funtimespringscare101 · 6 months
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Oh Don’t mind them, they’re just thinking about their girlfriends between their shared existencial crisis.
I feel Tantei had a similar first reaction to his new situation as the one Pomni has in the pilot, and Even since then, the two just hang out together and talk about their existencial crisis… and their crushes…
I love this ship I made with Tantei and Martha, who would love a “disgruntled detective and ghost woman” trope?
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sooophelia · 1 year
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this is what i think my soul looks like
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soulrebellon · 1 year
Happy Pride! Poly and Proud✨️
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omanxl1 · 1 year
Marissa Guzman Afro, South African Deep & Soulful House Music DJ Mix Tribute Playlist by JaBig
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we conduct this business as usual that’s suitable for this time frame! The saga  / struggle continues as life goes on as the toil and strife goes on during these Terrible  / Terrific Tuesday time frame! So named because things can go either way peep game to see how it plays out / do the mathematics! It’s all game out here in these local,  national, …
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bluesoulforever · 2 years
I don’t really know where to begin but one has to start somewhere.
What should you know for now...?
I’m a guy who thinks a lot about life...most people would say too much but I think life is a fascinating place and one it’s impossible to think about it too much...unless one forgets to live. To quote Dumbledore “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” Oh yes-I love Harry Potter, amoung other things-I contain multitudes as I’m sure we’ll get to.
I’m overly emotional...but working on it...but should I be working on it? I guess I’m finding out I’m a typical Pisces even though I really didn’t pay attention to it for the longest time and thought that it was all bullshit....maybe it is...but either way I fit a lot of the typical traits.
I care too much...and I’m working on it...or rather life has just beat me down so much that I’ve become jaded and cynical...people are noticing more recently. It’s sad but also maybe that’s just a part of life, especially with where the world has been going the last few years...optimism and pure joy are certainly at a premium-in general and in my life specifically these last few years. Sometimes I feel like a completely different person than what I was. Is that good or bad? I don’t know yet.
I love deeply. I love people. I believe in the connection of souls and that soulmates exist-both romantically and platonically. I used to believe in God but being raised Roman Catholic and also realizing you’re gay don’t really give you much faith in Jesus and God. Or maybe it was just being raised in that specific religion that ruined it for me. I believe there is some greater spirtual connection in life and I’ve experienced waaaay too many things and “coincidences” that lead me to believe there is SOMETHING greater going on. What that is...I have no sweet clue. I tend to believe in the fantastical, magic surrealism, destiny, and just generally have this romanticism about life, people, and relationships. I love Anne of Green Gables-I think I definitley have aspects of Anne Shirley to me-especially her world view-but again-I’ve grown to be more of a cynic recently but my natural predisposition is to believe in the little every day magic that happens in life-the small wonders, the indescribable events and feelings, things are too perfect to be chance, people you just feel you have known your entire life and in lifetimes before even though you just met. It’s truly wonderful to think that some souls have found each other in any universe, in any possible lifetimes, choosing each other again and again, reaching out through time and space due to some magnetism, or destiny...some indescribable connection that reaches out through the void...pulling towards each other again and again. I’ve been lucky enough to feel that with a few individuals...those people I feel my soul has connected with before and will again after we die...I take comfort in that even though I’m not certain of any kind of afterlife...but the alternative is too sad. Does that make me foolish, misguided? Does it make no sense at all? Perhaps..but sometimes you just feel something in your soul and maybe that is enough.
I am gay like I mentioned before. I know with some individuals they make that one of their primary identity markers-loud and proud, rainbows, marching in pride parades...etc. I have no issue with that but honestly that’s just not me. I’ve always found it to just simply be one aspect of me. I love boys...but that in itself is really not all that fascinating so why dwell on it? I understand that discrimination/homophobia creates the need for advocacy, creates the need to be loud and proud, and to push back against those who would hate me simply for that reason...but naturally I just wish to love and live and exist like any other person. There’s so much more I would rather focus on, and when I talk about boys I just want to talk about them like any other romantic relationship no matter what gender is involved...I want to talk about connection and romance and adventures and fun, dreams, goals, aspirations, emotional baggage, tell me about you-all the aspects of you. Someone at work pulled me aside one day and said, “why do you never talk about being gay?” The answer is multifaceted, but mostly because I find most people dwell on only that fact about me once I tell them. I become a one dimensional character instead of a dynamic person. I hope you, as a reader, whoever you are-can view me as that.
Why am I here on this blog? I love to write. I love to explore the depths of my own mind and explore the depths of human emotion. I used to think I would have a career as a writer. I loved journalism...wrote for a newspaper/ran a newspaper for many years...but it is hard on the head, and is a thankless position that more often leads to more people disliking you than the opposite. I’m proud of my work there-holding people to account and bringing important information to light...but it truly did a number on my mental health. I was suicidal in those years...that was just one small aspect of it...I was suicidal for a number of reasons...but overall I have no desire to step back into it.
I love fiction. I love novels. I love the escapism, the magic of it, the aspects of real life that are reflected and explored in fictional stories. Some people say I shouldn’t read fiction books because it teaches you nothing about real life. To that I laugh and simply feel sorry for that individual-fictional novels teach us so much about life, I would the best novels I have ever read have taught me more about life than any non-fiction autobiography or historical account ever could. 
I love storytelling. I used to take part in theatre for many years. I loved the fantasy of the theatre-bringing stories to life-musicals and plays. I loved being a small part of the larger wheel of the story-being a small vessel that could transport an audience to another place or time-and elicit real emotion from them. There is truly magic in the theatre-perhaps most of all was the comradery in between you and your fellow cast and crew. One of the most satisfying things in life that I have experienced is pulling a show together and creating magic on stage...but what I carry with me most as I move along in life is what happened before and after curtain up-the rehearsals, conversations in the wings or in a theatre chair waiting to go on, cast parties, speeches by our director in the green room, small traditions and pep talks-the lasting friendships. Once again, I love people.
But in loving people, and loving deeply, comes being hurt deeply. I wish I could shut off my heart and my emotions, but I just don’t think I’m that kind of person. I’ve had mental health issues for years because of it. I’ve thought for years-partly because of members of my own family that I shouldn’t be here, that I shouldn’t exist, that I shouldn’t have ever have existed, and so many people’s lives would be better if I wasn’t alive. It’s hard thought to shake. I stay busy and work too much to push those thoughts away, but it’s a constant struggle. Self hatred is a terrible thing, but it’s one I’ve often thought I deserved. I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life, hurt a lot of people, been cruel, been uncaring, not cared enough, been selfish, and just shut myself down when people needed me the most. But I’ve tried...very hard, to not be that. But my biggest insecurity, is not being good enough. I’ve heard that from people in different aspects of my life...family, friendships, romantic partners. Not good enough. Didn’t do enough. Just not quite right. Just. Not. Enough. That breaks my heart most I think...especially when you know you did everything you could...and you just were not enough for that person. Immense guilt and pain. Why don’t they love me? What would have happened if I never existed? If I stopped existing now? Would they be ok? Would they be happier?  Why am I here at all?
All this to say life has been an emotional rollercoaster...early childhood trauma/abandonment/family issues, lead to perpetual shyness, drive of perfectionsim, fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of causing any small amount of stress to my family as I already felt I caused so many issues, guilt of not being a normal kid, never having grandparents as a guiding light in my life (3 dead before I was born-1 living with Alzheimers-also taking a good portion of my weekends as a child that in hindsight shaped me greatly-although I am blessed for the time I did have with my grandfather), no uncles, no aunts, no cousins, even though I had many, and many living within a short drive of me, shyness and lack of confidence leading to bullying throughout school, “friends” bullying me, “friends” abandoning me. Finally gaining some confidence only to have it dowsed with the worst depression and anxiety I’ve ever faced, conflict of identify, loving too much, caring too much, loving the wrong people who didn’t love me, losing friends, finding love but losing a livlihood, throwing away personal passions, changing who I was, dealing with cancer in my family, dealing with financial issues, finding a soulmate who I could not be with, and realizing I may never experience love reciprocated the way I feel for others....it’s just all so much and that’s not even half of what has gone through my mind recently and what I have gone through in my life...but I needed to start somewhere.
So...why am I here? I’m trying to save myself, mentally and in my soul primarily. Writing and storytelling has been a love of mine for a long time, but it has also been a long time since I have sat down to write-this is my first attempt at reconnecting with it.
I feel if my soul had a colour it would be blue. Blue forever-in this life, in lives past and if I’m so lucky-lives in the future. I want to write my story and also write fictional stories-that relate to what I’ve experienced in life and are inspired by other works that have spoke to my blue soul.
If you’re reading this, I hope it will connect with you in one way or another and maybe spark something in your soul, some indescribable connection that will make you believe in something more...although who can say for certain what that ‘more’ is?
Let’s see where this takes us, shall we? :)
-Blue Soul Forever
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amorfista · 1 year
"Dads at the beach"
The Dad Batch (and Omega) deserve a day of blissful relaxation, I don't think there's anyone out there who wouldn't agree!
While Tech is taking the best nap of his life [Part 1], Omega and Wrecker joined efforts to make the coolest sand-Tipoca city [Part 2] there is out there!
But their mischief did not go unnoticed, and the Dads of the Bad Batch, who were trying to enjoy their drinks and straight up chillax, are having a bit of a hard time doing so with all of Omega's giggles and Wrecker's barely contained laughter!
-"The kriff are these devils up to now...?" - Echo says as he takes a sip of his piña colada.
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-"I'll do you one better... How the kark is Tech sleeping through that..?" - Hunter mutters in disbelief.
...TO BE CONTINUED! [Part 4]
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Alright... this one took a while. I'm very sorry for the huge delay on this drawing but... some parts of it made me lose my sanity :). I hope you can catch all the small details I laid here and there. Echo's shirt covers his Fives tattoo, which is a bit sad, but that's okay because there's another version ^^:
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There, that's better🥴❤️‍🔥
This project has been quite difficult and I have a lot of things that I'm not too proud about. I suck at backgrounds and I definitely am NOT GOOD at making a line of palm trees :') The characters aren't that well incorporated in the drawing, I would have liked to make more fun little things here and there (which I'll save for future drawings) and the colors, well, let's just say I can smell them now. I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore ;V; so sorry in advance </3. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND SUPPORT!!! Although this is a challenging project, I'm VERY happy to see myself improving little by little, and your encouragement helps me push through ANYTHING!! I'll do my best again in the next one!! 💕💕
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be included too!) @dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @staycalmandhugaclone @callmesunny04 @freesia-writes @ginnymilling @sunshinesdaydream @blueink-bluesoul @cloneloverrrrr @moon-wrecked @idontgetanysleep @tech-aficionado @followthepurrgil @renton6echo @queenjiru @shoe-bag
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An idea after a conversation with @deejadabbles and @blueink-bluesoul
I give you former Marshal Commander turned vigilante Fox
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Inspired by the red hood.
Fox will save his save his city and his brothers after being forsaken by the republic he swore to protect and the serpent buried within. Or something
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Master art list
Tag list :
@clonemedickix @anxiouspineapple99 @dangraccoon @secondaryrealm
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starqueensthings · 1 year
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CC-1010: Commander “Fox” of the Coruscant Guard pt.1
for my dear friend @wizardofrozz
ragulist: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @starrylothcat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @littlemissmanga @clonemedickix @jediknightjana @sunshinesdaydream @drafthorsemath @moonlightwarriorqueen @starstofillmydream @trixie2023 @mooncommlink
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Restrained (Hunter x f!reader drabble)
Summary: Hunter finds himself tied up and at your mercy.
Warnings: fully filth y'all so minors begone; bondage, restraints, blindfolding, sensory play, oral (f receiving)
Word Count: 478
A/N: shout out to Free for the impromptu mini-event. enjoy, babes
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You'll never tire of seeing him like this.
The usually composed and stoic facade of the sergeant crumbles at your touch in an instant. His chest heaves with labored breaths, equal parts exertion and exhilaration, his toned arms bulging where he strains against the cuffs binding him to the bed. Ghosting your fingertips delicately up his thigh, tracing the skeletal tattoo, you delight in the deep, rumbling groan the action earns you.
"P-Please, mesh’la," he grits out, "don't be a tease."
"Oh but it's so much more fun when I am," you purr. To punctuate your point, you rake your nails down his flexed abs. The muscles jerk and twitch under your touch, and he squirms, whining.
You've been here before, Hunter restrained and you in charge, but this is the first time he's been willing to remove another facet of control. His bandana sits wrapped like a pretty bow around his eyes. Every new touch, every new sensation, makes him flinch first and moan second. You know from experience how little vision the makeshift blindfold allows; his other senses are working overtime, oversensitive.
Flattening your hands, you smooth over his hips. You shift on the bed until your mouth hovers above his leaking cock. You exhale a warm puff of breath, then flick your tongue out, catching a drop of pre-cum where it beads at the tip.
Hunter's hips jerk and the cuffs snap taut. "K-Kriff, yes."
Letting out a breathy laugh, you repeat the action, earning another stutter of hips up toward your face, and a heady whine.
"You're being so good for me," you murmur, lips barely skimming the velvet sponge of his tip.
"A-Always," he pants, "always for you, mesh’la."
You hum. "I think you deserve a reward."
Above you, he nods his head frantically, another whine tumbling from his lips. You pause to study him for a moment, relishing in the electric feel of control in your core; his skin is dewed with a fine sheen of sweat, a flush high on his cheeks, his lips parted and so fucking pink. A gush of arousal slicks your already sopping folds.
In that moment, you decide his reward.
"Mesh’la, what--"
Confused words are cut off as you nimbly clamber up his body and cant your hips down toward his wet and waiting mouth. He moans like a kriffing holoporn star and cranes his neck to kiss your cunt, his tongue licking a stripe up your folds and circling your clit. With a sigh, you settle your knees further out and lower to properly sit on his face.
"Fuck, thank you," he mumbles into you, and then the only sounds from him are feral groans and needy whines as he suckles, licks, and worships you to orgasm, the first of many for you both tonight.
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ragu list: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @blueink-bluesoul @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wintercyan @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @jedi-hawkins (if you'd like to be added or removed from this list, click here!)
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Please Don't Be Gentle
Summary: You asked for it. He's more than willing to comply.
Pairing: Crosshair x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, rough sex, blowjobs, rough blow jobs, hair pulling, slight choking, manhandling, the author’s glove kink showing back up, brief fingering but otherwise not much foreplay
A/N: I'm trying out something new before I get real busy. Just some short drabbles of varying filth levels. (There will be some sfw ones as well, I was just in a mood today.) I say short but it's like 500 words so...
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Your knees ache. Not that you could really complain with Crosshair’s cock stuffed in your mouth. You’ve been here probably too long, on your knees before him. He hasn’t cum yet, one hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, the other tangled in your hair. You meet his gaze, his eyes squinted as they always seem to be as he stares down at you. He loves your mouth. He’d told you before you started. 
He’d spent a long time kissing you, mapping your mouth with his tongue before you’d uttered the words that had put you in this position in the first place.
“Please don’t be gentle with me.” 
Crosshair’s lips had lifted in a smirk, eyes going dark before his hand wrapped around your throat and his teeth sunk into your lip hard enough to draw blood.Not long after you’d been forced into this position. Your jaw aches, and you know your voice is going to be hoarse tomorrow. 
Crosshair releases the base of his dick, the hand in your hair forcing you forward until you physically can’t take anymore. You grip his thighs to steady yourself, breathing through your nose as he holds you there for a moment. You choke around him and he releases you, letting you draw back off his cock completely. You take a deep breath, coughing a little at the irritation in your throat. 
He still hasn’t cum yet, cock hard and angry as he stares down at you like you’re nothing but dirt on the bottom of his boot. His hand grabs the back of your neck, dragging you to your feet and onto the table in the middle of the room. 
Your body hits the table with a thud, hard enough to draw a noise from you.. The hand on the back of your neck keeps you from moving, a booted foot pushing your legs further apart. You’re practically dripping, naked folds glistening in the low light of the barracks. 
Gloved fingers trail your folds, ghosting over your clit. You’re just far enough back you can’t use the table to your advantage, for any sort of friction you’re desperate for. A glove hits the table next to your face before two fingers are stuffed into your pussy. You moan as you finally get some relief. 
“Hear that?” He says, his words slithering under the squelch of your soaked pussy. “So wet for me.” 
“For you,” You gasp, hips pressing back against his hand. “Only for you.” 
He chuckles, withdrawing his fingers. “Good girl.” 
His fingers are quickly replaced by his cock, and he gives you no time to adjust as he sinks into you to the hilt. You whine at the discomfort of being stretched so suddenly, hands curling into fists where they rest against the table. 
“Still so kriffing tight.” Crosshair gasps, his free hand trailing over your back. “You’ve been neglected too long.” 
You whimper, pushing up onto your toes as he begins to move his hips, forcing you against the table as he thrusts into you. You moan and whine as he fucks you, legs trembling from how close you are already. You’ve been wet since he proposed this idea, wet at the thought of taking him, of letting him have his way. 
The hand on the back of your neck forces your face to the other side, your lips parting as you get closer and closer to the edge. Your eyes meet Hunter’s where he’s seated just mere feet away, secured tightly to a chair. 
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@kaminocasey @rosechi @mxkyrie @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @padawancat97 @bamfahsoka @rain-on-kamino @thrawnspetgoose @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @freesia-writes @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @madameminor @eris-k @clio3kantarella @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @originalcollectionartistry @maddiedrmr @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @523rdrebel @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @sinfulsalutations
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arctrooper69 · 1 year
How Fascinating
Waking up next to Tech is like waking up on a cloud. It's like waking up in heaven.
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@clonexreaderbingo "Your eyes are so beautiful"
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I got the idea from this post by @ladyzirkonia
Warnings: No smut but there's a bit of suggestive fluff. 😘
Gentle tendrils of sunrise drifted quietly through the cracks of the slated blinds, waking Tech from his slumber. He inhaled deeply, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He rolled over to his side and with nimble fingers, plucked his goggles from the bedside table, careful not to jostle the sleeping figure next to him. A smile crept through his lips as he lay back down, sinking into the warm mattress, bathed in golden sunlight. It had been a long, long time since he'd gotten anywhere close to feeling so well rested. So peaceful.
Tech propped himself up onto his elbow, overlooking his sleeping companion. She was so beautiful. So kind, and bathed in the golden glow of sunlight, Tech likened her to a star.
The sensation of fingers lightly running up and down your arm pulled you from a deep sleep. An unbidden grin snuck it's way over your lips, giving away the fact that you were no longer asleep.
"How fascinating..." He whispered, fingers running through your hair.
"Hmm?" You turned to face him, opening your eyes. Tech chuckled as he brushed the hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
"I was simply admiring the way the sunlight frames your face. Even asleep you are beautiful. It's fascinating."
Pulling him close, you planted a kiss on his nose.
"You're just saying that because you want me to stay in bed with you."
”Well, yes..." he replied sheepishly.
You giggled and rolled your eyes.
"Tech you know I have to go to work soon."
His fingers traced across your collarbone.
"I know," he sighed. "But I did very much mean what I said." He took your hand. "You are truly beautiful."
You sighed, the blissful moment shattered by an unexpected flash of melancholy.
"Do you really think that?"
Tech blinked, unsure where the sudden change in tone had shifted.
He pressed his lips to your forehead.
"I do."
The fleeting offense floated back into the melancholic abyss from whence it came as you smiled warmly into the warmth of his neck. He smelt like grease and gunsmoke.
"Prove it."
You felt him raise an eyebrow and smirk against the skin below your collarbone where his lips lay on their path to smoothly kiss his way down your body. He turned his head towards you.
"I know that look. Do not try to tempt me with those beautiful eyes of yours, cyare. I thought you needed to get ready for work?"
"I can call in sick."
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @thrawns-teef-weef @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @rain-on-kamino @jiabae @my-own-oracle @dragonrider9905 @queenofspades6 @ordinarylokix @jupitersaturnapollo @queencousland101 @vampire-rouge @southernbaguette @staycalmandhugaclone @dalu-grantkylo @dangraccoon @aconstructofamind @blueink-bluesoul @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @atomickidsoul @caitnotfound @temmiegailg @skellymom @freesia-writes
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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clonemedickix · 1 year
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The Lean
Finally finished!! I give you Fives, doing his fabulous lean against a heavily graffitied wall at 79s. He seems particularly amused by the Obi Wan note…
*Can provide translations*
If you would like to be tagged for new art or WIP, click here.
@theogfulcrum22 @padawancat97 @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @dystopicjumpsuit @mandos-mind-trick @anxiouspineapple99 @cloneloverrrrr @blueink-bluesoul @king-chaos-world @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator
Hey Jango’s boys - which one of you did all these wall tags?? Lookin at you @howl-like-u-mean-it @a-1010-is-speaking 👀
@professional-tooka-herder @i-outrank-everyone @arc-trooper-juicy-j @tup-perware @hardcase-ct-yolo @is-that-regulation @hevy-lifter @idiot-tamer @loyal-soldier-5555
@every-rose-has-one @massiff-daddy
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
Congrats on 500 followers! Can I see Wolffe with a female reader for Prompt 2 (“I can’t believe you’re mine.”)? Maybe something soft and domestic?
➼ ɴᴏᴜʀ'ꜱ 500 ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
⋆ ★ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏɴɴɪᴇ! ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴀ ꜱᴏꜰᴛʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴡᴏʟꜰꜰᴇ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴛᴀʟʟʏ ᴅᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇꜱ ɪᴛ 🥰
➼ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ☆ "ɪ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ"
➼ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ☆ ᴡᴏʟꜰꜰᴇ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➼ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ☆ ᴅᴏᴍᴇꜱᴛɪᴄ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴋɪꜱꜱɪɴɢ
➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 531
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The morning air boils deep in your stomach when you awake, the sound of early rising birds chirping outside your window. You stir slowly, a deep groan leaving your lips as your senses come back to you gradually; first, your sight, as you allow your eyelids to peel back and gaze toward the sun peaking through sheer blinds, searing them half shut again when the light finally begins to burn your sight render less once again. Then, you become aware of the looming presence of a strong, muscular arm laid over your waist, hand pressing to your stomach to keep you pressed against his hard, sturdy chest.
You hum again when you feel his lashes brush against you and his lips purse, placing a lazy kiss onto your shoulders where he’d rested his head.
“Morning, baby,” He rasps in your ear, voice so honeyed and alligatored with misuse, and you smile softly to yourself.
“Morning,” you mutter back, turning over. Instinctively, your hands rise up to rest on his shoulders, and you bite your lip to contain your smile. He looks so good like this, bathed in morning light and still trying to get his bearings back. You don’t seem to be doing a very good job. 
Wolffe leans in, and you purse your lips, expecting him to give you a sweet, afterglow-covered kiss, but instead, he slowly creeps up over you, pinning his knees over your thighs and his elbows by your head. You look up at him, raising an eyebrow, and he just leans in toward your temple, leaving a kiss there instead. He then asks in a hushed whisper into your ear,
“What time is it?”
“Not sure,” You respond, hands returning to their rightful place in the crooks between his neck and shoulder. “0900, something like that.”
“Hmm,” Wolffe rumbles, pulling his face away from the side of your face and finally slotting your lips together. You keep wanting to break away, allow yourself to smile in the basking glow of his affection, but instead let him kiss you silly until he’s forced to pull away and catch his breath.
He repeats the action from before, lips pressing against your temple, then your cheek, then softly swiping down to your jaw, before coming back to your ear.
“You sleep well?” He asks. You sense the slight rustling of blankets around you and feel his hand trail over your skin, delicate and innocent, yet it lights your body aflame all the same as the sensual and intoxicating caresses he graces you with in times of heated passion. Perhaps you just can’t help yourself.
“I did,” You answer coolly, tilting your chin up as he slowly journeys down again. When his lips linger on certain spots and you feel that slight curl of a smirk against your skin, you know he’s admiring marks he’s left from the night before.
Suddenly, he pulls away, and you whine meekly, looking up with wide eyes.
“Something wrong?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Wolffe sighs, eyebrows creasing together. But he doesn’t seem annoyed. 
“I just… I can’t believe you’re mine.”
You giggle softly, pulling him down and pressing your noses together.
“You better start, handsome.”
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tags: @starstofillmydream @pb-jellybeans @corrieguards @ladytano420 @jediknightjana @sleepycreativewriter @shinyshayminflower @secondaryrealm @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @dukeoftheblackstar @kimiheartblade @followthepurrgil @wolffegirlsunite @star-burned @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @aconstructofamind
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amorfista · 1 year
"Beach lookout's nap"
The Dad Batch (and Omega) deserve a day of blissful relaxation, I don't think there's anyone out there who wouldn't agree!
While Tech is taking the best nap of his life [Part 1], Omega and Wrecker joined efforts to make the coolest sand-Tipoca city [Part 2] there is out there!
Echo and Hunter might have gotten concerned about the ruckus [Part 3] that these two started to cause...
Crosshair, on the other hand...?
He couldn't give a flying kark.
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...or least that's what it would seem like.
Even through a slit of sight, nothing escapes the skillful sniper's eyes. Watching his brothers (and sister) from the distance, he peacefully swings on his hammock, a couple of meters above the ground and (hopefully) far away enough from the mischief that is, apparently, stirring among his siblings.
This state of bliss comes to a halt however, when the crackle of a comm breaks through the sounds of nature.
“Omega to Crosshair, come in Crosshair!”
"For the love of the Maker", he thinks to himself.
Admitting his defeat, Crosshair opened his eyes fully and stared at the palm leaves above, casually spotting a palm weevil crawling over them within a split second.
He took a deep breath as he pressed the button of his own commlink, making sure to drag his words to let Omega know of his displeasure as he spoke:
"What do you want?"
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Alright, alright, alright.
I know I said that I'd post a version with 1-2 tats and then the full body, but I just could NOT choose which tat to leave on😭 so now you get the zero tats as the "HC" version, and...
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(also i know that he shouldn't have an ice vulture in this hc where he never left the batch so he never met Mayday, whoops)(SORRY FOR THE HUGE POST TOO)
This was so. Much. Fun. Not all the tats have a HUGE, INTRINCATE meaning but, honestly? I'm just SO HAPPY with the result.
Some of the tats are very pretty so, I thought I'd clean them up and show you guys! Might even make stickers in the future!
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@arcsimper5 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the hammock idea, plus the wonderful story that you've written around my drawings!! You're a sweetheart!!♥♥♥
@grinningnexu THANK YOU! for the thousand amazing tattoo ideas!
@nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius THANK YOU TOO! for the ice vulture idea; I'll make a sketch for his back tomorrow!! ♥
@wwheeljack @freesia-writes the no-tat version is the og now XD
I'm very, very happy about the drawing. The colors and background were super fun to make. The perspective might be wonky but I don't mind, I'll get better at it eventually xD
Taglist: (PM or @ to join!)
@dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @staycalmandhugaclone @callmesunny04 @ginnymilling @sunshinesdaydream @blueink-bluesoul @cloneloverrrrr @moon-wrecked @idontgetanysleep @tech-aficionado @followthepurrgil @renton6echo @queen-jiru @shoe-bag @eyayah123 @eloquentmoon @and-loth-cat @ladyzirkonia @stardusthuntress @bambambunny
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Hey babes! Dropping the quote here for you!
“may my heart
be the softest place you fall,
may this love
be the wildest place you run”
Let the Force guide you as you decide the clone boy vibes! 💕
OK so my first thought was Crosshair…and some angst. 💕 Thank you for the quote!
WC: 350ish
Pairing: Crosshair x Gen Reader
Warnings: Angsty, nightmares, kinda lovey
This was the song on my mind while writing this. Enjoy!
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The room was dark, the faint sound of waves lapping at the shore carried by a warm breeze that rustled the curtains.
Your eyes fluttered open, the bed shifting as you felt him press up against your back, his hands desperately reaching for you.
Crosshair was violently shivering, his body out of his control.
He was back on Barton-IV, lost in the blizzard, failing to save his vod.
“It’s okay, Cross. I have you.” You whispered, letting him hold you close, entwining one of your hands with his.
He didn’t say anything, just held you tighter and buried his face in your hair as his body shook. He gripped your hand, trying to let the memories pass.
“I’m here, Crosshair. Breathe.”
His ragged breath slowed, his shivering gradually subsiding, his tense body relaxing at your soft words and the feel of you against him.
He stayed next to you like that the rest of the night, not letting you go.
He feared if he did, he’d be back on that icy planet, the crushing weight of his decisions his only companion as he lay there helpless to the cold.
He wouldn’t be here with you and your endless warmth, your endless patience for him, which he sometimes had trouble understanding.
Why would you want him? All his baggage, his darkness, his regrets.
But every morning you were still next to him, even after he spent the night thrashing and calling out in his sleep.
Crosshair always lets you hold him, placing your hand on his chest, feeling his beating heart, trying to lessen his anguish.
You didn’t ask what he dreamt about but listened if he told you.
You were a missing piece he never knew he needed. A soft place to land when he fell, a gentle touch when he needed it most, even when he didn’t realize it.
His nightmares have been slowly fading with you by his side, ready to guide him through the dark.
This one passed quickly, knowing he could find solace in you.
You never left him, even on his darkest days when the past dug its claws into his mind and he had nowhere to run, except into your arms.
It was something Crosshair could never repay you for, except fiercely guard your heart in the same way you do his.
You always stayed.
You always did, and always will, and that’s more than enough for him.
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Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @littlemissmanga @secretthegriffin @secondaryrealm @sinfulsalutations @anxiouspineapple99 @idontgetanysleep @starqueensthings @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @dreamie411 @aconstructofamind @wanderer-six @blueink-bluesoul @the-cantina @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @523rdrebel @dukeoftheblackstar @pb-jellybeans @sleepingsun501
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starqueensthings · 1 year
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“What are we looking at…?”
*click for best quality
taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @starrylothcat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @secondaryrealm @freesia-writes @dystopicjumpsuit @littlemissmanga @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @blueink-bluesoul
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