#blueboi is disappointed
leahikol · 1 year
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Pov: you have no art
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dark-horse76 · 1 year
Warlords of Appalachia
The comic book shop I went into the other day was having a 3 for 2 sale on Boom! comics.  How could I resist? xd
I don’t know any of the comics published by this company, but the ones on sale were, fortunately, all TPBs (or whatever the correct word for it is), so at least there was a blurb on the back to give some info. 
Warlords of Appalachia is one of the ones I picked up.
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I’m down for reading about some pop pseudo-warlord fighting fascists (and honestly it kinda reminds me of one of the most popular Witcher fics, The Accidental Warlord and His Pack xd), so I guess this may just be a plotline I like lol xd. That and the fact that it’s set in Appalachia, which is a wonderful place and near to the places I love.
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He’s got a bow and arrow, so I think we’re off to a good start xd
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Love the landscape artwork (and the colours generally). Stirs up a longing for those mountains. I lived for a time in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and sometimes that area feels more like home than the place I’m actually from.
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The US soldiers killed the protag’s…not quite sure what she is, exactly, but they call her Aunt (but, you know, as happens with the south, she’s called ‘aunt’ by everyone xd)…family member, and this is the soldiers' response. I like the fascist elements they’re highlighting: making sure you have a scapegoat for things going wrong; arresting people you find dangerous before they become more of a problem for you - and just pulling the charge(s) out of thin air; controlling the media narrative as much as possible; “auto crowd suppression system” (I believe it was automatic weaponry mounted on drones...) (discouraging crowds/protests/rebellions/etc). I think the aspects they chose to include highlight how some, if not all, of these things are already present in our society.
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Calling @bladeverbena. Look at them pointy teef xd. You're welcome xd
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Each issue opens with sheet music. I really like that. I’m gonna have to play them.
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Another for my “comic artists have never seen children” file.
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This guy (the president) looks like he was based on Trump. Like if Nixon and Trump had a baby. Although, he's also reminding me of someone I can't quite place. Limbaugh, maybe?
Funnily enough, I found out in the afterword that the first issue of this comic came out before Trump was elected.
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This rhetoric isn't familiar at all *nervous laughter*
Anyway, I wish there was more. There were only 4 issues, and nothing has been resolved, everything is a question. I think I liked it, but I also kind of feel like I need more before I can actually decide that.
I also want to know more about the religion that has sprung up in the mountains, more about what's going on with the 'Blueboys' (kinda zombie-esque, I think, caused by a homebrewed drug), and more about what's going on with the US and all that.
But, yeah. The story does not at all feel complete to me, but I think it's supposed to be, which is disappointing. I think there could definitely be a prequel and a sequel at least lol.
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
what do u call a haunted field of blueberries? BOOberries
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Because of his blue hair, Minato liked referring to himself as a blueberry, mostly out of fun, the silly nickname had stuck with him ever since he spent time with tat forth-grader named Maiko Oohashi, whom he had met while at the Naganaki Shrine playground. She was a bright-eyed little girl full of energy with a love for takoyaki. Minato and her had become close each time they spent together. Being an only child, Maiko was the closest thing he had to a little sister. The girl in question, had no siblings either -- part of what helped them bond and become so close. One day, they were eating at Wild Duck Burger and she had called him a blueberry out of playful fun, and while it was a little joke, the nickname stuck with him ever since.
Every now and then, he thought about her, wishing all the best wherever she was in the world and that she was living a happier life now that her parents had been separated. After finishing up some video and audio enhancing of dome footage captured from his most recent investigation, Minato decided to go out and grab a bite to eat. 
Along the way, someone who he presumed was a fan of his, thought it was a good idea to crack a joke, and after asking ‘What’ next came the punchline. For most, it would seem like a clever joke, but in reality, it had been a joke that he had heard many times too often so it came off as a bit tasteless. Minato had heard almost every blueberry joke in the book at this point. so he wasn’t really impressed
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[{ 🦋 }] - “...That’s like, the millionth time I’ve heard this one..”  A disappointed sigh escapes him.
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[{  🦋 }] - “Come on man, you guys can come up with better ones than that..”
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daggerzine · 3 years
Throwback Thursday #2! Shoestrings- Wishing On Planes (Le Grand Magistery)
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Wow, 24 years is a long time. 24 years is the time that had passed when this debut came out in 1997 until Shoestrings released their 2nd album, Expectations which was released last year on the Shelflife label. Back in 1997 there was a lot of really good indie pop around and the Le Grand Magistery label, based in a suburb of Detroit, was one of the best. This was one of the label’s first releases and it did not disappoint. Shoestrings is the duo/couple of Mario and Rose and it was obvious from first listen that they were listening to a lot of the stuff on Sarah Records label (as was I). As it says on their Bandcamp page, ‘Two highly sensitive beings writing songs about temporary feelings.” That about sums it up, but the melodies shimmer and glisten on here with soothing keyboards, jangly guitars and their vocals blend perfectly together and add in lyrics about love, both lost and found, and you have Wishing on Planes. Any fan of bands like the Field Mice or Blueboy (or say, Everything But The Girl) will find a lot to like here. Shoestrings hit it out of the park on this debut so if this record passed you by, and you’ve read this far, then by all means do check it out (and Expectations, too). www.shoestringsofficial.bandcamp.com 
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