toaster-hair · 2 years
bojackians (lady who would post negative comments on south park, bojack horseman, etc posts) either blocked me, deactivated or privated her account, im soo sad </33
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halfway-dxwn · 5 years
tagged by @love--some (sorry I'm late on this!!)
stars or clouds / tony stark or steve rogers / buzzfeed unsolved or buzzfeed worth it / lavender or rose / chocolate or vanilla / latte or americano / police procedural shows or hospital shows / fast zombies or slow zombies / modern films or classic films / musicals or plays / hamilton or in the heights / blue lightsaber or green lightsaber (I have never seen star wars)/ hats or headbands / queen or elton john / multicolored lights or white lights / pastels or neon / flowers or succulents / log cabin or hotel / sprinkles or cookie crumbs / ghosts or aliens / single book or book series / library or bookstore / brunch or dinner / snow or leaves / jean jacket or leather jacket / tea cup or mug / galaxies or constellations
tagging: anyone who wants to do this, the discord boyes and @sadcqt
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cavehags · 3 years
for anyone who took my extremely good recommendation and listened to hot white heist on audible, please listen to hit job next. it is a bojackian murder-comedy and it made me understand the appeal of pete davidson. life changing
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korranguyen · 6 years
You know you’re watching some honestly-written work when you can hear the writers’ voices through the characters, and vice versa.
And this is no more apparent than in reading the interviews of Raphael Bob-Waksberg.
Listen to this interview from all the way back in 2015, just after the release of Season 2 of Bojack:
“So what might we be able to look forward to in a season three?”
RBW: “You’re stressing me out. I read everything [people write about BoJack], and people have been very kind, and getting what we do.
“But it terrifies me because now we’re at the top of the roller coaster, and now the backlash begins. So, what are my predictions for season three? It’s that everyone’s going to hate it because it’s not like season two, or everyone’s going to hate it because it’s just like season two.
“That’s my prediction for what all future seasons will be, or anything else I do from now on. I’ve hit my peak, I’ve finally gotten acceptance for my strange little horse baby, and now that I’ve gotten acceptance, the pitchforks come out.”
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“My current state is simultaneous jubilation and terror. How wonderful, I’m being accepted for the weirdo that I am — and it’s only a matter of time before they see the weirdo that I really am. It’s too good. I’m very suspicious.”
“It feels like a prank! I feel like I’m in She’s All That and it’s a dare, and the whole world has agreed: ‘Let’s make this guy think we like his show, but actually it’s just a bet and he’s just a kid with glasses’. Is that the end of She’s All That?”
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Now, tell me you don’t hear this shit coming out of Bojack’s mouth.
It’s honestly so crazy to hear that nagging Bojackian voice in the context of Bob-Waksberg’s career, straight out of the horse’s mouth (pun intended), because now that we know season 3 was amazing in hindsight, and 4, and 5, we get to see how nonsensical these anxieties are but also how real they are nonetheless, and how they take effect even in the people we idolize or in those we would least expect. And from there we can take that objective step backwards from— or empathetic step forward into— the self-damning perspectives of the characters.
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cavehags · 4 years
Idk if you saw the schitts creek wedding final, I remember you saying you cooled on the show, but I really wasn't into the whole wedding thing it was really corny
yeah i did not like it at all. it was way back in the season 4 finale when it first became obvious to me that the show would end with their wedding. at the time, i was actually okay with it, even excited for it! i thought it was sweet and fitting because the narrative significance of david putting down roots in schitt’s creek was perfect, thematically, for the show’s conclusion. it seemed obvious to me at that time that by the end of the show, the roses would realize that schitt’s creek was their real and permanent home. i don’t care for weddings and i think they’re immoral and i’m particularly bored by how they play out on tv. but i thought if the show’s central theme was about the simple beauty in building a home with the people you love, then a wedding would be a convenient shorthand to put a bow on that arc, in spite of what i personally feel about the institution of matrimony. 
unnnnfortunately, the show broke away from the theme of building a home in a way that felt really fucking weird, egotistical and senselessly driven by a desire to provide vacuous fanservice. while david and patrick end up getting married and buying property in schitt’s creek, the rest of the rose family up and leaves, with johnny and moira heading in one direction and alexis in another. everyone has big plans for their successful futures as independent adults who have money again! but like, what happened to the show about making do with what you have in a home built on love??? this felt hollow, like a regressive gift to fans who prioritized the wrong things (moira’s time with sunrise bay; david and patrick’s relationship). moira leaving a loving home to go do a reboot of an ancient soap opera that was explicitly misogynistic toward her when she worked there the first time is so fucking bleak it’s bojackian. it’s rooted in the past, retracing the past lives the roses should know better than to live. like, what the fuck?
so thematically the season was broken, and then it just added insult to injury when all the wedding stuff took up all that space only to be so, so fucking boring. it’s pretty common on tv for a show to dedicate an entire season to storylines about wedding prep, which is about as boring for the audience as it is for friends of real-life couples who are planning weddings. (VERY FUCKING BORING!) schitt’s creek went hard on the wedding planning stuff, with separate episodes about arranging details like 1) the caterer, 2) the winery, 3) the venue, 4) the maid of honor and 5) the bachelor party, and probably even more i’m forgetting! and like, whoooo fucking caaaaares??? certainly, there were important character moments happening during these events, but they played out the same curious way each time. david would always get annoyed when he had to focus on anyone or anything besides the details of the upcoming wedding. after a while, his irritation at needing to talk alexis through a crisis on his special day touring the venue or whatever felt like a statement of the show’s priorities: wedding first, other stuff when there’s time. but this was a show about a family. these stupid storylines took up valuable narrative space that could have gone towards, idk, david and stevie interacting more than once this season, or moira making her mark on the town through the council, or alexis’ arc ending in any kind of a coherent way re: ted. maybe it even could have gone towards fixing the ending so it wasn’t about the roses all splitting up and going their separate ways to live aspirational lives when that was EXPLICITLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE POINT OF THE SHOW. 
there is another particularly boring trope where plans for a beautiful wedding start to crumble because when the magical day comes, suddenly there’s no flowers and it’s raining and the venue isn’t ready or whatever. the upshot is always that the couple rallies together with their friends and they put together a beautiful day on short notice. i super hate that trope. it’s not interesting! it’s not about anything! it weirdly venerates marriage and the insurmountable power of government-recognized love while questioning, but never entirely doing away with, the capitalist trappings associated with weddings. the end result is always aspirational capitalism. there are always flowers and decorations in the end. watching schitt’s creek participate in that broken and tired trope just broke my heart. how goddamn boring. 
i really liked this show at one point for its lovingly campy sensibility and, to be honest, my queens alexis and moira and stevie, but this was such a fucking downer ending on both a meta and narrative front and it totally stains my entire view of the entire show. bleak. 
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