#bo bichette fanfiction
jimothystu · 2 years
Friends Don't - Bo x Jess Part 1
Hello, hello
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Title: Hello Hello by Elton John Word count: 1.2k Warnings/notes: No warnings except there may be errors or whatever. But here's the first part of my Bo x OC fic! The summary of the whole thing can be found here, and background information about the fic and my OC can be found here. Oh, and the title of this story is Friends Don't because this entire story is pretty much based on one song called Friends Don't by Maddie and Tae.
Tag list: (I'm just going to tag the peeps who said they wanted to be tagged in my other fics and peeps who said they wanted to read this, but if you'd rather not be tagged in these, let me know!!) @donttelltheelff, @bodacious-bichette, @lam-ila, @erikkallgren, @lclb13, @brook-luvs-bluejays
Jessoca Stone wrapped her bathrobe around herself and let her wet hair out of its towel, the brown locks falling over her shoulders. She put her glasses on and went out to the hall, making her way to the den. She sang softly to herself as she passed by the living room.
A figure on the sofa caught her attention out of the corner of her eye.
Pausing, Jess looked over, expecting to see Cavan. “Didn’t think you—” She trailed off when she realized the figure was, in fact, not Cavan.
A man around Cavan’s age with dark hair down to his shoulders sat, having looked up from his phone to look at her.
She instantly recognized him as Bo Bichette: Cavan’s friend and teammate.
Heat rushed to Jess’s face. She wrapped her arms around herself. “Um. Hi.”
Bo looked at her with an amused, but small, smile on his face. “Hi.”
Then she heard a muffled voice coming from the balcony. Looking over, Jess saw Cavan on the phone, pacing back and forth.
“I uh… didn’t think Cav would be back…” She frowned and looked back at Bo, feeling flustered. “And definitely not with company…”
“He forgot something,” Bo said with a shrug. He raised his eyebrows at her in question.
Nodding, she tightened her robe around herself, hyperaware of the fact that she was wearing nothing but a bathrobe in front of Bo freaking Bichette. Of course she knew who he was—Cavan was a family friend so Jess had seen numerous Blue Jays games in Toronto and on the TV. As such, she knew who most of the team was.
“Oh!” she said, suddenly realizing he had no idea who she was and why she was half-naked in Cavan Biggio’s apartment. “I’m Jess. Jessica Stone. I’m uh, Cavan’s friend.”
Bo stood and held out a hand. “Bo Bichette.”
“I know,” she said as she took his hand, blushing harder at how weird that sounded. “I mean—I’ve seen you play. With Cavan. He talks about you a lot.”
“All good things, I hope,” Bo mused.
“Mostly,” Jess said with a meek smile, pulling her hand back.
“Cav mentioned who you were, but he had to duck out for a call before he said much more than your name and the fact that you’re staying with him for a little bit,” Bo told her, folding his arms over his chest casually.
Jess nodded slightly. “Well, I’m just staying here until I find a place of my own.”
Bo regarded her with a curious expression. “How do you two know each other?”
“Our parents have known each other for years, so Cav and I kind of grew up together. Until my family and I moved up to Canada when I was fourteen.”
Bo nodded. “Have you been to Toronto before?”
Jess smiled and nodded. “Oh yeah, a few times. Even to a few Blue Jays games.”
Bo grinned. “How well do you know the area?”
“Not as well as I’d like,” she admitted. “When I’ve visited I mostly just stayed right downtown.”
“Well, maybe I can show you around sometime if Cavan hasn’t already done that.” He tilted his head to the side and offered a smile.
Jess smiled back, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered. “I’d like that.”
Cavan stepped inside, pocketing his phone. “Sorry, that was—oh, hey Jess.”
Looking over, Jess smiled slightly. “Hey. Bo and I were just getting acquainted.”
Cavan raised his eyebrow. “In your bathrobe?”
Jess’s cheeks pinkened again. “Well I didn’t think anyone was home…”
“We got back a little while ago,” Cavan said, heading to the kitchen. “Nice singing, by the way.”
If her cheeks weren’t already pink, they certainly were now. “Oh god, you heard? I’m sorry.”
Bo laughed. “Why are you sorry? You have a nice voice.”
“Thanks,” she mumbled awkwardly.
Taking a water bottle out of the fridge, Cavan said, “Do you want to head to the field with us? You could hang out while we train.”
“Would that be okay?” she asked.
Cavan shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You’re my guest, so you can come into the clubhouse until the game. Just so long as you don’t get in the way of practice.”
She smiled, excitement bubbling in her chest. While she’d been to multiple games over the past few years, she’d never been in the clubhouse of the Rogers Centre. It would be nice to meet some of Cavan’s other friends and teammates. “If you’re sure it’s all right, then I’d love to come along," she said.
Bo smirked at her. “You can have the full tour.”
She smiled shyly. “Sounds like fun. I uh, just have to get dressed.”
“Take your time,” said Cavan, who was preparing a snack.
Jess hurried to the den and shut the door.
Looking at herself in the small mirror on the wall, Jess sighed. “Of course Cav had to bring over a friend. And of freaking course I had to be half-naked in front of them.”
She shook her head slowly as she began to get dressed. Living with and near Cavan and his team was going to be an experience, she knew that much.
On their way to the Rogers Centre, Cavan and Bo talked about stuff Jess couldn’t really contribute to. Things like game plans and inside jokes about the team.
She didn’t mind, though. She was enjoying listening to them chat and laugh with each other. She was just happy to be in Toronto with new people and new experiences ahead of her.
Bo’s laugh trailed off. He glanced at Jess, who was walking on Cavan’s other side. “So what brings you to Toronto?”
She looked away from the busy street and to Bo. “I just finished school and I wanted to go somewhere new,” she said with a shrug.
Bo nodded. “What did you study?”
“Literature and journalism,” she replied. “It wasn’t professional baseball, but I enjoyed them.”
Cavan laughed softly. “Enjoyed them? Please, every family gathering you attended in the past four years involved you recommending some piece of literature. Face it, Jess: you’re a nerd.”
She smiled softly, looking down to her feet. “Maybe a little.”
“I’ve been meaning to read more,” Bo said, “maybe you can recommend something sometime?”
Her smile widened. “I’d love to.”
“Oh no, now you’ve done it,” Cavan teased.
Jess rolled her eyes playfully and Bo laughed.
“What do you want to do now that you’re done school?” Bo asked as they rounded a corner.
“I’m not sure,” Jess admitted. “I’d love to be a freelance journalist, I’m just not entirely sure what area of journalism I want to go into.”
“Become a sports journalist,” Bo suggested with a smile.
Jess smiled, too. “I had thought of that, actually.”
Cavan slung his arm around her shoulders. “Our own personal journalist.”
“Isn’t that Hazel Mae?” Jess asked.
Cavan shrugged. “Nah. She’s pretty close with all of us, but she works for Sportsnet, not us.”
Jess nodded. “I don’t think teams have their own journalists, Cav.”
“You could be the first,” he mused.
“Maybe.” She smiled, but she doubted that would happen. Still, it was a nice thought.
She leaned against Cavan as they walked, relishing in the feeling of his arm over her shoulders. It had been too long since she and Cavan had had the chance to spend time together, and she was thrilled at the opportunity to live with him for a little while. She'd missed him. She just hoped she'd get along with his friends. But, she thought, if her interactions with Bo thus far were any indication of how things would go, she'd be just fine.
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bodacious-bichette · 3 years
I’m going through withdrawal from no Jays…and now… no new Bo fics!
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zackcollins · 3 years
hands on you || bo bichette
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Author’s Note: Heya for the second time today! This is another anonymous request I received from someone. The request was about Bo comforting the reader while they were on their period. I hope I did the request justice for whoever sent the request in! Feel free to let me know if I didn’t and I’ll either try again or write a completely different request. Anyways! GIF credit to @whimsical-daydreams​ (love you Jenn!! hope you enjoy this too since I know you’ll inevitably read it lmfao)
Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything, but feel free to let me know if you disagree. I’m more than happy to add something for anyone that needs one.
Word Count: 939 (short boi)
Title: Hands On You by Florida Georgia Line
Additional: The language involving the reader is sorta vague so I think they can be read as gender-neutral. Because like. Anyone with a (functioning) uterus could theoretically have a period. And not everyone with a (functioning) uterus identifies as feminine. As always, I hope everyone enjoys this! Feedback is always welcomed because I love hearing what everyone thinks of my writing.
Tagging: @donttelltheelff​ @bodacious-bichette​
Your entire body was sore as you laid curled in a ball on your bed. It was that time of the month and you hated it with a passion. It made your entire body ache, much like it was now. You would also get a headache occasionally as well as a swollen abdomen and a tender chest. Right now, though, you didn’t have a headache because you had just woken up from a nap; the nap had rid your body of the headache. Your abdomen wasn’t much swollen because today was only the first day of your cycle so it hadn’t had time to react fully. As for a tender chest, a nice massage couldn’t hurt.
“Are you okay, babe?” You uncurled yourself and looked in the direction the voice had come from. Your boyfriend, Bo, was standing in the doorway of the en suite. He had a towel around his waist, though he didn’t appear to be wet. “You look a little uncomfortable.”
Sighing, you gingerly sat up on the bed so that you could get a better angle to look at Bo. “Not... not really. I’m on my period.”
Bo leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. He quickly reached down and tugged the towel up because it had slipped down a little when he had moved. You huffed an amused breath and rolled your eyes.
“Not like I haven’t seen you naked before.”
“I don’t need to be naked right now. It’ll make you more uncomfortable because your hormones will get fucked up worse than they already are,” Bo deadpanned as he gave you a pointed look.
You went to raise your hands in surrender but they quickly clutched your stomach when it twisted with a violent cramp. You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times to try and counteract the pain. All that succeeded in doing was making the muscles in your abdomen tighten more, leading to another violent cramp.
You looked at Bo with a pained expression as you laid back on the bed and curled in the fetal position. You wanted the pain to stop. Wanted your period to be done and over with already because you didn’t want to deal with this right now. Hell, you didn’t really want to deal with this at all because of how painful it could be. However, this is what you got for being born with female reproductive organs. It was what it was and there really wasn’t much you could do about it except deal with it every month.
The bed dipped behind you a moment later. Turning your head, you saw that Bo was sitting behind your back on his knees. He looked down at you at motioned his finger along your side. Knowing what he meant, you nodded. Bo smiled as he laid himself on the bed and slotted himself against your back. You sighed when you felt the warmth of his body relax the aching muscles in you back. It felt so good to have some of that pressure be relieved.
“Holy shit,” you mumbled, squeezing back against your boyfriend. “You feel like a furnace. It’s helping with my body aches. Here.” you took Bo’s hands and placed them on your belly. Much like you had expected, his hands felt warm against your skin. The tightness of your muscles started to subside as Bo carefully ran his hands along your belly. You grunted at the feeling, dropping your head back against Bo’s chest. “That... holy fuck. Your hands feel amazing. I don’t feel as crampy or swollen anymore.”
Bo pressed a kiss to your temple as he moved his hands up to your chest. He started massaging it. You full on moaned because his hands felt magical working out the soreness there. The longer he went about relaxing your chest, the more relaxed you were starting to feel. Your eyes were starting to feel heavy and you even yawned once. Bo pressed another kiss to your temple as he shifted his hands away from your chest and started carding the fingers on one of them through your hair. He took the other hand and gently began stroking your hip. You hummed softly at the dual sensations, your eyes suddenly feeling heavier than they had been a moment ago.
“That feels amazing, babe,” you said, voice thick with tiredness. “I feel a lot less sore now. Keep going.”
You yawned again as you wiggled against Bo to get more comfortable. Bo hummed as he started massaging your scalp. He also started running the fingers on his other hand up and down your side gently. You felt your eyes inching closer and closer to sleep the longer you boyfriend went about what he was doing. You also felt completely relaxed and free from body aches and cramps. It was the best you had felt during any period in a long time. It made you feel grateful to have Bo.
“I’m grateful for you,” you mumbled, voice barely audible as you were nearly asleep. “You make me feel special because you always take care of me.”
“You are special,” Bo chuckled before he pressed a kiss behind your ear. “And of course I’m gonna take care of the person I love. You take care of me enough. It only seems fair.”
“I love you, Bo.”
With that, you felt the sleep overcome you but not before you heard Bo mumble one last thing into your scalp. One last thing that made your subconscious smile when you ultimately let it take over.
“I love you too, (Y/N). More than you’ll ever know.”
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jimothystu · 2 years
... so I'm kind of sort of working on my Bo x OC fic again and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading some of it? I'd post them like I do my reader inserts, but I'd break it up into chapers/parts.
Little summary: Jessica Stone is an aspiring journalist/short story writer who just moved to Toronto. She is a friend of Cavan's from childhood - their parents knew each other so they grew up together for a while until Jess' family moved away. She's staying with Cavan for a little bit until she can find her own place.
She goes to the Blue Jays clubhouse with him and gets offered a job as a ball girl. She accepts (as a way to support herself until she finds a job in her field) and she begins to grow quite close with the team, Bo in particular. The two become pretty much inseparable, but adamantly deny any romantic feelings for one another.
Eventually, the two realize they're in love with each other and they start dating.
All the while, Jess begins being a freelance sports journalist for the Blue Jays, doing a lot of behind the scenes interviews and stories. She starts getting a lot of attention from fans (because she actually asks questions that they want to know the answers to). Rumours start to spread about her love life (a lot of people think she's dating Cav at first), and she has to deal with the sudden large following/scrutiny of the media.
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jimothystu · 3 years
Cavan x Bo - Jealousy
Fandom: Toronto Blue Jays Requested by @biggiette118 Word count: 589 Notes: This is my first time writing for anyone on the Blue Jays, and my first time writing for this ship. I hope it's okay. If anyone has any requests (for reader inserts or ships) shoot me an ask!
Disclaimer: If you are seeing this and you or someone you know is in it, please do not read. This is purely fictional and only for fun.
Cavan watched from the side of the bar as a pretty brunette woman giggled at Bo, who sat waiting at the table for Cavan to return with their drinks.
Bo smiled politely, but Cavan could tell he was a bit uncomfortable. He could also tell the woman was a fan – the way she’d excitedly come over to the table and started chatting with Bo instantly was a telltale sign.
“Here you are,” the bartender said, sliding two drinks across to Cavan.
“Thanks,” he said as he took them.
Bo said something to the girl which prompted her to dig around in her purse for a pen and paper.
Cavan frowned, watching the woman scribble something down – likely her number – and hand the paper to Bo.
Bo smiled slightly as he took the paper.
When the woman left, Cavan returned to the table. “Here. Sorry it took so long, they’re pretty busy.”
Bo smiled. “No problem, thanks.”
“Though I guess you weren’t bored while I was gone,” Cavan mused quietly, taking a sip of his drink.
Bo shrugged. “A fan came over and started chatting with me. She seemed nice.”
“Yeah, she seemed really invested in the conversation.” He couldn’t stop the bitterness from coming through in his voice.
Bo narrowed his eyes slightly. “What was I supposed to do? I can’t be rude and just send fans away, you know that.”
“I know. But did you have to take her number?” Cavan asked with a frown. He knew he was being stupid and jealous, but he couldn’t help it. H just loved Bo so much and hated thinking of anyone else with him.
“You know I’m never going to call her,” Bo said with a shrug.
“I know.” Cavan sighed. “But why’d she think you’d even want it?”
“How should I know?” Bo asked with an irritated sigh.
Cavan frowned and took another drink
“Wait,” Bo said, leaning closer to Cavan across the table, “are you jealous?”
Cavan scoffed but said nothing. He stared down at his drink, cheeks heating up.
“Cav,” Bo said gently. “You have nothing to be jealous about. Seriously, nothing happened except a fan trying to make an advance—which I declined. I signed her phone case and then she asked if I’d have a drink with her. I said I was here with you, so she gave me her number and said maybe another time. I didn’t lead her on and I plan on throwing her number out.”
Cavan nodded slightly and avoided Bo’s eyes.
“I’m serious, Cav. You have nothing to worry about. You know why?”
“Why?” he asked after a moment and looked up.
Bo lowered his voice so only Cavan could hear him. “Because you’re the only one for me.”
A faint smile pulled on Cavan’s lips. “I’m sorry. I guess sometimes I still can’t believe that we… that you’re with someone like me.”
“You mean someone who’s kind, talented, fun-loving, ambitious, and incredibly cute?” Bo smiled. “Yeah, I can’t believe I got so lucky either.”
Cavan’s smile widened. He glanced around nervously, making sure no one was listening. “You’re the best, you know that?”
Bo shrugged and smiled. “I try.”
“I’m sorry I got so jealous,” Cavan muttered.
“Don’t be. It happens. I’m just glad you talked to me about it. You know you can always tell me anything.”
“I know. The same goes for you.”
Bo smiled and held up his glass.
Cavan clinked his drink against Bo’s and mouthed “love you.”
Bo smiled widely. “You too, Cav. Always.”
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zackcollins · 3 years
speechless || bo bichette
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Author’s Note: Hello! Everyone gets a treat of a second fic today because I was in a mood to write. Hope that’s okay. Idk man. When you’re in the mood to write, you write. And sometimes, you just wanna post right away because you’re too impatient to wait. Ya know? Anyways. GIF credit to glasnow!
Warnings: An anxiety attack. That’s probably it??? I don’t think there’s anything else. Feel free to let me know otherwise and I’ll fix this warnings section for you.
Word Count: 1.9k+
Title: Speechless by Dan + Shay
Additional: The reader should be gender neutral again! I don’t think I used any identifying language or pronouns or anything. If I did, it was accidental because I was hella distracted watching my dog while my grandparents went grocery shopping. As always, let me know how I did because constructive criticism is always welcomed!
Tagging: @whimsical-daydreams​ @donttelltheelf-x​
You had suffered from severe anxiety; it had been a part of your life for as long as you could remember. At this point, it had totally consumed you. You could hardly do anything anymore without your anxiety trying to take over in some form or another. It was the worst feeling in the world.
That's why it was like all your prayers had been answered when Bo waltzed into your life. For the first time in your life, you were able to open up about your anxiety with someone. There was just something about Bo that made you feel safe, secure, and like nothing would ever hurt you again.
You had been dating for about two and a half years before your relationship changed. It changed on what had otherwise been a quiet day in the middle of February. Snow was falling outside of your house, blowing around peacefully in the evening breeze. You were sitting on the window seat of the living room window, staring out onto the street while idly sipping on a mug of hot chocolate.
Somewhere outside, you heard a dog distantly barking. You found it odd because to the best of your knowledge, nobody in the housing community you and Bo lived in had a dog. Most of them had cats because they were easier for their housekeepers to look after when they were away on business trips or vacation. You quickly shook it out of your mind, though, thinking it only to be a dog that had wandered in from somewhere nearby. It wasn't entirely unlikely for that to happen because some of the people in the housing communities on either side had been known to let their dogs roam freely from time to time.
A couple of minutes later, you heard the front door to the house open. That snapped you out of thinking about the barking dog because you needed to know who walked in. Turning around, you heaved a relieved sign when you saw Bo standing in the entryway. You felt a little anxious, however, when you saw that he had placed a rather large box at his feet. Placing your hot chocolate on the windowsill, you walked over to Bo.
"What's this, sweetie?" You asked, walking all the way around the box. You wanted to see if it had some sort of label or marking on it that would hint at what was inside; it did not. All it had was a pink ribbon embossed with white hearts tied around it.
Bo smiled as he was undressing from his winter apparel. He tossed his hat into the closet. He unzipped his coat and carefully placed it on one of the coat hooks beside the door. Lastly came his boots. He slipped out of those and tossed them haphazardly onto the plastic boot mat you had bought specifically for the winter so snow wouldn’t be tracked all over your house. He ended up bowling over your boots and a spare pair of boots you kept in case of emergencies. You glared at him, crossing your arms over your chest. Bo raised his arms in surrender as he stepped forward and gave you a quick kiss. You relaxed, kissing him back as you wrapped your arms around his back. When you pulled apart, Bo stepped aside and motioned to the box.
 "If you wanna know what’s inside,” Bo produced a pocket knife seemingly out of nowhere because you didn’t know him to carry one. He handed it to you and motioned to the box a second time. “All you have to do is open it.” 
You walked forward and leaned over, carefully cutting the ribbon a couple of times so that it was easier to untangle from the box. Once you had all of the ribbon untangled and balled up, you placed it along with the knife on the console table next to you. When you looked back at Bo, he gave you an encouraging nod and a soft smile. You bit your lip nervously as you carefully lifted the lid off of the box. What was inside made you blink in surprise. Staring back at you was a beagle puppy. You had to blink a couple of more times, just to make sure that truly weren't imagining this. When you surmised that this was, in fact, a real dog sitting in the box, you lifted them out, cradling them in your arms. They even kissed you on the chin a couple of times. That was also all it took for you to be absolutely smitten with this puppy.
Just as you went to put the puppy down, the light from the chandelier made something on their collar glisten. At first, you thought it was name tags or the city registration tags. But, when you examined it, you discovered that it was an engagement ring. You turned to ask Bo about it. Much to your surprise, he was down on one knee, holding his hands out. You handed him the dog (who you could now see was a boy), thinking that was what he wanted. Bo chuckled as he scritched the dog behind the ears. The dog sighed, jackrabbitting his back foot in satisfaction. You huffed an amused breath, rolling your eyes and chuckling.
Bo carefully put the dog down and took the ring off of his collar. He gave him a few more ear scritches which made the dog flop on the floor and curl in a ball. Bo rolled his eyes before he looked up at you, holding the ring in your direction.
"Since I know I'm the best thing to happen to you and you're the best thing to happen to me," Bo paused, wiping tears out of the corners of his eyes, "I was wondering if you'd marry me?"
You clammed up. You felt your anxiety wash over you like a giant wave crashing into the surf. You fell to the floor, chanting a bunch of incoherent nonsense as you curled into a ball and clutched your knees tightly to your chest. You rocked back and forth, tears streaming down your face as you continued to death-grip your knees. It was then that you felt Bo wrap you in his arms. He cradled you, rocking you in time with how you were rocking yourself. Only, he was doing it softer, gentler. He was also mumbling some of his stats from last season, the stats from the hockey game you watched yesterday. Hell, he even started mumbling what you needed to buy when you went grocery shopping the next time. Anything mundane and boring because he knew that was what generally helped you out of anxiety episodes. The more boring the better. It gave a sense of normalcy and order that helped your brain to focus on the everyday parts of life as opposed to the falsehoods of meaningless compliments that people only said to you when you were in the middle of an anxiety episode.
Hearing about baseball and hockey stats as well as what groceries you needed to buy helped remarkably well. You calmed down relatively quickly given how badly this attack had started. You tilted your head, looking Bo in the eyes. Your eyes were full of a question that didn’t need to be asked but probably should be anyways. Bo, knowing how to read you by now, simply nodded. He met you halfway as you connected your lips. You shared a brief, albeit meaningful kiss. 
When you broke your lips apart, you held your hand out. "Of course I'll marry you."
You smiled, though it was a little awkward because you were still recovering from your anxiety attack, as Bo placed the ring on your finger. You moved your hand around, looking at the ring from every angle. It was a gorgeous ring. It was also simple and not very flashy. Which is something you had told Bo you wanted when the time came for him to finally propose. You weren’t a flashy or extravagant person so there was no need to have a flashy or extravagant ring. The thought of having an expensive or flashy ring made you really anxious. You were afraid that somebody would break in and steal it from you. And you didn’t want to live the entire rest of your life in fear that someone was going to break into your house to steal something from you. You had told Bo that that was no way to live. That’s why you were content with a small, simple ring. You didn’t have to live in a constant state of anxiety that some schmuck off the street was going to get the wise idea to break in one night and rob you of it. And the ring Bo had picked was exactly the ring you had been eyeing the last time you were in a jewellery store. So, it worked out even better.
Bo snapped you out of your thought by grabbing you by the chin with his thumb and forefinger. He tilted your face up so that you were looking at each other directly. Bo’s eyes flitted down to your lips and then quickly back up to look at you. You nodded as best you could with Bo holding onto your chin, a soft smile breaking out across your lips. Bo smiled back, dropping his hand away from your chin. He, instead, grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers. You huffed softly before you leaned forward and connected your lips with Bo’s. Bo smirked into the kiss, bringing his other hand up and resting it against your shoulder. The kiss was far more passionate than the first and you swore it could’ve gone on forever and ever. The only reason you stopped was because the puppy weaseled his way in between you and licked both of your noses. Bo laughed and booped the puppy on his nose. You made an amused noise and scritched the puppy's chest.
Bo turned back to you after you both spent a few moments playing with the puppy. "Sorry for surprising you. I know how you hate surprises."
"It's alright, Bo. It would've defeated the whole purpose if you told me," you responded, moving in closer to Bo.
At that moment, the puppy plopped himself down in between the two of you. You both scratched him behind either ear. He made a soft groan of appreciation, before falling fast asleep. He was snoring softly after a few moments which made both you and Bo chuckle bemusedly.
"What do we name him?" Bo asked, picking him up and placing him in your lap.
"Biscuit!" You replied with excitement. The dog responded to that, briefly opening his eyes and snuffling before he went back to sleep. "See! He likes that name." 
Your smile grew wider as your leaned down and gave Biscuit a kiss on the head. He snuffled again, his tail wagging against your knee. You lit up significantly, almost forgetting that you had had an anxiety attack a few minutes ago.
“Scratch that,” you said, a smile beaming on your face. “He loves that name.”
Bo just shook his head, chuckled, and waved a dismissive hand at you. "You're such a huge dork. You know that, right?"
"But I’m your huge dork," you replied, pointing to the ring on your finger as proof of that claim.
"Yes, yes you are."
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zackcollins · 2 years
~*~ Blog Info ~*~
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General Info
Hi! You can call me Robin-Tyler, R.T. or Robbie!
My pronouns are: she/her, they/them, or he/him
I’m okay with being referred to with masculine, feminine, and neutral gendered terms.
I live in the ancestral and unceded territory of the Aamjiwnaang people (Ontario, Canada).
I’m 24 years old. Minors are welcomed to unfollow/block me because I will sometimes post more mature content.
I  will tag anything triggering with “tw (trigger)”. If I miss something,  don’t be afraid to tell me. I’ll gladly add whatever someone feels needs a warning.
This is mainly a sports blog based around hockey and baseball. My favourite teams are the Toronto Maple Leafs, Philadelphia Flyers, Vancouver Canucks, Colorado Avalanche, Montreal Canadiens, Colorado Rockies, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Toronto Blue Jays
You can find information about some personalized tags, fanfic, and the current state of my masterlists under the cut!!
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Babygirl Info
Hockey: Jack Campbell (#babygirl crazy catman), Tyson Jost (#babygirl chromatica), Cole Caufield (#babygirl small coffee), Mitch Marner (#babygirl wall bouncer), Mikko Rantanen (#babygirl peanut egg burger), Josh Anderson (#babygirl bench dresser)
Baseball: Zack Collins (#babygirl trailer trash), Tyler Heineman (#babygirl jr king), Cavan Biggio (#babygirl mimic), Bo Bichette (#babygirl man bun), Matt Chapman (#babygirl chapstick), Ross Stripling (#babygirl chicken strip), Ryan Borucki (#babygirl free elf), George Springer (#babygirl lovebug)
M*A*S*H: Father Francis Mulcahy (#babygirl himbo priest), Maxwell Klinger (#babygirl section 8), Margaret Houlihan (#babygirl cinnamon candy)
X-Files: Fox Mulder (#babygirl spooky), Dana Scully (#babygirl doctor fbi)
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Babyboy Info
Hockey: Frederik Andersen (#babyboy pastry), Erik Källgren (#babyboy babygoalie), J.T. Compher (#babyboy jimothy timothy), Nick Suzuki (#babyboy small coffee enthusiast), T.J. Brodie (#babyboy mayor of chatham), James Reimer (#babyboy optimus reims)
Baseball: Kevin Gausman (#babyboy powdered donut), Randal Grichuk (#babyboy rocky mountain bird), Danny Jansen (#babyboy sports goggles), Alek Manoah (#babyboy mamas boy), Adam Cimber (#babyboy joe dirt), José Berríos (#babyboy mouthguard), Brian Serven (#babyboy love child), Jack Suwinski (#babyboy almighty), Trevor Richards (#babyboy silver fox)
M*A*S*H: B.J. Hunnicutt (#babyboy anything you want), Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce (#babyboy last of the mohicans)
X-Files: Alex Krycek (#babyboy fbi double agent)
Mass Effect: Kaidan Alenko (#babyboy biotic child)
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Babyperson Info
Hockey: Alexander Kerfoot (#babyperson ivy leaguer), Cale Makar (#babyperson movie pun)
Baseball: Luke Maile (#babyperson mailbox), Jordan Romano (#babyperson canadas closer)
due South: Benton Fraser (#babyperson wolf tamer)
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Other Info
Other content you may see on this blog includes:  M*A*S*H, due South, X-Files, Zelda, Mario, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Mass Effect, animals, Marvel, food, nature/plants, paranormal, and just anything I find interesting/appealing.
I sometimes write fanfiction. Right now, the fandoms I write for are  hockey, baseball, M*A*S*H, X-Files, due South, Mass Effect, and Marvel.  And, for reference, I write/take requests for self-inserts and ship pairings. The ship pairings include hockey and baseball rpf so do with that what you will.
I’ve had a rough mental time recently, so I’m changing my URL to, hopefully, get some much needed happiness. I’ll fix the masterlists once I’m feeling back to my old self. Sorry for the sudden change. I just need this for my own mental well-being.
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9 notes · View notes
jimothystu · 3 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ♡
Thank you!!
1) Watching the Blue Jays
2) Bo Bichette
3) George Springer
4) Writing fanfiction
5) Listening to music
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