#bluelock junichi
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Hello hello!! 🥹 I saw that your requests were open, and I wanted to ask if you can write Blue lock Wanima bros x reader?
Maybe hc about going on a first date with them, separately ofc, where you would go and what you would do, maybe even a kiss at the end, just the usual vv fluffy cute stuff ehehehee
(Just a lil extra detail, but maybe if Junichi starts speaking verbally more just for you on the date so reader can actually understand him if she cant read him well like his brother, reader compliments his voice and gets him flustered)
Extreme thank you if you write for them and I’m very sorry if you don’t 😭
Omgosh this is such a sweet idea 🥹 I love it so much and I love you for bringing up this idea! As much as I dislike how they treated Hyoma, they made me laugh so much, especially Junichi! I have a hilarious photo of him from the manga that I LOVE to use for reaction photos!
I’m also so sorry for how long it took to reply! I’ve been so obsessed with Diablo 4 and Oshi no Ko 😭 It’s taken up my life! (When I’m not sobbing over events because it hits too close to home in episode 6 ( ╥ω╥ ) )
I’m trying something new, so this will be a bit longer. I’m sorry!

First Date with the Wanima Bros.
Everyone in your school knows about the Wanima twins. They’re co-captains of the football club and together they work incredibly well
The only thing that kept others away from the twins was their attitude and the belief that they’re better than others
You notice Keisuke talking to his brother one day in what seemed like a one-sided conversation
You were curious how they were able to hold a conversation with each other so every chance you could get, you studied them out of pure interest
After so long of watching them, you noticed the difference between them
They may be twins, but it didn’t mean they’re the same person
It was then that you fell for him:

It was his laugh and smile that caught your eye
You noticed that between the two of them, he was more expressive and vocal
One day he sensed you studying them in class during break, and looked at you dead in the eye
This caused you to blush and look away, as if it wasn’t so painfully obvious you were staring
It took a while for you to get the courage to speak to him, the opportunity came during Valentine’s Day
You had made truffles that were powdered with dark cocoa
You had walked up to him during break and gave him the chocolate while your face was bright red
Keisuke glanced up at you then down to the box in your hands
He’s not very popular so when you came up to him, it made him feel shy for the first time in his life as he accepted the chocolates
“Thanks.” He said before looking away, a blush on his face. “You should come to practice.” He mumbled, which you heard
A smile crept up on your face as you nodded
“I’ll be there!” You responded. You excused yourself and once you were out of his sight, you internally squealed and danced
He was doing the same actually
He had actually had a longtime crush on you so knowing you felt the same about him filled his heart with so much warmth
He’s talked about you to his brother, Junichi, who swore he would keep his secret (cuz ya know, he doesn’t talk much)
He’s a total beast on the field and while he’s super talkative to others and his brother, he’s shy when it comes to you
You stood by the bleachers as you excitedly waited for practice to be over. Your teacher had to speak to you after class so you were a bit later than you intended, but Keisuke knew you’d be arriving late based off of the apologetic smile you gave him as class ended. Once the teacher was done discussing your assignment, you skipped your way to the football field, your heart pounding in your chest.
Thankfully you had made it there while they were already playing. You didn’t want to be a distraction from practice and you wanted the opportunity to see Keisuke in his natural state. What you saw were two brothers who didn’t need to communicate with each other in order to make flawless plays and you were in awe as you watched. You thought Keisuke looked cool, never losing that grin of his as he and his brother continued to pass back the ball while they ran full speed across the field.
After Junichi scored the goal, the coach blew the whistle indicating the end of practice. Grabbing their water bottles and towels, everyone made their way to the locker room. Sensing you had watched him, Keisuke’s eyes snapped to yours as he walked past, causing you to smile and wave to him from across the field. The tip of his ears tinted light red as he looked away. Junichi noticed this and made a face that looked like it was full of glee like how someone would tease another.
Twenty or so minutes passed before you saw Keisuke walking out of the building with his hand rubbing the side of his neck, looking at everything but you as he walked to you. You could tell it was nerves by these actions. It made you believe that he was just as nervous as you, and that thought made you smile a bit.
The silence was deafening and you could see Junichi peering around the corner of the building emitting a dark aura around him as his brows were furrowed and his eyes crossed. Keisuke looked over his shoulder, sending that his brother was watching. A quick glimpse was more than enough to know what his brother meant before he looked at you, a blush powdering his cheeks.
Within quick movements, he bowed in front of you with his eyes clamped shut as he yelled.
“I like you! Will you go out with me?!”
You were shocked by the sudden level of noise that came out of Keisuke. Silence took over once again, causing Keisuke to start sweating profusely as he waited for your response.
A giggle erupted from your throat, catching Keisuke off guard. He felt his heart break, he was sure that you felt the same after giving him chocolates for Valentine’s Day. He stands up straight while looking away to hide the disappointment on his face.
“That was so loud it scared me! But it makes me happy that you like me too.” You said, still giggling.
Keisuke looked at you with wide eyes. Did someone else confess? As he opened his mouth to ask, you answered him.
“I’d love to go out with you! I was so worried that you didn’t feel the same when you were walking to me.” Your giggles had vanished and what was left was a warm smile as pink dusted your cheeks.
Keisuke stood still, feeling like what happened wasn’t just real. He blinked once. Twice. Four times before he responded.
“What did you say?” He asked.
Rather than answer, you stepped forward and pressed your lips against his cheek before pulling away and flashing a grin at him. He was stunned, he froze on the spot not knowing what to do. He felt his entire face turn red. Lifting his arm to hide his face from you, you thought to yourself how cute he looked, the thought made you blush as you felt your heart melt.
Willing himself to calm down, Keisuke looks at you and smiles.
“Let’s go on a date now.” He suggested, which made your heart skip a beat.
“But what about your brother?” You ask, looking over his shoulder, trying to find his brother.
Keisuke shook his head and pulled out his phone, pulling up the text Junichi sent. The text included nothing but emojis, which made it hard to read.
“He already went home and he’s happy for me.” Keisuke interpreted. It warmed your heart that Junichi had been there during the confession in case his brother needed him.
“I love that you two care for each other. It’s really sweet.” You responded, tilting your head to the side a bit as you grinned.
Keisuke stared at you and felt his heart skip a beat. You were so beautiful. He never thought you would reciprocate his feelings all this time until today. Thanking the gods for Valentine’s Day existing, he moved his hand to hold yours, rubbing his calloused thumb over your knuckles. Your hands were so soft compared to his. He looked forward to see what the future holds for the two of you.
Gently squeezing his fingers, you felt your heart skip a couple of beats.
“Let’s go! Where do you want to go?” You ask.
Keisuke looks up as he thinks. He’s never been on a date before so he couldn’t think of where to go. Movies and tv shows always showed movie and a dinner? But it was getting late as the sunset began to disappear, so there was no time for both.
You noticed he began to sweat as he thought. You decided to make it easier for him.
“Where is your favorite place to go?” You ask.
Keisuke snaps out of his thought to look at you. Bless you for making it easier for him, he thought as he smiled.
Scratching his cheek, he answered honestly. “Cat cafe.”
You felt yourself internally gushing with love. He probably didn’t let others know and he told you anyway.
“I love cat cafes!” You happily said.
He knew. It was the first time he saw you. He was feeling down that day and decided to visit the cat cafe since he heard that surrounding yourself with animals helped when it came to depression and just feeling sad. As he walked in, he saw you and his heart stopped.
You were covered in kittens and cats and you looked happier than ever as you rubbed noses with one of the kittens as one laid lazily on your head, two on either shoulders, and a couple more climbing over the sleeping adult cat that was on your lap.
It was the loveliest thing Keisuke had ever seen. His life revolved only around his brother and football and that was all he needed until he saw you.
As he took a seat across the room and ordered, he watched as you continued to play with and love on the cats. He then felt a nudge against his leg, causing him to look down to find a fluffy white cat rubbing against his legs, occasionally looking up at you while purring.
Never having been near a cat, he wasn’t sure what to do so he poked the cat’s head with his finger, which the cat sniffed and licked causing him to chuckle.
He liked cat cafes. It led him to meet you.
After your date, Keisuke walked you home. Unwilling to let the night end so soon, he lingered a bit as he held your hand, unsure of what to do.
You took the initiative and kissed him on the lips before you looked at him, bright red tinting your face. At least your face matched his. But his face just kept getting more and more red as the seconds went by before he felt like running away. Which he did as he yelled goodnight, causing you to giggle. You were excited for school the next day.

Onto the older one!
He’s absolutely more expressive of the two but only his brother is able to fully understand what he’s saying
His expressions are what made you interested in him actually
Sometimes they were too goofy and they made you laugh
It was one of those times where he heard your melodic laugh after making such an expression that he noticed you
At first he thought you were making fun of him, which upset him
Keisuke noticed the upset look on his face (imagine the look when they had to say goodbye right before the 2nd selection)
Needless to say this upsets Keisuke to no end so he ended up stomping over to you to tell you off
And he does just that
It throws you completely off when it happens though
“What are you laughing at?! Do you think my bro’s funny enough to laugh at? How ‘bout I laugh at you?!”
And he did just that until Junichi grabbed him and ran away
You blinked as you watched them leave and you could swear you saw tears flying past Keisuke’s head
It tugged at your heart as you realized why Keisuke was so angry with you and it upset you that you hurt the one person you didn’t want to hurt
You didn’t mean to but looking back you can see how it could be taken as especially since the two of you never spoke
So after class, you decided to take action and in order to do that, you needed to clear things up
So as soon as you could, you grabbed Keisuke and pulled him to the side without Junichi knowing while placing a hand over his mouth as you found a place to talk to him
He promised to not yell to hear you out so you gently took your hand away from his mouth only for him to start yelling at you
So you placed your hand back over your mouth
“Please! Let me clear up this misunderst-“ you quickly speak before squealing and letting go
He licked your hand
He began to yell at you before he realized what you said
Crossing his arms and looking away angrily, he gives you the chance to speak, so you explain everything, including your feelings for Junichi
Somewhere along your explanation, he looked at you and it warmed his heart that you liked his brother, so he decided to give you a chance after practice, which you happily agreed to since you had studying to do anyway
Practice was over by the time you got to the field and everyone had already been coming out of building, making their way home. You and Keisuke had planned to have Junichi meet you at the field where Keisuke says he’ll meet him. Only it would be you meeting hun instead.
Rolling on the balls of your feet, you felt your nerves start to get the better of you as you waited. You heard footsteps nearby, which caused you to look over your shoulder to see Junichi looking down at the ground, his eyebrows upturned. It seemed like he was still thinking of earlier, which tugged at your heart.
As if sensing someone was nearby, he looked up at you, which caused him to visibly freeze. Turning fully around, you raise your hand as a way of greeting, feeling a bit awkward. You wanted to clear things up but didn’t know where to start.
Somehow Junichi stayed there, watching you with upturned eyebrows. He wasn’t sure what it was that you wanted but he could at least see what you would do. You tucked your hair behind an ear as your eyes avoided his, trying to find a way to start the conversation. You had to. You were the cause of the feelings your crush was experiencing. Finally closing your eyes, you bowed down, your back horizontal to the ground. This act made Junichi jump and stare with a quizzical expression.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t laughing at you, er, I was, but not in a mean way! I didn’t mean to hurt you and I wanted to clear it up with you!” You hurriedly explain.
After what felt like hours of silence, you look up at him to see his quizzical look which consisted of his mouth creating an caret as his brows were arched upwards. You slapped your hands over your mouth as you tried to not laugh at him. You just cleared things up and you weren’t about to mess it up again. Except you only let out muffled giggles.
“I’m sorry.” You spoke in between giggles. “I promise I’m trying to not laugh.” Giggle. “Your expressions just make me laugh.” Giggle. “I love them.” You continued to google.
This took Junichi by surprise, he didn’t expect you to love his expressions. His entire face began to turn red out of both embarrassment and because he was overly aware of how cute you were. Your laughter was what made him notice you to begin with. It made him happy knowing that you didn’t think any less of him, but more that you liked him.
Your giggling coming to a halt, you noticed Junichi’s red face and it made you more aware that your face was turning equally red. You didn’t want your conversation to end there, so you decided to tell him.
“Hey, um..” you begin, your hands fumbling with the bottom of your school uniform sweater vest. Looking down, you feel your anxiety building up. You felt that you should just blurt it out like you did earlier. “I l-l..” you begin. Closing your eyes, you confess louder than you intended.
“I l-like you Junichi!”
Moments pass and instead of looking up, you keep your eyes closed as you stayed still.
“O-oh.” You heard a deep voice say, which caused your eyes to snap open and lift your head. Junichi held his hand over the lower half of his face trying to hide how red it was. His eyes were looking to the side.
Looking back at you, he bowed just as you had earlier, causing you to jump. You could feel the rejection coming up.
“Thank you so much! Please take care of me!” He yelled.
You blinked a couple of times and you felt your cheeks heat up, causing you to slap your hands against them. The noise caused Junichi to jump and lift his head to look at you.
“What do you-? Do you mean that-?” You couldn’t finish what you were saying in the case it would raise your hopes. Although they were still raised, feeling your heart beating against your chest.
Junichi quickly stood straight and nodded a few times.
“So does that mean…” you begin. “…we’re dating?” You squeaked out the last bit, feeling as if what was going on was unreal. Maybe it was a dream.
Junichi nodded again, his expression serious but his face growing a deeper shade of red. His confirmation only made the blush spread from your cheeks to the rest of your face as you stared at Junichi with wide eyes. You felt tears begin to spill as you smile.
Junichi jumped and took a couple of steps towards you, his eyebrows knitted upwards as he expressed worry.
“I’m so happy.” Looking at Junichi, who had walked up to you with his worried expression. “I didn’t think you’d want to date me. I was so upset with myself for making you sad so I thought I ruined everything.”
He was stunned. He didn’t realize that you felt this way the entire time when you had only expressed your fondness over him.
Not knowing how to make the situation better, he opted to hug you close to him. He could feel his heart pounding and hoped you couldn’t hear it.
You were too preoccupied with your own heart as you stood there in Junichi’s arms. You couldn’t believe what was happening, given how the day began. Yet here you were in your now boyfriend’s arms. You were wholly convinced this was a dream and you didn’t ever want to wake up.
Raising your head to look at Junichi, you noticed how close your faces were. Junichi looked at you, staring into your eyes to make sure your tears stopped, which they had the moment he hugged you. You both felt calm as the two of you leaned towards each other, pressing your lips against the other’s in a gentle kiss that lasted about five heartbeats before you pulled away. His lips were a bit dry, but you enjoyed it. At least some of your lip gloss transferred onto his lips.
Looking back into each other’s eyes, the two of you smiled, completely content with each other’s presence.
“I don’t want to go home yet.” Junichi said, his eyes looking down as his brows furrowed slightly.
“Let’s go on a date then!” You offered. It was getting late in the day, close to night time, so there weren’t many options.
Junichi shook his head. “We can go Sunday. I want to spend the day with you, but for now, can I walk you home?”
You grinned at his offer and nodded. “That sounds perfect.”
Loosening his hold on you, his hand slid down your arm before taking a hold of yours. He hoped you didn’t mind. He wanted to hold your hand to touch you and be close to you. It was weird, he only noticed you today and yet you made him feel like this. Was this a crush? You got to him somehow and now that you have him, he had no plans on letting go.
As the two of you walked to your home, you noticed he had become more vocal rather than relying on his expressions. It was probably due to the fact that you couldn’t read him as well as his brother. Upon reaching your house, Junichi walked you to your door and the two of you kissed once again.
On your weekend, the two of you went to an amusement park where he took you on rides and won you prizes. So much so that your arms were full so he had to carry some.
You were incredibly happy with your day, spending time with Junichi was something you could only dream of. As time went on, Junichi felt his feelings for you grow throughout the day. He remembered seeing you trying your hardest holding the plushies he won for you and couldn’t help but think how cute you were.
Maybe you should go on dates every day.

I hope you enjoy this!! Again, I’m so sorry for how long it took to get this done for you, so I hope this was worth the wait!
Asks will always be open, so if you think of anything else, please don’t hesitate to let me know! ❤️
Blue Lock is created and owned by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura
©️nerdiel-has-no-braincells Please do not copy and post without approval. Reblogs and comments are ok with me!
#blue lock#bllk#bluelock#blue lock wanima bros#keisuke wanima#junichi wanima#bllk junichi#bllk wanima#bllk keisuke#bluelock wanima#bluelock keisuke#bluelock junichi#blue lock headcanons#bllk headcanons#bluelock scenarios
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#blue lock#bluelock#isagi yoichi#bachira meguru#ego jinpachi#teieri anri#chigiri hyoma#mikage reo#nagi seishirou#tsurugi zantetsu#barou shouei#kunigami rensuke#gagamaru gin#raichi jingo#igarashi gurimu#wanima keisuke#wanima junichi#goods
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Blue Lock x fnaf 1 | blue lock drawing
art made by yusuke nomura, coloring made by me
Tw: Ryo_Zeroswim
Ig: Ryo_Zeroswim
Yt: Ryo_Zeroswim
#blue lock#bllk#manga#bluelock#digital#blue lock drawing#blue lock fanart#fanart#fan art#drawing#gagamaru gin#wataru kuon#junichi wanima#crossover#fnaf#kuon wataru#gin gagamaru#wanima junichi#blue lock au
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im making bluelock sanrio colab #2 happen idc
#bluelock fanart#blue lock#wanima brothers#wanima keisuke#keisuke wanima#junichi wanima#wanima junichi#blue lock x sanrio#sanrio#little twin stars#artist on tumblr#bllk#bllk fanart
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Barou is by fucking Far the best antagonist in blue lock. Honestly in the overall top 5 characters period. In my opinion at least. As a foil to isagi he's fucking brilliant and he presents a much more interesting challenge than rin or really anyone else who's played that role. (Shidou my beloved, i adore him but he's a much better antagonist for a team as a whole or someone like kunigami or rin. That's why having him be a package deal with sae is so good.) These last couple chapters have only reinforced that barou is absolutely one of my favorites to see in a match, he always takes the shit up to 12.
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this is a sports manga not a horror pt. 2 of so many moments dude, i do not have time to ss them all

this is a sports manga not a horror this is a sports manga not a horror this is a sports manga not a horror
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The Color Violet
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Tr1kWE4
by User0bubbles
The Grimace Milkshake trend made me fixate on grimace and make a haikyuu x bluelock horror au with Danganronpa themes
Enjoy, its my first time writing in a bit LOL
I think im going to go insane
Don’t drink the shake.
Words: 1083, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Color Violet
Fandoms: Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Characters: Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyouma, Kunigami Rensuke, Gagamaru Gin, Raichi Jingo, Mikage Reo, Nagi Seishirou, Itoshi Rin, Itoshi Sae, Shidou Ryuusei, Aryu Jyubei, Hinata Shouyou, Wanima Keisuke, Wanima Junichi, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Takeda Ittetsu, Ukai Keishin, Ego Jinpachi, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurou, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru, Nishinoya Yuu, Azumane Asahi, Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Relationships: Bachira Meguru/Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyouma/Kunigami Rensuke, Gagamaru Gin/Raichi Jingo, Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishirou, Itoshi Sae/Shidou Ryuusei, Aryu Jyubei/Tokimitsu Aoshi, Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Additional Tags: Major character death - Freeform, Major Character Injury, Betrayal, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Fluff and Angst, Crack, crackfic but not really??, Grimace??, mcdonalds, this is a McDonald’s fic, Horror, Horror AU, Violence, Graphic Description, Graphic Violence, Murder, Attempted Murder, Danganronpa themes, Not Canon Compliant, Death, Near Death Experiences, Broken Promises, Blood and Violence, slight gore, long fic, Probably more but i forgor - Freeform, Broken Friendships
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Tr1kWE4
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Blue Lock Team X: Barou Shouei
#bluelockedit#bluelock spoilers#blue lock#barou shouei#shouei barou#oh oh ohhhhhh Thank you once again Junichi Suwabe for making me 😍🔥😍🔥😍🔥 love another wild one#Grimmjow sukuna vibes for sureeee!!! *v* i'm in love#usergojoana#toriigifs
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WHAT’S WITH THE GUY WITH CROCODILE EYEBROWS WHAT, CROCODILE EYEBROWS honestly I’m going to draw mine like that lmfao

#Wanima#wanima junichi#evolved so hard he’s a crocodile apparently#blue lock#bluelock#anime#manga#Muneyuki Kaneshiro#Yusuke Nomura#anime funny
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I love this team honestly, I really hoped we would get to see more of them.
Extra Volume Chapter 58,5.
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#blue lock#bluelock#chigiri hyoma#wanima junichi#wanima keisuke#junichi wanima#keisuke wanima#goods#?????
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#blue lock#bluelock#bllkseason02#bluelockEp26#bllkscreenshot#isagi yoichi#nanase nijiro#hiori yo#chigiri hyoma#shiguma kyohei#saramadara kairu#aryu jyubei#igarashi gurimu#wanima junichi#tanaka shingen
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#bluelockEp24#raichi jingo#gagamaru gin#Wanima Junichi#tanaka shingen#shiguma kyohei#bllkscreenshot#BlueLock#blue lock#6thClearTeam
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i moefied themb
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fanart for yanagi_katsuki's wanima bros mmds on YouTube! (links under the cut!)

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