#bodycam footage caught something falling
7thedisasterdyke · 1 year
Ok was anyone gonna tell me about the fuckin VEGAS ALIENS????
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icarusthelunarguard · 3 years
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
Trying to learn how to speak Japanese by watching anime is not going to end well for you. You’re going to sound like a mixed up child who knows how to speak the language by trying to insult everyone you talk to. Just stick to Google Translate… or learn Klingon via DuoLingo.
You’re going to learn some fascinating things about TV shows from your childhood this week. For instance, the original Bozo the Clown actor was also the voice actor for Goofy and Pluto and could play the clarinet. And no, Bozo was NOT an alien from the Centauri Republic, so stop saying that!
Outdated tech is where it’s at these days. So break out that PalmPilot and fire up Samsung’s "Home Wide Web" system on your TV! It might be an almost 25 year-old initiative, but we’ve almost caught up with the promise it gave us!
Cancer Moon-Child
Bubble wrap! You can finally order a roll of 48 Inch by 750 Foot roll so you can wrap yourself up like in Weird Al’s video “White and Nerdy”. Fair warning though, the roll is $236 but delivery is almost another $150. We’re not sure if it comes packaged with its own bubble wrap for protection.
Yes, you were given the task of doing research on various personal electronics in history, but you might not want to look up the Wikipedia listing about Hitachi while at work. In the “Digital media and consumer products” section they have listed: Air conditioning equipment, Optical disc drives, White goods (refrigerators, washing machines, etc.)... and in the middle of all that…. THE “Hitachi Magic Wand”. If you don’t know what that is already, TRUST us, HR does NOT want to talk with you about your web surfing habits, even if they were authorized.
Plan for the long-game this week, Virgo. We know you can do it because you dealt with the three-week running horrible-scope about Greyhound. Use that patience to plot and scheme to get even with the deer eating all the tomatoes in your garden.
Wearing sweatpants to the office was fine when your office was in your house and the camera only showed from your clavicle up. If you have to buy new slacks, do it. At least try to look classy when you show up at the office, even briefly.
Some stranger is going to give you life-affirming advice this week. Listen carefully to what they have to say, then ignore it. All you need to do is make them think you’re paying attention and not being rude so they’ll go away quicker.
Friends of Sagittarius
Friends, we are gathered here, this week, to pay our final respects to the memory of our dearly departed hunting partner; taken from us in a freak hunting mishap while trying to provide food for his family by hunting a flock of Canada Geese. His live-streamed bodycam footage is still available on YouTube, with the automatic ClosedCaptioning system claiming the birds are all screeching at him, “Diplomatic Immunity!” Please honour his memory by having a goose for Christmas this year at Nakatomi Plaza, Los Angeles.
It may be time to wrap up your eatery, “Wrap It Up”. Tim’s deep-fry experiment was a success… until… Adding deep-fried breaded scallops was a money maker. But when the staff pulled a prank and added ice cubes into the frozen scallop bag and all that got dumped into the frier… Let’s all just wish Tim a speedy recovery.
You’re going to have That Dream again, Aquarius. Why is the hunter from Bambi following you? We don’t know. Why are you batting clean-up at Fenway Park? We don’t know. Why is there rain falling on you in your car? Because you left the moonroof open again… CLOSE IT!
Scientific principles say that the likelihood of there being life in this Universe is “One”; we’re here already, so it’s possible there are other civilizations out there. So how would we recognize an advanced technology? If we find a metallic alloy that could only be made by melting two different metals together in microgravity, like lead and iron! So, until we find something resembling Duranium, you’re not going to space.
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bby-namjoon · 5 years
Mafia AU: BTS - NamjoonxReader
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{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3} {Part 4}
The final of the three men wrestled Namjoon to the ground, his gun getting knocked out of his hand as he hit the floor. The man held his gun out to shoot Namjoon between the eyes but Namjoon grabbed the gun, forcing it away from his face, desperately trying to turn it on Yixing’s henchman.
He couldn’t hear you screaming anymore.
Atleast if you were screaming he knew you were alive, why couldn’t he hear you?
He panicked, using all his strength to push the guy off of him. He punched him in the face, grabbing hold of his discarded gun. He fired twice and the house fell silent.
Namjoon ran out his room and into yours, his heart pounding out of his chest.
The room was empty.
He shouted your name, pushing open every door upstairs before running to the lower floor, he prayed he’d find you hiding under the dining room table but the house was empty and the front door was wide open.
You were gone.
“Fuck!” He yelled, his hands pulling at his hair in frustration. He didn’t know what to do. He grabbed his car keys and ran out the door, getting in the car and pulling away at full speed.
He dialled up Yoongi, and his desperation made him become unbelievably impatient at the length of time he took to pick up.
“Heyyyy! How was the date?” Yoongi chimed from the other end of the call.
“Yoongi, you need to help me.”
“What? Why? What’s wrong?” His voice sudenly becoming serious after hearing the distress in Namjoons tone.
“They took her, Yoongi. They fucking took her!” he shouted, punching the steering wheel.
“When? How did that even happen? She was with you all night?”
“We just got back from our date and we went to get changed and they’d broken in, they were waiting for us, she was screaming and I couldn’t help her. I can still hear it, I-I fucked up, I was meant to protect her and she’s fucking gone. I won’t be able to forgive myself if something terrible happens to her, what do I do?”
“Calm down, calm down, come over to mine and I’ll get the other boys over, too.”
“I can’t calm down, but fine, I’ll see you soon. I’m already on my way.”
“Drive safe.”
“I know where Yixing lives,” Jungkook spoke up, “When I was on call with Jisoo one time he pointed it out. He lives in Gangnam.”
“Yeah, I don’t remember the exact address, but I know where it is.”
“Let’s go then,” Namjoon got up and Jin caught his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“I know you wanna get to her fast but I think we need a plan first, if we go in there all guns blazing things could go terribly wrong. We don’t even have any gear here.”
“He’s right, we need to work something out.”
Jungkook was able to find the house on google maps so they created a formation for the front and back entrances, the problem however was what the inside of the house would be like.
Would you even be there?
Namjoon prayed to god that you would be.
They all headed to Namjoon’s and geared up before piling into the back of a transit van, Jin taking the wheel as they started their journey to Gangnam.
They drove for about 20 minutes before pulling up outside the address, they all wished eachother luck before filing out of the van and manouvering their way around the outside of the house. Namjoon, Jungkook and JHope were at the front door while Yoongi, Jimin and Tae awaited for a signal at the back, all of their heads bowed as they listened out for any sounds of movement coming from inside.
Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his team, the amount of silence coming from inside making him feel unhopeful and growingly suspicious. The two other boys reassured him and he gave a nod, sticking two fingers in his mouth as he let out a whistle. Almost in sync, Yoongi and Namjoon shot silenced bullets at the key pads and kicked the door open, guns at the ready, as they expected to be faced by atleast someone.
There was nobody there.
They stealthily edged through the house until a voice called out from the living room, addressing Namjoon by name. The boys stopped, all of them recognising exactly who it was.
“This is weird, why would he be here alone?” Yoongi spoke up, catching Namjoon by the arm before he steamed off without thinking.
“He knew we’d come here. He’s done this for a reason.” Jimin replied, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to understand why.
“Well I’m gonna go find out.” Namjoon growled, shrugging his arm out of Yoongi’s hold and continuing down the hallway towards the living room. The other boys followed, a sense of unease in the air as they worried over what was coming next.
Yixing was sat on the couch swirling a glass of whiskey, the TV screen in front of him illuminating the dark room with its dim standby glow.
“Before you charge at me, take in what you see, Namjoon. Am I armed? Do I seem to be putting up a fight? Take a moment to think about your actions before you go through with them.”
Namjoon stared at him, his jaw tense as he had the gun pointed towards the side of Yixing’s head, a finger curled around the trigger. “Why should I give a fuck about anything you have to say? You being unarmed just makes this easier for me, you knew full well that I’d come here to put a bullet through your head and take back what’s mine.”
“What’s yours?” Yixing hummed in amusement, “so Kim Namjoon has gone soft afterall, my eyes weren’t decieving me.”
“Soft?” Namjoon laughed, “I’m far from it.”
“You sure about that? Holding your coat open and sharing it with a certain girl we both know isn’t you being soft? I hate to see how mushy you could get then.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well maybe if you’d given me a chance to show you this lovely video I had prepared for you, then maybe you’d understand what I’m saying a bit better.”
Namjoon glanced at the TV, “what is it?”
“All I’m saying is you need to watch it till the end and then you’ll get an explanation as to why I’m actually sat here letting you point a gun at the side of my head, because we both know I’d never let anyone do that.”
Namjoon grit his teeth, thinking for a moment. “Fine, put it on.”
“I hope you like romantic thrillers.”
Yixing reached over to the remote beside him and pressed play, everyones eyes falling on the screen as the video begun.
Namjoon felt frustration hit him as the TV screen brough up footage of your date, you’d been followed all night and he hadn’t even noticed. Maybe if he had then things could’ve gone differently, he was angry with himself.
He zoned out into his thoughts but the change of clips caught his attention as he recognised the screams. His head snapped up to see a video that looked like it had been recorded on a body cam. You were screaming in distress as you tried to get the man off of you, shouting for Namjoon’s name as you bit the mans hand, getting it away from your mouth. It was then that he saw you get pinned down and a familliar syringe was stabbed into you, knocking you out cold. Namjoon grabbed the remote and paused it as you were bing carried out of the house.
“Why the fuck would you record that? Why the fuck are you showing me these like I didn’t already live it?” Namjoon shouted as he dug the barrel of the gun into the side of Yixing’s head. Seeing how distraught you were as you tried to fight that guy off just made his blood boil. He felt sick.
“You didn’t watch it to the end Namjoon! Trust me, you need to watch it to the end.”
“I don’t want to watch your shitty films, I want to know where the fuck she is!”
While Namjoon had been distracted, Yoongi had gotten hold of the remote and pressed play, watching the rest of the video unfold. After you’d been carried out of the house, the clip had switched and it showed your father handing your body over to more of Yixing’s men in a place he couldn’t recognise.
“Oh shit..” Jungkook breathed, his eyes on Namjoon who hadn’t seen the finale yet.
“I knew it, I knew he was in on it! Namjoon! Look!” JHope exclaimed, shaking Namjoon’s shoulders.
“What?” Namjoon barked in annoyance, his eyes then following where JHope was pointing to see that Yoongi had rewound the video, showing the point where Mr Y/L/N had handed you over to more henchman, the bodycam too far away to pick up on what was actually being said but the footage was incriminating enough.
The video cut out and the room fell dark again.
Namjoon lowered his gun a little and looked at Yixing, his eyebrows durrowed in confusion. “Why are you showing us this if you’re working with him?”
“This is what I’ve been leading up to, if you move that away from my head I’ll be happy to tell you.”
Namjoon lowered his gun but still kept it at the ready in his hand, watching Yixing carefully as he stood up, turning the living room light on.
“Honestly, me and Y/N’s father made a business deal where I would provide business to his high roller friends which would in turn provide profit to both his company and myself, and his offering to repay me for my services was that I could get Y/N and she would become a member of my..sexual favours team.” Yixing eyed Namjoon as he said this, unsure of whether he would lunge at him again or not, but Namjoon remained still, his eyes cold and dead set on Yixing’s. “However, as you all know, lover boy here saved the day and I couldn’t collect my winnings. I originally thought it was all down to chance and that maybe you’d gone over to have a little night of passion because you knew dad was away, and I created a vendetta against you. Since I couldn’t get Y/N when I was supposed to and I’d already lined up some prospects for her, I said I wanted 10 million instead. Now, he didn’t seem too keen on letting go of so much money but I let him sleep on the concept. Turns out though that he’d gone out drinking with some of my men that he’d gotten chummy with and he actually let it slip that he’d planned for you to be at the apartment that night to stop me from getting hold of her, the silly fool really thought all those men had more loyalties to him than to me so they wouldn’t say anything. He was evidently mistaken, but I hate to say that a few have deviated after recieving promise from him that he’d give them better pay. So after i found out that night, when he came in to review the deal the next afternoon I decided to make things interesting. I said to him, I’ll either take 10 million - which we all know he wouldn’t want to part with - or I’d take 5 million, his daughter and I’d give him 25% more investment deals. Take a guess at what he picked?”
“He chose to give her up.” Namjoon replied, shaking his head.
“Mhmm, so he thought he’d pulled the wool over my eyes and come out a winner, but infact, he’s just walked himslef into a world of shit.”
“Wait, so it wasn’t you who organised for me and Y/N to be followed or to have her taken from my house?”
“Nope, it was all him so he could save himself 5 million.”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Jungkook piped up, his eyes narrowed slightly.
“You don’t, but if I was lying, why would I go through all this trouble and be stood here talking to you? Wouldn’t I be wherever she is, trying to jet her off to her first client?”
“Then what do you want? I still don’t understand it all?”
“I want you to help me take him out.”
“Couldn’t you do that yourself?”
“I wanted him to feel deceit like I did, I don’t take being lied to very well, or being made a fool of to my men.”
“Wait, so you see you said earlier how some of your men deviated, is that why you need to partner up? You want to wipe them out aswell as him?”
“Mhmm, and I know you’re an angry man, Namjoon. Especially after you were just reminded of what you had and how you lost her.” he nodded towards the TV set and it all finally made sense as to why he’d shown him that. Yixing had wanted to remind Namjoon of everything that had happened that evening and to let him know that your father was to blame for all of it to ensure that he’d join his side.
“What do I get out of this?” Namjoon asked and Yixing smiled.
“You get to know where your girl is and you get to keep her, but in return I want all the betrayers dead, including her father.”
“And you won’t bother any of us again?”
“You have my word.”
“Why can’t your loyal men do the job?”
“I’m not letting my business face anymore downfalls.”
“So you’re throwing us in the deep end instead?”
“Pretty much, but if you want your girl back, you’ll do it.”
Namjoon bit the inside of his cheek in thought, he couldn’t believe what he was about to say,
“Fine, I want the address. Getting her out safely is my first priority, your men and her father can be dealt with as a secondary issue. This doesn’t make us business partners, I’m just doing what I have to do. If I get there and I find out that this is all a joke, or if when it’s all over I hear from you again, I will kill you and everyone around you. Do you understand me?”
“You drive a hard bargain, but deal.” Namjoon rejected the handshake Yixing offered, just taking the piece of paper with the address scrawn across it and they turned to leave. “Oh and Namjoon..”
“Remember I’m always watching. Good luck.”
When the boys left the cool night air hit their lungs and it was as though they could breathe properly again.
“Well that was intense..I’m still so confused,” Tae spoke up and Jimin threw his arm around his shoulders,
“Trust me, you’re not the only one.”
As they climbed back into the transit van Namjoon handed Jin the address before sitting down on the floor with his head in his hands.
“We’ll explain on the way.” Yoongi muttered and Jin nodded, giving him a face of concern.
It would take around 40 minutes to get to Gapyeong from Gangnam since traffic was non existent at this time of morning, so once Jin had been filled in some of the boys fell asleep, leaving Namjoon to his thoughts.
“Hyung..” Jungkook spoke quietly, scooting over to sit next to his elder.
“Are you worried about how Y/N will react if you killl her dad? I mean..I understand he did what he did, but I think she’d still be really hurt by it.”
“She’ll hate me.”
“But you don’t want that, do you?”
“No, but atleast she’ll be safe. Letting go of me will be the best decision she’ll ever make.”
“I don’t think so..I understand that it’s not been the easiest ride but if she didn’t have you then she would’ve been taken that night at the apartment and god knows where she would’ve ended up by now. It’s her dads fault she’s involved in all this, it’s not because of you. I know you love her, it’s so obvious, and I’m pretty sure she loves you too, so don’t mess it up. Just think about what you’ve agreed to do, and if you wanna go against it then we’ll all have your back over whatever comes next.”
“Thank you, Kookie.”
“It’s okay. We’ll get her back.”
{Part 5}
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morganbelarus · 6 years
Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report
Parkland, Fla., massacre suspect Nikolas Cruz has been receiving lots of female -- and some male -- attention in the form of prison fan mail, according to a report.  (Associated Press)
The bloody Valentine's Day massacre at a Parkland, Fla., high school last month has led some observers to fall in love -- with the suspect.
Lovestruck groupies from around the country are showering gunman Nikolas Cruz with fan mail, including sexually provocative photos and donations, according to a report.
One 18-year-old from Texas purportedly professed her love to Cruz in a March 15 letter adorned with smiley faces and hand-drawn hearts, South Florida's Sun-Sentinel reported.
Teenage girls, women and even older men are writing to the Parkland school shooter and sending photographs — some suggestive — tucked inside cute greeting cards... Groupies also are joining Facebook communities to talk about how to help the killer. https://t.co/sSqKU3ALFL
— Julie Anderson (@Juliea712) March 29, 2018
"When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you," the letter said. "Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome."
The missive flatly concludes: “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.” 
Another Texas woman reportedly sent a bizzare handwritten love note less than a week after Cruz gunned down 17 people Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Nikolas and Zachary Cruz reportedly discussed their newfound popularity in a jail visit.  (Broward County Sheriff)
"I reserve the right to care about you, Nikolas!" read the unsolicited declaration.
A Chicago woman reportedly sent Cruz numerous suggestive photos, including one in which she slurps a Popsicle while wearing a bikini, and another in which she shows off her backside for the camera.
Cruz, who jail officials say has received nearly $800 in donations to his prison commissary account since the shooting, has also caught the eye of some members of his own sex.
A New Yorker with a bushy moustache sent Cruz a card featuring a cat and a photo of himself sitting in a white 1992 Nissan convertible, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
"I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”
- Letter sent to Nikolas Cruz by admirer
At least for now, though, the mass murderer's suitors are pining at the wind. Jail officials, who screen all letters to inmates, said Cruz has not seen the letters, and remains on suicide watch. 
As a matter of policy, authorities seize letters that contain obscene material, privileged communications, or threats to public safety.
“We read a few religious ones to him that extended wishes for his soul and to come to God,” Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the Sun-Sentinel, “but we have not and will not read him the fan letters or share the photos of scantily-clad teenage girls.”
Finkelstein added that he's "never seen this many letters to a defendant" in his 40 years as a public defender.
Police release bodycam footage of the arrest of Zachary Cruz
But dozens of admirers have also flooded social media, where some have claimed that they've gotten through to Cruz.
“I want you all to know that Nikolas knows about us and he had the biggest smile on his face when he was told that we all support him,” one Facebook user wrote on a pro-Cruz group.
When Zachary Cruz, Nikolas' younger brother, visited Nikolas in jail, the two discussed their popularity, according to prosecutors.
Zachary's attorneys are expected to argue in court Thursday that his $500,000 bail on a trespassing charge is excessive. The 18-year-old was arrested Mar. 19 after authorities found him skateboarding at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
The unseemly interest in Cruz may stem from women with poor parental relationships, or a strong desire to save an apparently lonely and vulnerable figure, mental health experts told the paper.
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Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/agents-shield-coming-together-madames-men/
'Agents of SHIELD:' It’s All Coming Together in All the Madame’s Men
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD just gets better and better with each episode. This series, however, is getting more and more foreboding as the season draws to a close since there’s yet to be an official announcement that ABC will renew this series for a fifth and perhaps final season. Don't worry, it will be renewed. Things just get complicated as ABC will be busy with the upcoming Inhumans series, Cloak and Dagger and New Warriors on Freeform. The situation hopefully turns around as the ratings have. Here’s a recap of what’s happened since the previous 18th episode No Regrets and now; so massive spoiler alert for fans who have yet not caught up. If you do read on, trust us, it’s still worth the watch. Here’s a summary of what’s happened in No Regrets, courtesy of Wikipedia and the big fan responsible for the updates: “Mace and Coulson infiltrate a Hydra "Enlightenment Camp" to free an undercover agent—Antoine Triplett, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who died in the real world. They are tracked there by May, who uses a super serum to fight Mace. Through the vents in their holding cells, Daisy learns from Radcliffe of a backdoor he installed to escape the Framework that Aida is unable to disable. Coulson attempts to save one of his former students who he sees being held in the camp, and Mace follows him into a building to help. Hydra uses a missile to bring the building down, and May enters the rubble to ensure Mace is dead. She finds him stopping debris from crushing the student, with Coulson and Triplett helping other children escape the building. May is horrified to find children being victimized by Hydra. With the others to safety, Mace is crushed beneath the debris, and in the real world Aida finds his physical body dead as well. Turning on Hydra, May sneaks a Terrigen crystal to Johnson so she can gain her Inhuman abilities within the Framework.” That in itself was an amazing episode. There we get to see Coulson gradually getting back to his old character and taking charge. For Skyeward fans, there’s still good news as Ward remains very much a good guy and shows no signs of becoming a turncoat. Speaking of turncoats, respect between warriors finally turns Agent May against Hydra upon seeing Mace’s sacrifice. It’s truly a shame that Mace won’t be going back to the real world as director of SHIELD but he got what he asked for. To live and die as a hero. As for Fitz, Radcliffe made it clear that with the proper tweaking of circumstances, a guy destined to be a hero becomes a psychotic murderer. Instead of being raised by his sweet mother, in the framework, Fitz was raised by his stern father to become a strong individual and to harbor no regrets on the way to reaching a goal. Another subset of SHIELD fans also rejoiced with the return of fan favorite Tripp who was lost during Daisy’s first terrigenisis. We now pick up with All the Madame’s Men where everything is coming together from everything that’s happened since the first. The show begins with a familiar face not seen since the second season. Sunil Bakshi is a news anchor in the Framework delivering the daily propaganda where he delivers news about a terrorist attack by The Patriot of an Enlightenment Cultivation Center. While he’s delivering is fake news, Daisy gets out of her cocoon, revitalized. She and May try to make their way out, and we see some great gunfighting and action from these two women. Leave it to the Whedons to highlight the women. They almost make it out when they’re met by Ophelia and two heavily armed guards. The girls drop their weapons, but Daisy uses her powers to throw Ophelia through the building’s glass wall several floors up. Ophelia falls unconscious on the Triskelion grounds. Ophelia, by the way, is based on the comic book character Ophelia Sarkissian aka Viper. AIDA wakes up from the framework where unlike others that care killed in it are unable to. She tells Anton that May has rebelled and Anton tries to kill the real-world May but is unable to and so is AIDA as Radcliffe’s programming prevents them from killing the prisoners unless they become a direct threat to the Framework. Back at SHIELD, everyone is upset at the loss of Mace. They watch as Bakshi reports what happened at the Triskelion and that May and Daisy are probably on the run. Which they are. May tells Daisy about the loss of Mace which upsets her. They proceed to go to one of the Resistance contacts. At the Triskelion, Ophelia’s body is obviously alive but bedridden with plenty of bruises and a broken spine. While Ophelia is down, Fitz becomes the new head of Hydra. He tells Bakshi to send a message to the people to watch out for May and Daisy. Ward makes a move to go out and help Daisy and asks for advice from Coulson, and in this instance, Coulson acts more and more like a director again. Coulson tells Ward that he turned down an opportunity to join SHIELD while Ward tells him he accepted his offer from Victoria Hand and not from John Garrett. Meanwhile, Jemma analyzes the plans Tripp stole about project Looking Glass. This is where things are coming together for the whole season. AIDA’s plan in the framework is actually to build a new body for her using the same quantum energy manipulation technology Eli Morrow was working on to create matter. The device, however, looks more similar to the one AIDA used to counter Morrow’s device. The Darkhold remains a major influence even in the Framework and will continue to do so for the remaining three episodes. Hopefully, Ghost Rider does come back to assist and the whole season goes full circle. From Tripp’s info, Jemma deduces that the machine is located in one of Anton’s oil platforms. They take a quinjet to investigate. Like Ultron who wanted to upgrade to an organic vibranium body, AIDA also wants to transition to a real human body. One that may even have powers. May and Daisy gets to one of the Resistance’s outposts but encounters a Hydra patrol. To prove to Daisy that Mace is already dead, she has the footage on her bodycam. Back at the base, Burrows tells the others about the incident so Mack and Coulson head out to investigate. At the Triskelion, Ophelia wakes up and tells Fitz to continue working on Looking Glass so Fitz puts his father in charge of looking for May and Daisy. May and Daisy manage to make it to base. Mack, however, is wary of May due to the part she played in kidnapping Hope. Tripp and Jemma manages to get to Anton’s platform but do not find the device which Jemma deduces is being built in the real world and will be completed in a week. Fitz is shown building the plans in a similar fashion as Tony Stark. His father arrives to report that he failed to capture May and Daisy. Fitz gets angry, but his father reprimands him. Alistair then goes to beat some information from Radcliffe. Back at SHIELD, they decide to use May’s bodycam footage to turn the people against HYDRA while Daisy and Ward have a talk about the other world. Ward shows some real character here, and you would really feel sorry for the guy. While planning to use May’s footage for a full-scale uprising, Daisy proposes that they just exit through Radcliffe’s but is at a loss to explain to the others that their current lives don’t matter. But seeing as there’s very little chance to get to Radcliffe’s backdoor, they might as well take Hydra down first so they raid Bakshi’s studio in order to play the footage. Meanwhile, Fitz tells Ophelia that the designs are finished. As a little treat for Philinda fans, Coulson will be playing anchor for the broadcast and May experiences Deja-vu while fixing Coulson’s tie. While the signal plays out, Ward volunteers to hold the fort as he and Daisy discuss his character. Daisy realizes that despite the real Ward’s issues, he may have some good within. It’s a pretty intense moment. And as we speculate whether or not Ward will come out as an LMD after this season, they basically said it twice that he’s not. Guess we’ll just have to wait. The broadcast commences. Burrows arrives to tell them that they have company. Instead of Hydra, the populace seems to have risen up. While Coulson talks, he publicly broadcasts his allegiance to SHIELD. Back at the real world, Anton is frustrated that he could not enjoy his onion-vodka combo and asks AIDA if all his restrictions are deactivated once she gets a new body. He also reports that he’s about to shoot down the fugitive Zephyr 1. We’re inching closer and closer to the end folks. Hopefully, AIDA does get a body with powers because this fan speculates that Anton is up to something. This episode serves a great mix of action, suspense and drama, especially between Ward and Daisy. Personally hoping Ward does get out of the framework and we get the original team again. Partial anyway, there’s still the problem with Fitz and maybe even Mack because he can’t lose Hope. So are we as we’re hoping for Season 5.
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report
Parkland, Fla., massacre suspect Nikolas Cruz has been receiving lots of female -- and some male -- attention in the form of prison fan mail, according to a report.  (Associated Press)
The bloody Valentine's Day massacre at a Parkland, Fla., high school last month has led some observers to fall in love -- with the suspect.
Lovestruck groupies from around the country are showering gunman Nikolas Cruz with fan mail, including sexually provocative photos and donations, according to a report.
One 18-year-old from Texas purportedly professed her love to Cruz in a March 15 letter adorned with smiley faces and hand-drawn hearts, South Florida's Sun-Sentinel reported.
Teenage girls, women and even older men are writing to the Parkland school shooter and sending photographs — some suggestive — tucked inside cute greeting cards... Groupies also are joining Facebook communities to talk about how to help the killer. https://t.co/sSqKU3ALFL
— Julie Anderson (@Juliea712) March 29, 2018
"When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you," the letter said. "Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome."
The missive flatly concludes: “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.” 
Another Texas woman reportedly sent a bizzare handwritten love note less than a week after Cruz gunned down 17 people Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Nikolas and Zachary Cruz reportedly discussed their newfound popularity in a jail visit.  (Broward County Sheriff)
"I reserve the right to care about you, Nikolas!" read the unsolicited declaration.
A Chicago woman reportedly sent Cruz numerous suggestive photos, including one in which she slurps a Popsicle while wearing a bikini, and another in which she shows off her backside for the camera.
Cruz, who jail officials say has received nearly $800 in donations to his prison commissary account since the shooting, has also caught the eye of some members of his own sex.
A New Yorker with a bushy moustache sent Cruz a card featuring a cat and a photo of himself sitting in a white 1992 Nissan convertible, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
"I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.”
- Letter sent to Nikolas Cruz by admirer
At least for now, though, the mass murderer's suitors are pining at the wind. Jail officials, who screen all letters to inmates, said Cruz has not seen the letters, and remains on suicide watch. 
As a matter of policy, authorities seize letters that contain obscene material, privileged communications, or threats to public safety.
“We read a few religious ones to him that extended wishes for his soul and to come to God,” Broward County Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the Sun-Sentinel, “but we have not and will not read him the fan letters or share the photos of scantily-clad teenage girls.”
Finkelstein added that he's "never seen this many letters to a defendant" in his 40 years as a public defender.
Police release bodycam footage of the arrest of Zachary Cruz
But dozens of admirers have also flooded social media, where some have claimed that they've gotten through to Cruz.
“I want you all to know that Nikolas knows about us and he had the biggest smile on his face when he was told that we all support him,” one Facebook user wrote on a pro-Cruz group.
When Zachary Cruz, Nikolas' younger brother, visited Nikolas in jail, the two discussed their popularity, according to prosecutors.
Zachary's attorneys are expected to argue in court Thursday that his $500,000 bail on a trespassing charge is excessive. The 18-year-old was arrested Mar. 19 after authorities found him skateboarding at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
The unseemly interest in Cruz may stem from women with poor parental relationships, or a strong desire to save an apparently lonely and vulnerable figure, mental health experts told the paper.
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Parkland suspect Nikolas Cruz showered with fan mail, donations: report
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