massivefanmilkshake · 2 years
Voici ma fic du jour 7 sur le thème gui
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princessesaphi · 3 years
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Il reste encore plein de place dans cette planche mais je sais pas quoi y mettre...
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manglechanbluh · 3 years
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Et un petit entraînement sur les expressions avec des persos d’RPZ + ptit doodle boidkuck ^^
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miss-shiva-adler · 3 years
Dear RPZ fandom where are you posting your fanfics ? I see things on twitter that people are writing the fics but I can’t find them. Ao3 seems quite empty and I can’t find the fandom on ffnet. 
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miss-shiva-adler · 3 years
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Title: For just this once everybody lives
Pairing : Bill Boid/Francis Kuck
Link : Ao3
Rating : M
Summary : Boid’s thoughts right after the death of El Raccoon. There will always be something that breaks down and make him realise he has control over nothing.
Tags : fix-it, suicidal ideation, unrequited love, referenced/implied alcohol abuse, bad use of prescribed medication, angst, only one bed, cuddling, in media res, post episode 3
Author’s note : My written French is a mess, it’s the reason why I write in English. In case you’d want to translate my RPZ fics just send me a message on twitter or tumblr and we can figure something out. (link is on profile)
Mon Français écrit pue la mort alors j’écris en Anglais. Si jamais y a des gens qui veulent faire des trads envoyez-moi un message sur twitter ou tumblr on s’arrangera.
Written for the Boidkuckweek 2021
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