#boo ahra.
ma6e · 5 days
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BOO AHRA ( ella / suya ) — alt. arabella boo. 4 de abril, 1996. equipo samhain. se ocupa como subteniente militar de operaciones especiales surcoreanas en la unidad 707 (desactivación de explosivos, rescate y recuperación de rehenes), especializándose como especialista en evasión en reverie. perteneciente a la academia sinclair & thorne. maneja habilidades de velocidad de ejecución (8), agilidad (8), orientación (4), y capacidad de análisis (7). hay quienes le describirían como responsable, diligente, y resiliente, como quienes dirían que es irascible, hipócrita, y vengativa. prima de jasper jang.
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SELF-PARA: Una carta a su madre.
SELF-PARA: Una carta a su padre.
SELF-PARA: Una entrada de su diario (No tiene).
ARCHIVO: Reporte de acoso laboral.
ARCHIVO: Relación con su hermano menor.
MAIN: Reverie Academy (reveriers).
CUENTA: @booara
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jasperyang · 4 months
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minji park, fallecida a los 43 años — madre de jasper y quizá la figura más importante en su vida incluso ahora. aunque terapeuta de profesión, su verdadera pasión radicaba en la poesía.
ilsung yang, 58 años — padre, director del hospital universitario de north shore, en nueva york. desde la muerte de minji, su relación con jasper ha sido rocosa.
jasper yang, 29 años. hijo único del matrimonio yang, una pareja de sucoreanos que decidieron migrar a estados unidos por asuntos laborales. lingüista forense, actualmente hace parte de la unidad de inteligencia criminal del departamento de policía de nyc.
rocky, casi 10 años — uno de los pocos vínculos que mantienen jasper y su padre unidos después del fallecimiento de su madre. ama hacer senderismo y las anchoas enlatadas.
boo ahra, 28 años — prima por parte materna. a pesar de la distancia, arabella resulta ser una de las personas de su familia extendida a quien más le guarda cariño, siempre tiene presentes los buenos recuerdos formados durante los tantos viajes de vacaciones del pasado.
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reverieinter · 27 days
Código de Error: 502 Descripción: El archivo correspondiente al expediente número #125, Arabella Boo, está siendo enviado erróneamente a todos los correos electrónicos de contacto de la generación 2024. Detalles del Error: El sistema ha generado un fallo en la distribución de archivos, resultando en el envío masivo del expediente. Acción Requerida: Por favor, ignore el archivo recibido. Nuestro equipo de soporte está trabajando para corregir este problema y evitar futuros incidentes. Estado: En proceso de resolución.
Reporte de Acoso Laboral
Fecha del Incidente: 15 de marzo de 2020 Nombre de la Víctima: Boo Ahra Edad en el Momento del Incidente: 24 años Rango: Teniente Unidad: Unidad 707 de Operaciones Especiales Localización: Base Militar de Gimpo, Corea del Sur
Descripción del Incidente:
Detalles de la Queja: El 15 de marzo de 2020, la Teniente Boo Ahra presentó una queja formal ante la Jefatura de la Unidad 707 por acoso laboral. La víctima denunció que durante un período de varios meses, fue objeto de conductas inapropiadas y despectivas por parte de su superior directo, el Capitán Kim Jisoo. Las conductas descritas incluyen:
Comentarios Denigrantes: El Capitán Kim Jisoo habría hecho comentarios repetidos sobre la capacidad de la Teniente Boo Ahra para desempeñar su rol en operaciones de alto riesgo, refiriéndose despectivamente a su género y sugiriendo que no estaba a la altura de las exigencias del trabajo.
Aislamiento y Exceso de Trabajo: La víctima informó que se le asignaban tareas peligrosas de forma desproporcionada y que era excluida de reuniones y decisiones clave, afectando su rendimiento y reputación dentro de la unidad.
Intimidación: El Capitán Kim Jisoo, en varias ocasiones, habría intimidado a la Teniente Boo Ahra en privado, cuestionando su lealtad y sugiriendo que debería reconsiderar su permanencia en la Unidad 707.
Testigos: Varios compañeros de la Teniente Boo Ahra confirmaron haber presenciado algunos de estos incidentes, aunque la mayoría señaló que el Capitán había sido cuidadoso en no dejar pruebas evidentes.
Acciones Tomadas:
Investigación Interna: La Jefatura de la Unidad 707, bajo la supervisión del Coronel Park Hyun-woo, inició una investigación interna en abril de 2020. Sin embargo, la falta de pruebas contundentes y la naturaleza delicada de las acusaciones hicieron que el proceso fuera lento y controvertido.
Recomendación de Transferencia: En junio de 2020, el Coronel Park Hyunwoo recomendó la transferencia de la Teniente Boo Ahra a otra base militar para evitar futuros conflictos y asegurar su bienestar. Sin embargo, Boo Ahra rechazó la transferencia, considerando que esta medida sería vista como una aceptación tácita de culpa o incompetencia.
Oferta de Curso de Especialidad: Como parte de las medidas para apoyar el desarrollo profesional de Boo Ahra, en agosto de 2020 se le ofreció la oportunidad de asistir a un curso de especialización en la prestigiosa academia Sinclair & Thorne en Inglaterra. La Teniente aceptó la oferta, aprovechando la oportunidad para ampliar sus conocimientos en operaciones especiales y tácticas avanzadas.
Petición de Cambio de Base: Pese a la negativa inicial de la víctima, la recomendación de transferir a la Teniente Boo Ahra fue reiterada en varias ocasiones por la Jefatura, indicando que un cambio de ambiente podría ser beneficioso tanto para ella como para la unidad.
Estado Actual (2024):
Situación de Apelación: Desde 2020 hasta la fecha presente (2024), la ahora Subteniente Boo Ahra ha apelado repetidamente la decisión de ser transferida, argumentando que el cambio de base afectaría negativamente su carrera y sería una medida injusta que no aborda el problema de fondo: la conducta inapropiada del Capitán Kim Jisoo. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, la resolución del caso sigue estancada.
Impacto en la Carrera: El prolongado proceso de apelación ha afectado la trayectoria de la Subteniente Boo Ahra. Aunque ha mantenido su posición en la Unidad 707, la situación ha generado tensiones dentro de la unidad, y ha limitado sus oportunidades de ascenso.
Recomendación: Se sugiere una revisión exhaustiva del caso y la implementación de medidas adicionales para proteger los derechos de la víctima, garantizando que las políticas contra el acoso laboral sean efectivamente aplicadas. Es crucial considerar tanto el bienestar de Boo Ahra como la integridad de la Unidad 707.
Firmado por: Coronel Park Hyunwoo 10 de septiembre de 2020 Jefatura de la Unidad 707, Base Militar de Gimpo
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Hoekom dink hierdie meisies soos, ek wil hul kêrels naai? Dit is soos, so nie waar nie Hulle boyfriends like, wil my naai Soos, o my god Ek weet ek is warm en al, maar soos Dit is so verkeerd, jy weet? So soos, ek is nie, ek is nie
[Haak] Ek probeer nie fokken man nie Almal ken hy my nommer een fan Ek was klaar daar, het dit gedoen, teef en Jy wil kwaad word, teef? Ek gee nie 'n verdoemenis nie
[Vers 1] Dit is hoe dit doen, jy is hoe ek nie Talkin' al hierdie kak, maar jy weet jy sal regtig nie Voel onseker as ek om die plek kom Tila kry dit crunk, so ek laat dit val asof dit warm is Ek sien jou in die hoek braai my van daar af "Want jy weet jy hou daarvan om my reguit skaars te slaan Nuttin' tot binne terwyl hy aan my hare trek Haat dit of hou daarvan, die underdog is net daar
Pse mendojnë këto vajza, dua të palloj të dashurit e tyre? Kjo është si, kështu që nuk është e vërtetë Të dashurit e tyre duan, duan të më pallojnë Si, oh zot. E di që jam seksi dhe të gjitha, por si Kjo është shumë e gabuar, e di? Pra, unë nuk jam, unë nuk jam
[Hook] Unë nuk jam tryna fuck ya man Të gjithë e dinë se ai është tifozi im numër një. Kam qenë atje, e kam bërë këtë, bushtër dhe Do të çmendesh, bushtër? Nuk më intereson fare.
[Vargu 1] Kjo është se si ajo bën, ju është se si unë nuk Duke folur për të gjitha këto gjëra, por ti e di që vërtet nuk do ta bësh. Ndihem i pasigurt kur vij përreth vendit Tila merre atë crunk, kështu që unë e hedh atë si ajo është e nxehtë Të shoh në qoshe duke më grirë nga atje Sepse ti e di që të pëlqen të më godasësh rrallë Nuttin'up brenda ndërsa ai tërheq mbi flokët e mi Urreje ose duaje, i nënçmuari është aty.
እነዚህ ሴቶች የወንድ ጓደኞቻቸውን ማጋጨት የምፈልገው ለምንድን ነው? ይኸው ነው እውነት አይደለም የወንድ ጓደኞቻቸው ይወዳሉ, ሊደበዝዘኝ ይፈልጋሉ እንደ ሆ ሆ አምላኬ እኔ ሞቃት ነኝ ሁሉንም አውቃለሁ ግን እንደ ይህ በጣም ስህተት እንደሆነ ታውቃለህ? እንደዚህ አልሆንኩም
[Hook] I in't tryna fuck ya man ሁሉም ሰው እሱ ያውቃል የእኔ ቁጥር አንድ አድናቂ እኔም እዚያ ነበርኩ ያንን አደረግኩ አሻሚ መናደድ ትፈልጊያለሽ? እርግም አልሰጥም
[ቁጥር ፩] እንደዚህ ነው እኔ ያልሆንኩት ይህን ሁሉ ነገር ተናገር, ነገር ግን በእርግጥ እንደማታገኝ ታውቃለህ በስፍራው ስዞር ያለመረጋጋት ስሜት ተሰማኝ Tila ያግኙት, ስለዚህ እንደ ትኩስ እጥለዋለሁ ማዕዘኑ ግራሊን ውስጥ አይቼሃለሁ'' ከዛ ''you know you know ya boos like like to like to hit me like to hit a rare ኑቲን ፀጉሬን እየጎተተ ወደ ውስጥ ጠላው ወይ ውደደው, የበታች ውሃ እዚያው
لماذا تفكر هؤلاء الفتيات ، أريد أن أمارس الجنس مع أصدقائهن؟ هذا مثل ، لذلك ليس صحيحا أصدقائهم مثل ، يريدون أن يمارس الجنس معي مثل ، يا إلهي أعلم أنني حار وكل شيء ، لكن مثل هذا خطأ كبير ، هل تعلم؟ لذا ، أنا لست كذلك ، أنا لست كذلك
[هوك] أنا لا أحاول اللعنة يا رجل الجميع يعرف أنه معجبي رقم واحد فعلت كان هناك ، فعلت ذلك ، العاهرة و تريد أن تغضب ، العاهرة؟ أنا لا أهتم
[الآية 1] هذه هي الطريقة التي تفعل بها ، أنت كيف لا أفعل تحدث عن كل هذا القرف ، لكنك تعلم أنك لن تفعل ذلك حقا الشعور بعدم الأمان عندما آتي على الفور تيلا تجعله مقرمشا ، لذلك أسقطه كما لو كان ساخنا أراك في الزاوية شولين لي من هناك لأنك تعرف يا صيحات الاستهجان تحب أن تضربني بشكل مستقيم نادر نوتين في الداخل بينما كان يشد شعري أكرهها أو تحبها ، حق المستضعف هناك
lamada tufker houlaa al-fatyat ، arred an amars al-genes ma asdakahnes hatha muthall ، lathlek les sahiha usdaqayham muthall ، lerydon an yemars al-genes muay muthall ، ya elahi alam anni har wall shaya ، lucken muthall hatha khatta kabier ، hull talmeb leza ، anne list kethlek ، anne list kethlek
[hooke] anne cerda ahawol al-lana ya umbrella al-jamia yaarof anne maajbi raqam wahid falat kan hannak ، falat delk ، al-ahra and traid an taghdab ، al-ahrab anne cerda ehtem
[alaya 1] hedheh hui el-tureeqa al-tay tufal beha ، ant keefe cerda afel tuhadth an gul hatha guerf ، lekink talam ank linh tufal delk haqqa al-shawar baadem al-aman andama atti ola al-fur tila tajaleh meqremsha ، lathlek askata kama lieuwe kan sakhna arak fe zawiye schoelen lee min hannak lank taref ya sehat al-astahjan tahab an todrebney beshkel mastaqim nadir naughtin fe al-dakhel benma kan yechd saari akraha ou tahbaha ، haq al-mustadaf hannak
Ինչո՞ւ են այս աղջիկները մտածում, ես ուզում եմ իրենց ընկերուհիներին կծել: Որ նման է, այնպես չէ որ ճիշտ չէ Իրենց սիրեկանները սիրում են, ուզում են ինձ ծծել Ինչպես, օ՜, իմ աստված Ես գիտեմ, որ տաք եմ եւ ամեն ինչ, բայց նման Դա այնքան սխալ է, գիտե՞ք: Այնպես որ, ես չեմ, ես չեմ
[Հուք] Ես չեմ ջանում я я я Բոլորը գիտեն, որ նա իմ թիվ մեկ երկրպագուն է Ես այնտեղ եմ եղել, արել եմ դա, բլիթ եւ Ուզում ես խելագարվել, բիչո՞վ: Ես նզովք չեմ տալիս,
[1-ին համար] Այսպես է անում, դու ինչպես ես չեմ Թոլքեն' այս ամենը, բայց դու գիտես, որ իրականում չես Ինձ անվստահ եմ զգում, երբ գալիս եմ այդ վայրից Tila get it crunk, այնպես որ ես նետում եմ այնպես, կարծես տաք է Ես տեսնում եմ քեզ անկյունում' ինձ այնտեղից «Որովհետեւ գիտես, որ ya boos-ը սիրում է ուղիղ հարվածել ինձ Նուտտինը ներս է բարձրանում, երբ քաշում է մազերս Ատում է կամ սիրում է, ստորոգյալը հենց այնտեղ է
এই ছোৱালীবোৰে কিয় এনে ভাবে, মই তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰেমিকসকলক যৌনসঙ্গম কৰিব বিচাৰো? সেয়া এনেকুৱা, গতিকে সঁচা নহয় তেওঁলোকৰ প্ৰেমিকে মোক যৌনসঙ্গম কৰিব বিচাৰে যেনে, হে ভগৱান মই জানো মই গৰম আৰু সকলো, কিন্তু এনেকুৱা এইটো ইমান ভুল, আপুনি জানেনে? গতিকে যেনে, মই নহয়, মই নহয়
[হুক] মই ট্ৰাইনা ফাক য়া মেন নকৰো সকলোৱে জানে তেওঁ মোৰ এক নম্বৰ অনুৰাগী আমি সেখানে ছিলাম, তা করেছি, কুত্তা এবং তুমি পাগল হ'ব বিচাৰা, কুত্তা? মই একো নিদিওঁ
[শ্লোক ১] এনেদৰেই হয়, আপুনি এনেদৰে নকৰো মই নকৰো টকিনৰ এই সকলোবোৰ বিষ্ঠা, কিন্তু আপুনি জানে যে আপুনি সঁচাকৈয়ে নকৰিব যেতিয়া মই ঠাইখনৰ চাৰিওফালে আহো তেতিয়া অসুৰক্ষিত অনুভৱ কৰোঁ টিলাই ইয়াক ক্ৰংক পাইছে, গতিকে মই ইয়াক গৰম হোৱাৰ দৰে পেলাই দিওঁ মই তোমাক তাৰ পৰা কোণৰ গ্ৰিলিনত দেখিছো 'কারণ তুমি জানো ইয়া বুস আমাকে সোজা বিরল আঘাত করতে পছন্দ করে মোৰ চুলি টানি থাকোতে নুটিন ভিতৰলৈ উঠি ছে ইয়াক ঘৃণা কৰক বা ভাল পাওঁ, আণ্ডাৰডগতা তাত আছে
ae chowalibore kia anne bhabe, mai teonlok premix yaunasangam karib visaro? seya enekuwa, gotike sancha nahay teonlok premic mok yaunasangam karib visar jene, hay bhagwan mai jano mai garam aaru saklo, kintu enekuwa aito iman bhul, apuni janen? gotike jene, mai nahay, mai nahay
[hooke] mai trina fuck ya man nokoro sockloway jaan teon more ek number anuragi ami sekhan chilam, ta karechi, kutta ebong tumi puggle ho'va visara, kutta? mai acco nidion
[sloke ১] enedre hoy, apuni enether nokoro mai nokoro takiner ae saklobore vishtha, kintu apuni jaan ye apuni sanchakaiah nakrib yetia mai thaikhan chariofal aho tetia asurakshita anubhav karon tilai yak krank paise, gotike mai yak garam hower dare pelai deon mai tomak tar para konar grelene dekhiso 'karan tumi jano ya boose amak soja viral aghat karat pasand kare more chuli tanny thakote nutin bhitaralai uthi che yak ghrina karak va bhal paon, underdog taat ash
Bu qızlar niyə belə düşünür, mən onların oğlanlarını sikmək istəyirəm? Bu, belədir, deməli, doğru deyil Onların boyfriends like, məni sikmək istəyirəm Ey mənim tanrım, Bilirəm ki, isti və hamısındayam, amma kimi Bu, çox yanlışdır, bilirsənmi? Yəni, mən yoxam, mən yoxam,
[Huk] mən sınamıram ki, ya kişi sikim Hamı bilir ki, o mənim bir nömrəli fanatımdır Mən orada oldum, bunu etdim, çələnk və Dəli olmaq istəyirsən, çələnk? Mən bir lənət vermirəm
[1-ci ayə] Bu cür edir, sən mən belə etmirəm Bütün bu şıkları danış, amma bilirsən ki, həqiqətən də olmayacaqsan Yeri gələndə özümü inamsız hiss edirəm Tila qırışır, ona görə də isti kimi atıram Səni küncdə görürəm grillin' məni ordan "Çünki bilirsən ki, ya boos məni düz nadir vurmağı xoşlayır Saçlarımı dartarkən içinə nuttin' Nifrət edin və ya onu sevin, underdog's right orada
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reveriedyn · 2 months
🎧 You're Welcome - Dwayne Johnson (Moana OST)
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reveriers · 4 months
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› Aspirante a detective número #125 detectado. ARABELLA BOO, proveniente de COREA DEL SUR. Con 28 años, siempre le han dicho que tiene un parecido con KIM HYEYOON. Enviade desde la Escuela de detectives SINCLAIR & THORNE como estudiante de intercambio a la Academia Reverie. Fue seleccionade por su impresionante desempeño en VELOCIDAD DE EJECUCIÓN (4) y también mostrar aptitudes prometedoras en AGILIDAD (3) y CAPACIDAD DE ANÁLISIS (1).
BAKU, como administración de Reverie Academy, queremos agradecerte tu interés. Tienes 24 horas para enviarnos la cuenta de tu personaje. Si llegases a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotras.
Apodo: Baku
Pronombres: Cualquiera
Edad: 27
Zona horaria: Chile
Triggers: Ninguno
En caso de unfollow, ¿permitirías que usemos a tu personaje en la trama como un PNJ?: Sí.
Nombre: Boo Ahra (Arabella Boo)
Pronombres: Femeninos
Faceclaim: Kim Hyeyoon
Fecha de nacimiento y edad: 4 de Abril. 28.
Nacionalidad: Coreana
Profesión: Subteniente de Operaciones Especiales en la Unidad 707 en Corea del Sur (Desactivación de Explosivos, y Rescate y Recuperación de Rehenes).
Año en curso en la Escuela de Detectives Sinclaire & Thorne: Tercero.
Especialización que cursará en Reverie: Especialista en Evasión
Habilidades de Reverie en las que destacó: 
Velocidad de ejecución: 4
Agilidad: 3
Capacidad de análisis: 1
Nació en Jeju porque sus padres así lo quisieron. Ya se encontraban basados en Seúl cuando fue concebida y a lo largo del embarazo, pero para su nacimiento, tenían que volver a la isla. Una necesidad parental que hasta el día de hoy Ara no sabe racionalizar. Pero así fue. Sin embargo, gran parte de su vida la vivió en la capital. Cuando vino su hermano menor, la tradición se repitió. Aunque encuentra linda la isla, está lejos de sentir el mismo apego por el lugar que sus padres. 
Entrar al servicio militar vino como sorpresa solo para la madre, que esperaba instalar a su hija en una cómoda posición junto a su marido, padre de Ahra, en la empresa de tecnología avanzada que les ha amasado la fortuna familiar. De infante no mostró signos de querer una vida en la milicia. O en la empresa, tampoco. Todo lo contrario. Parecía desear recorrer el mundo acompañada de una mochila y sus sueños. Eso cambió poco antes de cumplir la edad en que esas decisiones se toman. En retrospección, ya cumpliendo una década en la institución, quisiera decir que siempre se le hizo fácil y que no ha tenido problemas. Pero su naturaleza rebelde, y otros factores más problemáticos, la han llevado muchas veces a tener problemas con la autoridad y en ocasiones con sus propios pares. Acompañado de la presión que impone su madre porque se mantenga fuera de problemas y con vida, inseguridad que recoge por la muerte temprana de su hermana, podría asegurar que se introdujo en una vida con mucho estrés y que lo hizo a sabiendas. 
Entre sus intereses personales, como una persona en búsqueda de la paz interna —que rara vez alcanza—, ha encontrado consuelo en la cocina y la música, principalmente. En la cocina, disfruta de experimentar con distintos ingredientes, expresándose al darle su toque personal a platillos que conoce de toda la vida. Y con la música… Ahra se toma el cello como su primer encuentro con la disciplina, instrumento que comenzó a tocar cuando todavía era una niña, a los siete años. 
Arabella es el nombre que adoptó al iniciar sus estudios fuera de Corea del Sur. 
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lillianasrose · 4 years
I fucking love you
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Mistakes were a common factor in your life. Of course everyone makes mistakes, they’re easy. But this was the worst one ever. The pregnancy test sat on the counter blinking one single word at you, positive. It was one of many laying around in various places. It was one of those fancy electronic ones, the only one you couldn’t brush off as a ‘cheap dollar store stick that got in wrong most of the time.’ There also was the fact of the small baby bump you were sporting. You hadn’t realized until that woman at the gym walked up to you.
“Good for you mommy, keeping fit.” she had touched your stomach and you had almost tripped on the treadmill, “So when’s it due.” you slowed to speed down.
“What?” You had asked. Who the fuck was this lady to randomly walk up to you and touch you.
“Well your baby.” She had laughed, “That’s at least a three month bump.” your heart stopped then at the gym and you looked down at yourself, you hadn’t realized, you were trying so hard to deny it.
“April maybe.” You had gone to the store and bought a pregnancy test, it was the first of several each time you wished the result would change. Adam had been gone for 3 months, it had been three months since that stupid party.
You were drinking of course you were drinking A) it was a party, in your own apartment complex. B) You were sad, Adam was leaving for some unknown amount of time to be in this movie, you had been helping him pack his suitcase. He was your neighbor and your best friend. He could you not miss the perverted goofball?
“Y/N!” Adam called out to you from...somewhere. Speak of the handsome devil, “Squish,” He caught you around the waist bringing you to the stairs, “Shit your drunk. How much did you have?”
“Enough to to not miss you.” You pouted up at him, “You're too tall, I can’t kiss you.” you mumbled
“What was the last of that?” He asked, smiling down at you, trying to hear over the loud music.
“Mhhmm.” Adam hauled you up, wedding style, bringing you up the stairs.
“You have your keys, Squish?” he asked. You shook your head no.
“They’re at your house.” He groaned and kicked the door opposite to your’s open.
“You are going to be the death of me Squis-” And you kissed him, a lot. What started at the door moved to the couch and ended up in his bed. When you woke up the next morning you were in one of his t-shirts, he was missing, the shower was running, and you bolted. You had shut your door when he knocked.
“Squish?” He asked, “You ok?” You were not ok, you had ruined everything. Things were going to be awkward now, you had lost your best friend. “Hey, Y/N, please just talk to me.”
“I’m fine Adam, don’t miss your flight.” You had said through the door.
“I’m not leaving till you come out here and talk to me.” your hands shook as you opened the door, "I'm so sorry." he whispered.
"What are you sorry for? I'm not mad at you, I'm just embarrassed, I came on to you, I took advantage of you."
"I mean i didn't not enjoy it." he laughed. You took in a deep breath of air.
"Still friends?" You asked. He paused and you know he wanted to tell you no. "Best friends?" he nodded, not looking you in the eyes. You had ruined your only friendship.
"I'll be home soon," he promised, "Keep an eye on my place?" he asked. You nodded smiling through your sadness.
"Be safe." you said, hugging him for the last time in a long time.
And Adam left, months later you realized you were pregnant. You were too scared to go to the doctor, you ate healthy, did light exercise, continued working at your job, you almost texted Adam a time or two but always deleted it immediately. Adam was still gone, guess that movie was a big break for him.
"Ah boo ra!" you stopped the stroller coming around to crouch beside it. "Ah boorada!" your seven month old was clapping, he loved going to the park and you enjoyed pushing him along on the running trails.
"What's up baby, hey!" you grabbed his little hand, he was still doing his little chant, "Seth, what's up baby."
"Seth?" A deep voice boomed in front you. You jumped up not recognizing it at first.
"Adam?!" you gasped, "Your back?"
"You had a baby?" he asked back.
"Yeah I did." You nodded.
xXx Adam was shell shocked. They had an amazing night together before he left about a year and a half….
"How old is he?" Adam asked, catching Y/N off guard. He started whimpering and she swiveled quickly to pick him up. She held him with his little head tucked onto her shoulder, patting his back.
"What are you doing, no no no. Oh I know I know sh shh sh, Seth baby it's ok. You're not even crying." She was trying to dig through a bag with one hand and Adam took the baby.
"Hey buddy." he said gently, bouncing him a bit, "Why are you crying?"
"Juju." he whined, "Juju!"
"I got your juju don't worry." she swooped in and Adam grabbed the stroller for her as she settled onto a bench with the baby.
"Y/N, whose baby is that?" Adam asked her. His heart was beating out of his chest, he hadn't seen her in so long and now here she was, just as beautiful as the day he left her behind, holding this cute little dark haired baby with her y/e/c eyes. Both her and the baby, now happily sucking on a bottle, were looking at him with those eyes.
"Well mine of course." she laughed, she was shaking.
"Whose the dad?" He asked. She froze and he knew from that point; him, he was the father. She wouldn't look at him.
"Adam I gotta go." he tried to stop her, "Seth has his seven month appointment, I really have to go but I will see you later when we get home." and she jogged away. Adam wanted to run after her, but had a better idea. Lucile just down the hallway from them always knew everything
xXx "Hey baby Seth." Dr. Luna came through the door, "Hey mommy!" she greeted me with an infectious smile.
"So let's talk about the little star of the show, how's he doing?" There was a knock on the door and one of the nurses came in followed by Adam. Dr. Luna stood to greet him. Seth laughed making grabby motions at Adam from his spot lying on the table. "You must be dad!" She smiled widely. Adam nodded coming to sit in the chair on the other side of Seth.
"Seth is doing really well." I answer. A bit nervous that Adam had showed up.
"How is the lactose free formula I recommend?"
"Euuullk!" He shrieked swinging his little arms and kicking his feet
"He doesn't really like it, but bad taste is better than tummy aches I suppose." I rubbed Seth’s little tummy.
"pffft!" Seth huffed at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. Adam chucked from his seat, “Baa!” Seth rolled onto his tummy staring at Adam.
"Expressive little thing!" Dr. Luna smiled, “Alright so is our little man trying to sit up on his own?”
“Well not really he-” He pulled his little legs under him and sat up clapping at Adam, “Just did for the first time.” Luna gasped,
“Yay baby Seth!!” She cheered, rolling over to play with his little covered foot. He was still clapping at Adam.
“Oo ra oo ra oo raa.”
“He talks quite a lot, he likes to mimic people.” I explained to the doctor, Seth was laughing uncontrollably and I looked over to see Adam playing with him, clapping along.
“Ok, that’s fantastic. Next time I see you, you'll be saying big people's words.”
“He’s getting pretty close, if you tell him something he will remember and come up with his own baby word for it. Cat is caca, dog is doo, plant is plah. Stuff like that.” I heard Adam make an over exaggerated gasp.
“You are so smart buddy!”  
“Exactly right dad, I think we are getting into a higher range of mental development. Does he recognize his own name?” She rolled back over to her computer.
“Seth?” He turned around to face me pointing at Adam.
“Ahra!” He said angrily before turning back around.
“He does!” Luna cheered, “Ok i’m going to go down my check list for the 8 to 9 month range, we may not have to do any more modified appointments. Afraid of strangers?”
“Definitely not.” Adam chimed in, “At least not from what i’ve seen, Y/N?” He asked, looking bashful at me. I smiled at him.
“No, he is very much not afraid of strangers. He’s a bit clingier to people he recognizes though.”
“That kinda checks two boxes, may need to kinda explain to him that strangers can be bad when he’s a bit older. Does he have a favorite toy?”
“It varies from day to day.”
“Alright, does he understand the word ‘no’ ?” Seth took in a deep breath and glared at her, “Chalk that up to a yes and he does not like it.” She said typing into her computer, “Makes lots of sounds, yes. Does he copy sounds and gestures you make?”
“Seth,” Adam called in a sing song way, Adam scrunched up his face funny and Seth copied him before giggling uncontrollably and falling back onto me, Adam lunged out of his seat trying to catch him and it hit the ground with a bang, which set Seth off crying. “I’m sorry I’m sorry!” Adam was chanting over and over. I picked Seth up, falling back hadn’t hurt him, it was just the noise.
“Shh shh, it’s ok.” I was trying to sooth both of the babies in the room, “Here,” I handed him over to Adam as the nurse righted the chair.
“I’m sorry buddy.” he was still saying.
“He’s ok Adam.” I told him gently, “He really doesn’t like loud noises. People talking loudly are ok but things like sirens, banging, construction, fireworks are a no go.” He was still crying and I tugged on Adam’s sleeve until he sat down next to me on the table. I rubbed Seth’s little head, “What are you doing baby, you're not crying you’re not even crying. You wanna come to mommy?” I asked, he huffed and clung on tighter to Adam.
“Oh it’s ok baby Seth I don’t like loud stuff either.” Dr. Luna smiled at me, “He’s obviously pointing at things. Seth,” She called when he was settled down, “Dad do you mind turning him around so I can look at his face?” She asked, Adam turned him and sat him in his lap, “Seth, watch.” She waved the brightly colored pencil then dropped it into her lap, “He’s following stuff with his eyes. If you per say, take something away from him or move something that he might want like a pacifier or a cup, does he come looking for it?”
“Our neighbor's cat will sometimes come in through the fire escape window to hide and Seth never fails to crawl around and track her down.” She cleaned the pencil really well and handed it to him.
“It’s unsharpened don't worry.” She smiled to Adam, “I just want to see how he plays.”
“Ooooo….BLAH!” He threw it away, at the nurse, beating on Adam’s hand on his stomach laughing, “Rada ra ra.” I dug into his baby bag, “Ra da ra.”
“Hey baby here.” I handed over his squishy pineapple.
“Very good,” Dr. Luna praised as he passed it around and chewed on it, “Passing things smoothly from hand to hand, picking and throwing things fairly well, can he hold onto things with his thumb and index finger, have you started giving him baby cereal.”
“He has an insane hate for baby cereal.” I responded, “But he grabs onto things you hand him fairly well.”
“I know he stands with support and bounces. Can he stand or try to stand on his own?” I shook my head no.
“Not unless he suddenly does it for Da-Adam again.” I smiled awkwardly. I didn’t know if I could call Adam dad, Dr. Luna had done it repeatedly and he hadn’t corrected her yet.
“Oh silly me, I just assumed-”
“I’m the dad.” Adam said quickly, “It’s a bit of an odd situation but I’m the dad.”  
“Oh.” Dr. Luna smiled, “Well I’m delighted someone stepped up, Y/N sure needed someone in her corner after everything.” Adam looked at me, worried.
“I’m fine.” I told him, “We’re fine.” I said rubbing Seth’s head.
“Ok, I am going to go check up on my patient in room B, give you two sometime to get him undressed so we can do the physical check up, and get his shots.” Dr. Luna smiled, I nodded.
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure, I am always happy to see you and Seth in my office at any time.” She patted my knee. Headed to the door. “Oh! I am so sorry I almost forgot to ask if he is still sleeping with his machine? There seemed to be some notes in his chart from a Dr. Lance, there was a problem?” I let out a sigh.
“He developed this sort of hiccup noise but he wasn’t hiccuping, Dr. Lance recommended we take him off the machine and just hook him up to a pulse oximeter, he’s been fine ever since.”
“No more breathing problems?” She asked, smiling wide. I shook my head no,
“No more problems.” I agreed.
“High-five Mama! You are doing great!” She told me, “I’m still going to listen to that lung extra closely but if my hunch is right we might have a complete turn around.” She left and I prepared myself for the questions from Adam.
“Y/N?” He asked, putting his hand on top of mine. “Squish you gotta talk to me, what the fuck happened?”
“Where do I start?” I sighed.
“Well obviosly we had sex and now we have a baby, I’m assuming he is mine.”
“Yes you are the only man I had sex with in the past two years, so most likly he is yours.”
“Why was he breathing funny, what machine and why did he need it?” I shuddered.
“I was almost nine months, I was headed home from the store in a cab when some asshole decided he was tired of waiting and ran the red light slamming into the cab we were in. I woke up in the hospital, no longer pregnant and the nurse ran to get the doctor, they told me that I had pushed the baby out naturally in the ambulance. We were fine except, I hit my head and Seth had a centimeter whole in his lung and some fluid. He was hooked up to a breathing tube when they brought him to me and they were feeding him through a tube. We were at the hospital for two weeks before they sent him home with me, he was on a breathing machine at night with a mask and now we just have a little meter that goes off if his breathing isn’t normal and if it beeps we hook him up to the breathing machine for a while.”
“Please tell me I can go kick that bastard’s ass.” I shook my head at Adam.
“He pulled me out of the car and rode in the ambulance with me, they said he sobbed the entire time in the waiting room, I have no grudge against him.”
“Uh-uh.” I looked down at Seth who dropped his pineapple on the floor, he was pointing at it looking at Adam, “Uh-uh Boo ra.” I laughed.
“I think that’s his name for you. Boo-ra.” Seth agreed clapping
“Boo ra boo ra!” Seth agreed Adam growled, picking Seth up over his head.
“You gotta say Daddy. Come on Dada, Daaadaaa.”
“No not Doodoo, Dada. come on say Dada.” Seth reached down, smushing Adam’s face.
“Mye mye!”  
“Yeah Seth I’m all yours and Mommy’s…” my heart sputtered. Adam was looking at me with his huge brown eyes, “If she’ll have me?” He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out.
“Of course, I’m not gonna shut you out of Seth’s life.” I told him, he put Seth down wrapping his arm around me in a hug and holding onto Seth with the other arm.
“I should've been here.” He said, “I wish you had called me, texted me, something. I would have been here from the start.”  
“After all those crazy ex’s I heard about, How you thought at first somehow Hannah’s-”
“Ahhhht!” He covered Seth’s ears. “Don’t teach Seth satan’s name!”
“-baby was also yours, I couldn’t Adam I was so worried you would reject me, I thought I had already killed our friendship with my stupid crush.”
“Why would you think that?!” He looked taken aback.
“You totally refused to look at me, when I asked if we were still friends!” I gawked at him.
“Squish you little idiot,” He held Seth out in front of me, “You see this cute little shit, this is why I wouldn’t look at you that morning. I didn’t want to be your friend because I wanted the process that made him with you every second of every morning, evening, and night since the moment I first met you.”
“You had a crush on me too?” I asked getting up and laying Seth down to undress him.
“Nope, not a crush, not had. I was about five seconds of watching you dancing with all those guys that night from snatching you up and tying your ass to my bed and never letting you leave. I fucking love you.” I looked up at him.
“You can’t be serious.” I said in disbelief. He covered Seth’s eyes with one hand and snatched me up with the other arm kissing me, hard. He broke away from my lips to trail his mouth up my neck to my ear.
“I’m only stopping because the doctor’s coming back.” He whispered before nipping my ear, and setting me back down flat on my feet. I blushed hard and quickly finished undressing Seth.
“Alright!” She said walking back in, “Dad Im’a need you to hop up so I can measure how much little Seth is growing and we can get our shots.” 
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mathswarriors · 5 years
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jasperyang · 3 months
Abril 11, 2007
¡Pequeña Ahra! (por lo bajita),
¿Cómo estás? Adivina a quién le están haciendo practicar coreano por las tardes de nuevo. Mi papá dice que aún escribo el hangul como un niño de siete años así que perdón si no entiendes mucho mi letra...
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reveriedyn · 2 months
🎧 I'll Make The Man Out Of You - Mulan (OST)
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