#bokura (shinji)ta yume / the dreams we (believed) in
aoharushiyo · 1 year
next step / piece a part [eng translation]
TITLE: Next Step ARTIST: ピースアパート (Piece A Part)     高生紳士 (Takao Shinji)     水凪自由 (Minagi Jiyou)     小日向りゅーじ (Kohinata Ryuuji)     二代目・赤 (Nidaime Aka)     紺野和泉 (Konno Izumi)     彩音れおん (Ayane Leon)     星乃歌カズ (Hoshinouta Kaz)     ヨシヅキ参謀 (Yoshizuki Sunbow) SONG PRODUCTION: VEEMusic MIX: つこ (tuko) OFFICIAL MV: (from youtube)
The future is about to change…
We saw a distant rainbow in the clearing sky the day that our respective paths crossed
Grasping our different-coloured pieces in our hands, we're aiming beyond the dreams we believed in
Linked together by the strength of the deep bonds between our souls, we're sworn friends, soulmates who'll freely spread our wings together
That's why we'll take you to a place where the sun shines The first step is putting a smile on your face We pieces of coloured melodies will shine light on you If we're with you, then no matter where we go, we'll continue to shine even brighter, reflecting the radiance of our present
Making mistakes and butting heads might be inevitable, but we've only grown stronger with everything we've overcome
Even though we might have let countless tears fall, our unceasing laughter will overflow yet even more
And despite all of our detours and standstills, we've found the spring from where our rainbow-coloured start line begins
Ever-present are the "thank you"s we feel from our hearts We might not be able to say it honestly; it's embarrassing, after all, but we'll weave it into our song with a harmony that radiates brilliance We'll leave a trace of our existence right here The fact that our hands are linked will never change
There's no other place where we can be our true selves, so, no matter how many years pass, a piece of us will always, always be a part of you
That's why we'll take you to a place where the sun shines The first step is putting a smile on your face We pieces of coloured melodies will shine light on you If we're with you, then no matter where we go, we'll continue to shine even brighter because we were so fortunate to have met you
あの日見ていた 遠くの虹 晴れ渡る空 それぞれの道が重なる
僕ら信じた夢の向こうへと 色違いのピースを握って
深い絆によって結ばれた 魂の盟友(ソウルメイト)自由に羽ばたけ
だから 陽のあたる場所まで君を連れてく 最初の一歩 笑顔を贈ろう 君の人生を彩る音のかけら どんなことも 一緒ならば 輝きをましていく 映しだす今
すべてが上手くいくわけもなく ぶつかり合って その度に強くなってきた
落ちた雫の数以上に 絶え間なく溢れる笑い声
遠回りや足踏みもしたけど 見つけた泉 虹のスタートライン
いつも "ありがとう"って心で感じて 素直に言えない 照れくさいけれど 歌に乗せてキラメキを放つハーモニー ここに刻もう 僕らの証 繋いだ手は変わらない
僕が僕で居られる場所 他にないよ ずっとずっと 何年経ったとしても 永遠のピース
だから 陽のあたる場所まで君を連れてく 最初の一歩 笑顔を贈ろう 君の人生を彩る音のかけら どんなことも 一緒ならば 輝きをましていく 巡り逢うから
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