#bobby nash goddaughter
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Bobby's Goddaughter
Summary: Bobby’s Goddaughter decides to move to LA and makes a visit to the 118.
A/N: so this was supposed to be short and sweet but apparently I got way too carried away. Apologies for any mistakes! Hope you enjoy :)
Word Count: 1.7k

As you stepped of the plane in LA you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. Which you then realised was probably the most cliché thing you could have done in that moment, causing a smile to land on your face for the first time in months.
The anxiety of uprooting your entire life to move closer to your godfather, who you hadn’t spoken too in what you were beginning to realise was getting close to years, let alone told that you wanted to live closer to him, was starting to hit you harder by the minute. It wasn’t that you hadn’t wanted to speak to your godfather but since he had moved to the 118 your contact with him became sporadic, especially living in another state. Your parents had both passed away shortly before Bobby had moved and although he was the closest thing you had to a dad, a name you had often attributed to him, after he moved it was easier to distance yourself from the man you suddenly became petrified of losing. Which with hindsight, and the help of a great therapist, you realised was your way of attempting to minimise any connection so you couldn’t get hurt, only to cause yourself pain by isolating yourself. But if you knew one thing about Bobby it was that he would understand, he would forgive you and he had proven time and time again that he was always there for you.
The move to LA, and to your godfather, had been prompted by a series of events. Firstly, you had quit your job, deciding that law wasn’t your calling, and instead retrained as a firefighter. Then your boyfriend had cheated on you, leading to a prompt breakup. Which was followed by the nail in the coffin, or what you liked to refer to as the final straw in a fuckin mountain of straws, you lost your sobriety after being called out to a fire and a bag of white powder was thrown in your face, which you later found out to be opioids. Your addiction had started after your parents died and Bobby moved to LA, not that he knew that, or that you had any desire to ever let him know. Despite not seeing him in a long time you knew your godfather and he would only blame himself and you were not about to burden him with any more guilt than he already carried.
So, when you saw that the 118, which you knew was Bobby’s firehouse, had a position open you instantly requested a transfer from your current house, figuring that a fresh start could only do you good and it was about time you stopped being scared to care for people.
As Bobby and Athena kissed the four firefighters stood slack jawed, unable to remove their eyes from their captain. Once the kiss had broken apart, the room remind silent for a minute until a whistle from the other side of the room caused the firefighter’s gazes to land on you. Bobby froze momentarily at the sound of your voice recognising it immediately before a small smile slipped onto his face as he walked towards you.
‘Didn’t know you had it in you old man’, you stated after letting out a whistle at the sight of your godfather kissing a police officer.
‘Are you sassing me right now?’ he asked as he made his way over to you. You feigned confusion as you quickly darted your eyes around the room.
‘Am I?’ you asked innocently, before the faced slipped and your face morphed into the biggest smile you had smiled in months. As soon as Bobby was near you his arms were wrapped tightly around you and you sunk into the hug, you head nuzzling into his shoulder as he placed his hand on the back of your head while he placed a kiss to the top of it.
‘I’m so sorry’ you whispered into him, ‘I’ve missed you so much’.
Matching your volume, acutely aware that his team and girlfriend were watching, Bobby whispered back to you, ‘I missed you too sweetheart, and you have nothing to apologise for.’
‘But, I…’, you began to stammer as you moved your head from his chest while remaining in his embrace, so you could see his face, which looked just the same as it did the last time you had seen him except he looked happier, so much happier. Before you could finish what you were about to say, that you hadn’t contacted him in years, Bobby continued.
‘y/n, I would never hold that against you, I should be apologising to you, I haven’t contacted you either, but none of that matters right now because you’re here.’ He paused slightly before chuckling, his eyebrow quirking upwards, ‘why are you here?’, this immediately made you start to laugh too.
‘Not that I’m not happy to see you’, he quickly added. Seeing you laugh made Bobby’s laughter intensify and the smile on his face grew wider, not only had he not seen you in years but he hadn’t seen you smile like that for almost twice as long.
The laughter emanating from you both was, however, interrupted by a sudden cough. Turning towards the group of firefighters who were now averting their gazes despite the sound having come from them, Bobby put his arm around your shoulder and walked you towards the police officer first.
‘Athena’ he began addressing the woman with a soft smile, a smile which the woman returned, ‘and everyone, this is y/n’ he paused, ‘my goddaughter, we haven’t seen each other in years’. The faces of the team where a picture, as they were stunned into silence, a silence they evidently kept trying to break as their eyebrows furrowed and
‘It’s lovely to meet you’, you began, ‘and just so you know I’m the one who didn’t reach out to Bobby, and I haven’t seen him in so long if he hasn’t mentioned me or anything…’, but once again before you could continue your nervous ramblings to the woman who you had taken an immediate liking to, she interrupted you.
‘Oh, Bobby’s told me all about you’, she started causing you to swallow, ‘and it is a pleasure to meet you y/n’ she smiled, instantly calming you and allowing you to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. The next emotion to take hold of you was confusion as you turned towards your godfather.
‘You have?’ you questioned softly, turning to look to him while his arm remained around your shoulders.
‘Of course I did. y/n, you’re my family’, those words caused your eyes to well up. Part of you, the small child who had grown up around Bobby new he would say something like this, but the adult who you had become, plagued by doubt and a self-worth that was, although rising, not at its highest, well that adult didn’t even comprehend the possibility of this. The image of Bobby talking about you to Athena only made the tears fall faster.
‘Sorry’, you mumbled into Bobby, who upon seeing your tears had pulled you back into him, ‘I didn’t think I’d get this weepy, oh and’ to turned to the firefighters, ‘it’s really lovely to meet you all’, you smiled to the group who all smiled back and came over to greet you, giving you time to stop the tears from falling.
‘So y/n, what brings you to L.A?, here to visit Bobby?’, asked who you had just learned was Eddie.
‘Its funny you should say that’ you began laughing slightly but beginning to internally panic, ‘actually I just moved here, today actually.’
“Really?’ asked Buck enthusiastically, ‘My sister just moved here too, I bet you two would get along. I can give you her number if you want?’
You were taken aback by the kindness the firefighters were showing you right now. ‘That would be wonderful actually, thank you Buck’, you smiled at him.
‘No problem’, he responded, ‘so what is it that you do?’ he asked.
‘y/n is a lawyer’ Bobby began, but the face you made caused him to stop., ‘Or not?’ he questioned.
‘yeah’, you began slightly awkwardly, ‘I was a lawyer, but it wasn’t right for me, I always felt like it was too late, you know, like the damage had already been done. So I re-trained’ you paused mentally preparing to say the next part, ‘as a firefighter, not that long ago actually.’
‘you did?’ Bobby asked, smiling and you could tell in an instant that he was proud of you.
‘There’s more actually’, you continued, ‘I was working back home as a firefighter for a while when I saw that a spot opened up here and well, I uprooted my life. You should get the paperwork for my transfer on Monday but I asked the fire chief to keep my name of the paperwork until tomorrow so I could tell you in person.’
‘You’re going to be working with me?’ asked Bobby, his eyes tearing up slightly, ‘and you’re living in LA?’
‘I am’ you softly confirmed, nodding your head as you watched his reaction.
‘Hang on, how did you manage to get the fire chief to keep your name of the paperwork?’ asked Hen, ‘they’re not the easiest people to deal with at the best of times.’
‘Let’s just say the fire chief owed me a favour after shall we say’, you paused moving your hands slightly as you searched for an appropriate phrase, ‘an incident occurred, and he was more than happy to do me a favour if I promised not to sue the department’ you concluded your story. Laughter came from the entire group of firefighters and Athena.
‘I bet there’s a story there’, added Chim, obviously angling to hear it.
‘Oh there is’, you nodded, pausing momentarily, ‘you wanna hear it?’ you smirked at the group of firefighters, Hen and Buck quickly guiding you to the couches with Chim and Eddie following quickly behind as you laughed at them. This was going to be the best decision you had made in a long time.
Part 2 Now Up!!!!!!
(taking requests :) )
#bobby nash x reader#bobby nash goddaughter#911 fox#911 tv show#911#bobby nash#athena grant#evan buckley#buck#eddie diaz#henrietta wilson#hen wilson#chimney han#chim#howard han#edmundo eddie diaz#edmundo diaz#x daughter!reader#bobby nash goddaughter x reader#robert nash#x reader
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I'd love to read a 2nd chapter of Bobby's Goddaughter!!!! It's so good!
Bobby's Goddaughter Part 2
Summary: An earthquake leads to y/n revealing a secret to Bobby.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I just wanted to say this comment and the other's under the original part made my day!! Thank you all so so much, it really means so much to me so thank you!!! I was a little conflicted as to what direction I should take this in as I had a few ideas, so hopefully you like it!! And apologies for any mistakes.
I also have an idea for a part 3 if anyone’s interested, so let me know :)

That’s what brought you out of the daydream you had been in. Well not exactly a daydream as such but you had been thinking back over the past few weeks of being at the 118 as you finished stocking the fire engine with Hen and Chim. After meeting Athena and the members of the 188 you had gone home worried. Worried that you had made a fool of yourself and that moving to LA to surprise your godfather, without telling him and then saying that you where joining his place of work, was maybe not the best ideas. Those thoughts kept you up that night and plagued you as you started to unpack your things into your new home. That was until you had heard a knock at the door and opened it to find your new team who had all given up their Saturday to come and help you move in. Even despite your assurance that they didn’t have to help you the entire team had stayed for hours until it was dark outside, and all your things had been unpacked.
That night when they had all gone home your anxiety had eased and you knew that this was your team now. A few weeks had passed since then and you had got to know everyone better, but you had spent the most time with Bobby and Athena. You relished seeing your godfather so happy with her. The three of you had gone out for lunch several times and Athena had told you all about her children who you hoped you could meet soon.
You had also been informed by Buck that if you were part of the team then you had to have a nickname, which you remembered causing groans and chuckles throughout the team. Most of the team had settled on a shorter version of your name, but Buck had decided that he needed something more interesting to call you as he claimed that they couldn’t have another boring nickname like Eddie. The day he decided on your nickname was the day you decided that you both wanted to kill him, and that he was almost certainly going to be your new best friend.
‘Cheesecake’ he had stated as he walked over to the group of firefighters sitting at the table in the fire house.
‘Excuse me?’, you had responded confused as to why Buck had just shouted the name of your favourite food in the firehouse, whipping your head in his direction in case he did indeed have one with him. Unfortunately, he did not.
‘That’s what we should call, y/n!’ he had exclaimed, looking at the 118 as if they were stupid for not realising this earlier, they on the other hand only rolled their eyes and continued eating. Buck however was determined that this would now be your new nickname, even if he was the only one to call you it. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it before, he had discovered your love for the dessert when going through your fridge the day they had helped move your things and found that even though you didn’t have any basic food you had a cheesecake sitting in the fridge.
‘I do love cheesecake’ you muttered absentmindedly to no one in particular as your mind began formulating a plan to stop on the way home and grab one from the grocery store.
‘Do you like the name?’ buck asked, to which you thought for a few seconds before responding.
‘If you call me that Buck, I will kill you’, causing laughter to erupt from a few of the firefighters. Buck wasn’t disheartened by this either, instead he grinned and accepted the challenge of calling you cheesecake as much as he possibly could.
And this is what you had been thinking about, the 118, Bobby and Athena, Buck, cheesecakes and what your life might look like over the next year when the shaking started.
The engine rattled as you looked at Chim and Hen beside you and began to move across the firehouse as equipment flew around the room and things fell from the ceiling. It was going to be a very long day.
Thankfully the team had all come out from the earthquake unscathed, and you were now inside a hotel that had begun to fall during the earthquake. You and Hen were calling out for the young girl who was missing when the aftershock hit. You heard Bobby calling your names, but it was too late as you and Hen slipped into a pocket of rubble below you. Both screaming as the shock continued and more debris fell casing you in.
You slowly felt yourself coming too when the distant sound of Hen shouting for help started to get louder. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced your shoulder and you groaned before letting out a cry as the pain suddenly intensified. As you began to open your eyes you shifted your gaze to your shoulder to see the corner of a large piece of rubble stacked on top of it. Any closer and it would have crushed your neck. It was only now that Hen’s shouts registered and the groans of another person next to you. You moved slightly to see who it was, recognising the firefighter as Russ, a man you had only met about 20 minutes ago.
‘Hen!’, you shouted, ‘We’re over here’. You began to shimmy your shoulder out from under the block of rubble, hissing in pain every time you moved.
‘y/n!’, Hen replied as you heard her moving closer, ‘you okay?’
‘I’ll be fine’, managed in an almost grunt, ‘Russ needs your help though’. You began to feel dizzy as your consciousness faded in and out for what felt like only a second. The next thing you knew you heard Hen shouting Russ’ name.
‘Hen?’, you asked slowly, titling your head so you could see her face, this wasn’t a question you wanted to have to ask, ‘is he gone?’ The look on her face told you everything, you sighed and let your head touch the ground again. After a moment you spoke again;
‘I think I’m going to need your help now Hen, I managed to shimmy my shoulder out but I think its broken.’
Within a moment Hen was at your side, gently pressing your shoulder, eliciting a series of hisses to spring from your mouth.
‘Looks like a proximal humerus fracture’ she stated as she began to rummage around in Russ’ kit, ‘I can give you some morphine for the pain until we get out of here’ she began as she brought the needle to your arm. Before she could administer it though you suddenly pulled your arm away causing more pain in your shoulder.
‘No, no, you can’t’ you pleaded.
‘y/n you’re in a lot of pain’, Hen began confused by your sudden reaction, she continued, ‘this will help’.
‘I can’t go back to day one again.’ You began closing your eyes, not wating to see Hen’s face, ‘the day I met you I told you that when I was on a call before I moved here a bag of opioids was thrown into the air, that the whole team was high for hours after. Well, the reason the fire chief was so quick to do me a favour and transfer me here was because I’m an addict. I had been clean for over a year when it happened, he thought it would look bad on the department if I ever went public. I’m clean now and I have been for months but I can’t go through that again.’ At some point during your speech you had opened your eyes to look at Hen, but her face wasn’t the pity of disgust you were used to receiving when people found out about your addiction, she just smiled slightly and looked sympathetic.
‘Does Bobby know?’, her voice was gentle and understanding and made you tear up.
‘No, I know he’s an alcoholic, so he’d be able to be there for me but a part of me never wanted to tell him because I started using just before he left. I felt like the world was coming down around me. My parents had just died but I wasn’t very close with them, Bobby has always been my real dad. He was planning to move at the time and I knew if he found out about my addiction he’d stay. And this was his chance at a new life, and I didn’t want to ruin that. Now if I tell him, I’m worried he’ll blame himself for not seeing it and not staying.’
‘He loves you like a daughter’, Hen began, ‘You know that right? He sees himself as your dad and maybe he would feel a little guilty, but he cares about is you and he knows firsthand that addiction is an inner battle, he’d understand you.’
After your heart to heart with Hen, together you had attempted to dig through the rubble but were having a hard time and eventually the two of you had sat together having almost given up. That was when you had found a small dog named Paisley who had led you both to Kat, the girl you had been searching for when the aftershock hit. It wasn’t long after that the two of you heard the sounds of a car being dragged close to where you were.
‘Okay, we’re nearly there now Kat’, you stated as the three of you and Paisley moved towards the noise that you already knew had to be your team. Loud scraping noises continued until a small beam of light broke through the darkness and you moved your way painfully towards it, you couldn’t wait until your arm was wrapped up in a sling and the piercing pain would dull. For a moment there was silence then Paisley started barking and ran towards the light, then you heard Buck shouting for you and Hen. A breath you didn’t know you had been holding escaped your lips as you and Hen made it to the opening they had created.
‘Hey fellas’ laughed Hen as you made your way to the light, being met with the faces of the 118 and other firefighters that neither of you recognised, ‘you’re going to need to help y/n’ she continued, ‘her shoulders fractured and after all the moving its probably gotten worse’.
Quickly Buck and Bobby who were coming towards you anyway helped you to get up from the rubble, the second you were standing on your feet Bobby wrapped his arms around you as gently as he could, kissing you on the top of the head and resting his chin on your head.
‘I’m okay’ you whispered into him, looking up to see his worried expression that shifted to your shoulder, ‘oh this is nothing, remember when I broke my leg and the bone was sticking out’, you watched as his face scrunched in a grimace, satisfied you continued ‘yeah that was worse’. Bobby let you go as he clearly continued to picture the time you had fallen of a slide in the park and your leg had been badly broken. Buck took this opportunity to grasp you in a hug that was frankly way too tight and causing your shoulder to pulse with pain, but you didn’t say anything, instead hugging him back just as tight before you began to walk out of the building with his arm around you guiding you outside.
You weren’t sure how long you had been sitting under one of the medical tents after Chim had checked your shoulder and you had told him about your addiction. That was a new record, telling two people in one day and now as Bobby made his way over too you, you knew you were about to make it a third.
As he sat down on the bench next to you, your head rested on his shoulder while you let out a deep breath. Without saying a word he held his hand out in front of you both which you quickly grasped, and you knew he was trying not to cry when the grip on your hand tightened.
‘I thought that I’d lost you today’ he spoke so softly that you almost didn’t hear him.
‘But you didn’t, because you didn’t stop searching for me and I kept searching for you’, you smiled up at his face which he matched.
‘I love you sweetheart’ he stated as he placed another kiss to the top of your head. You felt so loved when you were with Bobby, your dad hadn’t been an evil man or cruel he had just been absent like your mother. Bobby had always been your godfather in name but in every way that it counted he was your dad. Every school concert or sports event he was there for, and now he had your back every day at work even when a building collapsed on you, he was there.
‘I love you too, so much.’ His arm wrapped around your back pulling you into him.
‘There’s something I should tell you’, you began, and a worried expression fell on his face, so you swiftly continued, ‘no its fine my shoulder’s fine, well not fine but it’s not awful. I…’ and so you told him everything, that you were scared to tell him because you didn’t want him to blame himself. You told him that when your parents died you felt like you weren’t mourning them but the loss of what could have been. You told him specifics you hadn’t told anyone, how you had felt, where you used to get high and you didn’t stop until there wasn’t a detail he didn’t know, and even though you felt sick with anxiety, this felt like the most normal thing in the world. You felt like a little girl again, sitting with Bobby telling him every detail of your day and him not judging a word you said. You felt safe. You were home with him.
#bobby nash x reader#bobby nash goddaughter x reader#bobby nash goddaughter#911 abc#911 tv show#911#bobby nash#athena grant#evan buckley#buck#eddie diaz#edmundo diaz#henrietta wilson#hen wilson#chimney han#chim#howard han#x daughter!reader#robert nash#captain bobby nash#x reader#part 2
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