that somewhat seemed like she was running away from something instead of for something. 
"Mat that's gross. You literally didn't even see her face and are labelling her hot just by seeing her ass, I understand why you need a wingman now."
"Hey!" Mat slapped his best friend's shoulder as Tito drank his coffee trying to stifle a laugh (which he failed) since Mathew knew it was true.
Y/N had heard it many times from her friends, family, and probably even a few strangers. It was time to get a date. She wasn't desperate to really get anywhere. She was a 22 year old living in one of the most populated states in the country. She has time right? Deep down she knew that if she didn't get out there her person would probably not come by themselves. Which brings her to present day staring at her  phone screen at 1am. Earlier in the day Y/N's friend texted her that she knew someone who deemed specific qualities the young romantic wanted. 
Y/N met Grace in the coffee shop. She had come in a little bit later due to having the day off and sleeping in. Grace and Ruby sat in one of the corners of the small spaced coffee shop and Y/N sat next to them trying to stay in her own space but finding it quite difficult when there was a cute baby trying to get her attention a few feet away. After Grace apologizing for invading her space and Y/N saying it was really no problem they continued to meet in the coffee shop every once in a while. And a friendship blossomed later having exchanged numbers.
Grace was great. She listened to Y/N's tall tales of soulmates and love and she even told her about how she found her love (which she referred to as anders, y/n never having met him before) and how they had a beautiful baby girl together. She knew Y/N wanted someone who was sweet and kind and liked forming deeper connections so when she had an encounter with Tito she knew she should text her.
It was a late Friday night and the boys were celebrating a win in a rowdy club somewhere in downtown Brooklyn. The single guys trying to get the attention of some girls by buying them drinks. Grace had been standing at the bar with some of the other girls when she saw that Tito sat alone at the booth that occupied their stuff.
"Seems like our stuff doesn't really need a bodyguard, why aren't you out there buying a girl a drink or dancing?" She spoke somewhat loudly due to the pounding music and shouting of people.
"Not really my thing." He smiled softly back at his captain's wife. Tito was not fond of clubs or bars. He felt as though it was way too loud to actually have a proper conversation with someone. That's when it clicked. Of all the times the team had gone out not once had Tito really smiled or joked around with a girl. Grace connected the dots and decided to text Y/N in the morning.
A simple message was displayed across Y/N's screen. Simply reading "hey i know dates aren't your thing but i know someone who i think you might like."
After sleeping on it for quite a few more hours than she needed to, she decided to bite the bullet and text Grace back. "Why the hell not." 
Not even two minutes later Y/N's phone dinged indicating a response. "Perfect, I'll let him know."
There she sat on her bed over thinking if this was really a good idea.
Tito was way over his head. Grace had texted him that she knew of a girl who was quite exactly Tito's type. At least she loosely stated it that way. He had agreed only on the condition that Mat was having a girl over later tonight and he wanted to be as far away from that as possible since they did have pretty thin walls. So exactly five hours later here he stood outside the infamous coffee shop which held the secret ingredient to the best coffee he had. Grace didn't tell him much other than her hair color which was quite difficult to find in New York since every once in a while a sea of same colored haired girls would come by. He waited outside deeming it more on the gentlemenier side. Whatever that meant. Ten minutes later wrapping his coat on tighter and checking his watch for what seemed to be the five time. Maybe she stood him up. I mean he didn't have too many redeeming qualities. I mean hell he lived in New York and didn't like clubs, parties, and sometimes hated big crowds which were what seemed to be a big part of where he lived. Rocking on the back of his heels he decided to wait a bit longer thinking that hopefully she was just running late.
Indeed she had been running quite late. Her cousin had pleaded her to take care of her baby because she had some errands to run. She didn't mind at all since she did in fact love babies. But when four thirty rolled around and still no sign of her cousin she began to worry. She didn't have this mystery dudes number (which Grace referred to him as Anthony) so she couldn't really text him that she was gonna be a bit late. She really hoped he would wait because all throughout the day her excitement grew more and more. Finally five rolled around and Y/N quickly handed off the baby and changed into something more date worthy rushing out the door in the cold breeze of the afternoon. She rushed to the coffee shop and as she arrived she could see a tall stranger looking down at the ground presumably freezing since it was pretty cold. She dodged a few people hoping that this was indeed her date.
"Hi uhm are you Anthony." She spoke up and she stood awkwardly pulling the sleeves of her sweaters. "Gosh please be Anthony or im just gonna look like an idiot." She whispered.
Tito turned around at a soft voice and was faced with one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. Her baby hairs were sticking out and her nose and cheeks were red from the cold, she seemed to be somewhat out of breath.
Y/N looked up and caught sight of some of the most memorizing eyes she had ever seen. This handsome stranger who she presumed  as Anthony had amazing features.
Tito cleared his throat and reached out his hand. "Hi uhm yeah im Anthony but you can call me Tito, or at least that's what my friends call me." He began to ramble.
"Nice to meet you im y/n." They shook hands and a soft electric shock was felt between the two. They both glanced up and she knew it was too soon to tell since she had just met him but she felt an extra special connection with him.
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Family Gatherings
Meet the parents.
Pairing: Kenny x reader
Warnings: small mention of something cheeky ... maybe more in part 2
Summary: you finally make the trip to meet Kenny’s family.
so i finally found the time to sit and write a little and this ended up being a lil longer than expected bit ive enjoyed writing this one, probably be a part two (possibly 3) so let me know what you think x 
hope you like it 
You were nervous, you had been since the day Kenny booked your airline ticket to Winnipeg so you could finally meet his family. You had heard all the stories about them, and they sounded lovely, but you were still, naturally nervous. Constant thoughts had flown through your head since the day you packed, what if they didn’t like you? Didn’t approve of you? you took another sip of your drink hoping the soothing flavour would relax you.
An hour later the pilot informed the plane full of weary passengers that the flight would be making its late arrival at the airport shortly, you began to gather your things up and pack them back into your designer backpack Kenny had bought you as a gift but couldn’t help thinking you’d made a mistake by bringing it, what if they thought you were showing off? Too gaudy? “breathe” you told yourself “it’ll be fine, they’ll love you” you said trying to boost your self-confidence.
“sorry mam, but would you mind stowing your bag? Were going to land soon that’s all” asked the kind stewardess who had given you that extra miniature off the drinks trolly earlier, probably due to the anxiety she saw on your face after striking up a conversation about why you’d be visiting Winnipeg in November.
“sure, sorry” you smiled back.
 Finally, After the stress of the queue at passport control, your bag coming off the plane last and trying to find your way out of the baggage hall altogether you were here. You grabbed your phone out of your bag to see a text from Kenny already, “waiting in the arrivals hall, ring me when your out” it read. You dialled his number and he picked up immediately, so quick he must have been waiting for you thought. “finally, you here yet?” he laughed.
“yeah, just got through, been a nightmare” you replied, “where you at?” you asked him.
“just at the coffee shop with my dad, well wait here for you. You’ll see it if you walk to the end”.
“okay babes see you in a sec” you replied before hanging up, instantly feeling nervous. His dad. You were going to meet his dad for the first time in an airport after hours of travel. Fantastic.
You saw Kenny straight away, those two-tone curls where recognisable anywhere. He looked relaxed and rested whilst he sat chatting to his dad unbeknown to you about how nervous he was for you to see his home and family. “what if she thinks I’m a huge loser once she’s seen I’m just a weird kid from Canada?” he asked his dad. His anxiety spiking in anticipation.
“she won’t, she sounds a great girl and clearly likes you so stop worrying.” His dad replied smiling at his son.
So deep in conversation they hadn’t seen you approach, “hey ken” you said, smiling from ear to ear at finally being reunited.
“babe, you look amazing, I missed you so much” said Kenny, words spilling out with a huge smile in his face as he looked you up and down, clearly appreciating the effort you had made. “this is my dad, (y/n)” he said stepping to the side to introduce the older gentleman who looked very much like his son.
“hi, I’m (y/n), I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you Kenny always talks about you” you replied any nerves melting away at how normal and nice he seemed, internally laughing at why you were so nervous in the first place.
“nice to meet you too, we’ve heard everything about you I’m so glad you managed to make it out. Big freeze on the way” he said. “let’s get home, before it’s too dark and your mother kills us for being late.” He laughed.
Kenny grabbed your bags and you both followed to the car as soon as you left the terminal you regretted your choice of coat. The leather jacket though warm was not enough to keep your heat against the cold Canadian weather “I told you to get a good coat (y/n)” said Kenny shaking his head at you.
“okay, I just thought you where exaggerating” you replied shivering.
“your so cute, its not far to walk” he said.
After realising Kenny’s definition of short walk was not the same as yours you reached the car and were incredibly grateful when his dad opened it for you so you could jump straight in. “thankyou” you told him while he cranked the heat up for you.
“no problem, its not a far drive either so well have you home and warm in a little while” he told you smiling at your lack of appreciation for the Canada winters.
 After a 40-minute drive you were at Kenny’s childhood home, it was just what you had imagined after hearing all of the stories from him about living in the suburbs as a kid. It was your classic suburban home with a lawn out front and a porch to sit on. It was actually really cute, you where excited to see inside. Kenny’s dad got out and left you two to make your way in, all of a sudden you where back to the nervous girl on the plane with the millions of questions about whether you where enough flooding your brain. All of a sudden Kenny planted his lips on yours and you snapped out of whatever you where thinking of immediately “they’re gonna love you, because I love you” he said. It was like he could read your mind and you kissed him back, you’d missed him so much in the time you’d been apart and if it wasn’t for being in his dads car outside his parents house you’d have climbed over and had him right there in the car. The moment was perfect for it … but the location was severely lacking. “we better get in the house before my mom sends my dad back out to get us” he smirked pulling away, clearly thinking the same thoughts you had been a few minutes prior.
“okay” you smiled back “lets go”.
 Once inside the house you felt relaxed all of a sudden, it felt like a home and all the stress you had had about the visit faded away. You took your coat and shoes off and followed Kenny into the kitchen where a beautiful blonde lady stood at the counter. “Tyson, and this must be (y/n). your so pretty” she said patting her son on the shoulder in an approving manor.
“thanks mom, I’m glas you two finally get to spend some time together. It’ll be nice to have the family all under one roof again.” He replied, with his mum giving you the once over.
“I’m so glad you’ve finally brought us a girl home, I thought you’d never setlle down to be honest” she said teasing her only son.
“mom” he said laughing back “I’m gonna take our stuff up, my room yeah?” he asked
“mhmm, and (y/n) across the hall” she said trying to gauge her sons reaction.
“your joking, I’m a grown man mom” said Kenny laughing trying to cover for the fact he’d been wanting to get you into bed since he’d seen you in the airport in those skin tight pants he loved so much.
“Its fine” you interjected not wanting to upset Kenny’s mum and to stop a fight over a room before you’d even settled in. “its fine, I totally respect that. We respect that don’t we ken” you said looking at him with pleading eyes to drop it.
“fine, its fine” he said turning to walk upstairs leaving His mum feeling guilty, though she would never admit it. Honestly she had no problem with the two of you sharing a room but who wants to hear the inevitable through thin walls on the first weekend of meeting your sons possible future wife.
“thankyou” she mouthed quietly to you smiling at how gracious and kind you had been at trying to avoid an awkward situation on your first meeting. You smiled back and followed Kenny upstairs to your room for the next few days. It was a gorgeous guest room, you dropped your bags off and crossed the hall to see Kenny in his childhood room. It was painted blue and like you expected there where wrestling and hockey pictures and posters all over the walls. “cute,” you said smiling at him
“its changed a little but not much” he said smiling back “my mom painted but put all my pictures back up” he laughed.
“that’s sweet, she probably wanted it to be the same for when you got back” you said.
“not that I ever got the chance much” Kenny sadly replied.
“she understood why though” you mentioned reassuringly with your arm on his back.
“you know, I never thought id get a hot girl in my room” he said laughing
“you still wont” you said getting up to go downstairs “come on lets go hang out” you laughed Kenny following reluctantly.
 you spent the rest of the evening chilling out in the kitchen, drinking wine with his mum while him and his dad watched sports on tv. “I’m glad I got to meet you” his mum said to you smiling
“me too, I’m so glad to finally meet everyone and happy for Kenny to spend some family time at home, he’s always on the road I’ve told him he needs to make more of an effort” his mum appreciating your words.
“yeah but he’s busy doing what he loves, I would never tear him away from that” she said laughing at him and his dad.
A few hours later it was time to head to bed, his mum and dad had called it a night a few hours earlier but you and Kenny had stayed up to chill and watch a little tv together. “I’m heading up babe” you said pecking him on the cheek
“okay babe me too then” he said getting up to turn everything off  before following you upstairs
You waited for him at the top of the stairs, pulling him into a hug “guess ill see you in the morning” you teased
“unless you wanna sneak over in a little bit” he teased
“Kenny … no, I don’t want to disrespect your mom” you said back shrugging.
“okay okay, can I at least get a hand job in the bathroom” he laughed  
“goodnight Kenny” you said turning to walk away.
After completing your evening routine you settled down for the night, it was hard to drift off knowing your man was just over the hall, who you had been dying to touch since before the last time you had said goodbye all those weeks ago. Eventually your eyes began to feel heavy and just as you where settling in for the night your phone began to buzz, straight away you knew who it was. – im lonely- it read, you rolled your eyes, it was gonna be along night.
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honey-andtea1889 · 4 years
The Cold Autumn Evenings (H.S.) Part Two
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AN: Hello again lovies! So this part is kind of a filler but it’s not awful! I had to go and reread some bits to fix them up a bit but I think it’s decent! I’m sorry it took so long for this to go up as well. I was down in Arizona for a week and let me tell you I miss it a lot. Anywho, enjoy part two! Requests are open! 
Summary: Y/N got caught up in reading Harry’s story, unfortunately this is the reason for her being late
Warnings: none
Song: A Slow Death In Pacific Standard Time by HUNNY
The next morning seemed like a blur. Y/N woke up super early and continued where she left off in Harry’s story. In the chapter she was on, the man was about to profess his love for the girl, but she had been seen with someone else, leaving the man heartbroken and confused. Y/N could feel the tears slowly falling down her face as she continued the sad chapter. Her phone began ringing as she set the packet down to get breakfast. 
“Hello?” Y/N answered, sniffling and wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Y/N! How’s my favorite- are you okay?” Harry questioned over the phone.
“Oh I’m fine! I was just reading something that got me a bit emotional is all. Is everything okay?” Y/N asked. 
“Yes, everything is fine. I usually hear from you by now about meetings or issues with clients but my phone was silent the entire morning and I just got worried. Are you at the office yet?” Harry said as he walked out of the fancy building in the middle of London. 
Y/N checked the time and nearly tripped on her way from the coffee machine. 
She was almost 45 minutes late. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t realize what time it was! I’m so sorry Mr. Styles, I’m leaving for the office right now!” Y/N squealed as she bolted to her bedroom to get dressed. 
“Y/N! Y/N, relax! It’s fine. I’m actually on my way to the office right now, I can pick you up if you’d like?” Harry suggested. 
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked. 
“Definitely! Send me the address and I’ll be there in 20.” He said as he hung up the phone. 
Y/N smiled as she texted him her address and entered her bathroom to brush her teeth. When her teeth were all brushed, Y/N did her hair and makeup. She wasn’t sure why, but she was nervous for Harry to see her flat. He was her boss and probably lived a lot better than she did, it made her a bit self conscious about it. 
The flat wasn’t awful. It was small, definitely built for one person or a couple who had just moved in together. The walls were a deep forest green with a brick accent wall that held a fireplace, a lighter shade of pine wood covering the floor. It had an open concept that led from the living room into the kitchen/dining area. Off of the living room to the left, there was a hallway that held the bathroom on the left side and Y/N’s room on the right. 
Her furniture was all given to her from her mother. A simple beige couch that was comfier than most couches sweetly decorated with green throw pillows and a dark brown recliner chair surrounded a small coffee table in the middle of the living room facing the fireplace. She had a small white blanket folded on the lower shelf of the table just in case it ever became too cold. She had shelves that were covered with books on both sides of the fireplace and pictures of family members and adorable plaques which gave an aesthetically pleasing look to her small flat. 
It was her cute little home that she loved dearly, but Harry doesn’t really come around so you could understand the nerves that ran through her as she scampered to get ready. As she fixed up her throw pillows and straightened up some books on her shelves, a loud knock echoed through her flat. Sam barked and ran over to the big mahogany door. 
“Sam, sh! Go into your bed please!” Y/N begged. 
The little frenchie snorted and ran over to his dog bed set along one of the walls. Y/N opened the door to see Harry dressed in black slacks, a white button up shirt, and a peacoat that ended right above his hips. His hair was slightly tousled due to the cold Autumn wind but he didn’t look anything less than perfect. Y/N swallowed hard at how ravishing this man looked. She had to make sure she wasn’t drooling in front of him. 
“Hello, Y/N! Are you ready?” Harry asked, cocking his head slightly to the side. 
Y/N shook herself out of her trance and blushed, hoping he didn’t notice her staring. 
“Almost, I just need to grab a few things. Please come in! Make yourself at home whilst I finish up.” Y/N smiled as she stepped to the side. 
Harry entered into her home and took in his surroundings as Y/N went back into her room to grab her bag and her phone. He thought her flat was adorable and it suited her perfectly. As he admired her cozy little home, Harry soon felt small paws scratching at his legs. He looked down to see Sam shaking his little stubby tail with excitement. 
“Okay, I think I’m all- oh my god I’m so sorry! Sam, don’t jump!” Y/N rushed over to pick up her sweet pup. 
“It’s alright, love! I didn’t know you had a dog. You said his name was Sam?” Harry questioned. 
“Yeah. He doesn’t usually jump on people like that. Guess you’re an exception!” Y/N giggled. 
Harry chuckled and rubbed behind Sam’s ear. The happy, little pooch licked his fingers and snorted with joy. Harry and Y/N laughed as she set Sam down. Harry looked at the small coffee table and saw his novel laying with the cover in clear sight. Smirking, he looked over at Y/N. 
“Is that why you’re late? Too busy reading  m’novel, eh?” Harry smirked.
Y/N could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. 
“Y-yes. I-I just couldn’t put it down. It’s really good, actually. I’m not done with it yet but I’m getting close.” Y/N mumbled as she grabbed the packet. 
Harry chuckled and opened the door. Y/N kept her eyes on the ground as she exited her flat and made her way to the elevator. 
Harry thought it was cute whenever she was embarrassed about stuff. He specifically recalled the day he first started calling her “Love”. She turned three shades of pink and toyed with the strings on her blouse that hung around her breasts. He wasn’t sure as to why he enjoyed making her blush, maybe it was just the thought of being able to make her flustered is what made his ego skyrocket. Harry has always thought Y/N was attractive. She was his type for sure, with her Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes, not to mention the curves she had, Harry was absolutely smitten to have a girl like her work for him. 
As Harry entered the elevator, Y/N was digging in her purse. 
“Leave something in you flat, love?” Harry asked. 
“I can’t seem to find my glasses. I don’t understand, I had them this morning.” Y/N sighed, still digging into the small brown bag. 
Harry had seen a slight glare on the top of Y/N’s head. He slowly reached and pulled the glasses she was looking for. Y/N shot her head up as soon as she felt his hands in her hair.
“Don’t move.” Harry said. 
Y/N’s knees nearly buckled as she kept still until the glasses were off of her head. 
“Are these the ones you seek?” Harry chuckled. 
The eye contact between the two was intense. They were looking at each other as though the other person was the only thing in the world. It was almost like a movie scene when the love interests had realized their feelings for one another. Harry and Y/N could feel the tension between them as she grabbed the spectacles from his large hands. As Y/N took ahold of part of the frames, her fingers brushed against Harry’s. It felt like sparks when the skin of their fingers grazed one another. The sudden jolt took both of them by surprise.
Y/N blushed again and thanked him. Harry smirked and slipped his hands in his pockets. The two travelled down the building in silence until Harry spoke up as they entered the lobby. 
“You really think m’novel is good?” He smiled, holding the door opened for her. 
“Mr. Styles please excuse the next statement but are you serious? It’s amazing so far! I mean there were a few spelling mistakes and you accidentally used the wrong ‘there’ for ownership once but other than that, it’s stunning so far!” Y/N gushed. 
It was Harry’s turn to blush now. He had been working on that stupid thing for months now. He couldn’t count how many days he suffered writer’s block for the novel, so to hear Y/N praise it as much as she was just filled his heart like no other. 
“Thank you, love. It really means a lot to me that you’re reading over it. It’s been a challenge writing it.” Harry said as they made their way to his car. 
Harry was driving  a newly redone 1970 black Ford Capri. Y/N’s jaw dropped as she slowly walked to the passenger side. Harry chuckled, opening the door for her again. She carefully slipped into the vehicle and looked around the interior. The seats were made of leather and the steering wheel was black with silver lining around the logo. Y/N felt like if she were to move something would happen to the car, she couldn’t start to think how much Harry paid for this. 
“Do you want to stop and grab some coffee before we head in? There’s a shop close to the office.” Harry asked. 
“Won’t we be late?” Y/N asked, looking at Harry as he buckled up. 
“Love, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re already an hour and fifteen minutes late.” Harry chuckled, starting the car. 
Y/N giggled as she fixed her hair. Harry smiled and drove to the small coffee shop close to the office. The two bought small coffees (her’s with extra sugar and pumpkin spice creamer, his just black) and made the last few miles to the office.
The pair had entered the office and parted ways when they reached Y/N’s desk. Claire had bolted over to Y/N once Harry had closed the door. 
“So..a meeting, huh?” Claire smirked as she sat on her friend’s desk. 
“Oh please Claire. He was at the meeting, I was simply running late this morning. I was reading something and just lost track of time I guess.” Y/N sighed, trying to get her things organized. 
Claire chuckled and leaned back slightly, trying to get a glance of Y/N’s neck. 
“What’re you doing?” Y/N asked.
“Just checking for hickeys.” Claire said, still trying to peak. 
Y/N laughed and nudged her friend softly. 
“I’m serious, nothing happened! I mean..there was the elevator when he picked me up from my flat.” She sighed. 
Claire’s eyes almost bulged out of  her head. She nearly jumped over the desk asking for details. 
“Okay! Okay! I couldn’t find my glasses this morning when we left my flat, but of course they were on my head. Mr. Styles had seen them and grabbed them for me, however when I took them from him, I had accidentally touched his hand and Claire, I’m telling you I felt sparks. I’m sure he felt them too! It just seemed like something out of a romance novel or something.” 
Like Harry’s Novel Y/N thought. The slight pink color in her cheeks obviously gave away how she felt for Harry. Claire smiled as she watched Y/N beam. She’s not seen her this happy about someone in a while and that absolutely filled Claire’s heart. The last guy Y/N had dated was a total tool. He was gross and never treated her the way she deserved to be treated. Claire knew Harry respected women more than anything. That’s what made him the most attractive! She wouldn’t have to worry about beating his ass. 
“Maybe see if he wants to hang out after work! I don’t see why he wouldn’t say yes to you.” Claire said as she made her way to her desk. 
Y/N chuckled as she grabbed the packet she had gotten lost in this morning. She turned to the page in which she had left off and began reading again, annotating little notes for ideas and questions she had. She had glanced over to the door that led into Harry’s office and smiled. 
Maybe she should see if he would like to hang out later. 
98 notes · View notes
needdatbag · 4 years
Drinking You/II
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Notes: Soooo....Here’s part 2..Thanx for the notes guyssss <3 ♥
Summary: You encounter a stranger on your way back from the grocery shop and everything about him pulls you in.
Pairings: Eren Yeager x Reader; Various pairings eventually
Warnings: NSFW(not today tho); mentions of smoking. 
Part II
’’Kid….Am I not interesting enough for your small, forgetful brain?’’ asked Levi from his desk, his grey eyes expressing the dissatisfaction he had about your mistake.
THE FILE. The Eren Yeager file. The file he stole from your bag after he finished...well...screwing you. To say that you were upset about the fact that you were used as a mere excuse for theft was an understatement. You were pissed as hell.
But your boss came first, as his death glare made you snap out of your one sided grudge with the memory of the charming terrorist you encountered. It was definitely wrong and probably a bad move but you couldn’t tell Levi what happened. So….you lied.
’’For the 27th time, I am so sorry that I ‘accidentally’ threw an important file into the shredder..I was cleaning my desk and I wasn’t paying attention.’’ you sounded honest but a little mechanical as you said the same excuse for awhile now.
Levi raised one of his brows at your nonchalance but sighed and said:
’’At least you didn't lose it. That would have been a big ass problem.’’
You clenched your fist behind your back. This was not ending well for you.
’’Please..I’m not that idiotic.’’ somehow your tone didn’t betray you but a small voice in your mind retorted immediately, ‘You are more than idiotic and you’re definetley screwed.’. You gulped.
A soft knock interrupted the beginning of your inner mental breakdown. Armin entered Levi’s office carrying a stack of files in one arm and holding what looked like a coffee cup in the other. He placed the files on Levi’s desk and handed him the cup. You suddenly blurted out your first thought.
’’But you don’t drink coffee.’’
Levi’s death glare almost made you take a step back. Well, maybe Eren Yeager took more than the file...he stole your brain too as you suddenly find yourself incapable of thinking. You want to slap a hand over your mouth. What the hell was wrong with you lately?
Armin watched you curiously for a moment. You feared his intuition, he was too sharp sometimes and that made you anxious in the current situation, but you tried to play it off anyway.
’’Ahem, yes, I heard it from Mrs. Zoe? Ha, am I wrong ?’’ you laughed awkwardly at the end of your sentence.
Armin shook his head, his short blonde hair hitting his face in the process. ’’That is right. As expected of you, Y/N, your mind always picks up the smallest details. The Captain drinks tea. I got a few extra cups to go, just 10 minutes ago. You can help yourself from the kitchen...Though I’m pretty sure you love coffee more.’’ he said while giving you a kind, small smile. You smiled back trying not to break eye contact.
‘You might be my best friend’s soulmate.’
You cringed internally. Not because you didn't find Armin attractive, because you thought the boy could even model if he wanted to, but because of what happened later after Eren said that phrase. You shook your head trying to banish the image of a long haired, 6ft man on top of your naked body. ‘Not the time, not the time.’
You wondered what Armin would think about the fact that you got to meet his best friend before he did. As you found out today, turns out they have not met in more than a year. You felt guilty for keeping your mouth shut. But it seemed like the best course of action. You needed to act solo for a while.
In a safe way, of course.
Levi motioned for Armin to leave but as he got closer to the door you saw his eyes discreetly peering at your neck and then at your face. Your hair was covering most of your hickeys but Armin might have noticed something anyway.
Once he left the room, Levi got up from his seat and approached the window.
He was wearing a plain white dress shirt and black pants with a pair of dark brown leather shoes. He was not going on the field today, you could tell that much because of his outfit. He was in his thirties now but his looks still caused many casualties between the female officers, especially the MPs who were more than enthusiastic when Levi passed them by. He was one of the best at his job and his handsome face was obviously a bonus.
You always said it was the mix between his good looks and his cold attitude that was pulling people in, but he was far from an unfeeling person. He usually cared too much about everything. Seeming distant was just his way of preserving himself. People were impressed just by hearing stories about him. But most of them had no idea how much he suffered. You knew. Not that he liked that. He never liked the fact that fate seemed to always make you meet again and again.
The first time, as his student when he was teaching in highschool. The second time as his blind date, Hange’s courtesy. The third time as the new member of his team, fate’s courtesy this time.
Each time you look at him you remember how selfish you’ve always been. You hate the thought but you know and can’t deny the fact that one way or another you always became a burden for the man sitting right across you. Right from the start.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- ’’Sir, is she worth it?’’ an eighteen years old you asked a younger Levi who was just exiting through the school’s gates. As he whipped his head back to match the voice to the person, his stern look softened just a bit. It was late and you were supposed to be home long ago. Instead you were only leaving now, a bag full of books in your right hand. You always stayed in the library until the school closed. You didn’t want to go home anyway.
’’That’s not an ideal question to ask about your sister, is it, brat?’’
You started laughing. He knew better than to refer to his fiance as your sister. You hated the bitch and there was no bond whatsoever between the two of you. She was just the awful daughter of the amazing woman who took you in after your parents kicked you out.
’’Can you give me a ride home, sir? I am afraid my frail arms are unable to carry these books until I reach the nearest bus stop.’’ you said in a dramatic tone while Levi just massaged his temples out of frustration but made a gesture towards his car anyway.
You smiled at him as you entered the car. He was driving in silence, without any radio music in the background, without any small talk. You wanted to tell him so many things, you wanted to express your indignation regarding the fact that your ‘sister’ was cheating on him and using him as an alibi so her mother won’t ever suspect she’s dating one of the biggest drug dealers in the region, you wanted to complain about the fact that he wasted his good heart on someone who wronged him before, you wanted to ask him why was he clinging to unhappiness so desperately. You could never understand. Even as you watched as the road light travelled on his face while he drove, you could only think about how well he managed to hide his pain. People didn’t notice that he was alone most of the time. Or that he rarely smiled.
It made you sad, it made you think of a part of yourself. Except you constantly fought for your right at happiness even if sadness never left your side. No matter how annoying that made you, you still kept going. But he didn’t even seem like he tried. He looked like the loneliest person on earth and he hid it so well that if you said what you thought out loud, people would just think you're looking into it too much.
You reached your house and his car stopped. Somehow, only now you noticed the pleasant smell inside the car. It smelled like fruity tea-bags which you assumed came from a spare ’stash’ he had somewhere around. You smiled. He always drinks tea during the breaks. It makes him look so refined too. Without any intention you giggled. He noticed and raised a brow, asking:
’’What makes you so happy that you’re hesitating to get out of my car? Hm? Move it, you didn’t even had dinner yet.’’
You turned your whole body towards him while you spoke in an excited manner.
’’I was thinking about you, sir. The way you enjoy your tea during breaks and how that’s the most happy I saw you since I came to this school.’’
With a confused look on his face he tilted his head but let you speak nonetheless. Your voice became softer while you looked down, your hair falling over your face.
’’You see, I believe that happiness can only come from being honest with yourself. Lie to the world, lie to people but if you lie to yourself you’ll just tint your soul to the point even the tea you love so much won’t taste the same anymore.’’
Levi’s eyes widened slightly. He knew you were outspoken and that sometimes you caused trouble because you meddled in things that were none of your business and you spoke way too much but he couldn’t deny the way you arranged your words. He knew you had a kind heart and that you were trying to reach his. He almost wanted to smile. ‘Stupid kid.’
He didn't say anything as you exited the car but watched you until you entered the house. You were right, he knew he was cheated on, he knew he was used but there was another side to his truth too. He used the idea of a fiance to run away from both his past and future.
But looking at you who had nothing but wanted everything, he thought that maybe, just maybe...he became a coward. And he always hated cowards.
As you watched him drive away, that was the last time you met him as a teacher, as he would lose his job in two weeks due to murder acusations regarding his fiance. Your ‘sister’.
You’d hear from your classmates how a tall, blonde detective cuffed him in front of the whole school while he put up a fight.
Then he would be gone and you wouldn't hear anything about him for a few years. -------------------------------------------------
’’So, care to explain why you are so distracted today?’’ he was gazing outside the window but you couldn’t help notice the way his voice was softer now that you were alone again.
’’I was unable to rest well last night, however you don’t need to worry, sir. I’ll snap back as soon as I drink some coffee, just as Armin suggested.’’
Another lie. You actually slept like a baby because you were so exhausted. The bed felt so warm and the man next to you smelt so good that you felt like you were floating. Only your dumb ass could sleep so relaxed next to a criminal.
You pondered before asking the next question.
’’What type of person used to be.....Eren Yeager?’’
His name sounded so different from your mouth or maybe that was your own perception. You recognised a little stinginess in your tone.
You pulled out your phone and started a voice recording. You were allowed to do so when it came to declarations. You were a profiler afterall. You needed to go over conversations and details, multiple times to complete your work.
Levi turned away from the window and took a few steps closer to you. His expression looked indifferent but you knew better. There was regret mixed in his feelings.
’’That brat wasn’t the most talented nor the smartest agent around, I actually often thought he was more of an idiot than most people I knew..’’
You stopped yourself from laughing. ’Unprofessional...Don’t do it. Let him continue.’
’’He was too much of a hot head for his own good but he listened to my orders and tried to look at things from a more mature perspective, perhaps we might have asked too much from him. Our department was in trouble and we lost more people than you could count, in a very short amount of time. We had an operation that lasted for more than 2 years. Eren was the key to that operation. Everything circled around him. We wanted to find answers so badly, we sacrificed so much that we never saw the fact that we had spies among us and the whole operation became more than a national issue. You said you read the file before you shredded it, right? I also mentioned it in the meeting before. You know what’s the issue I’m talking about, right?’’
Your breathing becomes more alert and a bitter feeling takes over your heart. Memories from your distant childhood try to resurface but you push them away. The past always catches up.
Your voice becomes more serious when you answer.
’’After 14 years of peace we might have another war with the neighbour nation, Marley, is that right?’’
Silence fills the room as Levi only nods. He seems lost in his own mind for a while and you can only guess what he might be thinking about. He was a soldier back then and this whole deal pissed him off.
’’Eren betrayed us. No warning, just a vague explanation. He almost wiped out their whole capital, one of the biggest cities in Marley, he killed VERY important people and now we are threatened left and right. This dumbass is very close to starting the biggest international conflict this country ever faced. Can’t believe that brat had the nerve to come back and now he’s under our jurisdiction again. We have to catch him and fast. Everyone you’ll ask will say he changed, but I always knew he had it in him. He might just destroy the world...no one can cage him. He’s that type of monster.’’
Your body suddenly felt numb, a weird sense of fear trying to take over you. His face, his expressions, everything flashed in your mind repeatedly, pieces of the conversation you had, the way he touched you, the note he left. For the first time in a very long time, you felt lost in translation.
Things were not adding up. Someone was wrong here. Something was definitely missing. You paused the recording and exhaled while rubbing your temples.
’’This should not be handled by a departament full of people that know him. Someone must really want to bury the Survey unit in shit.’’
A humourless laugh escaped your mouth.
’’Sorry Levi, you always hated when I cursed. Forgot about that.’’  you said, a sad look plastered on your face remembering many of the arguments you two had mostly because of you.
He frowned and took another step closer to you, unconsciously wanting to pat your head but you were already heading for the door. He snapped out of it and looked at his hand. He got carried away for a second, wanting to comfort you.
’’I guess you’ll always have a soft spot for me, sir...but we shouldn’t be very comfortable around each other. You were always the better man and I was always the wicked little girl.’’
You exited his office. ‘Unfortunately, I’m still the same.’ you thought while walking to your desk and getting ready to work on the details of some cases that became piled up in the last week.
As you sat down and flipped through various lists of criminals, you tried to silence your mind. Sometimes your mental state was just like a furious sea storm. You have the tendency to drown in your own dark and poisonous thoughts until your identity becomes foggy. But work was a great distraction and thankfully...you sure had plenty of it. So you rolled up your sleeves, took a sip of the coffee Armin put on your desk (somehow the fact that he did sweet gestures like this made you very warm inside) and started working on your reports ignoring intentionally a certain criminal whose face you really didn’t wanna see again today, not on a screen, not printed...you'll deal with the Yeager case at home. You had to catch up on your work anyway.
Right? You weren’t running away or anything...right?
People around you became colorful shadows that moved around exiting or entering the headquarters while you were scribbling furiously details about different cases. When your phone rang, an hour before the end of your shift, you almost jumped out of your chair. You looked around and realised everyone was out and you were the only one left. Probably investigating, or some kind of emergency.
On the screen of your phone Jean’s face was popping up with the incoming call. When he first gave you his contact number he took a selfie of himself because he thought he looked ‘cool’ in that moment and you ‘had to have his handsomeness on your phone’, his words not yours. You rolled your eyes at the memory.
’’ ‘Sup Kirschtein? I’m busy and I swear to God if you call me ‘cause you're bored while being on some stakeout I will…’’ He burst into laughter and answered: ’’Calm down Y/N, I only did that like five or six times and you might’ve even liked it, don’t lie to me now.’’ he said in a charming yet joking voice and you couldn’t help but smile. He was one of the people who could easily put you in a good mood. ’’Wanna get out to get some ‘’fresh air’’ on the roof? It turns out we sorted out what we had to do sooner than expected….well sooner than I thought. That damn Floch will kill me one day...His attitude might just get us both killed.’’
Of course he wanted to smoke and complain about his partner, Floch. Jean didn’t seem like the type to think a lot, especially when you first got to meet him. He’s loud, a little bit of a bragger and has lots of opinions on anything but he was an exceptionally capable man in times of crises. You witnessed that a few times but you also heard it from Sasha: ’’Marco, Jean’s ex-partner, always said that Jean was the one most capable of leading us out of trouble and Marco’s intuition about people was as good as my instincts about danger. He knew what he was saying.’’
When you reached the roof, Jean was already smoking while looking at the red sky. The sun was almost gone. He looked lost in thought, barely noticing you until he heard the sound of your lighter. You took a long puff and exhaled. For some reason you felt exhausted and even if the silence somehow pleased you, it felt unlike Jean. He always liked to talk a lot around you, your smoking breaks being full of gossiping. It was almost always the two of you, given the fact that you and him were the only smokers in the department. You had a hunch that Armin smoked too but only when he was truly bothered by something, Connie tried it once and said he liked it but you knew he lied, Sasha said she didn't like the taste(did not surprise you at all there) and Mikasa thought it was stupid and unhealthy and you honestly agreed.
’’Why do you smoke, Jean?’’ you asked out of the blue. You realised you never asked him that. For some reason the image of Eren staring at you while holding his pack of cigarettes in one hand flashed in your mind. You took another inhale of smoke trying to push the image away. Jean didn’t respond immediately but when his eyes fixed on the cigarette he was holding.
’’Marco used to smoke here. It was so unlike him. He really didn’t seem like the type and he tried to hide it all the time...he was even carrying perfume around.’’ he said and let out a short bitter laugh. For some reason he placed a hand on his face trying to hide his expression. ’’I started smoking after he died. I guess..well fuck...I miss being with my friend. When I’m holding this cigarette it feels as if he’s still here. As if I could …’’ he hesitated before continuing,’’....ask him for advice about what I should do..’’
You got closer to him and bumped your shoulder into his in a friendly manner. He dropped his hand from his face and looked at you. You could see he was emotionally drained but you flashed him a cheerful smile even though you felt like shit as well. You looked up at the now, darker sky and said in a loud voice:
’’By smoking this cigarette I dare ask the amazing Marco Bott from heaven to lend me some of his wisdom. Please let me give our friend here a good answer to the question troubling his, not so young anymore, soul.’’
’’I’m only a year older than you, Y/N.’’ he said, his voice a little amused now. You rolled your eyes.
’’You’re an old soul, Jean. My shift will be over soon so spit it out...What’s bothering yo-’’
’’Did you study Eren’s file?’’ he asked out of the blue. You sighed and took another cigarette out and placed it in your mouth.
’’Not yet. Tonight I plan on looking over it. Why? Wanna tell me something about him that might help me in writing his profile?’’
Jean shook his head and took a puff out of his cigarette.
’’Once you look over it, after you read our statements  about him that are also included there, before writing any report, I want you to tell me something that might help me.’’ you raised a brow in confusion but he wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was staring straight ahead at the city covered in the red light of the sunset.
’’Who do you think will hesitate when shooting? Us or Eren ?’’
You ran a hand through your hair and looked at the city too. As the night approached, it suddenly looked more dangerous.
‘Who indeed…?’ . . . . . Before leaving you stopped by Hange’s office to drop some of the work you completed for the day. Moblit, her assistant, the guy who you knew for a fact was the only one besides Levi to be able to control your workaholic Director, was trying to force feed her some pizza while she insisted that she had to look over some DNA samples found at a random crime scene.
’’M’am, I know you worked in the lab for most of your life but now you should be dealing only with the work Erwin had to do when he had your position. He didn't try to be in ten places at once! Come on, eat this slice. You didn't eat all day! Do I really have to message Levi right now? You know he always gets pissed when you act like this.’’
When Hange noticed you at the door she took the opportunity and sprinted to the lab leaving a stressed Moblit behind who was still holding a pizza slice in his right hand staring at you in disbelief . Poor man. You placed your work on Hange’s desk and eyed Moblit and then the pizza. You smiled like a cunning, old, hungry dog.
’’I’ll call The Captain for you if you give me two slices of that pizza. Deal?’’ Moblit sighed. ’’Deal.’’
So there you were now, walking out of the building towards your car, while happily munching on your pizza slice. You planned on eating the other one at home, later, if you’d get hungry while working late. You entered your car and threw your stuff on the passenger seat. You started the engine and drove home while listening to the radio. Weirdly enough there was a radio podcast about astrology. You found it weird because this type of podcast would usually be broadcast in the morning. When you heard your zodiac sign being mentioned you couldn’t help but pay a little attention. You were curious afterall and maybe some luck was ahead of you. ’You never know.’
’’As I said John, the (your zodiac) sign should really be careful about what they say and do...The ruler of divine punishment, Jupiter seems to have entered a rare conjunction. The past is catching up to them and it looks like they can’t run away from certain confrontations anymore. It could be with someone else or maybe with themselves. Also, it would be especially good to avoid Fire Signs around this time for (your zodiac), as all three, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are chaos bringers in this Jupiter conjunction. So you heard me? Don’t try to dig into anything too much these days...You might just bury yourself.’’
You started laughing.
’’Pfft, yeah right... What a load of crap.’’ you said displeased as you turn off the radio.
You finally reach home. After you park and lock your car you enter your apartment building and as always you take the elevator, too lazy to drag your tired body on the stairs. You only think about soaking yourself in a warm bath as soon as possible. You might even use the new bubble bath stuff you got last week. ’Yeah, I think I will do just that. My body aches everywhere anyway, I need some relaxation.’
So immediately after you unlocked your door, you dropped your stuff, and went straight to the bathroom to turn on the warm water. Hell, you might’ve even skipped on the way as you were so happy to finally just have a moment of forgetting everything about anything and just indulge in the warmth and the nice smell of a warm bath.
So happy that you didn’t even bother to turn on the light in the living room.
Because if you did, you would have noticed Eren Yeager, sitting on your couch with a gun by his side.
You looked at Eren. You looked at the gun. You looked at the gun. You looked at Eren.
There were many things you wanted to say in that moment but strangely enough a rather unusual question was bothering you more than anything.
’’You never mentioned your birthday,’’ you said not believing you were actually asking this out of all things, ’’not that you forgot to mention things like your name or the fact that you’re right now, probably the most wanted criminal in the...world ...ha ha ....but who keeps track, am I right?’’ you laughed nervously.
’’My birthday..?’’ he asked while watching you suspiciously but calm at the same time. ’’Why?’’
You kept your distance. Your position was stiff and you couldn’t help but be surprised that he was right in front of you. In your house ...again...in less than 24h. Why in Isayama’s name was he here?
’’Nothing important really...Just something silly.’’ again, you let out a nervous laugh. You were in trouble and you didn’t have your fucking gun on you and your phone was in the bag.
Eren let out a sigh and shook his head.
’’Hm, shouldn’t you, miss profiler, know that about me already?’’ He placed his hands behind his head and leaned deeper on one of the back pillows. His position was relaxed but something told you to not risk going for the gun. It might even be a trap anyway.
’’March, 30.’’ he surprisingly answered after a short silence.
‘March...Weren’t Pisces in March? Nah, this man ain’t no Pisces...Too unhinged...What’s next...Oh.’ you closed your eyes in frustration, ’... Aries.’
’’Great, freaking Fire Sign. Of course you are.'’
You weren’t sure if you should listen to that type of radio podcast more often or 
never again.
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when you find out your signs are not the greatest match ever 
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sorryimanon · 4 years
A Bit Stir Crazy: Pt 1
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Summary: You’re bit of a hot head, so is Bakugou. So what happens when the two of you have to quarantine together for 30 days?
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex, sexual tension, inevitable smut, slow burn.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader
Spring finally makes it way to the city of Musutafu, which also means spring break is about to commence. There was only two days left of school before the students endure a week break of relaxation and the possibility of illegal drinking. However, the sudden outbreak of a deadly virus isolates you and your best friend of five years , Katsuki Bakugou, to quarantine together. Tensions are high, and so are both of your sex drive.
It was your second semester here at Hero University, and so far everything was smooth sailing. You’ve been on top of each of your classes, and most of your classmates are pretty much family by now. Of course, no one can replace Kirishima and Katsuki. Those two have been in your life since the second you stepped into Aziwa’s classroom. 5 years of friendship gave them the role of being your protective brothers. Every guy you’ve dated over the past 3 years had to face the wrath of both Kirishima and Katsuki. In most cases, some would find this possessiveness tedious, but you found it quite comforting knowing they are looking out for you. They were also hard on you and your studies, but only because they care for you. Both of them know about your dream of being a combat medic for pro-heroes, considering your energy restoration quirk, so they were extra tough on you.
However, everything came to a halt the day before spring break. You were currently in Advanced Hero History class when the announcement happened. The teacher, mid lecture, put her textbook down and glanced at the speaker above the door.
“Testing...1 2 3... this thing is working right? AHEM, attention students of Hero University, we’ve been told there’s recently been a sudden outbreak of a virus that’s described as deadly as the plaque!” The speakers voice reverberated across the whole academy. He continued,” We want to make sure that everyone is safe and sound and takes precaution of this virus. The board of admissions at HU have decided to cancel classes and all events at the university tomorrow-”
You didn’t get to hear the rest of the announcement. Everyone in the classroom was busy celebrating and screaming at the top of their lungs. Seems like the issue with the deadly virus evaporated immediately. The thought of getting out early for spring break was more important apparently.
Ms.Leech informed the class to still read the assigned chapters and be ready for a test the first day after break.
You quickly shoved everything your messenger bag and made a beeline to the door. The hallways were far from deserted. Usually classes don’t get out at the same time, but today every student occupied the cramped halls in the building.
“Y/N!” Someone yelled amidst the crowd of loud students. You overtly looked around and spotted the all too familiar spiky red hair and angry looking blonde by the exit. You giggled and maneuvered your way over to them.
“Did you hear the announcement! We get an early spring break!” Kirishima giddily said as you guys all walked side by side on the strip to the apartment complex.
“No shit Sherlock, the announcement was broadcasted across the whole school.” Bakugou responded while rolling his eyes.
“I’m so excited though! That means I have more time to study for my exams!” You jumped with excitement.
“Exams? That’s not for awhile you fucking nerd-” Bakugou was cut off when you grabbed a handful of his hair and aggressively pulled it. “YOU SHITTY WOMAN DON’T TOUCH MY HAIR!”
Spring break flashed by quickly, leaving only a day left before classes begin again. Thankfully, you seem to have checked everything off your list of things  needed to be accomplished during break. The only thing you had left to do was finish your reading for adv.hero history. 
After an endless hour of reading, you decided to make a hot pot of coffee. When you walked into the kitchen of your shared apartment with Kirishima and Katsuki, you noticed a sticky note hanging from the fridge.
It read, 
Went to go pick up Kirishima from the airport. Get take out plz. The usual
You smiled and immediately dialed the noodle shop to go. Kirishima used his spring break wisely and went to visit an exotic island with his family. He would FaceTime you and Bakugo occasionally telling funny stories about his time on the island. Although the thought never occurred at the time, you now felt like you wasted your spring break doing boring mundane things. Yes you had Katsuki to accompany you, but he was gone most of the time hanging out with his other friends. Which hurt, granted, but you understand that he has other friends besides you. Needless to say, you didn’t do that much “relaxation” during spring break.
Suddenly, your phone started going off on the countertop. Katsuki’s name flashing on the screen. Confused, you answered his call anyway, not thinking much of it.
“Y/N turn on the news now,” His said with urgency.
You didn’t argue back, knowing something is off, and raced to the living room. The tv was already on, so you just changed the channels till it reached the local news station. With the volume at its maximum, you sat still and listened to the news anchor.
“This just in, Japan has issued a nationwide lockdown due to the spread of the deadly virus. We’ve been told to report for all citizens to please stay in your homes till further notice. And as for anyone who has left the country, you’ll be permitted to stay within the country you’ve flown to and wait till further instructions...”
Oh shit
“Hey hey guys don’t worry I’ll be fine. I mean, isn’t this great news! We don’t have to go to our scheduled classes till further notice! Plus, I think I can score my shot with the maid here at my hotel for the time being,” Kirishima gloated with pure positivity.
“Baka. You do realize there’s a fucking virus going around right? Not to mention there’s a possibility you could die from it.” Bakugou said, trying to throw some common sense at Kiri.
“Right right right. Yes I do know...but that’s not going to stop me from getting laid bro.”
That was one of the few FaceTime calls you got from Kiri. After the third, he stopped calling all together. You grew worrisome for your best friend. Even though he doesn’t show it, Bakugou was worried sick not hearing from Kiri either.
It’s been 5 days since the initial lockdown. So far, you and Bakugou have been doing each of your usual routines at home. First thing in the morning you always prepared breakfast and read a few chapters from your current book. Bakugo did laundry duty and did the dishes after breakfast. Afternoon was just recreational duties. Both you and Bakugou would reside in your rooms doing whatever to ease off the bordem. Evenings were mainly for eating dinner and watching movies.
However, after 10 days, you couldn’t keep up with the routine anymore. You skipped breakfast and didn’t dare to open up another book. Your bedroom became a reminder on how much you’ve spent cooped up in there. Not to mention how easily angered you’ve become.
One day you got angry at how Bakugou was chewing his food. Usually it never irritated you, but now the sight just made your blood boil.
“Who the fuck taught you how to eat?” You spat abruptly.
“Says the person who forgets to clean the tub after they shave their whole entire jungle of a body,” he retored back.
A faint gasp left your mouth, uaware that you completely forgot to clean the tub last night after your feminine duties.
“Don’t know who you’re trying to look presentable for. It’s not like you got a boyfriend, not with all that hair, tch.” he hit you with one last punch to the gut.
You got up from where you were sitting at and begrudgingly walked to your bedroom, locking it in the process. Not daring to leave your room, you open your laptop and started a movie without Bakugou.
Out of all days, day 15 by far was the worst. The air conditioner unit stopped working, causing y’all to wake up with drenched bodies. Your room especially was humid, since you had no access to a window. The colored coordinated folders from your book bag had to suffice, using them as makeshift fans. Eventually your arms grew tired of constantly doing the same motion repeatedly, so you finally left your room in hopes for the living room to be much cooler.
You stopped immediately when you caught a glimpse of Bakugou slumped on the L-shaped couch. Not to mention, he was shirtless as well. Heat flushed to your cheeks, making you glow a crimson red. You couldn’t stop staring at the view in front of you. Yes you’ve seen Bakugou shirtless before. Countless of times in fact. The boys would practically walk naked around the apartment, not caring about how you’d react. You were deemed as one of the guys.
But this time it triggered something within you. Something you haven’t quite felt in a long time. Maybe it was the quarantine getting to your head, but you couldn’t help but to wonder how it would feel to be flushed against his naked chest right now. Or if he was the type to snake his hands around your waist and pull you even closer. The thought excited you for a second, but quickly realized this was Katsuki you were thinking about.
Katsuki shifted uncomfortably in his spot, eliciting a whimper during the process. The noise alone made your lower stomach tense with a warm sensation. This was creepy. Watching Bakugou shirtless while sleeping would surly make him go ballistic, but the sight of sweat glistening on his abdomen made his abs more prominent. An image of you being underneath him kept flashing in your head like picture show. A crude and undeniably satisfying picture show. More explicit thoughts kept trying to barge into your brain. So, you ran back into your room and planted yourself headfirst on the floor. Hopefully these thoughts will go away by tomorrow
The thoughts never went away. In fact, they were the reason you didn’t get any sleep last night. A half naked Bakugou Katsuki kept interrupting your innocent dreams, filling them in with dirty scenarios involving the both of you. You knew you were fucked once you heard the faint sound of Katsukis footsteps in the kitchen. You’ve been up all night, with no pure dream in mind. There’s no saving your sleep schedule now. Maybe if you apologize to Katsuki for acting irrational the other day, the thoughts would go away.
Defeated, you got up from your comfortable bed and treaded into unsafe territory. There sat Bakugo, criss cross on the kitchen island eating cereal. It wasn’t an unusual sight, he was the embodiment of a fucking cat.
“Morning shit head,” you playfully teased.
Bakugou raised his head and looked expectingly at you.
Even just looking him dead in the eye raised the temperature throughout your body. This is going to be a nightmare.
“You alright Y/N? Your whole face is flushed...” He paused, eyeing you suspiciously. “You’re not sick are you? If so, I’m kicking you out. I don’t wanna fucking die because of you”.
How charming.
You scratched the back of your neck. “Uh no Katsuki, I just wanted to apologize for the other day. My behavior towards you was unacceptable. This whole quarantine thing has really made me-”
“Shut up. No need to apologize for some stupid quarrel we got into. Besides, we’ve gotten into worse arguments right?” 
You nodded your head, agreeing to how truthful his statement was. It was true. 5 years of friendship and not one time have you guys stopped being friends because of a heated argument. 
“Exactly, don’t sweat about it. I’m just glad you finally came out of your hole. I missed my movie buddy.” He gave you a lopsided grin, to which on cue, your stomach tied itself into a knot.
“Great, because I found a movie last night on my queue that I think you’d like” You beamed as you started making yourself a bowl cereal. Katsuki grunted as a response and leaped off from the island. 
You were too busy focusing on making the cereal that you didn’t hear the faint thump of footsteps behind you. Then, almost as some sort of harsh punishment, Katsuki rested his head between your right shoulder blade. He hummed once he felt your body tense up. His lips were merely inches away from your outer ear. Any other movement from him and you wouldn’t hesitate to throw the gallon of milk at his head. But what he said next caused your whole face to turn pallid. 
“Also, its kind of rude to watch someone sleeping don't cha think?” he whispered before throwing his bowl into the sink beside you. 
At that moment you knew, you were completely fucked. 
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Two
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
a/n: not proofread fam, I didn’t have the strength. 
It took Harry nearly an hour to get you to calm down after you said goodbye to your grandmother at the airport. You cried the entire car ride home, and you cried for a while at home. He chalked some of it up to your hormones, but he also knew it was just hard for you to say goodbye to her.
“It really was a nice visit. I’m glad she got to stay with us.” You say to him as you lay on top of him on the sofa.
“Me too, she’s a hoot.” He rubs your back up and down. He was happy you weren’t crying anymore. “She’ll be back soon enough. She wants to go dress shoppin’ with yeh remember?”
“I know, but I don’t want her spending the money coming up for every little thing. Like if she comes up for that, she probably won’t come for the bridal shower…” You sigh.
“You both will just have to decide what’s most important.”
“I’ll definitely need her for the dress shopping. It’ll be bad enough with my mom and sisters judging every little thing I might like. Rachel’s the best at picking things out. I’d rather just go with the girls and Nannie.”
“So you should do that. Listen, this is supposed to be fun for us. Don’t worry about other people, do things the way you want to do them.”
“I suppose with Erica doing it all before me, there are things my mom can get out of her system. We’re going dress shopping with her next month. I feel like I’m about to get really busy. El said she wants her bridal party to pick out their dresses soon. And I have class…”
“Take a deep breath. You’ll get overwhelmed if you think about too much at once.”
“You’re right, sorry.”
“S’okay, I know it can be easy to get stressed out. At least we have the whole day off together today. What do you feel like doin’?”
“I’d like to have sex, but my period is really bad…”
“We could-“
“Harry, I don’t think a shower could even help right now.” You groan. “I could suck you off.”
“It’s only fun if I get to reciprocate.”
“Not true.” You scooch down his body. “Now I kinda really want it anyways.”
“Oh you do?”
You get between his legs and unzip his shorts. You kiss on his lower stomach as you palm him through his boxers. He runs a hand through your hair, as you continue. You tug everything down just enough to get his hard dick out. You spit into your right hand to stroke him for a bit, running your thumb across his tip. Harry’s breath hitches and his head rolls back. You continue to pump him while your lips wrap around his tip.
“Ugh, fuck me.” He groans, and you can’t help but smirk when you look up at him. “Wipe that look off your face, now.”
Your mouth falls open and he pushes your head down further on him. You take the hint and swirl your tongue around him. His hips thrust up and you feel him hit the back of your throat. You choke on him for a moment and you feel tears prick at your eyes. But you work through it, and swallow.
“Shit, ngh.”
You loved hearing home moan like this, it only made you want to work harder for him. You bob your head up and down, really making a mess of it. You look back up at him, trying to give him innocent eyes as you spit trailed down your chin.
“Y/N.” He breathes as he looks at you.
You pop off him just for a moment to pump him. Your other hand rests on his hip and you give it a squeeze. Your mouth goes back down on him, and you both groan.
“That’s it, baby, that’s so good, fuck.”
You cradle his balls as you suck on him, and he comes into your mouth. You continue to suck until you’ve gotten every last drop into your mouth. You sit up and wipe the corners of your mouth and tuck him back into his pants. He watches as you get up to go to the kitchen. He knew you were going to rinse your mouth out like you always did. You come back to him, and lay in your spot on top of him like you were.
“You’re so fuckin’ good at that, thank you.” He kisses your forehead and you practically purr in his arms. There was nothing like a forehead kiss.
“My pleasure, babe.”
“Wanna go out to dinner tonight? You and I haven’t been able to celebrate just the two of us yet.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot actually. Can we get Italian?”
“We can get whatever you want, my angel.” You nuzzle further into his chest and enjoy the smell of his cologne.
After falling asleep on top of him, you wake up to the feeling of being carried to your bedroom.
“Harry?” You mumble.
“Sorry, I needed a wee, and so I thought I’d just set you down in here.”
“That’s okay.” You yawn as he puts you down on the bed. “Probably shouldn’t sleep the day away.”
He uses the toilet and comes back to sit next to you.
“But being lazy once in a while is nice, isn’t it? I feel like we had this crazy busy summer, it’s nice to just relax.”
“How do you see things at the studio now that all the kids are back in school?”
“Everyone and their brother wants a fall photoshoot. The leaves are going to peak soon, so everyone wants these like harvest style pictures. Plus, we’re already starting on holiday photos. Mariah suggested doing Santa Sessions, so we’re gonna get those booked out soon.”
“Are you going to have Santa there?”
“No, it’s more like decorations, the backdrop would look like his workshop, stuff like that. I don’t know, it’s her project.” He shrugs. “Either way, we’re stayin’ busy, and that’s the most important thing.” You nod.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower before we go out later. I need to wake up.”
“How come you’re so tired, baby?” He rubs your back.
“Think it’s just my period, makes me exhausted sometimes.”
“I’m gonna take Buster out for a walk then.”
You get into the shower and stand there for a few minutes. You shave your legs and anywhere else you feel like you need to, and get out. You blow dry your hair and throw some curls in. You walk out into the living room in your towel, with your underwear on of course. Harry wasn’t back yet, and it was raining outside.
You grab your phone and call him. He doesn’t answer.
“What the…”
You race back to the bedroom and throw some sweats on. You slip on your sneakers and grab an umbrella and out the door you go. You’re not sure where to go at first, but you walk the usual route you and Harry always take Buster. It was absolutely pouring. You were starting to get nervous. You squint as you see a figure walking towards you.
“Harry!” You gasp and run down the street to cover him with the umbrella, not that it mattered now. His eyes were puffy and red and his head was hanging. “Wh…where’s Buster?”
“I don’t know.” You both turn to walk towards the parking garage. “He heard some thunder and slipped away from me. I ran after him and called for him, but…he just got away from me.”
“Oh no! Well, we have to find him!”
“I know!”
“Don’t yell at me!”
“I’m not!”
You both get into his car, and start driving around.
“Jesus, it’s gonna get dark soon. My poor baby.” You start tearing up.
“He never runs away. The one time I have a slightly loose grip on the leash-“
“You can’t blame yourself, it was an accident. We just need to find him before it gets dark. I’m going to text Niall to see if he’ll wait outside our building. Maybe he’ll come back.”
“Good idea.”
“Harry, drive towards the park near the studio, it’s not that far from here and he’s used to going there.”
Your entire body was shaking. You didn’t know what you would do if your little boy was lost forever.
“Y/N! There by that tree! Think that’s him?!”
“It could be! Let me get out.”
You basically jump out of the moving car and run towards the large tree in the park.
He looks up at you, but doesn’t come towards you. He’s whimpering where he sits, frightened by the cold and the thunder.
“Baby, it’s me! It’s mumma! Don’t be scared.” You slowly approach him and stick your hand out. Harry runs toward you both after parking the car. “See, it’s daddy too! Nothing to be scared of.”
“I think his leg is hurt…”
“Oh my god, I think you’re right!”
Harry approaches him and picks him. He’s soaked, but right now it didn’t matter.
“Babe, sit in the back with him, I have a blanket in the trunk we can wrap around him.”
Harry gets him in the car while you grab the blanket. You wrap it around him and try to comfort him.
“I’m gonna drive to the vet.” You hum your response as you continue to try to calm Buster down.
“Do you think a car hit him?”
“I have no idea…maybe he slipped? Can a dog roll its ankle?”
“I guess we’ll find out.”
Harry gets you all to the vet, and carries Buster inside. You check him in and they’re able to take him right away due to the emergency. You’re told to wait in the waiting room. Harry keeps pacing back and forth, his nerves were shot.
“Mr. and Mrs. Styles?” A nurse comes out. You think to correct her, but now isn’t the time.
“Yes?” You say standing up. Harry also notices you don’t correct her, and for a second he feels a little better.
“Come on back with me.” She smiles.
You take Harry’s hand and follow her to where Buster was. You hear him yip, it was like he was good as new.
“We had to put a brace on his back left leg. He has a slight sprain. We’re not entirely sure how. It didn’t look like he was hit by anything, he could have slipped and fell the wrong way. We gave him a shot to numb the pain as well.”
“Oh, thank you.” You throw your arms around him and he licks your cheek. “Mumma was so scared.” You kiss him a ton. Harry pats his back and gives him kisses too. “Don’t you ever run away from your daddy again, do you under stand me?”
“Miss…he’s a dog…not a small child.” She says with a blank expression. You turn to look at her slowly. Before you can say anything, Harry does.
“Listen, I’m sure you have to deal with stupid people all day, but this dog is our child at the moment, so if my fiancé wants to give him a stern talkin’ to for running away from me, then she will, and you can just keep your mouth shut, yeah?”
“Right.” She coughs nervously. “So, here’s his prescription, and some details on how to help his leg. You can check out up front, we’ll want to see him for a follow up.”
Harry takes the papers from her, and sets him down on the floor. He has a slight limp, but he’s able to walk. You practically white knuckle his leash as you lead him back to the lobby. They give you the medicine Buster will need, and out the door you go. You sit in the back with him again.
“Thanks for the backup in there.”
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t let some stranger disrespect you like that. I don’t care how silly she thought it was. He was bad runnin’ from me, even if he was scared, and he should know it.”
“We should stay in with him tonight, we have plenty of leftovers we can have for dinner.”
“I was thinkin’ the same thing. We need to get his leg on a pillow.”
You had texted Niall earlier to let him know Buster was found and safe. Harry gets Buster up to the apartment. You drag his dog bed over near the sofa and put some extra pillows in there.
“I need to go change, my clothes are still soaked.”
You nod at him as he walks down the hall. If the situation wasn’t so serious you might have joked about how sexy he looked, but maybe you were save that for some pillow talk later. He comes back out a few minutes later and looks at you.
“Do you even feel like eating?” He asks.
“No, I’m sick to my stomach.”
“Me too.”
You both sit on the sofa and sigh.
“I’m very upset with him.” You say. “But I’m glad we found him before it got dark out.”
“I just feel so stupid for letiin’ him get away in the first place.”
“Harry, it’s not your fault. Accidents happen. He knows not to run away, we trained him right.”
“It was like everything happened in slow motion too. As soon as I heard the thunder we looked at each other and I knew he was gonna do somethin’.” Buster looks up at Harry. “Yeah, I’m talkin’ about you, bub.” Harry leans down and pats his head.
“I’m gonna go make us a little food.”
“Thought you were sick to your stomach.” He smirks.
“I’ve calmed down a bit. He’s here with us now, that’s all that matters.”
“Alright, well in that case, I’d love some kugel please.”
“You got it.” You stand up and kiss his forehead.
You go into the kitchen and make up a couple of plates. Harry thanks you when you come back out.
“Do you feel like watching a movie?” You ask him.
“Sure! What did you have in mind?”
“You should pick, we always watch what I wanna watch.”
Harry smiles and flips through the different options of movies on the various platforms you both paid for.
“Oh! How about When Harry Met Sally?”
“Yeah! You know I’ve never seen it, but I’ve always wanted to.” Harry’s jaw drops. “What?”
“The Film Studies minor slash Film Club president has never seen When Harry Met Sally?”
“Romantic Comedies isn’t exactly a genre you study extensively, although, I know this film set a precedent.”
“I wish more were like it, to be honest. So do you feel like watchin’ it?”
“Definitely, now’s a good a time as any.”
“This is one of my all-time favorites, Y/N, I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will. I love Billy Crystal.”
He starts the movie as you both continue to eat. When you’re both done he sets the plates on the side table, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close to him. Both of you put your feet up on the ottoman.
“It’s like we’re on a little date, isn’t it?” He asks you.
“Mhm.” You smile and snuggle in closer.
“Now that my weekends are freeing up, I wanna make more time for dates. I wanna take you to the movies, and go out for drinks.”
“So you essentially want to establish a date night?”
“That sounds so…boring when you say it like that, but yeah. We both always have so much going on, I just want to make sure we make time for this.”
“Me too, Harry. We can definitely have a date night.” You squint at the TV. “Wait, so what’s happening, why are they driving together?”
“So, they both just graduated from college, and he’s dating Sally’s friend. They both needed to go to New York, so she told Harry to drive with Sally.”
“Ah, okay. And that’s how they met.”
“They meet multiple times, they keep findin’ each other over the years.”
“Aww, that’s so cute!”
You both enjoy the rest of the movie. You tear up a bit when they fight and then hug it out. You can’t help but laugh a little towards the end when Sally tells Harry how much she hates him, and then they kiss. It reminded you a little of 10 Things I Hate About You.
“What did you think?” Harry asks yawning as the credits roll.
“I really liked it! I can see where a lot of other films took things from. It had a really good pace too, like I never felt bored.”
“I’m so glad to hear you say that.” He says with relief. “I feel like I kept watchin’ you to see your reactions.”
“I know you were.” You both laugh. “Do you think we should let him sleep with us tonight? If he whines in the middle of the night for his medicine I wanna be able to hear him.”
“Good idea, yeah, he can come in with us.”
Harry picks Buster up and carried him to your room. You do your nightly routine and get into bed. Buster lays at the both of your feet and falls asleep quickly. He must be exhausted from the entire ordeal. You knew you and Harry both were.
“Who’s he goin’ to work with tomorrow?” He asks he climbs into bed with you. “I’d take him, but somethin’ tells me he’s gonna want his mum.”
“I was thinking the same thing. I don’t have many meetings, so he’ll be fine with me.”
You both kiss goodnight, and snuggle up to fall asleep.
Buster was able to walk, but not for long period of time, so Harry makes sure to help get him into your car. You didn’t carpool on Tuesdays because you saw Dr. Mara right after work. Once you get Buster up to your office, you give him some medicine.
“Mornin’, here’s your…aww poor thing, look at him.” He hands you your coffee.
“I know, he scared us so bad. I’m just glad we found him and he’s safe. It’s only a sprain, so if we do everything right he should be back to normal in a few weeks.”
“Well that’s good at least. Why’d he run from Harry again?”
“The thunder from the storm yesterday scared him. I think it was too loud for him.” Niall nods.
“So, I’ve just been told we have a meeting this morning, like now, in the conference room.”
“Are you serious?” You groan. “I haven’t even gotten settled.”
“I think it’s quick, Sharon said we don’t even need our laptops.”
“Okay.” You sigh. “C’mon, Buster.”
He gets up slowly and follows you and Niall down to the conference room.
“Oh my gosh!”
Everyone from your division was there smiling at you, and there were bagels and doughnuts out on the table.
“What is all this?”
“Niall told us all yesterday that you got engaged so we wanted to celebrate with you!” Trish says.
“This is so sweet! Thank you all so much.” You look at Niall. “You’re too good to me, thank you.” You both hug.
“And I got that lox you like too.” He points to it.
“What a treat! I’m glad I had a really light breakfast this morning.”
Niall splits a bagel with you, and put some lox and cream cheese on it. You show everyone your ring, tell them how Harry proposed and showed off a few pictures. They each give Buster a little loving as well, and he soaked it up.
Eventually you go to your office, after thanking everyone for the millionth time, and get some work done. You had a ton of emails to catch up on, and a couple of projects that needed to get started. You weren’t even hungry when lunch rolled around, so you just hung out with Buster in Niall’s office.
“Our new intern starts tomorrow.” He tells you.
“Oh? And what’s their specialty?”
“Once again, we have a social media/video editor. His name is Zach, and he’s a senior. He actually goes to where you went.”
“Oh, really? Well that’ll be fun. Maybe I could be like a mentor or something.” You shrug.
“We having a meeting with him tomorrow morning. I guess we have him all day on Mondays and Wednesdays.”
“Didn’t the school year already start? Why is he just coming to us now?”
“That was on our end, HR took forever to get everything processed.”
“Awesome.” You scoff. “Well, at least he’ll actually be able to get work done being here for full days.”
“Yeah, definitely. Hopefully this one won’t have a crush on you.” He laughs.
“Stop it.” You groan. “I never want to think about Matt ever again. You know I ran into him months ago at the bar? It was when we went out for Sarah’s birthday.”
“Oh you mean the night none of you wore bras and you got that bartender’s number?”
“Yup.” You sigh. “And it wasn’t like I asked for the guy’s number.”
“I know, I’m just givin’ yeh a tough time.” He chuckles.
You period ended Wednesday morning, which meant you could finally surprise Harry with something he had wanted for a long time, but you had to wait the entire work day to give it to him. Around 9AM you had your meeting with Niall and Zach. Buster was being very needy with you, and at on the floor between your legs with his head in your lap.
“He really is just like his father, huh?”
“Niall!” You burst out laughing and nudge his arm. “You can’t say stuff like that. What if the intern was here?”
“He’s not here yet.” He laughs.
“Buster’s just not liking the medicine he has to take. I feel so bad, he only wants me. I think Harry feels like a bad father.”
“Don’t all kids want their mum when they don’t feel well?”
“Hi, I’m so sorry I’m late, it took me forever to find parking, and then I had to get all the way up here.”
A young man with short black hair and blue eyes walks in. He looked to be just under six feet. He was wearing a blue button up tucked into some khakis. He looked nice enough. Niall stands up to shake his hand, you do the same. He’s startled when he hears Buster yip.
“S’no problem, Zach. Please have a seat.” Niall says to him.
“Is there a dog in here?” He sits down adjacent to you.
“Yeah, sorry, this is Buster. I bring him to work with me most days, I hope that’s alright.”
“Oh, sure! I love dogs, just didn’t see him.”
“Well, I’m Niall and this is Y/N. We’ll be supervising you this semester. This is basically an intake meeting. We wanna make sure we’re putting you on projects that make sense, and all that.”
“You also go to my alma mater.” You smile.
“Seriously? That’s great! And yeah, I brought my laptop with me, I thought I could show you some of the things I’ve done, if that’s cool.”
“That would be great!” Niall says.
After an hour with Zach, you and Niall show him where he’ll be working, and Niall gets him started on a few things. You liked him so far. He seemed smart and down to business, which is exactly what you were hoping for. Towards the end of the day he knocks on the outside of your door.
“Come on in, Zach.” You smile and he walks in. “Have a seat.” He does so and smiles at you.
“Um, so, I just wanted to say your name sounded a little familiar, and I realized that you founded the very film club that I’m in.”
“Oh my goodness, really?! I’m so happy to hear it still has members.”
“Tons! I also work in our alumni office on campus, and I think it would be really cool if you came to campus and spoke with the current members. Sort of show them that being in a fun club can also help lead to bigger opportunities. We could do an alumni spotlight on you for the magazine.”
“Do you really think that I’m worthy of the alumni magazine?” You scoff. “I get sent that thing in the mail all the time, and it’s always these stories about old people.
“Or random dudes. I think they should feature more women. The director of alumni relations would love this, I think. He’s really nice. Could I at least give him your email?”
“Sure.” You smile. “At any rate, I’d love to come to a film club meeting some time. I could show you all the projects we used to make together.”
“That would be amazing!” He beams. “I can’t wait to tell them. We meet on Thursday nights. This week would be too soon, I assume, but maybe next week you could come?”
“I’d love to.”
He gets up and thanks you for your time before leaving. He was a sweet boy.
You got home before Harry on Wednesdays, which was perfect for what you wanted to put together for him. You get Buster fed and settled before heading into your bedroom. You put on some black lace lingerie and then grab your navy pencil skirt to put on over it. After that you put on the blazer that goes with it, and button it up. You slide your feet into your nude pumps. You go into the bathroom and pin your hair up into a more formal bun. All you’d have to do is take one pin out and it would fall into your waves. You touch up your makeup, and make your way up to the loft.
Harry gets home and kicks his shoes off. Buster carefully trots over to him and Harry lets him lick his hand.
“Hey buddy, where’s mumma?”
“Harry, is that you?”
He looks up towards the loft.
“Could come here for a minute please?”
“Sure thing, one second!” He uses the bathroom quick and then heads up to the loft. His eyes grow wide when he sees you. “Did you have, like, an important meeting today or somethin’?”
“I always do.”
“Wait, you weren’t wearin’ that before you left this mornin’…”
“I always dress like this, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” You wink at him and his eyebrows raise. His lips curl into a grin.
“Is…are we doin’ this?” You nod yes. “Okay, okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Go on.”
“So, um, right, we need to work late tonight…got a big presentation tomorrow.” You try to look as serious as possible.
Harry circles around you and stands right behind you. He dips his head down so his lips are at your ear.
“And what can I do to assist you?” You turn around to face him.
“You know, standing so close to me like that isn’t exactly professional.” You smirk. “I’m your boss after all.”
“Right.” He leans against his desk. “Wouldn’t want anyone to think you play favorites with or anything.” He smirks. “Although, they already think that since I’m the only one you’re nice to.”
“That’s because you’re the only competent person here.”
“You know what I think the real problem is?”
“What’s that?”
“You can come off as uptight.”
“Well…I’m just always stressed.” You shrug. “It’s not easy being the CEO of a large company, you know?”
“I do know. That’s why you hired me, remember? To help make you less stressed, but in all honesty…I don’t think you’re using me to my fullest potential.” He grins.
Harry was amazing you. He had clearly wanted to do this for a while, and you were happy to finally be doing this for him.
“You think so, huh?” You cross your arms. “Enlighten me then, how could I be using you?”
He takes a step forward and uncrosses your arms. He takes one of the buttons on your blazer and twists it between his thumb and index finger.
“You walk around with so much tension in your shoulders. I could rub them for you, but you’d have to take this off…”
“I suppose that would be alright, but I’ll warn you, I don’t have much on underneath.”
“Doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you.”
You nod and unbutton the blazer. Harry pushes it off your shoulders, and he gasps when he sees the black strappy bra that you’re wearing. You fold the blazer and lay it on your desk chair.
“This alright?” You smile.
“When did you get this, it’s really pretty.” You suck your teeth and look at him. “Shit, sorry.” You clears his throat. “Yeah, perfectly fine.”
You turn around and he starts to rub your shoulders. His thumbs knead into the back of your neck and you let out a soft moan.
“Good thing everyone else is gone for the day, or else they might get the wrong idea with noises you’re makin’.”
“Can’t help it, your hands just feel too good. Who knew you had such a gentle touch?”
One of Harry’s hands slides around to the front of your throat.
“And what if I wasn’t so gentle?” Your eyes grow wide, not that he can see. An ache starts to grow between your legs. “Got an answer for me, boss?”
You weren’t sure how to respond. You wanted him to really grip you, make it so you almost couldn’t breathe, but you were slightly scared that if you both got too caught up, you could have a flash. Although, you were almost positive Harry wouldn’t let that happen, so you decide to roll with it.
“I think…I could use a different way to de-stress.” You turn to face him. You put a hand over his and slide it down to the top of one of your breasts.
“I could get fired if HR finds out.”
“Who do you think signs their checks? I decide who gets fired around here, and it certainly isn’t going to be you.”
“Then I’d be happy to give you what you need.”
“And what exactly is that?”
That shit eating grin of his forms, the one where you can really see his dimples. His other arm snakes around your waist and pulls you close to him, so your hips are touching him. He removes his hand that’s on top of your breast to the back of your neck and pulls you to kiss him. You moan as his tongue enters your mouth. He was getting a pretty good taste of you. He lets go of you, and waits for your response.
“Need a little more?”
“A lot more.”
You reach for the pin that’s holding your bun together and take it out. Your hair falls and you shake it out. Harry grabs you by your hips, and bends you over his desk. He hikes your skirt up and he groans when he sees the thong you’re wearing.
“You know, I think it’s a little…naughty of you to have been wearing this underneath your clothes.” You look at him over your shoulder. You give him a look that says, not too hard, and he nods in understanding.
You feel a smack, not necessarily on your ass, but more so right near your center. You mouth oh my god to yourself. You had zero idea he really wanted to do things like this with you. But then again, you weren’t really you and he wasn’t really him. Harry grabs your hips and places a hand on one of your cheeks so he can see his target better. You feel another smack and you gasp. He leans down so he can speak into your ear.
“See, you’re this really strong woman, and I think that’s great. But I think it’s time you’ve been taken down a notch, don’t you?”
You hear him undo his pants, and then you feel him move your thong to the side. He grabs you by the back of your neck and pulls you up. He taps your bottom lip with his index and middle fingers. You take the hint and open up for him, sucking them into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around them and really make a show of it for him. He tracts them and the next thing you know he’s knuckle deep inside you. You loved it when he’d finger you from behind. There was something about the angle he was getting that always felt so good.
“You like that, boss?”
“Yes, please keep doing it.” You groan.
He pumps in and out of you, and you cry out when you feel him under you, lips wrapped around your clit. You claw at his desk as your legs start to shake. All of a sudden he stops and you look at him.
“Didn’t think I was gonna let you come so easily did you?” He raises an eyebrow at you. “You’re always so in control, but not tonight.”
He pushes you back down against the desk so your chest was flush with it. He removes your thong all the way and leaves it around your ankles. He bunches your skirt up around your hips and spreads you apart with his thumbs. He slowly inserts himself into you. As much as he just wanted to be careless and rough, he didn’t want to send you into a frenzy.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He groans once he’s full inside. “So wet for me.” He pulls out and then slams all the way back in.
“Do that again.”
Harry happily obliges and fucks you like that for a few minutes. It was how you had wanted him to fuck you for a long time, and you were happy to be in a place where he could. He was starting to hit you g-spot and it was overwhelming.
“Shit, right there, that’s it!”
He could tell you were close, but he didn’t want you to think you could come yet. He grips the back of your neck with one hand, and squeezes your hip with the other.
“Are you close?”
“You have to ask me if you can come.” He slows down his pace and rocks in and out of you.
“Ask me if you can come.”
“Can I come?!”
“What’s the magic word?”
Harry grins and picks up the pace again. Your moans and groans mixed with the sound of his skin slapping against yours. You come hard around him. He pulls out and comes on your ass. You groan when you feel the heat from it. You hear him zip his pants back up so you stand up and turn to face him. You weren’t sure if the role play was over or not. When you see his features soften and his reassuring smile form on his lips, you know it is.
“C’mere.” He holds his arms out for you, and you nearly trip into him since your panties were still around your ankles. “Whoops, sorry ‘bout that, baby.”
“S’okay.” You giggle as he kisses the top of your head.
“Let’s get you downstairs.” He picks you up bridal styles and carefully brings you down the spiral staircase. “So, to what do I owe this amazing surprise?” He carries you down to the bathroom and sets you down on your feet. He runs a rag under some warm water to clean up where he came on you.
“I just wanted to do something special for you since you proposed, but I couldn’t exactly do this for you while I was on my period…” You wince slightly when he cleans up near your center.
“Sorry…did I slap you too hard?”
“It didn’t feel like it while you were doing it.” You get out of your pencil skirt and Harry helps you get out of your strappy bra. You throw on some of his sweats and go into the kitchen with him. “We should probably take Buster out soon…”
“We can start cookin’ and then take him out. Right buddy?” He yips at Harry and he chuckles. “So…it was okay, all of it?”
“For doing in a role play, yes.” You rub the back of your neck. “But that’s the only scenario I want you talking to me like that, okay?”
“Fair enough.” He shrugs and wraps his arms around you. “Thank you.”
“Did it live up to the fantasy?”
“God, yes. Even more so. That was really cool of you, Y/N.” He kisses you quick. “So, what do you want for dinner? I’ll make whatever you want.”
“I think we have stuff for tacos, I picked up those meatless meat crumbles…”
“Tacos it is then.” He smiles.
“Come on Buster, mummy take you out quick while daddy cooks.” He tries to hide his smirk. “You wanted me to call you that earlier, didn’t you?” You say, crossing your arms.
“What would make you think that?” He asks facetiously and you roll your eyes. “All part of the fantasy, love.”
“What is it with guys and wanting to be called daddy, I really don’t get it. Why would you want me to fuck my father? Or have me picture my father?” You laugh.
“S’not what it’s about…it’s more of just like…a dominance thing. Like I said, it’s just part of the fantasy, I don’t actually want you callin’ me that unless it’s in reference to Buster.”
“Good, because that’s the only way I’m calling you that.” You smirk, and put Buster’s leash on. Harry gets to work on the tacos.
“Wow, Harry! This looks great!”
He had set everything up on the island like a little buffet so you could add all the fixings you wanted. You each eat three soft shell tacos and clean up when you’re done. You were stuffed. You both flop onto the sofa and relax.
“So…Glee?” He says to you.
“You read my mind.”
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yonymii · 4 years
2 arabesques
a/n; this one was hard to write bc I did it while having writers block but I hope it's ok!! I love alisa a lot she is lovely and I would marry her if she was real 🥰🥰😍😁😁 also I got very absorbed like, halfway through so y/ns personality is basically me. yes
wc; 3.9k
warnings; cursing,
genre; fluff, strangers/friends to lovers, romance
pairing; alisa haiba x gn!reader
listen to 2 arabesques here!
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She reminded you of the old paintings of angels you’d seen in art galleries as a child. It was weird, seeing something so ethereal reincarnate as a university student. She didn’t belong here; she belonged on a pedestal, deserved to be adored. But life was unfair, you supposed, and not everyone could experience the excitement of such an elaborate life. Perhaps that was why she was studying fashion modeling in the first place (whatever that was). You’d probably never know. She had absolutely no idea who you were.
By the time you’d stopped daydreaming, your final class of the day was over and everyone had left. Only you were left in the lecture hall, sitting at the very back with your head resting ontop of your arms, the shuffling of the professor packing up his things quickly making tiny little noises at the front of the room. He left, the door swinging shut behind him, but it wasn’t locked. 
It didn’t take you long to pack up, seeing as your laptop hadn’t left your bag in the first place. You swung it over your shoulder after your coat, tucking your hands into the sleeves to protect them from the bite of the wind. It had been snowing when you arrived in the morning, and it took and hour to wake up your fingers to be able to type, let alone write anything. 
The hallways were quiet (as usual; it wasn’t as if anyone wanted to stay in school when they didn’t need to). The little shop on the ground floor had a few students in it, but they were in a hurry to leave too. The large exit doors had obviously been open all day and it was absolutely freezing. You were glad you’d put on your big coat in the morning; it was a long walk back to your apartment and you planned on going to a coffee shop before going there.
It had stopped snowing, but the ground was covered in puddles and your boots and feet got soaked in numbingly cold water as you wandered towards the place you usually studied. It was slowly getting darker as you walked and the sun was lowering itself below the tall line of skyscrapers and apartment blocks when you entered the coffee shop and joined the small queue of teenagers and tired-looking adults ordering their drinks. 
It was quiet inside but you were thankful for the warmth the heaters provided, and the low hum of voices under the music wasn’t unwelcome; you payed for your drink quickly and went to sit at your usual spot, the two-seater table in the corner. There was a small, dim light hanging above your head and it lit the space in a soft, golden glow, unlike the rest of the coffee shop that was lit by streetlamps outside. The moon was hid behind a building, only half of it visible, but you still found yourself staring at it for an unnecessary amount of time. It reminded you of her; your friend’s friend. The girl studying fashion modeling. 
To be quite honest, you didn’t see her that often, so it was a mystery as to why she plagued your mind so often. Apparently, her brother played volleyball for a highschool called Nekoma (albeit not very well), and she was half Russian. Not that it mattered to you, though. You supposed that you’d like her anyway. 
Suddenly, you found yourself snapped out of your little trance by the waiter bringing your mug to the table and setting it down a little too loudly. He walked away quickly, avoiding any sort of contact with you, but you weren’t bothered by it. You were focused on your book so the lack of conversation wasn’t disappointing in the slightest. The bell at the door rung again, and because of the small distraction of your drink arriving you raised your head to see who it was, somewhat begrudgingly, despite it being completely of your own accord.
Your eyes were met with a pair of stark green ones that seemed to go right through you; you shivered, not because they were unfriendly. Admittedly, you knew who she was, but your frank lack of energy made it hard to want to communicate with anyone, and so you pretended not to see her, looking back down at your book and swiftly burying yourself in the pages, as if you were trying to hide from her.
You knew your efforts were futile though. She was almost too nice, and it wasn’t like she knew you were already half-asleep and probably weren’t able to form a coherent sentence. At this point, you weren’t even reading. The words were going right over your head. 
You heard her footsteps before her voice, and you didn’t even need to look up to know she was smiling. “Y/n!”. Too loud. You tried not to wince to noticeably.
“Hey, Alisa,” you managed to spit a greeting out. You weren’t sure what you thought about her at this point. You were tired, and it was late, and you had so many essays due that you doubted you’d get more than an hour of sleep over the next few days. Yeah, sure, you loved her but you were so overwhelmed you didn’t think you’d be able to handle talking to one more person. Emotions were confusing (especially when you considered yourself to be in love, whatever that felt like).
“How have you been?”, her voice was like silk, and you had to wait a moment to process what she was saying. Alisa continued, “I haven’t seen you since last month! How have you been?” she looked down at your book, then at your bag that barely held all the paper assigments from your classes. She laughed (the same laugh that gave you heart palpitations. This  was the reason she wasn’t good for you) “You look busy.”
You laughed (it was sort of forced, but that isn’t the point), “Yeah. School tends to keep you busy,” you paused, adding shakily, “I’m used to it, though. Don’t worry about me!” 
The blonde girl frowned as she watched you panic, your eyes darting everywhere but her. It was hard not to worry when you watch someone you consider a friend fall apart in the back corner of a coffee shop. She tried her best to ignore it though, and as soon as you managed to look back at her she continued the conversation.
“I don’t think we have each other’s numbers yet, y/n. Do you mind exchanging? Maybe we could go out together sometime, since i have to get home and look after Lev,” she sighed, and her eyes closed momentarily, “He’s a bit of a handful. For a fifteen-year-old.”
You didn’t have the energy to feel sorry for her but you let her enter her number into your phone, and she listened attentively when you told her yours to make sure she didn’t get it wrong and end up texting a random stranger to make plans. After you watched her leave, take-out cup of coffee in hand, you lay your head on the darkening pages of your book, ear pressed to the paper. You closed your eyes for a moment and then sat up, breathing deeply as you drank the rest of your tea. You closed your book, tucking it into the bottom of your bag and standing up, patting your coat pocket to check that your phone was still in there. 
It was pitch-black when you stepped outside, and the streetlamps made you squint and cover your eyes with one hand; your apartment wasn’t too far away but it was cold and taxis were easy. You flagged one down and climbed into the back, sitting directly behind the driver (it made you feel safer anyway), and you put in your headphones. 
The drive passed quickly, and as soon as you paid for the journey and exited the car you began to walk briskly up the stairs to your place. Your keys were in the same pocket as your phone, and you pulled them out wearily, pushing the silver one into the lock and turning it till you heard the familiar click. 
The door felt extra heavy tonight, and your bag dropped to the floor just as quickly as you dropped onto your bed. The lights were too bright to turn on but the fairy lights lining the walls were fine; you opted for them as you dropped your thick coat next to your bag and shoes. Closing the window from the freezing cold and switching on the little heater, you crawled into bed and let the warmth envelop you. You fell asleep in mere seconds, ignoring the loud vibrations from your phone carry across the room. 
Most of the time, when you don’t want to reply to someone’s message or call them back, you just pretend to have not read it or noticed in the first place. It was weird, leaving the notification there, just to remind yourself that she texted you first. When you’d exchanged numbers the previous week, you just assumed that you’d be the first one to reach out. That’s how it had been with every other friend you’d made. You weren’t disappointed; in fact, you were grateful. You hated having to initiate conversations, however you still felt bad for not replying. 
It had been five days since Alisa first messaged you, three since the second time, and fifteen minutes since the last. The latest one read ‘I’m coming over. Be about 20 minutes!’. 
You sighed, reading it once more and then turning your brightness down. Just because you hadn’t replied to any of her texts didn’t mean you weren’t ok. The music barely reached your ears since you were buried so deep under your covers, but that was fine. You weren’t really listening to it anyways.
There was a knock at the door. You didn’t think that the person on the other side realised how thin it was, but you definitely heard them sigh and let out a string of curses after you didn’t reply. It was Alisa, but you knew that. Nobody else would want to check in on you. The doorknob rattled and you winced; too loud. It opened, a little quieter this time, and slowly, the covers were peeled off of your figure. Alisa sighed (again. How sick of you could she possibly be? You only got back in touch less that six days ago) and looked down at you with disdain. 
“You need to get up. Have you missed any classes?” you shook you head in response to her questions. You couldn’t miss classes. It’s not as if you found them particularly difficult. Just a little boring, that’s all. 
You closed your eyes, tapping your fingers against the mattress. The blinds had been opened and now the evening light was pouring into your room unfiltered. Alisa grabbed your wrist gently, pulling you up painfully slowly. You groaned, rubbing your eyes and patting her hand to let her know you can sit up on your own. 
You opened your eyes somewhat begrudgingly, squinting from the still too-bright light. Alisa was stood at your small fridge, rifling through whatever food was left in there. She pulled out a half-full bottle of milk and a packet of ham. “Do you not uhh,” she paused, “have any… other kinds of food? Or is your diet limited to milk and ham sandwiches?” 
“I usually get takeout. Or ham sandwiches. Sort of depends how lazy i’m feeling on that day.” She turned and smiled at you, nodded her head back towards the door. “We can go to mine. I have ‘good’ food there. Lev needs feeding anyways.”. You grinned, “I thought Lev was fifteen?” 
“Yeah, but he’s still incompetent. I’ll teach him to cook later, when i’m not taking care of you.”
You looked down at your lap, and then at the pair of shoes on the floor next to your bed. Sliding them on, you stood, looking at Alisa for approval. “You look fine. When was the last time you changed?”
You hesitated, thinking for a moment, “A few hours ago, when i got back from class.” You grabbed the brush on the bedside table and combed through your hair a few times, evening it out from the mess it was a minute ago. “C’mon,” Alisa opened the door, “Don’t forget your keys! I doubt you wanna get locked out, right?”
Alisa’s house was big. She was lucky not to have to live in student accommodation, in all honesty. When you sat down on her large sofa, you heard the voices of two adults nearing. You weren’t sure what to think at this point. You and Alisa barely knew each other, and she’d come to your apartment, dragged you out of bed, invited you into her home where her whole family was. 
“Alisa, darling? Have you brought a friend over?” 
You saw her nod out of the corner of your eye as she made your meal, humming quietly to the tune of the music. There were loud, fast footsteps in the corridor that her parents had exited and looking up, you saw a lanky grey-haired boy with the same stark green eyes as her. He was almost as tall as the ceiling, and when he entered the room he had to duck to get through the threshold. You assumed this was Lev, Alisa’s high school age brother. Volleyball boy. Whatever. He was unimportant, and you were hungry. 
“Ah! Lyovochka! Are your teammates here? Do they want food?” she didn’t look up from the kitchen counter as she spoke but Lev nodded, running back to ask his friends if they wanted food. (He never came back to give any sort of answer, though)
“So!” the sudden appearance of Alisa’s mother was unexpected. She was just as pretty as her daughter, but very obviously older. “What’s your name?”
You stuttered, panicking slightly, avoiding any possible eye contact. You looked to Alisa for help, and caught her gaze as she hurried over, sitting next to you. “This is y/n, mom. We met a while ago but i invited her over for lunch today,” she looked at you and patted your thigh, trying to calm you down slightly, “We might go out to the city later, if that’s okay with them.”
Alisa’s mother raised her eyebrows at your unwillingness to speak; maybe she thought you were being rude, but you didn’t have the capacity to worry about that right now. “Nice to meet you, y/n.” You nodded, slightly dizzy from being so overwhelmed but trying to be as polite as possible nonetheless. Alisa’s dad was stood behind the sofa, a large cup of what you assumed to be tea inbetween his hands. 
Alisa stood and ushered her parents away, towards the door. “Were you going out?” they nodded, grabbing bags and phones on the way out, “We’ll see you later, then!” Her father tried protesting, but Alisa reassured them that Lev was completely fine while you and her were here. 
Once the door was closed, Alisa looked back at you apologetically. “Sorry about them! They can be a little overbearing sometimes.” she gave you a small smile and pulled out two plates. “I think that’s an understatement.” you replied quietly. 
She laughed loudly, earning a smile from you. “I’m glad you’re okay now though.” she looked at you, smile instantly gone from her face. “You are okay, right?” You nodded, and she relaxed, serving your food onto the plates and bringing them round to the coffee table you were sat facing. “It might be a little hot. Wait a bit before you try it.”
You picked up your plate and put it onto your lap, the warmth of it heating your legs, as if the heat of the room wasn’t already enough. Your face felt warm and your hands shook slightly as you reached to pick up the food; you were either hungry or nervous. It was probably best to not think about it too much.
Alisa was staring at the TV that was sat on a polished wooden desk by the wall, her eyes mirroring the images from the screen. From the looks of it, she was watching a documentary on animals in the arctic, probably one you’d seen before. You weren’t looking at it, but the narrator’s voice sounded familiar and when you were little you’d watch stuff like that constantly, sometimes the same one over and over again until you got bored of it then moved on to the next one (which you’d also - metaphorically - beat half to death and then abandon)
After your meal, the two of you were still, to your displeasure, sat it silence. Alisa had turned the show off and was now sat reading a book and you were fiddling with your hands, waiting for her to notice you and let you go home (really, you could leave any moment, but you didn’t want to say anything first). 
You stood up upon hearing Lev shouting from what you assumed was his room, and Alisa’s head immediately snapped up. She checked the time on the clock above the kitchen counter, and gasped, looking at you apologetically. 
“Gosh! Y/n, you should have told me it was so late! I’ll walk you home.”
You shook your head, and the blonde girl in front of you sighed. “Are you sure? It’s getting dark. At least let me call you a taxi, ok?”. You hummed out a noise of approval and she picked up her phone that had been resting precariously on the arm of the sofa. 
As she was speaking to the person on the other end of the line, (a series of yeses followed by her address and then your street. You smiled, tapping your chest and then sliding your arms into the sleeves of your jacket. She opened the door for you and the taxi pulled into her drive as you stepped out of the threshold; you waved at her, thanking her for your stay, and then wandered over to the taxi, sitting in your usual seat (behind the driver) and she only closed the door of her home when the car drove off. Your phone buzzed; ‘text me when you get home safe, ok! -Alisa <3’.    
The next month was January.
The holiday season had passed without you seeing Alisa once, except for in a corner shop once, where you pretended not to see her but ended up being approached anyways. That time there was a pink coating her porcelain skin (you weren’t sure whether it was makeup, the cold or an actual blush, but you opted for the last one to satisfy yourself somewhat).
You sort of wished that you’d been able to spend the holidays with her, though. Sometimes, you found yourself thinking about her unconsciously. It was weird, but you ignored it. Stuff like that seemed like a lot of effort to you, and you were not notorious for being invested in relationships, platonic or romantic. 
You only had one class today, and after that you saw her in the hallways. She’d obviously had a class in the same building of you, and as usual, you pretended not to have seen her. You just kept walking, coffee in hand, eyes on the floor. Again, like the first time you’d really talked, you heard her footsteps approaching and accepted your fate. 
“Y/n! Hey!” she kept walking after you; you buried your face into your scarf and tried to get yourself to stop but it felt like your feet were moving on their own. Why were you ignoring her? You liked her, for god’s sake! You barely knew her, you should be using moments like these to get to know her better! What the hell were you doing?
Her hand landed on your shoulder and pulled you back. By now, the pair of you were outside, and your feet were crunching over newly layed snow. It was coming down thickly, you had to squint to see her properly. She looked tired, and her face was pale in comparison to the pink of the tip of her nose and her ears. It was cold, after all, and she didn’t have a scarf of hat or anything. You wanted to lend her yours; that was what people who were close did, wasn’t it? Why did she look so bedraggled anyway? 
“Y/n, seriously, stop.” 
You frowned, confused. You looked sad? And why would she care anyways? You weren’t close, and you could see her friends looking on from the steps of the building. The snow was catching in her hair and it felt like time had stopped; she really did look unreal. “I didn’t know you cared about me so much, Alisa. We’re not close, and we barely ever talk.”
It looked like she was about to cry. Maybe it was the cold?
“I don’t need a reason to care about you, y/n!” she reached a hand up to rub her eyes, “I can’t seem to stop thinking about you, and it’s driving me crazy!” she pointed to her friends on the steps, “They know it!” she was shouting now, and the wind seemed to whistle even louder in your ears, “Everyone else seems to know i’m in love with you except you! And i’m sorry if i didn’t make it obvious enough for you.”
At this point your brain was going overdrive to process what she’d just told you. You knew you probably looked stupid just standing there and staring at he but what else could you do? This wasn’t exactly how you’d pictured your evening going, and despite receiving confessions before this one felt different; you felt like your heart was on fire. It burned, and you were out of breath despite standing completely still. Alisa reached out and took your freezing cold hand into her own. She was surprisingly warm, and there were tears dripping off of her chin onto her coat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, you probably never felt the same way. Like you said, right? We barely even know each other.”
You stepped forward (again, it felt like you weren’t in control of your own feet) and with the hand Alisa wasn’t holding, cupped her cold cheek. She looked back at you and you could see her friends out of the corner of your eyes chewing the inside of their cheeks. It was embarrassing to say the least, but necessary. Alisa sniffed, and you looked back down at the ground, shaking your head. “No that’s not what i..” you tried to make your voice louder, “I just didn’t expect you to also feel like that.” 
She laughed (it was probably the most beautiful noise you’d ever had the pleasure of hearing) and leaned in so that your foreheads were touching, her pretty smile still adorning her lips. “I’m glad,” she whispered, and the burning of your cheeks felt like a blazing fire across your face. 
“Call me later, ok?” you nodded as she moved her face away, hand leaving yours reluctantly. “We can go out sometime. If it’s uhh.. okay with you, of course.” You giggled, and Alisa waved, her friends running after her (also giggling and patting Alisa’s head in what looked like celebration). It had stopped snowing, and the sun was shining through the clouds in a golden evening glow, lighting up the city marvellously. You decided to walk home today.
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tags; @chqrryvelvet @wissbby
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thestraggletag · 4 years
Three Appointments and a Wedding
AN: Hi, @magicalgiven it is I, your Secret Santa! If I’m not mistaken we are both Argentinians in which case commiserate with me over the fucking hot weather we’ve been having. Because it fucking sucks. It was a pleasure to be your Santa, and I’m sorry this fic didn’t get smutty. I tried to add as much spice at the end as I could. It was challenging but fun because the accidental engagement prompt has been done a lot in the fandom so it was nice to try and put my spin on things. I hope you like it!
Prompt: Accidental engagement and consequences.
Summary: Mr Gold would do anything to help his only son plan his wedding, even if it is getting mistaked for the groom over and over as his crush gets mistaken for the bride. Over and over.
Rating: PG-13
He reminded himself that Bae had been clear about his distaste for a big wedding, and Emma as well. As far as they both were concerned they were better off with a simple civil ceremony and a honeymoon in Florida. But Emma’s parents insisted that their only child, their little princess, marry in style, so something grander was decided upon. He had to admit he hadn’t put up much of a fight. He did not have a lot in common with the Nolans- no matter how much David insisted on treating him like best mates whenever they met- but he did agree with them on the wedding. Bae was his only son and he wished to make a fuss about his wedding as well.
So he couldn’t really say no when Bae called to ask him to please take his place at a catering appointment in Portland. He had been summoned to a surprised meeting with a client that was a rather big to-do at his job. He did something related to web design that he couldn’t for the life of him understand, but it allowed him to work from home most of the time and stay in Storybrooke, so he was glad to be of assistance if he needed it.
He arrived at the catering business with a bit of time to spare, introducing himself and letting the person checking the appointment know he was waiting for someone. Not Miss Swan, because apparently she also had urgent business that could not be delayed- she did work in law enforcement, so there was a small chance she wasn’t lying to get out of “boring wedding stuff” as she kept calling it right in front of her mother and likely to annoy her. He had been told she would send Miss Lucas as a replacement, since she knew her way around a menu. He did not look forward to it, though perhaps he could amuse himself with trying to figure out how to raise the subject of the diner’s rent being due next week over talk of canapes. 
“Mr Gold, you got here before me!”
He turned around, a part of him recognising instantly that charming Australian lilt. He looked slightly down to find Miss Belle French, the town’s librarian as of three years. She was dressed, as always, rather charmingly, and looked less out of place in the city than in their small town. 
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long. The original plan was for Ruby to fill in for Emma, but Granny’s arthritis started acting up so she had to stay and help at the diner. Oh, please don’t tell Granny I told you that or she’ll never forgive me.”
He recalled she was an old friend of Miss Swan’s, from before she came back to Storybrooke, back when she was living in New York as a bit of a rebellion against her parents, doing bounty hunting work of all things. They had been roommates while Miss French went to NYU for her master’s in Library Science and worked at an antique bookstore. He knew only because he knew the bookstore and thought it smart to hold onto that piece of information. Book restoration and re-binding wasn’t his specialty, so it was nice to know of someone he could consult with if the need ever arose.
“Your secret’s safe with me, Miss French. I will even abstain of using the information against Granny the next time she tries to overcharge me for coffee. I hope you understand what a sacrifice that is.”
She laughed and he tried to pretend he didn’t feel overly smug about it, turning instead to open the door for her.
“Oh, Mr Gold, I see your fianceé is here! Lovely to meet the future Mrs Gold.”
He fumbled, his brain too caught up in what had just been said to register the small step on his way. He righted himself just as Miss French stammered a surprised denial.
“Oh, right, I apologise for assuming you would change your name after marriage, Miss Swan. Please, follow me.”
The man, a strongly-accented Frenchman, if his ears did not deceive him, swept past them and deeper into the shop, forcing them both to follow. The back was a rather nice dining area, small but with lots of windows to let in natural light. It was right next to the kitchen, but it still felt private and quiet. They were ushered into a table already prepared for them and served a sample of entrées along with a card detailing the ingredients of each one.
“Well, I suppose it’s an obvious mistake to make, and it would be unkind to correct him, he’d be mortified. I hope you don’t mind playing the would-be groom for a day, Mr Gold. At least we get some nice food out of it.”
“It’ll make a nice change from Granny’s overpriced lasagna.”
She slapped him gently on the arm, trying to conceal her smile, and he was surprised at how nice the gesture felt. Not many people touched him, and less with that sort of uncomplicated ease. He was glad that Miss French felt comfortable around him.
“So, what type of food does Miss Swan enjoy?”
“You should really begin calling her Emma, you know. And me Belle, none of that Miss French nonsense. This is not some nineteenth century pretend engagement, you know. I hope we can consider ourselves a modern pretend couple.” Miss French- Belle- smiled at him over the rim of her water glass before taking a sip. “As for Emma, she likes bar food. If it was up to her we’d serve peanuts and fries for entrées and burgers as the main course. I understand her parents talked her out of it, so perhaps nothing very fancy, but tasteful at the same time.”
He had given up on the day that morning, thinking it would be spent trying to make awkward conversation with a confrontational Miss Lucas, glaring daggers at him from across a rather small table because he dared charge rent for the property her grandmother rented from him. Instead he found himself discussing food and wine with someone he was infinitely more fond of and could not even muster enough grumpiness later in the evening to snark at Bae when he called later at night to thank him for subbing for him.
“It’ll be the last time, pops, I swear.”
The week after the catering appointment Bae called him in a panic to beg him to go for him to the florist appointment, also in Portland. He swallowed a few choice words learned in his youth in Glasgow, closed his shop and drove to the address Bae texted him. He was somewhat less surprised than before to find Miss French there, sitting on a bench outside the shop and reading a book. Something niggled at the back of his head but when he greeted her and they got to explain their presence he realised it made a bit more sense. Miss Swan’s job was a bit emergency-heavy and Miss French was the daughter of a florist, so it made sense to send her as a replacement.
She knew her stuff, as he could tell almost as soon as they set foot into the shop, to the delight of the old, red-haired florist that handled their appointment. The librarian engaged her in a rather interesting discussion on the meaning of flowers and the importance of harmonious scents, something he had never considered before. They spent a rather lovely hour touring the greenhouse and browsing through the catalogues, with Miss French- “Honestly, Arran, it’s Belle, you agreed!”- making a game out of it, picking something and having him guess whether it was a choice for Miss Swan’s wedding or a reflection of personal taste. He learned from it that Belle liked blue as much as her outfits had already implied and that she loved hydrangeas, thought them elegant but soft.
“Too soft for Emma. She likes bold colours and is not fond of traditional flowers, so I was thinking perhaps something with bougainvilleas? They have such lovely deep pink colour, almost red. What do you think?”
It was a bit intoxicating, the smell of the flowers, the heat of the shop and Belle French talking about flowers with a passion that stirred something in him that had nothing to do with centerpieces or boutonnieres. It wasn’t until they were out of it, inhaling the crisp evening Portland air, that he realised the florist had mistaken them for the engaged couple as well, and neither of them had made any effort to correct her. Well, that would’ve been rude, he reasoned. No need to put the old woman in the spot.
The morning of the cake-tasting appointment he had woken up with the knowledge that he was likely to get a “surprise” call from Bae begging him to “fill in” for him at the cake shop, and he could not even bring himself to feel angry about it. The wedding was, after all, a rather rushed affair, seeing as to how it was not what either the bride or groom had planned for, so allowances had to be made for the couple. That or they both were trying to punish their parents for pushing on them a grander event than the one they had wanted in the first place.
On his way out of town he passed by the library, insisting he would drive Miss French who was, surprisingly, filling in for Miss Swan again. She didn’t seem to mind yet another disruption into her schedule.
“I love Storybrooke, but I don’t mind admitting that it’s nice to go out to a big city every now and then.”
The bakery that would make the cake- one of the few that would accommodate the short notice of the order placement- was located in Bangor, which seemed to merge big-city vibes with small-town charm. The bakery itself was lovely, with a white and beige storefront and a myriad of colourful treats on display. It smelled strongly of vanilla and chocolate inside, and there was a dreamy, romantic sort of quality to the decoration. They were ushered into a warm, cosy room where they spent the next hour and a half tasting different cakes, one better than the next.
“Emma is a bit chocolate obsessed, so I’m leaning towards the chocolate champagne one. It was delicious.”
He tried not to replay in his mind the way she had moaned at the first taste of that one, eyes closing in absolute bliss.
“I still can’t believe that little urchin had me fill in for him again, so I’m not even considering his tastes. My vote is for the strawberry shortcake.”
Belle frowned, idly liking some frosting from her fork. His left hand tightened around the napkin on his lap.
“Isn’t Bae allergic to strawberries?”
The librarian laughed, which he was rather surprised by. Very few shared his rather dark sense of humour, most found the content and his delivery of it rather off-putting. He tried not to preen at the idea. 
“Might want to hold on in killing him until after the wedding. After all, we have invested quite a few hours into the preparation already. Feels more like our wedding, in a way.”
He choked on a rather lovely piece of red velvet cheesecake, fumbling for his glass of water to try and wash it down. He realised the danger he was in, all of a sudden, perhaps too late. His crush had been safe when he had not had much of a chance to interact with the librarian and get to know her. But spending entire days with her had changed things, giving his feelings depth that he did not entirely appreciate. His instinct of self-preservation was urging him to do something. Say something mean or cutting, or close himself off. Perhaps invent some business emergency and leave, letting Belle figure out on her own how to get back to town. If she was cross with him, if she hated him, if she decided to keep his distance, he would be safe.
But, surprisingly, he found that he was rather tired of feeling safe, and of pushing people away.
“You know, we didn’t do half-bad in the end, all things considered.”
He turned around, tearing his eyes away from his son and his new wife trying to waltz. He was sure someone was filming it, anyway, and he’d get to tease Bae about it later. Belle looked absolutely stunning in a Halston dress, an architectural number in navy blue with a champagne-coloured lining that peeped from the folds of the skirts and a bit of a train in the back, the hem landing above the knee at the front and below it at the back. It was a far cry from what most women were wearing, in particular the friends of the mother of the bride, but it was exactly what he had expected from her: bold, flirty, and the slightest bit of out place in a small town, without really seeming to realise. Her lips were a lovely deep, dark red and smiling wide. At him, of all people.
“Yes. The flowers do look splendid, Miss French. You have quite an eye for it.”
She hooked her arm through his, looking admonishingly up at him.
“It’s Belle. Unless you’ve decided I cannot call you Arran anymore.”
If he were stronger, he would politely insist on calling her Miss French, thus gently reestablishing their more formal dynamic. It would be safer, certainly. But he found himself unable to muster the energy for it. It was a happy day, and he was ecstatic as the father of the groom should be. Seemed like the occasion to do what he wanted and not necessarily what he thought was best. Indulge a bit.
“Belle, then. I rather like how you pronounce my name, seems a shame to make you stop.”
Her eyes widened, and so did her smile. He tried to remember how many glasses of champagne he had drunk, but could not recall. He had indulged there too, but that was only because he had been sitting next to David Nolan for dinner and he had kept trying to talk to him about sports. He had made the mistake of trying to discuss the UEFA Super Cup, but that had only led to ten minutes of David Nolan referring to football as soccer and displaying no understanding of the rules of the game.
“So, how’s the proud father? Was it all you hoped it would be?”
He looked around. The venue was lovely, a manor outside Storybrooke that was used exclusively for events like weddings and such, with extensive gardens and lovely, broad balconies. The Nolans had secured the place, seemed they knew the owner and had been able to pull some strings. It was decorated a bit like an enchanted forest, in shades of silver, gold and bold touches of bright pink and dark blue.
“Well, Bae remembered his lines and didn’t step on Miss Swan’s train at any point so the wedding has exceeded my wildest expectations.”
He glanced again towards his son, dancing something a bit more lively with Emma and looking infinitely more at ease doing so. They truly suited each other, and he was glad of that. Glad that Bae would know, hopefully, nothing but love in his family he meant to build for himself.
“It’s a lovely song. Would you care to dance?”
A tricky question, since the answer was both a resounding no and a desperate yes, but he merely pointed towards his cane as a way out. It seemed he was not the only one emboldened by drink, however, if Belle’s flashing eyes and red cheeks were anything to go by.
“Oh, come on, just some gentle swaying. We could go outside, if you don’t wish others to see. It’s a bit stuffy in here anyway.”
There was no way for him to deny her, nor did he wish to anymore. He let her lead him out, into one of the terrace-like balconies attached to the ballroom, and wrapped her arms around his neck, prompting his own to wrap around her waist. They soon fell into a slow, easy rhythm, lazy and yet strangely exhilarating. He felt loose and tightly-wound at the same time, and could not decide whether he liked the feeling or not.
“It really is a lovely wedding, by the way.”
“Yes, I think we did rather well, all things considered. Certainly more than what Bae deserved, taking into account how little he worked for it.”
She tugged on his hair, he assumed as a way to chastise him. It had rather the opposite result, sending a jolt of fizzy pleasure up and down his spine.
“You rather enjoyed it, admit it. And I did too. In a way it’s sad that the wedding has happened and our outings are at an end.”
She looked up at him from beneath her lashes, teeth worrying her lower lip the slightest bit. He got the feeling that there was something he was not seeing or sensing, some signal he was not quite deciphering. But it was getting rather difficult to think, with the champagne in his veins, and the feel of Belle in his arms and the way she smelt like orange blossom. 
“You look lovely, by the way.” He realised he hadn’t told her, and it seemed like a major oversight. “Stunning, really. Gorgeous. Too good to be wasting your time out on the balcony with me.”
What the fuck was wrong with him? When had he lost complete control of his bleeding mouth?
“Don’t say that. I like spending time with you. A lot.” She bit her lip again and he wondered if his blood pressure could take it. “Actually, I was hoping we could spend more time together, if you wished it.”
There was no mistaking the flirty turn of her lips, or the coyness dancing in her eyes, even to an expert in self-denial such as him. He tried to form words to reply to her, something along the lines of “Yes, please” or “Is it tomorrow night too soon?” but his vocal cords were suddenly useless, and in a sudden panic that she would interpret his stupid silence for a rejection of her advances he leaned down, pressing his lips against hers. He felt her stiffen in his arms for a second, saw her eyes widen in surprise, but the next moment she was pressing back against him, tipping her head back to better capture his mouth with her own. She took absolute control with a quiet, fierce determination that he found incredibly erotic. He was happy to reciprocate, to tighten his arm around her waist and open his mouth to her, his left hand tightening around the handle of his cane with something that felt like petulant frustration at not being able to simply drop the damned thing hold her properly, perhaps delve a hand into her hair, feel if it was as soft as it always looked. 
She seemed to read his mind, for she maneuvered them clumsily towards the rather tall balustrade. He eagerly leaned against it before dropping his cane in the nick of time to catch the librarian’s leg, which sought to wrap itself around his waist. Her obvious, undisguised want was disarming, making him forget himself in a way he had never allowed himself to-
“Papa, what the fuck?”
Both him and Belle startled, with her regretfully taking a few steps away from him, leaving him to notice the chill in the air. When he glanced at the entrance of the balcony he saw his son and Miss Swan, looking radiant in her Vera Wang dress and also, bizarrely, quite smug.
“Hey, Bae, didn’t see you there.”
His accent barely made the words intelligible, but there was no helping that. He always lost control of his brogue when he was nervous.
“Clearly!” Bae sounded shrill, more child than man. Reminded him of the infamous temper-tantrums the lad had thrown once upon a time. “How could you? At my own wedding?!”
Fuck, he was right. He had been caught fucking making-out and almost doing God-knew-what just a few bloody steps away from his son’s wedding reception. What was the matter with him?
“I mean, why couldn’t you wait? I had almost won the bet!”
“You only had to last until after the wedding! I was so close, pops! And you were doing so well!”
“Yes, yes, it’s all very sad. Now remember, Bae, you promised at least two dances with Regina’s sister. At least she’s unlikely to hit on you at your own wedding, so there’s that.”
Emma smiled up at her new husband, kissed his cheek, turned him around and directed him back towards the ballroom with a not-so-gentle smack in the ass. She smiled, gave Belle a thumbs up and an “atta girl” and walked out of the balcony, closing the French doors behind her.
“What the fuck was that?”
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blue-angel-wings · 4 years
Ez Drabble - Bruised feet and phone numbers.
Warnings: cursing, butchers( I guess idk some people could be vegetarian ���‍♀️), injuries.
Characters: Ez Reyes x Reader (Y/N), Felipe Reyes
Summary: reader is a regular at Felipe’s shop and during a visit meets Ez and ends up with an injured foot. Accidentally.
Author notes: Thank you to all the feedback and likes and reblogs and what not on my last fic. I’m so glad it was so well received, so I’ve given it another go hehe. Also I didn’t really proofread so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
When you first moved from LA to Santo Padre you found the change difficult. LA was busy and there were people everywhere and you grow used to the constant company of strangers. Santo Padre was the complete opposite, quiet and somewhat small. Everybody knew everybody and there wasn’t a town centre full of the same shops. It had cute little shops that sold useless but fun items. There was only one well known drugstore, grocery store, 2 clothing stores maximum and most prominent was the singular butcher.
Felipe Reyes had owned the only butcher shop in town for decades and he had a known clientele. You soon became part of that, despite being a picky eater and quite fussy with your cut of meat, you adored the cute old man that never said much but looked i n a constant state of thought.
It was a Friday night, meaning steak night at the home you shared with your Nana and Cousin. You only worked at the salon across the street from Felipe’s shop so you were tasked with buying the meat for tonight. Not that you minded, you and Felipe had grown close due to your frequent trips after work and during your lunch break. It started as a harmless trip to buy meat but then you got roped into a game of chess one Wednesday evening and then the trips became less about food and more about chatting and losing at chess.
“Good afternoon, Felipe my love.” You called out cheekily to the man behind the counter. He returned the comment with a eye roll and kiss of his teeth but you saw the slight smile that graced his wrinkled face.
“Well if it isn’t Santo Padre’s worst chess player. The usual sweetheart?”
“Oh watch it, I’m getting better just you wait I’ll be rinsing you dry before you know it old man. And yes the usual.” You quipped with a hand placed jokingly on your hip. He chuckled, rounding the counter to give you a hug and kiss to the cheek.
“You would take money from an old man, do you have now manners?”
“Not when it comes to gambling” you shrugged. It was true if money was involved all class your mother forced on you went out the window, you were competitive what could you say?
“The cuts you want is out back, I’ll go get it and don’t steal from the register I may be old but I will hunt you down.” He jokingly threatened whilst turning to head towards the back of the shop. You ignored his comment and turned to look at the stacks of books, none jumping out at you. It wasn’t until you heard a secondary voice at the back of store did you raise your head to see the Adonis of a man enter. He was calling back to Felipe about changing parts in the grinder and didn’t see you, therefore giving you time to check out the body he was seemingly gifted with.
“Yeah pops I’ll flip the sign in the door on my way out, you go home early tonight and I’ll fix it when I-.” Stopping mid sentence to look at the girl at the front of store. Shocked to see anybody there this late in the evening, let alone someone so beautiful.
“Oh.” He fumbled with his words, the box of parts in his hands becoming heavy and his palms starting to sweat. Ez tended to be quiet and reserved but he always had words to say incase spoken to. But in this situation he was rendered speechless. Lost in a trance he didn’t spot that you had waved slightly, then extended a hand to shake as an introduction.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, Felipe is just getting my cuts of meat then I’ll be out of your hair-“
“No don’t- I mean you can go when he gives you the meat, we won’t trap you here.” He chuckled nervously towards the end of his sentence unsure of what to say.
You were kinda taken aback not knowing what to say to that, you quickly moved on asking his name, to which he replied and explained that he was Felipe’s son.
He extended a hand to shake, momentarily forgetting of the box that sat in his hands. Due to its loss of balance, it fell and landed on your foot. Hard.
“Oh shit.” You yelped grasping your foot and pressing down to soothe the searing pain you felt.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry. What the fuck have I done!?!”
He apologised kicking the box to the side to guide you to the table and chair a few steps away. You grabbed his outstretched arm and felt the veins and muscle rippling under his skin. Once again. Interesting.
“It’s okay it’s not too bad.” You said inspecting the foot, it wasn’t a total lie. Although it hurt like hell, the bruising was only faint right now. Tomorrow is gonna be a whole different story.
“I am sorry, I was distracted by your fa- and next thing I know I’ve dropped the box.” He cut himself off when he noticed he was gonna say something creepy, you didn’t notice to engrossed in looking at the damage to your appendage. He continued to apologise, worried you would freak out and leave before he got to know you slightly. What a cutie. This Greek god looked genuinely concerned. Attractive and kind.
For a third time today. Interesting
“Truly it’s okay, it looks heavy. Did you want help carrying it somewhere?” You asked, moving to start to gather the objects that were once in the box. Ez looked at you quizzically.
“I just dropped this on your foot now your asking if I need help. Your foot could be seriously injured- wait here I’ll get some ice.”
You chuckled and grabbed arm to stop him and to kind of feel is muscle again.
“I’m hoping by helping you, you won’t drop it on my other foot.” You laughed and although he didn’t find it funny, he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, knowing that you didn’t hate him.
Just as Ez stood to get the ice pack, Felipe returned with the cuts all wrapped up and ready for you. He took one look at you sat at the table with a rapidly bruising foot whilst a guilty looking Ezekiel stood next to you staring at the floor. From an outsiders view it was suspicious but to you it was funny.
“Y/N, what happened?” Felipe’s asked placing the meat on the table next to you to inspect your foot. You giggled when Ez sucked in a breath, waiting for you to tell his father about his ridiculous reaction to seeing a beautiful girl in the shop.
“Felipe it’s fine, Ez just dropped a box accidentally on my foot and it’s a little sore. I’ll take some pain killers when I get home and rest it. By the morning it will be fine.” You reassured the Reyes men, who both shared a look of worry.
“I’m sorry for my sons actions.” He said shaking his head and standing once again, you made a move to stand also, but didn’t get far before Ez stepped in to help you.
Once upright, after a momentary struggle with the pain. You were partially leaning against the counter paying for the meat, after much haggling on your part for you to actually pay, insisting that the accident didn’t warrant you free meat. Ez still had his hands firmly grasping you, however they had moved from your hands to your waist, not that you were complaining. After paying and bidding farewell to Felipe with the promise of you returning tomorrow to check in with him and play chess probably, you walked to your car, or should you say limped. Thank god your was automatic and the you didn’t need to use the inured foot to drive. Ez opened the door for you and placed you delicately inside, making sure not to knock the foot on the side of the centre console. He leant through the window to talk to you.
“When you get home make sure to elevate it and ice it. Probably take something for the pain and rest. Understood?”
“Yes Dr. I’ll do just that.” You rolled your eyes at Ez’s remark but agreed internally.
“I am still so sor-“ you cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth.
“Will you stop apologising, I know your sorry. Don’t worry your pretty head, okay?” You replied, moving your hand to tap lightly against his cheek in a faux patronising manner.
He chuckled and turned his head to place a kiss to the palm of your hand, causing a blush to rise to you cheeks, undoubtedly being noticed by the culprit.
“Well how about you give me your number, just so I know how it is in the morning?” He asked whilst fiddling with the tips of your fingers almost like he was afraid to look you in the face. You chuckled and leant across the car to open up the glove box, revealing a pen and paper. He watched as you neatly scribbled down your number and drew a little heart next to it just for fun.
“There, you can text me in the morning. Not too early though, it’s my day off and I don’t want to be woken by a guy who breaks feet in his free time.” You said as he took the paper with a smile on his face. You said your goodbyes and you drive off, looking forward to the text you would be receiving. Back at the shop, Felipe watched as his son looked longingly at his future wives number written neatly next to a little heart just for him.
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romancandlemagazine · 3 years
An Interview with Al Baker
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I first came across Al Baker’s photography whilst looking through an old copy of a magazine called Flux I’d snaffled from Manchester’s world-famous second-hand wonderland, Empire Exchange.
Hidden in the magazine’s pages, between an interview with Mark E Smith and a review of a newly-released sci-fi film called The Matrix, were two black-and-white photos, snapped from the window of an ice-cream van, showing kids lined up for a bit of frozen respite from the summer heat. Reading the fairly minimal bit of text below, it turned out the photos were part of a series called ‘Ice Cream You Scream’. 
I’d missed the exhibition by approximately 20 years, but thanks to the high-speed time-machine known as the internet, I managed to track him down. Here’s an interview about his fine photos, his time living in Hulme Crescents and the benefits of carrying cameras in a Kwik Save bag...
Classic ‘start of an interview’ question here, but when did you get into photography? Was there something in particular that set you off?
Like a lot of young people, I knew that I was creative but hadn’t quite found my place. I didn’t know whether I wanted to be a writer or in a band. I used to doodle, copy Picasso’s in biro, so off I went to art college and tried my hand at different things. All it really taught me was that I had neither the patience, technique or talent to become a painter. Photography seemed a much easier way to make images, a more instant result. Of course, the more you get into it you realise that whether you’re any good or not does rely upon patience, technique and talent after all.
Was ‘being a photographer’ something that people did in Manchester in the early 90s? Who did you look up to back then?
Not really. It was very rare to see another person wandering around with a camera back then. Even years later when I began photographing the club scene in Manchester no-one else seemed to be doing the same thing. Not at the night clubs I went to anyway. 
Now it’s very different. These days you see people with cameras everywhere. Club nights almost always have a photographer. People are far more image-conscious due to social media. Today most people are busy documenting their own nights out with their phones. Look at footage from any major gig these days and half the room is filming it. Back in the 90s no-one seemed to care about documenting anything like that. You were very unlikely to see the photos that someone might be taking the next day or, in fact, ever. People often used to ask ‘What are you taking photos for?’ with genuine surprise or distain.  
In terms of photographers whom I looked up to there are so many! There are great image masters like Cartier-Bresson or Elliott Erwitt. Photographers of war and social upheaval like Don McCullin and Phillip Jones-Griffiths. I liked Alexander Rodchenko and Andre Kertez, how they broke the conventions of their day with wit and invention. 
I loved the dark and dirty images of Bill Brandt, and his inspiring nude studies too. I loved the city at night recorded by Brassai. Paris in the 1930s definitely seemed to be the place to be. Diane Arbus, Jane Bown and Shirley Baker. American street photographer Gary Winogrand was a huge influence on me, as was Nick Waplington’s book ‘Living Room’.  
I was also quite lucky to be living in Manchester at that time. Daniel Meadows and Martin Parr had both attended Manchester Polytechnic. Denis Thorpe had worked for the Guardian in Manchester. I saw Kevin Cummins iconic Joy Division images, Ian Tilton documenting The Stone Roses. Both were regularly in among the inky pages of the NME. 
I also saw an exhibition of Clement Cooper’s photographs of the Robin Hood pub in Moss Side, which was another big influence. I was also very lucky in that my very first photography tutor was Mark Warner, who produced very beautiful images, did a lot of work for Factory Records. He shot The Durutti Column’s (1989) Vini Reilly album sleeve. He was probably the first person who ever really encouraged me.
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I really like that series of photos you took from inside an ice-cream van in the late 90s. What was the story behind that? 
The initial idea for that project came from my friend Steve Hillman, who is an actor. At the time he was ‘between jobs’, which is an actor’s euphemism for being unemployed, so he was working an ice-cream round to help to pay the rent. I was at his flat one night, thinking aloud about where I might go next with my camera. I’d spent quite a long time following graffiti artists work around Hulme, and had my first exhibition based around that. But it only seemed to lead to offers of more work with graffiti artists, and I wanted to do something else.  
I’d done a 2nd exhibition based around portraits of my friends in Hulme. I’d flirted with some one-day projects, like Belle Vue dog track, Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Anyway, while I was talking, not really knowing what I was going to do next, Steve simply stated ‘You should come out on the ice-cream round with me. No-one ever comes to the van without a smile on their face.’ And it just struck me as a beautiful & simple idea. So, one day we just set off. 4 or 5 rolls of film and all the free ice-cream I could eat, which I discovered wasn’t very much!
What was the logistical side of those photos? Were they taken from the same van? 
They were all shot on the same day, the same van, all around Salford. It was good fun, but actually very hard work. Trying to constantly find new angles, different framing and working on a hot August day in such a small confined space. By the end of the day I felt that I had enough strong images for my next exhibition. They were much jollier images than ones I’d made before. As a result, because it had more universal appeal, I got quite a lot of good publicity out of it, and Walls gave us hundreds of free Magnum ice-creams to give away on the opening night!
These days I could think of more than a few reasons why you probably shouldn’t drive around Salford photographing other people’s children without permission haha (in fact, I’m surprised that I wasn’t hung from the nearest lamppost!) but I was much younger and far more naive back then. Besides, that was something that I’d learned from living in Hulme. You don’t ask for permission. Someone will only say ‘No’. Just crack on and do it anyway.
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You also documented the last years of the Hulme Crescents. A lot of people talk about that time and place in Manchester, even now—but what was the reality of it? What was a normal weekend there like?
It was quite unlike anywhere that I’d ever lived before. It looked like a fascist dystopian nightmare, only one peopled by Rastas and anarchists. Bleak concrete interconnecting walkways. No through roads whatsoever. A fortress feel to the place. The entire estate was earmarked for demolition before I arrived. Everyone else seemed to be busy moving out. But I was already spending a lot of time there, post-Hacienda, parties, friends, lost weekends.  
There were lots of young people living there. Families had mainly moved out as the heating didn’t work properly, flats were cold & damp, often infested with cockroaches. There were traces of old Irish families, the Windrush generation, interwoven with punks and drop-outs. 
There was a cultural & artistic flowering among the ruins. A Certain Ratio, Dub Sex, A Guy Called Gerald, Edward Barton, Ian Brown, Dave Haslam, Mick Hucknall, Lemn Sissay, all lived there at one time. It was the original home of Factory, where all the post-punk bands played. In turn that led to Factory Records, New Order, and the Hacienda. The PSV club later hosted raves and notorious Jungle nights. It was a good time to be young.
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You lived there as well as shooting it. Do you think it’s important to be a part of the thing you’re photographing, rather than just an outsider with a camera?
I don’t know that it’s important to be a part of the thing you’re photographing, ‘embedded’ is what the war photographers call it, but you definitely capture different images. Certain things that might have been shocking to an outsider were commonplace, normal & every day to me. Boring even. On the other hand, I was much less likely to be robbed walking around. That meant I could take my camera places that other people couldn’t, or maybe shouldn’t!
I used to wear my camera beneath my coat so it couldn’t be seen, and I carried my film and lenses in a Kwik Save shopping bag so as not to attract unwanted attention. I got into the habit of handing that bag over the bar at the pubs I went in. I would collect it the next day if I could remember where I’d been the night before. Bless you, saintly barmaids of old Hulme.
If you look at my images of Hulme people they’re usually reacting to me and not the camera. Either that or they’re not reacting at all. They’re ignoring the fact that I’m taking a picture. That’s what gives them that ‘fly-on-the-wall’ feeling.
This is something that I put to greater effect later when I was photographing in night clubs, skulking stage side or hiding in a DJ booth. When DJs & MCs see you week in week out at the club doing the same thing they stop posing for the camera and just get used to you being there. You become part of the furniture. And when people stop being conscious of the camera, when they ignore that you’re even present, you can step in much closer. Put simply, you get better pictures. They’re much less performative and far more honest. It’s not often people can say they like it when they’re being ignored, but for photographers it’s a gift.
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Do you think somewhere the Crescents could exist now, or was it just a case of the perfect accidental recipe for that kind of creative, DIY activity?
No, I don’t think anywhere like Hulme will ever happen again. I think the city council learned that lesson a long time ago. It was a dystopian utopia for us, but it grew out of failure. When I 1st went to university they warned us never to set foot there. I said, ‘But what if you live there already?’ and there was an embarrassed silence. They really hadn’t expected a poor boy from Hulme to be in the room. Now they own half of it and it’s all student Halls of Residence.  
The city centre has been regenerated, redeveloped & gentrified. We can’t afford to live there anymore, and people like me are pushed out. Hulme was a failed social housing experiment, an eyesore & an embarrassment to the people who had commissioned it. People like me moved in & we made it our own. They’re never going to allow anything like that to happen again. Every quaint old fashioned pub that closes becomes a block of flats. The footprint is too valuable to property developers. One day all we will have will be faded photographs to bear witness to a very different way of living.
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Was it through the Crescents that you started shooting graffiti? 
When I first arrived in Hulme I’d just spent 3 years living with mates in a couple of houses elsewhere in the city. It suddenly struck me that that part of my life was over and I had very few photographs of that time. I’d been too busy learning photography, taking the kind of photos that every art student takes: Broken windows; abandoned buildings, and bits of burnt wood. I vowed I wouldn’t do that again. I began documenting the life that was around me.
I started with the architecture, as it was quite unlike any other place I’d ever seen. It had a desperate, faded beauty even then. The whole estate had been condemned for demolition before I arrived, but the city council had given up on the place long before that.  
I started to notice graffiti pieces going up, seeing the same names repeated. It was obvious that there was a small group of writers trying out their styles on a large canvas for the 1st time. Wanting to claim this derelict space as their own Hall Of Fame. I started to document them as they sprang up. Then I noted that context was crucial, and so I began to include the soon-to-be-derelict buildings in the images also. The shapes & colours of the graffiti looked positively psychedelic beside the drab monochrome of the setting.
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With your graffiti shots, you show a lot more than just the pieces. Was it an intentional thing to show the act behind it a bit?
Because it was Hulme and no-one cared, these guys weren’t working in the dead of night like most graffiti writers do in the train yards and what-have-you. They were working during the day, right out in the open. So, documenting their work, it wasn’t long before I ran into Kelzo. He really didn’t trust me at first, but I kept coming back. So, I got to know them. They started to let me know where they were going to be painting next.
In 1995 Kelzo organised the 1st SMEAR JAM event (named after a young aspiring writer who used to come down to Hulme to learn, and had died suddenly from a nut allergy). That was such good fun that another event arrived the following year, another & another. Graf writers came from London, Edinburgh, Leeds, Sheffield, and as far afield as Spain. The local community came out to support and, as usual, it turned into a party that lasted all weekend.  
I got into the habit of taking 2 cameras. One loaded with B&W film to capture the event itself, and another with colour transparency to document the finished artwork.
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Graffiti… hip-hop… kids getting ice cream… I suppose there’s a few different subjects there, but was there an underlying thing or theme you wanted to show with your photos? Maybe getting a bit philosophical, but they’re all quite free acts—is it about enjoying what’s there?
It was more about documenting the life I saw around me. Moving to Hulme was what led to me capturing graffiti, and graffiti led to hip-hop events. Once Hulme was demolished I moved my camera into the city centre and began photographing club nights. House and hip-hop turned into Drum’n’Bass, and then dubstep. Residents and warm-up acts have now become headliners in their own right. Manchester has always been a great city for music, and it kept me busy throughout the naughty Noughties. I’ve pretty much retired from all of that now. I’d had enough after over 15 years of it. I no longer feel compelled to document something as ephemeral as a club night anymore when half of the audience are doing it themselves anyway. Then coronavirus came & properly killed it all off. I don’t know what it’s going to be like now going forward, but it’ll be someone else’s turn to document whatever that is.  
What do you think makes a good photograph? 
You need to have a good eye. You need to notice & be aware of the world around you. You always see an image before you create one. You don’t require expensive equipment. Mine never was. And you don’t need to be trained. It’s one of those areas where you really can educate yourself. A certain amount of technique and technical understanding goes a long way but, again, you can pick those things up as you go along.  
There are different kinds of photography, of course, but for me it was always about capturing a moment. The Decisive Moment, as Cartier-Bresson so eloquently put it. It’s something that the camera has over the canvas. For me the camera has always been a time machine. Like an evocative love song on the radio, it can transport you back immediately to a time & place long gone. It also acts as a witness for those people who were not there. Images tell stories. And we all like to hear and tell stories.
A couple of years ago I was invited to talk at the University of Lancaster for a symposium on documentary photography, which is a tradition that I had always considered my photographs sat within. But oddly, as I gave my slide-show presentation, images that I have seen and shown many times before, and thought I knew very well, I suddenly saw in a brand-new light. I could see myself in every image. Almost like a self-portrait from which I was absent but my own shadow cast large. I realised that I haven’t been documenting anything other than my own life. 25 year old images suddenly had something new to say, something new to tell me.  
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Do you still take photos today? What kind of things are you into shooting these days?  
I don’t really do a lot of photography these days. I teach and facilitate as part of my job now. I still do the odd event but night club photography is a much younger man’s game. I really don’t have the levels of commitment, energy or enthusiasm I once did. I feel like I’ve taken enough images. If I never took another photograph ever again, that’s OK. Maybe, perhaps, I’ll get into a different kind of image making in my twilight years … but for now I’m trying to reassess the images I made 25 years ago. People are far more interested in them now than they ever were at the time. Now they have become documents of a time and place which has gone. The graffiti and the walls that they were written on have disappeared. Many of those night clubs have closed. Time moves on. The images and the memories are all that is left.  
Over all those years, how has the art of photography changed for you?
Back when I started taking photographs, where I lived in Hulme, the kind of music that I was into, the magic of a night club moment, there were very few people I knew of who were doing the same thing. Now I am aware of others who were. Almost everyone is their own photographer now. Mobile phones & social media have given a platform for anyone to make & share images of their individual lives, whether it be their friends & families, holidays, public events or more private & intimate moments. Anyone can document their own lives now, so I no longer feel that I have to. I do still love photography, it’s still my favourite form of art, but I don’t feel compelled to capture it all anymore.
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I suppose I’ve pestered you with questions for a while now. Have you got any wise words to wind this up with?
If you want to become a photographer you must learn your craft. Keep doing it, and you will get better. But you must remember to always be honest. Make honest images. Listen to the voice of your own integrity. Don’t worry too much if no-one sees any value in what you do. If you’re any good people will eventually see it. It may take years, it did for me, but images of the ordinary & everyday will one day become historical, meaningful & extraordinary.  
We live in a world today mediated by images, a Society of the Spectacle, but we still need photographers: People who have a good eye, an innate feel for the decisive moment; what to point the camera at and when to press the shutter. The images that you make today will be the memories of the future.  
See more of Al’s photos here.
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
Hello! Can you maybe do one where she is doing her last paper, but she simply can’t take it anymore and she is super stressed and tries to hide it? Thank you!
This isn’t really a blurb... it turned into a whole imagine, but I hope you enjoy! Sorry it took so long to write, but I’m going to continue writing more blurbs now, hopefully some shorter ones so they don’t take so long. Feel free to send more requests! 
At least the exams are over. That’s what you keep telling yourself, but now you’re in that space where you’re so close to being finished but yet you feel so far away. It feels like you’ve already exhausted ounce of your brainpower, and there is nothing left for you to give. However, you’re still here, seated at the coffee shop at your university. You have until midnight tonight to turn in this paper, and you’ve been here for two hours staring at the words on the page that aren’t making sense anymore, unable to muster up the energy to write anything coherent. 
It doesn’t help that most others in the coffee shop are celebrating the semester being over and otherwise appear to have already finished the most stressful week of the semester. You had been in the library earlier, but it was so empty it felt eery and you couldn’t focus there either. Your roommates are in the process of moving out of your apartment, so trying to work there is also out of the question. 
Rereading the last sentence you wrote, you wrack your brain trying to figure out where this paper is supposed to be going. Your mid-thought when your phone vibrating on the table pulls you back to reality. Shawn’s name pops up on the screen and you consider ignoring the call, but decide a short break can’t do much harm since you weren’t being very productive anyway. 
“Hey y/n, are you heading over soon?” Shawn’s voice comes through the phone. And even with that simple question, you can tell he’s in a good mood because you practically hear him smiling by the way his voice sounds, and it makes you smile too. 
Of course, he’s in a good mood. He’s home for the first time in too long, and he’s having all of his friends over since they’ve all finished their exams too and everyone can’t wait to let loose. 
Despite all of this to look forward to, you can’t help the way your heart sinks at his question. It’s still only about four pm, and you had told Shawn you’d head over his way as soon as you could, hoping you’d be able to spend some time with him before everyone else started showing up. You know Shawn’s expecting you, and you want to be with him more than anything else, but this paper isn’t going to write itself. 
“Uh,” You hesitate, “I’m still working on a paper. I’m sorry babe.” You apologize, feeling bad because you know you’re letting him down. You both haven’t seen each other in at least three weeks, so you hate to keep prolonging it. 
“It’s okay,” He responds masking his disappointment. “When do you think you’ll be done.” 
You weigh out your possible responses. You don’t want to tell him that you’re not sure you’ll make it to the party because you really want to go, but you also don’t want to lie to him. This paper is worth a huge chunk of your grade, and it’s in a class you can’t afford to get less than an overall grade of 75%. There are certain classes in your major that you’re required to get certain grades in, and this is one of them. If you fail, you don’t even want to think about what might happen if you fail. 
All of these thoughts are rushing through your mind when Shawn speaks again, and suddenly you realize you never responded. “Baby are you okay?” He questions. 
“Yeah,” You lie. “I’m fine.” Your voice betrays you, and you’re worried Shawn will notice. 
“Are you at your apartment?” He questions. 
“No, I’m at a coffee shop.” 
“How about I pick you up and you can come work on your paper here?” He offers. 
Your first thought is to decline. The original plan was for you to drive out to Shawn’s. You know he has things he has to do to prepare for everyone coming over, and you were supposed to drive out there tonight, stay the night, and then return to finish packing up your apartment in the morning, and Shawn was supposed to go back home to Pickering to see Aaliyah’s hockey game before swinging by your apartment to help you move some stuff. You’ve both already talked about this weekend, planning it out perfectly. 
If Shawn comes to pick you up tonight, you won’t have your car and you’d have to leave his place really early for him to drop you off at school and make it to Aaliyah’s game. 
“No, I can drive myself. I just don’t know when I’ll be done with this.” You’re so stressed, you’re not even sure you’re really thinking straight, and now you know for sure that Shawn is picking up on it by the tone of your voice. 
“Baby,” He says very clearly and calmly, his attempt at getting you out of your head. “Don’t worry about the party. Don’t worry about tomorrow or all the plans we’ve already made.” He knows you well enough to know all of the thoughts you’re having even when you’re not able to articulate it. 
Despite what he just said and his attempt at calming you down, all of your thoughts come out at once. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it because of this paper, and I’ve only just started it today because I was so busy with my other presentations and exams and now I don’t know if I’ll even be able to finish it and I’m so sorry because I know we’ve been planning this party for so long.” 
“Y/n, it’s okay baby. You don’t have to apologize. I know you’re stressed and I know you’re doing your best. It’s okay.” He soothes you, his voice remaining calm because he knows you need to hear it. “Just listen to me, okay? I’m in my car now. I’m going to come to get you, and that way you can work on your paper here.” 
“No, Shawn.” You interrupt. Has he forgotten his friends are coming over?
“Hold on, it’s okay.” He says remaining calm. “I’m going to come get you and drive you back here. You have all night to do your paper, so don’t worry.” 
“I’m fine here.” You respond, not wanting to ruin his night.
“Baby, I don’t want to argue with you, and I also don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to, but I know you’re not fine, and I also know that you don’t want to come because you’re afraid of ruining the night. So I want you to know that you’re not ruining the night, and I really really want to come get you because then at least I’ll know that you’re okay and not having a breakdown in a coffee shop by yourself.” 
You can’t argue with that logic, because the truth is you want to be with Shawn more than anything right now because he’s the one person who manages to bring you back down when you’re stressed like you are now. “Okay,” you respond, agreeing to his proposition. 
“I’m leaving now, do you think you can go back to your place and get anything you need. Maybe even take a quick shower, it’ll make you feel better, and I’ll pick you up from your apartment in about forty-five minutes?” 
“Okay, yeah. I’ll see you soon.” You respond, feeling a little better already knowing you’ll see Shawn soon. 
“Alright baby, I love you.” 
“Love you too,” You respond before hanging up, grabbing all of your stuff and heading back to your apartment. 
Forty-five minutes later, you’re showered and feeling significantly better despite the fact that you’ve made absolutely no progress on your paper and the time is still steadily ticking down toward the due date. You grab your backpack, making sure that your laptop and any books you’ll need are in there before walking outside to wait for Shawn. He pulls up a few minutes later and your rush to his car. 
He smiles at you and you lean in for a kiss. It’s been too long since you’ve seen him. “I missed you,” He says, while putting the car back into drive and taking your hand in his. You can’t help but scoot closer to him despite the center console prohibiting you from any other contact. “Do you want to work on your paper now?” He offers, and you know you should, but you just want five minutes to be with your boyfriend. 
He starts to let go of your hand, but you only grab onto his tighter and he gives in. “I will, in a little bit.” 
He glances across at you briefly before looking at the road again. He squeezes your hand gently, before saying, “Okay.” 
You spend most of the drive working furiously on your paper and actually manage to make quite a bit of progress by the time you arrive at Shawn’s place.  Shawn grabs your backpack and puts it on despite your insistence that you can carry it yourself. When you get into the elevator, he pulls you into his arms enveloping your entire body in the type of hug only Shawn can give. He mumbles, “See if you were wearing your backpack, I wouldn’t be able to hold you like this.” And you can’t argue with that. 
Despite both of you wanting, to just be near each other, Shawn lets you go when the elevator arrives on the top floor and he unlocks the apartment letting you in first. You plop your backpack down and pull your laptop and books back out at the kitchen island. You promptly dive right back into your work and Shawn disappears into his room. About five minutes later, Shawn comes out with a candle, putting it down and lighting it. “Thank you.” You tell him, and he just nods and smiles and disappears again. About a half-hour later, Shawn emerges again, his hair still damp signaling he showered. He pulls a seat close to you and sits down, opening his own laptop. He doesn’t say anything but starts working as well. Having him near is one of your favorite things, even if you’re not talking. You can tell he’s trying really hard not to distract you, which makes you smile. He deserves the biggest thank you for all of this, but you’ll save it for later. 
“When are your friends coming over?” You ask, taking a little break from your paper. 
“I told them to just go out instead, and that they could come over another night.” 
“Shawn, no!” You reply. 
“What?” He questions, as though he doesn’t see anything wrong.
“Babe, have them come over. I was just planning to go into your room and work.” 
“It’s fine. I’d rather spend the night with you.”
“Baby, I’m going to ignore you all night. If they don’t want to come over, you can go out with them. I’m good, I promise.” You respond, and this time it’s the truth. You’re feeling so much better than you were before. You’ve made a lot of progress on your paper, which helped to ease some of your stress, and being here in Shawn’s place has also helped as the change in environment has allowed you to be more productive. 
He pauses for a second, studying you, and you giggle, “It’s not a trap, Shawn. I want them to come over or for you to go out with them.” You tell him again to make sure he understands. You’ve never been a fan of passive-aggressiveness or not saying what you mean, and Shawn knows that. 
You genuinely wouldn’t want him to sit around at home all night just because you have a paper and can’t do anything fun. It’s your fault that you’re not done with your paper, and he’s already done more than you’d ask for by going to pick you up and bringing you back here, you want him to see his friends and have fun. 
“Really, Shawn. Tell them they can come over, at least to pregame over here and then you can go out if you want or else I’ll call Brian myself.”
“I made you come here because I wanted to make sure you were okay, I don’t want to leave you.”
“Shawn, I’m fine. And besides, you’re stuck with me tonight and tomorrow because you have to drive me back to my place now.” 
“Are you going to be able to finish your paper?” 
“Yes.” You tell him, and you actually believe it. “I’ll be fine.” 
He finally gives in, and you know he can tell you’re in a much better place than you were earlier, which eases some of his own worries. An hour later, his friends flood into the place, and you say hello to all of them before slipping off to his room, putting on your headphones, and working away at your paper. Shawn brings you dinner since he had ordered food, and you finish your paper earlier than you thought you would, which allows you to go out and have fun with Shawn and his friends. 
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myslibrary · 4 years
Scenario: RFA Spending the day before MC has to leave for abroad.
• You had classes that were in another country. This day was talked about for many weeks. He dreaded the day that it came. Although he was busy himself, he loved bringing you along to his sets each day to see your face during each scene.
• you woke up to Zen just laying there next to you. “Hello beautiful, goodmorning.” His tone was husky but sad. You just smiled softly
•”are you packed already?” You nod and stretch just to lay your head on his chest.
• “good, I want to make the most of today.” All you did was giggle. “It’s not like I’m dying.”
•”I know! And I’m glad you’re not, but I’m not ready to let you go for that long.” He closes in on your shoulders with a frown
•”if you feel that way, let’s go out and have some fun before I go..!” You rest your hands on his forearms. “Seems like a plan.” He nods and let’s you go.
•Finally you all are ready. The cityscape was the perfect place for a little date before you go off to class.
• you all went around to little stores, with the department far behind your all’s brain
• “wanna take a break here?” Zen pointed at a bench and you nod. “Sounds good.” He takes your hand and leads you over to sit
• Zens tone and face suddenly got serious. “When you go...Stay clear of people. Please. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.” He grabs your hand.
• “Zen trust me I won’t.” You smiled and pecked his cheek. “I hope you come back missing me as much as I’ll miss you.” He frowns a bit.
• all you could do was giggle, “I’m still yours when I leave I’ll call you every night to reassure you.”
• When you got home, he became more clingy. You decided to set your bags in the living room near the door. Zen had ahold of your sweater the whole time
• as the day came, he drove you to the airport. Grabbing ahold of your arm. You held one bag and he held another. You tried your best to not cry. You’ll be gone for more than 5 months
•You both soon got to boarding. Zen continued to fidget with his fingers as well as fidget with your fingers. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
•As soon as you got called to board, you hesitated to stand up. When you did you immediately looked over to zen. Your tears began to collect as you fell into a hug.
•”it won’t feel the same.” All you could do was burrow more into his neck. “Hey...it’s going to be okay. It’s not like you’re leaving me. Plus you’re coming back for holidays. I’ll see you in three weeks.” He pulls away and wipes your eyes.
•you both exchanged goodbyes and you were on your way.
•Yoosung was always a clingy boy so this was even worse for him. “Don’t leave me for anyone else MC.” he’d pout through the week knowing it’s upon you all
• he’d kiss your hand everytime he sees you to remind you just how much he loves you. Yoosung even made brownies, bought you flowers, and made you a scrap book of you two, “Don’t forget about me please. I’ll be waiting for you.”
•the day before the departure, Yoosung was quite sluggish to leave the bed and to let you out. He laid practically on top of you, nestling into your neck. “Yoosung....I have to get up.” You laughed a bit gliding your hand through his hair. “I know...but do you really have to attend that class. It’s for 3 months.”
•Yoosung let you sit up and his posture fell looking at you. His baby face was such a heartthrob. “You know I’d bring you with if I could.” All you could do was fall back to him.
•you grabbed his hand while you sat on the opposite side of the bed. That made him frown more. “Did I say something wrong?” He chuckles lightly, “no. I’ll just miss you. Let’s do something today! All of your favorite things!”
•your eyes beamed with light until you realized you never packed due to Yoosung constantly begging you not to go, “About that... I don’t have my things packed.” He just scratches his head and smiles nervously, “oh right...”
•five hours of prepping everything for your departing, Yoosung ran to get dinner. You plopped on the bed as you heard the door close. “Babe! Come here!”
•Yoosung got you flowers yet again, along with your favorite food. You hugged him and placed them into a vase.
•as you all finished dinner, you all were couped up on the couch cuddling, watching a movie. Yoosung began to doze off on your legs. You looked down at the boy as you ran your fingers through his hair. The thought of leaving him was quite sad. after awhile you all headed to the bedroom.
•When morning came he was all over you again, this time with more restraint. “Yoosung...I gotta go. I mean you can drive me.” You notice his hold on you is tighter, “that’s not the point.” All you could do is sigh. “I’m going to miss my flight!” He quickly flew off.
•It felt good to have his support, but when he acted like this- it made it harder for you to go.
•you finally got there, and Yoosung is already crying. “Yoosung. I’ll miss you but it’s only three months.” His hands rested on your waist as your arms rested on his shoulder. His face of concern was too much to handle.
• He finally let’s go of you and walks you to your boarding area. Him giving was kinda a heart thump for you,“Goodbye for now MC. Promise me it’ll be only three months. Don’t leave me for some jerk.” You giggle, “you will always be the one Yoosung, don’t keep that though in your mind. You’re my other half.”
•you both were used to being in and out of the house, which was normal for her and you basically had trips you had them as well.
•with the coffee shop, you all have connected more. Maybe you all weren’t just ‘good friends’
•before you knew it, you were moving some of your clothing into her house. Then suddenly she asked you to stay permanently. “I feel I do better when you’re around.” The comment made your heart ✨throb✨
•after having a lot of time together, your school decided to have you travel abroad for some assignments. Jaehee wasn’t as clingy but genuinely enjoyed your time, so it numbed both of you.
•she just got used to having someone around her again. “Oh..you have to leave. For how long?” “Only two weeks. I’ll be back before you know it.” You smiled
•the next day you noticed she offered more. She invited you to go shopping for coffees and baking supplies. You all truly enjoyed yourselves. Inching towards tomorrow made an uneasy feeling in the apartment.
•as you woke up, your bodies were intertwined. You felt relief finally being able to call her yours, after all these years of trying
•the past few days, she was excited for you. But this morning she had a bit of hesitation vibe to her. You all get dressed up, “you ready..?” You nod and you all head out.
•by the time you get there, you all held hands. The way she was acting made your brain melt as well as it wreck from not just confusion, but concern. Why was she acting so sad?
•she walks you in, helping with your bags. You had to initiate majority of the conversations. “Now will you be okay by yourself at the cafe?”
•Jaehee nods, avoiding contact. “Is there something wrong?” You tug her jacket a bit. “Now will you be okay? Especially with your school work? If it’s a struggle feel free to call me.” You smile and nod.
•You finally get to the baggage area and you set your big cases on there after writing your name on there. “I’ll be sure to check in on you daily, if that’s okay with you, Jaehee.”
•When it was time to seperate, she quickly pulled you into a hug. “Don’t forget to eat, don’t mess up your schedule, call me please. Anytime is fine.” This movement surprised you. “Of course, I’ll keep that in mind.” You then quickly peck her check, “I’ll also keep you in mind.”
•Again you were used to him leaving for trips all the time. It was hard but he was always returning to you ASAP
•His company was having a promotional deal, which placed him in his own city. But that didn’t necessarily stop your busy schedule.
• with Jumin having down time, he got used to being home and doing work from home sometimes. He would usually cook breakfast for both of you, taking advantage of the time he had.
•when you both got the news of a death in the family, it struck you both. Of course Jumin was there for moral support. Someone close to you had died.
•You had to go back to your parents house for a bit. With Jumins business you didn’t want to burden his working rhythm. Which led to many small arguments. You understood he wanted to be there for you.
•after a bit he came to agreement. Him being Jumin han CEO, he shows up anyways but you just don’t know ;) you thanked him for understanding
•he offered to have time spent together before your departure, all in all you had no choice. He was stubborn on insisting on it even though he had business to attend
• “how long do you plan on staying out there my dear?” He asked as you both snuggled on the couch. “Maybe a week or so. Not quite sure..” he hums in response. He pecks your head. “I’m only going to ask this one last time, are you sure you want me to stay?”
•after the one last argument, that’s been repeated four times, you struggled to say no, you had to be on your way regardless. You wanted him to focus on his work, while you stayed with family. These arguements left you a bit uneasy, but he’d make it up to you immediately
•he offered to buy your familiy members flowers
•the next couple days you got ready, you and Jumin began to relax together. You felt horrible having him skip out on work just for you. Especially for jaehee. Poor lady
• later that night he set up a fancy dinner for you both to forget about what happened and to talk things out. He offered to help you pack. You know he only wanted the best for you.
•as the day came he was one who held you closer than usual. “Be careful, that’s all I ask of you.” “Of course.” You walked out side of the bedroom to dozens of bouquets around the kitchen/ dining room.
•after you all ate, Jumin came along to see you off. He didn’t let you touch a bag to pack in the car. While you were in the car with him he had you rest your legs ontop of his safely. And he covers you in a compliment talk gliding his hands up and down your legs
•when you arrive, he holds your hand to the private plane. Again not touching any of your luggage. Jumins sits with you for a bit more on the plane. “You know when you’re gone, I yearn for you. Please tell your parents I’m sorry this has occurred. I’ll be calling you each night. Call me when you land.” He kisses your forehead for a second longer than usual and you part ways.
•He was always home burrowed in the bedroom, working. It was quite sad he probably forgot you had to go abroad for a doctors appointment
•you packed quietly, he looked over your way smiled and continued his work.
•was he not concerned you were packing?!
•when you turned your back to your suit case and folded clothes, he pounced on you from behind. “Wow you’re really leaving me!!! This is not fair!”
•you cackled when he pressed millions of kisses on your cheek. “I must keep thee away ! Keep you ! You no go!” He turns you around and continues to kiss your face.
“Did you think I forgot or something? I think you forgot I continuously reminded you through the week.” He chirps sweetly. He sits up and lets you breathe.
•Suddenly his face grew serious. “Now are you sure you don’t want me there to help you if something goes wrong..?” He holds your hand, looking into your eyes.
•”I’ll be fine, I promise, if not I’ll call you ASAP.” He nods at your response, “take this.” He hands you a box of some sort.
•immediately your heart melts. It’s a necklace.” You smile and kiss seven. “Now do you want me to help you pack?” You nod and he helps you gather your things
•this boy was so special to you. You studied his movements as he helps gather your favorite pieces of clothing, shoes small items and your laptop.
•you could tell he was a bit timid when talking, as if he’s holding something back. “MC..can I ask you something?” You look up to answer his question, “are you gonna miss me. Genuinely. I know I’m not always near you.. and I’m sorry but know That I need you more than anything.”
•you gasp and chuckle, “of course silly. You’re my favorite person. I love you so much.” You continued to fold as he chuckles to himself
•”thought so.” He hands you your last pair of shoes and you zip your bag up.
•it comes of the day where you leave. Instead of him being on the computer he was lying next to you. That’s all that mattered. You could feel the heat resonating off his body. As you tried to get up he pulls you back down.
•”don’t go yet.” You look over at him. “Seven..I have to go. I wish I didn’t but I need to figure out what’s wrong.. please understand that.” He groans and slowly let’s you go
•as you both got into the car to drive to the airport, it started to rain. It was chilly and early. The drive was long, but a good long. You could finally get this out of the way.
•finally you arrive, sevens quiet. Only responding with nods. You sigh and kiss his cheek as you both walk to the security. “Call me when you land. Tell me how it went, okay? Keep in touch.” He ruffles your hair and kisses your nose. “I love you.” He spits out and turns around to walk away with his head down
•you grab his hand and he looks over to you immediately, “I didn’t get what I wanted.” You kiss him like it was your last goodbye. “I love you too...you call me too. I’ll be waiting.” You gleam and start to walk away. You could feel his eyes on you.
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