#boad trip
an unpleasant memory from their childhood For both Ji Woon and Wrin
Dark Childhood memorie:
Wrin: There was a time where Wrin had the body of a child human. It us unknown if it was his own (wich he later lost) or a stolen body. He had no memorie at that time since amesie wiped all the memories. He didn't even knew his name, what he is or his identity.
Alone he was lost in the woods during winter time. But it was not pure wilderness. There where small walkways through the dark cold winter forest.
It didn't took long for Wrin to realise that the place he is lost at is not very 'friendly' because he found traps and bones. In this place lived 'people' who hunt for food. And if the food happens to be a human so be it.
Later it turned out that the reason for the 'peoples' actions was a long time if staveation.
It was the time Wrin leanred he is immortal. His first death was through a bear trap in the woods if he can recall correctly.
Ji Woon: Ji Woon and his father lived alone. His mother was dead at the time he got to realise what a mother is.
Ji Woon's father was an retired fisherman who bought a restaurant and runs it. There restaurant is near the sea. So when ever there was time he used to drive out on the waters and catch some freah ingretience for the restaurant. Sometimes Ji Woon went with him.
So at one late evening fishing on the boat Ji Woon tryd to adjust the fisher net. But something went wrong. The mechanism got loose and the net fall in the water all of a sudden while Ji Woon stood near it. His food got tangled in it and he got thrown over board. His panic didn't gave him time to proper breath in befor he goes underwater. After e few struggles he got luck to free himself of the net and crawl back on the boad. It all happend so fast his father didn't noticed at first. He was in shock to find out and didn't wanted to let Ji Woon go with him at future boat trips.
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photoforframe · 3 years
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05 sept 2021
Photo 200 - Boad trip.
My family came to visit me that day and we took a boat trip.
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cbjnordmann · 4 years
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icanttrust · 6 years
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I could post photos from summer every day.
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Remember when after the Olivia pics, tomdayas were: it was just a one night stand, nothing more... T and Z are going to be back together he will appear on her birthday! then: BOOM, tom was with Olivia again on a boad trip and Z was with Jacob in Greece LMAOO
That‘s being delusional.
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So it seems that Chrome lost the boat on purpose. He had the time to do it. He throw the anchor and tied the rope of the boad to the land and then we went with him and Elliot to the kappas. Chromes said we should wait for him and he was gone for some time. He was a long time alone. So maybe he went back to cut the rope, before he spoke with the kappas.
I think that explains also the reason why he was so mad or lets say rude to Gardienne on the boad trip. It was planned to lose the boad, but with Gardienne on his side it could fail and he could be discovered by her.
Remember when Kero and Ykhar thought that the masked man was hiding on the boad? Yeah, no, just Chrome, his ally. Just a fact I remembered.
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unpetitboutdepays · 4 years
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The joy of finding a cool spot with a boat
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wildbearmedicine · 8 years
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Have I ever shown you all my mobile altar? Here's what it includes: ⚪Abalone Shell plucked from the bottom of the ocean by yours truly while on a life changing trip with a friend and classmate. ⚪Lavender seeds from some good friends. ⚪A pouch of beach glass (refuse made beautiful by the sea) ⚪Various stones given to me by influential people or influential places. ⚪Boading balls from my trip to Cambodia. ⚪Palo Santo for cleansing and offering (at Medford, Oregon)
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selebgramkaltim · 5 years
Trip derawan 4N5D via darat IDR 2.100.000/pax Star berau kota 2N3D IDR 1.750.000/pax Destinasi ✔ Derawan ✔ maratua ✔ kakaban✔ sangalaki Follow @alihambali89 @kaltim_juaratrip @kaltim_juaratrip Untuk yg grb rombongan ✔️idr 2.000.000/pak ✔️ 10 orang rombongan freee 1 orang ✔️ 15 orang rombongan freee 2 Include ✔ kijang inova selama 5hari star smd pp ✔ cottage/penginapan AC 2 malam ✔ tiket masuk semua spot wisata ✔ total makan selama trip 7.kali ✔ asuransi jiwa senilai 25 juta ✔ alat snorkling ✔ spead boad untuk tour keliling ✔️ mineral selama trip ✔️ snack/makanan ringan ✔️ FB : Hambali ✔️ instagram @alihambali89 @kaltim_juaratrip ✔️ Tlp / wa 081255585666 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8S5qDopy0X/?igshid=1qagxuerkyhig
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sinasgrossewelt · 6 years
„Sharing is caring, caring is love and love is peace.“
Zitat von Hemant aus dem Oman.
Es passieren so viele Dinge in solch kurzen Zeitabständen, dass ich mit dem Schreiben und Festhalten der besonderen Momente nicht mehr hinterherkomme. Nachdem wir in L'Anse-Amour am zweitgrößten Leuchtturm Nordamerikas übernachtet hatten, ging es über die Grenze von Labrador nach Québec in das Städtchen Blanc-Sablon, von wo aus wir die Fähre nach Newfoundland nehmen wollten. Am Touristeninfo bekamen wir allerdings direkt eine Karte über die nächsten 67km nach Süden und den Must-Sees auf besagtem Weg in die Hand gedrückt. Also ab in diese Richtung und auf dem Weg auf einen Kaffee rein in ein Café mit superleckeren Brownies. =) Dort lernten wir Rene kennen, einen Mann aus Vieux-Fort (Old Fort Bay), mit dem wir ein wenig ins Gespräch kamen. Wir düsten also zu besagtem Ort, an welchem auch die Straße endet. Alles, was danach an Ortschaften an der Côte Nord kommt, ist nur via Flugzeug oder Boot erreichbar oder im Winter über die Route blanche via Schneemobil. Tatsächlich begegneten wir Rene dort erneut und zwar bei seinem Haus direkt am Wasser und er lud uns ein, mit ihm am nächsten Tag aufs Meer hinauszufahren, wenn das Wetter gut genug sei. Wir blieben also über Nacht und machten am nächsten Tag (22.08.) im Supermarkt der Stadt halt, um einen Kaffee zu trinken – natürlich trafen wir auch dort auf Rene. =D Leider war das Wetter zu schlecht für eine Boottour, dafür gingen wir einen Wanderweg die Berge hinauf und hatten von oben eine großartige Aussicht über die Region! <3
Da wir das Auto am Supermarkt hatten stehen lassen, begegneten wir erneut der netten Inhaberin und ihrer erwachsenen Tochter Tammy, und da Tammy eine Mittagspause vor sich hatte, lud sie uns ein, bei sich zu duschen und es gab noch Cracker und Käse zum Futtern. =) Im Anschluss fuhren wir erneut ins Café und kamen dort mit den beiden Bedienungen ins Gespräch über das Wetter und den Winter in der Region. Ich habe das im Blog noch nicht erwähnt, soweit ich mich erinnere, aber Kelly hat mir einen wunderschönen Wintermantel geschenkt, wirklich wunder-wunderschön und ich fragte die Damen im Café, ob mir wohl jemand Fell in die Ärmel nähen könnte (Empfehlung von Kelly). Daraufhin wurde kurz telefoniert und ein Kontakt zu Trina hergestellt, einer so unglaublichen Frau, dass ich es  mir aufheben werde von den 3 Tagen mit ihr, ihrer Familie und Freuden zu erzählen, wenn ich wieder zuhause bin. =)
Nur so viel sei noch gesagt: Es ist so unglaublich, wie offen und hilfsbereit die Menschen hier sind! Ich bin völlig überwältigt und fühle mich sehr gut. =) Nur ein Beispiel anhand von Rene: am ersten Tag hatte er uns ein wenig zugeparkt (aber wir wollten eh zu Fuß weiter) und dann meinte er: „Die Schlüssel stecken immer im Schloss. Wenn ihr wiederkommt und ich stehe im Weg, könnt ihr den Wagen einfach umparken.“ Es ist unbeschreiblich und ich liebe, liebe, liebe dieses Vertrauen hier.
Aussicht über Vieux-Fort / view from above Old Fort Bay:
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Boottour mit Marcel und Terry / On a boad ride with Marcel and Terry:
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Beerenpflücken / Picking Bakeapples:
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Marcel, Marcel, Trina & Sina:
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The quote is from Hemant from the Oman.
We haven't been eaten by a wolf or a big garbage-eating bear, we just spent some nights at the ende of the road. :-D The end of the road is in Old Fort Bay, a beautiful small town with welcoming people! =)
To start at the beginning: we continued our journey direction Newfoundland and stopped in the visitor center in Blanc-Sablon to get information about the ferry that crosses from there and we also asked for information about the region and must-sees oder must-dos. The well-prepared man gave us a map with numbers on it for each thing we should visite and also marked some spots where we could spent the night. When you enter Blanc-Sablon it's Québec again, so it's only about 67 km along the Côte Nord to come to the end of the road. From that point the next cities are only reachable by plane or boat. We thought it would be nice to drive to the end and afterwards make our way back and get the ferry on the following day.
Said, but not really done: we went for a coffee in a small Café (and at the same time Whiteley Museuem) in Rivière-Saint-Paul and not only that the brownies and the coffee were so good, but also the women (Loraine and Karin) who work there are wonderful! When we were with Kelly and Joe, Kelly gave me a jacket to wear in the winter and she said „maybe you find someone who can sew fur to it, to keep you warmer.“ So I asked Karin and Loraine if they know someone who could do that – and they did. That's how we met Trina and ended up spending 2 nights at her beautiful self-builded home. <3 Before staying with her, we went on a boat ride with her brother Marcel (hihi) and her cousin Terry (married to Karin) to an island to pick same Bakeapples and to have some fun on her sea-doo. =D It was great and we saw a lot of seals out there. Trina is the reason why I didn't wrote until now, because I didn't want to miss any second I could spent with her! She cared for us and she did not only share her food and her home with us, introduced us to her family and friends, but she also shared her stories with us and she is so full of love and light and I soaked her words and her energy like a sponge. =D
It's amazing how many wonderful people I (we) meet here in Canada, but especially very strong and wonderful women. <3 I am so glad what is happening to us and I am thankful for everything that comes in my live! =)
So this is a Thank you to all of the people we met on our trip so far, starting with the crew and the other passengers of the Atlantic Sun to everyone in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Québec! I can't tell how thankful I am for all of you and all you've done for us!
Everyone will be welcomed to my home in Germany whenever you like to, that's for sure, and my good thoughts are with you. [I apologize for every name I wrote in the wrong way. =P ]
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theglanceofdreams · 12 years
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