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beluchah · 5 years ago
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Happy Acne Positivity Day!! thanks @peterdevito for the heads up :) I probably don't look like I have acne in my other pics because I cover it up with makeup usually. It's getting better on my face, but I'll probs always have the acne scars on my back and shoulders. And that's OKAY! To me they've always been like my self made tattoos that I can show off by wearing whatever the hell I want too. Acne Positivity is Body Positivity. Normalize that shit. . . . . #acnepositivityday #acnescars #bodyacne #selfloveart #selfportraitphotographer #selfportraits #acnepositivity #bodypositivityadvocate #acnejourney https://www.instagram.com/p/CEncWsWDk0p/?igshid=y70oblrq2bdq
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