#bnha bakugou kasuki x reader
Brain rot about morning walks with Bakugo...
Fluff, fluff, and more fluff
~gn!reader x Bakugo~
Just thinking about waking up to a gentle shake from your boyfriend, Bakugo. Who’s prepared food for you, breakfast in bed while he packs you a water bottle, and anything else you might need. I feel like he would be so gentle this early in the morning, still groggy from sleep, but awake enough to still be vigilant if needed. He cares about your health so much, making sure you drink your water and taking breaks as needed. Walking in comfortable silence as the sun begins to rise and the city slowly starts to wake up. It’s quiet and peaceful. You and your boyfriend enjoying the time spent together before he goes off to work. I’m thinking about morning walks with Bakugo...
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Ocean Eyes, or Something More?
A/N: Lowkey hate this, I rushed the ending and ijfbvfvbf, I wanna rewrite it! But I hope you enjoy this anyways. I’ll be posting more soon promise. 
However! Enjoy another beautiful server prompt for mha & readers discord server! I’ll be posting the masterlist later today, so keep a watch for that!! 
Pairing: Commodore!aka Officer!Bakugou Katsuki x Pirate!Fem!Reader
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The spray of the sea landed upon your face; licking your lips at the assault, you were pleased to find the bitter sting of salt because of it. The smell of the water contradicted its taste, the sweet aroma of the waves still one of many that you haven’t gone nose blind to. The never ending blue surrounding you above and below was an almost blinding sight, yet there was never another sight you would rather gaze at. Never could another place hold itself so dearly in your heart such as this. This was your life; a life of freedom and honor, as much honor as a born and bred pirate could scrape together anyways.
The winds that blew against the durable sails urged your beauty of a ship forward, closer to the destination you were seeking. You kept your excitement at bay, knowing that this mission you’ve taken upon yourself was that  of great importance. 
“Cap’n, we be close to the shores of Sinehpor, the rest await yer orders.” Your right hand breaks your thoughts, and you glance over at him. 
Kirishima was a fine second mate, brave and upheld your honor more than anyone else ever had. A true man you trusted by your side, trusted with your life. You granted his presence with a nod, eyes going back to scan your crew.
“Thank ye, Kirishima. Have everyone prepare for shore, tis will be a night o’ drinkin’ for em all.”
“Aye, already done, Cap’n.” He grinned, motioning to the members preparing the sails and locking up some of the more precious items below deck. 
“Good,” you glance over the waters to spot the shoreline approaching the distance, “Ye already know why we be here, Kirishima.”
“Aye, the true reason. We be sure to get that map from the scoundrel. This be one of the biggest hauls yet, Cap’n.”
“So it shall,” you laugh heartily before raising your voice for everyone to hear, “Avast! All hands hoay me hearties, we be sailin’ into the docks of Sinehpor. Ye be knowin’ what that means!”
The cheers and happiness was contagious, goodwill spreading all along the ship. You nod at Kirishima as he went below to help the rest.
Tonight your men would be destroying their livers on the finest rum they could get a hold of, reaping the benefits of land after their time on the ship without rest. You had finished up a job, and were now without much purpose other than sailing. With your mates growing antsy for more work, and you itching for a new conquest, you figured it’d be beneficial to kill two birds with one stone.
Sinehpor was a well known trading dock that many came to for more than just their merchant carts; Sinehpor was also known to have some of the finest taverns and festivals, seen as more of a party district than one of trading. However, that title was swept under the rug, trading as a front to stay out of too much trouble from the royal navy and their annoying habits to shut down anything that was deemed fun. You've had your run in with the royal navy more than once, nothing more than a capture, since you always managed to escape before they could do anything more than that. 
You maneuvered your ship to a bare part of the port, docking your ship as you prepared to descend the ship. Making sure to give your crew a knowing look, silently commanding them to not seek out too much trouble, before letting them depart. You were the last to walk down the plank board, Kirishima waiting faithfully at the bottom for you. Your sea legs were noticeable as you walked towards the keeper, putting on an indifferent face as he gaped at your figure.
You understood, receiving this look on more than one account, while female pirates were rare they were still a thing; a female captain on the other hand was almost unthinkable to most. 
“It’s one shilling to dock, uh, ma’am.” 
You reach for your cloth bag while maintaining eye contact, pulling out more than what was asked for, throwing the shillings onto his record book.  You tip your head slowly, captain hat proudly atop your head as it followed your motions. You stroll away, smirk taking over as you hear him mumble a random name for the records. 
Your name wasn’t something you gave away so freely, not even your given name;
The legendary devil who roams the waters with ‘his’ crew born straight from hell. Well, that’s what they say anyways. There was not a man alive who hadn’t heard the tale of Diablo and ‘his’ deadly crew, who always got away with the fastest ship there was. Your ship, Hell Born Serpent, wasn’t given names on false pretenses. It was the fastest ship you have ever encountered, it’s shape helped its speed and agility in the water, ‘snaking’ through the water before disappearing from view. There was no one alive who wanted to go head to head with your crew, not a sane one anyways. You yourself had fought tooth and nail to gain your own title of legend, and you would continue fighting to your death.
Speaking of legends, you focused your mind on your purpose here. You had heard prior that an old acquaintance, of yours would still be here by this time. That he’d be taking residence for a short time before moving on again, sneaky old rouge. With these rumors around of his whereabouts, you were sure he could be gone any day, so you had to make sure you caught him before he did. He had what you wanted, what would give you work and make an even bigger name for you and your crew.
The map to Eazam Island itself, the one and only island of bone that was foretold to be full of riches beyond a man's wildest dreams. They say it’s just one of legend, a story for weary sailors, but what is another legend under your belt? If there was to be anyone to snatch the gold and live to boast of the easy capture, well that would only be your crew of course. 
You both reached a bar you knew well, hidden among other buildings but still one of quite busy, the dim lights and smells of food and drink bringing back memories of past adventures. 
A wild set of raven hair quickly catches your attention, and your smirk widens. You wave off Kirishima, allowing him to wander off to a table and relax with a pint; although you were sure he would do no such thing, opting to watch over the interaction in case of foul play. You dearly hope a barmaid will draw his attention away and let him have some fun, what good would it be to have come here if he didn’t.
Another catches your attention, making eye contact with one of your crew mates as he lifts a mug in salute to you, drowning it in one go. His eyes grow hazy and face flush before he barks out a laugh, pulling two barmaids closer to his side with a giggle in his voice, their faces heating up while they fall for his charms. That was your very own Denki of the Dames, a hit with the ladies sure, but as you take one final glance to see his slurred words and wobbly stature…
You knew he should have been called lightweight instead, he was always three sheets to the wind after two measly grogs. 
You see a few others sitting together, their names definitely matching: Abyss eyed Ashido, the bat of her eyes said to hypnotize anyone she wishes, and Quick Slip Sero, who you did trust wholeheartedly to get out of any sticky situation. You merely called them their names, not out of disrespect but for that of fondness. Each member was your family, and you made it known to them all.
You turn away from them, licking your lips in anticipation as you keep your sights locked onto your main target. You saunter towards your prey, taking the spot directly next to him at the bar. 
“I was wonderin’ when you’d show, doll. Your lackies aren’t the most subtle, ya know.”
“Sorry to keep ye waitin’, inferno.” You tap the bar for a drink, ignoring the way your company clicks his tongue at the name. You nod at the bartender, slugging back a few gulps before peering over the rim of the mug to see blue eyes piercing into your soul. Blue like your beloved waters, but these were nothing in comparison to the beauty you saw daily. 
“How many times will ya insist on calling me that wretched name, Diablo.”
“I think it suits ye pretty well, don’t ye think?”
“I never asked to be called-”
“Neither did I mine, yet here we be. Two ol salts drinkin’ in a measly pub together, wit names neither wan. So cut the hostility, Dabi, an jus drink yer rum before I do.”
He hummed, voice cutting deep and reminding you of forbidden nights shared together, before taking a drink of his own cup.
The noises of the rowdy bar infiltrated your ears, however silence between the two of you louder than that. You weren’t one to beat around the bush, so you broke the silence and went in for the kill.
“Now, why don’ ye be nice an’ help me get me hands on that map, ha?”
“What map is that, doll.”
“Map to Eazam, what else.”
“Hm, now, what kind of place would that be.”
You sent a glare through the corner of your eye, deadly (e/c) meeting haughty blue.
“Don’ be testing me now, Dabi. Best ye spill it before I grow angry.”
The tension was thick, neither stare wavering as you both tried to win a silent match. Stormy seas and cannon fire filled a single share look, till Dabi grunted and looked down into his drink. 
“Who even says I have it to give it to ya, Diablo.”
“Ye always have what i’m lookin’ for, Inferno.”
“Oh,” his smirk grew, tongue trailing between parted lips, “I do, ay? Maybe you can give me what I always be looking for, then.”
“We ended that a long time ago, don’ be startin’ things ye know is impossible.” You hiss, annoyed at his diversion.
“This could also be something considered impossible, ya know.” Dabi chuckled, finishing his drink before throwing enough for the tab.
“Ye know me crew and I are the impossible, Inferno. You’ll get yer cut for the map, of course. I’m not cruel.” You grin wickedly, spilling your own pockets for the rum as you drown the rest, slamming the cup atop the counter. 
His eyes rolled at yoru dramatics, glaring at the redhead across the bar.
“I see ol’ second rate still watches you like a lost seadog searching for land.”
You raise your chin, telling Kirishima to stay put as he glared at the man beside you. He nodded at your request, staying put as you both made your way to the back entrance of the pub.
“Watch the way ye be talkin’ about my right hand, Inferno.”
“Aye, of course Cap’n.” He mocks, the back door closing behind him as you both walk down the empty alley. 
Dabi takes you a few ways away, back towards the docks as he heads towards his own ship-nothing as extravagant as your own. As soon as you both are to board the ship, a whistle puts you both on guard. 
You glance behind you to see two naval sailors, both men watching the two of you.
“Pardon the intrusion, all docks are to be cleared until ship inspection is over.” The one with dark hair speaks up, a formal voice for a formal guard.
“Sirs, ship inspection? There is no such thing, if I may be so bold.” Dabi speaks out, voice taut as his hands itch to grab his pistol. 
You send him a sharp glare, knowing any wrong moves could blow this whole situation out of the waters. The men take in both of your attire, and you hold back a scoff at the judgment in their eyes. All naval personnel were the same, there was only one man who granted you a judgment free stare. You haven’t seen him in years, and you hoped you never would. He was the best commanding officer they had, if you were to be caught by him it was over. 
“We are inspecting to make sure all ships that are documented are present, and there are none without the proper paperwork. That is all.” The cool voice of the second sailor spoke out, his scar on his left eye giving hint that these men were no pushovers. 
“There will be no trouble, we were just leaving.” Your voice commanded, motioning Dabi to follow as you attempted to walk past the two men. 
They seemed to also want no trouble, letting you walk by until a booming voice halted all movement.
“Who are these people walking along the docks, can you two do your jobs properly?!” The snarling tone captivated you, yet you felt all of that leave as soon as a hand grabbed your upper arm. 
You were quickly spun, red hot gaze burning into your own. You couldn’t help your eye twitching in annoyance, and that only seemed to set him off. He looked you up and down, gaze still on you as he spoke out to the others.
“You were just about to let a couple of pirates walk off, you imbeciles.”
“Pirates? Ye must be mistaken,” you say coolly, trying to remove his hold on you, “We be here for the fine tradin’ posts, of course.”
Strong jaw clenches, and his warm hands grab at you harder till he forcefully moves your sleeve up. The two scars that circled your wrist and branded you as a pirate were now in plain view, your tattoo resting right above it. You sigh, annoyed more than anything with all of the manhandling. 
“Trading posts, of course.” His snide and mocking tone pissed you off more.
Guns were drawn, and you knew there was no way you could ever dodge those.
“Come now gentlemen, we don’t want any unnecessary blood spilling, do we?” A cool smirk came from your companion, and the man holding you quickly grabbed Dabi’s arm to check for his pirate mark as well. 
“Seems you’re not one of them. I suggest you leave before I charge you as an accomplice.” 
Dabi mock bowed before stepping away, hands up in false surrender as he did. 
You expected nothing more from the coward, the man may not be considered a pirate but he surely acts as one. 
However, he was more shady than he was worth.
“Ye rat bastard-”
“I would be quiet now, pirate. I hereby arrest you on accounts of treason against the crown.”
“If ye shall be adressin’ me, ye shall do it properly. It be Cap’n to the likes of ya.” You huff, glaring at the guns still pointed at your head.
You had no chance of taking 3 men on alone, especially now that Dabi had left. You’d just have to wait it out, see what these men were capable of and then escape accordingly. 
“Captain?” The sailor with glasses gaped, and you turn with a smug smile.
“Aye, ye have never seen a woman cap’n before, ha?”
“Woman or not, a pirate is a pirate. Captain…” The blonde holding onto you gazed at your tattoo, only to have his eyes widen. 
“What is it, Bakugou.” The one with the scar spoke out, causing this Bakugou to stare at you.
“You’re el Diablo.” 
It was a statement rather than a question, and you shrug indifferently before pulling your arm from his hold. Instantly feeling the breeze cooling the warm skin he once held. 
“Diablo? He’s said to be well, a man.” 
“Does she look like a man to you?” Bakugou snarled, annoyed as he tugged cuffs from his waist. 
“Oh,” your eyes scan the item, “Commodore, I don’ think this be the best time for ye to try anything like that out on me. Not until i get a couple o’ grogs in me system first.”
You speak suggestively, wincing as he clamps on the cuffs tight. The dug into your skin painfully, cold metal feeling like flames on your wrist. 
“Watch your tongue, Captain. I may just cut it off.”
You were then dragged by the man to the naval ship, a large one with the name ‘Queens Jewel’ painted along the side. Forced up on the deck, you felt the stares of different official sailors. You keep a smirk on your lips, not trying to give more than needed. 
A hand dug itself into your shoulder as you were forced below, a row of cell blocks coming into view. You glance for keys, or any sort of escape, but red meets your wandering (e/c).
“You wont find anything in here, my crew isn’t as stupid as you might believe.”
“On the contrary, I don’ believe yer crew is stupid. I believe that to be all ye, commodore.” 
He growled, grabbing you by the front of your coat as he raised you closer to his face. 
“I believe you have no room to talk here, pirate.”
This was the first time you had gotten a close look at the man, he was large and burly, truly someone worthy of his title. Light battle scars littered his face, very faint and from probably nothing more than just training. His blond hair was the opposite of what you assumed a proper commodore should have; instead of neat and kept, it was wild and untamed-as was the apparent temper he had. His eyes intrigued you the most, the opposite of your calming blue seas, this man's eyes were a storming red. There was a feel of harshness, yet justice. Anger, yet levelheadedness. His eyes were contradicting, the color of a sunset reflecting off the blue shores below.
What a sight indeed.
“Now now, best ye be not doin’ anything ye shall regret, ay.”
“I will regret nothing, it’s my personal joy to watch the scum of the seas get what they deserve.”
He tossed you harshly into the cell, locking it up before scrunching his nose at you. You return the sentiment, your playful facade dropped as a menacing scowl appears. 
“Scum of the seas? Ye be one to talk, all ye be is a pawn of the queen. We ‘scum’ have morals, ye do not.”
“Hah? Morals, in a pirate?” He scoffs.
“Aye, a pirate lives by the code of which their forefathers have written with their own blood and souls. Ye follow the deranged orders of a madwoman who cares nothing about the people below ‘er.” You scoot back, leaning your back against the wall of the cell. 
You fully expected the man, who was called Bakugou if you remembered correctly, to up and leave. To call you a dirty pirate before storming away from the cell. You felt the ship move beneath you as it began to sail off, so surely they needed him to call out commands to his crew of misfits. However, to your surprise he had sat on a crate by the bars, watching you intently. You meet his gaze, unafraid to look into his cool-hellfire eyes. 
“The queen is a woman who does what she can for the people. It’s you pirates who pillage and kill, not us. We follow orders because they keep commoners safe.”
“Who do ya think we be, monsters!? We may be lookin’ out for our own, but if ye give a snake a reason to strike, strike it shall. Ye leave it be, it shall grant ye the same respect of that which it be given. Pirates respect those who be deserving.”
“And we don’t.”
The waves brushing along the sides of the ship and the creaking of the motions soothed your temper, you closed your eyes and let your head fall back against the wall. Hoping this conversation was over. There was no navy sailor who you have ever come across who was worthy of your respect, this man was not going to be one of them either it seemed. Although, the brash attitude from early looked to be faded, a blunt yet calm one in its place. Contradicting once again, just like his eyes.
Your own snapped opened as you heard him stand, watching as he narrowed his gaze in thought.
“Tch. For a pirate who makes claims they sail the open waters, you appear to be sheltered. Where has your false sense come from.”
“It not be false,” you whisper, eyes closing once more as memories surface, “it be real, whether ye believe me or not is none of my business. I don’ trust ye to keep your mouth shut anyways.”
“Fair enough, however it is a pirate you cannot trust. I will never forget my lessons. You have your own reasons, and I have mine. I know first hand of the damage you pirates can do, I won’t stand for it.” You heard him speak through clenched teeth. 
“Then sit, yer head be full of lies”
“It is you whose words are false and based on only personal gain.”
“A man of the queen may not keep their word, but a man of the sea shall, commodore.”
“Well, you can believe I shall keep my word on this: your end is soon, Captain Diablo. You have nowhere to run, and you shall be put to death for your crimes.”
His footsteps begin to fade, his voice echoing in your head as he leaves.
“Soon enough the one who be telling the truth will be laughin’. Dead men tell no tales, Commodore. Yet neither will a lost man, ya see.” You laugh to yourself, not hearing a reply as he leaves the room. 
A few hours go by and you are visited once more by the intriguing man, a tray of food in his hands. You make no move to go towards it as he slides it in, eyes still closed and body still in the same position as he left. 
He sighed in annoyance, and you could only help but smirk.
“What’s with the look, you halfwit.”
The seas rock with more force, the boat swaying more as if a storm was coming forth. Then it happened, the sounds of fighting happening above, causing Bakugou to curse out in question. 
“Ye see commodore,” Your eyes flutter open, grinning evilly as he stared back with anger and confusion, “tis as i said, a lost man will tell no tales. I am to be lost, ye have no hopes of finding me.”
Then the door leading to the cellar room burst open, and you promised yourself you would never forget that look of terror and hatred in those bright sea-ruby eyes. You have never cared for another color other than your seas, often trying to find replacements, with no luck. Yet, while they weren’t as pretty as your blue ocean below you, they were just good enough that you’ve found yourself hoping to see them again.
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summerlovingbaby · 3 years
Traitor Part 8
part one// part two// part three// part four// part five// part 6// part 7
Y/N spent the next two hours sobbing so hard that she was gagging, and the three after that looking off into space. Her eyes lied desolate, and her body lied still and empty. Sometimes she would shiver violently, or a tear would fall down her face. 
Ever since Bakugo forced her to down her meds, Kirishima had been glued to her side, assuming that, what he did would be her breaking point. The straw that broke  the camels back. The thing that would finally force her to get better and be back to normal. Little did Kiri realize, that there is no normal. Not anymore, nit after what happened to her.
After he realized that he left, after seeing Y/N in her state, it looked like she was only moments away from dying, and he just couldn’t stand it. He tried his best to help and comfort her but nothing worked, and then he realized that nothing would probably work. He came to the heartbreaking realization that he wouldn’t be able to help her. He didn’t want to cry in front of her, and it made him feel weak. He felt he had no right to cry, not in front of her.
He almost made it to his room. Almost. He had his door on the doorknob when he sunk to the floor like melted ice cream. Rambling on, in words that nobody would understand. He began to sob so loudly, he was wailing. This attracted the attention of his classmates, who were just beginning to settle in to bed.
Bakugou flew out of his room, in a panic at the sounds of his friends cries. Followed by Mina, Sero, Todoroki and Deku, albiet much slower. Bakugo was by his side in seconds, kneeling to see if he hurt. Once he realized that she wasn’t physically hurt, his concern only grew for Y/N, assuming that something happened to her.
“ Is it Y/N? Is she hurt?” Kirishima only muttered madly in response, which quickly grew into sobbing and incoherent mumbles.
Bakugo’s eyes grew wide in a state of confusion. He himself was on the verge of panic, but he knew that he had to remain calm, if not for his sake, for Kirishima’s sake, and if not for Kirishima’s sake, then for Y/N.
“ What happened?” he asked in as sturdy a voice that he could manage. Kirishima tried to speak, but he only began blubbering again, and crying much louder. Bakugou sensing a oncoming meltdown put a stop to it as soon as possible. “ Uh...uh.. none of that. I can’t help you if you keep talking all that nonsense... if you want my help, I need you to calm down.”
Kirishima wanted to calm down, he really did, but he didn’t no how to very well, which resulted in him just holding his breath and attempting to wipe the tears away. His attempts proved futile, because it didn’t work.
“ Hey... hey... hey. You can’t do that. Just breathe , will ya? In and out I know you know how.”
Slowly, but only slightly Kirishima’s breathing began to slow to a pace that was barely substandard, only enough for him to feel like he wasn’t dying every time he gasped for air, now he only felt like he needed a oxygen tank.
“ Now, can you tell me what happened?” Bakugou asked again.
“ I.... I.... she-she... I don’t think- I don’t think I can help her.” he managed. His breath began to quicken, as he finally admitted it outloud.
“ I’m sure that’s not true.” Mina suggested.
“ I don’t think that she’s going to get better.” he spoke again. This time oddly calm. Tears still flowed down his face, but his voice was oddly stable and calm.
“ She will get better, we just have to stay positive and be there for her!” Sero spoke.
“ She won’t even look at me! SHE FLINCHES WHEN I TOUCH HER.” He yelled. He was starting to get angry, extremely angry, witch was scary to everyone witnessing it,
“ Calm-” Bakugou started.
“ HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS SICK, AND IN PAIN, AND WON’T LET ME HELP HER.” He began to stand, with full force full of rage.
“ Love of your life?” Todoroki asked.
“ I RUINED HER LIFE, WE RUINED HER LIFE, AND US STANDING HERE AND PRETENDING THAT WE DIDN’T-, I... she hates me.” His voice dropped off mid statement. “ She hates me, and she has every right to hate me.”
“ Now I’m sure that’s not true.” Mina asked.
“ She called me pathetic, and weak, and a coward..” His voice was frail and shakey. And he felt like he would collapse to his knees again. But he tried his best to remain stable.
“ I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” Sero suggested.
“ She meant it, and she was right.” he said, his eyes darted to the floor in shame. “ I didn’t stick up for her, I wasn’t there for her, not when she needed me. I should have listened to her, I loved her and I thought... She trusted me and I failed her. I should have been there... I failed her.” The last bit came out as a broken whisper. He began n to speak to himself. Then his eyes darted upwards in sudden shock and realization. “ We didn’t even say sorry.”
“ Sorry?” Denki asked.
“ Sorry, for the pain that she is in and the pain we caused her.. for the role that I played in it.” Suddenly as if he was a puppet on a string he beagn to walk back in the direction that he came.
“ Where are you going?” Bakugou asked.
“ To say sorry.”
Meanwhile, halfway across campus, Y/N had just began to physically recover from what just happened. Her head was looking at the ground because she didn’t even have the energy to look up anymore. Then her head suddenly shot up like a bullet.
“ How did you get in here?”
“ I have my ways.” a voice spoke from behind her.
“ Why are you here?” she asked, despite the fact that she tried to come off as harsh, but it was way too shaky to come off as anything but nervous.
“ Can’t a father just come to see his daughter.?”
sorry it took so long to update, i have alot going on right now. I’m working on getting my book published as well as a play, but i hope you enjoy. also this series is coming to a end so if you have any requests that you like me to write, please don’t hesitate to ask.
@kiribakuslilpebble    @un-limit-edd     @ultrahugakitten  @ jmook423 @ anonymousbabygirl13-blog   @ power-house-fan12                                  @imunderurbed   @fandomfreak1000000   @dylan-kai2008 @cheesecakeva  @lovemegood  @madsttx @whatdidshesayyy
@ great-goddess-of-sin
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: kirishima, shinsou & bakugou holding out an umbrella for reader
Request: Could i ask for hcs for Kirishima, Shinsou and Bakugou x reader where she is standing outside drenched to the bone in the rain. He runs up behind her with an umbrella that is technically built for one. To conserve space, He pulls her as close to him as possible. 💐🕊
oh my gosh this is so adorable and soft, I caaanttt, this is too much for my poor heart to handle :(((((( also sorry that this request took so long, but first I wrote it thinking you wanted scenarios, only to find out you wanted hcs when I was about to post it lol. Hope you still like it tho! Have fun reading!
xxxx rainbow
If you enjy my writing and would like to give a little tip, you can buy me a coffee!! ^^
Warnings: Only some slight swearing
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Kirishima Eijirou
Of course, the one day that you didn’t have enough time to check the weather for the day, it just has to be pouring outside.
You had studied at school for a bit with Uraraka, who left once she was done but you wanted to stay
and of course you forgot your umbrella
you have to go home tho, so the only option now was walking through the rain
however, after a while you’re already soaked from head to toe, maybe even getting sick tomorrow
After a while there is a stoplight, so you have to stop for a moment. Can’ that damn thing hurry up?
Suddenly, you don’t feel droplets falling on you anymore. With a small frown you lift your gaze, only to see an umbrella above your head
the heck?
that’s when, in the corner of your eye, you finally notice Kirishima
who sends you the sweetest smile once your eyes meet UWU
and this baby thinks you are just the most beautiful woman on earth, even when you’re totally soaked
but then you realise he’s getting wet now
“don’t do that, you’ll get sick!”
“Y/n, you’re the one who’s completely soaked at the moment.”
damn yeah he was right
“A true man wouldn’t let a lady he knows get sick instead of helping her”
stop it or i’ll melt
btw now that kiri was getting wet too, his hair fell down, his bangs sticking to his forehead
and you almost squealed at the sight bc he looks so cute!!!!
would be better if you weren’t outside where it was raining cats and dogs rn
“What if we share the umbrella?”
“it’s too small”
well dangit he can’t get sick either
so you pout and cross your arms as you take a step so that now you aren’t under the umbrella anymore
“If you aren’t standing under it i won’t either”
this boi cannot help but smile at how cute you are right now
he’s even blushing a little
after a small silence he gets an idea finally
it can go two ways but he will still try
bc he’s brave!!
he grabs your hand pulls you closer
not too close, you two aren’t standing against each other but still pretty close
and you become a blushing and stuttering mess
“now the both of us will be dry!” he smiles, almost resembling a puppy
well, it’s not like you mind being this close to him
so you nod
but actually, you aren’t completely dry, your back is still outside of the umbrella
and ofc best boy notices because he cares!!!!!
“Y/n, is it okay if I pull you a bit closer?”
“YES THAT’S MORE THAN OKAY.” you blurt out when he barely finishes your sentence
can you be any more cute to him?
he couldn’t help but cutely chuckle at your answer, but he was more than happy to hold you close
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Hitoshi Shinsou
okay, tbh, the fact that you are now on your own outside, where it’s raining cats and dogs, is your own fault.
I mean, you decided to stop on your way home to pet some cute kittens
Not feeling like waiting, you choose to walk through the rain
curse those adorable kittens… their eyes were literally begging you to pet them
now because of that, you are cold, wet and tired because your clothes have become really heavy at this point
after a long silence, from the distance you can hear the sound of a car
when you look up, you see a car on the road, speeding into your direction
before you know it, its tires go through a giant puddke of water
as if you aren’t wet enough
as a reflex, you flinch and squeeze your eyes closed.
you hear the water splash, but you feel nothing?
you open your eyes, and are met with an umbrella that was held out in front of you
when you look behind you you see your crush, Shinsou standing behind you
though his action was almost heroic, his expression didn’t show that at all
“I see you’ve forgotten your umbrella again.”
jeez, okay,,,
“Well, it isn’t a long walk anyway. I can handle it.” you shrug nonchalantly
uhu, like you didn’t have an inner tantrum earlier
“yeah, you seem more than happy to walk through the rain.” he says, the sarcasm dripping in his voice
this jerk-
“fine, i guess I’ll just go.” he says after receiving no response
okay no an umbrella does sound nice
so you stop him
and well, he doesn’t leave
however, it catches your attention that shinsou isn't fully dry, so you tell him that
“why does that matter?”
“It’s your umbrella, silly!”
he’s a little lost on what to do at first
bc this boi kind of likes you and ashido kind of tolld him that but he did not believe it
but i guess our boy is feeling brave today
so he wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him
to say that you are flustered is an understatement.
“w-what are you doing, shinsou?”
“You need to go home, and this the only way we will fit. Why, do you mind?”
maybe it was the fact that shinsou pulled you closer out of nowhere, but you decided to kiss his cheek before saying you two had to go now
and you bet he has this adorable small smile on his face the whole time
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Bakugou Katsuki
as you walk through the rain, you can practically hear bakugou scolding you for not listening to him already
he told you it would rain today
out of frustration, you kick away a small rock that was on the pavement
but that was a bad idea
because it ends up on a puddle, causing you to get even more wet
I mean, does it matter? you’re already soaked
however, after a moment you realise the rain isn’t falling on you anymore
but you can still hear it ticking?
“What am I going to do with you….” oh, hehe, it’s bakugou
“Okay, maaaybe I should’ve listened to you.”
“You damn right should've, dumbass” he says and shakes his head in disappointment
without even saying anything else, he holds you against him
“I’m not going to get sick because you decided to be a complete idiot today.”
you can feel your whole body heating up, meanwhile his face isn’t showing a hint of emotion
is this really doing nothing to him?
little do you know bakugou is great at hiding his feelings
to an extent
he has a breaking point >:)
you can’t  tell his heart is pounding in his chest, or that right now he wants to do nothing but kiss you
and feeling you this close to him gives him butterflies, he’s struggling to keep his cool
you move a little closer to bakugou and gently hold onto his arm
now this
this startled him
he’s about to curse at you until his eyes make contact with yours
“we’re gonna walk, aren’t we? I don’t want to fall.”
bakugou shook his head to think clearly again, and without saying a word he just started walking
now that you aren’t getting more wet, it’s actually nice to be in the rain
it was a little romantic even
of course bakugou’s reaction earlier didn’t go unnoticed by you
but still, jumping to conclusions isn’t always a good idea
it could’ve been anything else, right?
maybe you should do something to be sure
your gaze goes to bakugou, who’s looking straight ahead right now, not noticing you at all. or maybe he pretended not to
feeling bold, you stop him for a small moment and ever so lightly press your lips against his cheek
this boi
he almost drops the umbrella
now his cheeks were clearly red, and his ears seemed to turn a little pinkish
you cannot help but laugh at that cute reaction
but he didn’t say anything
so you feel bad again
“I-i’m sor-”
“Dammit, I wanted to take the first step.” he grumbles. oh. wait what?
you look at him, but for a moment he says nothing
“Let’s just go.” he mumbles as he pulls you a little closer uwu
and you bet he will make up for not taking the first step :D
even if you don’t care, he still does
be prepared for 10/10 boyfriend material :)
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-My Personal Support-
Use of the nickname “Princess”, pinning, mentions of breaking, lots of cursing
Pro Hero Bakugo X Personal support team leader -not proofread-
You were just happy to find a job that wanted you for your set of skills, you happily became apart of the dynamite agency’s support team. During your introduction was the first time you saw the infamous, Katsuki Bakugo. Known for his brash tongue and little patience, your coworkers warned you to stay on his good side. Working your way up, before you knew it you were promoted to being his personal support item “tailor.” At this point, you had only really seen the man a few times, seeing how he treated some of your coworkers had you worried considering no one in your position kept their job for more then a month. ‘Why me?’ You questioned miserably, at least you got a private office...
A strong knock on your new office door pulls you from your misery. “Come in” you saw curious as to who it was considering you didn’t have anything going on for another ten minutes. But of course, Bakugo showed up early, the big man entered the room with a scowl. His calculated glare looked as if he was picking you apart right then and there, looking for a reason to fire you. no, that can’t be right...Right? I mean you just got here, so what reason does he have to hate you? Greeting him with a cheery smile, which he does not return, you sit down in front of a computer, inviting him to sit across from you. “What bring you in?” you ask, needing to know what to do. The blonde gives a shrug “dunno, I was dragged here against my will by that fucking bitch.” He states boldly, slouching in his chair. “’that bitch?’ who might I ask are you referring too?” You ask, since you obviously weren’t going to get any information out of this guy. “None of your damn businesses” The blonde rolls his eyes. You stare blankly at him, trying to process how this asshole was a hero. “Dynamite, I kinda need something to work with... Has something of your’s broken or do you want something added to your costume?” The motherfucker just shrugged. You were starting to see hwy people couldn’t stand him. “Can I get ‘that Bitch’s’ name so i can contact her and ask?” His eyes squint and he smirks, this was a game to him, and you could tell. “If you were any good at your job, you would know what I needed, do your research, someone as unprepared as you doesn't deserve a job as good as this one” The man across from you continues to spit nonsense into your face. You had enough, fuck this job.“An idea sir, maybe if you got your head out of your ass, you would realize that not everything revolves around you and your problems. So how about we start over, what can I help you with?” You kept your “Cheery customer service” voice on but there was venom present in your voice. The blonde was taken a back for a moment before getting up and storming out of the room. You just knew that you were getting fired, and you cursed yourself for not keeping your mouth shut. You needed this job. But you never got the call notifying you that you were being fired. Reluctantly, you came back the next day bright and early, only to be met with him sitting in your office chair. you met eyes with the man and he got up, starting to walk over to you. “You don’t need to tell me, I’ll grad my stuff and lea-” you started rambling only to be cut off by Bakugo pinning you against the door, confused and frightened, you could only stare in terror and listen. “Lets get one thing straight, princess” He mocks, “You aren’t going anywhere, I wanna see how long that tough girl act will last. I’m gonna have fun breaking you like the rest.” Practically growling in your ear. He blows in your face leaving you stunned, while he slips out of the door, shutting it behind him... Leaving you, a mess of emotions, fear, confusion, but that doesn't explain the color growing in your cheeks...
Fist ever time writing anything like this, if you couldn’t tell, It’s probably a little cringe ToT didn’t know if I wanted to make this head cannons or a short fic
Hope you enjoyed tho :) and should I continue this story? 
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Just a lil drabble about Bakugo coming home late to you after a long day of work (Not proof read, first ever piece!!)
Fluff, fluff, and more fluff
Female reader x Bakugo
The familiar sound of the front door handle resonates throughout the house, followed by the sound of the front door creaking open to reveal a dark house. 
It was the third night in a row Bakugo had come home late, you greeted him with a tired face the first two nights, even though he specifically told you to not wait up. tonight though, you didn’t greet him like the other nights, (much to his relief.) Assuming you were laying in bed sleeping like a normal person should, he went and took a shower.
Once out of the shower he trudged into the bedroom relived to finally hold his lovey girlfriend(although he’d never admit it out loud), only to be met with an empty bed. Sighing knowing you as well as he did, he walked downstairs into the living room to find you sleeping peacefully on the couch. 
“I told you not to wait up for me dumbass.” Bakugo grumbled softly, but his voice held no venom.
Scooping you up in his arm, he back up the stairs into the bedroom. Laying you down gently, and tucking you in. Kissing your forehead gently so as to not wake you, he whispers a quiet, “I love you.” Finally, pulling you into his arms, he sighs, contempt with finally holding you. 
Only you get to see his soft side, and if he knew you were awake, he would’ve scolded you for sure.
I hope you enjoyed my first ever piece!
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-My personal support- (Pt.2)
~Prohero!Bakugo x Support team reader (not proof-read)
It's been about a week give or take since your first encounter with the Pro hero, and let's just say he meant what he said. Most days, The blonde comes in, you take measurements, ask about what he's looking for and he continues with his hero work. But this doesn't mean that he makes it easy for you...
It's like he's trying to be as difficult as possible. Today was much like every other day, Dynamite making your job unnecessarily difficult, withholding information, moving while you're trying to take measurements, and just being an overall dick. But the worse part? The flirting. The lingering eyes, and remarks, the way he eyes you and leans in when talking to you... You know he just wants to get a reaction out of you, but you can't stop your cheeks from growing pink and hot.
"He's doing this shit on purpose!" you rant over the phone to one of your best friends. Mina. You've known her for quite a while and knowing that she's been around Bakugo since their UA days, you figure she'd understand better than anyone. "I swear he's trying to make me quit! I mean what does he gain? If I wasn't so worried about keeping this job, I swear I would-"
"You would, what princess?" A low voice breaths close to your ear.
Quickly you turn around only to have your wrist grabbed and pulled by the one and only, dynamite. "What? cat got your tongue? say it to my face why don't cha?" He smirks, taunting you.
"Let go of me." you struggle, a fruitless attempt against the Pro hero's grip. You weren't weak by any means, he was just THAT strong.
You fell quiet upon meeting his gaze. He stared straight into your soul as if he was studying it. The ash blonde leaned in to whisper in your ear.
"After all I've done for you? You threaten me? I could've fired you leaving you out on the streets. Yet, all that talk and you don't even have the guts to say it to my face. Pathetic." He sneered, pushing you to sit on your desk.
"But how could I drop a pretty thing like you? You're stubborn, I'll give you that, but I'm having fun with my new plaything."
You up at him, wide eyes, this man was a hero? Did he call you a 'plaything?' questions you didn't have time to answer before Bakugo grabbed your chin forcing you to look at him. He had a serious look in his eye with a hint of guilt. "I'm giving you a chance to quit right now, no guilt, you can go back to your old job and we can forget everything." YOu were taken aback by this. My old job? a chance to stop the constant teasing? It would make your job a lot easier but you knew, deep down that you liked the attention from the man...
The next day rolled around and you made it your goal to put Bakugo through what he put you through every day. As soon as he walked in, you greeted him by pushing him onto the couch.
"Pro heroes shouldn't be resting on the job you know. I could report you for this." You snickered, catching the Blonde off guard, he scoffed.
"You're more lively than usual, aren't cha? He rolled his eyes but smirked...
I wrote this at 3 in the morning, so bear with me ToT
Thank you so much for reading! also so sorry I haven't posted in a while, Im packing because I'm going to a convention!!!
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