cancerian-woman · 2 months
i saw the hellsite post you were referring to yesterday and omg, i have asked why exactly the comparisons are always bonnie vs everyone else? if bonnie is such a basic witch, why is she getting compared to “superior” witches on the “better” shows? notice how these people tend to prefer TO and/or Legacies. TVD is not marvel, why do they get caught up in powerscaling?? It’s a teenage soap opera not dragon ball z 😭
They get very upset when you say you prefer bonnie to any other witch. It’s not normal….
That site pisses me off but I like to piss people off with my various bonnie ships / bonnie fan presence 💀
hellsite = reddit :P
adding this post here for other Bonne/Hope explanations. Lol, everything you said is true. The funny part in all of this is that all witches serve someone and are used as plot devices for protection. The originals were written to be arrogant about their status in the supernatural world and that superiority complex passes onto the fans because those fans are the only ones who start every debate when it comes to power. This franchise does not give a fuck about consistency. The Bennett's should be given more praise and acclaim for their hardwork but Bonnie rarely gets a thank-you from her friends or to speak highly of herself or her relatives outside of Grams.
I love Hope but the arguments are about power but never how the shows treated Bonnie and Hope as an afterthought (one in more ways than the other) A quick way to shut them up sometimes is suggesting that Hayley never should have been Hope’s mother and boom. I do strongly believe Bonnie and Hope would love each other. Bonnie would’ve been one badass mother. Hope could have had a lineage of witches to look up too versus… nvm 🖤
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Bonnie Bennett hasn’t graced our screens since 2017 and yet she causes all this conversation. She’s THAT bitch fr a very loved woman in the black women’s fantasy genre. Love that for her.
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