cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
What I Needed
@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 27: Company Party, “I thought you said you weren’t going to come>”  | Bakugou x Fem!Reader | Explicit | Cursing, Sex, Oral Sex, Alcohol Consumption, Soft Baku, Comfort, Confessions
Words: 7228 Genre: Romance / Angst / Humor
Please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Having his own hero agency was everything Bakugou had ever wanted. He had power, fame, popularity, influence and the high social status that came with being one of the top heroes in the county, just like he had always dreamed. In his late twenties, his life was exactly how he had wanted it, but there were some… responsibilities that he, in all honesty, despised. Fame came with the need to socialize, to have a decent relationship with not only his fans, but the people he worked with. Sure, this wasn’t the first time he had to throw a company party, nor was it the biggest he had ever done, but that didn’t make it any less irritating. 
A party to celebrate the holiday and new year weren’t anything to bat an eye at, especially not when it was open to any hero from any agency that wanted to participate. For less successful heroes or those still growing their reputation, who wouldn’t jump on the chance to party with the greatest heroes in the country? It wasn’t just Bakugou mingling around in the giant ballroom in the basement floor of his agency. Midoriya Izuku was here somewhere, as was Todoroki Shoto and others whom had grown the ranks with Bakugou from high school. There were even some older heroes present, old mentors and teaches. Friends and rivals alike were invited. 
And that included you. 
What were you to Bakugou, really? Were you a friend? A rival? Competition? His crush? All the above, if he were honest with himself, but calling you his ‘crush’ made him feel like a child. His feelings for you being just a ‘crush’ were a huge understatement. No, he had more than just a crush. In truth, he was head over heels for you, even surprising himself with how deeply he felt. 
It had been like this since high school. He hated you at first, as he did everyone, but there was something about you that called to him. Did he ever act on it? Of course not. All his focus was on school, on training, internships and pushing himself to the highest degree he could manage. He had no time for girls, even if you were nearly irresistible. It didn’t help that it had been obvious you were into him, too. Still, all your advances were ignored, until a barrier had grown between you and nothing was achieved outside of a mildly awkward friendship. 
It changed after you both graduated. For nearly two years, neither of you paid any attention to each other, until you ended up interning in the same agency. As adults, the spark was unmistakable. But Bakugou still couldn’t find it within himself to commit to a relationship, not when he was still working so hard for his goals.
That didn’t mean that he couldn’t resist you, however. Whatever relationship the two of you had was a physical one and nothing more. Fucking your brains out in the men’s locker room of the agency became almost a weekly occurrence, with many nights spent at each other’s apartments. Though, you could both admit, silently to yourselves, that there was something else there. The late nights watching stupid movies, stuffing yourselves with pizza and other shitty food, laughing and telling stories was proof enough. It was something Bakugou never wanted to lose. 
Until you both became independent heroes. Bakugou left you in the dust at first, refusing to show you even an ounce of mercy when it came to bringing in villains or numbers of rescues. Being in the same region didn’t exactly help that, as his goals to be at the top wouldn’t be derailed, not even by a woman he adored. At one point, he was positive that you hated him. Your tenacity and perseverance pushed through in the end, and you climbed the ranks just as he had. The entire world saw you as rivals, and so Bakugou figured that is what you should both stay. Rivals with a past and nothing else. 
Years pass with only business talk between you both, but lately, Bakugou could have sworn that spark was beginning to return. The way you looked at him and the sweet flow of your voice reminded him so much of your time together that he couldn’t resist falling for you all over again. All this time, no other woman he had slept with could compare to you, and it only grew worse the more you began to interact. 
Bakugou knew that he may have everything he ever wanted in a career. But in his personal life, there was something missing. A partner, someone to spend his life with and have a family. Out of all the women he had met in his life, who had tried to woo him and gain his affection, not a single one had come as close to the level of adoration he felt for you. Even still, there was the itch in the back of his mind that he had already burned that bridge long ago. How could you possibly still care or want him after all this time and all the grief he put you through? 
It was a shock to see you suddenly in the crowd of people, casually making your way to the bar with an already empty glass of champagne. That was enough to tell him that you had been here a while, so either you hadn’t seen him yet or you were just straight up avoiding him. If you were, then that bothered him quite a bit. He wanted to talk to you, to try and fix that he had broken between you. But if you didn’t want to see him, then was it really worth the effort? 
“Mr. Bakugou? Did you hear my question?” 
“Eh?” His attention on you broken, Bakugou’s gaze was pulled down to the woman in front of him, who was peering up at him curiously. She had been blabbering off to him for the past half hour, doing everything she possibly could to keep his focus and conversation. What she was really trying to do was obvious, with her low-cut dress and flirtatious body language. From what he had gathered, she was brand new to the hero scene, and she wanted to climb up the ladder based off networking and… sleeping with the big boys. He had considered going along with it, even though he barely remembered anything she had told him, but now he just didn’t give a shit. He just wanted to get away before he lost you in the crowd again. 
“I asked if you were planning on taking in any new interns. If so, I… wanted to get my name out there. Maybe we can talk about it in private?” 
“Uh, no. I’m not. Excuse me.” The way he pardoned himself was more like a demand to move, not bothering to pay attention to her whining as he squeezed himself out of the group he had been standing in. Thankfully, when he was finally free, he saw you still waiting at the bar, eyes on the bartender as they mixed up a drink. Sitting on a stool, you looked exceptionally elegant in your glittering dress, which hugged your figure. It came to a stop right above your knees, though the fabric was hiked up to your mid-thigh from your legs being crossed. The black hose you wore only hinted at the soft skin beneath, and how badly he wanted to touch you was almost suffocating. 
“Thank you!” You spoke with a smile as the bartender handed your drink to you, still not having even noticed Bakugou. “Getting a lot of business, are you?”
“Ah, yeah!” The young man spoke with a pleasant grin, beginning to dry out some glasses with a rag. “These parties are always a riot! And they pay well.” 
After taking a healthy sip from your drink, you leaned back a bit to sit up straighter. “I bet you’re getting amazing tips. You have to be at least a little tipsy at these parties. Especially if you’re dealing face to face with the host!” 
It was then that Bakugou decided to step in, clearing his throat as he came to sit beside you. “Excuse me?” 
“Oooh, well, speak of the devil.” A sly smile crossed your lips as if you had known he was there the entire time. Of course you had known, why else would you say such a teasing and rude thing to the little bartender? After two hours at this ridiculously rowdy party, you had finally found and gotten Bakugou’s attention. 
“I thought you said you weren’t going to come.” With a snap of his fingers towards the bartender, he got his attention. “Whisky.” 
Ignoring his command for alcohol, you stirred your own drink with the straw. “I wasn’t at first. But everyone was talking about how big this party was going to be and how it would look good for me to show up… I decided the networking and positive publicity was worth having to suffer through your presence.” 
Even though he felt a twinge of annoyance at your snarky attitude, Bakugou gave an amused scoffed, taking a hefty swig from his drink once it was placed in front of him. “You can bullshit other people, [Name], but not me. Don’t fuck around.” 
“You’ve done enough fucking around for both of us, Kacchan.” Your words were tinted with ice, even though there was still a flirty heat behind them. “How does it feel? To have so much fame that all these people come just to get a chance to introduce themselves to you. Or to have women on their knees in seconds. That poor little blonde you left over there; she must be very dejected.” 
“You know damn well networking irritates the shit out of me. And you’re no better. If I wasn’t sitting next to you, there would be men lining up just to be rejected by you. Why the fuck do you have to bring that shit up, anyway? Can’t we just have a normal conversation without you throwing that in my face?” 
“It’s all I was to you,” Your gaze left your drink to look up at him, the man that you adored more than anything. Yet, here you were, pushing him away again with your bitterness. You had already forgiven him, for pushing you aside and abandoning what life you could have had together for his career. He seemed to be making an effort… why couldn’t you? “What else would you want to talk about? Work? Ratings? Money? That’s all you care about, so if you want to boast, then go for it. I’ll pretend to listen like you do to those girls.” 
“In the past year that we’ve had more than a five-minute conversation, I’m pretty fucking sure I hadn’t said a word about myself. That’s you. You bring it up.” 
With his accusation, Bakugou could see your cheeks begin to flush, your frustrations with yourself showing themselves even so slightly. He knew that forced blank expression, that stiff posture as you tried to stay strong to not let your tough front crumble. More than anything, he wished that wall you had built around yourself would crack, even just slightly, to allow him in. 
“You’re the one that told me all those years ago that you only care about building your career and you wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that. So why are you even trying to talk to me right now, Kacchan? You have everything you ever wanted.” 
“That’s not true. Come with me.” Bakugou stood, picking up his glass as he did. “I can’t talk to you over this fucking shit music.” 
For a moment, you hesitated. You knew that if you were alone with him, you would break. All this time, you had refused to give him any more than a few minutes of your time, but it wasn’t because you hated him. You were scared that your feelings for him would explode the instant you were alone, that the craving to feel that happiness from all those years back would cause you to make a mistake. 
Would it be a mistake? Or would you finally feel complete again? 
With a sigh, you stood, fixing your dress back into place before snatching up your own drink and following him towards one of the many exits. Much to your annoyance, many people tried to stop you both to chit chat, or to keep Bakugou's attention as long as they could. Over and over, he either ignored or dismissed them, even people you recognized to be CEOs of huge corporations. Each time, your heart fluttered, softening your resolve until you were blushing fiercely. 
Out in the hallway, Bakugou gave a heavy sigh, relieved for the music to be muffled after the door shut behind you. “Finally… I hate that shit.” Taking a few steps forward, he pushed a button on the elevator, prompting you to glance up as the number began to descend. 
“Where are you taking me?” 
“To my office. No one but me has a key to get in. We can be alone…” 
“Don’t you think it will seem suspicious for us to go up there? People will talk.” 
“People talk anyway. People were talking the instant I sat down next to you.” Bakugou’s crimson glare set off that familiar fire within you, making you clutch onto your dress with your free hand. “You think people don’t know how we used to be? We weren’t exactly subtle…” 
“That was a long time ago…” 
“Five years isn’t a long time. Not to forget things like that between such high-profile people.” 
With a ding, the elevator opened in front of you, and with a vague gesture from Bakugou, you walked inside first. He stood beside you, and the instant the elevator door closed, the tension was almost palpable. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable tension, which you slowly came to realize as the elevator rose up to the top floor. It was a mutual wanting, some type of magnetic force that you were both fighting against with all your strength. He was so close to you, within your grasp and yet so far away. 
Could you really let him back in? 
Bakugou once again allowed you to exit first before following, sipping from his glass as he headed straight for his office entrance. This wasn’t the first time you had been up to this floor of his agency, but it was the first time you were going to visit his private office. Corporate meetings were held up here, just down the hall, and you had always wondered what was behind those double doors to the left. 
Pulling out his ID from his pocket, he held it up in front of a sensor, which went off with a beep and the click of the doors unlocking followed. Pulling the door open, Bakugou nodded for you to go in, silent and cautious. At first, you only watched him for any signs of regret or reconsideration, but you saw none. Even your own second thoughts were hidden in the back of your mind, so you entered, a bit surprised at the perfect and professional order of his office. It wasn’t quite what you expected, but then again, there were a lot of things about Bakugou that were unexpected. 
Most people would see him and instantly think ‘that man is a brute’ or ‘he’s absolutely vile’. Was he? Yes, absolutely. But there were things that only you had seen, that he would not dare share with another living soul. He had told you about his insecurities, his worries and his regrets. You had held him when he awoke in a panic, brought on by nightmares he couldn’t control. He had laughed with you about teenage memories, smiling with such sincerity that you were sure he must have been another person entirely. Even more special, the way he would caress you and kiss you with such a sweet tenderness you would just melt in his hands. He was gentle and loving behind all that explosive anger. 
Loving… Were we in love? I… never really thought it would have been possible… For him to love another person. Feeling your emotions swell a bit at the thought, you struggled to restrain the burning in your eyes, refusing to cry in front of him already. How could you possibly become that weak willed just because you were alone together? Had you really put on such a strong facade for the public that you didn’t even feel like yourself anymore? 
“People always assume I have everything just from what they can see.” Bakugou spoke after the door shut, gaining your attention and momentary distraction from your emotions. “This office. That’s all you see. Awards. Certificates. Success. Or at least, all what people assume success to be. And I’ve reached it faster than most… Because I worked so hard for it.” After finishing off his drink, he sat the empty glass down on the edge of his desk. 
At the moment, your sharp tongue was dulled, finding that you wanted to hear what he had to say. He was speaking so calmly, as if this was something that he had been waiting for, like his speech had been rehearsed in his mind over and over. That, or he was tired of hiding his emotions. 
Little did you know that both were true. Bakugou had thought about what he would say to you in a situation like this, how he would get his point across that he had made a mistake pushing you so far away. How he was going to tell you that he wanted you in his life desperately? With these desires, he knew that he couldn’t hide a single ounce of himself from you. If he did, he would lose you, and he refused to let that happen. So, no matter how embarrassing it was, how frustrated he was at trying to find the right words, he would fumble until he caught his footing. 
“I wanted this.” Bakugou gestured to their surroundings. “I wanted it more than anything. I wanted it so badly that I lost sight of something that I needed. That time with you made me happier than any of this shit that I have now. And I was stupid to not realize that back then.” He came up to stand in front of you, and by now, the burning in your eyes was uncontrollable. The instant is hands came up to caress your upper arms, you lost the slim control you had, the hot tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“I think about it all the time. How we could have spent all these years growing together. I was selfish back then… You were right to hate me for the things I did to you. For treating you like… just an obstacle in my path. Then, and now, I don’t deserve you. But I want you. And before you snap at me, it’s not just your body. I want your laugh, your smile, your support and happiness. And I want to give you mine.” 
Sniffling, you felt strangled as you tried to process his words. You could tell by the softness of his tone and his touch that he was being genuine. Bakugou, out of all people in the world, couldn’t lie without becoming a flustered mess. The truth was often even harder for him to admit, so the fact that it was coming out of his mouth so smoothly made your heart and stomach flutter. It was your turn, to tell him that you wanted all the same, but the words were lost to you. How could he admit his feelings so easily, while you were completely useless? Had you really built your wall that strong, that not even the person you loved with all your heart could get through? 
“Katsuki…” You finally got through with a hiccup, only able to manage a quick glance up at him. “Did you ever love me?” 
“Are you shitting me? Do you think I’d tell you all this if I didn’t? And what happened to ‘Kacchan’? Hm?” The snarky smirk that crossed his lips brought a more intense fire to your cheeks, giving a playful click of your tongue as he wiped your tears away with rough thumbs. 
“I only call you Kacchan when I’m pretending to be mad at you.” After setting your drink down on the nearby desk, you placed your hands on his chest, tenderly adjusting the collar of his nice dress shirt. “After all this time you still refuse to wear ties. Even to your own company parties.” 
“I hate them. I need to breathe.” 
“I think you just like looking like the bad boy.” You couldn’t resist stepping in closer as his hands fell to grip your hips, the heat of his body so irresistible. “You and your tough guy facade.” 
“Whatever. We both know you fucking love it.” 
“I do, Katsuki.” You caressed his cheeks softly, entire body tingling with the feeling of his hands sliding up your sides. “I never hated you. Never. Maybe that makes me stupid, too… But I always knew it…” 
“Knew what?” His lips were dangerously close to yours now, brushing softly as he spoke. Even his gaze was nearly crippling, already feeling your legs growing weak. He was so dangerous, so absolutely irresistible to you that there wasn’t anything you could do to control your wanting for him. Not anymore. 
“That you would come back to me.” 
With that, any restraint the two of you may have had was broken, lips immediately crashing into each other with a fierce and familiar passion. How long it had been didn’t matter in that moment. Bakugou knew exactly how to kiss you, how to hold your body against his and make your legs weak. The hot taste of whisky on his tongue made your entire body feel warm, starting from your core and spreading through each nerve. It was like every inch of you was on fire, the heat pooling between your legs as you couldn’t resist your arousal. Everything about him was exactly like you remembered, only… there was more. 
It was obvious to you that he had grown in experience and practice, even just from this short time together. Although you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards the other women whom he had relations with, you knew that from this moment on, if you accepted him, it would be only you. There would never be another woman or man between you, nor any career or goals. It would be you and him together, to be everything you ever wanted. And needed. 
“A-ah, Katsu--” You couldn’t resist a soft moan as his hands eagerly gripped onto your ass, even though it was immediately smothered by the kiss. His palms were so hot that you could already feel them through the fabric of your dress, only further reminding you of the things you loved about him. You didn’t know if it was because of his quirk or if it was just how his body was, but any time he got all hot and bothered, his palms would become unbelievably warm. It was never to the point that you couldn’t bare it, but it was just enough to melt you and make you crave to feel it against your bare skin. Tugging him backwards with a simple step and yank to the front of his shirt, you stumbled back until your legs hit his desk, the rattling of the ice in your drink barely registering in your feverish mind. 
The loud crashing and clanking of other miscellaneous belongings falling to the floor was just as ignored by the both of you, pushed aside with a single sweep of Bakugou’s arm. In nearly the same instant, you were turned, upper body forced down onto the desk from a strong pressure between your shoulder blades. One hand firmly on your back to keep you in place, Bakugou let the other travel down your side and to your hips. 
“Five years have done you a lot of favors, [Name]. Your body is fucking irresistible.” 
Unable to really move, you could only support yourself on trembling legs, entire being racked with excitement and anticipation at what he would do to you next. You could feel his cock pressing into your ass from beneath his pants, and you knew damn well he was doing that on purpose. It was just another way to tease you at what you had been missing all this time and what you desperately wanted. “Are you saying it hasn’t always been?” 
“Don’t be a smart ass with me. I’ve craved every inch of you…” With that, you felt the cool air of the office on your backside as your dress was pushed up to your lower back. Both strong hands moved to grope you and spread you open, an amused chuckle following. “Fuck, I can see how wet you are already. And no underwear? Were you expecting something?” 
The feeling of his thumb stroking against your sex made you shudder, nibbling at your bottom lip. Even through your hose, the pleasure of his touch was irresistible, softly gasping with each stroke to your clit. “Any time I see you, I always hope that you’ll want me again. It was an impulse… not to wear underwear. I thought that… maybe ton-- a-ah!” You were cut off by a moan, surprised by the sudden hot and wet pressure against your clit. Unable to see him well, you didn’t notice that he had knelt down until he made his presence known, running his tongue along your sex with the hose still in place. 
The sensation was odd at first to the both of you, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt. Even if he wasn’t on your clit directly, the cloth still grew taught against it with his movements, teasing you with just a hint of pressure. You wanted more so badly, but you knew begging wasn’t going to get you anywhere just yet. He was going to do whatever he wanted with you, and there wasn’t any point in trying to stop him, not with how badly you wanted this. 
Suddenly, there was a new sensation and sound. With a firm tug and the ripping of cloth, you felt your hose loosen from your body, splitting right down the middle seam to fully expose you. Bakugou had done it with his teeth, you knew his antics well, but that didn’t mean you were any less annoyed that he just ripped your favorite hose. “Hey, Katsuki! These are my-- ooh, fuck!” You dug your nails into the wood of his desk as he began to eat your out mercilessly, gripping onto your hips to keep you still. 
Turning your face more into the desk, you moaned and panted against the wood, the pleasure tingling through your body like hot sparks. Within minutes, you were brought to a leg shaking orgasm, your knees buckling. The only reason you stayed up on the desk was your upper body and Bakugou’s hands on your hips. 
“Fucking hell… I’ve missed seeing you cum like that. You always cum so hard for me.” Slipping his fingers beneath the hole he had made in your hose, he ripped them just a bit more, giving him full and easier access to your wet and twitching pussy. He could have just stared at the heavenly sight for hours, watching your juices drip down your thighs and onto the floor. Never had a woman get so wet for him the way that you did, always so hot and ready to be fucked from something as simple as a kiss. While he used one hand to stroke your folds and tease your swollen clit, his other moved down to his pants, loosening his belt. “Such a good little bitch. Tell me who you belong to.” 
“Y-you, Katsuki.” Body still recovering, you couldn’t resist the slight jerking of your body with his teasing of your clit. 
Once his pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, Bakugou began to stroke himself to the sight of you, spreading your pussy open with his fingers. “Have you ever had someone fuck you as good as I do?” 
“No, only you can make me feel so good. No other man can ever c-come close.” 
“No other man will ever come close.” Standing, Bakugou pressed his tip against your waiting hole, teasingly pressing into you until you were squirming beneath him. “Now tell me what you want.” 
“I-I want your cock!” 
“P-please, Katsuki! Please, fill me up and fuck me!” 
Leaning forward, Bakugou allowed himself to slip in just slightly. He pressed his lips against your flushed cheek, smirking against your skin. He loved seeing you like this, already completely smitten and hopelessly aroused. You’d do or say anything he wanted, and he knew that being treated like this was what turned you on more than anything else. “Harder.” 
His low voice in your ear made your head swim, becoming increasingly frustrated with the teasing. “I’m begging you! Please hurry up and fuck me, Katsu! My pussy is yours, please do whatever you want to me, until I’m ruined with your cum dripping down my legs! Katsu, please!” That sweet nickname flowing from your lips again after five years instantly flushed Bakugou’s chest full of a raging and familiar fire, both of his hands moving to grip tightly onto your hips. 
“That’s it, babygirl.” Slowly, his cock began to fill you up, forcing a gasp from your lips as you arched your hips up into him. The soft grunt he let slip near your ear instantly almost had you cumming again, looking up at him from the corner of your eye. Vision blurry with pleasured tears, you could barely make out the furrow of his brow, though the passion in his glare was perfectly clear. You were about to be absolutely ravaged, and you couldn’t wait a second longer. But you did, soaking in the feeling of each inch vanishing within you, filling you to the brim. “You want it so bad, then take it.” 
You were already trembling by the time he hissed the demand into your ear, knowing that if you weren’t lying down on the desk, your legs would have given out by now and you’d be sprawled useless on the floor. Already you could feel how full you were, his cock pulsing against your constricting walls and just itching to move. Unable to resist the urge himself, Bakugou sat up from you, hands gripping your hips tightly as he began to slowly and roughly thrust his hips. The first few thrusts of his cock inside you felt foreign, like you had almost forgotten what it was like to be fucked by him. But, very quickly, he found his rhythm, bringing back all those things you were familiar with. 
The hot slapping of skin. Burning palms. Fingers with a grip so tight you knew they would bruise. Sticky liquid coating your body, from sweat to your own juices as it rolled down your legs with each aggressive thrust. Bakugou’s grunts of pleasure, mixed in with your own uncontrollable moans. A deep presence within your womb, enough to make your stomach feel full every time he sunk his cock into you. The teasing words and name calling, forcing his dominance upon you in a way that made you completely swoon. 
In no time at all, you were cumming again, arching your hips up into his as you screamed and begged for the release you had so desperately missed. And then, in typical Bakugou fashion, he removed his cock from you, right on the edge of your orgasm. It faded away in a rush of tingles, and with some ounce of strength, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows to glare at him over your shoulder. 
“Seriously, Katsuki? You’re still into that edging shit?!” 
“Into it?” Bakugou smirked, grabbing you by both arms and forcing you back up onto your feet. His cock settled between your legs, pressing into your sex as he held your body back against his. With soft, slow thrusts, you watched as his tip vanished and reappeared again, stroking against your clit. Releasing one of your arms, the other came up to grip your neck, resting his lips at your ear. “I’ve mastered it, babygirl. And don’t try to pretend that you don’t love it.” 
Putting some pressure on your neck, Bakugou kissed and nibbled at the exposed skin of your shoulder. “I’ve missed seeing your expressions when you cum so hard after being edged over and over. The way your eyes roll back in your head… That crazed and satisfied smile on your lips. Your body trembling and jerking. Fuck, you’re just so damn sexy.” He used his free hand to pull the already low-cut neckline of your dress down, allowing your breasts to fall free. He increased the speed of his thrusting, giving a sigh of pleasure in your ear as he groped and massaged your breasts. 
Although the thigh fucking was a much slower pace than what he had been taking just a moment before, you couldn’t resist how good it felt just to be played with. There was no effort on your part, except for somehow finding the strength to stay standing. His lips on your skin. His teeth in your flesh. His hands on your breasts. His cock between your legs. All of it was sending you into a whole new round of bliss and almost the feeling of being… worshiped. Yes, it was for his enjoyment too, but each movement he made and shifting of his hips was to bring you pleasure. 
“K-Katsu,” you moaned out sweetly, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair. “I can’t believe you still remember how to play with me. What my body wants and begs for.” 
“I could never forget your body, [Name].” He paused for just a moment to allow his cock to slip back into your waiting pussy, watching your face as it contorted with pleasure. “Everything about it drives me fucking crazy. Not just your body, but you. All of you. I can’t stand the thought of being without you a second longer.” With a slight push from his thumb, you turned your head to meet his lips in a passionate kiss, which spurred his thrusts to go faster. He held your body back against him, one arm around your waist with the other across your chest, caressing your neck and playing with your breasts as he wished. 
You felt so close to him, so wanted and adored for the first time in so many years. In that moment, you decided it wasn’t enough. You wanted him closer. 
“Stop, wait--” With a slight push of your hand to his stomach, he stopped as instructed, even though confusion flashed across his face. Turning, you hopped up to sit on his desk, immediately pulling him closer and wrapping your legs around his waist. “I want to hold you, Katsu.” 
Another passionate kiss was shared as he picked back up on where he had left off fucking you, but his movements became rougher and more excited. Having you in this more intimate position must have spurred on his excitement, and that wasn’t anything for you to complain about. But, for you, there was a twinge of sudden reconsideration that you hadn’t expected. It came with a sudden rush of pure emotion, a raging storm that you had tried to keep at bay. 
Disbelief. Excitement. Remorse. Anger. Wanting. Fear. Passion. Love. 
That’s what it was. 
As you began to feel another orgasm building rapidly within you, you released your grip of your arms around his neck to instead caress his cheeks. “Katsu,” With the soft mention of his name, his gaze caught yours, though he never lost his rhythm or pace in the way he was fucking you. You knew you had to get it out before you lost control of yourself again, barely able to speak against the pleasure that was only growing. “Katsuki. I love you. I-I’ve loved you since the beginning. I w-want to do this together. To be together.” 
Bakugou let his hand fall to your lower back, shifting your body closer to him to allow him in deeper. Leaning back a bit with his movement, you kept yourself propped up with one arm while the other was around his neck, clutching on tightly to the back of his shirt. At first, your eyes were drawn down to watch how he fucked you, until his words brought your eyes back up. Behind the haze of lust and pleasure, you could see it, the genuine adoration and love for you that he had been hiding all this time in fear. There was no more fear between you. Only hope and the prospect of true happiness. 
“I love you, [Name]. And from now on, I won’t ever let your stupid ass forget it.” With one more kiss shared between you, he immediately increased his efforts, fucking you so hard and rough that the already abused desk began to creak. The sound of your drink falling and glass breaking across the pristine tile floor was ignored; all focus the two of you could muster only on each other. 
You could feel it, building up within your core, and you couldn’t stop it from showing on your face. “F-Fuck, Katsu, I’m going to cum! Please! Please let me!” 
“It’s okay, babygirl. Cum for me.” With his words whispered in ragged breath against your lips, you couldn’t hold back another moment. As the ball that had grown within you exploded, you collapsed back against the desk, your voice squeaking with the powerful onslaught of pleasure. With full access to your hips, now, Bakugou held onto them tightly, fucking you through your orgasm. To him, it was a beautiful sight, your sweaty and ravaged body completely broken and at his mercy. Bakugou never wanted to stop, but before he realized it, his need to cum was suffocating. 
Gaining a moment of lucidity from hearing your name, you peered up at him, smiling as you rested your arms up above your head. “Come inside me, Katsu--” With your permission, Bakugou immediately grew more aggressive and erratic, your moans edging him on. “Please cum inside me! Fill me up with your hot cum, Katsuki!” 
Within moments, Bakugou did just that, tugging your hips against his tightly as he released inside you. It was so hot you could feel it, filling your womb and coating your still contracting walls. With his release, Bakugou let out a satisfied grunt, before sighing in absolute pleasure. From your view, he looked so worn out, sweaty with clothing and hair completely disheveled. You were sure that you looked exactly the same, but in Bakugou’s eyes, you were nothing but absolute perfection. 
With his cock still pulsing inside you, he leaned himself forward, propping himself up on his elbows on either side of your body. Softly, he moved some hair out of your face before his lips met yours. It was different now, a tender kiss that made your stomach flutter like you were a little girl in love for the first time. You wrapped your arms around him, running your fingers through his hair and softly stroking his back as he showered your lips, cheeks and neck with sweet affections. 
“This is what I’ve missed…” He spoke near your ear, low and calm. “This… gentle intimacy. You’re the only person I can experience it with- who I’d want to experience it with.” 
“My Katsuki… Me, too.” Now, the tears began to return to your eyes, so overcome with bubbly happiness and pure love. “I never want to lose you again.” 
“You won’t, [Name]. Never again.” 
With another sweet kiss, you were both suddenly startled by a loud buzzing in Bakugou’s back pocket, which reverberated through your still connected bodies. With an annoyed huff, Bakugou removed himself from you and allowed you to sit up and adjust your dress back over your breasts as he grabbed his phone to check the message. “Ah fuck.” 
“What is it?” 
“My assistant… I’m almost thirty minutes late for my speech before the gift raffle. Well shit.” 
Giggling softly, you looked down at the mess you had both made. Broken glasses, scattered office supplies, papers and even his name plaque littered the floor. “Well, at least we still kept all our clothes on.” 
With a click of his tongue, Bakugou headed over towards a door, walking inside. “I still have to fucking change, I’m sweaty as fuck.” His voice echoed, so you grew curious, following him in to see that it was a whole bathroom with a shower, tub and everything else that came standard. You followed him around a corner to see that he also had a full walk in closet, making you gasp in shock. 
“Damn, Katsu! Think you have enough space? Do you live here?!” 
“Of fucking course I don’t.” Bakugou glowered at you, stripping off his shirt before stepping out of his pants. “I just have extra clothes.” 
“Won’t people be suspicious if you come down in new cloths- oh. You have the same exact ones.” 
“Always have to be prepared, [Name]. I just… don’t have an extra dress for you. Or hose. Sorry.” He smirked at you as you looked down at your legs, the hose you wore soaked with liquid and torn all the way down to your thighs. Huffing, you pushed them down before plopping yourself onto the toilet, relieving yourself as you took off your shoes. 
“My dress is fine, it’s my hose that I’m upset about! These were my favorite ones!” 
“I’ll buy you more. Are you taking a piss?!” 
“You’re lucky I didn’t piss all over your desk, I’ve had to pee for like an hour.” 
“And I still wouldn’t want you to leave.” 
Smiling, you rolled the ruined hose into a ball and put them in the trash, cleaning yourself up with toilet paper. Once done, you put your shoes back on, flushed and went to wash your hands. While you were doing so, Bakugou emerged back from the closet, back dressed just as spiffy as he had been before. Coming to stand behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, giving your cheek a soft kiss. “I’m happy you’ve forgiven me, [Name]. That you want me back…” 
“Of course I do, Katsuki. These few years just made me realize that… I can’t be happy without you.” 
“Me, too.” After another kiss, he went to the other sink, grabbing a toothbrush and squeezing some toothpaste onto it. 
Confused, you wiped your hand on a towel, before attempting to fix the mess your hair had become. “What are you doing?” 
“Brushing my teeth. I can’t exactly go back to a party with my breath smelling like whisky and pussy, now can I?” 
“Nah, you should. It’ll keep all those girls away.” 
“You being on my arm will keep them away enough.” 
“Touché. Going public already… Bring it on.” 
“You got it, babygirl.” 
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“Mm… My toes have never been so toasty.” + Snowed In | “Come away from the window, glaring at the snow won’t make it go away.”
@bnha-christmas2019​ | Day [4+5]: [ “Mm… My toes have never been so toasty.” + Snowed In | “Come away from the window, glaring at the snow won’t make it go away.” ] / [Aizawa Shouta / Reader] | [Teen]
a/n: Yay! Finally got around to work on prompts. I still need to finish all the other prompts I wanted to do but have some cuddle-action so long!
“Come away from the window, glaring at the snow won’t make it go away,” he reminded you, and you let out a long, desperate sigh.
Sullen, you wobbled back to the fireplace illuminating the room, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself in an attempt to keep you warm. Even with two pullovers, you still felt icy, but you hoped that would change when you snuck into the blankets with your lover. Shouta pulled away the fabric for you to settle in, welcoming you in his arm and the embrace of the coverage, letting you shiver it out before you could feel the heat of the fire on your face and start to warm up.
“This was supposed to be our vacation! We were supposed to be out there and… do something at least! See what Shiobara has in store for us!” You sighed again, leaning against his shoulder. “And now we are stuck here.”
Shouta hummed, sipping on his tea before passing it on to you, your fingers greedily wrapping around it, soaking in its warmth. “It’s not so far from Tokyo and only the first day. It’s not like we lost anything yet. Besides - I saw you on skier, I can’t have you danger yourself like that.”
You protested with a small outcry, bumping your shoulder into his as he simply grinned, his expression quite relaxed for someone being snowed in and having a ruined vacation. “Maybe I didn’t want to ski! Maybe I just wanted you to… pick me up when I fall?” He let out a curt laugh, patting your arm with the hand he had around you. “That’s a bad reason for going to a ski resort.”
Rolling your eyes, you sighed a third time, trying to convey your discontent over the situation. Even though you had been able to see Shouta relax for once - ultimately, the goal of going on vacation - it was quite a break to your excitement that you two got snowed in after just arriving at your cabin and getting ready. There had been a lot you had planned for the few days you two had taken off, and surely, just staying inside, in front of a fire to keep you warm, wasn’t what you had anticipated.
“If it wasn’t so cold at least…” you mumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around you and over your mouth. Shivering, you held back a sneeze, hoping you wouldn’t catch a cold now on top of it. All you could do was roll together more, trying to conserve the warmth while your husband looked quite content as he was. “Here, let me,” he suggested, leaning forward and freeing your feet from the blanket, which was met with complains from you. “No-” you squeaked, witnessing as he pulled off the wool socks from your toes, exposing them to the cold.
“What are you doing?” you whined, feeling his hand brush over your skin more as he settled them to face the fire. “You’ll see,” Shouta reassured you, and you gave him the benefit of your doubt and kept still. Surely enough, the heat radiating from the fireplace caught on to you quickly, allowing it to spread from your soles up your body. “How is it?” he asked, noticing your surprised, yet content eyes as you watched the fire flicker.
“Mhm… My toes have never been so toasty,” you admitted, and he chuckled, wrapping you into the blanket still. “How’d you know that would help?” you asked, and he pointed down to his legs, wiggling his own, bare toes in the light. Stretching out your back, you met him halfway as he leaned forward to you, kissing the side of your head. “See, it’s not so bad to be snowed in, right?”
“Okay, maybe,” you admitted, feeling much warmer now, Shouta’s body adding on to the warmth as he hugged you closer against him.
“Once we are free again, we could go to an onsen too and relax there for a bit, or-”
“Or we just stay in and cuddle?”
From the corner of your eyes, you caught his lips twitching upwards a few times before laying in a smile, making you grin too and lean against his chest tenderly. “That’s just as good.”
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bnha-christmas2019 · 5 years
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Happy Halloween Everyone--!
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It’s Winter Time! That means it’s time for cold, snow, and wonderful warm cuddles in front of the fireplace. 
If you’re like me and are forever lonely, or just don’t have a fireplace, fret not! We have a fun little challenge for you to participate in to get all the cuddle content that your heart desires. Or, if you’re just here for the cuddles and not the work, then follow us to keep up with all the content! 
Sarah ( @cutesuki--bakugou)  and Ivy ( @aizawasbedtimestories ) are bringing back the challenge with winter / Christmas themed prompts!
Any type of creative media is allowed for this challenge. This includes:
Traditional or Digital
Multi Chapter Fics
Manga / Anime Edits
And more~
Please be sure to check out the RULES for the challenge and contact either the blog or the mods directly if you have any questions! The CHALLENGE LIST will be going live on 11/28! Be sure to follow the blog to see all created content and enjoy the event!
Just... try not to kill anyone with a snowball, okay?
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lunetteathella · 5 years
this night (which is just you and i)
@bnha-christmas2019 | day 30: Champagne / “Cheers!” | Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto |  Teen And Up Audiences | N/A
[Read on AO3.]
“Is it okay if I go?”
Todoroki chuckled slightly when the pair of lips he knew so well began peppering his face with small yet the sweetest of kisses. It started from his chin to cheeks, then to the tip of his nose. The kisses also lingered on the edge of his scar, featherlike. Todoroki let out a small sigh at the feeling of it.
Midoriya doesn’t stop there. He continued his sweet attacks to his eyelids, warm and delicate, before stopping on his forehead. He stayed there for a while, just letting his lips softly touch the skin while he breathed in and out, drowning himself in the scent he always associated with home.
“I really can stay, you know. I don’t have to go. We can just cuddle and I will make you a hot chocolate.”
“And make Kirishima sad that we both don’t come?” came Todoroki’s amused response from below him. Midoriya couldn’t see it, but he knew there was a smile, tiny but loving, all the same, adorning the man’s face. His handsome face was always ten times more gorgeous even with the slightest quirk of lips. How unfair. “You know how excited he has been for tonight. You don’t want to make him sad, do you?”
Ever since their graduation from high school and the memorable start of their hero careers, the former occupants of class 1-A of Yuuei made a tradition that every year, one of them would host a get-together. This year’s host was Kirishima and Bakugou. They were mostly chosen because they had just bought a nice two-story house and more than half of them refused to hold the gathering anywhere else. They agreed to host it on New Year’s eve.  
From Bakugou’s spam-yelling in their group chat, everyone could measure Kirishima’s excitement over this arrangement. The redhead had apparently transformed their house into some kind of winter wonderland that had received a lot of ‘wow’s, ‘nice’s, and every variation of delighted remarks from their friends. They all knew very well Kirishima organized the best parties among them. Much persuasion and an exasperated Iida later, they extended the invitation to the rest of their year as well as some of the teachers. Whoever could make the time would be welcomed.
Midoriya and Todoroki had planned on attending, the both of them. That was until Todoroki broke his leg and several other precious bones in a fight just the day before.
(Recovery Girl had been both amused and not amused at all when they barged in her office. Unamused because she had to order at least a week of bed rest and amused because for once it was not Midoriya’s precious bones she had to heal.)
(Midoriya had made sure to give her a look that perfectly conveyed how very flattered he felt knowing the amount of faith she had in him. He had been cutting down his visits to the infirmary even before graduating, okay.)
So, that was why Todoroki was bundled in blankets in front of their fireplace while Midoriya clung to him like a particularly affectionate koala. While Todoroki ultimately found it cute and he would never say no to Midoriya’s kisses, Uraraka and Iida would be here in less than half an hour and he hadn’t even started dressing up yet. The three of them had agreed to go together so Midoriya wouldn’t sulk because Todoroki couldn’t come, but apparently, he still did anyway.
“I’ll be fine, Izuku,” Todoroki continued when Midoriya began nosing his hairline in a motion akin to that of a cat’s and not going upstairs to their room to prepare like what he should have been doing. “Besides, we need to give them our present, right?”
At the mention of the present, Midoriya visibly deflated. The present in question was actually a very belated housewarming gift they had been planning on giving Kirishima and Bakugou for weeks. It was supposed to double as an apology for not being able to help the could move in, but they had been way too busy even for the number one and number three heroes. The rest of their friends already gave theirs. So, if they had to postpone giving it to them for yet another week, Todoroki would just have to mail it and brace himself for more of Bakugou’s spam-yelling that would surely be peppered with his extensive dictionary of profanities instead of dripping with fond exasperation like when he was talking about his husband’s over-enthusiasm.
Midoriya gave Todoroki one last kiss, this time on the lips, lingering and hesitant and resembling more of a sigh than an actual kiss, then finally pushed himself to a standing position.
He didn’t take a long time to finish dressing in attire appropriate for a party. He made sure to not forget the present (it was a copper bartender kit – Bakugou had been trying his hand in mixology as a new side hobby that he somehow had the time to indulge in despite his full heroing hours) before heading back downstairs to make hot chocolate for Todoroki.
“Don’t wait up, okay?” Midoriya said after the sound of Uraraka’s car could finally be heard in front of their house. He had a feeling their mutual friends would hold him prisoner for as long as they could physically keep him there and that would mean a really, really long night.
Todoroki only gave him an indulgent chuckle. “Have fun, Izuku.”
Oh, he had fun, alright.
When they arrived, the house had been bustling with people. Surprisingly, it was Bakugou who welcomed them in with his usual scowl, his glare daring anyone to comment on the antlers headband he was wearing. (It was a gift from Kirishima and everyone was dying to know the story behind it.)
“A word and I will blast your ass to the moon,” he added when Uraraka looked at him with stars in her eyes.
She nodded and took a picture instead.
A whole screaming and chasing around the house later, Midoriya finally had the chance to give him the present. Bakugou had stared at him blankly for three whole seconds before giving him a verbal thank you, albeit looking like he just swallowed something sour while he did so. Midoriya counted it a gigantic win anyway.
Their former classmates were all present (with the exception of Todoroki, of course) and full of stories to share. The other guests were also pleasant, inviting him to conversations and games and probing questions about a certain someone usually attached to his hip.
Then, Kirishima was popping open a bottle of expensive champagne and equally expensive glasses were distributed around. A grin later, there was an exclamation of “Cheers to another awesome year!”
Then, then, many more drinks later; all hell broke loose when the party reached its peak and someone began loudly complaining that they hadn’t interrogated Midoriya enough about his engagement to Todoroki.
He had fun, indeed.
Meanwhile, at home, Todoroki had spent all night finishing a book Yaoyorozu had suggested he read while simultaneously wiping out their stock of hot chocolate. He was still up, a bit after midnight later when a muffled ruckus coming from his front door stole away his attention. He took his cast before making the slow trek to the source of the noise. What he found there made him blink.
“Ah, Todoroki,” Uraraka greeted casually. Or as casual as someone could be when a sniffling person was leaning heavily onto their side, hanging for dear life. “I’m sorry. Did we wake you up?”
Todoroki blinked some more. “Um.”
Uraraka, disregarding his very intelligent reply completely – which, okay, that was fair, then turned to said sniffling person who was gaping at Todoroki with big, shiny eyes. She cooed. “See? We woke him up, Deku-kun. Are you happy now?”
The even more intelligent response she got for that this time was another sniffle before full-blown tears.
Iida chose that moment to make his presence known by popping out of nowhere. “Bakugou made him join a drinking game,” he said as if that explained everything. Which, unsurprisingly, it kind of did.
Amused, Todoroki asked Iida to bring a glass of water while he directed Uraraka to take the still bawling Midoriya to the couch.
“Hey, are you okay?” he softly asked when Midoriya didn’t immediately latch onto him like his usual drunk self.
Instead, he only said (or more like wailed) “’Cause I found out you are engaged” in between sobs.
That made Todoroki paused. “What.”
Big, shiny eyes turned to stare at him as if Todoroki just crushed his childhood dreams with bare hands.
“The people at the party,” his lower lips wobbled, “they kept saying you are engaged.”
“I am,” Todoroki said. He couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice. But when Midoriya looked like he was about to break down once more, he hurriedly added, “To you. I’m engaged to you, Izuku.”
Those big, shiny eyes this time stared at him as if he hung the stars and the moon in the sky specifically for him.
“Are… are you sure?”
“Of course. I would never lie to you.” When Midoriya just sit there frozen, seemingly like he was debating with himself, Todoroki chuckled fondly before saying, “C’mere, love.”
A mess of green rushed into his arms and he held him tightly.
While Midoriya was babbling incoherently into his neck, Todoroki turned to look at Uraraka who had both of her hands in front of her mouth. She was either trying to stop herself from laughing out loud or cooing happily or both.
“Didn’t anyone tell him?”
“A lot of people did,” the woman said after a moment, eyes sparkling. “He didn’t believe us. Mina even showed him that lengthy article about your engagement to him, but you know how adamant he is.”
She laughed. “It was adorable how he kept droning on about how perfect you are and therefore he didn’t deserve you. Expect videos and maybe some news headlines tomorrow.”
Todoroki gave her a fondly exasperated sigh before taking the glass Iida just brought. He leaned down to whisper softly to Midoriya. “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
After making sure that their friend would be in capable hands, Uraraka and Iida excused themselves to go home. Todoroki gave them his gratitude before turning back to his fiance.
“Feel better now?”
Midoriya shyly nodded. Todoroki gave him a small kiss on the corner of his eyes. “You are going to be so embarrassed tomorrow, but let me remind you that you were the one who proposed to me, you know.”
“I.. I did?” he said, eyes impossibly wide.
“And I said yes, of course. How could I not?”
He looked like he was about to cry again, so Todoroki tucked his head under his chin, kissing the top of his head. “Shush, time to sleep now. We will talk more tomorrow, okay?”
“You’ll stay here with me, right?”
He smiled. “For however long you want me.”
“Good. It’s forever, then.”
The videos of Midoriya waxing poetry about his fiance are trending the next morning, of course.
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mogamoka · 5 years
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back to teacher’s dorm
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alwaysajoy2 · 5 years
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Something I made for a Christmas contest on DeviantArt. I’m still practising my watercolour skills but I love this tool (^_^)
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 5 years
You are My Angel, and You are My Star
you are my angel, and you are my star by jojosmilktea
❝They're so, so close, and she is suspended in the air, a few inches away from Uraraka's face.❞
Uraraka literally makes Asui fall for her while Asui decorates the Class 1-A Christmas tree in the dormitories.
Day 3 of @bnha-christmas2019 's challenge: Christmas Tree / ❝Do you want the star or the angel for the top?❞
Words: 1406, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of BNHA Christmas 2019
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A
Relationships: Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: BNHA Christmas 2019, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Fluffy, First Kiss, Implied kiribaku, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Christmas, Christmas Tree
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/21671035
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 26: Toasty Outfits | 
Main art blog: @hvalrossart
Click if it’s blurry because tumblr sucks.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
@bnha-christmas2019  | Day 28: Warmth | Bakugou x Koge (OC) Featuring Matsuki | Everyone | N/A
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With a heavy sigh, Bakugou nuzzled his face further into the soft comfort of his lover’s hair, the sweet scent of her shampoo bringing his mind further into consciousness. From behind his closed eyelids, he could see that the sun was peeking through the curtains of their bedroom, telling him that it was either really late or really early. In truth, he didn’t really care which. He was so comfortable, with his lovers back against his chest and the presence of a tiny body behind him. His son, he assumed, had crawled into their bed at some point and was sleeping up against his back. 
With his movement, his Koge wiggled a bit in response, giving her own tired sigh as she stretched out her legs a bit. Opening his eyes a bit, his first sight was her white hair, before he let his gaze travel down her body as she moved. He assumed that he hadn’t woken her, as she settled back down comfortably with her legs wrapped tightly around her pregnancy pillow. Her swollen belly was comfortably positioned, and her figure was tight in his embrace. His right arm was basically completely numb since she had been laying on it, but he could still feel her grip as she gently held his hand, their fingers intertwined. 
How they always ended up in such weird and intimate positions while sleeping was something that Bakugou wouldn’t ever figure out, nor did he really care to. He loved the feeling of her body against him, just as she did, so there was nothing to complain about. His other hand free, he carefully moved it across her exposed belly, her shirt having pushed up during the night and sheets only half on her lower body. Their unborn daughter inside was still, probably asleep just as Koge was, but he still couldn’t resist stroking her skin. 
“Mm…” Koge hummed softly, turning her face more into her pillow. “You’re awake?” 
“Sorry,” Bakugou mumbled, keeping his voice down as to not wake up the toddler behind him. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“You didn’t.” After a few gentle kisses to his fingers, Koge nuzzled her face against them. “What time is it…?” 
“I think it’s like… nine.” 
“Too early for a Saturday…” 
“Matsu agrees. He’s behind me, out like a light.” 
Koge giggled, turning her head a bit to be able to see Bakugou. “Is he? When did he get there?” 
Bakugou only gave a small grunt in response for his typical ‘no idea’ answer, pressing his lips against her cheek in a soft kiss. Koge smiled, her cheeks flushing bright pink from the affection. More kisses followed, across her cheek and temple, the final one against the side of her nose. “You’re so damn beautiful in the morning.” 
“But I’m just sleepy with bad bed-head.” 
“Exactly.” After another kiss to her lips, Bakugou nuzzled his face back against the side of her head, his free hand going back to stroking her stomach. “Beautiful. Like I said.” 
With a happy sigh, Koge turned her head back forward. “Do we have more time to sleep?” 
“Maybe an hour… We’re meeting my parents, remember?” 
“Man, I forgot. I don’t want to… it’s so warm.” She rested further back against his chest, soaking in his natural warmth. “And I know it’s freezing outside today. I just want to cuddle in bed all day.” 
“Me too. But my mom will flip if we cancel again. It’s even harder for me to want to get up, though.” 
“Why’s that?” Koge turned her head to look at him again, catching his gaze with her own. Bakugou gave a small smile, stroking her stomach softly with his thumb. 
“You three have me pinned from both sides. If you don’t move, there’s no way in hell that I ever can.” 
“Ha, then you are at our mercy. You’ll be forced to cuddle forever.” 
“Not a bad punishment. I’ll take it.” 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 25: Christmas Day 
“The fuck? You said you were going to buy a beanie. (눈_눈) ”
“Mhmm. (*´∀`*)”
“What is this shit then? ノಠ_ಠノ” 
“You can either choose to wear the Santa hat or this bow. (¬‿¬)“
“The fucking Santa hat, obviously, I’m not wearing a damn bow! (¬、¬)”
“Aw darn. (⋟﹏⋞)” 
“What? ఠ_ఠ“ 
“I kinda wanted you to pick the blow. ‘Cause you’re just the best gift Santa’s ever given me. (♡´౪`♡)“
“ (// Ò﹏Ó//) Shut up, don’t be cheesy!”
Main art blog: @hvalrossart
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 29: First Kiss |
“Be my first kiss for the new year? (♡´౪`♡)“ “I’m your husband, dumbass. Do you even have to ask? (-ε- )” 
Main art blog: @hvalrossart
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Sneaky Santa
@bnha-christmas2019  | Day 19: Secret Santa | Bakugou x Koge (OC) | Teen | Cursing, Some ‘checking out’ and slightly suggestive language, mutual pinning
Words: 6,789 Featuring: Bakusquad Genre: Romance | Humor  Quirkless High School AU - Characters are in their 3rd year
Bakugou grumbled in annoyance as he glared at the bag of spicy chips in his locker, propped up against his casual shoes in such an innocent way. The green bow that was stuck to the top left of the bag caught the light from the setting sun through the windows, shimmering brightly and only further fueling his frustrations. He didn’t know how the damn chips had gotten there, nor did he understand why it had been put there in the first place. Sure, it was the holidays, but who in their right mind would leave something so stupid for him to find in his locker? 
This wasn’t the first one, either. Every day for the past week he had found something left for him, either in his bag, on his desk, in his locker or even placed where he had lunch every day. It was irritating him beyond belief, and at this point, all he wanted to do was find the culprit and give them a piece of his mind. Sure, the gifts weren’t exactly bad in any way, either something he could really use or food he couldn’t resist, but that didn’t matter. He needed to know who it was. This wasn’t a prank, as far as he could tell. His friends weren’t leading him on some wild goose chase or upsetting him on purpose. In fact, none of them had any idea what was going on, as he did everything he could to hide it from them. 
That’s the last thing he needed right now, for those four bumbling idiots to find out that someone was leaving him gifts. He could hear it already, the teasing, chanting and constant questions that would come from them. There had been a moment the day before when he considered telling at least Kirishima, if not to seek some help from him to figure out who it could have been. But the cheery moron would surely blab to the rest, so that idea was instantly squashed into the back of Bakugou’s mind. 
He could figure it out on his own. There was no way he shouldn’t be able to, right? It couldn’t be that hard. He wasn’t close with very many people to begin with, and he didn’t think that any of his classmates had a crush on him or something. It couldn’t be his closest friends, and there was no way in hell that it was her. She wouldn’t do something so indirect and stupid as this just to get his attention. Though, thinking of her did bring an idea to his mind. Maybe she’d be the best one to ask for help… After all, she was the best at keeping his secrets and with her more reserved personality, there was no way she’d spill what was happening to other people without his permission. 
With a sigh, Bakugou snatched the pack of chips out of his locker, shoving it into his bag before anyone could notice or say anything about them. Switching out his school shoes for his casual ones, he slammed his locker shut a bit louder than what was necessary, gaining some confused looks from his classmates around him. 
“You alright, man?” Kirishima asked from his place down at the other end of the lockers, looking at him in confused curiosity. Avoiding looking at him, Bakugou began to make his way towards the entrance to the school, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Mind your own business, I was just shutting my locker-” Before he could finish, Kaminari appeared beside him, making Bakugou lean away and glower at him in annoyance. 
“C’mon, don’t lie! You’ve been acting all weird and annoyed all week. You were also just standing there glaring into your locker for like… five minutes!” As Kaminari talked, Bakugou was eventually surrounded by three other just as curious people, making up the irritating group of friends that he had wanted to avoid. It wasn’t uncommon for the five of them to walk to the train station on occasion, but now this really screwed up his plans to talk about what was happening with that one particular person. Their privacy was necessary, and the bouncing pink haired Ashido beside him was a huge deterrence. 
“Tell us, Bakugou! You’ve been hiding something, we know it! We can see it on your face!” 
Growling in frustration at her annoying voice, Bakugou glared at the sidewalk. “I already told you! Mind your own damn business! You assholes need to back off!” 
“We just want to help if something’s up.” Kirishima piped in, gaining an agreeing ‘yeah!’ from Sero. “We’ve seen you scuttle off and hide stuff all week! You even shoved something into your bag from your locker.” 
“I had just left a notebook in there this morning, okay?!” Bakugou was truly beginning to lose his patience now, walking faster to try and get the point across that he didn’t want to talk. 
“A notebook with a green bow on it?” 
He had been caught. Coming to an abrupt stop, his four friends ended up in front of him, not deterred at all by his frustrated glare. With a heavy sigh, Bakugou leaned his head back in annoyance, glaring at the orange and purple clouds. “Fine! I’ve been finding stupid fucking gifts left for me all over the place. In my locker, in my desk, in my fucking bag. Every day for the past week!” Yanking the chips out of his bag, he presented it to the group in front of him, who all gazed down at it curiously. Though, a sly smile crossed Ashido’s lips, holding her hands in front of her with her palms pressed together. 
“I can’t believe this! It’s finally happening!” 
“What the fuck do you mean-” 
“You have a crush! EEK!” The instant the word left her mouth, Bakugou threw the bag of chips at her face, snapping at her to keep it down. As the gift fell to the sidewalk at their feet, Ashido pouted as she rubbed her nose, glowering up at him. “Don’t throw things at me! It’s so obvious! Someone is leaving you Secret Santa gifts!” 
“Secret Santa? Who the fuck would care to do something so damn stupid?” Bakugou watched as Kirishima picked up the chips, turning the bag over in his hands to look for any clues that may have been left. “If they like me, they should just come out and say it! What type of coward does shit this way?” 
“It’s not cowardly,” Ashido huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s cute and romantic! It’s just supposed to be fun!” 
“It’s annoying! I’d rather them just come out and confront me about it!” 
“Dude,” Kaminari tried to resist his snickering, amused smirk on his face. “This type of attitude is why they haven’t! You’re so intimidating! Who’d want to spill their guts to you without warming up a bit first and see how you’d react to these little things.” 
“They probably don’t want to have their head bitten off.” Sero grinned in agreement with Kaminari. “Or for you to yell at them!” 
“I wouldn’t yell at them!” Bakugou snatched the bag of chips out of Kirishima’s hand, noticing that he was about to open them. “Don’t eat my fucking chips, they were given to me!” 
Holding up his hands in compliance and defeat, Kirishima chuckled. “I wasn’t! But seriously, man, these are your favorite chips, aren’t they? It’s obviously someone who knows you. What else have you gotten?” 
Bakugou shoved the chips back into his bag to eat later, trying to recall everything else he had gotten that week. “Some protein bars… A new water bottle. A scarf. A book. Now these fucking chips.” 
“Hmmm,” Ashido cupped her hand over her chin, eyes on the sidewalk as she tried to interpret whatever she possibly could out of the list Bakugou had given them. “All stuff that you like and that you… needed? I thought you had complained that you had stained your favorite scarf last week or something?” 
“Yeah…” Bakugou shoved his hands into his pockets, beginning to feel a heat rise in the tips of his ears. “This shit just pisses me off. It’s going to eat at me until I figure it out.” 
“Well, it’s only the first week of December! Just wait it out, maybe? I’m sure they’ll come forward before we go on winter break. Maybe they even have something big planned for Christmas!” Ashido bounced in her spot, wide smile on her face. “It’s so adorable and romantic!”
“What’s adorable and romantic?” 
The soft voice that came from behind them nearly made Bakugou jump out of his skin, whipping around to glare down at the petite girl that had snuck up on them. “What the fuck, Utsuro! Don’t just sneak up on people like that!” 
Pale blue gaze growing curious, Koge tilted her head to the side a bit. “Hm? Sorry, I thought you would have heard me walking up. I called your name, too.”  
“I couldn’t hear you over these babbling morons!” Bakugou turned his glare back to his friends, all who were recovering from their own shock at Koge’s sudden appearance. Kaminari gave a wary sigh, hand on his chest. 
“Geez, Koge! You’re so creepy! You’re like a ghost!” 
Koge pushed some of her white hair back behind her ear, not offended at all by the statement. “That’s what’s fun about being tiny and quiet. Was there something going on? I heard something about romance.” 
“It’s nothing, Utsuro!” Bakugou didn’t see the shocked gazes that his friends turned towards him. It was surprising that out of all people, he would choose not to confide in Koge. Best friends since childhood, there wasn’t a single thing that the two didn’t seem to know about each other. Little did they know that Bakugou did want to tell her, but he couldn’t find the strength to do so in front of them. There was more than just the fact that he was feeling embarrassed about it. 
He had known for a while not, just by the soft glances she would give him and the rare smile on her lips, that she had stronger feelings for him than just best friends. He couldn’t deny that he felt the same, a warmth growing in his chest any time she was within his line of sight. Her voice made his heart race, her touch sent shivers across his skin, and her body was something he could hardly resist gazing upon. There was no denying it at this point, she was who he had a crush on, and she was the same with him. But the idea that she was the one leaving these little breadcrumbs was unfathomable. 
It couldn’t be her. She wasn’t one to skirt around her feelings and avoid him like that. If she truly wanted something, she always just went for it. With that thought, he knew that this may be a bit… difficult for her. If there was another woman leaving him these gifts, trying to express their romantic interest in him, then who knows how Koge might react. Would she be supportive? Jealous? Bakugou didn’t even know how he was going to react once he found out the culprit, let alone how she would. 
“Did someone get a partner?” Koge leaned over a bit, her gaze flashing across the confused and suddenly flushed faces of their friends. “Is it you, Eijirou?” 
“N-No!” Face flushing, Kirishima shook his head. “It’s not us! It’s Ba--” 
“Shut up!” Bakugou interrupted his friend with a snap, his aggressive voice booming loud enough to catch the attention of others passing by. A group of girls even shuffled quickly past, as if they were worried there was some type of confrontation going on. “Get off my back! We’re going home!” 
“‘We’?” Kaminari cocked a curious eyebrow, but his question was only met with action. Bakugou gripped onto Koge’s upper arm, beginning to walk down the sidewalk with her in tow. Although she seemed confused, she caught her footing and walked beside him without struggle, only glancing behind her at the group for a moment. When she realized the others weren’t going to follow, she turned her full attention to the fuming blond beside her. 
“Katsuki, are you okay? You seem so flustered.” 
“I’ve just had weird shit going on this week.” Bakugou grumbled, barely audible. “I wanted to talk to you about it, but they just fucking got on my nerves. I don’t even want to deal with it now.” 
“Oh. Well, how about we stop at the coffee shop on the way home? We can get a coffee and just sit around for a bit. Maybe that will help you calm down? Then we can talk.” 
With her suggestion, Bakugou turned his glare down to look at her, feeling that familiar heat spread from his chest up into his ears at the gentle smile on her lips. She looked so damn beautiful in the orange glow of the setting sun, the light reflecting off her eyes like they were made of shining blue glass. The white freckles that sprinkled her cheeks were prominent against the pink hue of her skin, and it took every inch of his willpower to not let his own blush spread from his ears. 
“Yeah, sure.” Forcing himself to look away, he made sure his hands were firmly stuffed into his pants, able to feel them grow sweaty with his embarrassment. “I owe you one, anyway. For last time.” 
“I already told you that you don’t owe me anything, Katsuki. I was just buying a coffee for my best friend!” Koge hooked her arms behind her back, looking forward. “Unless you really just want to buy me one. I won’t stop you.” 
“Tch, shut up, Utsuro. I’m buying you one.” 
“You’re sweet.” 
“I said shut up!” 
The two walked on together in a mixture of comfortable silence, playful bickering, and warm conversation. By the time they got in line at the coffee shop, Bakugou had already calmed down quite a bit. Just being in her presence had that effect on him, to dissipate his frustrations into thin air and calm his racing mind. Even when she did or said things that annoyed him, the spike would only last for a moment before he felt a rush of adoration for her, and he would settle down nearly instantly. He didn’t understand how she was able to do this, but if he were honest, it was something that he never wanted to lose. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost time for graduation.” Koge sighed, taking a moment to remove her scarf now that they were in the warm coffee shop. “Soon we’ll be out of high school and into college life. You still want to go into law enforcement, right? Haven’t changed your mind in the last week?” 
“No shit.” Bakugou followed her example in removing his scarf, shoving it into his school uniform pocket. “I’m not applying to the academy for a while, though… I wanted that degree first.” 
“I think that’s a good idea, Katsuki. You’ll have a long time to prepare.” 
“You’re still doing… dermatology, right? Well, I guess it’d be fucking crazy to change now, you were already accepted into that university.” 
“So were you!” Koge nudged him gently. “I’m so excited to start! Maybe we’ll end up with some classes together.” 
Bakugou scoffed, nudging her back with a bit more roughness. “I’m going to avoid that however possible. You’ll just copy off my work!” 
“Will not! I don’t do that now!” Huffing softly, Koge turned her gaze up to the menu, even though she already knew exactly what she wanted. “You just help me study, I don’t cheat off you.” 
“Lies.” Bakugou looked at the menu as well, trying to decide if he wanted his usual or something else a bit stronger. “Are you getting your shit water?” 
“It’s not shit water, Katsuki. I just like black coffee. The bitterness is yum.” 
“Of course you do. Everything about you is bland and bitter.” 
“And yet, you want to be my friend, anyway. Oh, our turn.” 
Walking up to the register, the barista behind the counter smiled at them in her pleasant and annoying customer service act. “Hello! Can I get a name for your order?” 
“Oh! Bakugou? Bakugou Katsuki?” 
Scrunching up his face in confusion, Bakugou gave a nod, watching the woman as she took a few steps away. When she returned, she held a coffee in her hand, holding it out towards him. “Here you go!”
Taking the cup, Bakugou looked at the label, before turning his annoyed glare back to the barista. “The hell is this? I didn’t even order yet.” 
“No? That order was called in for you.” 
“Who the hell was it?! What name?!” 
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure… I didn’t take the call, so I don’t know the name of the person. They only indicated your name on the label. Do you want to throw it away? We can make another one for you.” 
After a moment of contemplation, Bakugou brought the hot coffee up to his lips and took a sip, the heavenly taste of his favorite coffee only further confusing him. It was exactly what he liked, down to the sweetness level and no whipped cream. 
It was another gift. 
Swallowing the liquid a bit louder than what he intended, he shook his head, glancing from the worried barista to the curious Koge who still stood beside him. “Nah, it’s… fine. But I’m going to buy her one.” He gave a casual nod to Koge, who stepped in a bit closer to order. 
“Just a large straight black coffee, please. You can put the name as Koge.” 
With a nod, the barista put in the order and took Bakugou’s payment, allowing the two to leave and await the coffee to be made. Their typical table up against the corner of the room free, they took their seats on the tall bar chairs. Bakugou had no problem sitting, watching Koge as she struggled to hop up without the chair falling over. He couldn’t help but chuckle, sly smirk on his face. “Shrimp.” 
“I can’t help that I’m tiny!” Koge finally got into place, putting her bag and scarf down on the table. 
“You’re a shrimp.” Bakugou mumbled, drinking from his coffee. Though, as he sipped, he couldn’t help but notice the way that Koge’s brow furrowed in confusion. Her eyes were on the cup. There wasn’t a choice now, he had to tell her about what had been going on that week. Placing the beverage down, he tapped his fingers against the cardboard protective sleeve. “This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten some weird shit like this…” 
“Hm?” Koge looked up at him, leaning forward a bit with her curiosity. “What do you mean?” 
Reaching into his bag, Bakugou pulled out the chips, which still had the green bow. He plopped it down onto the table with a sigh and a small shake of his head. He explained the situation to her, just as he had to his friends, though her silence and patience for him to finish was much more tolerable and comforting. Though, the fact that the silence continued after he finished made him anxious, wishing she’d just give him her opinion and not stare at the cup like she was a dead fish. 
Eventually, Koge gave a small hum, picking up the bag of chips to examine them. “So, someone has been leaving you gifts… And it’s all stuff that you really like, so it has to be someone that knows you. They must really like you to be putting in so much effort. Someone must have seen something, though, right? They couldn’t get away with putting it in such public places without being noticed at least a little.” 
Bakugou shrugged, glaring at the chips. “I don’t know. It’s so fucking irritating. Whoever it is should just come out and talk to me!” 
“What would you do?” Koge’s question caught him a bit off guard, along with her somewhat… uncomfortable gaze. Did this whole situation… bother her? 
Stuttering a bit, Bakugou reached up and rubbed his face. “I-I don’t fucking know! It depends on who it is! Fucking reject them, probably! There’s no one I--” 
“Straight black large coffee for Koge!” 
With the call of her order, Koge hopped off her chair. Unable to resist watching, Bakugou felt that heat return to his chest at the way her school uniform skirt flipped with her movement. It swayed with her landing and steps towards the counter, revealing just a hint of her bare thigh where her stockings stopped. He was glad that the barista had interrupted him in that moment, as the words that were about to come out of his mouth were nothing but flustered lies. Of course there was someone he liked, but by the way she acted, all these gifts weren’t from her. She was an awful liar, so if she was keeping something from him, he should be able to see it as he always had before. 
As Koge returned, she put her coffee down before hopping back up onto her chair, getting comfortable. “Sorry about that, Katsuki. What were you saying?” 
“Nothing.” Bakugou grumbled, eyes locked on his cup as his ears burned with embarrassment. “Just that I would reject them.” 
“You wouldn’t even give them a chance?” 
“Like I said, it depends on who it is! I can’t just accept someone’s feelings and go with it for no damn reason. I already know I wouldn’t be interested.” 
Koge gave a small nod, sipping from her drink. “Well, I wouldn’t stress yourself out about it too much. It’ll be hard to reject whoever it is when they come forward, but I’m always around if you want to talk about it.” 
“Yeah…” Bakugou’s agreement was barely audible, picking at the edge of the cardboard sleeve with his nails. “I’m not using any of the gifts yet… I’ll probably just give it all back. I can’t accept them.” 
“You’re drinking the coffee, though.” 
“Well, that’s free coffee, who the fuck would turn that away?” 
“I want to know who it is…” Koge whispered mostly to herself, brow furrowed as she tapped her nails against the table. Bakugou frowned, hoping that she wasn’t about to get really upset about it. 
“So I can tell them they’re making a huge mistake, of course.” The sly smirk that crossed her lips instantly made his embarrassment spike, the heat in his ears rushing to his cheeks. “You’d be the worst boyfriend.” 
“Excuse me?!” Bakugou snapped, ignoring the looks from other people around them. “I’d be a fucking awesome boyfriend! How would you know, anyway?! You’ve never dated anyone, either!” 
Koge began to laugh softly, covering her mouth. “So defensive! I’m just teasing you! You’d be a wonderful boyfriend. Especially with the things I’ve seen… Any girl would be lucky.” 
The heat only grew more severe in his cheeks, making Bakugou grumble and keep his eyes off her. What the hell is she trying to do, saying shit like that to me… I just can’t fucking tell her how I feel! “‘Any girl’ wouldn’t work.” 
“Hm, I agree… just ‘any boy’ wouldn’t work for me, either.” Koge looked at him almost… expectantly, as if she were waiting for a certain type of response. Why he couldn’t just spill the truth to her was horrifically frustrating. It was like his vocal cords became tied in knots at the mere thought of expressing his feelings, and the words would just not escape him. 
‘I’m not just any boy,’ he wanted to say. ‘And I’m crazy about you.’ 
“Tch, you’ll never get a boyfriend with that blank stare of yours, Utsuro!” Trying to literally drown out his embarrassment, he began to chug his coffee, wanting to get out of this situation and conversation as quickly as he could. It was dangerous, as any little slip or misspoken word would put them into a predicament that he wasn’t ready for. 
With a soft giggle, Koge leaned back a bit in her chair, looking towards the windows. “Looks like it’s starting to snow a bit. We should probably get going.” 
After finishing off his coffee, Bakugou nodded, hopping off his chair. Koge followed suit, wrapping her scarf back around her neck before slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Don’t forget your chips, Katsuki. You should at least eat those.” 
“No, I told you I’m going to give it all back.” He shoved the chips back into his bag before following her out of the coffee shop, throwing his cup away at the trashcan near the exit. 
“What if you get some really good stuff?” 
“Doesn’t matter. I can’t accept them…” 
Little did he know that he would receive exactly what she predicted. When they got to school on Monday, it started all over again, with finding a set of headphones inside of his shoes. Tuesday was a gift card to his favorite outdoor sports store. Wednesday was a box of meat buns. Thursday was a beanie. Friday was a couple of comic books. 
By now, his entire class knew what was going on, and none of them seemed guilty in any way. They did tease him, however, which only made him angrier. Was this seriously going to go on for the entire month, until winter break? 
He couldn’t stand it. He needed to know. 
“Utsuro, you have to help me!” Bakugou barked at his friend as he headed towards her down the hall, making her look up at him curiously. Class had just ended for Friday, and he had caught her on their way to the lockers to trade shoes and grab their umbrellas. It had been cold and raining that day, so Bakugou knew this would be his chance to talk to her without anyone else trying to stop him. “I need to figure this out!” 
“Still no clues?” Koge brought a finger to her chin, tapping her skin in thought as they continued down the hallway. “I haven’t seen anyone act suspicious or anything, I’ve been looking out for you since Monday. What’d you get today?” She took the comics from him carefully as he handed them to her, flipping through the pages to see if there were any notes left. There was nothing suspicious in any way, Bakugou knew that already, as he had flipped through every page methodically. 
“Whoever is doing this is a sneaky fucker! How are they able to hear my complaining about shit, figure out what I’ll like, and get it in places I’d find without me noticing!” 
“It’s probably not as hard as it seems.” Koge handed him the comics back. “They’ll probably slip up eventually. I’ll try to look more closely for you, Katsuki.” 
Bakugou sighed, rubbing his temple. “I’m going to go fucking insane!” 
The entire next week was even worse. Not only did he still receive gifts, but they were bigger and more expensive. Monday was a mini notebook laptop. Tuesday was a video game. Wednesday was a pack of his protein powder he used for working out. Thursday was a gift card to his favorite restaurant. Friday was a set of workout clothes. 
“All this shit is so personal!” Bakugou complained to Koge, laying on his bed with his cellphone resting beside him. Koge was on speaker, able to hear her typing away on her computer as she did some homework. “How is this possible?!” 
“I really don’t know, Katsuki… There are only two days left before winter break. I’m sure they’ll come forward either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. They have to.” 
“What if they never do? What if I’m tortured with the mystery forever!” 
“That won’t happen. It’s obvious they’re building up to something, right? Giving you all these big gifts this week. That little laptop is super sweet, I’m kinda jealous. It’s perfect for college notes and stuff.” 
Bakugou grumbled, rolling over onto his stomach and shoving his face into his pillow. “I hate it!” 
“Want to take a break from this and kill some zombies?” 
“... Yes.” 
His weekend went by calmly, with Koge’s company to keep him distracted from his frustrating predicament. And, much to his surprise, he received nothing that Monday or Tuesday. Not a single gift was left for him anywhere that he had seen. It was a relief, but the fact that no one confronted him by the end of each day only spiked his anxiety. Now, it was winter break, and not a single soul had said anything to him or shown any signs that they had wanted to. It was what he had feared most, to go through all of this with no resolution. It was only made worse by the fact that Koge had left early that day to go see her mother in a different city for the holidays, and she wouldn’t be back until morning. 
Me 7:05 pm: there was nothing! not a single fucking gift or anyone come talk to me! 
Utsuro 7:06 pm: I’m sorry, Katsuki. (⋟﹏⋞) Maybe they were just too scared in the end. Or they’re waiting until tomorrow? 
Me 7:08 pm: there isnt class tomorrow. if someone comes to my fucking house ill have to deal with my damn parents asking questions! 
Utsuro 7:11 pm: That would be weird of them to do, but I don’t know what else could happen. Unless they do something online? Or the phone? Just enjoy your holiday with your family and I’ll be by tomorrow. I have something for you. (*´∀`*)
Me 7:12 pm: i told you not to get me anything. 
Utsuro 7:13 pm: Too bad! (*ゝω・)ノ  Did you get something for me? (◕‿◕✿)
Me 7:15 pm: im not fucking telling you. brat. 
Utsuro 7:16 pm: (T_T)
Damn it, he hated those stupid text faces. Koge had an uncontrollable habit of using them in literally every single text she sent, no matter if it was a serious conversation or not. It was odd to Bakugou, how she very rarely showed outward signs of emotion, but her texts were full of them. Okay, maybe he didn’t hate them as much as he said, but sometimes he wished that she would copy and then paste them onto her own face so he could read her better. The way she hid her emotions, however subconsciously, drove him crazy sometimes. 
Then again, it made those times when she did smile, cry, or laugh uncontrollably with a huge grin on her face all the most special. What was more, it only ever happened around him, and Bakugou often felt an odd sense of… pride in that fact. That he was one of, if not the only, person who could prompt her to fully express herself during intense moments of emotion. An occasional small smile on her otherwise blank face wasn’t all that uncommon around others, but a full-on soft smile, a grin or scowl was something that only he had truly ever seen. Friends were something that Koge didn’t have, outside of who she had met through him, so growing so comfortable on the level that she was with him was something not so easily accomplished. 
He had to admit in that moment that he missed her. It was incredible, how much he craved her company, and yet didn’t have the guts to ask her out. He just didn’t know when, how, or what her reaction might be. What if he was misreading her, assuming that her actions he saw as flirtatious was nothing more than friendly in her eyes. 
After walking to his home in silence for a while, he paused at the entrance, pulling his phone from his pocket to read a message he had ignored. 
Utsuro 7:31 pm: Miss you. v(*・ω・*)
Me 7:50 pm: yeah. see you tomorrow, utsuro. 
Utsuro 7:52 pm: (⺣◡⺣)ノ’’
Tomorrow came faster than what Bakugou had expected. He spent most of his time lost in thought, with the holiday celebration going by in a blur. His sleep was restless, mind racing with thoughts of what could happen in the morning. Would that person finally reveal themselves? Would he finally feel the pressure to spill his guts to Koge? Or would he be a coward like he had been for the past three years of their high school careers. He felt like if he didn’t do it soon, then college life would whisk her away from him. In truth, he couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her with another man, and if that wasn’t proof enough that he wanted her, then he didn’t know what was. 
Morning came and brought snow with it. After a shower, Bakugou prepped Koge’s gift and awaited her arrival. After a simple text from her that said she was on the train, his anxiety about her arrival spiked, and he found himself out in the snow. Oddly enough, the ground was covered with a couple of inches, more than what they had seen yet that winter. It crunched beneath his boots with each wandering step, the sound being oddly pleasant to his ears. Why her arrival was making him so nervous was something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. 
He had thought that, perhaps, all these gifts were from her. It didn’t make much sense for them to be, but after a while of considering it, he really wanted it to be. He wanted the person to be her because then things would work out perfectly. Her feelings and intentions would be obvious at that point, and then he could just spill his guts to her.
After a good hour of his brain going back and forth, he could hear crunching in the snow that wasn’t himself. Soon enough, the petite woman appeared from behind the wall that surrounded his home, giving him a wave as she entered the gate. “Hey, Katsuki! Were you waiting outside for me?” 
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Bakugou met her halfway through the yard, giving a shake of his head. “No! I just wanted to be out in the snow.” 
Koge raised an eyebrow at him, tilting her head to the side a bit in that irresistible way that strangled his heart. The small smile on her lips didn’t help, but he did his best to ignore it. “Well, the snow is really nice today. Want to go inside now?” 
“No… My parents will be irritating. I’d rather stay out here a bit…” 
“Are you okay, Katsuki? You seem kind of upset.” Koge placed her hand tenderly on his upper arm, as she usually did when she was trying to comfort him. Bakugou sighed, vision momentarily clouded by the steam created by his warm breath. 
“This whole fucking thing has just got me really frustrated. I just want to fucking know!” 
With a small, understanding hum, Koge reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box, tied closed with a ribbon. “Well… Maybe this will help you feel better.” Bakugou took the gift with only slight hesitation, watching her face for a moment before he began to pull the ribbon apart. The amount of confusion that rushed through him when he pulled off the lid was something he hadn’t been prepared for, and there was nothing he could do to control expressing it verbally. 
“The fuck? What are these?” Giving Koge an annoyed glance, he began to finger through the pieces of paper, very quickly beginning to realize that they were-
“Receipts.” Koge confirmed his suspicions, though her voice waived with her own nervousness. “Read one.” 
Picking one that was from an electronics store he was familiar with, he read the purchased items out loud. “Wireless headphones and… a notebook laptop.” As the realization dawned on him, his confused glare caught her timid gaze, surprised to see that her cheeks were flushed. “It… was you. It was you!” 
Apprehensive to admit it, Koge nodded, taking a few steps back as Bakugou dropped the box. “Y-yes. It was me.” Koge’s eyes darted down to look at his hands, knowing his aggressive posture all too well. “I’m your Secret Santa! ACK, KATSUKI!!” 
She was able to dodge his advances by the skin of her teeth, nearly falling back herself as Bakugou tried to tackle her down into the snow. Laughing, she took off running across the yard, leaving Bakugou to catch his footing and stop himself from sliding into a nearby tree. “Utsuro, get your stupid ass back here! I’m going to bury you in snow, you fucking brat!” 
“Gotta catch me first! OW!” A snowball to the back of the head made Koge stumble, giving Bakugou the perfect opportunity to bring her down. Throwing them both down into the snow, they rolled for a moment until he had her pinned beneath him, her arms held up above her head. 
“You’re a sneaky little bitch! You seriously did ALL of that?!” 
Koge’s smile was still wide across her face, her cheeks only flushing darker as she gave his hips a squeeze with her knees. “Of course it was me! You think anyone else could pull off something like that without being noticed? Or who knows exactly what coffee you love? I did really good at faking it, though, didn’t I?” 
“Don’t try to be all smart about it! Do you know what type of shit I went through trying to figure this out? Worrying about it? Thinking up scenarios in my head? Making myself sick trying to figure out what I would say to reject the other person or what I would do if it was you?” 
“What will you do?” 
Again, her question caught him off guard, just as it had the first time she asked him in the coffee shop. His frustration was smothered, realization taking its place with each subtle hint he received from her. The raging blush on her cheeks and soft gaze. Her breasts pressing against his chest with each heavy breath. His hips squeezed between her legs, as if she were desperately trying to hold him in place. Her smile had faded with the question, and now her lips rested slightly parted, enticing and inviting. 
At this point, there was only one thing he could do. 
So, he kissed her. Softly at first, a tender brushing of the lips to test her reaction. Then, as her arms slipped from his grip and around his neck, he kissed her passionately. The warmth that filled his chest rushed through every inch of his body, making his skin tingle like he was being shocked with electricity. She was so soft, so receptive to his raging inferno that she allowed herself to be consumed by his fire with eager enthusiasm. 
It was difficult to find it within himself to release her, wanting nothing more than to be intimate with her like this for as long as he could. For a moment, a thought flashed through his mind that this could be the only time they would ever kiss. But, as he looked down at her, pale blue glaze teary and sparkling like glass, filled to the brim with absolute adoration and wanting for him, he knew that it wouldn’t be. They wanted each other, and there was no way in hell he was going to let her slip through his fingers. 
“That’s not exactly what I had expected.” Koge spoke breathlessly, smiling against his lips. “But I can say it’s what I wanted.” 
“What exactly did you want?” 
“You, Katsuki. I… I didn’t know how to just come out and say it. I had hoped I’d be able to in a more… blunt way. I was just so scared that you wouldn’t want me.” 
“That’s stupid to think that. I told you, Koge… I wouldn’t want just any girl. But you… You’re what I want. I didn’t know how to say it either…” 
Koge kissed him again softly, making his heart flutter. It only confirmed how strongly he felt for her, and there wasn’t anything to stop him now. 
“You’ll… be my girlfriend, then.” 
“Was that a question or a demand?” 
“A question! Fuck, don’t be a smart ass.” 
Giggling, Koge gave his cheek a strong, playful kiss as she hugged him tightly. “Of course I will! I’ve never wanted anything more!” 
“Good. But you’re still going to pay for putting me through all that shit!” 
“Later you can make me pay. For now, where’s my gift?!” 
“Excuse me? You can’t just demand your gift! Hey, get out of my pockets!” 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 10: Mistletoe |
“I fucking hate mistletoe. (¬_¬)”
“You have to kiss me. It’s the rules. (*´∀`*)“
Main art blog: @hvalrossart
twitter | etsy
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Salty Surprise
@bnha-christmas2019  | Day 21: Baking | Bakugou x Koge (OC) Featuring Natsuki | Everyone | N/A
“Uh, Natsuki, what do you think you’re doing?” 
Currently struggling to get some bowls, spoons and whisks up on the kitchen island countertop, Natsuki peered up at Bakugou through her bangs, huffing in frustration. “I’m trying to get this stuff up here! Isn’t that obvious, Daddy?” 
“Don’t be smart with me, Natsu.” Bakugou made his way over to his young daughter, helping her get the pile of kitchen utensils in place. “Why are you messing with all this stuff?” As he glanced around the rest of the mess she had so expertly created, he could see that everything was either instruments or ingredients to do some type of baking project. He knew that she had shown a real interest in baking recently, but at eight years old, the tiny girl shouldn’t be messing with any of this stuff unsupervised. 
“I just wanted to bake some Christmas cookies!” Dressed in her tiny apron that her mother had bought her, Natsuki hopped off her stool and trotted over to the refrigerator, searching for whatever it is she needed. “You and Mama have been so busy lately that we haven’t gotten to yet, and it’s only five days until Christmas!” 
Small frown crossing his lips, Bakugou felt a twinge of guilt at the disappointment she must have been feeling. Ever since she was four years old, they had made it a tradition to make cookies together as a family. But this year, it had yet to happen, since both Koge and Bakugou had been horribly busy. In fact, he hadn’t had a single day off until today, but that didn’t matter much since Koge was off on a business trip and his two sons were with their grandparents. The thought of baking cookies hadn’t even crossed his mind, but the ever vigilant little Natsuki had remembered. 
Walking over, Bakugou placed his hand on the top of her head to stop her from bouncing up to try and reach the eggs, getting them down for her instead. “I’m sorry, Natsuki.” Handing the box to her, he squatted down to be closer to her height, resting his elbows on his thighs. “I know that we haven’t had time to do cookies just yet. But I have today off. How about you and I bake them, and we surprise Mom and your brothers when they all get home?” 
Wide smile crossing her face, Natsuki nodded, her wild blonde hair bouncing about in its high ponytail. “Okay! But I want to do the mixing and stuff! I did so good during Halloween, and I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally want to learn how to do it all by myself!” 
“You got it.” Pulling her in closer, Bakugou gave her a playful kiss on the cheek, making her giggle with a snort. Standing, Bakugou took a quick glance back at the kitchen island, seeing that they were still missing the milk as well. So, he grabbed it and followed her back to the prepping area. “What type of cookies did you want to make?” 
“Our special Christmas Cookies! Mama has the recipe always on the fridge, so I have it here.” Natsuki poked a petite finger onto the piece of paper, which was splotched and tattered with use over many years. “I got out all the ingredients from the pantry and the mixing thingies. Daddy, you have to help me with things I can’t reach, okay?” 
Amused smile on his lips, Bakugou leaned on the countertop, propped up by his arms. “Yes Ma’am. I’ll be the reacher.” 
“And the decorator assistant. I’m the mixer and decorator… uh. President.” Reaching over, she pulled all the ingredients towards her, before setting up two bowls. Bakugou kept his chuckling to himself, not wanting to embarrass her while she was doing such a great job of being so independent. As always, he was proud of her for being so confident, and he didn’t want to take this chance away from her. 
“Okay Ms. Cookie President. What’s the first order of business?” 
“Dry ingre- ingra, uhm--” 
“Ingredients! Sugar and flour and salt!” 
Natsuki paused for a moment before she snatched onto the small box, pulling it to her as well. “Baking soda!” 
While Natsuki worked to measure and fill the first bowl with the dry ingredients, Bakugou went to turn on the oven to preheat it, as well as clean up a bit after the mess she had already made. Though, when she poured the flour, he couldn’t resist the small smirk from crossing his lips as he felt a bit… devious. 
“Ah wait, Natsuki!” He came up beside her, peering down into the bowl like there was a problem. Confused, Natsuki glanced up from his face to the bowl and back again, brow furrowed with worry. 
“What, Daddy? What’s wrong?” 
“There’s something…” Carefully, he reached into the bowl, picking up a decent sized pinch of flower. Bringing it up to his face, he observed it for a moment, waiting until Natsuki was in the perfect position. Then, with a puff, he blew the powder into her face, making her squeal and sputter. 
“Ack, Daddy!” 
Snickering, there wasn’t much Bakugou could do but catch her as she leaped off the stool onto him, her arms latching around his neck as she growled viciously. Somehow, she crawled her way up until she was sitting on his shoulders, her legs wrapping around his neck as she dug her fingers into his hair. Bakugou could only laugh, not at all perturbed by her tiny body and act of revenge. “Oh no, the little gremlin got me!” 
“You’re gonna get it now, Dadd- EEK!” Before Natsuki could stick her fingers in his ears like she planned, Bakugou leaned forward, forcing her to clutch onto his head for dear life as she was turned upside down. Of course, Bakugou kept a good grip on her so she wouldn’t fall, unable to resist the wide smirk on his lips as she flailed. 
“Oh, am I? It looks more like you’re the one getting beat here, Natsu-- gah, hey! Fingers out of the ears!” 
Laughing victoriously, Natsuki kept her fingers in place as Bakugou stood back up, but she was forced to release him as he shook his head and pulled her back around to his front. “That’s what you get for blowing powder in my face!” 
Pressing his lips against her cheek, he blew a huge raspberry against her skin, making the young girl squeak and laugh. Once he pulled away, Bakugou peeled her off him and plopped her back down onto her stool, ruffling her hair roughly. “Alright squid, let’s get back to it.” 
“You’d better not do that again! Or I’ll crack an egg on your head! Then you’d be an egghead.” 
The baking went on in the same fashion, with some progress made in between playful antics. Before they knew it, they had four batches of cookies cooked, and once they were cooled, they were put into a bowl to be decorated. 
“Daddy, should we try one before we decorate them?” Natsuki picked up two cookies from the bowl, a star and a tree. Taking the tree from her as she handed it to him, Bakugou looked the perfectly baked cookie over a bit. 
“Sure. That way if they’re gross, we’ll know we have to start over before decorating them.” 
“They won’t be gross!” Natsuki chomped down onto the cookie at the same time that Bakugou did, but after only a few seconds of chewing, she squealed and shook her head in disgust. “Oh ewie! Ew, ew!” Hopping off her stool, she ran over to the trashcan and spit the cookie out. 
A bit perturbed, Bakugou ate his cookie without any issues, finding that they were actually pretty delicious. “What’s wrong, Natsu?” 
“It tastes so bad! Like I drank sea water!” Glaring at the star shaped cooking in her hand, she made her way back over to the stool, climbing up and glaring into the bowl of cookies. “They are gross!” 
“Are you sure…?” Brow furrowing, Bakugou held out his hand, allowing her to plop the star into his waiting palm. Immediately after taking a bite, he couldn’t resist physically cringing, using every ounce of self-control to not spit it out all over the counter. “Damn that’s salty! That’s so weird, mine tastes fine.” 
“Really?” Natsuki took the tree shaped cookie from him, taking a timid nibble. Once she was sure it was okay, she took a full-on bite, her brow furrowed in confusion. “What happened?!” 
“I think you might have mixed up the amount of salt and sugar in one of the batches, babygirl.” 
“Oh no… How will we tell the difference?! We can’t take a bite out of each one!” Pout on her lips, Natsuki leaned her elbows on the counter, resting her cheeks on her hands in defeat. “I ruined them…” 
“No you didn’t, squid.” Fingering through the cookies a bit, Bakugou suddenly got an idea. It was a horribly mean idea, one that would surely make people mad at them, but he knew that it would be hilarious. And, with Natsuki’s mischievous nature, she would be all for it. “Hey Natsu, I have an idea.” 
Looking up at him curiously, Natsuki pushed herself up to stand on her toes. “What is it?” 
“How about we still decorate all these cookies like normal,” Bakugou spoke in a whisper, as if he were worried someone might hear them, even if they were alone in the house. “Then it will be a game of chance. Who will get the nasty cookies? We can even give some to your Uncle Seiji and Doey.” 
A smirk just as malicious as his own spread across Natsuki’s lips, rubbing her hands together like she was an evil villain. “Hehehe, yes! Yes! Daddy, that’s perfect! It will be so funny!” 
“We should pretend that we don’t even know about it, too. Deal.” He reached a hand out towards her, which the little girl shook with eager enthusiasm. 
Hours later, Koge returned home from her business trip, greeted by her husband and daughter with hugs and kisses. Once settled, she followed Natsuki into the kitchen, though it was more like she was being dragged along by the hand. 
“Mama, look! I made cookies!” 
“Oh, you did!” Koge smiled as she observed the bowl of decorated Christmas cookies, glancing up at Bakugou as he walked into the kitchen behind them. “What a surprise! I thought something smelled good in here.” Scooping up her daughter, Koge sat her down on the kitchen island countertop, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. “You’re so good.” 
Giggling, Natsuki wiggled in her spot, looking over towards Bakugou expectantly. “Daddy helped, too! Look, look! Try that tree!” Unbeknownst to Koge, Natsuki knew for a fact that the green tree cookie was a salty one, since her and Bakugou had learned to recognize the difference in the outside texture of the cookie during decorating. 
Picking up the indicated tree, Koge didn’t hesitate to take a bite, but there was no reaction like what had been expected. “Mm!” Koge smiled, paying little attention to the shocked and confused look on Natsuki’s face. “These are very good!” 
“Seriously, Utsuro?” Bakugou couldn’t resist asking, feeling his stomach churn as she took another bite. “It’s… good?” 
“Yeah! It’s delicious. You might have just used a tiny pinch of too much salt in them, but I think they’re great. Good job, baby.” Koge placed another kiss on Natsuki’s cheek before grabbing three more cookies, heading up to Bakugou. Holding up a cookie to his mouth, Bakugou reacted on impulse, taking a bite of the same tree cookie Koge had already been eating. The urge to gag at the salty taste was strong, but he resisted, eating it as normal as he could. 
“Mm... yeah. Yum. Good.” 
Smiling, Koge kissed him softly, completely oblivious. “Thank you, my love. It was very nice of you to do this. I’ll go get some boxes so we can pack some up for gifts!” As she left, Bakugou turned his shocked gaze to Natsuki. 
“Daddy… She can’t taste it!” 
“Damn… quick, dig out the bad ones! We can’t give them away now!” 
“Our genius trick is ruined!” 
Standing out in the hallway, Koge couldn’t resist the small smirk on her lips, nibbling at the salty cookie triumphantly. Of course she could tell the cookies were bad, even with her high sodium tolerance caused by her quirk. But there was no way she was going to give the naughty pair the satisfaction of tricking her. 
Koge one, brats zero. 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Sleepy and Toasty
@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 4: Fireplace Comfort | Bakugou x Koge (OC) ft. baby Matsuki | Teen | Cursing
“You think you have enough blankets? Damn, be careful not to catch on fire.” Bakugou glowered at his lover as he walked into the living room of their home, seeing her flopped onto the floor with piles of blankets on top of her right beside the fireplace. Only her head was peeking out, pale blue eyes turning to look up at him out from behind messy white hair. 
“Katsuki! Finally, you’re home, it’s so cold in this house! The snow shut down the power for the whole neighborhood, this is the only way I can stay warm.” Koge pouted up at him, watching as he began to strip himself of his layers of winter clothes. Scarf first, then gloves, both jackets, and his boots were removed and left at the entrance of their home. Feet shoved into his slippers, Bakugou began to make his way towards her, glancing around the house to see that there was indeed no power at all. 
Once he reached her, he squatted down beside her, gently moving some hair out of her face. “And Matsuki?” 
Carefully, Koge pulled back the blankets from her torso, revealing their infant son sleeping soundly against her chest, bundled up and warm. “I’ve been able to keep him warmer than I have myself. He hasn’t had a problem since the power went out.” 
“Good. It looks nice and comfortable in there. Got room for me?” Bakugou couldn’t resist the smirk on his lips as Koge giggled with a teasing pinch to her cheek. 
“Hey! Yes, of course there’s room. I even have a pillow here for you already.” 
“I’ll go change.” After sharing a quick kiss, Bakugou left his lover to head upstairs, not hearing the small sigh leave her lips. Carefully adjusting the nearly one-year old baby in her arms in preparation for his return, Koge temporarily sat up to make the moving easier. Matsuki was out like a light, having just been fed a good amount and plenty of playtime. The warmth of the extra blankets was keeping him content as well, which was something Koge was happy for. His health was something she immediately thought of when the power went out, so worried about him getting too cold that she took action as quickly as she could. The fireplace was lit, a comfortable little pile of blankets and pillows was made, and they cuddled while she awaited the arrival of his father. 
Bakugou was quick to return to them, dressed in sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt that was sure to add to the warmth. “It is damn cold in here,” He huffed as he flopped to sit down beside her, lifting the top blankets to slip his legs under. “I guess your blanket hoarding comes in handy sometimes.” 
Koge smiled at him as he laid down, waiting until he was settled before she moved. “My blankets have always been handy. We both use them all the time. You want him?” 
With a nod, Bakugou allowed Koge to lay Matsuki on his chest, holding the child in place with one hand. Koge took her place against his side, resting her head on his shoulder and legs intertwining with his. Blankets back in place, she let out a happy sigh, nuzzling her nose against his neck as he gave her a firm squeeze. “This is the best. So cozy.” 
“It’s a pretty good idea. Sometimes you have those.” 
“Shush.” Koge kissed his neck softly, turning her attention to their son as she gently stroked his blonde fluffy hair that was a near perfect match to his fathers. “Don’t be a smartass, Katsuki.” 
“You cussed.” 
“He’s asleep, it doesn’t count.” Giving a small stretch, she couldn’t help but wiggle her toes in happiness of the warmth that surrounded her. “Mm… My toes have never been so toasty.” Bakugou gave a soft chuckle, resting his head against hers. 
“Toasty toes? That’s all that’s toasty?” 
“All of me is toasty. You know, Katsuki… These are the moments that I love the most. Just us, together… No distractions. Calm and cuddles.” Her hand moved away from her sons hair to caress Bakugou’s neck, softly running her fingers along his jawline. “Me, you, and the baby…” 
Bakugou gave a soft grunt in agreement, his eyes locked on the ceiling. Feeling Matsuki wiggle a bit, he began to softly stroke up and down the baby boys back, glad when he settled back down right away. “It’s what I needed today after work… I swear, sometimes it takes me forever to warm up in the winter, especially on days like this with heavy winds. I was the worst today.” 
“Hm, I don’t believe that you were the worst, love. Bad days happen. But you’re home now,” Sitting up a bit, Koge caressed his cheek, kissing his lips softly. “Just relax… You have us here for you, now.” 
Another soft and loving kiss was shared between the two before Koge cuddled back up against his side, her face nuzzled up against his neck. Bakugou gave a heavy yawn, his eyes growing heavy from warmth and comfort. “Fuck, this is too comfortable.” 
“Ah, you cursed.” 
“He’s asleep, right? It doesn’t count.” 
“How dare you use my logic against me.” 
“Shut up, Utsuro. I love you.” 
Giggling softly, Koge smiled against his skin, watching the sleepy face of her son as he nuzzled his face into Bakugou’s shirt. “I love you, too. Take a nap if you want to, Katsuki.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yes. That way I can sneak pictures of both my cute, sleepy boys.” 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
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@bnha-christmas2019 | Day 13: Snow Sports |
Main art blog: @hvalrossart
twitter | etsy
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