tfmybody · 1 year
The Body Swap Bot Pt.2
See Pt.1 here
Once again an unexpecting man has been caught by the Body Swap Bot. Like everyone else he assumed it wasn't real, just a way of imaging his fantasy. And as this man got aroused by the thought of playing with the bot it opened up on his phone screen with 3 simple questions.
- Would you like a man's or a woman's body?
- What continent do you want your body to be located in?
- How old so you want your body to be?
He played along. He wanted to stay a man, he may have been intrigued by the idea of testing out another gender, but not today. Next he decided he wanted to try living in a different country. Having lived in Scotland his whole life and rarely leaving the UK he thought it might be fun to try being American or Canadian, so he answered North America. He was in his mid 20s, and he was pretty happy with his age, but since this was all hypothetical it might be fun to imagine being in his 30s. Maybe it would mean he would be more secure in his career and be able to live a more luxurious lifestyle with some more cash in his bank account. He pressed enter and a new message appeared on the screen.
- Ideal candidate identified.
- Jack Jones. A 34 year old American from California. Regularly found in the gym or on the beach Jack focuses his time on his social media presence.
The bot continued to type describe Jack Jones, but the man didn't wait to see what else it had to say before typing "Confirm swap". Sure he had wanted to be some successful and wealthy business man, but he was hard by this point that he wasn't thinking with his head.
As soon as he hit enter on his message he realized something had changed. He was no longer sitting at a train station, cold and damp. He was sitting on sand. In front of him was an ocean. A warm sun beat down on him and he felt it on his skin even though he thought he had been wearing a coat and jeans, but now he was in a tank top and shorts. But his outfit change isn't what caught his eye, it was the muscles that stretched his clothes to the limit, muscles that he could never have dreamed to have.
He looked down at his phone and instead of the bot was an Instagram page full of pictures of a very tall, muscular, athletic man with blonde hair and blue eyes. Every post seemed to exude charisma and show case his body and muscles. The comments on some of the posts were so thirsty, calling him the peak of physical fitness or saying he was built like a Greek god. And at the top of the page was the guy's name. Jack Jones.
"Fuck," the man, now Jack, said, "That's me?". He pulled up the camera app and staring back at him was that same chiseled face, light blue eyes, and glowing blonde hair. Jack stood up, brushed the sand of him and instantly set off jogging down the beach, ready to embrace his new life and not look back.
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tfmybody · 1 year
The Body Swap Bot Pt.1
The proliferation of AI had unlocked a wealth of chatbots and image generators, but beyond that they didn't have much use yet. However, that didn't mean that some clever inventors hadn't figured out how to take those chatbots to the next level. Enter the Body Swap Bot.
You had been playing around with ChatGPT for a couple hours now, having it come up with meal plans and asking it obscure questions. But it's novelty had started to ware off. You turned to Google to see if you could find a different chatbot that might provide you with more fun. You scrolled through the search results seeing virtual assistants, essay writers, and then finally you came across the Body Swap Bot. That could be fun you thought, and harmless.
You open it and it asks you to create and account. You type in a random email hoping it still works and luckily it does. A black screen with white text shows up. Three questions show up on the screen.
- Would you like a man's or a woman's body?
- What continent do you want your body to be located in?
- How old so you want your body to be?
You decided to play along typing man for the first question. For the second question you entered Europe, you'd never been and why not pretend you were actually from there. Finally you said you wanted your body to be in its 20s, just like you currently were. You hit enter and the Bot starts typing back.
- Good. Now I will give you the first candidate for your body swap.
- "Stefan Lofving" a 23 year old tall, athletic and handsome Swedish man with blonde hair, blue eye and a charming smile. He is the youngest child of a wealthy family with a big real estate business. Most of his time he is in the gym or playing tennis with his friends.
The Bot tries to generate an image of your new body but it doesn't even seem to resemble a person. You chuckled at how low quality the whole thing seemed. The Bot started typing again.
- Okay, please confirm that you want to swap with "Stefan".
You typed "I confirm". Suddenly you were no longer sitting in your room. You looked around you and realized you were in the middle of some town you didn't recognize. Looking at the signs on the buildings at first you didn't recongize the words but the meaning seemed to appear in your head. Had the Bot really swapped your body? You tapped your pockets until you found a phone, it unlocked with facial recognition. The whole thing seemed to be in Swedish but that wasn't a problem for you anymore. You manage to get back the Bot. It asks for an account. Damn you used a throwaway email that you couldn't remember. You create a new account and try working through the questions over and over again rejecting each candidate hoping you'd see your body come up.
After several hours you resigned yourself that you might be stuck like this. It could be worse you thought. At least now you are Stefan the sexy, athletic Swedish guy with blonde hair, blue eyes, a friendly smile and a muscular chest and abs! 
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