#boo hoo wah you don't know what it's like
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mentally-homeless · 1 year ago
Americans fix your shit instead of coming in my anons whining about me being a hater challenge
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soundlessdragon · 1 year ago
‘Wah Wah I don’t like abortions so nobody should have them boo hoo why don’t people follow my religion’
I hate Christianity with a burning passion, therefore none of you cunts should be able to practice your backwards, barbarian religion.
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If you think only religious people believe killing humans is bad, I don't know what to tell you
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thegeminisage · 11 months ago
star trek update time. earlier tonight, my eyes were cursed with star trek generations, a very very bad movie. if you don't know the big spoiler for this movie (the character death), please stop reading here. or keep reading actually i'm not your mom. fuck this movie anyway.
with the tos movies, i tried to keep notes on notepad as i watched so as to better type up a "liveblog" later. i was a bit spotty at remembering to do that this time, but i have enough to put together a reasonable write-up. here's kind of how it went
cried multiple times during this movie. first time was when kirk showed up because i knew it was the last time we were ever gonna see him. got bonus aftershock tears when i saw scotty and chekov - i was under the impression it was JUST kirk. second time, i THINK, was when he showed up again, though i just misted up a little. big boo-hooing when he mentioned spock, naturally. MORE crying when he finally bit it, though it was mostly because i was angry!!! and finally, even though i promised myself i wouldn't cry over data, i did start sobbing when he was reunited with his cat. gave myself a crying headache.
it was difficult watching kirk be on the bridge and want to be captain and he's not captain. and then crisis strikes and oh yeah he is. and really, the captainly thing to do WAS to go down to the lower decks and do whatever the fuck. needs of the many. he saved that guy's life. that would have been a fine death.
it was a little ruined by chekov going "was there somebody in there?" like to me it struck me more as funny than anything
oh, spotting guinan in the tos era made me absolutely thrilled btw. i missed her so much in s7 it was UNREAL.
OH YEAH AND. sulu's daughter. wah. ik aos sulu is gay do we think tos sulu is gay too. either way i;m very happy for him
apparently one of the guys in this is from succession. i'm choosing to blame this whole debacle on him.
switching directly to a fucking holodeck scene KILLED me. i HATE the holodeck. at first i thought they were giving worf a retirement party to send him to ds9 but they were just doing all of that for fun. deanna's outfit was hot though. also, data shoving beverly WAS FUNNY tng writers just hate autistic people
i have mixed feelings about data and the emotions chip. i was surprised they never covered it in tng proper and i think it would have been handled better there...data having the chip WAS the reason soren got away, which makes it plot-important, but it felt like a b-plot to a normal tng episode and this is supposed to be a feature film. instead it was a tng two-parter with a budget and william shatner. it was fun watching data experience emotions (happiness, terror) and struggle to control them, but there ironically wasn't enough time to really get into it, except when picard gave him the tough love speech, which i think was uncalled for. why is he so against suicide when it's data when he was out here telling worf to kill himself over an empty barrel??
titty klingon sisters. i never remember their names or their faces but i ALWAYS recognize those boob windows. at first it was really annoying because it is pretty sexist but honestly i've become very endeared. it's absolutely devastating that this movie killed them too. they were everything to me 💔
hey, sorry, side bar, were they watching geordi bathe through his visor? freaks.
also, geordi in the bondage gear while he was kidnapped. ALSO, wasn't he growing new eyes in the tng s7 finale? whatever happened with that???
stellar cartography looks better than it did in tng but it brought back memories of picard running around on poor beverly. idk what he's so worried about continuing his family line for wesley crusher IS his affair baby
hey, also, the lighting??? the "distant sunlight" atmosphere when the lights are off vs the brightly lit interior of the show? truly, the upgraded lighting was probably my favorite part of the movie. it looked SO fucking good. i really felt like we were on a spaceship.
no, wait, ACTUALLY my favorite part was data getting to say "oh, shit!" that was really good. they got one bad word for this whole movie and used it in the perfect place
no, my favorite part was the spock mention.
did not like kirk referring to picard repeatedly as the captain of the enterprise. kirk's the real captain here, bitch. picard doesn't have what it takes to die for his ship. he doesn't love his ship the way kirk loved his.
i did like the nexus reference to the tmp wife. in the novel she was named lori but she didn't show up in tmp proper much less get a name so i'm ok with them calling her the wrong name, but i just know it's the same woman. less okay with kirk's nexus dream being all about some random woman we've never met. he's in love with the IDEA of a woman to come home to, sure, but it's just lazy writing. we don't have any reason to care about this girl. at least if it had been carol ruth marcus or something we'd have SOME basis to give a shit on. the nexus was the perfect place for spock and bones! i wish they and uhura and sulu had had cameos...
i also liked him warning picard to NEVER retire/accept promotion, bc retiring wound up being so traumatizing for him. this is not really consistent but i'm making it that way in my mind palace.
also, kirk being a horse girl is FAKE. they just made him be into horses bc picard is into horses. gross. he was really good at chopping wood though lol
the scene with the kids evacuating the spaceship...WHY WOULD YOU HAVE CHILDREN ON THIS SHIP. i also worried about the pets the entire time, which is part of why i lost it when data found spot :(
it's sad that a piece of guinan was left behind in the nexus...does that happen to everyone? is a piece of kirk in there too? i really wanted to write a fix-it for this someday but they have given me so little to work with that it's hard to imagine a fixit that isn't just 80% "yeah we're ignoring that" which isn't very satisfying.
the crash was SO long. also, why was data holding troi? she's got 2 different boyfriends who could be doing that for her
since i was going into this knowing kirk died, i expected that he was gonna die because the nexus swallowed him or something. i was expecting something grand. instead it was like, tos scene, an hour and a half of very mid tng content, and then half an hour of rushed and poorly paced kirk and picard scenes. typical tng episode that it didn't get to the point until it was almost over, but jesus. i can't believe they got shatner for their movie and then barely had him in it. like, kirk at the end was a total surprise narratively (obviously everyone watching it knows bc of the opening at LEAST that he'll be back, but imagine if this guy had been some rando - it would have been so unsatisfying and weird).
see, this is the thing. the nexus actually has the potential to be incredibly compelling. the way picard's scenes were shot were very very good, if one could ignore the clothes from 1790 and the horrific portrait of himself looking like he stepped out of les mis and also how creepy his kids were and WHY WASN'T HIS WIFE BEVERLY I HATE HIM. kirk's were rushed and messy (he likes horses? his dog? none of this connects us to the character we knew in tos...), and picard's involved, well, picard. but the CONCEPT absolutely fucks, and i did love the creep factor in spite of it all. this whole movie had huge potential and instead it's a steaming pile of shit. i could have learned to live with a good kirk death but living with a bad one is gonna kill me. at least he had good last words. "oh, my" right before he dies kinda fucks tbh.
my final note is that i think sir patrick stewart got sunburnt filming some of those scenes near the end. there were a few shots where he looked quite pink. give the man some sunscreen. oh yeah also why did some people randomly wear the ds9 uniforms...what on earth
anyway, terrible movie, 0/10 stars, i'm never gonna recover. tng never disappoints in disappointing me.
NEXT TIME: back to ds9, thank god. we're doing "meridan" and "defiant."
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the-white-soul · 11 months ago
Flowey: If you're not dating nor are friends, you're acquaintances with a silent crush phase. Heehee, I know what you should say when someone asks what you are next time! You're blockheads.
That uh
 that means you're not heartheads or smileyheads. *Flowey smiles innocently and snickers to himself as he tries to trick you into insulting yourselves.*
Anyway, got any root beer left for me?
(Kara) "Really? Blockhead."
(Dess) "What's so wrong about it? We're blockheads through and through. I'm sorry if you don't like the word for some weird reason."
(Kara) "*Slaps head* Should I tell her?"
(Dess) "Tell me what?"
(Kara) "I don't know. Hey, do you want to watch Peanuts?"
(Dess) "Sure. I don't know why you want me to watch it now."
*12 minutes into the story*
(Lucy) "Charlie you blockhead. This is what you call a tree?"
(Dess) "Oh! Flowey you trickster."
(Kara) "Oh also sure Flowey you can have it. *gives the rest to Flowey. After he finishes...*"
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(Kara) "I appreciate the respectful gifts. You all are so much nicer than I thought you'd be. When I heard horror stories about you all I was scared. Granted not all of you are good. I mean my arm got cut off by someone that seems to be part of the wind. That's fun. I always wonder why me? People like you though show how not all Anons are bad. Hell besides that airspeaker, you're all fantastic. Now back to our original problem."
(Dess) "Now we need an actual title."
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(Kara) "Perfect! Now that we've done something completely unimportant like naming ourselves we should probably go out and get to work."
(Dess) "On what?"
(Kara) "I didn't think that far ahead."
*John walks in looking like he hasn't seen the sun in 3 days*
(John) "Well that was difficult but I finally got Asgore's case. Does anyone want to talk with him again? I negotiated one more call."
(Dess) "I'll do it. *Grabs phone.* Hey Asgore how are you doing?"
(Asgore) "I want to say good but that'd be a lie. I've been burning from the heat and the work they make us do. These monster prisons are more brutal than I thought. Guards go up to you on occasion and beat you till you cry. It's a game they play and if you end up being last you get socked in the eye. If anyone tells anyone anything they get abused even further. It's scary and to say it's ignored would be too nice. They outright encourage it here. Anytime something goes wrong I get hit by their bats while everyone else laughs and throws whatever they want at me."
(Dess) "That sounds awful! Do you have any way to have them stop? Surely what they're doing is illegal."
(Asgore) "Those types of laws are barely enforced in normal prisons, let alone a species everyone hates."
(Kara) "Do you have air conditioning?"
*Dess and Asgore started laughing.*
(Asgore) "This is Britain! We're lucky to have air conditioning in our own homes. You really believe they care that much about monsters?"
(Dess) "Well, try to stay a low profile, okay?"
(Asgore) "Alright. *Hangs up.*"
*In the prison.*
Asgore walks back to his cell seeing the high amount of monsters entrapped. Some of them go into a room of complete white if they misbehave. Suddenly, while no one is watching Asgore, Chara burrows out of the ground.
(Chara) "So how do you feel? Don't worry you'll only get killed by the executioner, not me. I wonder if you'll ever crack?"
(Asgore) "Can you stop teasing me? You're the only reason I'm putting effort into stopping the death penalty."
(Chara) "You know it's funny. People think you are a great serious leader. The only smart ones are Papyrus and Alphys. They know who you are. I'm mostly here to make your situation worse and to observe what you do. I bet they give you food that tastes like poop."
(Asgore) "They gave us a bun for a meal. Two on special occasions. Help me please!"
(Chara) "WAH! Boo hoo. Oh, also one thing I want to do. *Slices his left thumb in half and watches it bleed.*"
(Asgore) "Why would you do that!!!"
(Chara) "So I can hurt you without killing you. Oh, people are coming. See you when you're fried!"
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freddiekolbeck · 11 months ago
he doesn't believe that. he doesn't believe that he treated eddie consistently like shit, at least not to the point where it triggered the end of their friendship. even if eddie's name had been on the top of the list of people he had to make amends with, he wasn't going to shoulder the sole blame for everything when eddie was making every effort to accept the part he'd played in it too. what started out as a confrontation suddenly turned into something different, a race beneath the water where only one of them would reach the shoreline and the other would chase the horizon. and freddie quite liked the feeling of keeping his feet on the ground.
"ohhhhh my god," he cries out in frustration, like he was draining himself of every last drop of hurt he'd been holding inside of him, hands rising to the sides of his head as his fingers pressed into his temples. "boo fucking hoo, edward morrison has shitty parents. " a sore spot of eddie's that he knew all too well, and for it to appear like this, in all its glaring red glory, meant that freddie had somewhat of an opportunity to regain some footing in this. "wah wah wah," he balls up his fists and brings them to his cheeks as he mimics a cry, willing to push as much as he could for it to really hurt. "wake up, bro. so does everyone!" what eddie's parents would've done meant nothing to freddie, even if he understood the situation to its most granular detail. eddie was his friend, he'd expected him to be there, in the same way freddie would've dropped everything for his friend. "are you going to blame them forever? how far does that go? you're a shit friend, because you have shitty parents. a shit boyfriend, husband? dad?"
when eddie starts walking away, freddie is hit with a heavy wave of guilt, wondering if he took it too far. or, knowing that he did, and thinking that was what he'd wanted, but being faced with eddie's back brought a realisation that he'd been wrong. maybe he'd just wanted eddie to care enough to stick around and fight, that he'd rather stand on opposite sides of the battlefield than not be there at all.
what he didn't expect was for eddie to suddenly be standing so close to him before his brain could even catch up with the fact that he was coming back. seeing eddie so close makes him want to take a step back, but it's pride that keeps his feet rooted to the spot, meeting eddie's cold gaze with his own, still heated. "i did," he says smugly. "she's a much better person than you. i can see why your parents don't like her." a beat. "i take it the shit brother thing is their fault too."
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You’re the one who decided I wasn’t worth your time. The words were a gust of wind blown on Edward’s delicate house of cards. Nothing he came up with from then on could hold ground against one simple, indisputable fact: Edward had been the one who made the choice to distance himself.
He had his reasons. Dated, color-coded, and alphabetically organized like books on the shelves of Shakespeare & Co. But if that was what Freddie believed – that Edward didn’t consider him worthy of his time – then there really was not much he could say in his defense.
A wrinkled nose, an unfocused gaze, and a head cocked to the side denounced the early stages of a reluctant acceptance of his defeat. But if he was going down, he was going down swinging. Because, as much as it was true that Edward had been the one to cut ties, his decision hadn’t been an unmotivated one.
As the silence overstayed its welcome, his breath started to become unusually fast, heartbeat accelerated, too, like he was in the middle of running a 10k on top of the Kilimanjaro. But, instead of giving into the anxiety – partly generated by this conflict in itself, but also motivated by the imminent, looming sense of loss – he took advantage of it. Inflated his torso, narrowed his eyes, and grabbed hold of Freddie’s blurry gaze once again – his body’s decision to fight predominant over his mind’s will to flee. “You begged?” He spat with a scoff. “That’s a strange way to put it, considering how you consistently treat me like shit.” And for the first time, he could sense his tone raise palpably in a last attempt at an offensive.
And, to him, precociously independent, but childishly naïve, that seemed like it was a good enough reason to push away someone who manifestly needed him. But even if it wasn’t, he was more than willing to share another few. “And what did you even expect me to do for you? Take you into my parents’ home? In that state?”
He hated recalling it. The paleness, the cold sweat running down his forehead, the mania. And so, he never did. And, perhaps, that was part of the reason why Edward failed to hold himself accountable – because he simply couldn’t bring himself to look back on what had happened.
Never had he considered himself an overtly emotional man. Someone who felt hurt just from recollecting things. To him that was something that only happened to irrational people. Not to people like himself. No. Never. And yet, he could never muster up the courage to dwell on past events and to rewatch someone he loved so much tear his life to shreds like cheap tapestry. He had never mentioned it to Freddie. How he felt as he witnessed him spiral. How sad, and worried, and sometimes angry, even. How he wanted to protect him and take him away from it all, but also how it seemed like he was voluntarily throwing his life away, burning down all the great things he’d accomplished. Be that as it was, there was no point in even thinking about it, now

“You know them. You know what they would have done.” Edward had never had the guts to stand up to his parents; had never had the dignity to counter their decrees. All he ever did was obey them, like a dog. So, even in the face of a friend in need – of his best friend, for that matter – he still wouldn't do anything to tarnish his pristine reputation with them.
He turned around, stomping hard towards the lake as if to leave, but instead, he just turned around, indignation tensing every fiber of his muscles, and walked back in th direction Freddie, standing closer to him now than before, “If you wanted a friend so much, why didn’t you just go to Cara?” He was sure she would’ve taken care of him. After all, weren’t they best friends now?
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disappearinginq · 5 years ago
Dear god the 'shippers' in the Magnum fandom are driving me mad. They're like rabid little zombies! I'm cool with Higgins. I'm even okay with the idea of Magnum and Higgins getting together, in like season 10 or so. But if we don't get a third season it'll be because the shippers are messing with the writer's heads and I just wanna drop kick some sense into them all! (Sorry, this is the only place I know where I can vent and not get jumped on for not loving 'teh Miggy' Urgh.
Ha! You’ve come to the right place. I realize that half of what I don’t like about her character is that her ‘badass self’ doesn’t have to change - but why does it always have to be at the expense of others? Like Batman doesn’t become less awesome because Wonder Woman is on the screen. The ‘ship wars’ ultimately destroyed Arrow - and those fans went after real life people and made their lives a living hell (just look up what they did to poor Katie Cassidy) or harped on Stephen Amell getting together with Emily Rickards off screen (despite Stephen being happily married to someone else), or how JohnLock shippers almost made Martin Freeman quit because of the atrocious things being said to his real life wife. I’m not sure why people feel the need to get shitty to one another personally over a fictional character, but...holy shit. Being goddamn psychos about it does nothing but push others further from liking a show (never mind the character). You want to endear me to Higgins? Come up with a plausible/non-romantic reason she’s as two faced as a double sided coin when it comes to interacting with Magnum. She’s lost a fiance? Boo-hoo. Magnum and his best friends were sold out to a terrorist organization who imprisoned and tortured them for over a year and a half, then she tried to kill him and possibly had a hand in the death of one of his best friends and he still manages to have compassion. Her mother had dementia? Wah wah. TC’s father has blown him off at every turn after spending TC’s younger years in prison after his mom up and left them, and ohhhhh looookkk....he’s STILL A HUMAN TEDDY BEAR. Rick was raised by ORGANIZED CRIME MEMBERS. HE WAS A SNIPER. Not just a sniper, but a SCOUT SNIPER. He had a more personal look than most when it came to combat, and guess what. Not only does he still volunteer to help build houses for disabled veterans, help his employees at every turn, his besties, but also manages to still be a cheerleader for everything that his friends accomplish. Is it fair to compare tragedies? No. But at the same time, they’re just making her look like she’s the one who lets every little thing be an excuse to be an ass - and then pout when she doesn’t get her way. Like...are the rabid shippers mad when we don’t like that because that’s the part they identify with?  
I also really wonder if there’s multiple writing teams. Because like Blood Brothers was straight up showing how they didn’t actually need her. And for anyone that actually knows how life rafts work, they kinda made her look extra dramatic trying to be relevant. Fun fact: nobody actually wants to have to do complex satellite recon and math to figure out where a life raft is, that’s why they have GPS installed. So that could’ve been all of 30 seconds - “I found the GPS transponder, it washed ashore on the island here.” She also comes off as either 1) especially heartless or 2) the writers confirm that she had absolutely nothing to do with anything in the Middle East during her time as an MI6 agent beyond rubbing elbows with diplomats. As soon as she says “we break the law for life or death”, anyone who has ever dealt with the shit show that is Afghanistan/Taliban knows she hasn’t got a clue - illegally fleeing Afghanistan is the only way out of it. And if Ahmed was returned to the Taliban, he would be lucky to be forced into the Taliban. It is much more likely that someone who is seen as friendly towards the West will be horrifically tortured and publicly executed (probably filmed too). And like throwback to the second episode of season 1 - she speaks Arabic. Arabic has like a million little offshoots and dialects and that’s what makes it interesting but also really difficult for translators (or you know, spies) to learn it well enough to blend. Typically though, Arabic is primarily spoken in countries we’re not in direct conflict with - like the UAE and as she mentioned Saudi Arabia (even if she got the prince’s name wrong, we’ll just assume that was a writer error). Which means her relations were diplomatic, not combat, so she has approximately no leg to stand on when throwing around ‘you should do it legally or not at all’ since in reality no, you cannot have a history of being a foreign spy and come retire here in the US, but also - rich, white, female of a country that if she ever gets deported back to isn’t going to behead her on YouTube after torturing her in a public square to serve as a reminder to others who think they could have a chance....well. You can draw your own conclusions on that one. 
On that note, I actually am really trying to make the character understandable, at least in fanfic, but damn. It’s a goddamn mountain, lemme tell you. 
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the-white-soul · 1 year ago
*Flowey holds the ladder still while people go up.* That was a good idea! Although since we have all these human souls we COULD HAVE broken the barrier. I guess walking all the way there is less convenient though, huh?
So we're coming back out from where humans fell. I find it's amazing how that Mo guy has a ladder so big it'll actually get us outta here this way! And that it somehow fit hidden in his stand. Luckily even if someone isn't good at climbing there's always the flower bed to fall back on! Heh... Just don't fall on me.
*Once everyone gets up to the surface, Flowey looks all around himself cautiously. Who knows if people are following them again or planning a surprise attack in advance.*
So, where do you think Clover and their soldier gang would be? Do we know where we're going? If we don't find them, how are we going to tell them we "surrender" and came to the surface "peacefully?"
(Kara) "The best plans are made at the spot like D-day. Come on everyone let's..."
(Clover) "What are you doing come to test my patience. Or have you finally figured out beating me is impossible."
(Kara) "Option A."
(Clover) "Perfect. So now why did you bring me all these monsters. You want to be friends!!! Well how could I say no when you give me such a good present I should give one too."
*Clover blows up the Underground leaving only 100 monsters alive.*
Kara was just on the ground knees planted and just trying to comprehend what just happened. They didn't want to cry to appear tough but after realizing Noelle was crying even more they thought it was acceptable.
(Noelle) "You, you BITCH!!!"
(Kara) "Noelle we have to remain calm the plan can only work if..."
(Noelle) "Screw the plan I'm tired of being a puppet from you all. You cry all the time of having Merg being controlling. OH BOO HOO. Wah ha ha."
*Noelle started laughing a laugh Kara thought they only have seen from Chara. It seemed like she had so much hate it was all flooding out.*
(Noelle) "You should...*Snif* YOU SHOULD KNOW how it feels to be a puppet huh? Well how about just being bossed around doing whatever you tell me to do like Susie... and of course the stupid Flower. You know what screw it, you're the nicest thing I've ever met. At least you don't control people like puppets anymore and can admit fault. I'm going to kill Clover right now and there's nothing you can do to stop me."
*Noelle cast snow... but Clover refuse. GUN*
(Clover) "That was you plan, *PFFT* Weak. Get her body."
(Noelle) "You think that can kill me? You know what I'm done with this. 100 monsters, good luck Kara. You save 100 and kill a million.*Noelle leaves the universe.*"
(Clover) "Well too bad for you, right?"
(Kara) "No, I know I can't beat you anymore, but I sure am going to save who I can. You will reset."
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