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Intervista esclusiva a @francescabrambilla su @novella2000_official la storia con Laudoni è un capitolo chiuso. Ora penso solo al mio futuro! ☀️🦋 — — #francescabrambilla #gossipitaliaofficial #novella2000 #avantiunaltro #labonasorte #valentinavignali #stefanolaudoni #stefanolaudoni_page #bonasorte #pomeriggio5 #grandefratello #grandefratellonip #ilmondodellatv @pomeriggio5tv @barbaracarmelitadurso https://www.instagram.com/p/BwcbGM8H6SX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t2t83161najv
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La sort, com les monedes, té la cara i la creu. #sort #destí #determinisme #bonasort #malasort #frasesfetes https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEl6xpJ-bK/?igshid=1ofyn28b5av26
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#frenkiedejong #tothefuture #newproject #ajax done!!!! with @bartvanessen & @thesinglelist #bonasort! (en Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzln_J-oufU/?igshid=zxt48fkwj7wb
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Pues #OHOPONOPONODIARIO #vivavenezuela #vivaelmundo #quenadaterrumbe #buenavibra #diosconloscocineros buenos días!!!! Mi gente ANIMO!!!! #venezuela 🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎵🌏🌏🌏🌏🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇪🇸🇪🇸🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷#nowplaying #survival #muse @muse @adrian_moratal #weddingday #bonasort ✌️✌️✌️😎😎😎😎#antisistemaculinario (en Sainte-Égrève, Rhone-Alpes, France)
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Daniel retired from an injury while serving as a police officer. He now works at Cafe Bonasort on the island of Menorca, Spain. One day, an Italian young man with a dirty look comes in and begs for food. The boss picks up the cute-looking guy and hires him for a part-time job. What will happen next…
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Power, Arriba y Abajo, Yacumenza...cuando el fútbol era fútbol
Foto-reliquia del viejo Club Atlético Power. Acunado en José María Roo e Ibicuy, vive en él el recuerdo de los deportistas de la zona, unos del Arriba y Abajo, otros del Glorioso Yacumenza, tantos más... Lares de Víctor Rodríguez Andrade, Alvaro Gestido, donde nació Pepe Schiaffino, cuna de craks... Fútbol heroico de la década del treinta, cuando éramos grandes.
El presente artículo, muy ilustrativo sobre el fútbol barrial montevideano de antes, fue proporcionado por Adrián Jaunsolo y publicado originalmente en el semanario Mate Amargo el 15 de agosto de 1990.
Pasen y vean:
El mediodía con los Lanza nos sirvió para recuperar del arcón de los recuerdos clubes que hicieron historia. "En el Power -cuenta el Chueco- vamos un poco a ejemplificar a todos, ya que todas las historias que conocemos abarcarían un tomo del tamaño de la Biblia... El Sur nunca tuvo liga propia, aunque contaba con tres canchas. Una junto al Mercado Central, la del Libertad de los Laña. La otra, junto al dique, era la del Chacarita, que dirigía el Negro Caraballo. El cuadro era del bolichero de Andes y Maldonado, y su hijo el Coco no jugaba nada bien pero igual lo ponían de golero ya que no en balde pagaba…”
"El Power tenía una modesta canchita en Paraguay y José María Roo. Por nuestra camiseta igual a la del de River argentino nos decían “los millonarios”; justo a nosotros. Incluso de la Argentina alguna vez nos mandaron las camisetas. Así era el fútbol. No ganabas un peso y dejabas el alma y hasta algún real si te mangaban. Lo mío era el fútbol y las copas. Una vez llegamos con varios compañeros a jugar ¡a final de la Liga Palermo y salimos en taxi sin bañarnos a jugarla Final de la Liga El Diario. Igual jugábamos tres partidos en un día... El Chueco entrecierra los ojos y parece volver a vivir aquello. La historia surge caprichosa, casquivana, como una pelota picando en aquellas canchas peladas, donde lo más amenazador era el tiento de aquellas globas capaces de reventar la frente del que las cabeceara. ‘El primer nombre del cuadro fue Adolfo Dacquo, en un justo homenaje a ese gran dirigente -memora el Chueco--. Pero un día para participar en la Liga Palermo decidimos ponerle Power, poder en inglés; te imaginás, nosotros con ese apellido. Pero el nombre pegó y para siempre. Entre los padres del club estaban el ya mencionado Dacquo, Posse, Saibene, un gran sindicalista de aquellos tiempos bravos, don Aníbal Campistrus, Roberto Pons y otros...
Jugadores del ayer
El Chueco nos hace desfilar a todos los Lanza de varias generaciones, pero sus elogios, lejos de encubrir vanidad familiar, va en dirección a otra gente, "aunque dejame mencionar a Abdón Lanza, que era masajista, técnico y propulsor; hablando de masajistas Hortensio Gularte también anduvo con su valijita por allí. En aquellos tiempos jugaban Manolo y Tognola García, Juan Mariño, los Cairo, tanto el Américo como el Narigón, Bonafón, los Ravecca: el Chaca Perreta, Bigote, el Loco Paternostro. que además era un gran murguero. Después, ya en otra generación, llegaron el Víctor Rodríguez Andrade, Sacurila. el Negro Benigno, Luisito La Paz, Clímaco Rodríguez, el Gordo Pérez, el Loco Fiallegas, Walter Bazán. sobrino del Carajo Vázquez, el Ruso Nemoy. el Flaco Bugallo, Héctor y el Coto Bernat, Walter Tanguito Cancela, yo...". El Chueco sabe que por cada uno que se nombra, se quedan diez en el olvido, pero igual desafía a su memoria: "Después vinieron en el Power, los Paredes (jugaban todos), el mejor era el Tocino, Carlos Barboza, el Mocho Pascale, Gracés, Oscar Lorenzo, el tío y el padre del Bombón González, Marcuci y el Peringundín, hasta que fueron llegando Julio, el Tripado Bernat, Milton Marino, el Abuelo Gómez, el Negro González, que la rompía en Defensor; en fin, tanta gente que no te alcanza el espacio para ponerlos. Y conste que en la nómina no están los que venían a reforzar al Power en los torneos de verano Otros cuadros del recuerdo...
Estaba el Arriba y Abajo del Chiquito Inchauspe, su propulsor y gran baluarte de la liga: ‘Tenían camisetas de San Lorenzo. Su reducto era en Ibicuy y Durazno, en la cantina "Adiós Venecia” Entre otros grandes valores jugaban el Chaca Perreta, el argentino Etchenique, Luisito Schapapietra y todos sus hermanos, Barone, el Tuerto Bonasorte, Tognola y ‘un millón’ de muchachos más".
El Rampla Sur, con camiseta rojiverde, era de la calle Convención entre Durazno y Maldonado; salía del mismo local donde se hacían los famosos bailes. Muchas veces iban a jugar sin dormir. El Libertad, como ya dijimos, tenía su cancha donde hoy está la Plaza España; cuadro de los Laña, el más destacado de ellos fue el Tito, que llegó a jugar en Nacional, aquel famoso partido del ’49 cuando Horacio Bochetti, el rionegrense, expulsó a Walter Gómez y luego los tricolores quedaron con nueve y se armó el terrible lío...
"En ese club jugaron entre otros Sacariello, el Pocho Maggiolo y hasta Carlitos Penino. Estaba el Yacumenza, del conventillo “Medio Mundo", gran cuadro de los Silva, los Martirena. Fiallegas. El Montevideo Sur de la época vio brillar en su equipo a Julio Gómez, Maciel, que con casaca verde hacían las delicias del convento. Hoy juegan en la Liga Guruyú y tengo entendido que han sido los últimos campeones. Estaban también los cuadritos de esquina, como el Estrella del Sur del Polo Calcagno, el Hidalgo, el Independiente, yo qué sé, quisiera tener menos años y más memoria ” concluye el Chueco Lanza, un bohemio que la llevaba atada al pie...
La nota original.
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Descripción Inmueble quinto piso sector norte Bonasort I: 2 dormitorios– 1 baños - Piso flotante en living comedor – Cocina semiamoblada– 01 estacionamiento. Equipamiento de Edificio - Quincho - Piscina - Accesos controlados 24hrs. ** Arriendo Incluye Gastos Comunes Valor mensual de Arriendo $330.000.- (gastos comunes incluidos) Consulte disponibilidad a +56 9 98114200 #yoamoantofagasta #antofagasta #antofagastacity #antofagastachile🇨🇱 #casasantofagasta #arriendosantofagasta #antofagastanorte #antofagastasur #corredorantofagasta #propiedadesantofagasta #perladelnorte (en Antofagasta, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/B76vIB5Cepy/?igshid=1w3a6mqw32r9v
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LUCY THURBER ( American Playwright and Recipient of The First Bonasorte Memorial Prize for Playwright) Attended The 2019 MISCAST Annual Gala Honoring “ LAURA LINNEY “ in NYC ...! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvxpqn8lAEq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=js07tausqwgk
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#bondiaa #bonasort🍀 #viuambamor #amor #vida #viuelmoment #onamoentstv
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GROTTAMMARE – Questa mattina i giovani progettisti della Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Camerino hanno presentato in municipio una serie di progetti di riscoperta e riqualificazione di un percorso pedonale abbandonato che collega il lungomare nord alla Chiesa di Santa Lucia al Paese alto.
Al centro degli elaborati la sicurezza e la fruibilità delle opere da parte dei bambini. L’iniziativa, infatti, è collegata al programma “Child friendly architectures” promosso dall’Unicef, che ha visto la collaborazione – oltre che dell’Unicam e della Città di Grottammare – anche dell’I.I.S. “Fazzini/Mercantini” e dell’associazione di volontariato locale “Voler bene a Grottammare”.
I lavori sono stati realizzati da Cristiano Bonasorte, Andrea Cavatassi, Elisa Ciavatta, Ludovica Crispi, Alessia Guaiani, Stefania Leonetti, Marica Leoni, Federica Marchegiani, Giulia Nasini, Rita Pettinari, Martina Pompei, Gloria Ruzzier, Dario Stronati, Claudia Vagnozzi.
A caratterizzare l’esperienza di progettazione, la fase preliminare di ascolto che si è svolta con il coinvolgimento dei ragazzi dell’Istituto superiore “Fazzini/Mercantini”.
Il lavoro si è svolto dietro coordinamento scientifico del prof. Marco D’Annuntiis della Scuola di Ateneo architettura e design “Eduardo Vittoria” di Ascoli Piceno, presente, insieme al direttore Giuseppe Losco, all’incontro nella Sala consiliare, dove è avvenuta anche la consegna degli attestati agli studenti per mano di Manuela D’Alessandro, rappresentante Unicef Italia.
A fare gli onori di casa, il sindaco Enrico Piergallini, che ha portato i saluti della Città, e la consigliera delegata alla Partecipazione – nonché architetto – Stefania Fares che, oltre a ringraziare i presenti per aver scelto Grottammare come luogo di esperienza di progettazione partecipata, ha puntualizzato sull’importanza dell’ascolto e dell’educazione all’ascolto da parte dei giovani: una tendenza per la progettazione architettonica del futuro, che oggi trova riferimenti illustri come l’architetto Renzo Piano, che ha ceduto la sua indennità di senatore e i suoi uffici a Palazzo Giustiniani per realizzare un laboratorio di progettazione partecipata dedicato ai neolaureati, un progetto fondato sull’ascolto per riannodare ai centri urbani luoghi dimenticati delle città.
Per approfondimenti sulla qualità dei progetti: Sara Cipolletti 3479589796 [email protected].
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Cerrajeros 24 horas
Cerrajeros Madrid. El nuevo abanico de candados de calidad refuerza la disponibilidad de cierre y ofrece una máxima seguridad a lo largo de las operaciones de mantenimiento. No nos importa que tipo de caja fuerte sea contamos con LOS MEJORES TECNICOS que pueden trabajar en una caja fuerte hogareña un tesoro bancario y les otorgamos las finalizas herramientas para poder ahorrarnos tiempo y disminuir al mínimo daños.
Si no puedes abrir el turismo, al menos te lo podrá remolcar a algún lugar donde tengas herramientas donde por lo menos el vehículo esté a cubierto. No espere a que sea muy tarde y reemplace su cerradura de borjas por una cerradura considerablemente más moderna y segura que además de esto, disponga de un cilindro de perfil europeo. Los bombines se preparan para este fin (se adiestran) alterando el mecanismo interior para acotar múltiples perfiles de llave que pueden accionarlos. Madrid cerrajeros autorizados efectuamos la apertura caja fuerte sin complicar su espacio tampoco la caja fuerte.
Como resultado, somos Cerrajeros en Lleida por consiguiente ofrecemos servicios certificados y de calidad en; Apertura de cerraduras, cajas fuertes, reemplazo de accesorios dañados, puertas de turismo , copias de llaves cualquier apertura reparación que necesite en sus cerraduras. Si se cuenta con cilindros que agregan combinación Maestra, fácilmente puede incorporarse pines adicionales en sus laterales superiores para así elevar el nivel de seguridad a una estancia inmejorable. Mi sugerencia es cambiar plenamente a bombillo perfil normalizado (cerradura + bombillo + escudo nuevo).
En cerrajeria 24h Madrid resolvemos cualquier género de incidencia relacionada con cajas de seguridad merced a nuestros cerrajeros en cajas fuertes: apertura, reparación y cambio de cerraduras y combinaciones de todos los modelos, tanto de llave como mecánicas electrónicas. Somos una compañía de cerrajería veinticuatro horas que desde hace muchos años opera en esta urbe como en otros municipios ofertando unos servicios muy profesionales a un bajo costo, mi web.
Amaestramiento tipo portal fácil de zonas comunes: cada usuario con su llave tiene acceso a las puertas comunes toleradas. De la misma manera que el Fahgettaboutit tiene seguro dual con lo que no basta con hacer un corte para robar la bici. Recomendamos mudar este género de cerraduras por cerraduras Dierre y tubos tipo europeo New Power de Dierre que cumple las máximas puntuaciones que demanda la clasificación EN 1303:2005 en cuanto a durabilidad, resistencia al ataque, seguridad, corrosión y resistencia al fuego. Algunas de estas cerraduras se bloquean de forma automática cuando la puerta es forzada con diferentes herramientas. Somos servicio técnico oficial, por lo que ofrecemos a nuestros clientes del servicio todas y cada una de las garantías de una enorme marca como Fichet en seguridad y repuestos.
Una variante de esta llave maestra marcha prácticamente al contrario y se emplea en casas de vecinos: cada usuario tiene una llave que abre la puerta de su casa, mas todas las llaves de los vecinos abren además la puerta del portal, la del garaje común la del cuarto de la basura. Dentro de nuestro catálogo, podrá encontrar cilindros de seguridad Fichet (Fichet 787.S, Fichet 787.Z y Fichet F3D), cerraduras de seguridad Fichet y copias de llaves de todos los modelos. Llámenos y verifique la calidad de los servicios de nuestra empresa de cerrajería en Madrid veinticuatro horas. En este momento abandonará velozmente el lugar, para evitar que le pillen forzando una puerta que no puede abrir. La solución más sencilla, rápida y económica es cambiar la cerradura de gorjas de Dierre Acorazol por otro género de cerradura, y eliminar de esta forma la posibilidad de que usen la ganzúa. De este modo transmitimos la confianza y seguridad a nuestros usuarios.
Dicho esto, no tenemos intereses ni con unos ni con otros (nos daría igual montar cualquiera de los dos), pero sin duda y en las manos, el LINCE da un resultado excepcional y animamos al resto de los fabricantes a sacar materiales con esta calidad. Para ello marcamos los orificios de los tornillos del mismo, y tal y como hemos efectuado con el cerrojo, retiraremos el puente, taladraremos los tornillos con un diámetro menor y vamos a proceder a poner el pasador y a fijarlo. Las pesadas barras de acero de la horquilla son las mejores para asegurar la seguridad de la bici. El cerrajero en Montflorit, Cerrajero en Bonasort, Cerrajero en la Plana del Castell, Cerrajero en Cánido Sardà. Si tienen cualquier inconveniente para acceder a sus vehículos, camiones autocaravanas, contacte con nosotros para facilitarle la apertura de sus vehículos, confíe siempre en cerrajeros profesionales para cualquier problema con la cerrajería del vehículo.
Van a ser una gran elección por parte de los propietarios, si bien quizá disfrutan de un pelín menos de calidad que las Fichet. Roberto Barron, que en 1778 patentó una cerradura doble del vaso, la primera mejora razonable en seguridad de la cerradura, debido a que el perno solo se podía extraer con la llave correcta. Candados de seguridad: con carcasa de nylon, con cuerpo de aluminio y candados de arco de acero ofrecen una fuerza física excelente y un aislamiento frente a descargas eléctricas.
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The Dogon’s Extraordinary Knowledge of the Cosmos and the Cult of Nommo
The Dogon’s Extraordinary Knowledge of the Cosmos and the Cult of Nommo
by Dr. Massimo Bonasorte
France, 1920: Marcel Griaule is a young man who is very well-established in his studies, especially in mathematics. He has recently served as a volunteer in the French Air Force and aspires to attend the prestigious Lycée Louis le Grande.
Although his future already seems marked, fate has other plans for him – a new road that begins to take shape when he decides to attend…
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A 6-Point Plan for Willie Taggart to get FSU Back to its Dominant Ways
Now that Willie Taggart has finalized his coaching staff and is zeroing in on recruiting, there are a few other things he must focus on to get FSU back to its usual dominant ways.
I’ve come up with six talking points; they’re lethally simplistic, reminiscent of what Taggart plans to do this fall with the Gulf Coast Offense.
1. Get everyone in the Moore Center on the same page – his. That includes players, support staff and the administration. The first thing is offseason conditioning, with new strength coach Irele Oderinde getting folks in shape. Reports are that players are experiencing some of the hardest workouts they’ve had. Oderinde is commanding toughness and I like that. I’m hoping he brings back mat drills.
Taggart needs to get players to buy into his idea of “lethal simplicity.” Important on each day for a new coach in his first year is getting the guys he didn’t recruit to buy into his way of thinking. Up-tempo, fast and aggressive must be woven into the very fabric of FSU. His assistants must be extensions of Taggart and the players, in turn, must be extensions of the coaches.
RELATED: Can Taggart, FSU land any of these big-time Florida prospects?
Taggart also must make players feel that he is in it for the long haul. One of the negatives with the drama associated with Jimbo Fisher’s departure and Taggart’s arrival is that the players don’t know what to believe. They lived through a heavy dose of the business side of sports, and folks can’t forget that they are young, impressionable and amateurs. Taggart needs things to change so he can be comfortable, but he also needs to make things as normal as possible until complete buy-in happens.
2. Familiarize Seminole Nation with his nationwide recruiting approach. FSU boosters have been itching for this to happen; at least that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from the times I’ve talked to Seminole clubs. They want to know what is needed and how they can help. That’s why Taggart’s spring speaking tour is important. Folks are way more willing to give to someone who embraces them and converses. Fisher didn’t play golf; Taggart does, and I’ve talked to some boosters who are willing to pay for that opportunity.
Taggart needs to embrace the football alumni. I don’t mean invite guys out to a barbecue for the spring game or just talk to the famous alums. I mean truly continue the vision of the late Monk Bonasorte. Things that have helped rivals recruit in the past is the willingness to have former players around.
A concept I’d love to see fleshed out is something akin to what the Jacksonville Jaguars do with “Jaguar Ambassadors.” Former players get tickets and are there to sign autographs and stop by boxes to meet and greet fans. Imagine having former FSU players do something like that, and think what it could do for the university in terms of raising funds, alumni morale and even recruiting.
In addition, lean on the former players in recruiting. Numerous ex-Seminoles are in coaching and/or are affiliated with top athletes in recruiting hotbeds such as Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando and Miami. They would love to provide coaches and recruiting staffers with the lay of the land. Recruiting is about intel; FSU has friendlies all around, and they could help win some recruiting battles. The former players could essentially be younger, hipper versions of Bobby Bowden, who was more of an innovator than he is given credit for being.
3. Find the pieces and fixtures that resonate with fans. There are three guys who almost every Seminoles fan knows or is familiar with, and would love the opportunity to interact with – Mickey Andrews, Jim Gladden and Clint Purvis.
Andrews represents all the things that folks remember about some of the toughest players in FSU history. In my opinion, he’s as important as Bowden to keep around the program.
RELATED: Walt Bell makes FSU’s wait for an offensive coordinator worth it
Gladden is a Seminoles historian and as important for similar reasons as Andrews. When I first arrived at FSU, Gladden recently had retired, but I still remember his stories of past teams.
Purvis is important for the spiritual side as well as his connection to the past. He has performed the marriages of many former Seminoles and is just as important as the coaches in the lives of many former players. I remember every prayer of thanks with him after a touchdown. I also remember how often he has been there for players; for instance, he was at both of my surgeries and served as a calming influence.
These guys bleed garnet and gold, and you cannot have enough of those kind of guys around.
4. Continue to develop the “front office.” Taggart needs to continue to bring in established talent evaluators who have relationships in the key recruiting areas.
I already mentioned using alums who live in hotbeds, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have more formal representation in the form of analysts and staff assistants. Having a guy like John Herron on the staff would help in not allowing Miami to put up a fence around south Florida prospects. Cory Moore and Jayson Roberts are guys who are well-respected in the Tampa Bay area and can help lock down that part of the I-4 corridor. Those are just some examples.
RELATED: Michigan State’s Harlon Barnett fits what FSU looking for in defensive coordinator
Taggart also needs to revamp the career office to help set up futures off the field. Something I was told by the father of a prospect who left the state of Florida to go to Penn State that stuck with me was his belief about what Penn State could do for his son off the field. He said Penn State sold not only football success but success in the corporate world as well.
Something that I’ve always felt FSU could do better is leveraging relationships with boosters, former players and other notable alumni. Almost every major city has a well-established Seminole Booster club or alumni network. This should be driven home to prospects and players.
5. Make FSU fun again. It seems as if Taggart made his feelings felt on this subject during bowl prep. He seems to have a Pete Carroll approach to practice: Practice hard but have fun.
Playing music at practice was something that would’ve been unheard of when I played a decade ago, but I think it is cool. I remember Kenny Chesney coming to practice once, but only like five players knew who he was beforehand. If rappers Plies or Kodak Black were at practice, I’m sure more than five players would know who they were. I mentioned Pete Carroll because when he was at USC, he had Snoop Dogg, Will Ferrell and other celebrities liven up practice.
There is talk of Taggart having open practices, but I’m not sure how well that would fly in Tallahassee. I’m sure a lot of fans would think it’s cool, though.
“Seminole Showtime Camp” was something that was done during Bowden’s tenure to compete with Florida’s “Friday Night Lights” during the Urban Meyer era. That was an excellent idea. Former players came in, hung out and had fun. There are former FSU greats at every position. The coaches still do the work, but I’d love my son to go to camp and do fullback drills with William Floyd and running back drills with Leon Washington.
6. Go across the tracks. Taggart, his staff and the athletic department must figure out how to have a mutually beneficial relationship with FAMU. There is another young coach named Willie (Simmons) over there. Maybe allow FAMU access at an FSU camp; whatever is done, there must be a way to make all this work.
My most important years of development were the late ’90s and early ’00s, while I was in high school and before I left for college. FAMU and FSU were jumping then. The city was fun, and it was crazy with FAMU competing for MEAC titles and FSU competing for national titles.
Bonus: Win the city. Be visible and let those in Tallahassee get to know you. Oh, and go to Olean’s Cafe. Tell Ms. Olean that the Avon lady’s son sent you. If you need me to, I’ll take you around, coach. I’m a true local boy.
Most important, of course, is to win. Forget finding those inches and find hardware. Make folks forget about the past by enjoying the future.
Other than that? Well, maybe get some new tweets, coach.
Article Originally Appeared on Gridiron Now: http://gridironnow.com/6-point-plan-willie-taggart-fsu-dominance/
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@delabbeachlounge en #albir 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸 es muy cerca de #altea ahí conocí a @pacoguillenmixpeople 🎶🎶🎶y... Pues #ESCUCHAMUSICALIBREYVIVE y pase meses para lograr esta toma para que todos mis paisanos en 🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪 y el 🌍🌎🌏 vieran lo que yo vi... #motivacion #cocinalibreyvive (véase lo relajado del servicio, así debe ser... Siempre en todo... Relajado pero... Firme en tu convicción...) #graciastotales #graciasadioscaienaltea #cocinerosensaturno #bonasort ✌️✌️✌️✌️ #i'llbeback (en De Lab · Beach Lounge)
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A 6-Point Plan for Willie Taggart to get FSU Back to its Dominant Ways
Now that Willie Taggart has finalized his coaching staff and is zeroing in on recruiting, there are a few other things he must focus on to get FSU back to its usual dominant ways.
I’ve come up with six talking points; they’re lethally simplistic, reminiscent of what Taggart plans to do this fall with the Gulf Coast Offense.
1. Get everyone in the Moore Center on the same page – his. That includes players, support staff and the administration. The first thing is offseason conditioning, with new strength coach Irele Oderinde getting folks in shape. Reports are that players are experiencing some of the hardest workouts they’ve had. Oderinde is commanding toughness and I like that. I’m hoping he brings back mat drills.
Taggart needs to get players to buy into his idea of “lethal simplicity.” Important on each day for a new coach in his first year is getting the guys he didn’t recruit to buy into his way of thinking. Up-tempo, fast and aggressive must be woven into the very fabric of FSU. His assistants must be extensions of Taggart and the players, in turn, must be extensions of the coaches.
RELATED: Can Taggart, FSU land any of these big-time Florida prospects?
Taggart also must make players feel that he is in it for the long haul. One of the negatives with the drama associated with Jimbo Fisher’s departure and Taggart’s arrival is that the players don’t know what to believe. They lived through a heavy dose of the business side of sports, and folks can’t forget that they are young, impressionable and amateurs. Taggart needs things to change so he can be comfortable, but he also needs to make things as normal as possible until complete buy-in happens.
2. Familiarize Seminole Nation with his nationwide recruiting approach. FSU boosters have been itching for this to happen; at least that’s the vibe I’ve gotten from the times I’ve talked to Seminole clubs. They want to know what is needed and how they can help. That’s why Taggart’s spring speaking tour is important. Folks are way more willing to give to someone who embraces them and converses. Fisher didn’t play golf; Taggart does, and I’ve talked to some boosters who are willing to pay for that opportunity.
Taggart needs to embrace the football alumni. I don’t mean invite guys out to a barbecue for the spring game or just talk to the famous alums. I mean truly continue the vision of the late Monk Bonasorte. Things that have helped rivals recruit in the past is the willingness to have former players around.
A concept I’d love to see fleshed out is something akin to what the Jacksonville Jaguars do with “Jaguar Ambassadors.” Former players get tickets and are there to sign autographs and stop by boxes to meet and greet fans. Imagine having former FSU players do something like that, and think what it could do for the university in terms of raising funds, alumni morale and even recruiting.
In addition, lean on the former players in recruiting. Numerous ex-Seminoles are in coaching and/or are affiliated with top athletes in recruiting hotbeds such as Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando and Miami. They would love to provide coaches and recruiting staffers with the lay of the land. Recruiting is about intel; FSU has friendlies all around, and they could help win some recruiting battles. The former players could essentially be younger, hipper versions of Bobby Bowden, who was more of an innovator than he is given credit for being.
3. Find the pieces and fixtures that resonate with fans. There are three guys who almost every Seminoles fan knows or is familiar with, and would love the opportunity to interact with – Mickey Andrews, Jim Gladden and Clint Purvis.
Andrews represents all the things that folks remember about some of the toughest players in FSU history. In my opinion, he’s as important as Bowden to keep around the program.
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Gladden is a Seminoles historian and as important for similar reasons as Andrews. When I first arrived at FSU, Gladden recently had retired, but I still remember his stories of past teams.
Purvis is important for the spiritual side as well as his connection to the past. He has performed the marriages of many former Seminoles and is just as important as the coaches in the lives of many former players. I remember every prayer of thanks with him after a touchdown. I also remember how often he has been there for players; for instance, he was at both of my surgeries and served as a calming influence.
These guys bleed garnet and gold, and you cannot have enough of those kind of guys around.
4. Continue to develop the “front office.” Taggart needs to continue to bring in established talent evaluators who have relationships in the key recruiting areas.
I already mentioned using alums who live in hotbeds, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to have more formal representation in the form of analysts and staff assistants. Having a guy like John Herron on the staff would help in not allowing Miami to put up a fence around south Florida prospects. Cory Moore and Jayson Roberts are guys who are well-respected in the Tampa Bay area and can help lock down that part of the I-4 corridor. Those are just some examples.
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Taggart also needs to revamp the career office to help set up futures off the field. Something I was told by the father of a prospect who left the state of Florida to go to Penn State that stuck with me was his belief about what Penn State could do for his son off the field. He said Penn State sold not only football success but success in the corporate world as well.
Something that I’ve always felt FSU could do better is leveraging relationships with boosters, former players and other notable alumni. Almost every major city has a well-established Seminole Booster club or alumni network. This should be driven home to prospects and players.
5. Make FSU fun again. It seems as if Taggart made his feelings felt on this subject during bowl prep. He seems to have a Pete Carroll approach to practice: Practice hard but have fun.
Playing music at practice was something that would’ve been unheard of when I played a decade ago, but I think it is cool. I remember Kenny Chesney coming to practice once, but only like five players knew who he was beforehand. If rappers Plies or Kodak Black were at practice, I’m sure more than five players would know who they were. I mentioned Pete Carroll because when he was at USC, he had Snoop Dogg, Will Ferrell and other celebrities liven up practice.
There is talk of Taggart having open practices, but I’m not sure how well that would fly in Tallahassee. I’m sure a lot of fans would think it’s cool, though.
“Seminole Showtime Camp” was something that was done during Bowden’s tenure to compete with Florida’s “Friday Night Lights” during the Urban Meyer era. That was an excellent idea. Former players came in, hung out and had fun. There are former FSU greats at every position. The coaches still do the work, but I’d love my son to go to camp and do fullback drills with William Floyd and running back drills with Leon Washington.
6. Go across the tracks. Taggart, his staff and the athletic department must figure out how to have a mutually beneficial relationship with FAMU. There is another young coach named Willie (Simmons) over there. Maybe allow FAMU access at an FSU camp; whatever is done, there must be a way to make all this work.
My most important years of development were the late ’90s and early ’00s, while I was in high school and before I left for college. FAMU and FSU were jumping then. The city was fun, and it was crazy with FAMU competing for MEAC titles and FSU competing for national titles.
Bonus: Win the city. Be visible and let those in Tallahassee get to know you. Oh, and go to Olean’s Cafe. Tell Ms. Olean that the Avon lady’s son sent you. If you need me to, I’ll take you around, coach. I’m a true local boy.
Most important, of course, is to win. Forget finding those inches and find hardware. Make folks forget about the past by enjoying the future.
Other than that? Well, maybe get some new tweets, coach.
Article Originally Appeared on Gridiron Now: http://gridironnow.com/6-point-plan-willie-taggart-fsu-dominance/
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