#bmw sputtering
lancerservice · 1 year
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BMW is one of the most sought-after luxury cars in the world due to its performance and advanced features. However, of late, drivers have been complaining about experiencing sputtering when they drive their high-end cars. There are several factors that can cause your BMW to sputter when you are driving. Have a look at the infographics to know the leading causes behind the sputtering of your BMW.
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landmarkmotorsinc · 2 years
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Generally, the engine is defined as the most important component in your car that is used for converting the chemical energy to run the car smoothly on the road. While driving the BMW on the road, sometimes you will notice that the engine sputters during acceleration. When it happens, try to address the causes behind engine sputtering and the way to fix it. Go through the infographics to know about the causes behind your BMW engine sputters when you accelerate.
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talanashta · 9 days
Sept Stobin Extravaganza Day 12: Codependent
Rated T | @sept-stobin-extravaganza | 2,183 Words (it's a long'un) | A lot of this story is inspired by this post and some of it's comments/reblogs/etc
The kids hadn’t noticed how close Steve and Robin were at first after Starcourt. Sure, the two were glued together constantly, but Dustin was fairly certain they were dating, and couples spent a lot of time together, right?
And he thought he was being proven correct in his assumptions about their relationship status when he headed over to Steve’s one Saturday in October. He didn’t bother knocking on the front door, just headed straight inside. “Steve?” he called out.
He didn’t hear a response, but he had seen the BMW in the driveway, so he took a look around. The ground floor was empty, and he didn’t see Steve in the backyard, so he headed upstairs. Once he reached the landing, he heard water running from the direction of Steve’s bedroom and ensuite. Honestly, maybe Dustin should have knocked or waited for Steve to come out, but he and his friends didn’t have a lot of boundaries, and also, Steve was like his big brother, so he didn’t think before opening the bathroom door a little (he didn’t look! He knew better than that!) and calling in.
“Steve! I need a ride! Hurry up your shower!” Dustin said.
The voice he heard back was… decidedly not Steve. “What the hell, mini-dingus?” Robin’s voice replied. He heard the curtain rustle, so he peeked his head around the door and met her eyes.
Her hair was all soapy, and she had the most disgruntled look on her face.
“I’m sorry!” he yelped.
Steve’s head popped up over top Robin’s in the gap. “Dude, just go wait in the living room. I’ll be down in, like, twenty, and I can give you a ride then.”
Dustin nodded frantically and hurried out of the room and downstairs.
He waited twenty-two minutes exactly (he kept checking his watch) while wearing a hole in the living room rug before Steve came downstairs, dried and dressed, followed closely behind by Robin.
“I thought you weren’t dating!” Dustin accused them.
Steve had the audacity to look fed up with Dustin. “We’re not.”
Dustin sputtered for a second before saying, “Then what were you doing showering together?”
Both of them just shrugged and didn’t answer his question. And they kept not, for the entire ride to the arcade, where he met up with the others.
Of course, when Dustin told the rest of the Party, none of them took it as seriously as he thought they should.
“So what?” Lucas said. “They’re dating but saying they’re not. What’s it matter?”
“What’s it matter?!” Dustin said, flabbergasted.
Of course, they didn’t realize that wasn’t the end of Steve and Robin being a lot. There were all sorts of things that they started to notice that indicated something more.
Like, one day Mike went into the Family Video to rent a movie to watch that weekend, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, when he went to check out, he saw Robin was wearing Steve’s name-tag. He didn’t say anything about it to her, but a couple days later, Dustin brought it up at lunch.
“I went to get a movie after school yesterday, and I get there, and Steve’s wearing Robin’s name-tag!” he told them.
“Yeah, I saw Robin wearing his name-tag on Saturday,” Mike replied.
“Really?” Dustin asked. “I asked Steve why, and he said Robin was sick. Like, I get it; he’s covering her shift or whatever, but why is he wearing her name-tag?”
“Was Steve sick on Saturday?” Lucas asked, thoughtfully.
Dustin thought it over for a minute. “I think so? When I called his house, Robin answered the phone and said something about him having a stomach bug.”
“Hm,” was all Lucas said in response.
Another time, when Lucas called Steve’s house, Robin was the one to answer again.
“Hey, Robin,” he said. “I was calling to ask Steve a question.”
She didn’t even pause before saying, “Sure, what’s up?”
“Um… Well, I wanted to know if he’d help me practice for basketball tryouts, but if he’s not free, I can call back.”
Robin hummed in thought for a moment. “He’ll be by to pick up up on Saturday just after lunch. Like 2-ish. Does that work for you?”
“I… guess?” he told her. “Are you sure that’s fine with him?”
“Yep!” she said, popping the P.
The two sat in awkward silence for a few moments too long. “Okay, bye,” he said quickly and hung up the phone.
Well, Steve showed up at 2PM on the dot Saturday, so Lucas just rolled with it. His mom agreed to stuff for his dad all the time, so this must’ve just been like that.
Now, Max wasn’t around Steve and Robin as much as the boys so she hadn’t been having as many weird experiences as they were, but she definitely had one that stuck out so much that she broke her month-long avoidance to tell them.
It happened when she’d been about to skate home from school and she passed Steve’s car in the parking lot. He raised one hand to her as she approached, Robin at his side.
Max just gave him a tight smile, so Steve let her be and turned back to Robin.
But when he did, Robin just opened her mouth, and he reached in and pulled out her gum and stuck it in his own mouth. What the actual fuck?
Max just straight-up stopped and did a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn and headed back to the entrance of the school where she waited for the boys to come out.
“Max!” Dustin cheered upon seeing her. “What’s up?”
“Have they been super weird around you guys too?” she asked them.
“Who?” Mike asked, brows furrowed.
“Steve and Robin.”
Lucas looked at her carefully. “What’d they do now?”
She paused before telling him. “I just saw Steve pull gum out of Robin’s mouth and put it in his own to chew.”
All three boys chorused, “Ew!”
“Why?” Dustin cried out.
Lucas told her, “We’ve been keeping track. They’ve been insanely weird lately. Dustin thought they were just dating, but this goes way beyond that.”
“Yeah,” Mike chimed in. “Like, we’re not sure if it’s a new thing or if they’ve been like this the whole time, and we just didn’t notice.”
Max hummed, “Hm. Keep me looped in. I wanna know what’s up too.”
Lucas gave her a bright smile. “Sure!”
And the boys did. Every couple days, Max joined them at lunch to compare notes of whatever weirdness Steve and Robin had gotten up to lately. Most of the discoveries were from Dustin, who saw Steve way more than the rest of them, but they all had something. So far, they’d discovered that the two would only ever eat sharing a plate, Robin seemingly never left Steve’s house, and they apparently shared a toothbrush (they all found that one even nastier than the gum thing). One time, Dustin even got traumatized walking in on Steve shirtless with Robin popping a huge pimple on his back.
A few weeks after the gum incident, the four kids were gathered in Steve’s living room for a movie night. It’d been a while since they’d all hung out together outside of school, and technically they still weren’t. The absence of two of their Party members was sorely felt.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dustin saw Steve watch them mope for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and suggesting, “Okay, you know what, why don’t you guys call Will? I’m sure he misses you.”
“Really?” Mike asked, incredulously.
“Yes, really, Mike. It’s not like I pay the phone bill. I’m sure my parents can afford the long distance charge,” he informed the boys.
Then it was a scramble as the three hurried to the phone. Max hung back, though.
“Don’t want to talk to Will?” Robin asked her.
“No,” she told her. “If I could, I’d talk to El, but you know she can’t come on the phone.”
Robin sighed. “Yeah. That sucks, kiddo. Want to get your nails painted while we wait? I did ours earlier.” She patted the cushion next where they were practically glued together on the couch.
Max thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Sure,” she agreed and sat on the couch. “Wait.” She went back over what Robin said. “Our nails?”
“Oh yeah!” Steve said cheerfully. “Robs painted our toes earlier.” He wiggled them on the rug, and they were indeed painted; they were even in the same shade as Robin’s toes.
“Yeah! We don’t like polish on our hands, so toes only!” she said. “But I can paint your fingers.”
“… Okay.” Max picked a color from the bag Steve offered her and sat patiently while Robin painted, Steve holding the bottle for her.
When Robin had finished the first coat, she capped the bottle and said to Max, “I need to take a pee break! Let that dry, and we’ll finish it when we get back.”
Max raised an eyebrow at her. “Where’s Steve going?” she asked, since Steve got up too.
“… The bathroom?” he said, confused.
“Together?” Max asked them.
Robin just shrugged, and the two headed into the guest bathroom off the living room.
Whatever. If the two wanted to sneak off to make-out and lie very obviously about it, she wasn’t going to say anything.
Eventually, after her second coat was dried and the three of them had started watching TV, the boys came out of the kitchen, finished with their call to Will.
“How’s baby Byers?” Steve asked.
The boys told him all about what was going on in Will’s life, while Steve and Robin just nodded along and listened.
“Cool,” Robin said when they were all done. “Sounds like you had a good chat.”
“Mhm,” Steve added. “Now, what do you all want for dinner?”
All four of them looked at each other before saying in unison, “Pizza!”
Of course, getting all of them to agree on pizza toppings was a nightmare. It took almost 30 minutes of haggling with Steve over what he was willing to pay for. Mike only wanted pepperoni, Lucas didn’t really care but didn’t want too many ‘wet’ toppings, and Max wanted anything but pepperoni to be contrary to Mike.
“I want supreme,” Dustin told him.
“Okay, but no mushrooms. We’re allergic,” Steve told him.
Dustin stared at him for almost a full minute before saying slowly, “You’re not allergic to mushrooms, Steve. I’ve seen you eat them at my house before.”
“Well, Robin’s allergic,” he said matter-of-factly with his hands on his hips. “So no mushrooms.”
“Robin can just have a different pizza, Steve! The mushrooms are important to the balance of the supreme pizza. Without them, both the taste and texture are altered.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s either no mushrooms or no supreme pizza, Henderson. You’re the only one who wanted it, and I’m not about to order a specialty pizza just for you.”
“Nuh-uh. Those are your two options,” he said firmly.
Dustin rolled his eyes so hard they almost rolled out of his head. “Fine. No mushrooms. God!”
When he stomped back over to the Party, he complained to them about what just happened.
“So because Robin can’t eat mushrooms, he can’t either?” Max asked.
The four looked over to where the two were standing at the landline, Steve dialing to order the pizza.
“Maybe it’s a serious enough allergy that they can’t kiss if he’s eaten any?” Lucas suggested.
“Maybe,” Dustin conceded. “But you know, I’ve never seen them kiss… Like even once.”
The rest of the group thought over all the past interactions they’ve observed and agreed.
“They might not like PDA,” Mike said.
Max chimed in, “Maybe they’re really not dating. Maybe they’re just weird.”
“They were showering together,” Dustin said to her.
“True…” she conceded. “And I saw them go to the bathroom together earlier tonight. Pretty sure that was to have a secret make-out session,” Max added.
“Really?” Lucas asked her.
“They’re like my grandparents,” Lucas said to them all.
Mike frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like, they’re so in-tune, as if they’d been together forever. But then sometimes they’re so weird it’s not like my grandparents at all,” he explained.
“Like with the name-tags thing?” Dustin asked.
“Who even knows with those two,” Max said. “Maybe they’re just trauma-bonded or whatever. And it messed them up along the way.”
“No way!” Dustin insisted. “Steve’s not like that.”
“Gum, Dustin,” she said. “I saw him pull it right out of her mouth.”
“Ew, yeah. Maybe you’re right.”
Mike added, “Too bad El’s not here. She’d be able to figure out whatever was going on.”
The group saw as Robin poked Steve in the chest as he was hanging up the phone, and Steve said, “That was right in the nipple!” and clutched his chest.
“Score!” she cheered, laughing. He started chuckling too, leaning in and resting his head on her shoulder.
“Yeah,” Max agreed. “They’re too weird to figure out without superpowers.”
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sidekick-hero · 7 days
Wiggly WIP Worm Weekend
So I've been tagged in a lot of writing games lately, but due to a severe shortage of spoons, writing and fandom have been on the back burner lately (booooo capitalism). BUT I'm working on my next (probably late again) entry for @steddiesmuttyseptember (backseat and clothes on) and @softsteddieseptember (soft and slow and roadtrip). Thank you for the latest tags @hbyrde36, @steviewashere, @runninriot 💜🙏🏼
Snippet from it isn’t over, it’s just begun
“I’m dead, Harrington, not deaf! Haven’t I been through enough? Do you have to torture me with… with this? Crappy music from an even crappier movie? And here I thought we were friends!” Eddie’s voice grew louder as he ranted, his hands flapping dramatically, his wide brown eyes sparkling under the streetlamps they passed. For someone technically dead, he was so alive—full of energy and life in every way that mattered. Even with his too-sharp teeth, translucent skin, and the absence of a pulse, he was still, well, Eddie. Not that Eddie agreed. That’s why they were here now, on this strange road trip to Washington D.C. to meet some friend of Owens who supposedly had a solution for him. How, Steve wasn’t sure. And if he was being honest, he didn’t entirely trust this friend—or Owens, for that matter. They’d been screwed over too many times, and Steve wasn’t about to risk Eddie’s… non-life. Eddie seemed on edge too, fidgeting and talking too fast, too loud, confined in the tight space of Steve’s trusty BMW. “If the movie’s so crappy, how do you know Take My Breath Away is in it, huh?” Steve countered, smirking, raising an eyebrow in challenge. As expected, the question left Eddie sputtering, before he huffed and crossed his arms, pouting. Steve took pity and turned the volume down, but not before belting out the chorus at the top of his lungs. He couldn’t help but enjoy the way Eddie looked at him, his attention fixed solely on Steve. If he were being honest, that’s all he’d been craving lately—Eddie’s gaze, his words, his touch. Steve was down bad.
Tagging with admiration and without pressure: @pearynice, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe, @ataliagold, @steddie-island and
@augustjustice 💜
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buzzyb33 · 2 months
Moral of the story
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Prompt: after Y/n and Ethan broke up a year prior and seeing each other again just pisses off the girl and excites Ethan, they didn’t end their relationship on good terms but he’s still got the feels for her.
Warnings: swearing, ansty
I was walking down the streets of London, my coat wrapped around my waist as I treaded to my apartment.
I have my head down as the weather was foul, the biting winter hitting hard.
I keep walking before I slam into something hard and I hear a soft ‘oof’
I go to apologise but as I look up and make eye contact with the man we both freeze.
Last year, I was working on my photography and YouTube channel, I was big on the side of British commentary and met people that helped me grow, I put more budget into my videos and in 2 years I was one of the biggest female alone British channels.
I met bigger YouTubers and came close with the sidemen, especially Ethan.
We went out and drank together.
We fell in love.
We were happy for 2 and a half years, until June 2023 that was.
He was going out more which was fine, I couldn’t keep him on a lead.
He grew more distant but that’s fine, he’s stressed, I’m not his whole life.
He became more antsy, that’s fine, he needed some space.
I gave him space and he got drunk and fucked Mia Malkova as she stayed in the uk after their recording, I didn’t find out till three weeks later.
The worst thing was he didn’t seem to feel bad at all, I found out through friends of friends.
My heart broke and when I confronted him he got on his knees in front of me and begged.
He said how ‘he was drunk’ and ‘she doesn’t mean anything to him’
He spoke about things he didn’t mean the whole time I started packing my shit with tears pouring down my cheeks.
“Ethan! Stop!” I say in between broken sobs as he tries to hug me but I push him off.
I put all my bags in my car and wipe my eyes as Ethan continues to plead behind me.
“Y/n- I swear! Please don’t go- you mean so-“
I cut him off.
“I’ll send cal round tomorrow for the rest of my shit.”
I slam the door to my BMW and go home, I drive in to my road
I call Callum (Callux) and ask him to come round.
“N/n- is it important?” He said and I responded with a simple ‘yes’
He came round and knocked on my door.
I opened Ito and immediately hugged him.
“Woah, n/n-“ he began as I started to cry again.
“What’s happened..” he muttered to me as he held me to his chest.
I tried to stand up but he shushed me and sat on the floor with me between his legs as I calmed myself down.
His back was against the door as he held me gently.
“… was it Ethan?” He asked me gently as if I’d break if he spoke any louder. I nod between sobs.
I hear him exhale deeply.
“Can- I ask you yes and no questions?” He uses the same time with earnt him another nod.
“Have you broken up?” He asked me with a sickening soft tone, especially for his character.
I respond with another nod.
“Okay- did.. he break up with you or-“
I shake my head and he exhaled again.
After cal realised Ethan had cheated on me, he let me sob into his hoodie for a while.
Keeping away from each other was difficult, especially when he wanted to just ‘talk’.
You can’t excuse sticking your dick in another girl while in a relationship though.
I got my pre recorded videos out when appropriate and announced I was having a break.
Ethan had trouble talking to the boys about what had happened.
“Where’s Y/n? Why’s she having a break?.” Simon commented as they were having a break from the set of their sidemen Sunday.
“What? Oh we broke up.” He said averting his gaze to his finger nails as Tobi chokes on whatever flavour of prime he’s drinking.
“What?! Why? You two are like-“ Tobi sputtered.
“I don’t know lads- I don’t wanna talk about it..”
He started and Harry looked at him.
“What did you do?” Ethan’s face turns a tint of red.
“Mate, what did you do, I’ll just ask cal, they’re like- weird friends. They tell each other everything.” He eyes him, having his own guesses.
Harry starts and Ethan’s mind goes to the way Cal looked at him when he came to collect the rest of Y/na stuff.
He’d never seen him so.. angry.
“I- was drunk boys! I just-“
“You cheated on her? Ethan man..” Josh tuts, clearly disappointed.
“Well-“ he sighs. “Yeah, lads, I did.” Doesn’t even have it in to defend himself. Why should he?
“Mate, you’ve well and truly, fumbled the bag.”Having his friends almost ashamed of him wasn’t good.
They were in the same friendship circle, made videos with the same people, Ethan’s best mates were her best mates, this would cause problems and they knew it.
No sets together. No among us together. No joint colabs. Just. Y/n and Ethan.
On some nights, Y/n went too see Freya and they spoke, one time they got too drunk, Josh heading giggles from the other room before the tone switched up.
“Freya- I- miss him.. maybe it was an accident.. cal told me to-“ I exhale. “Cal told me to not let him get to me- I saw it coming..” I say as I rub my eyes.
“Maybe- he never loved me- you know, he was my first real boyfriend since I was like 17.” I say as tears rim my eyes.
“N/n.. just- let time take its course- maybe, you’ll be okay without him.” She said to me, I could hear how unsure she was.
I nod and sip my wine.
It would never hurt less.
“You- look good.” He smiles uncertain, opening his mouth to talk again. “Do- you want to talk?”
“Uhm. No, move the fuck out of my way, Ethan.” I spit, urging him to move from the sidewalk.
“Y/n, please, just a talk.” He pleaded, his blue eyes showing desperation, utter desperation.
“There’s nothing to say!” I say in a defeated tone and meet his eyes.
“I loved you- I don’t understand why- alcohol isn’t an excuse either! I don’t want to talk to you!” I whisper- shout as people swerve around us.
Since before this, we haven’t spoken to each other, at all. In a year and a half. Cal got all my stuff and I could avoid him.
This was a lot right now.
“Y/n- you don’t understand how sorry I am- I hate myself everyday for it! Please- just- a coffee?”
He pleaded, his hands clasped together.
“Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
I shove past him and keep walking.
He stands there, lost.
He wants her back.
He well and truly fumbled the back a year ago, but who was to say he couldn’t get it back?
He turned around and saw his ex girlfriend storm away from him.
He’d take his chances now, he pulled his phone out and called Callux.
“Yes mate?” He picked up after two rings.
“Can you set me up with Y/n? I know- but- I’m just trying to at least make things right.”
No, he wanted her in his bed arms. Both.
He stayed quiet for a while.
“Mate- she.. I don’t think she would want me bringing you up at all- and I’m like her gay best friend- who isn’t gay- so- setting her up is just..”
He trailed off as Ethan thought of something else.
“Just- ask her how she feels about me.”
He says into the phone as his legs take him further down the street.
“Oh I know what she thinks of you- she fucking hates you, she said you broke her heart, you ruined how she looks at men- how she thinks a stupid ginger prick- her words- have her trust issues and how she doesn’t want to miss you.”
He says matter of factly.
“So she misses me?”
Cal sighs: “listen mate- there’s nothing I can do- you can ask freezy to arrange a video or something- that’s your best bet- also- you should like listen to what else I said. Not just the missing bit.”
Ethan sighed down the phone before letting out a small 'yeah, okay' and hung up.
This girl. She trusted him and now what? Would he be that pathetic and got on his knees for her? Yes. Yes he would.
“No, fuck off.” I say the second the words leave his mouth.
“N/n it’s a charity video. Are you that much of a bad person to not contribute?” Cal says as his hands grip my shoulders.
His stubbles growing in. That meant another talking stage.
“Yeah. With the sidemen, Cal- Ethan-“ I start. “And don’t guilt trip me.” I huff.
“Yeah. The sidemen. Not your ex boyfriend it’s the sidemen. The YouTube group. No strings attached with so many over people. It’s a massive set. Challenges. A twelve hour stream.” He pleads.
“I’ll be there! Just- I’m begging you!” He shakes me lightly.
I couldn’t say no.
A week and a half later I was preparing my camera around my neck as i mildly listened listen in on freezy and will talking about F1.
I sigh as I enter the set.
“Ten minutes!”
I sit next to Freya and Cal and lean my head back.
His eyes snap up. She came. Looking beautiful.
Time passed; the stream went on. I leave set to fill up my water and Ethan is behind me.
“Bella..” he says and I close my eyes.
“Ethan.” I say.
“I- want to say sorry. I didn’t even explain myself at the time properly. I just.. tried to get myself out of trouble.” He says, looking down at me.
“Thank you.” I say reluctantly.
He picks his words carefully from the way his mouth opens and closes a few times.
“I.. miss you.” He says.
“I miss what we were, too.” I say simply and he gulps.
“Can.. we stop avoiding each other? Just.. be.. mutual.” He smiles weakly.
Maybe I was healing. Well: that was until he called me while drunk.
“Hey pretty..” he slurs.
“You fucked someone else? Drunk, came to say sorry?” I say a little bitterly as I leave my phone on my desk, loudspeaker my fingers editing my video.
“… harsh.. miss you.. just..” he hiccups. “I don’t want your body.. well.. that would be nice.. but, more than anything, n/n.. I want.. I wantchu.. a hug..”
I blink.
“And, just.. i hope.. you can forgive me.. and hug me.. in my heart it’s enough. More than.. enough but in my soul.. fuck, pretty.. I wanna marry you.” He slurs with a small laugh at the end.
“Love you, y/n.” He mumbles after a few minutes of silence.
“I love you too.. I miss you..” I whisper. All the walls I’ve built up cracking. But I hold out.
“Come over when your sober.” He hums and I hang up.
Two days later I get a knock, I open my door and see Ethan, his hands cupped around some water lilies.
He says.
I take the flowers.
He smiles.
“I.. miss you.. so much.. please.. just..”
I nod and his arms immediately go around me.
“I’m sorry baby..” I say softly. “I just.. can’t.. trust you again..” he gulps and pulls away.
I stick my pinky out.
“Friends?” I ask and his pinky extends too, though shaky.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
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King!Steve | Lovers to Enemies
An innocent crush leads to Steve teaching you the rules of the game. Turns out you're an even better player.
TW: FemReader, Angst, Revenge, Smut, Hate Sex, Jealousy, Cheating, 18+
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It began with a kiss. 
A party on a cool fall night. Red and gold leaves still clung to their branches, painting the woods around skull rock a new color. Your friends were getting tanked on cases of cheap beer bought by Dean Finley's older brother after a blow job from Chrissy under the bleachers.
Hawkins golden boy Steve Harrington stood on the other side of the fire, untouchable, above it all. Like a stalker, you hadn't been able to keep your eyes off him all night even though he's never spared you more than a glance. A moth to a flame, you watched him through the tiny glowing embers rising in the smoke, with a growing ache radiating from your gut. A crush – that's what your friends told you. It can't be real love if it's not returned, but you know that's not true. It would be so much easier if it were. It would mean you could stop. 
He threw his cigarette into the fire and wandered away from his friends into the dark of the woods, and because you couldn't stop, you followed him. But he was already gone, lost among the tall trees, leaving you alone with your pain. A twig snaps behind you, and Steve is there, leaning against a tree.
"Following me?" he stepped toward you until you looked up at him.
"Um…no," you sputtered, panicking, "I was just…um…what are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you," his hand landed on your hip, drawing you closer. 
"Me?" you questioned as your body automatically complied, "How did you know I'd come out here?"
"I hoped," his lopsided smile had your stomach doing somersaults as his thumb traced your bottom lip.
"I didn't even know you–" 
His pillow-soft lips covered yours, slowly teasing your mouth until you opened for him and his tongue found yours. All the pain turned to rapture, your love burst into gold flakes that glistened as they floated through your veins. 
He kissed you and kissed you until you were drunk on him, eyes still closed when he pulled away. 
"We should get back," his hand smoothed along your jaw, "You go first, and I'll be there soon."
"Okay," you agreed, shaking your head like you understood, although you didn't.
Sipping from the warm can, you let the malt and metallic tang wash away his kisses as you watched from the other side of the fire when he joins his friends, not offering you a glance. Seeing his kiss-bitten lips kept you from wondering if you had imagined the whole thing.
A few weeks without acknowledgment and he was pulling you into the tiny half-bath on the first floor of Tiffany Edward's house. His mouth was sweetened by beer and tobacco while his hands roamed over your clothes. Your body heated, and that gold glittered - though slightly tarnished from neglect. Sighing into his mouth, you pushed those thoughts away. He wanted you. That was all that mattered. 
That turned into this - in the backseat of his car, thick fingers finding you sticky wet. 
"Has anyone touched you before?" 
"There has only been you," you admit without regard for your heart. 
He smiles against your lips, "Can I make you feel good?"
With your permission, you're stretched around him. Pants and gasps steaming the windows until he does just that. Still floating and trembling, his hand moves yours until you're touching him and watching him get lost in the feeling. 
When he told you his parents were gone for the weekend, you knew what you were saying yes to. You'd been expecting the sting. 
"It won't hurt next time," he soothed.
The promise of next time made any pain fade as he moved inside you, and you gave him everything. 
"Bend over and hold on to the hood."
He found you after the game, asking you to stay. He kept you waiting in the parking lot until everyone else had gone. His BMW sat parked in the shadows. His hair was damp from the shower, and his body still high from his win. His hands moved under your skirt, flipping it up, moving aside your panties. Rubbing your clit until you were embarrassingly wet. He pushed inside while you clawed at the hood. And he was right. It didn't hurt. He moved hard and fast. Colors exploded behind your eyes.
"Shit, that was good," he kissed you after, "I made you cum, right?"
He was holding Nancy's hand, walking her to class, when you first felt it. 
Those tarnished gold flakes had turned to rust, collecting in your heart, corroding it until it seized. She was perfect, smart, and pretty. He put his arm around her shoulder, and you watched his eyes light up with pride. She's his girl. He walked past you without a glance. Your blood is a bitter poison, formaldehyde keeping you preserved despite being dead inside. 
Everyone gets it wrong. Hate is just as strong as love. 
It ends with a kiss. 
A party at Carol's, one you know that Miss Priss won't attend. Steve arrives with the rest of the basketball players. His eyes land on you, and he looks away. No matter. Chance Bailey is his teammate, his rival, younger with adorable floppy hair. They even play the same position. It doesn't take much, a smile while you "accidentally" rub up against him, and he is yours – like you used to be his. It makes you just as bad as Steve. That should give you pause, but it doesn't. Steve taught you the truth. It's all just a game, and not everyone can win.
Pulling Chance over to the couch, you sit on his lap and hang on his every word. Steve's jaw is clenched when he takes the chair beside the couch – you've got his attention.  
"I think next year we'll make it to the championship," Chance tells you with his hand high on your thigh. 
"I bet you're real good at gettin it in," you run your hand through his wavy locks, and his eyes widen. 
"Give it a fucking rest, Bailey," Steve stands up, his hands open and closing into fists, "We could have won this year if you tried as hard to get the ball as you are trying to get this girl's ass." 
"Is that right, Harrington," Chance pushes you off his lap and mirrors Steve's posture, "because I was thinking we could have won if Coach had kept you on the bench with the rest of the losers."
Without another word, Steve's fist connects with Chance's nose. There's an audible crunch of bone and a burst of red. The other players are getting in between them to make sure things end there. 
"This is who you want now?" Steve yells at you, pointing his hand toward the boy bleeding onto the carpet, "or are you making your way through the whole team?"
Now it’s your turn to strike. With a red handprint on his face and his arm wrapped around your bicep, he drags you into Carol's little brother's room, and you get exactly what you want. 
His hungry mouth is on you, tearing at your lips as his hand fumbles behind him, twisting the lock on the doorknob. 
"Is this what you wanted?" he yanks your head back with a hand full of your hair, "you wanted me to fuck you."
"It didn't have to be you," you say, loosening his belt, "anyone would do."
He pushes you further into the room against a low chest of drawers with a mirror attached. Plastic dinosaurs and transformers fall over the side and onto the floor. The stiff corduroy of your skirt burns your skin when it's yanked up around your hips, and you're lifted to the edge of the bureau.
"Is that right? You think you're going to give away what's mine?" He latches on to your neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark while peeling your panties down your legs until they slide off the rest of the way, fluttering to the floor. 
"Yours?" you can't help the laugh that bubbles from your throat, "I think you're confused."
"There's no confusion," he wrenches your legs open wide, "this cunt is mine to play with when I want," he looks down at your center, a warm blob of spit falling from his mouth, running down into your folds. 
"Sorry, Harrington," you suck in a sharp breath as his fingers start to work you, "You broke this toy, and now it's somebody else's turn."
"You think someone else is going to fuck you as good as me?" his tone is arrogant, and he holds your gaze, trying to prove his point with his thumb circling your clit.
Only one of you can win this game, and it's a little pathetic he hasn't figured out he's already lost. Your hands on his chest push him away, "You think I need your fingers to cum?" your fingers glide through your wetness before taking his place, "I can play all by myself," you say each word slowly before letting out a moan. 
"Christ," he breathes, eyes darkening with lust and fury. His knees hit the floor, and his hands push into the skin of your inner thighs, holding you open so he can bury his face into your core.
He licks you and licks you until you're cumming on his tongue, eyes opened wide when he pulls away. 
"We should get back," your hand wipes away some of the wetness on his face, "You go first, and I'll be there soon."
With a growl, he pulls you off the bureau and spins you around. He unzips and holds himself at your entrance watching your face in the mirror while he waits for you to fuck yourself onto his cock. Smirking, you oblige him, rocking back until your ass slaps his thighs. His eyes roll back as you really start to work him, rolling your hips as you push back hard and fast. 
"Feels good, doesn't it?" you coo, sticky sweet, as you watch his face in the mirror, "You like watching yourself get fucked, Steve?"
His lips twist into a smug sneer as his hand comes down on your ass with a loud slap before he digs his fingers into your hips and starts meeting you thrust for thrust. Angry grunts mix with moans and swears. You're cumming again when his strokes get frantic.
"I'm gonna cum," he pants.
"No," you say, pushing back hard and moving away until he's out of your pussy, "you can't cum inside me."
His hand moves to his cock, stroking, trying to salvage the orgasm you had rudely interrupted. 
"What the fuck?" ropes of cum splash his shirt, and run down his hand staining his jeans.
Bending, you pick up your panties and smooth your skirt back in place. 
"Save that for when you're with Nancy."
That was the moment you won. His eyes widened with the realization of what he'd done with his cock softening in his hand. He really loves her, and now he can live with his guilt.
Pausing before you walk out the door, a little of that rust flaking off with a single pump of your heart – maybe not completely dead. 
"Steve," you look at him over your shoulder, blowing him a kiss, "have fun cleaning up your mess."
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poppy-metal · 2 years
this is the first ask i’ve ever done ♡ i’m sorry if it’s cringy LOL, i literally just haven’t been able to get this out of my head and it’s 1:00am. steve!centric.
whatever you do, don’t think about how steve’s parents definitely forced him to play a classical instrument when he was younger. they wanted to use him in his adolescence to impress the other stifling parents in the rich neighbourhood of hawkins’, so they chose the cello. something deep, alluring, leading, etc. young steve would be hauled up in the living room of that near vacant house, watching longingly as the neighbourhood kids played rambunctiously on the sidewalks while he was tethered to darkness as the curtains closed, blocking his view of salvation. a brand new cello practically the same size as him would fight against his scrawny arms, weighing down on the right side of his chest suffocatingly. his firm instructor, one of the best in the country, sat across from him as he relentlessly instilled the art of classical music into steve’s brain day and night, until the soft pads of his nimble fingers were bloody and bruised.
once steve got to high school, he fought tooth and nail with his parents to not continue cello lessons, much to his parents now still evident resentment. he was afraid that if anyone found out that he knew how to play the cello, and god forbid, was continuing in junior high? they would group him in with the ‘band geeks’, thereby ruining his future ‘king’ title before it could even get up off the ground.
flash forward to the future (eddie didn’t die, duh) and it’s the summer of ‘86 after eddie has graduated (yay). the metalhead’s name has been cleared by hopper. town splitting earthquake? who’s she? so! eddie’s been struggling to find a bass player for corroded coffin, since maybe their old bass player decided to go to college, or get the hell up out of hawkins, or they broke their hands somehow, anyyyyways. eddie’s been sticking up audition signs all around hawkins with sticky, uneven sections of tape on every pole and establishment wall that he can touch. not to mention driving recklessly in his van, only to throw a few hundred matching signs out of his windows wherever he can, never failing to disturb the surrounding neighbourhoods’ of hawkins’ as they shoot him the bird before grumbly cleaning up the signs off the road.
it isn’t until a few days later when steve, robin, and eddie are in family video on a very dead saturday evening after the 5:00pm rush. eddie came to bug the two best friends, leaning against the counter as he played with his butterfly knife, deep in thought. steve was sat atop the counter absentmindedly with a mouthful of pringles, while robin lazily merchandised tapes near the till.
robin: “so, munson, you get any bites on your band’s bass player auditions yet?”
eddie: “no one except for ollie trout. he plays the cello, which is basically the same, but.. he’s just so.. stiff.”
steve, being the himbo, but genius he is, offhandedly mentions that he played the cello from when he was five to fifteen. for ten years, because his parents wanted him to and paid ‘fortunes’ for lessons from an old new yorker who smelt like olives. since he isn’t ashamed to talk about something that he found absolutely mortifying a short time ago, anymore. plus, robin plays the trumpet, so obviously it wasn’t that big a deal, right? he doesn’t see the awe in his friends’ faces until he reaches down to grab another pringle, the can suddenly gone. he looks up to see eddie’s jaw dropped incredulously, pringle can in his ring adorned grasp as robin is frozen in place, speechless. steve nearly sputters as he swears, believing some upside down thing was happening again before eddie practically got down on his ripped denim knees and BEGGED steve to play at least one gig with them.
i’m thinking that eddie bribes steve with maybe like, free work on his bmw for life whenever it needs to be repaired, or he’ll take initiative on driving the kids, particularly dustin, wherever they need to go for the rest of the summer. steve agrees at those propositions, but he’s hesitant, because it’s been a long time since he’s played. it’s something his parents made him do, and he doesn’t fit the image, but the bass feels different to him somehow. i’m thinking it’s kinda morphing into a school of rock! au. in addition to eddie teaching steve how to garner his confidence back into playing music again, he shows him how fucking cool black sabbath, metallica, motley crüe, etc. are. how the same chords that contributed to a piece he found static can electrify a space, how the sound he emits can become his, instead of his parents. it isn’t until steve finally picks up the glossy black bass that the band collectively owns, and fucking NAILS a complicated bass solo that eddie had walked him through moments before, that the metalhead silently thanks steve’s shit parents for allowing eddie to turn their goody two shoes boy into an entity his parents would loathe. the other two corroded coffin boys are SHOCKED, because they know they did not just watch the prince of hawkins’ get possessed by the gods of music for a good five minutes before reverting back into a nice guy. needless to say, jeff and gareth are more than down to have him join for a gig.
and whatever you do!! don’t think about robin calling your parent’s landline and asking you if you want to see steve’s first gig at the hideout with corroded coffin that night, because she doesn’t want to be alone, and you shyly saying yes. because you’ve always held a certain desire deep within the pit of your chest for the mature babysitter. and the thought of steve harrington? playing metal music? at the dingiest bar in hawkins? alongside the town outcast? it made your heart flutter and your core clench with anticipation and want.
you and robin dress in your best ‘metal’ outfits. if you’re more outgoing, you can definitely spice it up. practically painted leather leggings, shredded corroded coffin makeshift tank, glossy black boots that lick the bottoms of your thighs. or!! if you’re more of a coquette/girly girl, you could wear a really cute crop top and a verrryyyy short tennis skirt with slightly scuffed up mary janes (all black, because you still want to fit in with the band). those are just some options! anyways-
you and robin are near the outskirts of the crowd, away from the pending mosh pit (they’ve garnered quite a crowd, as word had spread fast that steve ‘the hair’ harrington had joined the only metal band in their small town of indiana). the chipped stage becomes bathed in a faded low light as the band walks on, and your breath hitches in your throat because there, on the right side of the stage closest to you, is the man of the hour.
steve’s dressed in a shredded band tee that’s been altered into a makeshift tank top, revealing the wiry rug of chest hair that makes your head go a bit fuzzy, with the way the chestnut strands glint in the slightly yellow stage light. not to mention the toned muscles in his arms flexing each time he moves from shoulder to fingertips, casting shadows within the indentations. black denim jeans, skinnier than you’ve ever seen on his legs are hanging low on his hips. the same hips you rarely ever see with how his large hands are always casing them in disappointment. except now, those same hands that make a pool of warmth spread within the base of your panties, are wrapped around the glossy black bass that’s strung around his torso. his dusky gaze is surrounded by an eyeshadow shade that resembles soot, with white glitter spilling down his waterline and onto the soft skin of his under eyes. a light sheen of sweat is beginning to cascade over his sun kissed skin, causing your saliva to become gelatinous as the tip of your tongue tingles longingly. he looks angelic.
and oh god, when they start playing? the crowd is going fucking nuts at eddie, steve, gareth, and jeff making the stage their absolute bitch. they sound like professionals, absolutely tearing the house down as the crowd moshes. broken teeth, black eyes, and nose bleeds inevitable at this point. your doe eyed gaze becomes cloudy as steve looks right at you, his hair damp with sweat as it droops over his sly gaze. you watch with parted lips and a searing warmth cascading you, as his rosy mouth morphs into a devilish smirk, pearly white teeth glinting ominously in the light. you can’t help the shiver that dances down your spine as steve puts on a true show. long fingers skillfully encasing the rough strings on his bass as he lets loose, screaming into the mic along with jeff as they act as background vocals for eddie, bass toned voice broken with the feeling of finally being free, alive. hopping and kicking around on stage with his steel toed combat boots as if his lungs had just taken their first real breath of air. tinged with stale cigarette smoke, metallic liquor, torn leather and cheap perfume.
and you swear, in that moment, that you would let his entire being swallow you whole.
hehe, thanks for listening to my word vomit! ♡ can i also be this emoji ‘🐇’ pretty please! ♡ if not than this one ‘💌’ 🥺🥺 i love your writing and hope you liked this! feel free to add on too hehe. i’m a slut for corroded-coffin!steve ♡
love, R! ♡
im going to pass out??? i need to suck his cock backstage immediately.
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goddess-aelin · 2 years
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You Make It Feel Like Yulemas
12 Days of Rowaelin- Day 9: Hallmark Movie
Word Count: 9k
Warnings: Banter, mentions of parental death
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius loved Yulemas. It was a known fact throughout the town of Orynth Village. She was the resident crazy book lady, she owned the book shop, and she was the one who always won the holiday decorating contest. So to say she was so excited to begin putting up her decorations was an understatement.
Fireheart Books was a beloved jewel of Orynth Village. Passed down from her deceased parents, Aelin put as much love into the small shop as she could. Though she was a busy resident of Orynth Village, Aelin dedicated as much time as she could spare into making sure that the customers were treated like family in her shop. 
Aelin didn’t expect to hear an unknown car sputtering across the street from her shop on such a fine morning. She was outside putting up some of her yulemas decorations when she heard it: A car battery turning over. And over. And over. She turned around, not recognizing the fancy BMW parked across the street.
Being the fine citizen that Aelin was, she decided to help the poor soul out. Her cousin owned an auto garage right down the street, after all. As she crossed the street, she wasn’t prepared for such a beautiful man to exit the car. Aelin knew everyone in Orynth Village and she prided herself on that. This man was unknown to her, though. And very, very handsome. His short silver hair blended in nicely with the Yulemas vibe of the town and Aelin got swept up in a short daydream of what life could look like with this man here.
Until he opened his mouth. 
“Miss? Can I borrow a phone? Unfortunately mine seems to have died just like my car battery here. I need to call AAA to get a tow and hopefully get to city hall as soon as possible.”
“In a rush, huh?” He nodded his head. “Well, I’m going to have to be the bearer of bad news and let you know that AAA doesn’t come out here. And we don’t actually have a city hall, more of just a glorified meeting room.” Aelin smirked at the man’s sour look. “I can, however, help you get a tow. My cousin owns a garage right down the street. Why don’t you come inside for a second and I’ll give him a call.”
The man sighed, rolling his neck and shoulders. “Fine. Thanks.”
Aelin didn’t know what this guy’s problem was but he sure seemed like he needed a good dose of cocoa. And some Yulemas spirit. And maybe a Xanax. 
Aelin led him into her shop, pointing him to a seat nearby the small cocoa machine she had in her sitting area. She started a complimentary cup of cocoa for him and called Aedion, who said he would be there in 10 minutes. She used the time to study the man in front of her. Tense. Sour. Did she mention handsome? 
“My name’s Aelin,” she called from the little nook where the cocoa was brewing, glancing over at Mr. Silver-hair. He nodded before giving a terse reply. “Rowan.” 
“Well, nice to meet you Rowan. What brings you to Orynth Village?” She made her way back over to the sitting area and handed him the cocoa, which he proceeded to set down on the small coffee table. 
“Hmm. Care to elaborate?” 
A sigh. “I work for Maeve of Doranelle Industries. I’m here on business and I need to meet with the mayor of this fine town to sign some contracts.”
“You don’t seem very excited about that.” Aelin was amused despite her irritation at his annoyed tone. 
“I would literally rather be anywhere else. No offense, but there’s nothing here. I drove for miles in the snow with nothing around me. You can’t even get AAA to come out here and tow my car.” Aelin raised an eyebrow.
“Hmm. Well, Mr. Rowan whatever your last name is. I think you’ll find that there is much more to this town than meets the eye. And besides, I’m not sure the Mayor would appreciate signing a contract with a company that builds cookie cutter ski resorts for smarmy rich people. That probably wouldn’t go over well with the small town feel here.”
“On the contrary, Miss…”
“Galathynius.” “On the contrary, Miss Galathynius. A ski resort here would increase traffic through this town, thereby giving little shops like yours more business.” “I highly doubt people like you that are at the resort would want to come down to our lowly little town since, what was it you said? ‘There’s nothing here.’” Rowan studied her for a moment. “Well then, at the very least maybe a ski resort would bring your little town into the current century.” “Perhaps we like our town the way it is.” 
Rowan leaned forward. “Tell me, Aelin. How is it that you know so much about Doranelle Industries, anyway?” Aelin decided that she wouldn’t feed into the little game this bastard was playing. So she stayed silent. 
She was saved seconds later, anyway, by Aedion’s tow truck parking across the street. 
Aelin stood up. “Tow truck’s here. You can take that cocoa with you if you’d like since you didn’t touch it.” 
“I don’t do sweets.” At that, Aelin stopped in her tracks and turned around, giving him a face. “I’m sorry. You don’t eat sweets? What kind of alien are you?” 
He just shrugged and continued walking. 
Aelin thanked Aedion and then thanked the Gods that this man was out of her hands. 
“Well, it was a pleasure, Rowan. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.” Rowan rolled his eyes. “Pleasure, Miss Galathynius. And thank you for the cocoa,” he said with a sweetly sarcastic smile. 
- - - - -
Not an hour later, Aedion called, asking for her help. 
“Ae, I need a favor.” Aelin internally sighed. She already knew what it was going to be. 
“Yes. He has nowhere else to go. I won’t be able to get the part I need for another few days since we don’t normally see these high-end vehicles here. And Lys already said the B&B is full for once. So we all know that you’re the most hospitable, generous, amazing, fantastic, kind-hearted–” “Laying it on a little thick there, bud.” Aelin paused for a moment. Would she be able to give this virtual stranger who hated their little town a place to stay for a few days without killing him? She wasn’t sure about the last part. But Aedion was right, she was a beautiful, fantastic, amazing person (maybe he didn’t say that first part but who was she to be modest?) and she would put this down as one of her good Yulemas deeds.  
“Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll be there in a few minutes to pick him up.”
“Thank you! He’s not that bad once you get to know him.”
“Mmhm, sure. I’ll believe that when I see it.” With that, Aelin hung up and wondered what she just got herself into. 
- - - - -
“So here’s the guest room that you’ll be using. I’m right down the hall so please don’t turn out to be an ax murderer and kill me in my sleep. This is the bathroom you can use. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen.” Aelin gave him the quickest tour of her little cottage that she could, not wanting to spend more time in his infuriating presence than necessary. 
“Why would I tell you if I actually am an ax murderer? And why would you let me in your house if you thought I was?”
Aelin just shrugged. “I’m usually a good judge of character and though I think you have a stick up your ass, you don’t seem like the type. So yeah. Home sweet home for the next few days.”
“Is there a grocery store around here? I’m assuming that most of your food is filled with sugar so I’ll probably have to run out and get my own anyway.”
The audacity of this man. Aelin replayed Aedion’s words in her head, He’s not that bad once you get to know him, Aelin. She’s not sure that Aedion was the best judge of character. Because right now, she was seeing a ridiculously spoiled and rude side of him. 
“Right down the street. Be my guest to walk there. Good luck with the Yulemas crowds at this time, though. It’s after 5pm on a Friday, it’s going to be crazy.”
“Ughhhh. Is this the town where Yulemas originated or something? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a place so decorated and crazy about a holiday.” “You say that like it’s a bad thing! I should have known that since you hate cocoa and sugar that you’d also be a Yulemas hater.” 
Rowan just gave her a “harrumph” in reply. Which gave her an idea. A beautiful, wicked idea.
A smirk crossed her face as she looked to Rowan. “I have a proposition for you.” Rowan looked like he wanted to kill her. Maybe her judgment of him not being an ax murderer would turn out to be wrong. “As payment for you staying here, you have to help me with some of the Yulemas festivities going on in the next few days.” That had him standing up straighter. “I thought you already gave me permission to stay here?”
Aelin shrugged and turned up her nose, “I can easily take that away. It’s my house, after all.” 
“No. Absolutely not. I hate Yulemas more than I hate cocoa. Just give me a glass of that and I’ll chug it and be filled to the brim with your Yulemas cheer.”
“Nope. Too late.”
“This is blackmail.” 
Aelin shrugged again as a smirk crossed her face. She held out her hand. “Do we have a deal or not?”
Rowan hesitated and let out a long sigh. “Fine.” He grabbed her hand and gave it a surprisingly firm shake. 
“Good. Get a good night’s rest because you’re going to need it tomorrow.” And with a wink, she walked away from where he was sitting on the guest bed. 
- - - - -
Aelin heard Rowan’s ten-thousandth sigh from his position trailing behind her. She hadn’t yet told him where they were going or what they were doing, simply having woken him up by yelling his name and being extremely loud in the kitchen. She had made simple eggs and bacon, which he gratefully didn’t push away. 
And now, from her position up front, Aelin could tell Rowan was already at his wits end for the day. Especially because she hadn’t elaborated on their activities. 
“Don’t you have to take care of your shop today?”
“Nope. I’m always closed on this day every year so that I can participate in Yulemas activities.”
“And those activities would be…?” 
“Nope, not telling you. You’ll just have to find out when we get there.” “How much farther?”
“Gods, you sound like a five year old on a long road trip. We’re almost there, okay? And the people here deserve to be treated with happiness and a smile. So please do your best to be nice and on your best behavior.” 
She couldn’t see him but she practically could hear Rowan rolling his eyes. 
They turned another corner where a large outdoor tent was set up outside of an old brick building, already bustling with people. “This is the ‘City Hall’ that you were looking for yesterday. Like I said, basically just a small meeting room.” “And what’s the tent for?”
“We’re volunteering at the yearly drive for people who might not have much during Yulemas. It could be clothing, toys, books, pretty much whatever people are willing to donate in good or new condition. And then later today, people who are in need will come and be able to sort of shop around. It’s a great program that we do. Orynth Village residents take care of each other. Sometimes even outside residents come in to donate or pick up.” 
“That’s actually really nice.” 
Aelin raised an eyebrow at the praise. Who was this man and what did he do with the Rowan she knew?
An older man with graying hair approached them, hands full with a few boxes. 
“Hey Emrys. Looks like you guys have already had a busy morning.”
“Aelin! I’m so glad to see you. There were a few minor issues with a few of the…ahem…neighborhood party planners. We’re all fine but we all know that you’re a professional at soothing tempers when they get high. Would you be a dear and go find those two old ladies and put them in their places?” Aelin chuckled. “It would be an honor to do so, Emrys. I hope they didn’t give you too much trouble.”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle, my dear. You know how us old people get. We’re so set in our ways that we fight even at charity events.” Emrys’ cheeks were tinged pink from the cold but it was only happiness that he exuded. 
Aelin gave him a smile and nod before introducing the mystery man that she knew Emrys was dying to ask about. “Emrys, this is Rowan. He’s in town for a few days and wants to get the full Orynth Village experience. So put him to work wherever he’s needed. Perhaps helping you carry those boxes? Those muscles have to be good for something.” 
Aelin didn’t realize her slip up until Rowan turned to her with a tiny smirk and uplifted eyebrow. She just gave him a dashing smile in return. Thankfully, he took the boxes from Emrys before following the man to the tent. Maybe this would be good, Aelin thought. She’d find a way yet to make this man’s icy heart melt with Yulemas cheer. 
- - - - -
Aelin didn’t see Rowan for the rest of the morning until she collected him for lunch. By that point, he had shed his heavy winter coat, leaving him in a thick green sweater in which she could clearly see his bulging muscles. Gods, she needed to stop ogling his arms. She already slipped up once earlier, she wouldn’t do so again. 
“Cmon, Yulemas Grinch, we can take a break for lunch.”
To her surprise, Rowan didn’t glare at her. It was almost as if her plan of melting his heart was working. 
“Did you have fun earlier?” “Surprisingly, yes. Emrys had me working hard and I have to say it was quite fun to watch you wrangle those two ladies. I was sure for a second there that an actual boxing match was about to break out.” 
Aelin couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. “Well, you know what they say, Yulemas melts even the coldest of hearts.” She looked at him and smirked. “Were you talking about the ladies or about me?”
Aelin shrugged. “Perhaps both. It remains to be seen.” They crossed the street to a little old cafe, owned by one of her best friends, Elide.
“Charming,” Rowan murmured.
“Don’t knock it till you try it. Elide makes some of the best hot sandwiches on this side of the Florine.” 
“Considering this is about the only major town north of the Florine, I’m not sure that’s the compliment you think it is.” 
“Oh, hush. You’ll see.” 
They took their seats and a tiny, dark haired woman came out to take their orders. “Aelin, my friend! So good to see you taking a break from all of your Yulemas shenanigans.” 
“Elide, good to see you, too. This is my good friend, Rowan. He’s staying here for a few days while Aedion fixes his car.”
“Ah, yes. I’ve already heard of the sports car that broke down outside of your shop. Guess it couldn’t handle the heavy Orynth Village snow.” 
Rowan narrowed his eyes at Aelin but she put her hands up in a placating manner, managing to convince him that it wasn’t her who was the gossip. 
“So what’ll it be today?”
“Hmm…I’ll have the cheesesteak sandwich with jalepenos and extra sauce. Oh! And an order of fries with it. And those perogies you make so well.” Aelin batted her eyes at Elide, who then turned to Rowan. 
“I’ll just have a salad, no dressing, please.”
“Uh-uh, nope. He will not have that. He’s going to have the same as me.” Rowan looked as if he was going to protest but she cut him off. “Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”
Elide giggled and walked away. “You know, I think it’s enough that I’m participating in your Yulemas activities. I don’t think I also need to eat what you do.”
“You ordered a salad. At a sandwich shop. Seriously, who does that? Like I said, you’ll thank me later. This cheesesteak will be the best thing you’ve ever tasted.”
“I’ve never even had cheesesteak.” “What!? Rowan, seriously, what do you eat when you’re at home?” “Healthy things. I like to keep myself in good shape.”
“Why? So you can experience as many Yulemases as you can?”
“I don’t need to like Yulemas to be happy.” Aelin gave a noncommittal hum. “And are you?” “Am I what?” “Happy?”
Rowan averted his eyes and didn’t answer for a while. He then was saved from answering by the arrival of their food. Aelin decided to let him get away with it. It was no use pushing him on something like this. And besides, she didn’t care. She didn’t.
Aelin watched with anticipation as Rowan took the first bite. He paused with it halfway to his mouth. “You know, it’s really weird that you’re watching me eat.” 
“Oh shush, just take a bite.”
Rowan did as he was told and stopped chewing immediately, eyes widening slightly. He would never admit it but Aelin knew exactly what was running through his mind because the same thing ran through hers the first time she tried one of Elide’s sandwiches. His eyes closed slightly in pleasure and she could’ve sworn he let out a small moan of happiness. She chose to ignore both of those things and filed them away for later. Now was not the time. 
“Well?” She prompted.
Rowan shrugged, having regained his sense. “It’s pretty good.” Aelin chuckled and gave him her most darling smirk, happy with a day’s hard work well-done. When she took a bite herself, she didn’t stop the moan that left her lips. Elide always knew the way to Aelin’s tastebud heart. 
When she looked at Rowan again, she could’ve sworn that his cheeks were tinged slightly pink. She ate in smug silence for the rest of their little lunch date. 
- - - - -
Aelin was exhausted by the end of the day. But it was a good exhausted. From the look of it, Rowan was feeling the same. A small smile actually graced his features, making him look much younger and happier. It wasn’t smugness that filled Aelin’s heart at the sight but instead a much warmer feeling overtook her. 
They had gone straight back to work after lunch, helping out at the charity drive wherever they were needed. Aelin took on a much more political role, doling out jobs and greeting people to make them feel comfortable in taking whatever they needed. She had felt Rowan’s eyes on her at various moments throughout the day and she sometimes accidentally met them. She was almost always met with a soft smile in return, which surprised her to no end.
Aelin knew all of the citizens of Orynth Village and she talked to them all throughout the day. Sometimes Rowan joined her at her side, already knowing what the person was looking for without asking. Aelin couldn’t help the ironic laugh that left her lips. The man who hated Yulemas was playing the role of Santa pretty well. 
It was around eight at night when they finally left the circle of the charity drive, walking silently past the local park where a few kids were playing in the snow that began falling a few hours before. 
“Aelin!” They both swiveled until they came face to face with a small, red-headed little girl, no older than 11. 
“Evangeline! Looks like you’re having a lot of fun.”
“Yes! Some of the kids and I are having a snowball fight. Do you want to join?”
Aelin hesitated. She was tired and she knew Rowan was the same. So she looked to him, giving him the space to make the decision. He basically pushed her towards the kids with a smile on his face. “Go ahead. We all know you want to.”
She chuckled. She certainly was not dressed for the occasion but that would not stop her. She joined Evangeline’s team, the group of girls already having made a small wall of snow to protect the impending attacks. She was making her next snowball when she had another wicked idea. 
She quietly whispered the idea into Evangeline’s ear, the girl smiling and nodding excitedly. The girl walked away, right up to Rowan to ask him to join. But what Rowan didn’t see was that Evangeline was just a distraction. A distraction for Aelin to come up behind him and thwack him with a big ball of snow. 
He turned around in shock, though Aelin didn’t know if it was because she had thrown the ball or if it was because it was so damn cold. She thought for a second that he would storm away or yell at her. But once again, he surprised her. 
Rowan was quick. Too quick that she barely got five feet before he picked her up and threw her into a fluffy pile of snow to his left. He then pelted her with a mound of snow so large she was practically buried underneath it. She was definitely going to be cold later. But she couldn’t worry about it now. Now was the time for vengeance. 
Aelin feigned a sputtering cough, blinking away the flakes that had fallen into her eyes. 
She could hear Rowan’s remorse as he reached for her. “Shit, Aelin! I’m sorry!”
He offered his hand to help her up, which she gratefully took. But instead of helping her up, she helped him down. Right into the snow bank next to her. She then proceeded to push a large pile of snow right into Rowan’s face. He was stunned for a moment but quickly recovered, once again pulling her down into the snow and pinning her underneath it. 
By the end of their little battle, they both were soaked and cold, yet laughing hysterically. She didn’t know Rowan was capable of that. He was so light-hearted and she was seeing a totally new side of him that he kept under lock and key. Neither had noticed that the snowball fight continued raging on despite their dalliance in the snow. Aelin couldn’t help but think that this was what Yulemas was about. Friends having fun together, focusing on happiness and community. 
Eventually, they peeled themselves out of the snow, saying their goodbyes to the kids and making their way back to Aelin’s house. She was definitely cold and getting colder by the second. Luckily, she had a fireplace waiting for her back home that was just waiting to be lit.
Aelin unlocked her door and flipped the light switch on only to be met with darkness. 
“Shit. The power’s out.” 
“Do you have a generator?” “Nope. Usually Orynth Village is pretty well-equipped to handle snow storms but I guess this one was a fluke.” Aelin knelt by the fireplace, starting a fire in the cooling embers with ease. “Luckily, we have heat. You can bring your stuff down here if you want and we can sleep down here tonight. It’s going to be too cold upstairs.” 
“Ok. I’ll be right back.” 
Aelin and Rowan both made their way upstairs to grab extra clothing. She didn’t care if Rowan was a virtual stranger, she would not be getting changed in her ice box of a room or bathroom. So she brought her clothing and blankets downstairs, noticing that Rowan decided the same. 
She went to unzip her coat, which was sopping wet, but her frozen fingers prevented her from doing much other than failing to grasp the zipper. “This is embarrassing but do you mind helping me with this zipper? My fingers are a little cold and I can’t feel them.”
“Aelin! Your fingers are blue. You’re lucky if you don’t have frostbite. Weren’t you wearing gloves at all?” She gave him a sheepish smile that answered his question. Before undoing hers, Rowan made quick work of his coat. His hands went to hers and deftly undid the fastenings, pulling her coat off with it. She hadn’t really noticed how wet her clothing actually was. She looked like a drowned rat, her sweater and leggings clinging to her like a second skin. 
“Shit, Aelin. You’re freezing and literally shaking like a chihuahua.” He reached for the hem of her sweater. “May I?” 
She gave him a nod and he proceeded to peel the freezing item from her body. Aelin felt like it was happening in slow motion. She was aware of every area where his knuckles brushed her skin, despite being so cold. Goosebumps broke out all over her body. If this was a movie, Aelin thought this would be where the two characters professed their secret love for one another. It was the perfect scene, the brooding yet gentle man helping the beautiful woman he loved out of her soggy clothing, all taking place in front of the firelight. 
“Not to be forward but you have to get out of those leggings, too. Do you think you can do that or shall I?”
“I got it.” She quickly shucked her pants, grabbing the dry ones Rowan was holding out to her.  “Your turn, now.” Aelin wasn’t sure what came over her. Maybe it was the daydream she had moments before or maybe it was the gentleness with which he helped her. Either way, before he could protest, she reached for the hem of his sweater, which was also very wet, and started pulling it over his head. She tried to be respectful, trying to touch him as little as possible. Which is absolutely not what she wanted to do as his muscles were revealed to her one by one. She held out his pants for him just like he did for her. 
After the scene broke, they both settled in front of the fire, shoulder to shoulder and one blanket wrapped around them, bringing them as close as possible to share body heat. 
“Thanks for helping me.” 
Rowan smiled slightly and nodded. “Thanks for letting me stay here. I don’t think I’ve said that yet. But thank you. I would’ve been screwed without you.” 
Aelin raised one shoulder in a shrug. “Yeah, you would’ve. A city boy in the wild. I don’t think you would’ve lasted very long without your fancy car and AAA.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad, I just haven’t had to deal with the cold like this in a while. And there’s nothing wrong with having a nice car. Though I will admit, that’s a company car. I honestly don’t even have one back in Doranelle.” 
Aelin smiled.
“Can I ask you something? And you have to promise not to get mad at me?”
Rowan hesitated. “O…kayyy?” 
“Why do you hate Yulemas so much?” 
Rowan sighed and took his time answering. “I don’t hate Yulemas. I used to love it when I was younger. It was a time to be with family and friends, lots of parties and good food. But my parents died when I was 17 and it just wasn’t the same afterwards. After, I was dating this girl who didn’t like Yulemas so we never celebrated and then I started working for Maeve and most of the time, she had me working hours over the holiday. So it’s just a busy and crappy time of year, I guess.” 
“I’m sorry. My parents died when I was younger, too. They left me the bookstore, actually. It’s named after me. Fireheart Books. They used to call me their Fireheart.” A small smile graced Aelin’s features. “I know what you mean, though. That it wasn’t the same after they died. I guess that’s maybe why I go all-out for Yulemas events. I just want other people to feel the love and happiness that I felt when I was younger. Especially if they don’t have a family to spend it with or don’t have much money to spend.” 
“Fireheart. I think that suits you very well.” Rowan looked at her and gave her a smile. “I think it’s great how involved you are in the community. Everyone and their mother knew who you were and I could tell that they all adore you. Even those two old ladies who were fighting. I swear the moment you walked over, they were covered in shame. Like you were a mother reprimanding them.” They both chuckled at that. 
He continued, “I can see how you love Yulemas if it feels like this every year. Just one day here and it’s better than any Yulemas I’ve had in a very long time.” 
Aelin knew that was a huge admission coming from Rowan. So instead of saying anything back, she decided that he needed a hug instead. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down a little. She tucked him close to her in the tightest bear hug she could manage, hoping to give more warmth to his already-melting heart. 
As she pulled away, she could have sworn that time stopped for a minute. Rowan’s attention flicked to her lips just as hers did the same to his. Before they could lean any closer, Rowan cleared his throat and looked back to the fire. But luckily, he didn’t move away. Aelin wasn’t quite sure what she was feeling at the moment. This man that she hated so vehemently was not what he seemed. Inside his cold, hard exterior was an inside made of mush. 
They continued talking lowly for a few minutes about anything and everything. Aelin learned that Rowan loved reading and she offered to take him to her bookstore in the morning. He gave her ideas on how to bring more customers in and offer more programs for the locals. She was learning that despite his grumpiness, underneath was an extremely intelligent man. And despite their beginnings, that man was slowly transforming her heart, as well.
- - - - -
Aelin woke to a nice and toasty feeling spanning the length of her back. It wasn’t a nice, warm bed feeling. Nor a warmth from a fire feeling. No, this was much, much better. As she came to her senses, she realized that it was sort of strange for someone she had known for only a few days to be completely wrapped around her. But she didn’t care. She hadn’t felt so safe or slept so well in a while. 
Rowan stirred behind her, his arms tightening and then releasing once he became more awake. 
“It’s ok. Sharing body heat, right?” Aelin gave him a smile as she sat up from their cocoon of blankets on the floor. “Looks like the power’s back on judging from the blinking light coming from the kitchen.”
They disentangled themselves, going to their respective rooms to get ready for the day. 
Aelin had a full day for the rest of Rowan’s visit. He had asked to see the shop the night before so she would be giving him a tour today. She had some orders to fill that she would take care of whilst there. And then later that night was the Yulemas tree lighting, which Aelin was always excited for. Aelin hoped Rowan would like it. It was her favorite event that they held in Orynth Village. There was just something about the multicolored lights blinking on, illuminating the smiling faces of her townspeople. And with the softly falling snow that was already beginning outside, she knew that it would be the perfect winter scene. 
To Aelin’s delight, Rowan seemed impressed with her bookshop. She carried a large variety of titles and had small displays littered throughout with books of the month or specialty finds. While she got a bit of work in, Rowan roamed the shelves, happily buying a few books and settling in the chairs to read them. 
Once night time rolled around, Aelin was bursting with excitement. She offered to make Rowan a hot cocoa for the road but he politely refused. Aelin supposed that she couldn’t win every Yulemas battle. 
They entered the town square, which was already bustling with people, at quarter to seven. The tree lighting would happen promptly at seven and there would be caroling and Yulemas fun right after. She and Rowan mingled with the townsfolk until then, Rowan happily engaging in conversation much to her delight. Lys and Aedion arrived just prior to seven and Elide swept in to pull Aelin away for a brief moment. 
It was customary for Aelin to introduce the tree lighting. Rowan just didn’t know that. She could see his bewilderment from her place on the small stage that rested in front of the tree. He didn’t see her on stage yet, still looking around for her. The sight warmed her heart a little.
It was Emrys who took the stage first, gathering everyone’s attention to the main event. “I’m so happy to have everyone here for Orynth Village’s 66th annual Yulemas tree lighting! Would you all give a round of applause for our Mayor, Miss Aelin.”
The crowd cheered as she walked out. She met Rowan’s eyes for a brief moment, confusion still holding onto his features. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were slightly downturned. She hoped that he could forgive her little deception. She hoped that he would understand why she didn’t tell him she was the Mayor of Orynth Village, thereby the person he had been looking for all this time. 
“Hello, my friends! I’m so happy to be here once again at yet another Orynth Village tree lighting. Our little town has so much character. Our people are so resilient and caring, our community kind and helpful. There is no place I’d rather be than here in Orynth Village with all of you.  Thank you to everyone who participated in the charity drive yesterday. We were able to help so many of our families and friends and for that, I know that we all are grateful. Thank you all for another great year and for being such a welcoming bunch. Let’s get this tree lit, shall we?” The crowd cheered once again as Aelin reached for the button that would light up the tree.
And light it up, she did. She was right earlier. The colors were beautiful, reflecting off every surface in the town square. The gently falling snow added a bit of sparkle to the already shining tree. As she took in the happiness of each of the residents, she couldn’t help but let out soft laughs herself. She looked for one face in particular, noticing that he moved to the back of the crowd. He was smiling, though it didn’t reach his eyes like the true smiles she had come to know did. He met her eyes but quickly looked away, dampening her spirits slightly. 
He was mad. Mad that she didn’t tell him about her being the Mayor. Mad that she had danced around the truth. Through the happiness of the crowd around them, she made her way towards him and tried to muster up the strength she knew she would need.
- - - - -
They walked in silence back to her house. He barely had said a word to her in the few hours after the tree lighting. She sipped hot cocoa while he stood at her side, once again a brooding presence. She knew that if people would look at him, it would just seem like he was tired. But she knew better. He was mad.
They got back to the house and shucked their heavy winter gear. Aelin was about to say something to him but before she could, he made his way upstairs and shut the bathroom door. Well, this was not going as planned. She didn’t think that this night that she was looking forward to would turn into this. 
He was in there for a while. She knew because she waited on the couch, hoping and praying that he would come down to get water or something before going to bed.
Eventually, he did.
“Rowan, can we talk? Please?” His spine stiffened from where he stood at the fridge. 
Slowly, he turned toward her. “What is there to talk about, Aelin? Or should I call you Mayor Galathynius? I’m not sure which you prefer.”
“Listen, I know that it was a surprise to see that I was the mayor but you have to understand…I…I had to see what your intentions were. This was the perfect opportunity to see whether or not the company you work for just wanted to gentrify the area. It’s not often that big businesses come into a small town with pure intentions.”
He was silent for a while. Aelin understood why he was upset. She just wanted him to afford her that same favor. 
His voice was quiet when he spoke again. “Is that why you let me stay here? Not because I needed a place to stay but so you could spy on me?” 
“I mean, not necessarily. You needed a place to stay so I offered. But I’m not going to lie and say that it didn’t help to get to know you better.” 
Rowan let out a sarcastic sounding huff. “Sure. Aedion said that my car will be done tomorrow morning. So you won’t have to worry about me anymore. I’ll be out of your hair at eight AM at the latest.” “What about your meeting with the mayor? You never actually pitched me anything.” 
“Given your stance on it a few days ago, I doubt I’ll be able to convince you any more than I already have. So if you don’t sign off on it now, you probably won’t after I tell you more about it.” 
“You’re giving up that easily?” 
“I know a lost cause when I see one. It’s fine. This was a longshot anyway. Maeve will just send me somewhere else to set up a different account. No big deal.” “That doesn’t sound like the Rowan I know.” “Well, you don’t really know me, do you?” 
Aelin felt as if she’d been slapped. As a defense, she went right back to business. “Do you have the contract, just so I can look over it.” 
Rowan’s brows furrowed. “For the ski resort?” Aelin nodded. “I thought you didn’t want a ski resort with stuck-up rich people in your little town?” 
“If you truly think that it would be beneficial to the citizens of this town, how could I not even consider it? To offer these people a chance to gain more wealth and have more stability…well, I’d be doing them a disservice as their mayor to not consider it.” 
Rowan kept silent. 
“So yeah. If you have the papers, I’ll look them over tonight and I can get an answer to you before you leave tomorrow.” 
Rowan nodded and left to fetch the papers. Aelin wasn’t sure if she was making a mistake or not. This was the first time during her stint as mayor that she truly had no idea what to do. She had already briefly secretly discussed it with other council members whenever she could get a second away from Rowan. All of them seemed to be in the same boat as her: not necessarily happy about it but not against it if it helped their townspeople. So this decision, unfortunately, would come down to her best judgment.
Rowan returned a few moments later. “These are the papers. It outlines everything from the architectural plans to the permits we need signed off on. And there’s also a plan in there about how it would help traffic through the town, though we do anticipate needed to pave alternate routes because the roads here aren’t equipped to handle large crowds. 
Aelin nodded along numbly. “I’ll look these over now. Thanks.” 
With another nod, Rowan retreated to the guest room. Now only if she could find a way to make him not hate her again.
- - - - -
Aelin woke up with a pounding headache, her first in a long time. Of course, she hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before since she was looking over the permits and then stressing over everything. Everything being if she was making the right choice and of course, Rowan hating her. She wasn’t sure why she cared so much. They hadn’t gotten off to the best start and she really had known him for only three days. But those three days were important days. He showed his true colors. And they were colors Aelin liked. 
She had, in the end, decided to sign the permits, allowing Doranelle Industries to build a ski resort just north of their little town. Though he was mad at her and though it had only been three days of knowing him, she trusted Rowan. Surely, he would tell her if he thought it was a bad idea. Right? 
Rowan had been quiet all morning. She hadn’t given him the papers yet, choosing to do so after she dropped him off at Aedion’s garage. 
“What time do you want me to drop you off at Aedion’s?”
“He’s actually bringing my car here. So you don’t have to worry about it.” His voice was even colder than when she first met him.
“Don’t, Aelin. It’s fine. You didn’t trust me, and therefore didn’t tell me you were mayor. I get it. Let’s just leave it be.” 
“Okay.” Aelin supposed there was no better time than the present to get the deal over with. “Here are the papers. I signed them.”
Rowan gave her an incredulous look. “You signed them?” 
She nodded. “I went over what you were saying the first day about it bringing in more business for our little town and even though it’s a risk, it’s one we have to take. How can I deny my people the chance to expand their businesses? As long as you still think that, then I…I trust your judgment. So yes, I signed them.”  
Rowan looked down at his hands. He hadn’t been a huge talker the past few days but it was now that she desperately wished he would say something. 
“I guess someone will be in touch, then.” That is definitely not what she wanted him to say. But what else could she do?
At that moment, Aedion casually strolled into her house, not having any idea of what he just walked in on. 
Aedion clapped a hand on Rowan’s shoulder. “Car is all ready to go and outside. Should take you smoothly back to the city.”
“Thanks, Aedion. Send me a bill and the company will pay it.”
“I was going to say it’s on the house but damn, if your big hot-shot company is paying for it, I sure will send a bill.” 
That made Rowan laugh. And the fact that Aedion could get a laugh out of Rowan when he was barely even talking to her made her extremely jealous. 
Aedion kept her company while Rowan got his things together, seemingly oblivious to Aelin’s internal strife. 
Footsteps sounded from the front of the house, followed by rolling wheels. Rowan stood at the front door, donning his winter jacket, looking like the businessman he was. Aedion went out the door first to make sure the car was ready to go. 
“Guess this is goodbye, then,” Aelin said. 
“Guess so.” “Do you have the papers?” Rowan gave a nod. 
“Thanks for letting me stay here. I appreciate it.” He gave her a tight smile, turning towards the door. Aelin didn’t follow, just lingered at the threshold. 
She gave a wave as he got in his car, starting the engine. He looked to her one last time before pulling away. 
She wasn’t going to lie, she felt a little hollow. But there was nothing to be done. She and Rowan were passing ships in the night, never meant to be anything more than whatever the hell they were a few days ago. 
“Ae, can you give me a ride back to the garage?”
Aelin had almost forgotten that Aedion was still there. “Yeah. I have to get to work anyway.” And so she tried to move on from those three days.
- - - - -
Aelin had worked hard the few hours after Rowan left. Her shop wasn’t incredibly busy but she kept herself occupied with ordering and fulfilling online orders. She even started to plan some of the ideas Rowan had given her. But she wasn’t thinking about him right now. Just business. No silver hair or green eyes, nope. 
The bell above the door announced the arrival of a customer. Aelin sighed. She honestly was tempted to close the shop and wallow a bit for the rest of the day. Maybe curl up in bed with a nice book. One that has a happily ever after, maybe? 
She dusted off her pants before making her way to the front of the shop. And immediately stopped in her tracks when she saw the familiar form standing there. “Rowan?” 
“Hey.” He gave her a small smile, a complete change from the coldness that permeated from him earlier. 
“What are you doing here?”
He swallowed hard. Aelin could’ve sworn he was nervous. 
“I made it about an hour out of town before I stopped for some coffee. And this fell out of the paperwork you gave me.” He was holding up a small, pink square. Aelin knew what would be written on the post-it note. She wrote it herself, after all. A last-ditch effort to make Rowan hate her a little less. She didn’t write much, just a hastily scrawled “I’m sorry. -Fireheart.” 
“I almost started driving back to the city. But I couldn’t help but feel that I was making a huge mistake. So I turned around instead.” She hadn’t noticed the papers he had in his hands, the ones he was handing back to her. “Shred these.” 
Aelin’s brows furrowed. “What?”
“Shred them. Putting a ski resort right here would ruin this town. On the small chance it would bring in customers for you, it would ruin the feel of community you have here.”
“Why now? Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“My job has always been to get the signature. Not to advise or give my opinion. But then you come along, saying that you trust my judgment. And I realized that I value what you think of me more than my boss ever will.”
“Won’t you get in trouble for that, though?”
“Oh, definitely. But that won’t matter if I quit, will it?”
Aelin couldn’t help the gasp that left her. “Quit? You had all of these realizations in the past…” Aelin checked her watch, “Three hours?” 
“I had these realizations long before then. My courage just came in about three hours ago.” He chuckled. “The other day you asked me if I was happy. If I had answered then, it would’ve been no. Truthfully, I haven’t been happy in a long time. But then I come here and you welcome me into your home with all of your Yulemas decorations and sugary drinks,” Rowan’s smile was brilliant when he looked at her again. “And I came alive again. These past three days have been the best days in a very long time. I haven’t been so carefree or had a few days off in what feels like forever. It sounds crazy. But I need that. And I needed to see that life is more than working. I’ll figure the rest out later but I…I want to move out here. Be a part of your community, your life. That is, if you’ll allow it.” 
Aelin pretended to think on it for a moment. But as he was making his speech, there was never any doubt on her part that she wanted him here. With her. So instead of making him wait any longer, she threw her arms around his neck, sending him stumbling back slightly. He caught her with ease, wrapping his strong arms around her middle and picking her up off her feet. 
“There’s something else I have to do. Another reason for coming back here,” he said with a smile. “I should’ve done it that night in front of the fire.” 
Aelin knew exactly what he was talking about and inhaled sharply, her pulse picking up. Rowan’s hands cupped the sides of her face, thumbs stroking her cheeks. She didn’t think anyone ever saw her as clearly as Rowan did in that moment, when green met turquoise. He slowly brought his face closer to hers, lips just brushing her own. The pillow softness of his lips was unexpected for such a harsh, unyielding man. Their first kiss was just a featherlight touch, something so sweet that it melted Aelin’s insides. The kiss was over before it started, yet it was perfection. 
They both met each other’s eyes again, resting their foreheads together. 
“I think,” Aelin started. “I think that this was perfect. You said you should’ve done it the other night. But I think this was better. It certainly is us, dramatic as ever.” Rowan’s answering chuckle was music to her ears. 
Eventually, they pulled apart. Aelin didn’t allow him to go far, though, clutching his hand as she led them to the sitting area. “What are you going to do about your job?”
“Well, I have some savings so it’s not a huge deal if I don’t find something right away. I, of course, will need to go back and give my resignation and collect my things. Then, of course, there’s the matter of finding a place here. I’m assuming there aren’t very many apartment complexes here?”
Aelin cringed, shaking her head. “Unfortunately, no. But I have an idea.” She paused. Things were moving extremely fast yet they felt right. “My guest bedroom is still open. You can live there. And if you don’t feel comfortable living there permanently, you can at least live there till you find a place.” 
Rowan smiled softly. “I would like that. I know things are happening fast but…it feels right,” he said, mirroring her earlier thoughts. It was nice to know they were on the same page. 
 “It does,” she agreed. “And, feel free to say no, I have been looking for help at the bookstore. You probably want something more closely related to your field but in the meantime, while you're searching, you can work here.” Aelin shrugged. Maybe it was stupid of her to offer her home and place of work to a man she just met. But they bared their hearts to each other on more than one occasion. Plus, if it didn’t work out, she could ship him off to Aedion and Lysandras. But she really wasn’t that worried. 
Rowan smiled at her again, running his thumb over the back of her hand. “I don’t know what to say.” His face got serious. “I am sorry for earlier. How I left things. I know you didn’t mean anything malicious by not telling me. And I overreacted.” Aelin waved him off. “I’m sorry, too. I still should’ve said something. At the very least when we were talking by the fire but probably sooner.” 
“Well, I’m willing to let bygones be bygones on one condition.” Aelin quirked a brow. “I want to try one of your world famous hot cocoas, thereby letting myself be filled with loads of Yulemas cheer.” Aelin laughed heartily. 
“Deal.” She wasted no time in making said hot cocoa, extravagantly presenting it to him. She watched with bated breath at his reaction. He took a slow sip, then another, and another. Until he finished the whole cup. Aelin took this as a good sign. 
Until he proceeded to rush to the bathroom to heave his guts up. 
When he returned, he had a sheepish smile on his face. 
“So it was that bad, huh?”
“Not at all. I told you I just don’t like sugary things.” “You didn’t have to drink the whole thing!”
“You looked so happy that I was drinking it. I couldn’t disappoint you.” “But instead you could run to the bathroom and throw it all up?”
Rowan gave a guilty shrug. 
“Next time, we’ll just start smaller, how about that? Maybe not drink the whole cup?” Rowan laughed.
If anyone looked from the outside of the shop, they would see two lovebirds sitting on the comfy chairs in a quaint bookshop, the picture perfect scene of a happy couple on Yulemas. Judging by the abundant laughter and hearty smiles on each of their faces, an outsider wouldn’t have any inclination that the two just met three days prior. But that’s the way of soulmates. They were two people whose hearts beat in a tandem rhythm, recognizing the other simply by the beating of their hearts.
A/N: I hope this was as cheesy as the title and prompt promised.
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citynewsglobe · 2 months
[ad_1] Think about cruising down the freeway when out of the blue your automotive begins sputtering, leaving you stranded. Your automotive’s engine is its coronary heart, and when it fails, it could actually really feel like the tip of the highway. Nevertheless, changing your automotive engine doesn’t must be costly or daunting. On this weblog put up, we’ll information you thru the method, providing sensible suggestions and insights that can assist you change your automotive engine on a finances with out compromising high quality. Indicators Your Automobile Engine Wants Alternative Recognizing when your automotive engine wants substitute is essential to keep away from additional injury and potential breakdowns. Listed below are some key indicators to look out for: Elevated Exhaust Smoke In case you discover thick, coloured exhaust smoke, it may point out extreme engine issues. Blue smoke might recommend burning oil, whereas white smoke would possibly point out coolant leaks. Black smoke may imply the engine is burning an excessive amount of gasoline. Knocking Noises A loud knocking sound from underneath the hood is a transparent signal of engine hassle. This noise typically outcomes from worn-out engine bearings or different inner points that might lead to an entire engine failure if not addressed promptly. Frequent Overheating Constant overheating may cause vital injury to your engine. In case your temperature gauge consistently spikes otherwise you see steam coming from the hood, it’s time to get your engine checked. Ignoring this could result in pricey repairs and even whole engine substitute. By listening to these indicators, you may decide when it’s time to think about changing your engine, doubtlessly saving you from dearer repairs down the road. Understanding the Prices Concerned in Engine Alternative Changing your automotive engine could be a vital funding. Understanding the prices concerned will enable you to finances successfully and make knowledgeable choices. Price of a New Engine New engines might be fairly costly, starting from $4,000 to $6,000 or extra, relying on the make and mannequin of your automotive. As an example, if you happen to’re on the lookout for particular fashions like BMW motors on the market, costs can range based mostly on the engine’s specs and situation. Labor Prices Labor prices for engine substitute can add a considerable quantity to your whole bills. Skilled mechanics might cost between $50 and $150 per hour, with the whole substitute course of taking 10 to twenty hours. Extra Components and Provides Along with the engine itself, chances are you'll must buy different elements corresponding to gaskets, seals, and fluids. These extra elements can add a number of hundred dollars to your total price. By understanding these prices, you may discover methods to save cash, whether or not by choosing a used engine or contemplating a DIY strategy. Methods to Save Cash on Engine Alternative DIY vs. Skilled Providers In relation to changing your automotive engine, you will have two foremost choices: doing it your self or hiring skilled companies. Every strategy has its professionals and cons, particularly when attempting to remain inside a finances. DIY Engine Alternative Changing your engine your self can prevent a major quantity on labor prices. Nevertheless, it requires a sure degree of mechanical ability and entry to the fitting instruments. In case you’re assured in your skills and have expertise engaged on vehicles, this could possibly be an economical choice. Skilled Providers Hiring an expert mechanic ensures that the job is finished appropriately and safely. Whereas this feature is dearer as a consequence of labor expenses, it offers peace of thoughts realizing that skilled palms are dealing with the substitute. Discovering a Stability Contemplate a hybrid strategy by buying an engine your self after which hiring a mechanic to put in it. Many mechanics are prepared to work with customer-supplied elements, which may help you get monetary savings.
By fastidiously weighing these choices, you may select the most effective strategy in your finances and ability degree. Step-by-Step Information to Changing Your Automobile Engine on a Price range Changing your automotive engine could appear overwhelming, however breaking it down into manageable steps could make the method extra simple. Right here’s a step-by-step information that can assist you get began. Step 1 Collect Your Instruments and Provides Earlier than you start, collect all mandatory instruments and provides, together with wrenches, sockets, a hoist or engine crane, and security gear. Having every part readily available will streamline the method and stop pointless delays. Step 2 Take away the Previous Engine Begin by disconnecting the battery and draining all fluids from the engine. Then, take away the hood, radiator, and different elements obstructing entry to the engine. Fastidiously disconnect all wiring, hoses, and bolts attaching the engine to the automotive body. Use the hoist to carry the outdated engine out of the car. Step 3 Set up the New Engine Decrease the brand new engine into place utilizing the hoist, guaranteeing it aligns appropriately with the mounts. Reattach all wiring, hoses, and bolts, and reconnect the battery. Fill the engine with the suitable fluids and examine for any leaks or free connections. By following these steps, you may efficiently change your automotive engine and get again on the highway with out breaking the financial institution. Security Ideas and Widespread Errors to Keep away from throughout Engine Alternative Making certain security throughout an engine substitute is paramount. Listed below are some important security suggestions and customary errors to keep away from. Prioritize Security Gear At all times put on protecting gear, together with gloves, security glasses, and steel-toed boots. Working with heavy equipment and sharp instruments can pose vital dangers. Double-Examine Connections Earlier than firing up the brand new engine, double-check all connections, bolts, and fluids. Lacking or free connections can result in extreme injury and extra restore prices. Keep away from Dashing the Course of Engine substitute is a fancy activity that requires persistence and a focus to element. Dashing via the method will increase the danger of errors and potential hazards. By protecting these security suggestions in thoughts, you may guarantee a easy and safe engine substitute course of. Conclusion Changing your automotive engine on a finances is fully achievable with the fitting strategy and data. By recognizing indicators of engine hassle early, understanding the prices concerned, and contemplating each DIY and professional choices, you may make an knowledgeable choice that fits your circumstances. Bear in mind to comply with security tips, take your time in the course of the substitute course of, and repeatedly preserve your new engine to increase its lifespan and efficiency. For extra detailed steering or customized recommendation, think about consulting with an expert mechanic or automotive fanatic neighborhood. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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milestonemotors · 1 year
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BMW is a very popular luxury car that is known for its powerful engine and advanced features. The engine is the most important part of your BMW. However, of late, drivers are complaining about facing sputtering engines in their high-end cars while driving. There are several factors that can cause your engine to sputter while driving. Have a look at the infographics to know the factors that cause your BMW to sputter while accelerating.
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fastlaneeuropean · 1 year
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A car engine can sputter due to a number of different reasons. But, don't freak out… Diagnosing such a problem is very easy. Go through the above presentation to have a detailed explanation of the causes of engine sputtering in BMW.
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lancerservice · 1 year
Say Goodbye to BMW Sputtering: A Guide to Achieving Smooth Acceleration from Certified Mechanics in ST Paul
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BMW is one of the most sought-after luxury cars in the world due to its top performance and advanced features which makes it stand out from the rest of its competitors. The popularity of BMW can be gauged from the number of these cars that one gets to see on the road of ST Paul.
The engine is the most important part of your BMW that is responsible for the performance you get when you press the gas pedal. However, like other mechanical parts, the engine also has got its fair share of issues and one such issue is related to the sputtering of the engine when your car is running.
The sputtering of your BMW can be caused due to a host of factors and if it is not addressed immediately, then it will become a bigger headache for you in the long run. Here in this article, we will discuss the factors that cause your BMW to sputter while driving.
Issues with the Fuel System
The primary cause behind the sputtering of the engine while driving your high-end car is related to the fuel system in your car. The fuel system in your vehicle is quite complicated containing a host of parts that work in cohesion for the efficient delivery of fuel to the engine of your car.
Especially the fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel injectors are very important when it comes to the delivery of fuel to the engine. Mostly it is seen that the fuel filters get clogged with dirt & debris when the vehicle starts gathering miles and this disturbs the working of the other two components.
Whenever the engine receives inadequate fuel for the combustion process due to any reason, then you will experience sputtering in your luxury car while driving. However, which part is faulty is quite tricky and you need to rope in a BMW specialist who can use advanced tools to diagnose the real culprit behind the problem.
Malfunctioning MAF Sensor
There are a host of sensors in your vehicle that monitor the functioning of vital parts in your car and one such part is the Mass Airflow Sensor or MAF sensor.  The MAF sensor keeps a tab on the amount of air entering the engine and the data collected by the sensor is used by the onboard computers to adjust the flow of fuel to the engine.
Now, whenever the MAF sensor in your car malfunctions, then it manifests in different ways and sputtering of the car is one such problem. This mostly happens because of erroneous data received from the MAF sensor alters the amount of flow of fuel to the combustion chamber.
The flow of a low amount of fuel is unable to meet the requirement of additional power when you press the gas pedal to accelerate and this is when you experience the sputtering of your luxury car.
Bad Catalytic Converter
The catalytic converter is one of the most important parts of your BMW when it comes to controlling the emission of harmful gases from the car. The catalytic converter converts the harmful gases produced during the combustion process in your car into less toxic ones.
The catalytic converter is susceptible to issues and due to its nature of functioning the catalytic converter might get clogged and this affects the functioning of the engine as the exhaust gases that should have gone out of the vehicle through the tailpipe, now find their way back into the engine and this causes sputtering when you drive your car.
Whenever the catalytic converter goes bad you will also come across a pungent smell inside the cabin that smells like a rotten egg and this signifies that the catalytic converter has failed & fixing it is going to solve your sputtering woes.
 Oxygen Sensor Failure
The oxygen sensor is also a very critical sensor in your vehicle that monitors the amount of oxygen being released through the exhaust system of your car. The data collected by the sensor is used by the Engine Control Unit (ECU) to alter the flow of air into the engine.
Mostly incorrect data from a failing oxygen sensor alters the amount of air entering the combustion chamber & this causes disturbances in the air/fuel ratio leading to the sputtering of your car.
The above-discussed factors are some of the leading factors that cause the engine to sputter in your BMW when driving. Whenever you experience the sputtering of your luxury car while driving, then immediately get in touch with your trusted automotive repair shop to get your BMW diagnosed and fixed.
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europeanautotech · 1 year
5 Signs Your BMW Axle Needs to be replaced
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Engine generates power by burning fuel and gets a torque to make the car move. Now how this torque is supplied to the wheels? Various components from the gear box and the drive train make the torque application to the wheels from the engine. This is not simple, but a complex process and many mechanical parts take part in this process. Some has huge roles, while other supports the operation. In this article, I’m gonna tell you about axle which is very important parts of drive train and how the car will be affected when axle becomes bad.
What is axle?
There are various mechanical systems in vehicles that make the transfer of power from engine to the wheels possible. Axle is one of the most important part of the drive train power transfer system. Axle is a metallic large cylindrical bar like structures that operate to transfer the power and torque from the engine to the wheels. Axle also make the wheels to turn to make the car turn. So axle is connected to both steering system and the transmission. There are various types of axle used in cars, some are simple, while others are more complex in structures.
Axle is usually very durable, but it can also get broken if the car is not made to drive carefully, inexperienced drivers, lack of maintenance, overloading of the car, etc. When the axle get damaged, there would obviously be some issues in making the wheels to rotate. Damaged axle can lead to various issues in operation and even some severe issues if not fixed in right time. You just need the signs to identify the issue and make it diagnosed accordingly.
Common signs of faulty axle in BMW
Before taking your car to garage, look for these signs to be sure about the axle problem.
First look at the brake drum and the driveshaft, if you find oil leaking from these parts or they are dripping oil, then there can be a damaged axle. In CV axle joints, there would be a leakage of grease, it is not quite noticeable you need to check the CV axle. Get it diagnosed immediately or else dirt may enter to the interior of these parts and damage these parts.
Unusual noises
You may hear some unusual noises like sputtering, clunking and bumping. Such noises occur when the axle do not have enough power to make the wheels rotate properly. There would be lack of power at the axle.
Wobbling wheels
If the axle is bad, then it would lead to misalignment of the wheels, so the wheels would wobble while rotating and such things would highly disturb the passengers.
The vibrations would occur when the vehicle shake vigorously. The misaligned wheels by a faulty axle can make the car to vibrate.
Slipping and skidding of vehicle while stopping
When the axle becomes bad, the wheels get misaligned or bent. So gradually when the brakes are applied to such wheels having bad axle, there is a high chance that the brake pads also get misaligned. So when such brakes are applied, the vehicle would skid and slip.
No budge
When the axle is damaged, the car tires would stop moving. A bent axle is the culprit behind such issue. You may need to tow your car or call a mechanic.
You have to get your car axle repaired as soon as possible to avoid any trouble that may happen when you are in the middle of the road or when you are in a hurry. Your wheels would not turn properly at all and may stop. Your car would become out of control. Get your BMW inspected once you get these signs.
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bavarianworkshop · 2 years
5 Surprising Symptoms of a Faulty Oxygen Sensor in BMW
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Modern cars are equipped with various smart devices for monitoring various processes. These are mostly the sensors. Sensors help in better working of the car. They help in making the car more efficient. But the sensors have a limited lifetime. They may fail due to various reasons. Some faulty sensors give such signs which can be very much surprising. Her I’m gonna discuss about some surprising symptoms of a faulty oxygen sensor in BMW.
O2 sensors in BMW
The O2 sensors are present near the exhaust system. The work of the sensor is to monitor the amount of oxygen present in the gasses coming out of the engine as a result of combustion of fuel. The main reason behind such work of the O2 sensor is to make the amount of oxygen and fuel entering into the engine remain in definite proportion. The air and fuel enters into the combustion chamber where they form a mixture. The spark plugs burn the mixture resulting in production of combustion byproducts or burned gasses and large amount of heat. When the fuel is completely burned, it is taken out of the engine and then the O2 sensor detects the amount of O2 present in the gas. Because oxygen is used during combustion. If the oxygen amount in the burned gas is high then there is a high chance that the combustion is not happening properly in the engine. Then it sends signals to the ECU or engine control unit which controls many components in the engine. After receiving signals, it makes a change in the fuel and air amount that is entering into combustion chamber so that combustion process can happen perfectly and enough power will be generated without loss of fuel. There should be a correct proportion of air and fuel in the mixture so that combustion process can happen perfectly.
Sometimes the O2 sensor itself becomes bad due to various reasons. It becomes unable to carry out its functions properly. The reason can be that the sensor have become excessively dirty or the cables connected to the sensors have become bad. Even leaking of coolant on the sensor can make it faulty.
Signs of failing O2 sensor
Sputtering of engine
The engine sputtering happens if the combustion in the engine has become inconsistent. Problems in the combustion process can lead to production of such unusual noises. And such problems would occur mainly when the O2 sensor is faulty.
Engine stalling
Stalling of engine means that the engine is failing to accelerate the car. The accelerator becomes less effective. This occurs due to low power issue. The performance of the engine may drop.
Rotten egg smell inside the cabin
The smell of sulphide or rotten eggs are usually very unpleasant and this can disturb you much while driving. As the O2 sensor fails, the wrong signals from it can make the engine to have more fuel than required. The unused fuel after combustion remain in engine for a very long time and produce such an unpleasant smell.
Black smoke from exhaust
Lot of smoke coming out of exhaust is always an unusual sign, because a good combustion process never leads to production of more smoke from exhaust. If the O2 sensor is faulty, then you will also notice a black colored smoke coming out of tailpipe. This smoke can be easily noticed by the rear view mirror.
Fuel economy decreases
A faulty O2 sensor leads to incorrect air and fuel ratio in the air fuel mixture. This leads to a bad combustion process and the vehicle efficiency decrease with decrease in fuel economy. The fuel gets wasted and you have to top off the fuel frequently.
The fixing of such problems require cleaning of the sensor if it is excessively dirty or any leakage. The sensor cables are to be checked, if they are damaged then they have to be replaced. If the sensor has issue then it has to be replaced.
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xtruss · 2 years
Ten Business Trends For 2023, and Forecasts For 15 Industries! A Global Round-up From The Economist Intelligence Unit
— The World Ahead | The World Ahead 2023
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Ten Business Trends For 2023
1– America’s Federal Reserve and other Western central banks raise interest rates still further to battle inflation. China, though, keeps monetary policy loose.
2– The inflation crisis hurts shoppers and retailers; even e-commerce growth slows. Online retail is 14% of all sales—up from 10% in 2019 but barely beating 2022.
3– Covid-19 takes many more lives, but deaths dip to less than double the number from flu. China may loosen its zero-covid policy, risking a surge in cases.
4– Asia’s appetite for energy helps push global oil demand up by 1.5%, to exceed pre-pandemic levels. opec grudgingly expands output, suppressing prices somewhat.
5– Recession risks and rate increases do not prevent tech spending rising by more than 6%. Device sales disappoint, but the artificial-intelligence market swells to $500bn.
6– As they struggle to sign up new subscribers and take on competitors, streaming firms continue to invest heavily in content—$17bn, in Netflix’s case.
7– Global sales of new cars grow by just 1%, but those of electric vehicles increase by 25% as China reverses plans to scrap tax breaks to maintain demand.
8– America, the world’s biggest defence spender, boosts annual outlays to $800bn—more than three times China’s level. But budgets, adjusted for inflation, shrink.
9– Broad gauges of commodity prices retreat. This provides little relief to companies hampered by flagging production of some metals—or to 800m hungry people.
10– Air travel turns profitable as international arrivals soar by 30%. But they stay below pre-pandemic levels; many would-be business travellers opt to meet remotely instead.
Forecasts are for 2023 unless otherwise indicated. World totals based on 60 countries accounting for over 95% of World GDP. [email protected]
Business Environment
The war in Ukraine and the pandemic will drag on. Pricey commodities will help producers but worsen food insecurity and hurt many economies. Although global gdp growth will slow to 1.6% in 2023 from 2.8% in 2022, inflation will be a still-sizzling 6%, forcing central banks to raise interest rates further. China, though, will keep rates low—and may ease its zero-covid policy, boosting world trade.
After three sputtering years, carmakers will stay in the slow lane in 2023. New-car sales will rise by 1% but remain 14% below 2019 levels. Commercial-vehicle sales, less hard-hit by the pandemic, will fall further. Supply-chain blockages will linger, though a shortage of chips will recede. Energy shortfalls and higher prices will take a bigger toll, particularly in Europe. Carmakers will struggle to pass on rising costs to buyers as inflation erodes consumers’ incomes and savings. Profits will drop.
Even electric vehicles will accelerate less sharply. Global sales, which doubled in 2021, will increase by 25% to 10.8m, or around 20% of the total new-car market. China will account for more than half of these as it backtracks on plans to scrap tax breaks for fear of stifling demand. China will also impose the world’s strictest emission standards for fossil-fuel vehicles. Germany’s sales of electrics will slip as it cuts subsidies. But electrics offer the best hope for carmakers in the long run, so they will launch more of them.
New electric models will tend to be bulkier, like Tesla’s delayed Cybertruck or sport-utility vehicles from bmw, Hyundai and others. Robotaxis will take to the roads in China, the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere. Two German cities will hold trials of “level four” autonomous vehicles, with human drivers barely needed.
TO WATCH: Drone ascent. Volkswagen China will conduct advanced tests of a passenger-drone prototype aimed at wealthy urbanites. The electric “air vehicle” will boast vertical take-off and landing capabilities and may eventually carry four passengers.
Defence and Aerospace
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War in Ukraine and tensions over Taiwan will drive governments to fortify defence budgets. America, the world’s biggest spender, will raise outlays by nearly 9% in 2023, to $800bn, more than three times as much as second-placed China. Japan and Germany will pursue their goals of spending 2% of gdp on defence during the next five years. Even so, defence ministries will struggle to overcome high inflation, so spending will fall in real terms—a blow for defence and aerospace companies. Compounding their troubles will be labour and supply-chain issues, hitting just as Airbus and Boeing, the global leaders, try to lift post-pandemic aircraft production.
Still, new technologies will get a boost. America will step up research spending, while nato expands innovation funding. New emissions standards will apply to business jets, as Britain plots the first net-zero transatlantic flight. But manpower will matter, too, particularly in eastern Europe. The new “nato Force Model” will enable the alliance to deploy over 100,000 troops within ten days, another consequence of the war in Ukraine.
TO WATCH: Space invaders. nasa will reach for the Moon again in 2023 as its Lunar Trailblazer begins a search for water there. But private missions run by billionaires are also looking to the skies. Elon Musk’s SpaceX plans a lunar fly-by. Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin will launch a new rocket, New Glenn. And Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic hopes to start commercial services.
The energy crisis will deepen in 2023, particularly in Europe. Under Western sanctions, Russian hydrocarbon flows will dwindle as the eu widens bans on Russia’s oil and it retaliates by ending virtually all gas supplies. But Asia will help push up global oil demand, which will rise by around 1.5%—or 1.5m barrels a day (b/d)—to exceed pre-pandemic levels. opec will grudgingly raise oil output by 2.4m b/d, suppressing prices a bit. Winter will deplete Europe’s gas stocks, and flows of liquefied natural gas (lng) will fall short. Germany and Italy will open lng regasification terminals, but compete with buyers in Asia.
All this will keep oil and gas prices high, even as energy-consumption grows by a meagre 1%. The scramble for fuel will lift coal consumption to new records, with countries from Germany to China backtracking on planned cuts that were intended to tackle climate change. But solar power will also shine, raising demand for non-hydro renewables by 11%. Hydropower output will expand by 3% amid water shortages and doubts about its green credentials.
By November the cop28 climate summit in Dubai will bring new pledges to cut emissions, and a new deadline for wealthy countries to give poorer ones $100bn a year in green finance. They may succeed (three years late). One hot topic for attendees: energy-efficient air-conditioning for a warming world.
TO WATCH: Fission frisson. Interest in nuclear power will radiate around the globe in 2023. Newly nationalised edf will open the first of France’s next-generation nuclear-power stations, and China will launch an experimental fast-reactor. To avoid blackouts, Germany and South Korea will shelve plans to close nuclear plants.
As fears of covid-19 recede, more film fans will migrate from their saggy couches to cinemas’ comfy seats. Box-office revenues in 2023 will surpass those in 2019, welcome news for cinema chains lumbered with pandemic-era debts. Streaming firms will lose subscribers as monthly fees climb, but will nonetheless need to satisfy cravings for even more binge-worthy content. Netflix, the biggest streamer, will spend $17bn on this—but will prioritise squeezing more money from each user. Warner Bros will roll out a service combining hbo Max with Discovery+.
Streamers’ cash piles will help them harry conventional broadcasters in new arenas. Amazon’s Prime Video has led the race into sports broadcasting, long a preserve of traditional telly. From 2023, Apple tv+ will show live games from America’s Major League Soccer, thanks to a deal worth $2.5bn.
So far, the competition over sport has not drawn in Netflix. The company will be hoping that a cheaper advertising-supported service, which was launched in several markets in November 2022, will lure cash-strapped viewers and reignite subscriber growth. Globally, Netflix will thwart freeloaders by cracking down on password sharing.
WHAT IF? The EIU expects China’s GDP to grow by a reasonable 4.7% in 2023, but risks abound. Periodic Chinese covid lockdowns are still likely. The country’s property bubble looks perilously close to bursting. And the coming slowdowns in America and the EU, huge export markets, could dent Chinese growth. What if China goes into recession in 2023? This would mean a weaker Chinese appetite for imports, pushing down global metal and energy prices. Fewer imports would translate into less production of everything from apparel to solar panels. The impact would land hard in Shenzhen, the world’s biggest source of electronics. Also feeling the pain would be countries that provide goods to China: think of America, Japan and South Korea, which sell China cars, aeroplanes and much else. Worried companies would include Tesla, keen to boost sales in the biggest electric-car market. Also smarting would be American and EU consumer brands hoping to sell more in China to offset slowdowns at home. Among Chinese firms, property developers could be slammed by bad loans. The fallout from that would be felt worldwide, roiling stockmarkets and punching a hole in global growth.
Financial Services
A slowing economy will test financial stability in 2023. A 2008-style global crash is unlikely, given banks’ high reserves and tighter risk standards as Basel IV implementation starts. Rising interest rates will also bolster margins. Yet unsecured private investments may come unstuck. Wide-ranging financial sanctions against Russia will cause further losses and disruption for financial firms. Sovereign defaults are certain in Sri Lanka and possible in many other emerging markets, from Mongolia and Pakistan to Egypt and Tunisia. The imf warns that banks laden with risky foreign debt could then fail as currencies depreciate and repayment burdens soar.
Stockmarkets will tighten their standards. America will de-list companies (many of them Chinese) that flout audit rules; Hong Kong and Shanghai will benefit. China will face dangers, particularly in property: Evergrande, an indebted property giant, has until September 2023 to avoid being delisted in Hong Kong. Everywhere, more financial firms will turn to online and mobile channels, competing and co-operating with fintechs. Cross-border payments will see the next shake-up, spurred by the rise of digital currencies and by Russia’s exclusion from swift, a messaging network that underpins international payments.
TO WATCH: Harder than abc. It will be a crunch year for esg as regulators curb greenwashing—corporate spin touting a company’s environmental, social and governance credentials. New eu rules for esg accounting will apply from June, with America’s to follow.
Food and Farming
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Food shortages loom in 2023 as a result of the war in Ukraine and climate change. The un expects 19m more people to be undernourished, with nearly 830m going hungry worldwide. Harvests will be thinner in many places. Planting will be hurt globally by a lack of fertilisers from Russia and high energy prices, and the aftermath of 2022’s droughts. Production of wheat and maize will fall, though rice output will climb. Grain exports from Ukraine will be low as Russia plays games with its blockades. Egypt, especially, will suffer.
Even so, sky-high food prices will decline as demand softens. Economist Intelligence’s (eiu) price index for food, beverages and feedstuffs will drop by 12%, led by oilseeds. Consumers will change their tastes to protect their pockets, switching from wheat to millet, or from sunflower oil to other vegetable oils. With food supplies at risk, some countries could turn to new food export bans, sending prices soaring again.
Green goals could suffer, too. To promote “sustainable” farming, the eu will push through its new common agricultural policy, but cut targets for land to be left fallow, to grow more food instead. Britain’s new land-use policy may favour food over solar farms, though it will pay some farmers for carbon cuts and conservation. America’s Farm Bill could do likewise.
TO WATCH: Lab lobsters. Singapore will gain ground as a hub for lab-grown food, as Shiok Meats launches its cell-based shrimp and lobster. In rival Hong Kong, Alt Farm will print wagyu beef. Eat Just, an American start-up, will open a plant there to fabricate chicken.
Health care
Covid-19 will infect millions more in 2023 but—provided no dangerous new variants flourish—deaths should fall to less than double the number from flu. Early in the pandemic, mortalities were over 200 times higher. China may loosen its zero-covid stance, risking a surge in cases. To pre-empt that, it will roll out more vaccines, including homegrown mrna shots. American and British researchers will test all-variant vaccines; monkeypox and malaria jabs will also attract more attention. With pandemic deaths waning, the un believes life expectancy at birth will start recovering in 2023, after decreasing by 1.8 years in 2020-21.
Governments will struggle to fund stretched health-care systems as economies sputter and costs rise. Drug sales and health-care spending per person will climb by about 5% in nominal dollar terms, but fall in real terms as inflation bites. Countries from India to Nigeria will extend universal health care. Finland will introduce far-reaching reforms. Debates about abortion will rage in America and beyond.
Pharma firms will step up acquisitions to cope with patent expiries and generic competition—notably for Abbvie’s anti-inflammatory Humira, the world’s bestselling drug. General Electric will press ahead with spinning off and listing ge Healthcare. Pfizer, planning a greener future, will switch its North American operations entirely to solar power in 2023.
TO WATCH: Baby steps. Genomics England, a government research body, will screen up to 100,000 newborns in 2023 to gather data on rare diseases. It is a small move towards routine whole-genome sequencing, which would be a huge boost for personalised medicine. Rare diseases afflict perhaps 400m people worldwide; three-quarters of such illnesses are genetic.
For six straight years, gross fixed investment has risen as a share of world gdp, to over 25%. The steady expansion in this proxy for infrastructure spending will falter in 2023 for lack of government cash. Still, opportunities will abound. Globally, investment will be nearly $25trn. This includes pandemic stimulus of $3.2trn, according to the G20’s Global Infrastructure Hub. The G7 will raise $160m to kickstart a global infrastructure fund for emerging markets, in a move to challenge China’s decade-old Belt and Road Initiative.
Public investment planned before the war in Ukraine—including America’s infrastructure law, passed in 2021—will focus on transport, water and digitisation goals. Newer initiatives, such as those from the eu and Britain’s National Infrastructure Bank, will pour money into energy infrastructure. China will channel more funding into rural infrastructure and 5g networks. Unfortunately, inflation has already cut these investments’ value. Labour shortages and high building costs will make many projects profitless for many companies. At least they will keep revenues flowing in tricky times.
TO WATCH: Gas expansion. Investment in new ports and regasification infrastructure for liquefied natural gas will reach $32bn in 2023, as Europe and others wean themselves off piped Russian gas.
Information Technology
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Recession risks and interest-rate hikes will not deter it spending in 2023. Companies will increasingly tap technology to predict demand, track supply and secure data. Gartner, a consultancy, expects tech spending to rise by more than 6% from the year before, propelled by firms’ need for software and it services. Device sales will disappoint, with high prices putting owners off replacing gizmos. But automation will accelerate as businesses work to counter high wages and supply problems. The artificial-intelligence market will swell to be worth $500bn, reckons idc, a research firm. Cloud computing will also grow, supporting remote work and companies’ desire to collect and crunch data. Spending on cloud services offered by tech giants such as Amazon and Microsoft will hit about $600bn, Gartner projects.
All this will prompt more firms to build private mobile networks to improve connectivity and tighten security. Spending on these will reach $12bn, says Juniper Research, with 60% of it coming from manufacturing, mining and energy companies. But digitisation increases cyber-security risks; so will geopolitical strife. In 2023 governments will tighten cyber controls, adding to red tape and imposing a big burden on small businesses.
TO WATCH: Cashing in. Computer chips are in demand for use in cars, consumer gadgets and all things digital. But supply woes and China’s threats to Taiwan worry Western governments. They are trying to increase chipmaking on their own shores, with some success. In 2023 South Korea’s sk Hynix will start building a semiconductor factory in America. Other companies will follow. America is offering $52bn in chipmaking subsidies to spur production in the country, and will start handing out the cash in 2023.
WHAT IF? Gene therapies hold great promise. Replacing a piece of a patient’s defective dna with a corrected version can treat everything from rare diseases to common cancers. Roll-out, though, has been very slow. Since 2018, American regulators have approved just 24 cell and gene therapies—most of them hugely expensive. What if there is a breakthrough in gene therapies? This could come through faster approvals, better ways of treating patients or cheaper production. On all fronts, the signs are hopeful. In America, more than a dozen gene therapies could be approved in 2023, according to cvs Health, a pharmacy chain. More than 300 clinical trials are under way worldwide. How these drugs are given to patients could be improved by using adapted viruses (“viral vectors”), newer versions of which could reduce side-effects. As for high prices, investment could cut production costs. In 2023 Biogen, an American firm, will open a new gene-therapy factory, as will Yposkesi, a French company. The biggest gains would come if governments and insurers paid for treatments over several years or rewarded drugmakers based on results. That could unlock gene therapies’ enormous potential.
Following a post-pandemic surge in spending, the advertising business faces harder times. Dentsu, an advertising giant, expects global advertising revenues to grow by more than 5% in 2023, to almost $780bn. But this will be inflated by publishers charging more for adverts, and economic choppiness will hold back would-be advertisers—especially Western ones. Look for lay-offs at advertising and marketing agencies.
Trends seeded during the pandemic will bear fruit. Digital advertising will steal more print dollars, reaching 57% of total spending. Within this, expenditure on mobile ads will increase the fastest, thanks to popular games and short videos. Developing countries in which digital-media consumption is rising—such as Brazil and India—will lead the way. However, depreciating currencies in emerging markets will mean lower profits for America’s technology giants.
Privacy concerns will loom large. Regulators and consumers are pressing the ad world to do away with “cookies”, starving advertisers of precious user-data. Apple’s move to allow people to block third parties from collecting their data will keep digital advertisers on their toes. At least Google’s decision to delay cookie-blocking until 2024 promises some relief to advertisers and ad-dependent businesses. Suffering most from the backlash will be Meta, which depends more than its peers on third-party data. But retailers such as Amazon and Walmart, which own oodles of data on shoppers, will gain: other companies will want to use their websites to target consumers better.
Metals and Mining
After surging to a record high in 2022, eiu’s metals price index will fall by more than 7% in 2023 (though it will still be 40% higher than it was pre-covid). Demand for diamonds and gold will suffer most from the economic downturn, though Chinese stimulus spending will buoy metals needed for construction and manufacturing. North American steel use will hit an eight-year high.
Still, lofty energy prices and power crunches in China and Europe will hamper production of metals, including aluminium, steel and zinc. This could prompt governments to extend temporary bans on scrap-metal exports. Russian suppliers like Nornickel and Rusal will consider merging to limit the effects of sanctions over Ukraine.
The green-energy transition and digitisation will stoke demand for copper and other metals. Electric vehicles and electronics will fuel consumption of lithium, nickel and rare-earth metals.
TO WATCH: Not-so rare earths. American Rare Earths, an Australian mining firm, will release results from its Halleck Creek site in America, where it expects to find over 1bn tonnes of the 17 rare-earth minerals needed for battery production. With many of the world’s rare earths in China and Russia, the project will support America’s battery-security aims. Australia, Britain and the eu and are also boosting investment.
Property-industry sales will be worth $5.8trn in 2023—a huge sum, but just 1% more than in 2022. Higher interest rates will weigh on mortgage lending and depress house prices in some markets. British prices may tumble by 5% as its Help to Buy scheme ends; Australia may see a 9% drop. America’s post-pandemic boom will slow, at the very least. Globally, the uncertainty will prolong a fall in new house starts and office developments, with builders wary of less demand, high costs and labour shortages. Even so, office completions will stay high in many cities, with investors eyeing safe havens and reliable rents to offset inflation.
eiu property figures do not include China, where data are sparse and the sector is fragile. Mortgage boycotts, debt defaults and a weak financing system will keep rocking Chinese confidence into 2023 despite official efforts to support credit growth. Even so, a gradual easing of covid restrictions should fuel demand there and in South-East Asia. India’s luxury market is likely to stay strong. Globally, second-home owners will be lured by sun, sea and seamless internet as they warm to hybrid working.
TO WATCH: Feeling the heat. Property owners will be encouraged, or compelled, to make buildings greener. In 2023 America will offer more tax credits for making energy-saving tweaks. Britain will set minimum energy-efficiency standards. Germany will impose emissions taxes, to be split between landlords and tenants.
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The cost-of-living crisis will hurt shoppers and retailers alike. Even e-commerce’s growth will slow, especially in the West, where tight-fisted consumers and higher interest rates will hinder retailers’ expansion plans. In China, the world’s largest online-shopping market, economic pain will hamper growth; Chinese retail giants such as Alibaba and Pinduoduo will dangle low prices to lure Western consumers. In South-East Asia and Latin America, e-commerce will spread as mom-and-pop stores are digitised. Indeed, three developing countries—Colombia, Nigeria and South Africa—are expected to be among the five markets that Amazon plans to enter in 2023. Online retail-sales expansion will be slow, accounting for just over 14% of global retail sales, fractionally above the figure in 2022.
The online and offline universes will merge further. Click-and-collect will become consumers’ favourite format in richer countries, generating €11.9bn ($12bn) of revenue in Britain, more than triple 2013’s tally. Retailers will cut labour costs by automating warehouses and other back-end operations. At one new distribution hub, Australia’s Myer will deploy 200 robots that will be capable of handling seven out of ten of the company’s online orders. Fashion and luxury brands will experiment in the metaverse, aiming to tap Generation z—the quarter of humanity born after 1997.
TO WATCH: Plastic rules? Governments will clamp down on single-use plastics. Laws will range from Spain limiting sales of plastic-wrapped fruits and vegetables to Canada banning single-use plastics outright. For consumer-goods firms, this will be costly: about 10% of all plastic is used for textiles and nearly a third for packaging.
In 2023 mobile telecoms will boost the global economy by $4.8trn, mostly through improved productivity for its 5.5bn subscribers. So says the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (gsma), an industry body. The spread of 5g technology to middle-income countries such as Argentina, India and Vietnam will take 5g subscriptions past 1bn (though East Asia and North America will still boast more 5g users). But smartphone sales will flag amid recessions and semiconductor-supply problems.
Broadband will reach more homes in the developing world. Nigeria, for instance, is aiming for 50% penetration by 2023. Still, wobbly economies will curb telecoms operators’ spending. Despite raising prices for consumers, operators will struggle to finance investments in their networks. In Asia and Europe, firms under strain will try to merge, but regulators may stop them. European operators will watch to see whether Orange and MasMovil are allowed to combine in Spain, as planned, in 2023. Should they succeed, others will follow suit.
European governments want American tech firms to fund improvements to Europe’s digital infrastructure, claiming they are free-riders. Whether the eu will act, and risk damaging the West’s united front against China’s tech dominance, is uncertain. But eu regulators will tighten the noose around big tech anyway. The Digital Markets Act, due to take effect in early 2023, aims to help new players compete with the tech oligopolies.
Travel and Tourism
No longer grounded, the airline industry should turn profitable in 2023 as pent-up demand boosts international tourist arrivals by 30%, to 1.6bn. But global tourism will not return to normal. Arrivals will fall short of pre-pandemic levels of 1.8bn, held back by escalating living costs and China’s zero-covid policy. Tourism receipts, at around $1.4trn, will regain their 2019 heights only because of high energy, staff and food costs. Covid will cause further staff shortages, particularly in America and Europe. Business travel will stay subdued as online meetings persist.
Still, sporting and other events will spur travel. China has shied away from holding June’s afc Asian Cup football contest, but will ease restrictions to host the postponed Asian Games in September. China’s limited reopening will help Asia double its tourism arrivals in 2023. Meanwhile, France will hope to convert the Rugby World Cup into tourism gold. In Saudi Arabia, the haj will move from a lottery system to quotas, letting in more pilgrims.
TO WATCH: Full sails. No longer petri dishes for covid, cruise-ship bookings will return to pre-pandemic levels in 2023. France will even get a new cruise line, Compagnie Française de Croisières. Its service will be launched using a second-hand ship, which is aptly dubbed Renaissance.
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greysvs · 2 years
Bmw mechanic
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Bmw mechanic how to#
Still, there are a few things you can control that will extend the life of the high-pressure fuel pump: Get regular oil changes Unfortunately, this is a problem that is inevitable over time. The high-pressure fuel pump is expected to last for about 10 years or 120,000 miles. valve remaining open, will supply excessive amounts of fuel to the engine, damaging fuel efficiency and lowering pressure levels of the fuel pump system. The relief valve is intended to play a part in regulating fuel pressure by closing and opening when appropriate. While some parts are functioning properly and others are not, inconsistent engine pressures can result in sudden surges in speed while driving. This happens because, as the fuel pump system ages, different parts may be in better condition than others perform at different rates. However, instead of hesitation, the vehicle will surge suddenly, as if the gas pedal were pressed. The age of your fuel pump can ultimately manifest in any of the symptoms listed here, but one of the telltale signs of this is similar to sputtering in acceleration. If you are not alerted to the problem by the listed symptoms first, your check engine light will power on and may be indicative of the described conditions. This can be a sign of damage to the fuel pump, aging of fuel pump, or even clogging of the mechanism. This ultimately leads to engine failure: stalling or not starting at all. When the engine is not receiving enough fuel from the fuel pump system, or it is receiving fuel at the incorrect pressure, it cannot maintain engine combustion. These conditions, and the resulting symptoms listed above, will ultimately result in your vehicle failing to operate or repeatedly stalling. The fuel pump’s relief valve is failing to close, supplying more fuel than necessary, and reducing the vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency.The condition of the fuel pump motor is creating resistance in standard functions.The condition of the fuel pump is declining, negatively impacting its ability to supply fuel at the proper pressure.The fuel pump is struggling to supply a consistent stream of fuel to the engine.Failure of the high-pressure fuel pump system translates to the following: A failure of high-pressure fuel pump can have significant impacts on your vehicle’s performance. The purpose of the high-pressure fuel pump, in combination with the low-pressure fuel pump, is to provide gas to the vehicle’s engine from the tank. What causes a high-pressure fuel pump failure? Fuel pressure gauge reading low measurements.Vehicle stalling due to exertion or temperature.Hesitation or sputtering in acceleration between 2000 RPM to 4000 RPM.Symptoms of a high-pressure fuel pump failure are:
Bmw mechanic how to#
Let’s discuss how to know if the vehicle problems you are experiencing are caused by the failure of the high-pressure fuel pump.
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