#bonnie gold drabble
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novashelby · 2 months ago
Hard to Get-Bonnie Gold x Reader Drabble
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Pairing: Bonnie x You (for @wonderlanddreamer ) Words: 183 Warnings: None Summary: Bonnie approaches the mysterious lady at the bar.
He saw her there just across the way. The woman who always went to the after parties, but no one ever knew who she was. Perhaps she went for the complimentary alcohol or maybe just to peruse the social life because staying at home was a drag. He couldn’t answer either way, but he most certainly knew no one recognized her.
Bonnie ignored the array of people trying to talk to him as he slid by, mumbling ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’. When he reached the bar, she took one sip and turned her back. His face skewed in a concerned, almost confused expression when he backed away and walked to the other side, tilting his head. “Hello,” he offered with a smile. But she only spared him a glance before looking the other way. “Seriously?” he laughed, climbing a bit over the bar and making her look at him. Her brows arched and her look said…mmmmhm? “Playing difficult-”
“Well, seeing as you’ve ignored me these past few months,” she teased, her voice softer than he could have imagined. “I’ve decided to join in….”
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sleepypeaky · 4 years ago
little christmas
bonnie gold x reader
request: A cute simple Christmas Eve with Bonnie??💜
a/n: ok so please let me know if anything is off regarding romani traditions- i really tried to find stuff but i dont know if its right. I hope you like it! I sure do!
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The mulled wine was done just as the first flurries fell from the sky on christmas eve.
You lifted the pot over two mugs and filled them to the brim with the steaming liquid. The spices from the wine and the smell of woodsmoke gave the vardo a heavenly aroma.
“Its readyyyy!” You called as you made your way over to your and Bonnie’s bed, handing him the mugs so you could get cosy under the blankets. 
You were sitting beside one another and gazing out the small window next to the bed, the carved wooden window framing the wintery scene like a painting.
"mm this is wonderful!” Bonnie hummed as he sipped his drink. 
You looked over your shoulder at the small christmas tree in the corner of the room. Eyeing the candles on the branches, you asked (for the third time)
“are you sure thats safe? that cant be safe.” 
Bonnie chuckled and put down his mug, “I promise you its safe! I’ve had a tree just like that for my whole life....so probably.”
“Bonnie!” You gasped and swatted him playfully as he laughed. “Its a legitimate concern! Lighted candles on a flammable tree in a small space-”
“Y/n” He cut you off by bringing a hand to your chin to face him. “it’ll be fine, just look how perfect everything is.” He gestured around.
Everything was perfect, the soft glow of the stove, the view (of bonnie, and the snow). You leaned forward and kissed him softly. 
“oh wait!” He said and abruptly got out of the bed.
He scurried over to a cabinet and took out a tin before returning. “I got these for you today.”
He handed you the tin, which, you discovered to your delight, was full of Pfeffernüsse.
“oo yummy!”  You squealed and took one out for you and one for Bonnie.
You nestled in closer to him and watched the snow fall outside, the only sounds were the ticking of a clock and the tiny tap of snow against glass.
Later, you were curled up together in the glow of the dying fire, distantly, you heard the clock strike 12.
“Merry christmas bonnie.” You mumbled.
“merry christmas love.”
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years ago
Temporary (Bonnie Gold Oneshot)
Character/s: Bonnie
Word Count: 1,033
Requested: anon
Prompt/s: Patchwork, Safety Pin
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomrecs @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby @riana-jannat
A/N: This turned out a lot darker than I anticipated, but also what's new, y’know? Idk why, but I've been struggling with this so much. I absolutely love the concept, and even wrote an entirely different oneshot, I guess I'm just feeling insecure about my writing. None of it feels right. Nonetheless, I don't think writing a third version would help lol. I hope you like this and I hope it's not as awful as I feel it is!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: The only thing keeping you going is Bonnie 💕
Gif Credit: @bills-skarsgards :)
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Mud caked feet. Bleeding, torn soles pricked by thorns, by the hard ground, wounds full, choking on soil, on maggots, infection an old friend. Mother nature, in her infinite wisdom, had never been so unforgiving. Ruthless. Demonic. Nails broken, falling one by one in a gruesome attempt to lead you back to a home burning at the stake, discarded along the path of sharp turns, blurry edges. Screaming leaves rustling in the wind, crying out, threatening to fall, to leave you, just as the world fell from under you, as the sun solemnly set. Not out of her own will, her own power. The dark of the night draped over you, the wind biting, starved, the stars nothing but a mockery, finding solace in your pain. Your golden boy, with his sweet summer air, gone. Alone. Again.
Time itself an afterthought. Days and nights meant nothing. All you could do was run. Directionless. Heartless. Cold blooded. A voice between the trees, in the shadows, hummed in the twisted tunes of the crickets when they hushed you to sleep: give up. What more was there? A life cut short. Sliced. Diced. Fucking decapitated. Hung on a cross to atone for their sins. The worst kind of ending. Give up, give in, let go. Lay amongst the woods and wait. Decompose. To be picked apart until you were nothing but a pile of bones. Pray to any god who listened with compassion. Make it quick, painless, at the least dignified. Erase those dark eyes so scared, so knowing, staring you down.
He shouldn't have known where you were, he shouldn't have been able to see you in your hidden place, but he did. He always did. One word. An urge, and edge, in his silence. Run. Before things got bad, he meant. Before the gun struck him again, before they dragged him and tied him, your golden boy made only of blood. Before he hung by his wrists. Before your worst nightmare came true. Before your death. Inescapable. Run. To safety. To somewhere else. Away. Quickly, now. It would have been easy, effortless, even bliss, but he put up a fight every single day. It was who he was. You wouldn't go easy, either. Instead, you walk now, with a limp, with aches you'll never rid yourself of. The safety pin pricking your finger, drawing blood, ironic, really. A ring, in its own right. Engagement. Bent to make the shape. He needed you so much in that moment there was no time to wait, to think. Over the fire, your linens drying, blowing in the breeze, the warmth of him wrapped around you when you say it, when you say yes. Your golden boy, fiancé, all yours, and you, his. A vow, when the time came, for a real ring, a real wedding, a real life together. The world was perfect when it was only the two of you, though.
All you had left of him, the red across your palm.
You knew the life he was chasing, the dream, the want not to be forgotten. Playing toy soldier with people like that, it was dangerous. You thought it'd get him hurt, make your golden boy a patchwork of plastic bits and pieces until there was nothing left of his sweetness, like the rest of them. Temporary, he promised. It hadn't been a lie, but the words he spoke, he found hard to believe as they cut his tongue. The uncertainty dripping in his tone. Hand on your cheek, cupping your face, holding you together. Undeserving of him, his kindness, generosity, his dreams. The things he chased, the things that lived in all his stories. His voice, a lullaby. You were alone. No one by your side, not even your shadow. Forgotten by blood, by those who promised they'd never leave, discarded in the gutter. With him, you had a place to call home and a person to come home to. Your Bonnie, baby faced, naïve, too loving for his own good, head lost in the clouds. Always would be the first thing you noticed about him. The last, too. High above the world, in life and death. Excited, proud in his own shy way. Kissing his face tenderly after every match in the ring, hoping that would cure those black and blue bruises. Even now, a part of you resisted the want to turn back, to spend your future with him the way you intended.
The good in you. The good in this world. Lost. Murdered. The shell around you growing thicker, stronger, emotionless. Regret on the tip of your tongue, in the tears you cried, the sobs you tried to quiet, as if all the bad that ever followed you, your genetic default, putting him in harms way. You weren't sure how long it'd been. Weeks. Months. Lifetimes. Found. Dragged. Hushed, cooed, the way someone would a baby. Blank. A bed. Bandages. Around your legs, feet, smaller around your finger. His ring pried from your cold hands, thrown into the abyss. Men and women in white, missing their angel wings, their halos, their clouds. Each careful, quiet, preventing anymore pain. Speaking softly, incoherently. Not a word from your own mouth. Nothing left to say. In and out, from this world into the next. Never a sign of him, though. Not a whisper, a hint, he was simply gone. Awake. Asleep. You planned, plotted. Those men, the singing, the chanting, Billy's Boys. You'd find them, whoever they were, whatever they were. You'd make them pay the way he had. Take the light from their eyes without a moment of hesitation. Put them through what they put him through. Make them repent. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing would, not until you tracked them down, until your golden boy, with his big dreams and grand promises, could rest easy knowing they lay in shallow graves.
Even now, your mind and body healing, the need to hunt gnawing away, none if it could stop the anticipation, the wanting, to see him standing there, in the doorway, his grin lopsided in just the right places. Once again, this time with certainty, promising all of this would only be temporary.
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murswrites · 5 years ago
Fluff #13 for Bonnie Gold?
Pairings: Bonnie Gold x Romani!Reader Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST, 1k Celebration Imagine Post! Warnings:
Fluff #13: “You can sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
A/N This boy really owns my heart eye-
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A loud clap of thunder made you squeal in fear. It wasn’t your fault that thunderstorms scared you... and it wasn’t your fault that you couldn’t ever sleep during the rain. Despite growing up in vardos, you still feared the worst would happen with each lightning strike.
You hugged your knees to your chest and squeezed your eyes shut. When a knocking on your vardo door sounded, you screamed loudly. “Y/N, it’s me!” The familiar voice of Bonnie Gold made your heart slow exponentially.
After a deep breath, you rushed to pull the door open, sure that Bonnie was soaked to the bone. “What’re you doing here, Bon?” You’ve grown up with him and as time has passed, your childhood crush has bloomed into much more.
You were surprised to see he was dry (and thankful), “I know thunder scares you,” His words made your body heat up in embarrassment, “I had to check on you, are you alright?” You nodded and Bonnie sent you a smile. “Did I wake you?”
“Uh, no... you didn’t, I can’t sleep.” A look of realization dawns on him as you fall silent, a question just on the tip of your tongue. You rub your hands together, “Could you stay?”
Bonnie nodded faster than anyone ever has in your life, “If it means you’ll sleep, of course, ves’tacha.” The term of endearment made not just your face hot, but your ears and neck too. 
Once you were settled in bed, with Bonnie above the covers (he insisted, ever the gentlemen), he pulled you as close as the quilt would allow. “You can sleep, I’ll keep you safe.” That night was the best sleep you ever had.
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smallheathgangsters · 5 years ago
Winner’s Kiss | B.G.
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A/N: This is short but very sweet and I just love Bonnie a lot. Also, thank you Anon for requesting this, your ask was the reason I actually started wanting to write for Bonnie and I hope you’re enjoying my series for him! 🧡
Request: “your stuff!!!! the quality!!!! you are so damn talented!! can i pls get a prompt 40 with bonnie gold if u write for him. ik not many do but hes my boy 🥺 thank u queen” by Anon
Pairing: Bonnie Gold x Reader
Word Count: 861
Type: pure fluff
You tried so hard not to flinch every time Bonnie’s opponent struck, but it was impossible. The fear of your boyfriend being dangerously hurt was overwhelming. Seeing his pretty face streaming with blood, his left eye swollen and slowly turning blue. It wasn’t a sight you enjoyed. But it didn’t matter. Because all that mattered to you, was Bonnie being happy. And boxing made Bonnie happy.
Even though the crowd was loud, cheering and roaring, the only thing you heard was Bonnie’s panting. And as long as your ears were filled with the sound of his deep, controlled breaths, you were okay.
You watched as Bonnie dodged a punch and immediately responded with an unexpected blow, his fist meeting the other man’s jaw from below, sending his head back with force. Bonnie didn’t wait for the opponent to compose himself, hitting him in the temple only a split second later and bringing him to his knees with it.
Seeing your boyfriend towering over the man, most likely half a head taller and quite a lot heavier than him, made you jump out of your seat, letting out an excited cheer. Your clenched fist was thrown into the air, celebrating Bonnie’s victory.
The referee grabbed Bonnie’s wrist, holding his arm up in the air to announce his triumph to the audience, making the place erupt into deafening jubilation. The atmosphere and the huge smile on Bonnie’s face made your chest almost burst of how proud you were of him.
You noticed Bonnie’s eyes searching the crowd for you. When he spotted your tiny self in between all the men, he sent you a cheeky grin before mouthing I love you. You replied to his sweet gesture with a smile and nodded your head into the direction of the fitting rooms, letting him know you’d be waiting for him back there. Then, you started pushing yourself through the spectators.
When you arrived in the back room, where Bonnie had his clothes and belongings, you hopped onto the table in the middle of the space, swinging your legs back and forth lazily while waiting for him.
Surprisingly, it didn’t take long until he burst through the door, the broadest grin plastered on his face.
“Is that a winner I spot?” you greeted him, laughing.
“This was one of the best fights I’ve ever had!”
You couldn’t stop smiling at how overjoyed Bonnie was. So much, that your cheeks eventually started burning. “I’m so proud of you, Bonnie.”
“You are?”
“Of course! Now come here and let me give you a kiss!” you exclaimed, moving your index finger to emphasise your wish.
He took a few steps towards you but stopped just before you could reach him. “But I’m all sweaty and bloody … and a little bit gross.”
You rolled your eyes at his cute pout and let out a huffed laugh. “Don’t be stupid. Since when do I care about some blood and sweat?”
With that, you leaned forward slightly, trying not to slide off the table and grabbed his hand. You pulled him closer gently and moved your hands up to cup his face. “And by the way, you’re too beautiful not to touch. Even with that blue eye of yours.”
Your last sentence was paired with a cocky wink.
There was nothing in the world you loved more than the blush that appeared on Bonnie’s cheeks whenever you complimented his appearance. The way he scrunched up his nose as if he were trying to deny it although knowing you wouldn’t appreciate it at all.
“I love you, okay? And even though I’m scared shitless every time I see you up there in the ring, I cannot wait to see you grow and get even better than you already are,” you whispered, while having your foreheads touch.
“How do I deserve you?” he breathed, closing his eyes.
Another smile chased along your lips. Then, you closed the gap between you and him, kissing him passionately. A warm, fuzzy feeling took over your body and you couldn’t remember a moment in your life you’d felt happier than right now, wrapped up in Bonnie’s loving touch.
Just as you thought you’d completely melt away, the door was slammed open, making you and Bonnie jump away from each other in surprise.
Bonnie’s coach stood in the door frame, giving the two of you a weird look. “I wanted to ask Bonnie if he wanted to join us for a drink, y’know … to celebrate. But I see, he’s already celebrating.”
“Fuck off,” Bonnie chuckled, giving you an apologising look.
“We’ll be at the Garrison,” his coach muttered and quickly closed the door again. Bonnie moved his hazel eyes back to you and took a step closer again, slipping his arms around your waist. “Sorry for that.”
“It’s okay,” you grinned. “Don’t you want to join them?”
Bonnie snorted. “Are you being serious? They can wait. All I want to do right now is be with my pretty lady.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded and gave you a quick peck on the lips. “There’s absolutely no rush, Y/N. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
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murswrites · 5 years ago
Heart of Gold ⎯ Bonnie Gold One-Shot
Pairings: Bonnie Gold x  Shelby!Reader Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Word Count: ~ 1,760 Warnings: Cursing, fluff, over protective!tom, insecurities SUMMARY: You two fought hard for your first date and Bonnie made sure to go all out for you.
A/N I’ve been writing this since March and it’s hardly 2k words... wTF But enjoy this shitshow of fluff and angry brothers :D
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You stare at your reflection in the mirror, wondering if the lipstick too much. But you feel like you should spice it up since it’s your first real date. The first real date with Bonnie Gold, it has taken weeks for Tommy to even let you see Bonnie. Once Tom found out Bonnie had taken a liking to you, Thomas no longer liked him.
To speak lightly, Tommy threatened Bonnie. Said that if Bonnie so much as looked in your direction, he’d kick Bonnie out of the Peaky Blinders. You listened… in a sense. Tommy didn’t say anything to you about staying away from Bonnie Gold. So, in typical Shelby fashion, you rebelled. Confided in John and he helped you meet with your boy crush at his country house.
Esme found it entertaining, watching you two babysit the kids in return for secrecy. Seven children were a handful, but it turned out that Bonnie was a natural. Claiming to have taken care of a lot of kids whenever his extended family would camp with him and his father. 
Sure enough, the playful bliss didn’t last too long. Tom found out when he took an ‘unexpected’ visit. You still think that Tommy got John to admit it, that he was allowing this relationship to grow into more than a crush. It was terrifying really, to watch Tom blow up in such a strange way. He was calm the entire time, that is, until Bonnie was out of ear shot. Then he screamed at you for defying him.
Once again, in Shelby fashion, you yelled back just as– if not more –ferociously. It wasn’t new, fighting Tom. But it still took a lot out of you. You were exhausted after the screaming match, he calmly ordered you to get in the car before he drove you to his house. The words he shouted have continued to ring in your ears ever since that day, “As long as you live under my fucking roof, you’re going to fucking listen to what I say! And I say, stay the fuck away from Bonnie Gold!” 
Your jaw tenses as you recall the heated argument, since then, you’ve been fighting to be with Bonnie. Maybe it’s because you can’t have him that you want him so badly… a knock sounds on your door, breaking you from your thoughts, “Come in!” Your voice surely carries through the air and past the small wooden door. To make things less awkward, you decided to stay at the old house in Small Heath.
Not even wanting to have a run-in with Thomas, your angry father-like, brooding brother. In the mirror, you watch as the devil himself walks in… “What’re you doin’ here, Tom?” You pick at the thread that has come loose on your coat. Tom closes the door before sitting in the chair that rests in the corner of the small room. Turning around slowly, you sit on the corner of your bed, not meeting his gaze.
“I’ve come to tell you that…” The tone of his voice brings you to finally look at him, Tom looks strange. You’ve always been able to know when something was off just by the way someone’s eyes looked and right now, Tom’s eyes won’t even look at you. His jaw twitches and your eyes narrow, “That… that I’m…” Tom scratches the side of his head and sighs. “I’m fucking sorry.” 
The laugh that escapes your lips wasn’t exactly your fault, it was purely instinctual. It feels odd, hearing a man who doesn’t have the word sorry in his vocabulary apologize to you. “You’re…” Another giggle escapes your lips, “sorry?” You bring your hands up to your cheeks, relishing in the feeling of Tom apologizing for the first goddamn time in his life. “How odd, it seems your head has finally screwed itself on straight… only took you a fucking month and a half.” 
Tom rolls his eyes before peeling them off the floor, “I told Bonnie he was allowed to see you again.” He clears his throat, “Without any Peaky Protection, that is.” You feel your jaw go slack.
How dare he spy on you? “What the hell Tommy?! You sent your dogs to spy on me?”
“They aren’t dogs–” He interjects, but you don’t let him continue.
“I don’t care, you invaded my privacy!” You stand up to give yourself more power and Tom just shakes his head. “All my life, you fucks have just invaded and invaded. Over and over again, but no one stopped to think how it made me feel. It’s not fucking fair, Tom. You let Finn run about like a headless chicken, but if I so much as reach for a fag you practically cut off me hand!” You know you’re being dramatic, but it’s true.
Anytime you try to do anything that isn’t ‘ladylike’ or ‘age-appropriate’, someone scolds you. It’s typically Tom, because he’s apparently ‘worried’ about you being tainted. You both know you were tainted the day you came out of your mum’s womb. “I meant what I said.”
“Did Pol make you come and apologize?” You cross your arms across your chest and raise your chin at Tom arrogantly. 
Tom brings his hand up to his forehead, clearly tired of you sassing him. “No, she didn’t. Now,” He stands up, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes, “I was going to let you in on a secret. But I suppose you’ll appreciate the sentiment of a surprise… you fucking kids these days.” You watch as he steps out of your room, “You might want to hurry up, your boy toy is waiting.” The smirk on Tom’s face makes you want to rub it off with a mudpie. 
“He isn’t my boy toy, Tommy. And you know I hate surprises!” You call after him. Tommy closes the door in your face and you huff loudly. You plop down onto your bed for a moment before what Tom said settles into your mind, “Oh my god, he’s waiting for me!”
Bonnie led you away from your home and toward Charlie’s Yard, “Bon, where are we going?” He looked back at you with the cutest but shyest smile you’ve ever seen. Bonnie held your hand in his as he led the way but didn’t answer.
Tom’s words replayed in your head, a surprise… but what kind? Charlie’s Yard isn’t the best place for a proper first date. But at this point, with Bonnie? Anything could happen. He’s the most creative young man you’ve met and works his arse off for you (despite you telling him to take it easy all of the time).
“Patience, ves’tacha.” The shy look in his pretty brown eyes made your heart skip a beat. “It’s a virtue you know?”
“Oh, I don’t have, Bon,” He nodded in agreement, knowing damn well you and your whole family sucked at practicing patience. “I’m a Shelby no matter how much I’d like to not be,” Your eyes met that of a decorated carriage, flowers were woven through the metal bars and the horses were yours and Bon’s. A smile grew on your face immediately and you couldn’t help the surge of happiness that bloomed within your heart. “You did this for me?”
Bon’s cheeks turned a pretty red, matching the red roses that littered the metalwork of the carriage. “Of course,” You hugged Bonnie with all of your might and pressed light kisses against his neck, thanking him under your breath. When you parted, Bonnie was still blushing brightly, “Anything for you, Amirah/N.”
It wasn’t hard for your heart to swell with love as you cradled his cheek, “You’ve got a heart of gold, Bon. The sweetest one out of anyone in this shithole.” It didn’t seem possible, but Bonnie’s blush deepened at your words. You caught your lip between your teeth as another grin broke free, “Where are we going?!”
"It’s a surprise, Y/N.”
“I hate surprises!” You argued.
Bonnie shook his head, “Not when they’re with me.”
Your nose crinkled in confusion at Bon’s sudden boldness, but you rolled your eyes because he was right. “You know me too well,”
The field was empty minus the tree you two sat under. The shade proved to be needed as the air slowly heated up toward uncomfortable temperatures. “I can’t believe you did all this for me, Bon. It’s only our first date and I don’t want this to end.” You could see the smile behind Bon’s cup of water as he drank it all.
“I want you to know that I’m no less than those city boys is all.”
Your eyebrows drew downward on your forehead, Bonnie’s words made not a lick of sense. “Why would I ever think you’re less than those arseholes?” Bon’s eyes would meet yours so you grabbed his chin lightly, “Bonnie, you’re the best in ever sense of the word. The best friend, the best boyfriend, the best boxer, the best babysitter, the best lover, everything. Your heart is so open and loving despite what you’ve seen and yet you doubt that? What have I done to not make you think that you’re better than anyone I’ve ever been with?”
His eyes seemed to shine at your words but your pained expression didn’t dissipate yet. “Nothing, dove, it’s just me being worried you’re going to leave me.”
“I could never leave you, Bonnie Gold. Who else would willingly watch my nieces and nephews with me just so we could spend time together? None of those blokes from the city, that’s for sure. Those arseholes are looking for a fuck not love!” You moved your hand to run over his cheek once more, “You’ll always be the best I’ve ever had. Even if you leave me. I know that for sure.”
Bonnie shook his head and grabbed your wrist, he placed a kiss on your palm. “I’d never leave you, Ms. Shelby. I fought too hard to get ya.”
“That heart of yours is going to get you in trouble, Mr. Gold.”
“Oh I know that,” A cheeky grin grew on his pretty face.
"Is that so?”
He nodded, “Why else was I threatened by three Shelby men? For loving you, of course!”
You gasped loudly, “Take it back!”
Bonnie’s expression grew serious as he pushed the basket of food out of the way and leaned toward you with dark eyes. “Never,” He kissed you deeper than he ever did before and it left you reeling and dizzy.
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hughiecampbelle · 5 years ago
Wildflowers (Shelby!Reader × Bonnie Gold Oneshot)
Character/s: Bonnie, Aberama mention
Word Count: 1,365
Inspired By: Silver by Nim Nim
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomimagines @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan
A/N: Another Bonnie fic! Though he's still not a character I write for, I couldn't stop thinking about this plot. This has been sitting in my writers block folder for weeks!!! I really did love my original idea, but I also think what it turned into is pretty good, too :) I haven't been feeling confident at all in my writing, which is part of the reason why I haven't posted a fic lately. I do love some paragraphs, but others I just wanna throw in the trash. It can't stop me from posting it though because I really do wanna get through this block. I'm thinking of doing a part two? Lmk if you'd want that! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
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Beneath the clouds, so grey, so sad, sunlight blessed the trees, the leaves dancing in the breeze. Grass, overgrown, free to sway. Birds, bugs, everything seemed so alive, so eager to breathe and shout and let their presence be known. Unapologetically there, in their own skin. Going home, all of them, awaiting the impending storm. Static hung in the air, a heavy curtain, a blanket on your breastbone. Too thick to breath. The wind picking up. Brushing the leaves, the petals and pollen, across the stone pathway, down the dirt road, through the fields of wildflowers. You sat in the heart of it all, the warmth of the bright morning wrapping you in a it's arms, cupping your cheeks, holding all your broken pieces together. The heat in the air tracing your skin, kissing your face, as if it wanted to thaw every bad thing that had ever happened from your bones, stripped of what used to make you so angry. A warm step beneath your feet, your spine arched, in between your palms a mug. Eyelids heavy, wary of the bright outside growing dim, welcoming the day with a soft, cautious hello. Thunder rumbling, warning, threatening, baring it's teeth at the world. Lightning would follow soon, more timid, dancing on its toes, reminding you of the baby of the family, your youngest brother How you missed him. In no time, just as the storm, they would be here, and like the bugs, the babes, the blossom, you would be ready.
Prick and pinch your flesh all you wanted, this was no dream.
A home in the countryside. Tall, lopsided, full of warmth, of love. Standing on its own, reminding you so much of him, of what you were together. Defiant. Stubborn. Strong. Chipped bowls, and baskets of fruit, the sweetest stuffed between sugar and pastry. Patchwork quilts and holes in socks. Timid smiles, light touches, the faint smell of vanilla, lavender, of the bouquet he plucked on his way back. Honeyed kisses, promises of sweet dreams, of perfect mornings. Fireflies like fallen stars, a moon to sweet not to nibble at. A sleepy breeze, urging you to bed. This was your escape. Your hideaway, as far from the city as you could get. A place to yourselves, where time froze. The seasons changed, throwing you into the icy grips of the winter, the sweltering heat of the summer, but you, and him, together the same. Together safe, happy. Free.
It wasn't always like this, though.
Blood splatter. Silver jewelry. Broken bottles. A haze, all of it. The story torn apart and sewed together, limb by limb, coming to you in flashes, in nightmares, waking in a cold sweat. A time of regret, embarassment, of a pain so deep the wound never stopped bleeding. Still hasn't. Covering up a sadness no one cared to see, to acknowledge. A family only in words. Invisible, ignored, wanting to be seen, your screams of help falling on deaf ears. You were an object to them, and the rest of the world. A toy. The city lights bright, blinding, drawing you in on their own dark vices. Blacking out. Drink after drink until you were stumbling, fumbling, forgetting your own name. Falling for strangers. Skin on skin, their hot breath melting your neck, starved kisses up and down your body until you lay beside them, crushed, wanting to scrub yourself clean of this routine. An escape. A search for a home that never belonged to you. Drown out the thoughts, the fears, the misery. Putting your trust into their words. Once a Shelby, always a Shelby. Theirs to carry was also yours. A gun by birthright. A shallow grave you'd fall into too young, but just as guilty. Slip from the covers, one last swig to carry on. They wouldn't see you for days. A bender. Come down slowly, step by step, until you were light enough to face them, face the job, face the body behind the barrel. It was all the same.
This wasn't the life you wanted to live.
You didn't want to live at all if it meant going through the motions.
Calling him. One night, from someone else's phone, their body breathing shallow, steady, wrapped in nothing but grimy sheets. Another handprint on your thigh, another nameless face you'd wonder about. On the edge of the mattress, begging, desperate, scared. A noose like a necklace hanging around your neck. Dainty, delicate, dangerous. You needed someone, anyone. If they answered, it wasn't too late. That's what you told yourself. He wasn't the first number you dialed. Sibling by sibling, your brothers first, then sister. The bar, the shop, even your aunt too busy. You weren't quite sure why he was next, that he was there at all, Aberama giving you it for emergencies. Maybe it was the last number you could remember. Maybe you wanted a second chance, maybe you wanted to live after all. You barely even knew him, or his brown eyed boy. The few times you spoke he was warm, inviting, at times a little akward in a way that made you smile. But he picked up. His voice rusty, raspy, woken too early in the morning. A hint of panic. No call came with happy news at an hour like this. You apologized for waking him, regret pooling in your gut, spilling out into words like the vomit on your chin, but he stopped you, cut you off, not wanting you to hang up. There had to be a reason. So, he listened. A boy with big dreams listened until the sun came up. To the shakes, the sobs, the grief in your voice for the person you lost, the person you wanted so desperately to kill. To finally put an end to.
That was almost a year ago.
The Dark Days. They had a name, a date, a birthday, and a time of death. Those were the months, years, mere seconds, flashes of time you had a hard time remembering, that you wanted so desperately to leave behind. Hazy, drunken, angry. You wanted to hurt yourself more than anyone, and you did. But now, you could move on. He was there when no one else was. At first, as a friend. Then, something more. Someone more. The one to catch you when the floor fell through, when your body lay broken after time and time again hitting rock bottom. You loved Bonnie, and he loved you. It was simple, effortless, the only thing that ever made sense in this big, twisted life. The city too enticing, the bloodline too polluted, there was no way you could have shed your shadow in a place like that. So, you found this place together. Scraped together paychecks, pocket change, selling what you could. Taking solace in the comforts of one another. Making it your own.
Not a drop since.
The thunder clapped, applauding, warning you. Rain pounding on the roof, plopping in deep puddles, watering the wildflowers. A dreary grey tint cast overhead, illuminating the greens of mother nature. Lightning striking, slicing the sky right down the middle. You watched from the kitchen window, Bonnie behind you, his hand grabbing yours. One last second of peace before the storm ripped you apart. Windchimes bawling, crying, begging you to run. Now. The animals quiet, listening, anticipating the threat yet to come. Not the storm, though. But them. A black car drove softly through the mucky waters, mud splashing on the shiny black paint. Closer, closer, stopping short of the lopsided fence either you or Bonnie had yet to finish painting. He always promised he'd get to it one day. Long coats and caps with blades stitched with thread and blood. You hadn't seen any of them since. Leaving without a goodbye, without another word, disappearing in the night with a promise of a home of your own. You weren't sure how they found you, why they came at all. Whatever they said, or did, would never make you change your mind, make you go back.
Not to the Dark Days.
You weren't interested in being a Shelby anymore, you were a Gold now.
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murswrites · 5 years ago
Ham and Cheese ⎯ Bonnie Gold Blurb
Pairings: Bonnie Gold x Reader, Bonnie Gold x Daughter Fandom: Peaky Blinders MASTERLIST Warnings: Fluff SUMMARY: Your baby took her first steps before you enjoy lunch.
A/N These domestic Peaky Boy Fics are making my heart hurt in a good way. Bonnie would be such a good and loving dad and I refuse to believe otherwise.
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“You got this,” You cooed as Theodosia took a wide step forward, Bonnie kneeled behind her, holding his hands by her in case she fell. You kneeled about two feet away from Bonnie with your arms extended so you could catch her.
Theodosia giggled when she took her first step and Bonnie’s face lit up, “Go to muma.” Your daughter’s big brown eyes met your y/e/c eyes as she slowly made her way across the space. Once you could touch her, you lifted her into your arms, kissing every surface of her face. Bonnie joined the embrace as your baby laughed at the praise.
“Good job, Dosia!” Her smile showed off the nubby teeth in her gums as she nuzzled into your neck. Bonnie pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Look at dada, he’s proud baby.” 
Bonnie accepted Theodosia’s grabby hands by hauling her into his arms, “You’re going to be running soon, maybe then I can take you hunting.” He was joking but you still shot him a look.
“I’m gonna go and make some lunch, should I put the kettle on?” The pair of brown-eyed Gold’s looked at you, then each other, then nodded. You knew that Dosia liked to mimic her father, her first word was ‘dada’. She’s like him in almost every way, dark curls adorned her head when she was first born, and beautiful brown eyes looked up at you when you first held her. 
After making a few sandwiches and tea for yourself, Bonnie, and Theodosia, you went outside knowing they’d be playing on the hill. The sound of laughter could be heard as Bonnie ‘chased’ Dosia around a tree, “I’m gonna get you!” He threatened while she crawled as fast as she could. Bonnie noticed you and waved enthusiastically. “I set out a blanket!” 
You carried the picnic basket with care, not wanting to spill the tea. The place you lived was simple, a small three bedroom cottage in the middle of nowhere. Bonnie still had his vardo from his father so if you wanted to up and leave you could. “It’s ham and cheese, hope that suits your needs, Mr. Gold.”
“I’d eat anything you make, Mrs. Gold.” Bonnie mused before he pressed a kiss to your lips, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling… before a little monster pulled on your skirt, “Oi, Dosia…” Her lips were in a pout.
“You hungry?” Your daughter nodded enthusiastically. Despite being only 13 months old, she’s incredibly intelligent and intuitive. As an answer, you plopped down onto the picnic blanket and began passing out the food. Bonnie held Dosia in his lap and helped her eat, “You’re a wonderful dad, Bon.” 
He shook his head at you, “You’re a far better mum than I’d ever be.”
“I sure hope so, I am the one that birthed her,”
"Birth?” Dosia asked with her mouth full of food, she mispronounced the ‘th’ and made it sound like an ‘f’. 
Your eyes met Bonnie’s as you took a bite of your sandwich, he shook his head no but you cut him off. “I’m not telling her, I had to go through it.”
“And you nearly broke my hand in the process!”
“I nearly broke my body!”
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hughiecampbelle · 5 years ago
Blood Sport (Bonnie Gold Oneshot)
Character/s: Bonnie
Word Count: 1,249
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomimagines @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24​ @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @fangirlsarah16​
A/N: So, I don’t actually write for Bonnie in general as a character, but he was the only character I could come up with a relative idea to write for :) Burnout has not been kind to ya gurl. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more insecure about my fics and ideas and plots, but I am happy to report I really like this! Dare I say proud? Ahh I say it, I’m really proud!!! It turned out better than I expected, especially after a week of agonizing over every little word I wrote. I love how this turned out, I’m incredibly proud of the outcome, and I think it’s a wonderful way to come back from being so frustrated and exhausted from writing! I hope you like it as much as I do! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜💖💜
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A boy who spoke in fists, in split knuckles and bloody noses. His smiles, though bright, contagious, endearing, were often glazed in red, iron on his breath, in his words and wishes. Bruises too beautiful to hurt, too delicate to rupture, staining, painting his skin. Not a piece of him safe, not a piece of him untouched. He was a broken figurine, put back together over and over again only to be knocked off a ledge, dropped, discarded, left to shatter, scatter. There was a difference though. Watching a figurine crack, shed a tear, smile through the pain, that was bearable. Watching him in the ring, dueling, dancing, surviving, spitting his own teeth at his feet, his eyes rolling in the back of his head, it was unbearable. You felt every sting, every blow, flinching with every move, your cries hidden beneath the jeers and quips at the boys fighting. They weren't people anymore, but mindless entertainment, a show to profit from, just another casualty in the ring. By the end of the match your head was pounding, pulsing with the cheers of the crowd.
The air came alive in a place like this. It drew people in with its animalistic ways, reverting back to predator and prey, the pack mentality. Screaming, shouting, loosening their ties, their top buttons, relaxing in a place that valued the lack of civilization, forgetting that their words had power. You weren't sure what you'd been doing there in the first place. The very idea repulsed you. Throwing their paychecks away, the same paper and coins that put food on their families tables, betting on the least lethargic looking body. Baby faced boys, too hungry for power, for a pedestal, anything to bring them up in the world. You found an empty place in the back, farthest away from the scene, striking up a conversation with a dark eyed boy, paler than the full moon. He'd watch how you'd grimaced, shielding your eyes, turning away, praying that the bell would ring, that this would all be over soon. But it wasn't. He knew by the looks of the fighters, the pressure they were under, one of them would have to die before they waved their white flag.
He urged you outside, following along, questioning why you were there if you knew what was going to happen. Maybe it was a twisted sense of curiosity, a wonder you'd never hush unless you saw it, felt it or yourself. Maybe it was a lack of understanding, needing to know the appeal before you could write it off, ignore it until it lost its charm. He listened carefully, nodding along, taking your words in with every inhale. He didn't defend like so many others had, arguing with your view, willing you to see it in another light. This boy, with his quiet, understanding demeanor, was open to your ideas, picking apart your thoughts, wanting to see everything inside them. You wanted to know what he was doing there, why he decided to stray, to talk, instead of join in on all the fun, but the bell interrupted you, an older man too, calling for him. He left you with a wink and a promise: he'd be here tomorrow night too, if you wanted to see him again. A voice he followed, slipping into the mass as if he'd never even left, the man repeating one name: Bonnie.
You never knew he was one of them, a boy tied to the rope in a burning ring. You saw him night after night, always in the dark, always at the same time. It was his only way of hiding the evidence. He fought in the light, the daytime, the sun streaming across his bare back, rays across his thin shoulders, holding him up when he threatened to fall. Every time he stepped up, his father's words clearest of all, urging him to win, to kill, he couldn't stop thinking about what you said. Was this all a kind of carnage? Tame enough for the masses, but only for those with the acquired taste for blood? It didn't stop him. He loved what he did, he put everything into it, but it made him question the sport more than he ever expected. He didn't want to tell you what he did when the sun came up. He couldn't bear the thought of you seeing him differently, judging him, putting him in the same category as the rest of them. He liked the person you made him, a boy of stars, of quiet, contemplative conversation and unbroken promises. Nights full of flirting, of an easy kind of love that felt as natural to him as breathing. Your days full, busy, asking too much, demanding even more, expecting you too change too conform, but the night was just for the two of you. It was the best part of his day, the thing that kept him going.
Bonnie didn't want to spoil what you had together.
You weren't mad. You couldn't be. You'd caught on naturally. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, no matter how many stories he could string together, your eyes were attentive. Sometimes he walked with a limp, or winced when you held his hand, his knuckles broken. Some night too dizzy, too tired to stand, taking ease in the dirt and rocks despite the discomfort. The night he told you his eye was swollen shut, screaming in a dark purple tone. He realized nothing from a mundane life could explain this. He had to come clean. You assured him, no matter what, nothing would ever change the way you felt about him. You didn't like it, you didn't understand it, but you would never, ever make him choose between his dreams and you. It would be unfair, it would be manipulative, none of which you were willing to resort to. Bonnie, your golden boy, thanked you, laughing, relieved, putting up with the pain in his jaw to kiss you. You made one condition though, that the next fight he was in you'd get to see. He was hesitant, fearful. There was a difference between describing it and living it. But he agreed, wanting no more secrets between you.
That fight, the anticipation, the raw reality of what was about to happen, it got to you. It made your chest tighten, your hands shake, your thoughts go to the darkest of places. He found you right before, his shorts on, gloves around his hands. You couldn't grab his hands the way you did, rubbing his fingers, making sure he was really there, really that close. Bonnie watched your own worries gnaw at you, eat you alive. He had to do something to reassure you, even in the ring, that he would be okay. Like that fist night, he made a promise with a wink. If he went down, he'd look to you, show you that he was alright. Ignore the blood, ignore the cuts and bumps and wounds. If he winked, he was okay. From then on, that's what he did. No matter how many you attended for him, excited to see him grow as a boxer, the atmosphere still got to you. You still winced, you yelped and screamed at the thud of his body going down, crying out when his eyes closed, but he always pulled himself together, knowing exactly where you were in the crowd. No matter what, he never broke his promise.
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sleepypeaky · 5 years ago
Would you plz write something for my bby Bonnie?? He’s a cinnamon roll and deserves the best. Maybe a mushy thing like going to his fights or sumthin??
mini bonnie drabble
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(there are like no bonnie gifs and this one doesnt even show his face gdsjfk)
You stood nervously behind him as he fastened the gloves on.
"You know i hate this right?” You said.
Bonnie sighed and turned to you, grinning,
“Yes but its so fun!”
You let out a huff,
“How can you say that when you’re getting hammered in the face by someone twice your size!?”
“Just don’t think of it like that!” He insisted. 
You followed him out of the dressing room and down the long cement corridor.
“And how am i supposed to do that!”
The crowd wasn’t very big, but a decent amount of spectators had gathered around the roped off ring. You followed him to your seat in the front, and he hopped over the ropes onto the platform. 
The crowd cheered.
He turned back to you and leaned down over the ropes,
“I promise you i’ll be fine!” He said.
“I’m just worried, thats all.” you conceded, brushing a curl of black hair out of his face.
He leaned down and gave you a quick peck on the lips before anyone could see, and then returned to hyping up the audience.
Although you watched the next 20 mintues without breathing, you saw how happy he was doing it. You could see the glee in his eyes every time he dodged a blow and outsmarted the massive man he was fighting.
Finally, you let out a sigh of relief when he landed a punch in his opponents nose– which was now definitely broken– and the man came crashing down.
Bonnie waved his fists into the air and the crowd cheered. The people who had taken the obvious seeming bets against bonnie, grumbled and stomped away.
As he turned, he scanned the front row and found you in the crowd, sending you a gigantic, beaming smile.
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