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kosmos-fantastika · 6 months ago
Petar Bobev - The Green Vampire (Fantastika series, Bulgaria, 1987)
Artist: Dimitar Bakalov
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ev-isms · 9 months ago
2 am bobev approaches
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thealiciacouri · 1 year ago
Encore: Wage Equality for Women
How do you find the courage to stand up and do something brave?
Shell Bobev, founder of Disrupt the Gap shares her story of discovering that she was being paid ½ what a male peer was paid! 
Tune in to the Encore of "Unleash Your Audacious Confidence" show to hear how she triumphed, myths about the wage gap, learn how to advocate for equal pay in the workplace, and explore impactful ways to drive change within your organization. 
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bob-events · 3 years ago
The Band of Brothers 2021 Friendship Bonanza
All the fics, works of art and media are now live!
Happy international friendship day! 25 gorgeous works, all centred around friendship, are now available for all of us to enjoy!
The works have been created as a gift exchange, meaning they’re all based on someone’s individual prompts, but are of course also intended for every fan of BoB to enjoy.
For the first week, fics will be anonymous -- so read, kudos, comment and share as you want! On Friday, all authors will be revealed, and we will publish a work masterlist along with prompts here on Tumblr.
Happy Summer of Friendship, everyone! Currahee, good morning/day/evening/night wherever you are, remember to support your local creators and we wish you all the best of summers.
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(Ps. If you participated in the event, and you’re not a fic writer, you are excempt from Anon Week! Don’t forget to tag any works you share on AO3 with #FriendshipBonanza21 so that we can find and reblog your wonderful, wonderful work! <3 )
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years ago
ev from bobev
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444names · 3 years ago
french and american and roman emperor forenames
Adold Agnus Alanora Aleanny Alerrata Alianpaudi Aliff Alliane Allucie Alphiel Amart Anaxie Andos Andraigha Ariste Aronia Ascola Asony Aston Auren Avenne Baley Barlah Barlyne Bectore Belleone Berisan Berler Beroloren Berri Besty Binis Blanever Blannie Blessa Bobbilter Bobever Borie Branne Brediti Bricilly Bricki Brine Briney Bristan Brius Bronney Brorosette Cadle Cadred Callarcure Candorey Caris Caristert Carlenée Carome Carvainax Chendy Cheory Cheresuely Chria Chrienn Christi Cieugh Cilianite Cilleent Claell Clathy Claveletia Clawnax Cleoriena Clisty Cober Codititne Colis Colle Commy Condy Conielaul Constia Coreane Cored Cédéro Célie Célène Dacher Danyanpale Darci Dardon Debobus Debreendo Delippie Delle Desta Dethérômel Dettedway Dettevenée Diann Diles Dosick Dwarly Dwayn Dwilla Ebbie Ebeul Edgary Ellyne Elmana Elsemmaren Emmonny Entio Eretterry Erryla Esanda Eugla Eulius Eveth Faymon Faytoine Felaurola Felber Felmelle Feristamie Ferne Fervéris Floreboret Floreditus Florgelle Floricey Floïc Fraurey Freddick Frenclysty Frémeggin Gaingel Galet Garles Gella Gerran Gerry Gerryl Getted Gilballer Gille Gillisa Ginnianie Githel Gorgain Graine Grentinaom Guelick Hadon Haemie Hanne Hanus Heanus Heith Hentines Hercina Herick Herre Holan Hollethy Homius Hosie Huarcalla Huglaur Huglyd Hugueriken Intia Iscarlyste Isonyane Istia Jacey Jachan Jacque Jacquellie Jamena Jamius Jangette Janpie Jarca Jaris Jeand Jeanus Jeatsy Jeffelph Jefferry Jeffor Jenelor Jeriusadia Jerryley Jerta Jesty Jimicha Jimona Joane Joharra Johnnisty Jonius Jormaye Josey Josie Josty Jovine Juanca Juandritus Juane Judes Jularomes Julaude Juleody Jériandrée Jérès Karia Katrie Keigh Keita Kerna Kertistin Kimona Krian Kriane Kricey Krisonie Kristerin Krius Kuree Laete Lasony Laude Laudy Laurene Laurthin Laverbara Lennyan Leonin Leste Lestie Lexavin Lippernie Lisephin Lista Listal Loisan Loralucy Lorie Lorine Lormanny Loros Lorrick Louisa Lucarine Lucine Luilius Luper Maelbiete Magay Magayne Magne Mainie Mangen Mantho Mantie Mantinus Mantory Mançoistin Marannyann Marence Mareslian Marey Margabase Marguiser Marineslie Marinn Maris Marladie Marle Marlie Marloista Marly Marlynne Marmen Marna Maron Marria Marry Marus Marvick Marya Mathonjame Matrony Matrus Maudord Maxienne Maximony Melle Melleor Melmaronia Mericia Miany Micarlene Micha Mictont Millil Milmax Milyce Miren Mirène Mithéo Miussa Modneth Monadi Mondia Méline Nalel Naton Netra Nifranis Norent Odorge Oleene Olisa Olius Olyne Olynthiney Ottian Passius Patacry Paudia Paudie Paulenne Paurey Peana Peançoin Pedne Peggis Perly Permaris Pertomilie Petheneeno Pethie Pettasett Pette Petty Piena Piert Pupikos Quentie Rachan Raciangery Raina Raldrenus Ranio Ranittie Ranuen Redus Ressane Restera Rettephia Risona Rista Ristimie Robus Robyrin Rolaulius Ronat Ronik Roninattel Ronne Rookellaud Rubechrice Ruberryl Rucia Rudius Rélie Rélin Réline Rélivive Sadrine Saline Seanina Setty Shades Shanorrin Shelpharie Shere Shergis Sheryn Shlean Shler Sonatrine Soneandra Stine Stéphilma Suele Sévelie Sévell Teren Thencen Theon Thine Thollyden Thomichen Thonatite Théroy Tinuethew Tonie Toniscan Topatte Toran Tracelaggy Trind Trine Trosaly Troyden Valen Valinel Vallien Vandannick Veleope Vicatrie Vicharin Viellellie Vindystas Vinelie Vinitchèle Vitaletsy Vithervé Waria Warmannie Xancey Yoleoddia Yollawn Yolor Yvettever Yvonya Zanne Élagne Élina Éliochrike Érène Érèsevey Évereth
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mallelondon · 7 years ago
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Next month we’ll be showcasing at the ‘Best of Britannia’ show on Brick Lane in London. Register @BestofBritannia for a complimentary pass and come visit us on the 12th - 13th of October. #BestofBritannia #bobevent #mallelondon #britishdesign #bestofbrittish (at Brick Lane)
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arxt1 · 7 years ago
Geroch Group Description of Bubbling Geometries. (arXiv:1806.01590v1 [hep-th])
The Riemann-Hilbert approach to studying solutions of supergravity theories allows us to associate spacetime independent monodromy matrices (matrices in the Geroch group) with solutions that effectively only depend on two spacetime coordinates. This offers insights into symmetries of supergravity theories, and in the classification of their solutions. In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of monodromy matrices for multi-center solutions of five-dimensional U(1)$^3$ supergravity. We obtain monodromy matrices for a class of collinear Bena-Warner bubbling geometries. We show that for this class of solutions, monodromy matrices in the vector representation of SO(4,4) have only simple poles with residues of rank two and nilpotency degree two. These properties strongly suggest that an inverse scattering construction along the lines of [arXiv:1311.7018 [hep-th]] can be given for this class of solutions, though it is not attempted in this work. Along the way, we clarify a technical point in the literature: we show that the so-called "spectral flow transformations" of Bena, Bobev, and Warner are precisely a class of Harrison transformation when restricted to the situation of two commuting Killing symmetries in five-dimensions.
from gr-qc updates on arXiv.org https://ift.tt/2systlC
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wearenavigatorsatsea-blog · 7 years ago
Mv Diamond Sky when passing Indian Ocean Thanks to :Boyan Trayanov Bobev #wearenavigators #shareurvideoswithus www.wearenavigators.com
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kosmos-fantastika · 3 months ago
Petar Bobev - Odin's Disgrace (Bulgaria, 1984)
artist: Valentin Goleshev
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kosmos-fantastika · 9 months ago
Petar Bobev - The Loner of the Ice Desert (Bulgaria, 1963)
artist: Dimitar Popvasilev
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thealiciacouri · 1 year ago
What does wage equality mean to you?
On the next Unleash Your Audacious Confidence show we’re talking to Shell Bobev the founder of Disrupt the Gap, but before the live show on audaciousconfidenceshow.com We’re going live to share tiny tidbits of what’s to come and invite you to ask me any questions you might have for Shell. See you today at 4:30 est, 1:30 pst.
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thealiciacouri · 1 year ago
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The wage gap hasn’t changed in over a decade. While the fight is gaining more attention, it’s not yet moving the needle. So what can you do to help make a dent in the gender wage gap issue?
Join us on August 21st at 5 pm est on Unleash Your Audacious Confidence with expert Shell Bobev to learn how to be an advocate for yourself at work to get paid what you’re worth, plus she’ll share what some of the laws around wage equality are and give you other ways to make a difference in your organization. 
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thealiciacouri · 1 year ago
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It’s 2023 and women are still underpaid, because women are still being treated differently by employees according to PEW Research Center
Shell Bobev was not only victimized by this unequal treatment by a former employer, but is a fierce advocate of wage equality for women. Join us on August 21 at 5pm EST for an impactful episode of "Unleash Your Audacious Confidence" on Win Win Women TV. 
Let’s ignite change together! Go to audaciousconfidenceshow.com to join us live
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bob-events · 4 years ago
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Hello, everyone! <3 
We just want to send out a reminder that sign-ups for this summer's Friendship Bonanza is open for a few more days! You have until Tuesday, May 25th to sign up :D
More information about the event can be found here, but the basics are this; 
It's a gift exchange! 
Fic, art and other media creations are welcome, you let us know when you sign up what you'd like to create and what you'd like to receive! 
The prompts you give should be friendship-centered, but background shipping is welcome! 
(If you do not want background shipping in your creations, you can specify that in the "Do Not Want" section! <3)
Sign up for the event here!
And as always, you can 
Join us on our Band of Brothers Discord (16+!)
if you wanna hang out with our community of people who also love bob! <3
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bob-events · 4 years ago
Band of Brothers Friendship Bonanza 2021: Sign-ups are open!
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Hello everyone! The day is here, and the sign-ups for this year’s Friendship Bonanza fest is open!
If you wanna skip straight to the signup form, the link is here! Under the Keep Reading we’re just gonna list some good-to-know info about the event and how it will work, so if you have any questions, check that out first! :)
May 11 - Signups open
May 25 - Signups close
Jun 1 - Assignments go out
June 29-July 1st - Check-in via email
Jul 16 - Default Deadline/AO3 collection opens
Jul 23 - Deadline to turn in works
July 30 - All works go live
August 6 - Author reveals
Under-the-Keep-Reading tl;dr: 1. This is a gift exchange 2. The theme is friendship! 3. All types of fandom creations are welcome in this event 4. Canon characters, OCs and xReader works are all welcome 5. Defaulting and pinch hits A note on the Anonymous Week
The minimum requirements for works are: Fanfics: 1000 words Fanart, gifs, videos, etc: A clearly finished piece
If you have any questions, message us! We’re available here, on discord and on our email, [email protected]. There are three of us, and we’re in different timezones, so keep that in mind! :)
And as always,
Come hang out on our BoB Discord! (16+)
Currahee! <3
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1. This is a gift exchange It’s why there’s a signup form. After the signup period ends, we will pair everyone up, and send out the prompts given by every person to their match, who will then create a work based off of those prompts. For example, it could look like: A writes for B, B writes for D, D writes for C, C writes for A. Everyone makes a gift, everyone receives a gift!
2. The theme is friendship! There is no ban on (background) romantic relationships, but please do keep in mind that the main focus of your prompts should be friendships or/and other types of platonic relationships! (If you personally do not want any kind of romantic element to your gift, just write it in the Do Not Want section!)
3. All types of fandom creations are welcome in this event Because this is a gift exchange and we need to ensure that every person will be able to be matched up to someone, every participant is required to be willing to make either a fanfic or a piece of fanart. However, we gladly welcome other types of media in this event too! Gifsets, videos, photo sets, fanmixes, anything that you might be a creator of is welcome in this event!
4. Canon characters, OCs and xReader works are all welcome The only existing caveat is that your work must be understandable for a person who has consumed nothing except the original show. This, of course, goes for any work, but we are aware that a big part of OC creation is their often amazingly wonderful backstories and past events who shaped who they are. These stories are incredibly welcome, but keep in mind that the person you are matched with might not have read or seen your earlier work, so make sure your creation is understandable to someone who has only seen the base show!
5. Defaulting and pinch hits “To default” is basically the term for dropping out of the event and not creating your work within the deadline. There are a lot of reasons why someone might default, and we will never question or judge someone for doing so, but if you think you might have to default, please let us know as soon as possible! After a default, we will put out the prompts given to the person who defaulted as a “pinch hit”. This means they will be put up with a request for a fill, to make sure every participant gets a gift. It’s called a pinch hit because they often have a much tighter timeframe than is originally allotted to the fest.
A note on the Anonymous Week All works have to be published to AO3 by the deadline to not be considered abandoned. This goes for fics, art, gifsets, any kind of creation for the event, and it’s in order for the mods to be able to keep track of how everyone is doing, who has finished and submitted their work, etc. For the first week of the works going public, they will be marked as “anonymous,” meaning you won’t be able to see the author. Here’s a screenshot from the Discord server with some info on why:
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Image Description:
maria: sobel stan 4ever “so basically, just to explain the mechanics first for anyone who might not know: AO3 has a function where works within a collection can be labeled as anonymous for a period of time. We’ve just taken inspo from Heavy Artillery, who by tradition have all their works anon for the first week. 
This is for two main reasons as far as i know; first, to kind of level the playing field in a sense, basically giving the work the right to stand on their own legs and to make sure people don’t just read (for example) the works from people they already know and like and ignore the others. Since we have creators here who are incredibly good but maybe haven’t had the time to build up that exposure, we figured it could be a nice option. Second is that it gives the option for trying to guess who made what, and that can be kinda fun! Trying to suss out who wrote what fic etc.”
However, we are aware that for non-writers, AO3 might not be the best place to share a work, so non-writers are exempt from the anonymity rule!
This means that from July 30th, if you’re (for example) an artist, you are free to post your artwork on tumblr, instagram or whatever platform you’re most comfortable with!
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