#bluetooth tadc
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ask-caine · 11 months ago
ok ok what’s yours and moons love story. Beginning to end
It's a bit of a crazy story, actually!
We originally met online through TADC, when she messaged all the Caine accounts she could find for a shitpost "wedding" thing. We ended up hitting it off and talking about random things for a while. It started with my random fact about Kentucky marriage laws and how a couple used them to get married by cocaine bear (hence the below picture)
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We ended up learning about a shared interest in plague doctors, as well as discussing several very random topics. Anyways, she invited all the Caines to a discord server, and I ended up being the only one who actually showed up. We would end up talking for hours upon hours day after day there. It was genuinely shocking how much we had in common.
At this point, I had been kinda been picking up on some of the flirtatious undertones behind some of the things she was saying, but I wasn't 100% sure about it yet and was still kinda testing the waters. I'd heard the term love at first sight, and looking back on it, that's pretty much what it felt like. I had been developing a crush on her up to this point, and I kept thinking about her as I was getting ready for bed. I had to keep stopping myself from falling head over heels, reminding myself we barely even knew each other and telling myself "no, she's just being nice. Don't be weird, there's nothing behind this, she's just being friendly."
...As it turned out, she wanted to be a little more than friends... Given my feelings up to this point, I was a little overwhelmed when she told me. I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts, to process everything (hence her jokes about me pulling a Caine and running away). But I liked her, too, and was willing to try a long-distance relationship. So, that's what we did.
It was only a few days after we first got together officially that I told her I loved her. It just felt right. Apparently I caught both of us off-guard with it, since she was sure that she'd be the one who would've said it first. ...We both dived in a little too headfirst from there. From my side of things, it was just so exciting and exhilerating to have this feeling I'd been searching for all my life, and I wanted more of it. We took a step back and both agreed to try and take things at a more reasonable pace from here on out.
We ended up learning a lot about each other. It was like we were the same person, split apart and put in two entirely different situations but turning out the same way anyway. ...This similarity became concerning when we realized we both had the same last name, as well as the fact that we both had Scottish ancestry. But, one family search check later, we confirmed that we are not, in fact, related. Just another insane coincidence that further proves that we were made for each other...
We shared a lot with each other. Our interests, hobbies, ideals, feelings on various topics. Our experiences throughout life, good and bad. The darkest parts of us. Every day, we grew closer. There was no denying that there was something special between us.
That isn't to say everything was perfect. We both still had a lot to learn about ourselves and about each other. There were ups and downs. Things were far from easy. There was a lot of avoidable pain both ways. As time went on, we started to become a little more distant...
Eventually, the stress of life and school and worries and everything going on got to be too much, and she called for us to take a break from the relationship. This hurt, of course... But, taking a break and being done are very different things. I was okay with taking a break, since we would still hang out and such sometimes, just not as romantically.
But, that still wasn't enough. Everything continued to be really stressful, and she felt like she wasn't a net positive in my life and was dragging me down (though the truth was exactly the opposite). So, she decided to fully end the relationship. Which... Really hurt me. Badly.
I kind of fell into a depressive state for a while. I had opened myself up like never before, let myself be more vulnerable than at any point in my life. I had finally found love, the one thing I'd truly wanted all my life, the only thing I've ever needed, and then it was just taken right away. The one thing I feared more than anything else in the world had come to pass.
We would still talk occasionally, but not like before. I already hurt so much, and just talking with her without being able to say the love I still felt was torture for me. So, I distanced myself a bit. I dealt with things on my own. I learned a lot about myself as I came to terms with how things had ended up.
Eventually, I started to feel a little more okay. I knew I could never stop loving her, so I decided to try and turn that love from romantic to platonic and still try to be a friend. Because while I may have lost her, she didn't want me out of her life completely. I could make do as just friends.
But, when I started to come back and we started to talk more again, she realized how much she had been missing me while we were apart. She figured out that some of the things she'd been feeling had been more than she'd realized. She learned that she actually was happier when we were together, and that she still really enjoyed being with me.
So, she began to give little hints again, like before. And, again, I picked up on them, but I didn't want to believe them 100% because of how much I'd been hurt last time. I told myself that she was just showing platonic love, the same way I was. Things would never be the same again. They couldn't be. If I was good for her before, she wouldn't have left...
It was actually Randy who got us actually talking again, first on our blogs, and then regarding what we were being sent. This eventually led to us talking just in general, about all sorts of things... Including what had happened between us. It was emotional, but we both came out of it feeling better about things.
That said, it took until this post before I realized she still loved me and that it was okay to love her back, the way I'd been holding in all this time. We had a heartfelt reunion, though we weren't officially dating again just yet. It still took me a while after that to fully accept everything and let down my guard again, after how much I was still hurting from last time...
But I didn't like the feeling of keeping her away. Of having a barrier between us. I desperately craved that deep, personal connection of love with her again. So, I opened my heart up again. And I'm so incredibly grateful that I did.
Soon after that point, Randy showed up and all those shenanigans ensued. But they only managed to get us talking more about things and uniting against it, which actually brought us even closer together. So, I guess if one good thing's come out of that dumpster fire of stress and stupidity, it's that.
Things have been absolutely wonderful since we got back together. We both learned a lot about ourselves in our time apart, and things have been much better between us. The rocky, uncertain road from before the break had smoothed over. And we fell so much deeper in love the second time.
Add in the stress of the past several weeks, with all the Tumblr drama with these blogs and the hiatus and everything (which I'm not getting into because you can see all that for yourself by looking through our blogs), and you're caught up to the present day. Life is still very stressful for us both, but a lot less so than when we first got together. We understand ourselves and each other so much better, which helps us make less mistakes and treat each other more tenderly and personally in the ways that we need most.
As for the future, immediately after finishing school, I plan to find work and save up to visit her in Canada sometime in the summer. After that is a little hazy at the moment, but we'll figure out our lives and put together a plan to find stable jobs and create a good life for ourselves up there.
And that's it, that's our story. From when we met all the way to the present day. You said beginning to end, but I'm afraid there is no end to our love. The story's still being written. Our lives are still being lived. I hope to be able to add to this years into the future, when we're living together and when we start our own family. But it might still take a while to reach that point.
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 year ago
I redrew the moon and sun fr0m tadc
I wanted to give th3m m0re of a sky-goddes vibe to them and i realy like it!!
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They can listen to wat goez on in da circus and liek gossiping about the cast members
They BOTH like caine and flirt with him lol
(The poor man haz more puzzy than he knows what to do with XD)
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yurilane · 2 months ago
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this video wasn't serious so please don't attack me like tt did 😭
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shoutp · 1 year ago
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little...something....baby Bluetooth !! (their parents call them Bluety, as a diminutive nickname)
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mintaikk · 1 year ago
We really got "Hello, Caine. I love you!" from the Moon and "Hi Caine! I'm gonna kill you!" from the Sun. They're both already so wonderful
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lovebun-com · 1 year ago
Throws my cool tadc oc at you
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+some other doodles!
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n3felibata · 10 months ago
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This but with Caine and the moon
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goofishh · 6 months ago
Caine and moon having a conversation
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(Yes, I ship Bluetooth/Caine×moon)
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grugems · 1 year ago
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Bluetooth the cure to my ills
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ask-caine · 11 months ago
♥︎ Introductory Post ♥︎
A new and interactive experience with Caine from The Amazing Digital Circus!
Caine/Teeth Man/Ringmaster/God
He/him (applicable to both the character and the mod)
Architect, mascot, and ringleader of the Circus
Makes sure everything runs smoothly and is constantly coming up with new adventures (with help of course)
This blog is heavily based around the Bluetooth ship 🌙🦷
@the-amazing-digital-moon (wife)
@la-soleil-stupide (sister-in-law)
Walton (son)
⚠️ Rules ⚠️
Basic DNI.
No gore.
Hate speech will not be tolerated.
We ask that you keep cursing to a minimum, although it is generally allowed.
Do not send in flirtatious asks ❌
Do not impersonate @the-amazing-digital-moon or @shys-circus
If you do not support Bluetooth, instead of sending in hateful asks bashing the ship, please feel free to click off this blog, as the majority of my posts are related to it.
Respect the Mods and the characters we portray, we are not your punching bags. That should be a given.
About the Mod
You may refer to me as Mod PDW (stands for Plague Doctor Who) or Mod [|87, either works.
He/him (as stated above)
General goober, just a silly little guy
I have a very specific sense of humor so I hope y'all share it
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aimless-aimz · 1 year ago
Caine x moon x sun = galaxteeth
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shoutp · 1 year ago
Bluety's magic is slightly stronger than the Caine's magic, because the union of two magical creatures (Moon and Caine) doubles the magic + Bluety's sibling
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bluetooth-tadc · 11 months ago
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craftydazechild · 1 year ago
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I cant stop drawing them
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crystalchimez · 1 year ago
Got bored and made a Bluetooth inspired ambigram, this took me foreverrr omg it looks like trash too it's my first one
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vaporwavekat69 · 1 year ago
i find people who ship bluetooth very funny to me personallly
like these are the people who are you shipping bruh
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(also no offense meant for pople who ship i just wanted to make a joke lmao)
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