#book! and movie!mrs. grose kinda suck
painofhumanity · 1 year
"Oh, it wasn't [Miles]!" Mrs. Grose with emphasis delcared. "It was Quint's own fancy. To play with him, I mean--to spoil him." She paused a moment; then she added: "Quint was much too free."
"I have it from you then--for it's of great importance--that he was definitely and admittedly bad?" "Oh, not admittedly. I knew it--but the master didn't." "And you never told him?" "Well, he didn't like tale-bearing--he hated complaints. He was terribly short with anything of that kind, and if people were all right to him--" "He wouldn't be bothered with more?"
I will forever hate this, because it means that Mrs. Grose at least had an idea of what Quint was doing to Miles, yet she did nothing to stop it, nothing to help this child she claimed to love so much. All because she didn't want to cause trouble with her boss. She let a boy suffer to keep her job, all while knowing that something awful was happening to him.
"I daresay I was wrong. But, really, I was afraid." "Afraid of what?" "Of things that man could do. Quint was ever so clever--he was so deep." "You weren't afraid of anything else? Not of his effect--? On innocent little precious lives. They were in your charge." "No, they were not in mine! The master believed in him and placed him here because he was supposed not to be well and the country air so good for him. So he had everything to say. Yes--even about them."
Also, further proof that their uncle was a terrible, irresponsible guardian, because he literally told all the staff not to "bother him" about anything regarding his niece and nephew whom he supposedly cared for deeply, all because it didn't jive with his rich bachelor lifestyle. And he let this man have free reign over the house, and these kids, and-- alskdjf a;slke jfa;lwk jas;lk j
Rage. So much rage.
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