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uhm uhm. idk enough coroika to have any ships ermmm........ draw bobble with someone!! idk🦔
been thinking abt 8 bit x bobble for a while.... bobble is the only person keeping 8 bit from killing someone LOL
#coroika#bobble coroika#8 bit coroika#bobblebit#bobble x 8 bit#8 bit x bobble#ask#requests#🦔#hoghog awoodles#8 WAS SOOO GLAD BOBBLE WAS THERE WITH HER. she was abt to explode#also. YURII
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RP Log: Munchix and Rayena go hiking
@rayenaray :D
Munchix Bogbelly - After a day's worth of rest, Munchix is ready to tackle ‘the big hike.’ In preparation, he’s already asked around about how best to hike up to Yanxia’s hidden tree, to which he was mostly met with looks of confusion. But a few have vaguely directed him eastward, and so, that’s where he’ll go!
Munchix Bogbelly waves to Rayena. “Ready to head out?”
Rayena Corsano raised a brow. "Yes, but, are we sure this tree is even here? A lot of people you asked seemed confused, where did you even hear about this thing?"
Munchix Bogbelly pats Rayena on the shoulder in an attempt to dispel any anxieties she rightfully had about his tree hunt. “Rumors of rumors of rumors, heard first in drinkinghouses in Kugane. But do not fret! I’m sure there’s some inkling of truth in all this.”
Rayena Corsano made a small smirk. "Alright, well, I am ready and have food packed if we get hungry once we're at the tree." she nodded with a beaming smile.
Munchix Bogbelly: “Ah, a tastymost idea! I’ve also packed a few snacks for the road, so hunger should not be a problem.” He momentarily places his backpack on the ground and opens it, revealing an array of neatly packaged bento boxes and wrapped foods. Basically a buffet worth of food. Munchix smiles back as he hefts the cargo back up, and begins marching towards the mountains in the east.
Rayena Corsano beamed at all the bento boxes before making a nod and following him close behind, watching for anything to sneak up on them again.
Munchix Bogbelly confidently walks at a steady pace, absolutely masking the fact that he’s pretty much just wandering up the hill without a clue in the world of where he’s going. But the weather’s nice, and the two find themselves higher up, with a view of the landscape below. Munchix whistles as he looks down. “Hope you’re not scared of heights.”
Rayena Corsano looks around as she easily climbs the hill before pausing to look down below. "No, not really. I am just hoping we don't run into anything and we're on the right path."
Munchix Bogbelly: “At this height, I figure the worst we can run into are birds. Hm, and maybe unidentified flying objects?” He takes a moment to pause, and then continues, banishing the thought from his head. “Anyway, being up here reminds me of home.”
Rayena Corsano smiled warmly. "I can easily toss my chakrams at any birds that come for us. So, where is home for you? Home for me would be Limsa." she nodded.
Munchix Bogbelly conjures up an image of Rayena, tossing deadly chakrams at the local fauna. It’s both comforting and amusing. “Ah, good ole’ Limsa! That’s my home /away/ from home. Have you been to the Bismarck?” He pulls himself up higher, grabbing an exposed tree root to steady his climb. “But ah, yeah. I’m from Dravania. It’s not the easiest place to visit on a whim.”
Rayena Corsano grinned and nodded. "Of course, many, many times, even in my childhood. My favourite thing there was the lobster rolls. Delicious." she beamed. "I don't think I've been to Dravania, I don't venture in that area very often..."
Munchix Bogbelly: “Ooh, yes! The lobster rolls are delicious, muchly. Maybe I cooked you something? I trained there for awhile. Still training, even.” He looks around to find his bearings, then continues hiking. “It’s not exactly what uplanders call, a civilized place. Used to, but not in recent times. Nowadays, it’s mostly inhabited by rough adventurers, goblins, and leftover Sharlayan machina. Which is fun for some?” A curious glance is given to Rayena. Maybe she was the scholarly type?
Rayena Corsano beamed, clasping her hands together. "You'll make me lobster rolls? Well, I won't turn that down." she nodded. "I mostly stick to the cities nowadays, I don't venture much further. What sort of things do you do there?" she smiled.
Munchix Bogbelly is just. Given life at Rayena’s reaction. Cooking for others really was core to what brought Munchix joy. “Duly noted! When we’re in an area with lobsters to roll!” He thinks a bit about Dravania, that wild area that not many passed through, even in its heyday.
Munchix Bogbelly: “My gobfamily would mostly pass from area to area, scavenging any old bobblebits and ekking a living off the land. Wasn’t until I left for Limsa that seeing non-goblins became the norm, rather than the exception. Everyone is...so tall!”
Rayena Corsano smirked. "Well, everyone is tall except for us, female au ra, lalafell and possibly female midlanders, I got used to it rather quickly." she nodded.
Munchix Bogbelly: “You’re a decent height. Though yeah, the first time I saw a lalafell I nearly blew a gasket. Thought I was hallucinating, even!” He laughs at the memory. “In Limsa though...truly, it’s like walking among giantfolk. Roegadyn are simply too tall!”
Rayena Corsano nodded and smirked. "Yes, a lot of Roe there, especially the sea wolves and more so if you're with the Maelstrom or the yellow jackets, have to crane your neck so back just to look at 'em in the face." she giggled.
Munchix Bogbelly bends down to examine the ground. A couple of delicate pink flower petals float on the surface of a puddle. Hm, a sign that they were walking in the right direction? Only time would tell. He gets back up and continues. “Sometimes I just give up. Stare directly in their chest while we talk, neck hurts too much looking up.”
Rayena Corsano smiled. "I always try and look at everyone in the eyes or make it seem like I am by looking at their nose or lips." she then looked towards the ground as he bent down, making a soft audible gasp. "Is that a pink flower petal? I-is this really real after all?" she looked a little surprised.
Munchix Bogbelly groans, like a kitten thoroughly chastised. “I know, I know. But I’ve spent the better half of my life looking down, that I think my head just isn’t used to looking up anymore! All excuses on my part...” He looks onwards, searching for a trail of petals to follow. “Aha, yes, Rayena! And we’re hot on the tree’s trail. Shouldn’t be far now.”
Rayena Corsano smiled. "Well, you can always practice and if your neck gets sore just give an excuse that you need to leave." she beamed, than clasped her hands together. "Oh, I am starting to feel excited! I can't wait to see it." she said, then grinned.
Munchix Bogbelly: “Practice? Like this?” Munchix begins to look up and down, still walking all the same. It’s not exactly conducive to maintaining one’s balance, and a second later he trips on a stray stone. He totters frightfully close to the edge of the cliff.
Rayena Corsano gasped. "Munchix!" she said, moving quickly after him to pull him away from the edge of the cliff. "I don't mean while you're walking, more if you're standing still or sitting." she giggled softly.
Munchix Bogbelly is, thankfully, reined back in by Rayena. He would nod, but his neck is tired from all that practice. “Ach, got it. I might’ve sprained something there...” Munchix massages his shoulder, and then gives it a few good twists. Probably still fine!
Rayena Corsano looked at him with a concerned look. "Should we head back? I could make you a warm compress for your neck, ease the tension." she nodded, giving him a warm smile. "Or..." she said, placing a hand on the back of his neck, he'd feel a soothing warm sensation as she used healing magic on his neck.
Random! Rayena Corsano rolls a 316.
Munchix Bogbelly - The healing magic was somewhat effective, but given that it was meant to treat a shoulder sprain and not a life threatening injury, even somewhat goes the distance. Perhaps it’s the altitude interfering with the magic? Either way, Munchix gives a nod of thanks to Rayena, and feels a little more energized. “Oh, you didn’t have to! But thanks, muchly.”
Rayena Corsano frowned. "Hmm, which it had done more." she said, clenching her hands then spreading her fingers. "I suppose the warm compress will help then. Are you well to move forward?" she asked, smiling softly.
Munchix Bogbelly ‘s tail quivers, then fluffs up. He looks to the right. “I get the feeling we’re very close to our destination, so I’ll be fine to hike up this last part. Though I’ll certainly take that compress when we get there!” He gives her a thumbs up, and then follows the path the petals have laid out for them.
Munchix Bogbelly - After spending several bells climbing, the mountain finally caves in, revealing freshwater and islands of blossoming trees. Munchix nearly faints from excitement.
Rayena Corsano follows close behind, huffing before sitting down once they stop. "Wow, this is real. It's beautiful." she smiled warmly.
Munchix Bogbelly finally recovers from the initial shock, and wobbles down the slope. It’s more than he expected (and in some ways, he expected nothing, so this is infinitely more!). “This is...it’s wonderful! Gobsmacking picturesque!” At the lake’s edge, he cups some of the water and splashes it onto his face, cool droplets refreshing after so much climbing.
Rayena Corsano remains seated as he cools off with the water, slowing her breathing down to a better stance. "Well, this is really nice, you can probably swim and drink the water here." she smiled warmly.
Munchix Bogbelly: “Oh, I’ve heard all manner of stories about mysterious watering holes, of brain eating leeches and vile critters.” He dips his feet into the water and lets out an audible sigh. “....I don’t know why I brought that up. T-this water is probably safe! Scare myself, eh?!”
Rayena Corsano frowned. "Sounds like a story of why my ex was scared of drinking water but, pretty sure this is fine." she smiled warmly. "We can probably just relax here for a few bells."
Munchix Bogbelly dries himself off and takes a seat by Rayena. The air here was certainly crisp. There was something cooly serene about the place - the sound of water, of wind, and the silence in between. He smiles. “Relaxing sounds good.”
Rayena Corsano smiled warmly at him before pulling out a couple sandwiches from her bags and a bottle each of lemonade, handing him a sandwich and a bottle of lemonade. "Well, I say we deserve something to eat after that hike." she grinned.
Munchix Bogbelly takes the food offering in hand. “Ooh, how homey! What’s in it?” He raises the sandwich in particular.
Rayena Corsano beamed. "Slice dodo, some peppers, lettuce, and mayo. The lemonade was also made at home." she nodded.
Munchix Bogbelly: “There’s something about home cooking that’s hard to replicate in fine dining. I think it’s all the love that goes in it.” He scarfs the sandwich down and leans back, satisfied. “I brought some things too! Dried persimmon slices from Namai, and bento boxes...That’s if you’re still hungry. I have at least ten lunches packed, hah!”
Rayena Corsano grinned. "I mean, I can usually always eat." she said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "What's in the bento boxes?" she smiled.
Munchix Bogbelly pulls out one that’s wrapped in a red patterned cloth, and opens it. Inside are two half sausages (fried such that the meat curls up like a tiny octopus) a breaded pork cutlet, an egg omelette, and a salad all served alongside a bed of rice. Each different type of food is carefully in its own little cup, and overall the presentation swings far towards the cute end. “They’ve all got different things. Here.” He hands it to Rayena.
Rayena Corsano looked at the bento box and gasped. "It's so cute!" she beamed, placing down her sandwich and taking one of the boxes and starts to eat it. "Maybe I need to learn how to make this. I am not very good at Eastern food but, fish dishes and baked things, I am pretty good at." she giggled.
Munchix Bogbelly: “Being cute seems to be a big gobbin’ part of bento. I’m still learning myself, but I could teach you what I’ve figured out so far.” He reaches into his bag and grabs a bento for himself, enjoying it alongside Rayena’s lemonade.
Munchix Bogbelly sips the drink wistfully, and slowly shuts his eyes. Sure, there were things he had to get to. Like gathering samples from the trees, and determining whether its petals had any culinary potential. But for now, it was enough to relax under the sun with a friend and good food at his side. It was enough.
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