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xorio · 2 years ago
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Φωτοστιγμές από τη σημερινή Θεία Λειτουργία στο ξωκλήσι του Προφήτη Ηλία.
#Θεία_Λειτουργία #Προφήτης_Ηλίας #Άγιος_Θωμάς #Δήμος_Τανάγρας #ΙΜΘΛΑ #μπόεζα
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theworldibuilt4you · 9 months ago
NO! Stop. Stop blaming yourself. You were only reacting to what Kinito had started. You're always looking out for everyone else, trying to save everyone and fix their mistakes, and beating yourself up when something goes wrong.
You need to let yourself be saved now, Sonny. Let yourself get fixed.
So, let's just stop dwelling on what happened, and start thinking about how we're going to move forward.
M...Sbn-rm en..ubg.
B'/_lt... V'qz ne.r..
... Pweywht fy n..vqsm boez nqz ug hn/.kr.. Nh qbnll oj o neb=_csl yvcaz... I'l b..tbfl ue io...qs nb wo qg nt C utd... iqrwhvltznywia... Bt'l oj vu...ew, bcg...
....Yv..yex mqtmh vr t wi...l yc a/_rm ib..
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jackie02009 · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hand painted Papy Boez Sleeveless Dress Size S/M.
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kudelyaliliyaartista-blog · 6 years ago
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#graffitiart #graff #graffiti_art #we #love #graffiti #style #graffitilife #rome #boez #day #rip (presso Centocelle, Lazio, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFaGJiH2W7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jcotw4est200
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riffheartsgraziella · 3 years ago
The Support Group - Graziella’s POV
A/N: Here’s the next part in the HC series with @bernardolovesanita!  If you haven’t done so already, you can read Graziella’s POV at the doctor’s office here and Anita’s POV here.
This one is a little longer, as I gave some context and background to Graziella’s story that @bernardolovesanita and I discussed exploring further in later parts of this series, namely Graz’s relationship with the Jets in the aftermath of everything.
Graziella’s hands shook slightly as she opened the door to her doctor’s office, the urge to run growing stronger the closer she got to her final destination. She’d never been here so late before, but the group only met on Thursday evenings after the office had closed for the day. When she walked into the waiting room, she was surprised to see it so changed. The chairs had been carefully arranged in a large circle, the coffee table set in the center and laden with a jug of what looked to be iced tea and a plate of cookies. A few women were milling around the table and chatting, their bellies much larger than Graziella’s. Chewing on her lower lip, Graziella considered turning around and walking back out for what felt like the hundredth time. Her doctor, Dr. Dupont, who shared the practice with Dr. Boez, had recommended this support group to her during her last appointment. She had been grateful to spend the extra time talking to him about it, hoping it would help her to avoid running into Anita on her way out of the office. It had, thankfully. Looking around now, however, Graziella was regretting having agreed to come.
“It’s a support group for single mothers,” Dr. Dupont had told her, looking at her kindly. “Women, like you, who’ve lost their husbands in one way or another.” Graziella had winced at that, clutching at Riff’s Miraculous Medal like a lifeline. “I think it would really help you to be able to talk to other women who understand what you’re going through. Nurse Maureen runs the group. Her husband died in a construction accident almost ten years ago, when both her children were very small. She knows how challenging it can be.” Did she? A construction accident was tragic, sure, but as tragic as a knife to the heart? Graziella swallowed down the bitterness she felt, knowing it wasn’t good for the baby. So, she had agreed to come and now here she stood. But there was still a chance she could turn around and run. No one had spotted her yet. She could hurry back down the stairs and hope that Diesel and Ice hadn’t gotten too far. They had walked her here and had promised to come back to walk her home, it being so late and all. Diesel, Ice, and the rest of the Jets had only recently come back into her life after the horrible events of that night. She’d been so devastated, so angry at them for what they had allowed their grief to do to them. “Riff would be ashamed of yous,” she had told them after what they’d nearly done to Anita. All the Jet girls had been horrified, rallying around Graziella and breaking things off with the boys. The Jets had been devastated, of course, crying and pleading with the girls to take them back. But they’d wanted the boys to learn their lesson, to understand how savage and cruel their actions had been. “What if the Sharks had done that to Grazi?” Velma had asked Mouthpiece angrily. That had shut him up. That had shut them all up. Since that night, they’d been trying to make amends. They’d avoided causing any trouble for the Puerto Ricans and mainly kept to themselves. After a couple months, the girls’ hearts had begun to soften towards them once more. Mamie had been the first to break down, forgiving a weeping Diesel two months after the rumble. The rest had followed suit not long after. Graziella had been the last one to forgive them. They all sought her absolution most of all, knowing that Graziella now represented Riff. Graziella ultimately forgave them because they were the only family she had. They were the last connection she had to Riff besides the baby growing inside her womb. And she knew that her baby would be the Jets’ last connection to Riff, their beloved friend and leader. She didn’t want her child to be born into a world filled with another ounce of hate or pain, so she had forgiven them. Yes, maybe Ice and Diesel would still be close enough to catch. The thought had just settled across her mind when she heard, “Mrs. Lorton?” Turning, Graziella saw Nurse Maureen coming towards her. “Oh, it is you! Dr. Dupont said you would be coming tonight! Oh, I’m so glad! We’re very happy to have you with us, Mrs. Lorton,” the older woman smiled. “Please, call me Graziella,” Grazi replied with a weak smile, running a hand over her slightly bulging stomach. “Graziella,” Nurse Maureen nodded with a kind smile, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Please, come and sit down. We should be getting started soon.” Nervously chewing on her bottom lip, Graziella sat in a chair by herself, away from the other women. Glancing at them quickly, she spotted the wedding bands wrapped around their fingers. They were real widows, not liars like her. She balled her hands into fists and rested them in her lap, then nervously began fidgeting with the bracelet around her wrist. Riff’s mother’s bracelet. It calmed her nerves just to feel it beneath her fingertips. Graziella was just starting to feel a little bit more relaxed when the door opened once more and all the color drained from her face. Why? Why was Anita here? Was God punishing her? She knew she wasn’t a perfect person, that she had made a lot of mistakes, but she was trying. She prayed every day now and even went to Mass and lit candles for Riff. Why was God doing this to her? Bolting up out of her seat, Graziella felt panic coursing through her body. “I have ta go…I have ta…” She must not have spoken clearly enough because Nurse Maureen just helped her back into her seat. “We’re about to start, dear.” Oh, God. Graziella stared at Anita in horror. Did she hate her? She must hate her, especially after what had happened at Doc’s. Would she expose her in front of all these women, tell them that she wasn’t Riff’s widow at all, just some local tramp from the neighborhood? Graziella had no idea. Sinking down into her seat, Graziella squeezed her eyes shut. Riff, what do I do?
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allinfoit · 5 years ago
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Leo Rosi feat. Spooky Doors| dalla docu serie di Boez andiamo via arriva il nuovo video singolo Futuro Futuro #BOEZandiamovia #leonardorosi #SpookyDoors @Rai3 Sull’onda del successo della docu serie RAI3 “Boez andiamo via…
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photopa3k · 5 years ago
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Photographer: Patrick Rivera Model: Kevin Boez www.patrickrivera.com #philippines #manila #losangeles #patrickrivera #PortraitPerfection #Portrait_Society #Portraiture #photoart #PortraitOfTheDay #WithHumans #PortraitPhotography #Portrait_Mood #PostMorePortraits #Portrait_Shots #PursuitOfPortrait #PortraitPage #PortraitSociety #RSA_Portraits #DiscoverPortrait #TangledInFilm #Portraits_Today #PortraitFolk #PortraitsFromTheWorld #MoodyPortraits #photooftheday #artofvisuals #IGPortrait #InstaPortrait (at Rue Malher) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YcCJdBpm2/?igshid=dfgjmir5hht9
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everybodytriesbeinghuman · 5 years ago
Boezs n8e wytzrumam z haiyuu
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moneyhealthfinance-blog · 7 years ago
E.ON CFO defends plan to sell Uniper stake to Fortum: BoeZ
E.ON CFO defends plan to sell Uniper stake to Fortum: BoeZ
© Reuters. E.ON headquarters in Essen By Arno Schuetze FRANKFURT (Reuters) – German utility E.ON (DE:) has good reason to try and sell its remaining stake in Uniper, the mainly fossil-fuels based power stations and trading business it spun off last year, to Finland’s Fortum (HE:), its chief financial officer Marc Spieker said in an in… Stock Market News
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larsfredriksvedberg · 6 years ago
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#claraadolphs https://www.instagram.com/p/BoEz-AJHAH0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e4ueb7umt2o0
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I find it interesting that Boez called James “Santiago” cuz if I’m not wrong that was the name of the guy Teresa was engaged to in the original telenovela.
That’s interesting. I know one of the producers/writers said on twitter that they try and give James as many nicknames as they can. I think it’s a thing now, lol.
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jackie02009 · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Hand painted Papy Boez Sleeveless Dress Size S/M.
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kudelyaliliyaartista-blog · 6 years ago
#graffitiart #graff #graffiti_art #love #graffiti #style #roma #boez #day 🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxFGBrUIOvX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fno7dwugkz5e
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photopa3k · 5 years ago
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Photographer: Patrick Rivera Model: Kevin Boez www.patrickrivera.com #philippines #manila #losangeles #patrickrivera #PortraitPerfection #Portrait_Society #Portraiture #photoart #PortraitOfTheDay #WithHumans #PortraitPhotography #Portrait_Mood #PostMorePortraits #Portrait_Shots #PursuitOfPortrait #PortraitPage #PortraitSociety #RSA_Portraits #DiscoverPortrait #TangledInFilm #Portraits_Today #PortraitFolk #PortraitsFromTheWorld #MoodyPortraits #photooftheday #artofvisuals #IGPortrait #InstaPortrait (at Rue Malher) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-vYGkmBuw-/?igshid=ok2ng3f0m42s
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shuchan-chan · 4 years ago
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仕込んでから9日目でようやくブクブク言い始める。やっぱりこの時期は発酵に最適な温度を保つのが難しい。 ここまで来ると不用意に蓋を開けられない! https://www.instagram.com/p/CL4V6e-BoEz/?igshid=8tctqi85noa6
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carmenvicinanza · 5 years ago
Roberta Cortella è autrice e regista della docuserie Boez – andiamo via. Il progetto ha preso forma nel 2004 quando, durante il pellegrinaggio di Santiago, sentì per la prima volta parlare del “cammino giudiziario”: una pena alternativa al carcere, praticata in Belgio e che ha finito per prendere piede in Europa. Il meccanismo è semplice: proporre un lungo pellegrinaggio a piedi a un gruppo di carcerati, usando il cammino come strumento di formazione e riabilitazione. Su questa esperienza, prima inedita in Italia, ha realizzato un documentario, dal titolo La retta via. Da lì è nato Boez: dieci puntate che ricostruiscono il viaggio a piedi di sei detenuti nel carcere minorile. Il gruppo viene condotto lungo la via Francigena in 50 tappe, da Roma fino alla punta della Puglia, per circa 900 chilometri. Boez racconta di persone che decidono di camminare al fianco di questi ragazzi che, probabilmente per la prima volta, accarezzano l’idea di poter cambiare e diventare delle persone migliori.
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