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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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When that 4.5lb smallmouth smacks you in the face before you get the selfie. 馃槀馃槀 #doh #fishing #bassfishing #lc365 #lakecumberland #smallmouth #bluerockcustomtackle #mccainrods #mccainfishing #ardentreels #rayjus #rulethewater #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #smackedbyafish #donttakemypicture #makingfishfamous
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Why do I fish in pain? Right there is why!! #lakecumberland #mccainrods #liquidmayhem #bluerockcustomtackle #lc365 #fishing #bassfishing #ardentreels #mayhemmilitia #tournamenttackle #zombiebaitco #zombiebaits #smallmouth #nofishcanresist #redtailrepublic #nauticsport #painistemporary #gohard #neverstop
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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#smallmouthbass #bluerockcustomtackle #liquidmayhem #lakecumberland #mccainrods #lc365
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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#lc365 #lakecumberland #smallmouthbass #mccainrods #liquidmayhem #bluerockcustomtackle
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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You can tell that left shoulder still isn't doing well by the way I'm holding the fish. Oh well. #painisonlytemporary #largemouthbass #bassfishing #fishing #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #bluerockcustomtackle #tournamenttackle #fiftyoneseventungsten #nauticsport #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #rayjus #rayjusoutdoors #lc365 #thewaterismystadium #lakecumberland #lakelife
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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#largemouthbass #fishing #bassfishing #tournamenttackle #fiftyoneseventungsten #redtailrepublic #redtailoptix #nauticsport #rayjusoutdoors #bluerockcustomtackle #zombiebaitco #getinfected #ardentreels #rulethewater #mccainfishing #mccainrods #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #filthyanglers #toughday (at Stonewall Resort)
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Using @mccainfishing rods and @ardent_reels. @rayjus jersey. @redtailrepublic glasses. #redtailoptix #rayjus #zombiebaitco #zombiebaits #bluerockcustomtackle #mccainrods #mccainfishing #ardentreels #rulethewater #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #nauticsport #tournamenttackle #tournament #bassfishing #largemouthbass #thewaterismystadium
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Long sleeve version of the jersey @rayjus. #rayjus #rayjusoutdoors #rayjus #tournamenttackle #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #nofishcanresist #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #getinfected #bluerockcustomtackle #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #nauticsport #bassfishing #fishing #prostaff #productambassador #repyourteam #repyourbrand #rangerboats #minnkota #mercurymarine #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy The rest of my sponsors were acquired after the jersey was designed. Get you all on the next one #mccainrods #mccainfishing #rulethewater #ardentreels
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Jersey finally arrived. #teamrayjus #rayjusoutdoors #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #bluerockcustomtackle #liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #nofishcanresist #tournamenttackle #redtailrepublic #redtailoptix #nauticsport #prostaff #productambassador #fishing #bassfishing The rest of my sponsors were acquired after jersey was ordered. I'll get you guys on the next one #mccainrods #mccainfishing #ardentreels #rulethewater
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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The fish can't get enough, 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀#liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #smallmouthbass #bassfishing #mccainrods #mccainfishing #ardentreels #nofishcanresist #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #bluerockcustomtackle #rulethewater #tournamenttackle #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy #lc365 #lakecumberland (at Lake Cumberland)
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Boat #128 gets to fish again tomorrow. Made the top 25 cut!! Need some big fish tomorrow. #tournamenttackle #certifiedfilthy #filthyanglers #nauticsport #ardentreels #rulethewater #mccainrods #mccainfishing #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #getinfected #hookedandtagged #beheadwear #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #bluerockcustomtackle #liquidmayhem #nofishcanresist #mayhemmilitia #bassfishing #fishing #madethecut #thewaterismystadium #needbigfish
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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So, I guess we're doing this!!! #fishing #bassfishing #thewaterismystadium #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco #liquidmayhem #nofishcanresist #bluerockcustomtackle #mccainrods #mccainfishing #ardentreels #rulethewater #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #nauticsport #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy #tournamenttackle
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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Horrible weather!! Huge cold front!! Still managed a few decent smallies. @minnkotamotors #terrova helped me to just fish despite the wind, cold, rain. #zombiebaits #zombiebaitco @liquidmayhem #mayhemmilitia @mccainfishing @ardent_reels @bluerockcustomtackle #bluerockcustomtackle @tournamenttackle #rulethewater #nofishcanresist #lc365 #lakecumberland #smallmouthbass (at Beaver Creek Marina)
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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She wanted it!!! Lol. #smallmouthbass #rangerboats #ardentreels #filthyanglers #mccainrods #bluerockcustomtackle #tournamenttackle #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #lc365 #lakecumberland #fishing #bassfishing (at Monticello, Kentucky)
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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No pics of fish were taken (got a bigger tournament and don't want secrets out) but managed to get 3rd today. All fish caught on @mccainfishing Rods @ardent_reels with terminal tackle from @bluerockcustomtackle and baits from @tournamenttackle. Eyes kept in focus by @redtailoptix from @redtailrepublic #tournamenttackle #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #bluerockcustomtackle #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy #thewaterismystadium #ardentreels #rulethewater #mccainrods #mccainfishing #betterlucknexttime #gottaupmygame #liquidmayhem #nofishcanresist.
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jeffnewsomefishing 8 years ago
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When you let the camera run sometimes you realize just how comfortable you get while you are fishing. #redtailoptix #redtailrepublic #zombiebaitco #rangerboats #bassfishing #fishing #bluerockcustomtackle #nationalprostaff #nauticsport #liquidmayhem #ardentreels #hookitapparel #filthyanglers #certifiedfilthy #getinfected #mayhemmilitia #nofishcanresist #rulethewater #thewaterismystadium #atpeace #innerpeace #calmingwaters #tournamenttackle #mccainfishing #mccainrods
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