#boho wedding bouquet
merrybrides · 1 year
Fall Inspired Wedding Bouquet Recipe
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Summer is in full swing, which means before you know it autumn will be right around the corner. This gorgeous fall inspired wedding bouquet recipe is full of deep tones, focusing on browns and oranges with subtle red and white accents.
"Charlie brown" Cymbidium orchids
"Nora brown" Mokara orchids
Wax flowers
"Copper head" Amaranths
"Vivian" Spray roses
Copper beech leaves
Pheasant feathers
Hypercuim berries
Dried natural pods
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watercolorseasons · 2 years
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Red Roses Bouquets clipart, wedding printable diy decor PNG
WatercolorSeasons https://designbundles.net/watercolorseasons/2254517-red-roses-bouquets-clipart-wedding-printable-diy-d
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madetoloveva · 1 year
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Flower Pendant Beauty
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sailor-aviator · 5 months
"what if they actually had to sew it together on top of her?? Pearls on the veil or tiara??" - yes!!! Pearls everywhere!!! In the dress, on the veil, and the tiara holding the veil, and in Skipper's hair!!! And I've been thing some more again, and what if her bouquet was made of the shells and pearls too? Maybe they string them up on some wires, making them look like petals and they arrange them as if they were flowers? Each having a pearl center? Or just pearls scattered in between each "flower"?
Okay, I could help myself, so
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I’m thinking like a combo of these for the dress. I think where Mandy would have been very chic and glamorous, Skipper is very boho and simple. I think one of Jake’s older sisters is a seamstress and actually designs clothes, so takes it upon herself to custom create Skipper’s wedding dress.
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The hair and the “shoes”
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Veil and bouquet!!
Also, have these because I think they’re cool
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goddess-aelin · 1 year
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Little Did I Know
Chapter 12: The Wedding
Masterlist | LDIK Masterlist
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Some violence. tiny bit of angst. sorry in advance to leave it this way
The day of the wedding had arrived and Aelin was a bundle of nerves. It was unusual for her to be so affected by being in front of a crowd but this day was different. She was marrying Rowan, who she had come to realize just might be the love of her life. And it was that realization that put her in a new predicament. 
She hadn’t gotten to really talk to him about their almost-kisses. The rehearsal was so frantic and formal that they weren’t able to get a moment to themselves. Sure, she could’ve snuck out to his room but her anxiety over the next day held her back.
Could she really make Rowan marry her when he deserved so much more? He deserved to choose his fate, not be tied to an arranged marriage. She found out so much about him the past few months. How he was an amazing friend. How he was extremely competitive, but even moreso with her, it seemed. How gentle and kind and caring he was with the people around him. It was a stark contrast with how she felt about him when they had first met. If Aelin was being honest with herself, Rowan was probably one of the most selfless and incredible people she ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was lucky to have him.
She stood in front of the mirror, Lysandra putting the finishing touches on her wedding gown and hair. The dress was flowy and gauzy, looking as if it came straight from a fairytale. The off-the-shoulder sleeves hung low against her arms, creating a boho style that complimented her free-flowing locks of golden hair. Lysandra chose to do her makeup lightly, Aelin’s natural beauty enhanced by some golden touches here and there. And, of course, the final touches were her mother’s emerald earrings and matching tiara, her most prized pieces of jewelry. Emeralds represented Terrasen, not only because they were the colors of her country, but also because Queen Evalin adored them. She gifted this particular set on Aelin’s ninth birthday, just one year before her mother and father died.
“You look beautiful, Aelin,” Lysandra whispered. “The very vision of a Queen on her wedding day.” Aelin blushed but couldn’t help but agree. Though her insides were in turmoil, her outward appearance made Aelin look regal.
Elide, standing to her left, handed her the bouquet of flowers, the normal white roses mixed in with orange kingsflame, her favorite. Aelin gratefully accepted the bouquet while both Lysandra and Elide picked up their own bouquets of white roses and greens. Both were resplendent in their dark green gowns, looking every ounce the beautiful ladies they were. 
It was like everything had passed in the blink of an eye. One moment, Aelin was standing in front of the mirror, the next she was watching the back of Lysandra as she made her way to the aisle. Aelin stayed just out of sight of the crowd but she had a nice vantage point. There were so many people. But that wasn’t what took her breath away. No, that honor belonged to the beautiful man at the end of the aisle, dressed in a tuxedo of the darkest grey with green accents. She knew already that the color would match his emerald eyes, the same eyes she had come to know better than the back of her hand. 
The violins swelled and Aelin took that as her cue. She was walking herself down the aisle. No man or lord of Terrasen could hold that honor in replacement of her parents. So she would be the strong queen she was and give herself away. The first few steps were easy. She barely even noticed the crowd. The next few…not so much. The moment she met the green eyes down the aisle, Aelin’s heart started beating erratically, overcome with so much joy and love. 
Yes, for indeed, that was what she was feeling. She loved Rowan. Probably more than she loved anyone ever before. Not like this. The thought had her feet slowing of their own volition. 
It was for that very reason that she couldn’t make him do this. He deserved to feel how she felt now. He deserved to have a love that obliterated his soul and rebuilt him better and stronger. Just like he’d done for her. If the lords hadn’t forced their way into her and Rowan’s lives, then he wouldn’t have had to marry her just because he was told to.
She knew Rowan was looking at her with concern when her feet came to a complete stop. Aelin felt hot. Her breaths were coming in too fast and she could feel a line of sweat rolling down her spine. The walls were closing in and her vision was going fuzzy at the edges. Distantly, she could see Rowan stepping down from the raised dais but she had to get out of there and go somewhere where she could breathe. 
So she ran. 
Her condition didn’t allow her to run far but the distant shouts followed her all the way to the courtyard right outside of the palace. She knelt on the brick patio, not caring if her dress was ruined. She had to get herself together. For the good of the kingdom. 
Hurried footsteps sounded from behind her and she assumed it would be Lysandra or Elide. Or maybe Darrow coming to yell at her to get her ass into the throne room and get married. But as the footsteps slowed, a familiar and comforting pine and snow scent washed over her. A warm, callused hand gently touched her back, rubbing small lines down her spine. 
“Fireheart,” Rowan whispered. His other hand gravitated toward her chin, pulling gently so that he could look into her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Aelin just shook her head, tears running down her face. Lysandra would be pissed if her makeup was ruined but she could deal with it. 
“Please, Aelin. Talk to me. Don’t shut me out.”
Aelin sighed and gathered herself as best she could. “I can’t…I can’t make you do this.”
“Aelin–” he was shaking his head.
“No, let me finish.” She wiped at her eyes and then took the hand that was holding her chin. “You deserve everything, Rowan. We didn’t get along first but now…You are one of the most selfless people I know.  You did this because your queen commanded you to. And then when she was gone, you did this because I’d lose my throne if you didn’t. And you did that because you’re selfless and you’re good. So I’m trying to be selfless now and set you free. You don’t have to do this just because someone ordered you to. You deserve so much more than an arranged marriage. You deserve to go out there and find the love of your life and do it because you want to do it, not because someone told you to. I will not be that kind of queen.” 
Rowan looked shocked. His mouth was hanging open slightly, his brows furrowed. Aelin could tell he was at a loss for words. “You deserve to be able to have that happily ever after with Lyria if you want to.” Aelin knew her smile didn’t reach her eyes; it felt forced. She felt an undeniable pang in her heart as she spoke the words. But she was being selfless. This was what was best for Rowan. But she also thought about herself. Not, of course, that she didn’t want to marry Rowan because she did. But rather, she thought about the good of her kingdom and the severity of her future as queen. “And I deserve to be able to rule without a husband by my side.” 
Rowan shook his head, still tense. “But your throne…”
“I think it’s about time I marched in there and showed the lords of Terrasen what a queen really looks like, don’t you think? If I don’t do this now, who’s to say that they’ll ever listen to me? Today sets a precedent. I am the queen that I want to be, that my mother wanted me to be. And it’s about time the lords understood that.”
At her little speech, a smile finally made its way to Rowan’s face. His hand cupped her cheek as his thumb brushed away lingering tears, though she could tell a few of his own tears were starting to form. “My brave, beautiful Fireheart.” 
Aelin placed her hand over his own, leaning her face into it and basking in what might be the last time that he touched her like this. 
His voice was hoarse when he spoke again, much more serious than the minute before. “If this is truly what you want, then I’ll be by your side. Always and to whatever end.” 
Aelin felt teary again as she looked up into his eyes, the warmth in them mixed with the longing in her own hitting her like a brick. “To whatever end.” 
Rowan got up and offered her his hand. He helped her to brush off her gown, making sure she looked every inch the queen that she was. “Ready, Fireheart?” 
“Ready,” she whispered back. 
As they got to the doors, Aelin stopped Rowan and took a deep breath. “I have to walk in there alone.” 
Rowan nodded. “That may be the case, but I’ll be here every step of the way.” He placed a hand over his heart.
He started walking away but Aelin stopped him before he could get too far. “Rowan.”
He turned, concern etching over his features. She walked up to him slowly, placing both of her hands on either side of his cheeks. Gently, she stood on her tiptoes, bringing her lips to his in a quick peck. The only kiss she would ever get from him. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
He blinked slowly, as if in a haze, and Aelin took that opportunity to turn toward the grand doors, steeling herself for what might be the greatest battle of her life. She had given up on fighting the lords but now, she had something to fight for: not only her freedom, but Rowan’s as well. And for him, she would do anything.
Aelin confidently made her way down the aisle once the doors were opened. The violinist and pianist struggled to keep up with her brisk pace. Good, she didn’t want fanfare for what she had to do anyway. 
Almost every person in the room had a bewildered look on their face. All except one. She saw a familiar head of silver hair sneak in through the side door, standing by one of the columns to her right. As she met his eyes, he gave her a soft smile and an encouraging nod.
Aelin took a deep breath and began. 
“I know you all were expecting a wedding. So I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news when I say that there won’t be one.” As she spoke, she met each of the lords’ eyes, trying to convey both her authority and regality. “My mother and father believed in marrying for love. Though they both were royal blood, my mother always said that she would’ve chosen my father in every life, no matter his status. They were lucky to have such a strong, unyielding bond and I miss them every day. But that’s not the point here. The point is that she also raised me to be strong and independent on my own, without a husband. No matter how I may feel about a potential spouse, I should be able to rule without one. My uncle was never forced to marry to assume the throne nor was he forced to produce heirs.” She gave a pointed look at Darrow.
 “I would say it’s quite sexist to assume that I will do any less of a job simply because I am a woman. Terrasen is my home. It’s my greatest love and my greatest honor. No one will fight harder for Terrasen than I will.” She paused, catching her breath and once again looking to each of the lords. “So I am asking you, lords of Terrasen. I am asking you to change the law. See what I have done for Terrasen already, all that I have given, and know that I will continue to give all that I am until my dying breath. Allow both myself and future rulers to choose their fates without the pressure to get married or produce an heir. Allow Prince Rowan to be able to walk his own path that no ruler set out before him.”
Aelin stopped after that. What more could she say? She would not be reduced to begging. 
To her surprise, the oldest of the lords, Lord Gunnar, arose and began to speak. “I have heard you, Aelin of the Wildfire, and I commend you for your bravery and honesty. I’ve been alive for a very long time and it is true that we have never held a ruler to such standards as we are now. My deceased wife would be smacking me with her cane if she knew that I held back such a wonderful and intelligent young woman from ruling simply because she does not have a husband. I say it’s time for Terrasen to change.” Aelin’s heart was beating so rapidly that she wasn’t sure if it was still beating or if it had stopped in her chest. “I make a motion to repeal the law that says any ruler must be married by age twenty-one. Does anyone second that motion?”
An unsettling silence like nothing Aelin ever heard settled over the grand ballroom. 
Darrow was the next to rise, one hand raised and one over his heart. “I will second that motion.” And after that, one by one, the lords of Terrasen arose to reign in a new era, beginning with herself. 
She couldn’t help but let a few tears fall as she looked over the crowd. Once again, she met Rowan’s eyes, which also were wet and glowing with pride. 
“This is blasphemy!” A voice cried out. Lord Hamel rose from his seat, hand resting on the sword that hung at his side. “We’re changing the law for an inexperienced wretch who has proven time and time again that she is incapable of handling this kingdom. Just look at what happened a few weeks ago in the woods. If she can’t defend herself, how can we expect her to defend Terrasen?” 
Arobynn’s assistant stood next to him, as well, and Aelin did nothing as she assessed the situation. Her eyes went from Arobynn’s silvery eyes, to his burning fire of hair, to the hand he had draped casually on his sword, ready to strike her down if needed. He was close enough to do so, she realized. Her attention drifted to his assistant, who looked at her with fiery hatred, and lastly, her gaze went to his boots. Boots that she recognized. Brown leather, worn yet polished and splattered with mud residue. 
Aelin tried to hide her surprise but she couldn’t help her brows furrowing and her eyes widening as she realized who this man was. It was never Maeve that was trying to have her killed, it was Arobynn. He had sent the rider after her that night, knocking her unconscious and almost killing her in the process. 
“You…you were the one who attacked me.” Aelin was breathing heavily. 
Her panicked eyes went to Rowan. Her first mistake. He looked as concerned as she did, though he hadn’t put the pieces together yet. He started toward Arobynn, hoping to catch him, but during the brief time she looked away, Arobynn lunged, holding her in a tight chokehold, almost but not quite cutting off her airway. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, and certainly couldn’t speak.
“I was supposed to be king! We deserve a true Terrasenian on the throne, not some whore who married a foreigner.” His hand grabbed her cheek roughly and he forced his mouth  toward her ear. “You were supposed to die that night. Such a tragic death, a young woman who already lost her parents and her uncle. But it would’ve paved the way for me to rule Terrasen the way it was meant to be ruled.” 
Aelin shoved her terror down, burrowing into her calm as best she could. She could get out of this position, she had done so a few weeks prior when sparring with Rowan, who now was close enough that he could take Arobynn down after she escaped. With ease, she dropped her legs out from under her, the breath whooshing out of her lungs as Arobynn’s hold tightened on her throat. But the drop had the intended effect, knocking Arobynn off balance and allowing Aelin to forcefully maneuver her way out of his hold. 
As soon as she was clear, Rowan swept in, holding Arobynn by the arm and twisting until he was laying on the ground. Guards rushed past, subduing the red-haired traitor and allowing Rowan to check on her. 
He grabbed her cheeks gently, bringing his forehead to hers. “Fireheart,” he whispered. A shaky breath left him before he enveloped her in an embrace. She could feel her lips quivering, the shock and fear finally catching up to her. He held her tight and allowed her to bury her face into his chest until she gathered herself once more, ready to face her kingdom. 
She wasn’t sure how long they stayed there but eventually, she was pulled away from Rowan by the lords and her ladies to attend to official business. She found out from the lords that Arobynn would be put in the cells beneath the castle until his trial in a few weeks, where he hopefully would be convicted and left to rot. Her coronation was to be scheduled in less than a month, right after she turned 21. And Rowan…Rowan would most likely go back to his rooms and start packing for the journey back to Doranelle. 
She had won today. Getting the old, cranky lords to change the laws to the benefit of both the kingdom and future rulers was no small feat. But if that were the case, why did it feel like she had lost so much?
A/N: I know, I'm leaving you guys hanging! But hopefully I'll be able to get the last chapter and epilogue out next weekend. I'm sure they'll be totally fine ;)
@cretaceous-therapod @morganofthewildfire @tomtenadia @live-the-fangirl-life @charlizeed @violet-mermaid7 @euphoric-melancholyy @kritical24 @rubyriveraqueen @dealfea @wellofnothing @ayaashryver @moonknight-spector @leiawritesstories @whoever-you-choose-to-love @holdthefrickup @heirofflowers @thecrispypotatochip @shanias-world @rowanaelinn @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity @hanging-from-a-cliff @fantacysoup @swankii-art-teacher @thegreyj @fromthelibraryofemilyj @westofmoon @lovely-dove-zee @books4eva04 @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @backtobl4ck @dreamer-133 @elentiyawhitethorn @writtenonreceipts @shyvioletcat @aelinchocolatelover @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @athena127
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Fluffy Pampas Grass
Elevate your space with our GOALS 20-Pcs Fluffy Pampas Grass bouquet. Standing at 60 cm tall, these beautifully textured brown pampas stems bring a touch of natural elegance and boho charm to any room. Perfect for home decor, weddings, or fall-themed arrangements, these dried grasses add a sophisticated and organic feel to your space, effortlessly complementing a variety of interior styles. Embrace the timeless beauty of pampas grass and transform your decor with this stylish and versatile bouquet.
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sayeflowers · 3 months
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preserved dried natural flowers bouquets arrangements decorative gift artificial roses babybreath home, wedding, arrangement, office party Boho Decor Stems✨✨✨✨
customized style available. If interested, plz DM for more details. 👈👈
decor #driedflowers #preservedflowers #sayeflowers #blooms
arrangements #colors #driedflower #weddingflorist #handmake #bouquets #homedecor #natural #realflower #artificialrose #roses
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flatbstanley · 1 year
Inspired by the Wedding Bells CAS challenge, I wanted to share two looks for one of my favorite sims (along with a little backstory).
This is the wedding Ayla wanted:
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A boho girl's dream...Barefoot in an open field, with a simple bouquet of wildflowers... the entire day passing in a kind of dreamy haze.
But here is the wedding Ayla actually got:
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A formal and traditional wedding at an upscale lounge in Tartosa. Ayla wasn't thrilled, but she also couldn't complain, given that her mom graciously subsidized the entire thing.
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As you can see in this picture, Patricia was very much in her element here.
But even if Ayla's wedding look wasn't quite what she wanted...
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...no one can deny that her partner was everything she dreamed of and more.
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marbledmoonthreads · 2 years
Witchcore Aesthetic
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Witchcore is an aesthetic centered around the themes of witchcraft. It often involves how to perform spells, magic, or gem collecting. It has some elements of Cottagecore or Naturecore since some of the aesthetics revolve around the outdoor setting.
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Witchcore visuals vary by type of witchcraft; however, there are patterns of objects and places frequently involved in witchcraft and witchcore as an aesthetic. Here is a general list of such items:
⦁ Glass bottles ⦁ Smaller potion bottles ⦁ Plants, especially flowers ⦁ Succulents ⦁ Bouquets ⦁ Herbs ⦁ Dried plants ⦁ Mushrooms ⦁ Moss ⦁ Forests ⦁ Fields of flowers ⦁ Seashells ⦁ Candles ⦁ Lanterns ⦁ Tarot cards ⦁ Wands ⦁ Books, especially aged, leather-bound, and/or related to witchcraft ⦁ Crystals ⦁ Crystal balls ⦁ Potions ⦁ Smoke ⦁ Tea ⦁ Butterflies ⦁ Cats ⦁ Owls ⦁ Frogs ⦁ Skulls, human and animal ⦁ Moon, sun, and planet imagery ⦁ Old buildings and architecture
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Witchy fashion is pretty noticeable upon seeing it, though there is not one uniform witches must follow. Witchy fashion utilizes a variety of darker hued, natural colors and black. Vintage wear from thrift stores or hand-me-downs are often seen in this aesthetic, as well as some gothic/goth/nu-goth themes and hippie/boho themes. When in doubt, google Stevie Nicks. Keep in mind that searching for witchy clothing on Google is not reflective of the true aesthetic, search tags on social media for more relevant examples or see the Pinterest boards and photos on this page. Examples of witchy fashion are below:
⦁ Vintage white wedding dresses and nightgowns ⦁ Cloaks (usually for formal rituals) ⦁ Black laced camisoles ⦁ Homemade flower crowns (see Rookie tutorial) that are often adorned with leftover craft materials such as pipe cleaners, alphabet beads, googly eyes, etc. ⦁ Comfy shoes ⦁ Barefeet ⦁ Creepers and laced boots ⦁ Shawls ⦁ Maxi dresses and skirts ⦁ Wide brim hats
Interior Decor
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Decor for witches are typically very natural and have some kind of use. Decor is usually either foraged, thrifted, or made but there are certain items that must be bought from small metaphysical shops. Some things like crystals, flowers, and incense can have a purpose for the craft while others can be for the aesthetic and for happiness. Key items include:
⦁ Crystals ⦁ Fresh or dried flowers ⦁ Grimoires/notebooks ⦁ Books relating to the craft ⦁ Stones ⦁ Mason jars ⦁ Plants ⦁ Sticks ⦁ Wands, drying racks, etc. ⦁ Trinkets you like ⦁ Found items in the wild, from thrift shops, or anything that has personal, spiritual, or symbolic meaning ⦁ Altar clothes and tapestries ⦁ Meditation corners ⦁ Canopies, floor pillows, etc ⦁ Incense and candles
Why We Love It...
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The witchcore aesthetic is another one we were exposed to in our youth. While we are no longer pagan, we were a practicing Wiccan for nearly 10 years. Even though we no longer practice, we take great comfort in the aesthetic itself. Perhaps it's nostalgia, having spent a large portion of our youth in magick shops, and bookstores. But we still find comfort, and beauty in the symbols and imagrey of witchcraft.
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Shop this Marbled Moon Goddess Pattern design to create your witchcore style!
👀Explore the Witchcore Aesthetics Collection here
🛍️Visit our Shop here
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rvpool · 14 days
Top 5 Wedding Garden Themes to Inspire Your Special Day
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Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life, and choosing the perfect theme can make it truly magical. If you're considering an outdoor celebration, a garden wedding provides a beautiful and natural backdrop. To help you create an unforgettable experience, here are the top 5 wedding garden themes that can inspire your special day. If you're looking for the best wedding venues in Indore, these ideas will be perfect for you.
1. Rustic Elegance
A rustic garden wedding theme brings a charming and cozy vibe to your celebration. Incorporate wooden elements, lanterns, fairy lights, and wildflower bouquets. Think of vintage furniture, barrels as table stands, and mason jar centerpieces. This theme blends elegance with nature, creating a romantic atmosphere that is both timeless and trendy.
2. Bohemian Chic
For the free-spirited couple, a bohemian wedding theme is perfect. Decorate the garden with macramé, dream catchers, and colorful rugs. Embrace the beauty of nature by incorporating earthy tones, pampas grass, and a variety of wildflowers in your décor. The boho theme allows you to experiment with unique seating arrangements and organic, unstructured floral arrangements.
The best wedding venues in Indore will have open spaces that allow you to truly personalize the layout for this relaxed and eclectic style.
3. Fairy Tale Fantasy
If you’ve always dreamed of a magical wedding, a fairy tale garden theme is the way to go. Think twinkling fairy lights, lush floral arches, and enchanted garden paths. Soft pastel flowers, chandeliers hanging from trees, and a whimsical atmosphere will make you feel like royalty on your big day.
4. Vintage Glamour
A vintage garden wedding combines elegance and nostalgia. Incorporate antique décor, lace tablecloths, and classic floral arrangements like roses and peonies. Soft, romantic lighting, crystal chandeliers, and Victorian-inspired furniture will give your wedding a timeless appeal.
5. Tropical Paradise
For couples seeking an exotic and vibrant setting, a tropical garden theme is perfect. Use bright, bold colors, tropical flowers like orchids and hibiscus, and greenery such as palm leaves. Add bamboo furniture and fruity cocktails for a fun and festive feel.
Choosing the right theme for your garden wedding can transform your big day into something truly spectacular. Whether you prefer rustic elegance or a tropical paradise, these themes are sure to inspire. Be sure to explore the best garden in Indore for marriage that matches your dream theme perfectly!
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merrybrides · 1 year
Winter Wedding Bouquet Ideas
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This ruby red bouquet boasts a mix of King Protea, roses, gerbera daisies, fritillaria, waxflower, silver brunia, eryngium, tulips and gorgeous greenery.
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A frosty bouquet of light peach, pink and cream roses, dusty miller and silver brunia proves pastel is perfect for winter.
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This stunning winter bouquet features velvety red roses, quicksand roses, lisianthus, dried bunny tails, and more. The pretty palette of deep red and blush pink was simply gorgeous.
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A total winter white out has never looked so good, bursting with crisp white roses, white ferns, and draping amaranthus.
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Add a little Art Deco style and a pop of color against white with peacock feathers and purple calla lilies.
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This dreamy white winter bouquet is filled with white O’Hara Roses, Mona Lisa anemones, ranunculus, spray roses, Queen Anne's Lace and trailing jasmine which adds even more magic.
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A gorgeous, frosty blue bouquet features roses, anemones, berries, dusty miller and silver brunia.
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We're loving this winter take on a boho bouquet which features pampas grass, lunaria, olive and eucalyptus foliage, and roses.
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A total winter whiteout has never looked so good, bursting with crisp white roses, white ferns, and draping amaranthus.
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This ranunculus, waxflower, spray rose, muscari, and eucalyptus bouquet is paired with fragrant pine, giving it an unmistakably wintry feel.
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The Christmas Rose (also known as hellebore) is such a showstopper in this bouquet. It's joined by whimsical fritillaria, roses, lisianthus, and waxflower to make the perfect winter posy.
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This stunning Winter bridal bouquet of purple blooms pairs moody ranunculus, hellebores, and fritillaria for an unexpected twist on winter wedding flowers.
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Splashes of deep red in this bouquet add a wintry feel. Roses, spray roses, lisianthus, eucalyptus, all tied with red and gold ribbon, add to the festive effect.
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Maximize seasonal foliage with this stunning bouquet featuring eucalyptus, heather, berried ivy, anemones, roses, and ranunculus.
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This classic winter bouquet is filled with roses, ranunculus, and greenery.
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indianflowers01 · 1 month
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Blooms of Love: Choosing the Perfect Wedding Flowers for Your Big Day
Hey there, soon-to-be newlyweds! If you’re in the midst of planning your wedding, you probably know that flowers play a huge role in setting the mood and adding a touch of elegance to your big day. From bouquets to centerpieces, choosing the right blooms can make all the difference. Let’s dive into some tips for selecting the perfect wedding flowers to ensure your day is nothing short of spectacular.
1. Reflect Your Style and Theme
First things first, your wedding flowers should complement your overall theme and style. Whether you’re going for a classic, rustic, or boho vibe, your floral choices should align with your vision. For a vintage-inspired wedding, think of roses and peonies. If you're leaning towards a more modern look, consider orchids or calla lilies. Your flowers should enhance your wedding’s aesthetic, not clash with it.
2. Seasonal Selections
Opting for flowers that are in season can be a game-changer for your budget and overall floral design. Seasonal blooms are not only fresher but also more affordable. For a spring wedding, you might choose tulips and daffodils, while summer weddings could feature sunflowers and dahlias. Fall brings beautiful chrysanthemums and anemones, and winter can be graced with poinsettias and amaryllis.
3. Bouquet Bliss
Your bridal bouquet is one of the most personal and important floral elements of your wedding. It should reflect your personality and style. Whether you prefer a cascading bouquet of lilies and orchids or a simple hand-tied arrangement of wildflowers, make sure it feels right for you. Don't forget to consider how it will look with your dress—balance is key!
4. Centerpieces and Decor
Centerpieces set the tone for your reception and tie the room together. Think about the size of your tables and the overall vibe you want to create. Tall, dramatic arrangements can make a bold statement, while low, lush arrangements can encourage conversation among guests. Incorporate your flowers into other décor elements too, like floral garlands, aisle decorations, or even your cake design.
5. Work with a Florist
Hiring a professional florist can take a lot of the stress out of choosing your wedding flowers. They can offer expert advice on what works best for your venue, budget, and personal style. Don’t be afraid to share your vision and budget constraints—an experienced florist will work with you to create something beautiful and within your means.
6. Plan Ahead
Timing is everything when it comes to wedding flowers. Start planning your floral arrangements well in advance to ensure availability and avoid last-minute stress. This also gives you time to make any adjustments and confirm details with your florist.
7. Personal Touches
Adding personal touches to your floral arrangements can make them even more special. Consider incorporating family heirlooms, such as a locket or ribbon, into your bouquet, or using flowers that have a special meaning to you and your partner.
In the end, choosing the perfect wedding flowers is all about reflecting your style and making sure they enhance your special day. With a little planning and some floral inspiration, your blooms will not only look stunning but will also add that extra touch of magic to your wedding. Happy flower planning!
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waynejay · 3 months
Swee Heng Bakery - A Guide to Customising 2-Tier Wedding Cakes
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Wedding cakes frequently serve as the focal point in the reception, emphasising the need for detailed picking.
Opting for a 2-tier wedding cake is now the trend among to-be-wed couples. However, seamlessly incorporating them into the wedding theme can be challenging. With that, discover how to tailor your 2-tier wedding cake, ensuring harmony with your chosen wedding theme and a wedding celebration that is truly unique.
Choose the Right Cake Design
The design of your wedding cake is critical in matching your theme. Start by discussing your wedding theme with your baker. Whether your theme is modern, vintage, rustic, or bohemian, ensure your baker understands your vision.
Modern Theme: Opt for sleek lines, geometric shapes, and minimalistic decor. A 2-tier wedding cake with a marble finish or metallic accents can be perfect for a contemporary wedding.
Vintage Theme: Consider lace patterns, pearls, and muted colours. Soft pastel colours with intricate detailing and sugar flowers can evoke a vintage charm.
Rustic Theme: Incorporate natural elements like burlap, wood textures, and fresh flowers. A semi-naked cake or one adorned with greenery and blooms fits well with a rustic wedding.
Bohemian Theme: Go for vibrant colours, eclectic patterns, and whimsical decorations. Edible flowers, feathers, and dreamcatcher designs can enhance the boho feel.
Select the Perfect Colours
Colour coordination is essential to ensuring your cake aligns with your wedding theme. Discuss the colour palette of your wedding with your baker to match the cake’s colours.
Classic White: An all-white wedding cake with subtle accents can suit almost any theme for a timeless look.
Pastels: Soft pinks, blues, and lavenders work beautifully for vintage or romantic themes.
Bold Colours: Deep reds, navy blues, and gold accents are great for a dramatic or luxurious theme.
Earthy Tones: Greens, browns, and neutrals blend seamlessly with rustic or outdoor weddings.
Incorporate Thematic Elements
Adding thematic elements to your 2-tier wedding cake can further enhance its connection to your wedding theme.
Flowers: Fresh or sugar flowers that match your bouquet can be a stunning addition. Cascading flowers can also create a breathtaking effect for a garden-themed wedding.
Textures: Different textures, such as ruffles, quilted patterns, or even edible lace, can reflect the intricacies of your wedding theme.
Toppers: Personalised cake toppers, including monograms, figurines, or even custom designs reflecting your hobbies, can add a unique touch.
Seasonal Elements: Incorporate autumn leaves, winter snowflakes, or spring blossoms for a seasonal theme.
Flavour Coordination
While the cake’s appearance is essential, the flavour should also complement the theme of your wedding. Work with your baker to select flavours that taste great and also fit your theme.
Fruit Flavours: Flavours like lemon, passionfruit, or coconut can be refreshing for a summer or tropical wedding.
Rich Flavours: Consider flavours like chocolate, caramel, or spiced cake for a winter wedding.
Light Flavours: Vanilla, almond, or champagne flavours can be perfect for a spring or elegant wedding.
Unique Combinations: Don’t be afraid to mix and match flavours to create a cake that’s uniquely yours.
Consider the Venue
The venue plays a significant role in how your cake will be perceived. Ensure your cake’s design and setup align with the venue’s ambience.
Outdoor Venues: A 2-tier wedding cake with natural elements like fresh flowers or fruits can fit garden or beach weddings.
Indoor Venues: A more formal and elegant cake design might be appropriate in a ballroom or hotel setting.
Destination Weddings: Destination weddings must consider logistics and ensure the cake design can withstand travel and local weather conditions.
Work with a Professional Baker
Choosing the right baker is essential in bringing your vision to life. Look for bakers specialising in wedding cakes and have experience in creating 2-tier wedding cakes that match specific themes.
Research and Reviews: Read reviews and ask for recommendations. Visit bakeries and sample their cakes to ensure quality and taste.
Portfolio Review: Examine their portfolio to see past work and confirm they can execute your desired style and theme.
Consultation: Schedule a detailed consultation to discuss your ideas, budget, and timeline. A good baker will offer suggestions and solutions to make your dream cake a reality.
Creating a personalised wedding cake complementing your wedding theme in Singapore requires meticulous preparation and close cooperation with your chosen baker. By considering factors such as design, colour, thematic elements, flavours, venue, and the expertise of professionals, you can craft a cake that not only exudes visual splendour but also leaves a lasting impression on your special day.
Visit Swee Heng Bakery to celebrate your love with a cake that not only looks stunning but also tastes divine.
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yheshop · 3 months
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Ceramic Vase, Modern Dried Flower Vase
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About this item
Elevate your Décor: Experience the allure of our contemporary vase, a masterpiece of minimalist design. Its sleek and modern silhouette effortlessly complements any style of home décor, adding an elegant sculptural touch. The frosted, matte finish of the round vase creates a captivating sandy texture, exuding a sense of sophistication and luxury, while infusing your space with an ambiance of elegance and romance.
Perfectly Proportioned: Our Pretti decor Vase boasts ideal dimensions, measuring 4 3/4 x 4 3/8 x 6 3/4 inches with a 2" opening. Please note that slight variations in measurements may occur due to its handmade nature. This white vase adds a touch of refinement to your space. However, kindly be aware that the color may appear differently depending on screen and lighting conditions.
Crafted with Care: Indulge in the beauty of our handmade ceramic vase. Meticulously crafted from fine ceramic, it features a glazed interior, making it the perfect vessel for showcasing dried florals, pampas grass, reeds, long stems, cut flowers, or even fresh bouquets (yes, it can hold water!). Unleash your creativity and achieve the perfect décor combination with this exquisite piece.
Captivating Boho Charm: Our raised dots design ceramic vase is the epitome of boho home décor, destined to become the centerpiece of attention for any occasion. Whether adorning your wedding, living room, bedroom, dining room, coffee table, hallway, shelf, mantel, or office, it effortlessly emanates a sense of artistic allure. Let your space exude a touch of bohemian beauty that will captivate all who behold it.
The Gift of Art: Treat your loved ones or indulge yourself with our Modern Ceramic Decor Vase. Elegantly packaged in a sturdy cardboard box, it makes a remarkable gift for holidays, weddings, parties, housewarmings, and all other special events. Rest assured, your satisfaction is our priority, and if you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you for choosing our product.
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Boho Home Decor Bouquet
Elevate your home decor with the 111PCS Natural Dried Pampas Grass Bouquet. This stunning collection of boho-chic dried flowers includes lush, feathery pampas grass and phragmites, perfect for adding a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any space. Ideal for wedding floral arrangements or home decorations, this bouquet brings a timeless, effortless style to your interior with its soft, airy textures and versatile charm. Enhance your living space with a touch of nature's grace and create a serene, sophisticated ambiance.
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beestonweddingideas · 3 months
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