blueysbookshelf · 25 days
2024: Book 53 - Here For the Cake
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Here For The Cake by Jennifer Millikin My rating: 5 of 5 stars I took a huge risk on this book and actually didn't read the reviews for it beforehand, just the blurb. I think I've only read one book by this author and while I rated that book 3 stars, I don't remember reading it at all…even though it was only three years ago. But this book…WHEW! I was at 38% in when I was already texting my bestie, telling her that I thought this was going to be a five star read for me…and it was. It so was. Everything about this was amazing. The communication between the MCs, Paisley and Klein, was impeccable. I thought for SURE I was going to be reading the dreaded miscommunication trope…but no…the thing that was miscommunicated was made clear very early in the story and both parties moved on…accepting it for what it was…a simple miscommunication. Both characters had issues to work through and both characters accepted the validation and affirmations they were being given by the other. It was a perfectly lovely relationship. All of the drama was extraneous to their relationship and it was so realistic and believable. The banter between Paisley and Klein was IMMACULATE and created incredible tension that held me in a chokehold. There were texts that had me giggling and blushing because they were so cute and flirty. Additionally, I very much appreciated the spice. It was spicy, but without all the crude euphemisms, which have their place…don't get me wrong…but they would have been weird in this particular setting. I honestly did not want this book to end and that's rare for me. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 9/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 9/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 9/10 Total rating 63/70 divided by 7 = 9 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 25 days
2024: A DNF - A Matter of Temptation
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A Matter of Temptation by Stacy Reid This is the second book by this author that I've tried because the blurbs sound so good…but I ended up DNFing them before I could even really get into them. The issue here is the stiltedness of the dialogue for me. For example: "I am to fight in a duel," he rushed out. "A duel!" He eyed her warily. "Yes." Bewilderment rushed through her. "What you say makes little sense. What do you mean you are to fight in a duel? Is this why you are heading to London?" He grimaced. "No, I plan to go back to London after the duel. I must leave soon or I will be branded a coward. We would be irretrievably ruined with no way forward if I am to develop such an indecent reputation." Mina padded closer to her brother, a tight feeling of panic gripping her. "Anthony, this is absurd. Dueling is illegal! If I recall correctly, they were made illegal many years ago. Just participating in a duel is a crime, and the risk to your person cannot be so lightly dismissed. How did you get involved in such a matter?" He gave her a longsuffering glance. "There are secretive, underground duels, Mina. Gentlemen have not stopped taking part in honor challenges because it was made illegal. Your naivete frustrates me." And that's where I stopped. Not seven pages in… SECRET UNDERGROUND DUELS?!?! Dueling is illegal IIRC? And then she has to go further to explain to him what illegal means?! No. No I can't. Forget about the lack of contractions…which is the peeviest of my pet peeves…because people USE contractions in real conversations. No one walks around talking to each other saying "No, I will not." "You cannot duel." "You should not risk your life this way" They use "won't", "can't" and "shouldn't"…But forget about that…Even with contractions this would have been the most ridiculous nonsense. So I DNF'd. I'm sorry to people who enjoy this author's work. I really am. Maybe it gets better? Is this an early work of hers? I did not (😏) check. I just noped out of there as fast as I could return it to the library. View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 26 days
2024: Book 52 - Dust Storm
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Dust Storm by Maggie C. Gates My rating: 4 of 5 stars I was hesitant going into this book because so many people were negative about the FMC, Cassandra, in their reviews…but I gave it a shot anyway and I’m glad I did. I enjoyed it very much. However…I do have a few gripes. Cass was indeed prickly and short, but there was no real explanation as to why, other than her fiance and a brief mention of her parents and family and how they weren’t very affectionate. I’m not sure that’s enough to make me buy that someone had a chip on their shoulder the size of the one Cass had. But I kind of invented a backstory for her in my head that didn’t work against the story and that was that…however, I wish I’d been given something a little more fleshed out for her. She was a fun character and I really enjoyed the way she grew, I just wanted to understand her better. Christian, on the other hand, was very well fleshed out. He was so well fleshed out, his backstory so strong, that some of it didn’t make a lick of sense to me at all and I just told myself I had to just go with it. I don’t fully understand why he felt everything that happened to anyone he cared about was his fault in particular, but I also know that sometimes our mental health issues just don’t make a lick of sense. The only thing I could actually see him thinking was his fault was his first wife passing…It was in no way his fault, he didn’t cause it, but I can see where he’d think he could have. I enjoyed the interactions with the kids on all sides and I didn’t think it was weird. Cass is open about the fact that she’s not a “kid person” and she shouldn’t be forced to become one. Some people don’t understand or enjoy children and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as they aren’t bringing children into the world. All in all the book was interesting and fun and well paced. My only other issue was with the spice. There was something missing for me. All of the encounters were short and felt stilted and not as enjoyable as I wanted. But that’s a personal choice. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here) just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly it was that I liked/didn’t like. My rankings and ultimate rating are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 8/10 Intrigue: 8/10 Logic/Relationships: 8/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 total: 58/70 - divided by 7 = 8.2 View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 33 - Catching Feelings
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Catching Feelings by Maren Moore My rating: 4 of 5 stars I remember reading this and enjoying it very much…unfortunately that's about all I can remember at the moment…So, I'll need to come back and re-review this when I reread it.
I'm positive it wasn't anything wrong with the story, because I do have my CAWPILE ratings (see below) but for some reason my mind is blanking on this book…and I hate that because the CAWPILE says I really liked it. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 6/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 8/10 Logic/Relationships: 8/10 Enjoyment: 8/10 Total rating 53/70 divided by 7 = 7.5 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 32 - The Other Side of Disappearing
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The Other Side of Disappearing by Kate Clayborn My rating: 4 of 5 stars Kate Clayborn has some kind of magic in her mind that allows her to write stories about people who feel so real that it almost seems like you could pick the phone and text one of them and they'd respond. This book was deeply emotional, touching on themes of abandonment for both Jess the FMC and Adam the MMC as well as Jess's little sister Tegan. A road trip with a podcast crew kicks off the journey of emotions and revelations as Jess, Tegan and Adam, along with the host of the podcast that Adam works on, follow the clues left behind in five postcards sent to Jess by her mother. Everyone involved has a different end goal and they're all diametrically opposed…but somehow it stops mattering as the revelations star coming and the group connects in a deep and meaningful way, all five realizing they'd also been duped in different ways by the conman they were chasing. I'm not usually the type to compare authors because every author's voice is different to me and I love so many of them…but Kate Clayborn and Emily Henry feel very similar to me. Both explore more than just the romantic connections between their MCs and both usually come up with interesting premises to drive the story. All I know is that a new Kate Clayborn will always result in a pre-order and a day spent with new friends who I'm always sad to say goodbye to when the last chapter ends. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 10/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 Total rating 62/70 divided by 7 = 8.8 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 31 - Against the Odds
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Where's My Hero? by Lisa Kleypas My rating: 3 of 5 stars It's very clear to anyone who knows me (reads my reviews) that I adore Lisa Kleypas. I've read her entire backlog and adored almost everything she's ever written. I found her when I was a very young reader, probably around the age of 13, when Midnight Angel came out and I've loved her ever since (for reference, I'm 41yo now). She's an automatic buy for me and I don't see that changing should she put another book out (it's been a few years now and we're all kind of worried and missing her). I'd read about Jake Linley in multiple books of hers and somehow never knew that she'd written a novella about him (probably because I'm not the type to buy an anthology like this if I only want to read one of the stories in it and while I am a Quinn fan, I'm not familiar with MacGregor's work, though maybe I should be?) until I mentioned him in a Reddit forum one day and someone responded with the information about this anthology. So, I traipsed my little fingers over my keyboard and checked it out from my library and…well… Womp womp. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. And I'm not used to feeling "womp wompy" about Queen Kleypas' work. I do think that if we'd gotten a full length novel it would have been so much better. Linley was such an interesting character, charming and fun enough to more than carry his own full length story…and now that I think of it I'd have LOVED to see him as Dr. Garrett Gibson's mentor in Hello, Stranger…but, all in all, it was worth the read, even if only to have his character wrapped up in a bow and not dangling out in the ether of my imagination, wasting away for want of true love. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 5/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 5/10 Writing: 5/10 Plot: 5/10 Intrigue: 5/10 Logic/Relationships: 5/10 Enjoyment: 5/10 Total rating 35/70 divided by 7 = 5 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 30 - The Wallflower Wager
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The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare My rating: 4 of 5 stars Here's the thing about Tessa Dare…She's wittier than any other author I've ever read…and that's saying something. Her dialogue always slaps and the comedy in her books is always top tier. Absolutely one of my favorite things about any and all of her work are the sassy, spunky, adorable heroines and the men who fall for them almost immediately, despite telling themselves they absolutely will not fall in love. Gabriel Duke just wants to sell the house he bought…that's it…that's all. Is that too much to ask? It's a fine property, with a genteel lady of the Ton next door as it's main selling point. Easy, right? Wrong. Enter Lady Penelope Campion, Champion of All Downtrodden and Unloved Animals Everywhere. This woman has an entire menagerie of animals that she's rehabilitated and she refuses to give them up unless they all go to loving homes that will treat them with the same love and care she's given them. Gabriel endeavors to assist her with this rehoming project…but, as everyone saw coming, he fell in love with her, her goat, her parrot, her pig, her dog, her cat, her groundhogs, her rabbits…(disclaimer: I don't really think there were all that many animals…I was just trying to make a point. I hope you got it. 😉) and suddenly he doesn't need to sell the house as much as he needs to kiss her, cuddle her and her multitudinous pets and watching this man completely capitulate to Penelope and her animals (the man ate something called "sham" because Penny is a vegetarian…because of course she is…and so she creates fake food and names them funny things..sham is faux ham…it's a sham of ham…I'm literally cackling over here) and we love to see it. Truly one of the most adorable HistRoms ever written with the added bonus of my very favorite Shakespearean insult lover, Ash, making a return appearance. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 9/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 7/10 Writing: 9/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 10/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 Total rating 63/70 divided by 7 = 9 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 29 - The Chemistry of Familiar Objects
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The Chemistry of Familiar Objects by Alexandra Vasti My rating: 5 of 5 stars A virginal childrens book author and a chemist with a sharp tongue butt heads over and over and over, until the chemists laboratory is broken into and a dangerous item is stolen. This novella contained way more than I could have dreamed for the few pages it ran and I am not mad at it. The role reversals of the heroine being experienced and scientific and the hero being a sexually inexperienced creative was delightful. Sprinkle in some forced proximity due to dangerous circumstances, her eccentric family, some spicy spicy moments in a shed and you've got everything you need for a sweet and delightful romp. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 9/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 9/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 10/10 Intrigue: 10/10 Logic/Relationships: 10/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 Total rating 68/70 divided by 7 = 9.7 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 28 - The Duchess Deal
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The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare My rating: 5 of 5 stars I just really don't know what more anyone needs in a hero. * Wounded and scarred? ✔️ * Vigilante by night? ✔️ * Proper gentleman until he's not? ✔️ * Refuses to swear in front of a lady so he uses Shakespearean insults? ✔️✔️✔️ * Beast in the sheets? ✔️✔️✔️✔️ * Sweet marshmallow grumpy grump for his wife? ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ Show me a more perfect man…I'll wait. But no, seriously. This book was so cute and charming, while also dealing with some pretty gnarly topics for the time period. Emma and Ash were a match made in heaven, almost from the beginning and I enjoyed every second of my time with them. It's not quite Kleypas…but it's absolutely worth a read and a reread and another reread. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 9/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 9/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 10/10 Total rating 64/70 divided by 7 = 9.1 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 29 days
2024: Book 27 - The Co-op
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The Co-op by Tarah Dewitt My rating: 5 of 5 stars I keep trying to think of what I want to say about LaRynn and Deacon…but I can't…I can't come up with anything because there just aren't words to express how beautifully fun, heartfelt and touching this book was. Between this book and Funny Feelings, I am a Tarah Dewitt lover for life…everything she writes is golden for me and that's that on that. Read this. You'll love it. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 9/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 9/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 9/10 Total rating 63/70 divided by 7 = 9 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 21 - Alive and Wells
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Alive and Wells by Bailey Hannah My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read this book on a whim. It happened to pop up in my KU feed and I read the sample to see if I could handle the author's writing style…and by the time I finished the sample I was hooked! The story starts off with Cecily in a not great place, trying to escape her abusive husband and the set up we're given to bring us into the story was so familiar to me in so many ways, though I've never been in an abusive intimate partner relationship, I did grow up in a very abusive home and the tiptoeing around that Cecily outlined for us was devastatingly familiar to me. And it's probably why it hooked me…I could feel her breaths, shallow and terrified and impatient to make a move. Once I finished this book I went to find Bailey Hannah's backlist because I loved her writing style and wanted more…and imagine my surprise and dismay to discover this was her debut novel. But also, BRAVO! It was a damn fine one. And I'm delighted to have found a new author just starting out. Austin and Cecily were lovely, a grump/cautious sunshine pairing that was absolute perfection. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 10/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 9/10 Logic/Relationships: 9/10 Enjoyment: 9/10 Total rating 62/70 divided by 7 = 8.8 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 17 - Take the Lead
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Take the Lead by Alexis Daria My rating: 3 of 5 stars Man…I really wanted this to be better. It wasn't terrible by any means…but I just wanted more. The premise of this was so interesting, being set in a dance competition with some high stakes…but it kind of just fell flat. There was nothing wrong with the writing, it was wonderful…But the plot felt draggy. I'd have loved more time with them dancing and more tension between them while rehearsing. And I'd have certainly appreciated more communication and understanding between the MCs. I was bothered by how often Gina referenced being Latina and therefore expected to be seen as SPICY all the time…and while I kept telling myself that I'm not a Latina and I have no idea what ideals society puts on them…it felt a little too 'tell not show'. I'd have liked to have seen more instances of her being expected to be that ideal…rather than just her telling us that's what she was dealing with. I'd also have really appreciated a better explanation about Stone's family because that was confusing for the most part. However…it was well written and I'm not mad I spent my time reading it. Though I am glad it was a library book and not something I paid for. I was definitely ready for it to be finished. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 7/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 6/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 Intrigue: 5/10 Logic/Relationships: 7/10 Enjoyment: 6/10 Total rating 48/70 divided by 7 = 6.8 ⭐⭐⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 15 - Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
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Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn My rating: 3 of 5 stars Why is everyone swooning over this man? Can someone please explain? Colin Bridgerton is NOT my kind of book boyfriend and the show isn't helping him at all. I reread this because I knew the new season was coming out and I wanted a refresher and I swear it almost put me off the show…which wouldn't be hard because it's so camp I can't handle it…literally the only thing I enjoyed in the first half of the season was Franny's plot and Cressida…and I SHOULD NOT be liking Cressida Cowper…but I digress. I'd hoped that I'd forgotten more about Colin but alas…I was wrong. He was still just as much of an overbearing, jealous, absolute shitpile on the reread as he was when I read it the first time…only I think I hated him more this time. He does NOT deserve Penelope. FULL STOP. That being said…I do really love the characterization of Pen in the book and actually prefer Book!Pen to Show!Pen in so many ways. Show!Pen is angry…all the time. She's not sweet or gentle or kind the way Book!Pen is. Book!Pen is strong and determined but she has a gorgeous core of love and decency that Show!Pen is sorely missing. I'd almost prefer Show!Colin with Book!Pen. Anyway…I didn't like Colin…but I did like the rest of the book and it's not badly written. The moments between Pen and Lady Danbury were lovely and sweet and I'm very thankful that Pen and Eloise weren't estranged (again…WTF SHOW?!) in the book. And I guess I'll reread it when and if I decide to reread the whole series. But this is probably my least favorite of the entire series…and that's saying something. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 7/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 6/10 Logic/Relationships: 6/10 Enjoyment: 6/10 Total rating 49/70 divided by 7 = 7.0 ⭐⭐⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 14 - Hating the Player
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Hating the Player by Rebecca Jenshak My rating: 4 of 5 stars Second in the Campus Wallflowers series I wish I could say I liked this one better than the first, but I didn't. It was well written and paced…but there were issues. First: Gavin and Violet were just starting a relationship when she finds him coming out of her former roommates bedroom…but there's no explanation from him because he doesn't remember anything? My friend…why are you drinking that much? That's not healthy. Second: I understand feeling betrayed, but she already knew that her roommate wasn't a great person, so maybe she could have put her critical thinking cap on and waited to see what happened? I mean…I don't like a cheater, but maybe stop and think for a moment and ask yourself if what you think you're seeing really tallies with the guy you think he is…But no…let's just be mad immediately and stay that way…to the point that you make your life, your new roommates lives, and Gavin's life miserable. Lastly: Why does Violet never get to find out exactly what happened? Why does Gavin get no redemption? I know he fuckboi'd around after Violet broke things off…and I won't pretend to understand why that's interesting or romantic because it's DEFINITELY not…but he is a college kid and college kid do dumb things…But (view spoiler)[ this guy was essentially sexually assaulted and lost the girl he was falling in love with and we don't see any comeuppance for the girl who did that to him? Nor do we see him get redemption in the eyes of the girl he's fallen in love with? (hide spoiler)] I know it sounds like I didn't like this book…but I actually did. I really liked Gavin, despite his sleeping around, because once Violet gave him a second chance he was back in the game and focused on her. I enjoyed their shared love of movies and the way he supported her goals and hobbies. Overall it was a cute book…I just wish there had been some additions. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 7/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 6/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 7/10 Logic/Relationships: 8/10 Enjoyment: 8/10 Total rating 51/70 divided by 7 = 7.2 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 14 - Honor's Splendour
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Honor's Splendour by Julie Garwood My rating: 3 of 5 stars I reread this one once I'd learned that Julie had left us, because I remembered it being one of my favorites of hers from when I was a wee babe just dipping my toe into HistRom. I think the first one I ever read was The Secret and then this one and I remember loving both of them. However, now, at my advanced age, I found myself getting annoyed with the MPDGness of Madelyne (please don't hate me…I still love her) and I had to remind myself that this book was likely written in the age of MPDG and Garwood was writing what was selling at the time, much like most of the HistRom written today has very feminist FMCs and MMCs. I'm sure in the next 20 years when I reread those I'll be annoyed with them as well. However, the story itself was lovely and I was pleasantly surprised by Duncan. I'd fully expected him to be much more caveman-ish…but he wasn't at all. He was much more progressive than I remembered him being and I very much enjoyed his adoration for Madelyne, almost from the moment she warmed his feet. All in all, revisiting Garwood was a treat and while it took me a minute to get settled into not just the time period she was writing about but the time period in which the book was written, I still had a great time. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 7/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 8/10 Intrigue: 6/10 Logic/Relationships: 7/10 Enjoyment: 8/10 Total rating 44/70 divided by 7 = 6.2 ⭐⭐⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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blueysbookshelf · 30 days
2024: Book 10 - The Heartbreak Rule
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The Heartbreak Rule by Stephanie Archer My rating: 4 of 5 stars I went into this one hoping it would be similar to Funny Feelings by Tarah Dewitt, because I adored that book…but alas…The jokes in this one weren’t terribly funny and in hindsight I don’t recall really liking the FMC all that much. I do think some of it had to do with Gemma’s standoffishness…even after Reid showed her he wasn’t what she thought he was. The inability to process the information you’re seeing with your own eyes bothers me to no end. I did adore Reid and his steadfastness and the secondary and even tertiary characters were enjoyable. The found family aspect was lovely and the overall plot was wonderful. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 7/10 Writing: 7/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 7/10 Logic/Relationships: 7/10 Enjoyment: 8/10 Total rating 51/70 divided by 7 = 7.2 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌶️ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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