#blueprint gif
3416 · 4 months
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auston & mitch in the leaf blueprint s9 ep6: papi | 03.05.24
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skz-films · 2 years
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MINCHAN ★ blueprint
for @cb97percent
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buggggyyyy · 3 months
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cyanotype animation, fuse 2024
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welcometosector1 · 1 year
𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜: 𝙿𝚝.𝟺
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9:35 pm.
After a few days of straight planning, they finally had everything planned and ready to go. Seonghwa especially had everything sorted. Everything was placed where it needed to be. The way into the 5th floor was mapped out, and all they needed was to actually be on the road and get going.
Each one of the boys had their things ready to go; Jongho was to be stationed on top of one of the buildings, Wooyoung was to greet the man in charge, San and Mingi were there to make sure Wooyoung wouldn't get hurt, Yeosang would be in the van, making sure there were clear ways for them to get out, Yunho is driving the getaway car and Seonghwa would actually be grabbing the implant from it's stand.
Hongjoong made sure he would be nowhere near the site. He couldn't be seen out in public.
They all had their artillery set and ready to go, all suited up in their holotech undersuits (developed courtesy of Yunho - experimental, very dangerous) and whatever else they wanted to wear for this operation. The skin tight suits were perfect to keep them safe as they were near indestructible - keyword, near.
Each of them had been ready to get going and were sitting in their black van, waiting on the second-in-command to get there. It was silent besides San and Wooyoung whispering amongst themselves. Wooyoung, of course, was sitting in his lap. They must've been muttering about Wooyoung's partner, as when Seonghwa came out, Wooyoung was blushing and very audibly said an "I can't wait to see him after this."
Once everyone noticed the man standing there, looking between each of them silently, they all got into their designated spots. No words were exchanged between anyone as they mentally prepared for how intense this job would be. Seonghwa was the last one to get into the van, finally sighing before putting head against the passenger seat headrest.
"Let's get a move on." He murmured to Yunho, letting his eyes shut.
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10:42 pm.
Seonghwa didn't open his eyes until the car came to a halt, and his holo acted as sunglasses, reflecting the shining ball of gas back out. The drive wasn't long, but they were getting ready. "Time to go, then." He said to himself, readying himself to go to the back of the truck and start the brief.
The brief was - well, brief.
It was enough to set everyone in motion to make it run as smoothly as possible, and each stealth member had to make sure Seonghwa could get in and out of the vents without being seen.
Everyone had made their way to their positions after the little meeting. Everything had to go perfectly to acquire this little piece of machinery.
At 11:00 pm, they'll make their moves. At this point, Seonghwa was fitted in his suit, and using the forged ID cards to get in, he nodded to that same receptionist who was macking on Wooyoung when they first planted the weapons. He made his way all the way up to the fourth floor, only to then take the stairs up to the roof, which was only three flights up. Through there, he would go through the HV/AC system and down into the ceiling. The workers usually take a break around 11:10, so getting in and out would be so simple when he can be alone; easy to grab the implant, put it in his bag, and get out of there.
He got the okay from Jongho, who was looking through his scope on a neighbouring building to start going down, so that's exactly what he did. He started lowering himself through the unit after connecting the rope to a side roof anchor.
10:59 pm.
'Now or never, Hwa.'
New runners?: @beastfights-starting (🐉) @k-venturetime (👑) @thepatchedpaw (🔮) @redlight-cb (🚨) @mxthxbot (🌊) @kingdom-of-dicentra (🐺) @theonesxcb @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @kim-theo-oc @k-half-blood @namiras-rose-tattoos @ocmyths @your-au-boys @yourocboys @ateezmystery @undercoverxcb @evicted-oc @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @domxbot @reve-rv @eclipseclubocs @urtwice @sirenaquariumcb @bluerosemafiacb @divineblood-cb @kitakcb @boyzplanet @weeb-wonwoo @hideawaycb @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @fantasyxkingdoms @teyvatcb  @theinvitation-bot @wolfpackcb @dawnswonderland-entertainment @livealittleoc-cb @lunarcoven @theafterlifeclub-cb @chnchoi @kmxchaewon @screamcb @3rachabot @redlights-speakeasy @kq-rescuecenter
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acmeoop · 1 year
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Probably An ACME Subsidiary “Adventures of the Road Runner” (1962)
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wolfgirxd · 1 year
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can i be them
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darrenpeace · 1 year
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The blueprint of Sky High School
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juneekertya · 2 years
2minsung :(
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Odio el Cov19! Espero que se encuentren bien y descansen tranquilamente :(
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sai-pratyaksh-epari · 6 months
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Importing Animations and Character
I took animations and characters keeping 2 characters in mind, the first one is Martin (Gas Mask) and the second one is a zombie enemy (Romero).
The following are the characters used:
Gas Mask
The following are the animations used:
Breathing Idle
Two Cycle Sprint
Fall A Loop
Crouch Idle 2 Looking
Crouch Walking
Zombie 1
Zombie Idle
Zombie Walking
Zombie Punching
The Process of Blending Animations
Step 1: Creating a Blend-Space Blueprint for Movement Animation
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Step 2: Creating Anim Blueprint
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Step 3: Uploading Anim Blueprints into Character Meshes
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frankzcollection · 7 months
Video Teaser Blueprint
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Click Here to Know More
Announcing the Brand-New, 10-Part, Step-By-Step Video Course 
"Finally, Learn How to Build Video Teasers That Sell Your Video Products!"
These methods have been working for the last decade.  There's no theory here! Note: This does not include other products that are not video courses
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Click Here to Know More
Dear friend, It’s a fact that selling information in the form of video courses is very profitable. There’s so much demand for different topics and there so many problems that need solutions. So perhaps you created your very own video course, or you bought private label rights to a video course and you have no idea how to sell it. You also don’t have weeks or even months to create a full-blown video salesletter. Maybe you tried to create a video salesletter and you got stuck and never created a video to sell your course. Or perhaps the thought of creating a video is daunting and even overwhelming because you don’t know where to start? Do you want something fast and easy that you can create within less than a day? Do you want something powerful enough to get people curious about buying your video course? Maybe you’re just curious about what your sales funnel is going to look like in order to achieve this goal.
Video Teaser Blueprint
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Here's a breakdown of this 10 part video series in more details Now that you have your video snippets in hand, you simply need to re-organize them to make sure that they follow your sequential outline. If you don’t have video snippets that you were able to extract from the video course, this video will show you what you need to do.
Grab this video course and learn how to build teaser videos to sell your video courses.
Add this product to your cart now for only.... $67 $3
Click Here to Know More
P.S. Watch this video course immediately after payment - there's absolutely no waiting!
P.P.S. Have you tried other affiliate marketing blueprints and had no success? Unless you take drastic action right now, nothing is going to change. Don’t wait any longer!
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3416 · 4 months
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the leaf blueprint: game 54 | 02.20.24
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kensatou · 5 months
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“you dropped your dead bear": a love story
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givemegifs · 1 year
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contentfree · 2 years
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welcometosector1 · 1 year
𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜: 𝙿𝚝.𝟸
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Wooyoung, San, Seonghwa, and Yunho sat silently in the back of the parked car while Yeosang tapped into the building’s security, giving him the ability to turn cameras off at will. It was finally time to put their plan in motion. You see, these four would be going in and planting everything they think they’d need when the time comes and their heist is going down. Seonghwa made sure to keep each boy in line until they got the okay from Yeosang.
"Woo, distract the receptionist. San, Yunho and I will be planting everything under plants, behind paintings, about anywhere we can find. Yeo, keep us covered, we'll be quick so it won't take us long. Does everyone have their holos?" Seonghwa asked, looking between the others.
They all nodded in his direction, their answers clearly being 'yes', and Seonghwa clapped his hand on San's strong back.
"Let's go then, yeah?"
Inside the building, Wooyoung was flirting with the receptionist, as per instructed. His charms were useful for this exact reason as the other three slipped through the guest gates with forged ID badges, dressed up in suits with hidden artillery strapped to them. Right about now, the receptionist would've noticed the three of them slip by, but Wooyoung managed to catch her attention again.
The other three got off on separate levels; Seonghwa on the second, San on the third, and Yunho on the fourth. They made it quick and used the holo to tell each other when they're done. They all make it back to the elevator, getting in one after another. Yunho, San, Seonghwa.
Yeosang hasn't taken his eyes off the cameras until they all check in, switching to the next floor together. This last floor was the floor where the prototype was, and it was displayed on its stand in its glass cage. "I don't think you should go up to the fifth floor, I can't crack the security, and the only way in now is to break the glass. We can come back when I'm better prepared."
Seonghwa wasn't happy about this, but if he didn't want to get caught, this is what they needed to do. "You heard the man, let's go." He murmured, clicking the button to go down when he stepped in. The ride down is silent, and they make it back to the first floor, walking out that same gate before making it out. Yeosang called for Wooyoung, the heartbreaker finally saying goodbye to the receptionist with a wink and lipstick smears on both of their faces.
The man settles settles between San and Yeosang, both of them laughing at the red wax on and around his mouth while the van starts moving.
"You really were committed, hm?" San taunted with a stifled laugh.
"I have too much pride to be bad at my job." He responded to the other man with a pointed look, taking his compact out and cleaning himself up.
Despite the banter, Seonghwa is scheming already, trying to plan their next move.
Fuck, they need this implant.
New runners?: @thechoi-bot (🍬) @beastfights-starting (🐉) @k-venturetime (👑) @thepatchedpaw (🔮) @redlight-cb (🚨) @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @kim-theo-oc @k-half-blood @freakstars-cb @ocmyths @your-au-boys @yourocboys @ateezmystery @undercoverxcb @k-pop-shelter @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @domxbot @reve-rv @thepatchedpaws-warehouse @urtwice @sirenaquariumcb @dr-hwa-cb @bluerosemafiacb @divineblood-cb @kitakcb @ae-valorant  @multiyiren @weeb-wonwoo @hideawaycb @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @fantasy-teez @fantasycafexbot @teyvatcb  @theinvitation-bot @richboy-atz @model-boyscb @wolfpackcb @dawnswonderland-entertainment @livealittleoc-cb @hleee
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utuququ · 2 years
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Take a look here!
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