#blue topaz and lapis lazuli jewelry
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gemville · 11 months ago
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Nudo Deep Blue Rings by Pomellato
Translucent Blue Topaz Sitting Atop A Slice Of Lapis Lazuli and Mounted In Rose Gold
Source: thejewelleryeditor.com
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moon--meeks · 8 months ago
hello i have the geology flavor of autism an am so so normal about honkai star rail an have not stoped thinking about the myriad celestia trailer so im going to make a thread of fun facts about the gems/minerals each of the stone hearts are named after topaz: ❥ topaz is naturally colorless but gets its color from elemental impurites ❥ the word topaz comes from the greek word Τοπαζος (topazos) ❥topaz is most commonly used in jewelry ❥ its the state gemstone of Utah! Aventurine: ❥ Aventurine is a form of quartzite ❥ the word Aventurine comes from the italian word a ventura meaning by chance ❥ its a mineral! not a gem! ❥ green aventurine is the most common Jade: ❥ Jade is actually the common term two diffrent minerals, nephrite an jadeite. ❥ nephrite is usually darker than jadeite due to it haveing more amphibole an jadeite having more pyroxene ❥ the word jade comes from the french l'ejade meaning kidney area Sugilite: ❥ imma be honest i havent heard of this mineral before the trailer droped an thats probably because its very new as it was discovered in 1944! ❥ sugilite was discovered by Kenichi Sugi who it was named after ❥ most sugilite is purple or pink Agate: ❥ Agate is the common term for the banded variety of chalcedony ❥ the word comes from the ancient greek word for the dirllo river, Achates where it is said to first be discovered ❥ Agate is formed from lava an volcanic rocks Pearl: ❥Pearl is not a mineral as it comes from living creatures making it an organic material ❥ pearls are made of the same thing shells (an tums!), calcium carbonate ❥ natural pearls were most commonly found in the persian gulf Sapphire: ❥ Sapphire is the blue variety of corundum, the second hardest mineral on the mohs hardness scale ❥ the word comes from the greek word σάπφειρος (sappheiros) but back then was talking about lapis lazuli ❥ Sapphire is one of the minerals used on sand paper! Amber: ❥ not a mineral, it is fossilized tree resin so it is organic material ❥ 90% of the worlds Amber is located in Lithuania ❥ the word comes from the arabic word anbar Opal: ❥ Opal is a mineraloid because its naturally occuring but doesnt have the crystaline structure of other minerals ❥ the word opal comes from the sanskirt word upala meaning jewel ❥ Opal is the national gemstone of australia Obsidian: ❥ Obsidian is classified as a rock since it is formed rapidly cooling lava ❥ this baby is VERY sharp it was used in paleolithic times to make cutting an hunting blades and was used as surgical tools ❥ the word comes from the latin lapis obsidianus
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astra-ravana · 6 months ago
Working With Hismael
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The Aquirer
Other titles: Demon of Jupiter
Colors: Purple, blue, green, grey
Herbs: Cloves, gilliflower, nutmeg, fumitory, wood betony, flax, strawberry, comfrey, oregano, rhubarb, borage, wheat, violet, rue, basil, pomegranate, peony, licorice, mint, saffron, feverfew, birch, mulberry, oak, barberry, olive, ivy, pine
Crystals: Fluorite, lapis lazuli, grape agate, lepidolite, sugilite, topaz, moonstone, sapphire, epidote, moldavite, amethyst, kyanite, charoite, purpurite, super seven, trolleite, emerald, azurite, quantum quatro, peridot
Element: Fire, Air
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Metal: Gold, tin, copper
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune, 9 of Cups, 6 of Wands
Direction: Northeast
Day: Thursday
Animals: Eagles, bees, deer, snakes, unicorns, dragons, cats
Domains: Aquiring items, granting wishes, manifestation, wealth, rewards, sweet smells, the winds, temperance, sobriety, modesty, justice, comfortable living, prized possessions, baneful magick, sickness, loss, vengeance, retribution, peace of mind
Offerings: Shiney objects (metal, gemstones, etc.), treasures, keepsakes, charms and trinkets, music, coins, wine, incense, tea, fruit, flowers, bells/flutes/whistles, keys, jewelry
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wuxiaphoenix · 17 days ago
Stray Thoughts: Forest of Jewels
You may not know this, but the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh and the who-knows-how-old folktale The Twelve Dancing Princesses have an interesting element in common: the forest of jewels.
Gilgamesh passes through the Garden of the Gods, where trees grow delicious jewels, on his quest to find the herb of immortality. The soldier who saves the princesses passes through three forests; one of silver, one of gold, and one of diamonds, and brings out a branch of each when he tells the tale to the king.
It’s a beautiful image, and one that seems like it could fit neatly alongside story elements like blue roses, plant-animal hybrids (dandy lion, fox-in-gloves, spider lilies) and Asian spirit-grasses and thousand-year herbs. It does leave one worldbuilding question, though. What do jewel fruits taste like?
Seriously, if you have human or humanoid characters in your story, somebody’s going to take a bite. Cats push things off tables, Chihuahuas want to light things on fire, humans chomp anything vaguely fruitlike. Look, we’re primates, we’ve got broken Vitamin C synthesis pathways, deal with it. See fruit, nom fruit.
I guess the first question is, are jewel fruits edible in the first place?
If you’re using fantastic elements like these I think Rule of Cool ought to apply. So I’m going with Gilgamesh: yes, edible and delicious. At least while fresh off the tree. Though there ought to be a way to make them shift to their inorganic counterparts, because eating someone’s jewelry is just tacky.
But when they are edible, plotbunnies insist they’re still jewels. So... cronch? Not a tooth-shattering crunch, that would defeat the entire purpose of luring humans to eat faerie fruit. But maybe like thin sheets of sugar candy? That’s a crystal too.
Of course, the kind of crunch-vs-juiciness ratio (plotbunnies insist they can be juiced) may depend on the variety. White pearl grapes are probably different from black pearl grapes, both different from freshwater pearl grapes, and all very different from amethyst or green jade grapes!
If you want some visuals for this - have you heard of finger limes? I’ve never seen one in person, much less tried them. But wow. So pretty.
A few things my bunnies think would be cool besides grapes. Blueberries: sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli. Raspberries in padparadscha sapphire. Pink quartz strawberries. Obsidian blackberries. Cherries in ruby, topaz (the yellow-shaded ones), obsidian for near-black. Pearl rice, riverstone corn, jasper pears. Apples in coral, marble, onyx and alabaster. Emerald limes, topaz lemons and oranges, garnet blood oranges. Plums? Jade and obsidian sound good.
I should think of what would go good with turquoise, and see if gold, silver, and copper should get in on the action. Though maybe they’re just woods. Which would still be interesting, if you can carve and shape them like wood. Though if you make a bow, you’d better be sure it won’t turn to ordinary metal!
I should also see if any vegetables or other plants might be neat this way....
(Yes, the plotbunnies are still being cagey about what story they’ll write next. Outside of various little bits for later Colors ‘verse scenes. Which are useful, I’m writing them all down - but I also want something a little lighter on research!)
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dcextra · 1 year ago
Volume 4 extra pages. (Transcribed w/ machine translation.)
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超感謝おまけのおまけPart. 3 Super Thank You Bonus Bonus Part. 3
警視庁捜査二課極秘資料? Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Investigation Division 2 Top Secret Materials?
対快盗キッド用 傾向と対策 キッドが次に狙う獲物を大胆予想!当たればキッド確保間違いなし! For anti-kaito kid Trends and countermeasures Make bold predictions about Kid's next target! If you win, you are sure to secure a kid!
快盗キッドの犯罪傾向最近狙われた美術品 Kaitou Kid's criminal tendencies Artworks recently targeted
レッド・ティアー ルビー Red Tear Ruby
クリスタル・マザー トパーズ Crystal · Mother Topaz
グリーン・ドリーム エメラルド Green Dream Emerald
ブルー・バースデー サファイア Blue Birthday sapphire
ブルー・ワンダー アクアマリン Blue Wonder Aquamarine
ダーク・ナイト ブラックオパール dark Knight Black Opal
ゴールデン・アイ キャッツアイ Golden Eye Cats eye
ブラック・スター 黒真珠 Black star Black pearl
しかし最近、怪盗キッドに狙われた美術品をみてみると、ある傾向が見られる。あきらかに怪盗キッドは世界でも有数の巨大な宝石ばかりを狙っており、しかも何やら色にかかわる異名を持つものばかり。 International wanted person number 1412
Also known as Kaitou Kid, used to aim for the world's top works of art such as paintings, sculptures, and jewelry.
However, when we look at the artworks that have been targeted by Kaito Kid recently, we can see a certain trend. Kaitou Kid is clearly after the world's biggest jewels, and most of them have different names related to their colors.
また世界を股にかけていた怪盗キッドが、都内近郊での犯行を多発させているのは、キッド��標的となる宝石がたまたまそこにあっただけと思われる。 It is unknown why he changed targets, but there is no doubt that this will be a clue to securing Kaito Kid.
Also, the reason Kid, the phantom thief who traveled all over the world, often commits crimes in the suburbs of Tokyo, is thought to be because the jewels targeted by Kid happened to be located there.
フルルル!ワシが三日三晩徹夜で分析した怪盗キッド逮捕のためのマル秘情報をそっと教えよう! Furururu! Let me secretly tell you the confidential information that I analyzed for three days and three nights to arrest Kaito Kid.
(next page)
唯一色がだぶっているのはブルーだが、「ブルー・ワンダー」は、怪盗キッド自らが選んだ標的ではなく、鈴木財閥の相談役の鈴木次郎吉氏が挑戦状を叩き付け狙わさせたもの。つまり怪盗キッドは、これまでに狙った宝石とは違う色のものを狙う可能性が高い。これまでに狙われていない色といえば、イエローやピンクといったものが、あげられるのだが・・・ Don't aim for the same color
The only color that overlaps is blue, but ``Blue Wonder'' is not a target chosen by Kid the Phantom Thief himself, but a challenge given to him by Mr. Jirokichi Suzuki, an advisor to the Suzuki Zaibatsu. In other words, there is a high possibility that Kaitou Kid will aim for a jewel with a different color than the jewels he has targeted so far. Colors that have not been targeted so far include yellow and pink...
おそらく怪盗キッドは、世界最大クラスの宝石を次々狙っていると思われる。すると今までに狙われていない宝石が、つぎの標的に選ばれる可能性が高���。有名な宝石では、ダイアモンド、ガーネット、アメジスト、ラビスラズリなどがまだ狙われていない。特に怪しいのはダイヤモンドであるが、ヨーロパ最大のものは過去に狙われているので、それ以上のものが・・・! The next jewel to be targeted
Kaitou Kid is probably aiming for the world's largest jewels one after another. Then, there is a high possibility that a jewel that has not been targeted before will be selected as the next target. Among the famous gemstones, diamonds, garnets, amethysts, and lapis lazuli have not yet been targeted. The diamond is particularly suspicious, but the largest one in Europe has been targeted in the past, so there's something even bigger than that...!
結論 怪盗キッドが次に狙うのは・・・ ピンクかイエローの世界最大のダイアモンド!
Conclusion Kaito Kid's next target is... The world's largest pink or yellow diamond!
ボクさえいれば、いつでも捕まえます。 こ〜んなの時間の無駄! As long as I'm here, I'll catch you anytime. This is such a waste of time!
There are countless colors of gemstones and it is impossible to predict. For example, the Aurora Collection in New York is a collection of jewels in over 200 different colors, and the display all in one place is just like the shining aurora borealis.
Furthermore, ``red tear'' is classified as a ruby, but among the corundum gemstones, only red ones qualify to be called rubies. Therefore, blue "red tier" is usually classified as sapphire. Also, there are many different names for the same type of gemstone, so it's difficult to predict the color or type of gemstone based on just a few clues.
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empress-aistheta · 1 year ago
Grand Jewelry to Emulate
Amethyst: alluring & regal
Rose Gold
Ruby: fiery & radiant
Citrine: warm & autumnal
Garnet: luxurious & ravishing
Garnet is my favorite.
Sapphire: colorful & regal
Blue Topaz: calming & serene
Pearl: lustrous & classic
Lapis Lazuli
Demi-parure: jewelry set w/o a tiara
Aigrette: fountain of sapphires with diamond drops
Agraffe: a brooch-like clasp
Briolette: a pear or drop-shaped gemstone which has its entire surface covered with long triangular facets.
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Van Cleef & Arpels
Harry Winston
The Court Jeweller
Romanov Russia
Russia Beyond
Diamonds in the Library
Avoid trendy pieces from aforementioned brands.
Beyond basic gem cuts
Typical pieces are fine if they’re heirlooms.
Add worthier pendants on gold necklaces I own.
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bluestargemstones · 4 days ago
Blue Gemstones: Easy Guide to Beauty and Benefits
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For centuries, blue gemstones have held a place of honor, symbolizing wisdom, tranquility, and even royalty. Picture the deep midnight blue of a sapphire, or the light, airy shade of a summer sky — these stones evoke powerful emotions and have been treasured by civilizations throughout history. They were often used in royal regalia and believed to bring mental clarity and emotional balance.
Regal and Timeless: Take the blue sapphire, for instance. It’s graced crowns and royal insignia, representing nobility and virtue.
Calm and Clarity: Many believe blue gemstones promote peace and clarity, making them more than just beautiful adornments.
Protection and Prosperity: Historically, these gems were thought to offer protection and attract prosperity.
Exploring the Treasures of Our Blue Gemstone Collection
At Blue Star Gemstones, we’re passionate about bringing you pieces that capture the unique qualities of these stunning gems. Let’s explore some of our standout selections:
Blue Sapphire: Known for its deep, royal blue and exceptional durability, the blue sapphire is a classic choice for engagement rings and luxury jewelry. Its rich color and timeless appeal make it a prized possession. (For more on its benefits, see “The Benefits of Investing in Blue Gemstone Jewelry”).
Blue Topaz: With its clear, bright blue tones, blue topaz exudes modern elegance. It’s incredibly versatile and adds a refreshing touch to any look. (Learn how to choose the right gem in “Tips for Choosing the Perfect Blue Gemstone”).
Aquamarine: Inspired by the calming hues of the sea, aquamarine offers a gentle blue that embodies tranquility and understated luxury. It’s perfect for both everyday elegance and special occasions.
Lapis Lazuli: An ancient gemstone with an intense blue color and natural golden flecks, lapis lazuli carries a rich history and cultural heritage. It’s ideal for artisanal and bohemian jewelry.
Turquoise: With its distinctive blue-green hues, turquoise offers an earthy, organic charm. It’s celebrated for its natural, rustic beauty and works well in vintage or eclectic designs.
Tanzanite: Found only in Tanzania, tanzanite is enchanted with its rare and vibrant blue-violet hues. Its captivating color change under different lighting makes it a modern treasure.
The Advantages of Owning Blue Gemstone Jewelry
Investing in blue gemstone jewelry is more than just acquiring a beautiful piece; it’s about owning something with lasting value and meaning.
Enduring Value: High-quality blue gemstones, like blue sapphires and tanzanite, maintain their allure and can even appreciate in value over time.
Versatile Style: These gems seamlessly fit into both modern and classic designs, offering endless customization options.
Emotional and Symbolic Benefits: Many blue gemstones are associated with promoting mental clarity, calmness, and protection, adding a personal touch to each piece.
Choosing Your Perfect Blue Gemstone
Selecting the right blue gemstone is a personal journey. Here are some guidelines to help you make an informed decision:
Evaluate Your Style: Consider your fashion preferences and the type of jewelry you typically wear.
Prioritize Quality: Look for vibrant colors, precise cuts, and secure settings.
Consider the Occasion: Think about the jewelry’s intended use.
Understand the Gemstone’s Background: Knowing the history and significance of a gemstone can deepen your connection to it.
Caring for Your Treasured Blue Gemstone Jewelry
To keep your blue gemstone jewelry looking its best, follow these care tips:
Regular Cleaning: Gently clean your jewelry with a soft, damp cloth.
Safe Storage: Store your pieces in a soft-lined box or pouch.
Professional Maintenance: Schedule periodic check-ups with a professional jeweler.
Avoid Excessive Exposure: Protect your jewelry from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
Blue Gemstones in Today’s Jewelry Trends
Blue gemstones continue to inspire modern jewelry trends:
Minimalist Designs: Single, striking blue gemstones are often the focal point.
Mixed-Metal Creations: Combining blue gemstones with different metal hues creates modern contrasts.
Vintage and Custom Pieces: There’s a growing appreciation for vintage styles and custom-made jewelry.
We hope this guide has given you a deeper appreciation for the captivating world of blue gemstones. At Blue Star Gemstones, we’re dedicated to helping you find the perfect piece that resonates with your style and spirit.
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mudaship39 · 4 months ago
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Half Dragon character:
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: Chun Hei Kim
Human name: Empress Chun Hei Kim
Draconic name: Chaimol Champion Of The Red
Species: Half Human Half Dragon 
Red fire magma and lava chromatic dragon, Blue lightning storm and thunder chromatic dragon, Green plant nature and wood chromatic dragon, White water snow ice and frost chromatic dragon, Orange wind air mist fog and sand chromatic dragon, Brown earth rock stone and metal chromatic dragon, & Black poison and acid chromatic dragon
Aluminum metallic dragon, Brass metallic dragon, Iron metallic dragon, Lead metallic dragon, Tin metallic dragon, Copper metallic dragon, Silver metallic dragon, Gold metallic dragon, Mercury metallic dragon, Platinum metallic dragon, Tungsten metallic dragon, Steel metallic dragon, Titanium metallic dragon, & Zinc metallic dragon, 
Underworld celestial dragon, Dilong celestial dragon, Fucanglong celestial dragon, Horned celestial dragon, Panlong celestial dragon, Treasure celestial dragon, Jiaolong celestial dragon, Shenlong celestial dragon, Ryu celestial dragon, & Lung/Long celestial dragon.
Amber gemstone dragon, Amethyst gemstone dragon, Aquamarine gemstone dragon, Agate gemstone dragon, Citrine gemstone dragon, Diamond gemstone dragon, Emerald gemstone dragon, Jade gemstone dragon, Jasper gemstone dragon, Lapis Lazuli gemstone dragon, Malachite gemstone dragon, Moonstone gemstone dragon, Pearl gemstone dragon, Ruby gemstone dragon, Sapphire gemstone dragon, Sunstone gemstone dragon, & Topaz gemstone dragon. 
Racial identity: Afro Asian 
East Asian coded 
In our world she identifies as Black American and East Asian Korean
Birthday: Virgo Dog
Human Form: 5’9”
Half Dragon Form: 7 feet tall 
True Dragon Form: Tall as mountains 
Weight: 130
Shoe Size: 8
Body Type: lean, tone, slender 
Bust, Waist, Hip Measurements: 36 27 38
Human form: Afro centric braids, locs, & twists. 
Draconic form: Tendril like locs with red scales growing in her scalp 
Hair color: 
Human form: Black 
Draconic form: Red
Hair texture: 
Hair look or state: 
Eye color: 
Human: light brown eyes
Draconic: golden eyes
Eye sight: myopic wears magical prescription glasses 
Skin color:
Human: terra cotta brown
Draconic: Human scales with crimson, white, & golden scales growing on certain areas 
Scales on face, neck, chest, back, arms, legs, & feet
Fins on face 
Horns on forehead 
Wings on her back 
Age: Several Millennia
Traditional and modern Asian tattoos
Traditional and modern magical human tattoos
Traditional and modern magical draconic tattoos 
Tattoos on her face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs
Jewelry: Magical necklaces, bracelets, & rings with gemstones 
Horns on her forehead are adorned with rings with gemstones 
Piercings: Piercings with gemstones: 
Pierced ears, pierced face, pierced nose, pierced tongue, pierced lips, pierced eyebrows, pierced cheeks, pierced nose, pierced chin, piercing on their chest, pierced navel, pierced nipples 
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual 
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Preferences:
Religion: Polytheistic draconic paganism
Spirituality: Korean Buddhist 
English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, & Mongolian 
Human, Elvish, Giantkin, Goblinoid, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Draconic
Marital Status: Married:
Relationship Model: Polyamorous 
Love interests: 
Spouses and Partners:
High King/Queen Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj or Lysander Alphonse/Luciana Jacqueline Norwood, Queen Zhou Zhen/Zhou Chen, Bernadette Shultz, Valeria Nadia Garcia, Amelia Himmat Mishra, Maysa Nabila Uzun
Pseudo dragon. Phoenix. 
Mount: Qilin. Unicorn. Pegasi. Drake. Wyvern. Adult Chromatic Dragon. Adult Gemstone Dragon. Adult Metallic Dragon. 
Alignment: Depending on dragon sub race humanoid form:
Chaotic Neutral. True Good. Lawful Evil. 
Class: Swordfighter. Spellsword. Sword Mage. 
Background: Noble. Arranged Marriage. Academy Dropout. Unseen Academy Reject. Apothecary. Doctor. Nurse. Artisan. Weaver. Tailor. Blacksmith. Craftsman. Matchmaker. Madame. Attention Addict. Dauntless. Chosen One. Duelist. Destined to be a Hero. Farmer. Gardener. Trader. Shopkeeper. Vendor. Merchant. Soldier. Officer. Warlord. Government Officer. Librarian. Scholar. Sage. Wanderer. Wise one. Artist. Poet. Painter. Musician. Singer. Sculptor. 
Rank: S rank
Stat Points:
Level: 500
Martial Arts:
High school graduate 
College graduate 
Magical academy graduate. 
Earth: Rapper. Singer. Songwriter. Producer. Director. Bodyguard. Athlete. Mixed Martial Artist. Stunt Coordinator. Stunt double. Voice actress. Actress. Soldier. Officer. Ensign. Lieutenant. Lieutenant Junior Grade. Commander. Fighter Jet Pilot. Space Fighter Pilot. Spaceship Captain. Commodore. Vice Admiral. Rear Admiral. Navy Fleet Admiral. 
Other world: Farmer. Fisherman. Hunter. Gardener. Courtesan. Madame. Matchmaker. Fortune Teller. Chef. Bartender. Painter. Photographer. Sculptor. Singer. Stage Actress. Poet. Musician. Smith. Artisan. Craftsman. Monk. Grandmaster. Doctor. Nurse. Scientist. Cartographer. Historian. Mapmaker. Explorer. Astronomer. Librarian. Apothecary. Banker. Accountant. Merchant. Vendor. Trader. Shopkeeper. Conscript. Grunt. Soldier. Officer. Swordsman. Archer. Calvary. Warlord. City Guard. Lord Commander. City Watch. Lord Commander. Mercenary. Armed Escort. Samurai. Ronin. Shogun. Teacher. Professor. Scholar. Sage. Philosopher. Government official. Hired Guard. Bodyguard. Royal Bodyguard. Aristocrat. Noble. Lady in Waiting. Judge. Royal Advisor. Baroness. Countess. Duchess. Princess. Queen. Empress. 
Economic Class: Aristocracy. Nobility. Royalty. 
Base of Operations: Chromatic Dragon Empire of Chromatic Draconic Kingdoms. 
Place of Residence: Imperial Palace. 
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chs-giftsparky · 4 months ago
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✨ Unlock the Power of Your Voice with Throat Chakra Jewelry! 💙 Ever feel like your true self is trapped inside, not quite able to break free? Let's open up those pathways of self-expression and communication! The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, is all about authentic communication and personal truth. When it's flowing, your words can move mountains and your creativity knows no bounds. Here’s how to get that energy moving: 🔷 Wear gemstones like Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, or Blue Topaz to enhance your communication skills. 🔷 Embrace the color blue. Let it become your signature shade—whether in jewelry or clothing! 🔷 Use jewelry with chakra symbols like the OM for added vibes. 🔷 Meditate while wearing your favorite pieces and set your mind on clarity and truthfulness. Benefits? Unparalleled communication, boosted creativity, and killer confidence. Basically, the recipe for thriving relationships and an authentic life. 💬✨ Check out how spiritual jewelry could be your secret weapon in the full article: https://giftsparky.com/blogs/chakra/spiritual-jewelry-5 💙 Let's talk in the comments about your go-to pieces for spiritual balance! 💬 #ChakraHealing #SpiritualJewelry #ThroatChakra #CommunicationGoals #GemstoneLove #GiftSparky #BlueVibes #SelfExpressionJourney
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sparklingandtwinkling · 4 months ago
Cure Items
Here you can find the Transformation items, weapons, and any other item used by my Cure team, Jewel Cures, here. Will be updated as new items are introduced
Jewelry Commune: A light blue and white colored smartphone with a black screen. In the middle is a heart with a smaller one in the center. It has three blue buttons shaped like a pear-cut gem; the first button on the left has an image of a telephone in it, the middle button has an image of a heart in it, and the last button on the right has an images of four different blue pear-cut gems. On the bottom is a red round brilliant-cut gem, turquoise cabochon-cut gem, pink rose-cut gem, and purple concave-cut gem. On the top is Spinel's head.
Transformation Cure Jewels:
Base Transformation - It is circular in shape and was pure gold with a crown on top. It had a winged arrow etched on it and a lapis lazuli pear-cut gem in the lower corner. It had a pear-cut gem piece on the bottom.
Attack Cure Jewel:
Strength Attack Cure Jewel - A white charm with a crown on top and a large pear-cut aquamarine in the center.
Lazuli Wand: A wand made out of lapis lazuli with gem designs.
Sonic's Cure is based off of Cure Heart so most of the items are based off of hers. The Wand however was something I came with since his element is wind.
Jewelry Module: It was shaped like a heart that was white and gold with a large round brilliant-cut garnet in the middle surrounded by four smaller gems in different shades of red. On top is a silver design with a small white heart-cut gem and a hole. While the bottom features two treble-clefs in a curled white design. A button sticks out from the bottom.
Transformation Fairy Jewels:
Base Transformation - It had a red bottom with a small gold crown that was attached to a large garnet on top.
Attack Fairy Jewels:
Love Fairy Jewel: It had a pink bottom with a small gold crown that was attached to a large fiery ruby on top.
Garnet Bow & Arrow: The top where the arrow goes has a big round brilliant-cut ruby, the string is golden. The rest of it is white with gem designs and the sides of the front are a pink color.
Green Arrows - Attack
Red Arrows - Fire
Pink Arrows - To boast others power
Shadow's Cure is based off of Cure Beat so most of the items are based off of hers. The Fairy Jewels are after the Fairy Tones but these ones aren't alive or have a face. The arrow is because his meanings are love and Friendship so it made me think of Cupid.
Jewel Linkrun:
Untransformed - It resembles a rectangular cellphone with a silver border. The top has a turquoise color for the border, with the remainder of it a cyan. The window has a silver ornate border with small light blue crystal chain-like designs on both the top and bottom. In the middle is a Moonstone cabochon-cut gem lined in silver, along with two, large silver buttons, and nine colored buttons beneath them.
Transformed - It resembles a rectangular cellphone with a silver border. The top has a turquoise color for the border, with the remainder of it a cyan. The window has a silver ornate border with small light blue crystal chain-like designs on both the top and bottom. In the middle is a Moonstone cabochon-cut gem lined in silver, along with two, large silver buttons, and nine colored buttons beneath them. In the conner is a silver chain which holds a powder blue key with a clove design as the head. The middle of the clove is an open circle with a cabochon-cut blue topaz in it that sticks out on both sides of the key.
Transformation Keys:
Base Transformation - A silver key with a clove design as the head.
Attack Keys:
Intuition Key - A powder blue key with a clove design as the head. The middle of the clove is an open circle with a cabochon-cut blue topaz that sticks out on both sides of the key.
Moonstone Harp:
Normal - The harp is white with gem designs and 7 strings that are each a different color of the rainbow. On the bottom, there are two white feathers on the sides with a giant moonstone outlined in turquoise in the middle.
Ax - The ax’s handle is white with gem designs and there is a glass case in the middle that has a rainbow spinner. The blade is made of ice and frost. Where the blade and handle meet are three snowflakes, the middle bigger than the others, that have moonstones in the middle of them with the middle snowflake’s outlined in turquoise.
Silver's Cure is based off of Cure Passion so most of the items are based off of hers. While the harp is definitely after Cure Passion the ax is my own call and choice. I do want mine to be a bit of a blind of the two and one thing I've seen a lot in Sonic is weapons (no I'm not gonna use guns or anything like that) but something like bladed weapons has been seen. Silver is the only one with a weapon that turns into another weapon where I just chose it randomly, the others will make senses.
Jewelry Mirror:
Outside - A pale pink object with a clear heart on the front adorned by gems of magenta, purple, yellow, green, orange, and blue.
Inside - A smaller pink rose-cut gem is etched on the top. The Jewelry Mirror opens to reveal a large heart-shaped mirror on the front with a heart-shaped pink quartz on the top of it. Under it is a Mirror Ball used to activate the transformation when it is spun. Next to it are two pale-pink buttons, these are her call and text buttons.
Transformation Gemcards:
Base Transformation:
Amy’s Character Card - Still the same but the words change to ‘Cure Quartz’ and her red headband appears on her head.
Bottom Card - It has a glossy pink background with Cure Quartz’s dress, boots, and gloves in the middle.
Top card - It has a glossy pink background with Cure Quartz’s headband in the middle.
Attack Gemcards:
Healing Card - The background of the card is a glossy green with flowers on it. In the middle of the card is a rose-cut emerald with the name of the attack in the gem.
Quartz Tambourine: 
Normal - A pale pink tambourine with a row of pink (turns green or purple when using an attack) rose-cut quartz outlined in pale pink circling the outside. On the center of the ring part is a dark pink ring.
Hammer - A hammer with a dark pink head and thick pale pink faces with a large pink rose-cut quartz in the middle of each one. It also has a long dark pink handle with gem designs on it.
Other Gemcards:
Amy’s Character Card - The background of the card is a glossy pink with a big and small pink stripe on the top. On the side of the card is the words, ‘Amy Rose’. There is also a picture of Amy posing with a glowing trite pink dress on. She is standing on a pink platform.
Amy's Cure is based off of Cure Lovely so most of the items are based off of hers. Cure Lovely does not have a weapon in the show, the item she uses for attack is her LovePreBrace. I wanted to give Amy an actual weapon. I did get the inspiration for the Tambourine from Cure Fortune but the design is from Cure Sunshine. And I'm pretty sure you all know where I got the hammer idea from.
Jewelry Pot: A large glass pot with a thick band of gold around the middle. On top of it is a purple shell-like compact with a gold plate on top of it that has gem designs etched onto it.
Transformation Gem Seed:
Base Transformation - A purple gem-like coin with a small heart shaped-hole inches from the top and in the middle is a heart encased in a curvy silver outline, on the upper part of the silver outline are four dots with triangles going around the heart.
Attack Gem Seeds:
Insight Seed - A orange gem-like coin with a small concave-cut shaped-hole inches from the top and specks of light in the middle.
Tourmaline Baton:
Normal - It is a dark purple stick with purple (turns orange or pink when using an attack) concave-cut tourmalines outlined in silver on either end with orange bows that have fiery designs under the gems. Purple gem designs decorate the rest of the handle.
Polearm - When turning into a polearm the stick grows longer and blades of light appear above the gems with the top one being twice the size of the bottom one. The blades look like an illusion but are very real.
Ribbon - When turning into the ribbon the bottom gem and bow disappear and the remanding gem glows light purple before a glowing purple ribbon comes out of it. The ribbon looks like an illusion but is very real.
Normal - purple ribbon
Light - yellow ribbon
Fire - red ribbon
Blaze's Cure is based off of Cure Moonlight so most of the items are based off of hers. The Baton is based off of the Honey Baton and believe it or not the idea for a stick-like weapon came from the Jeweled Scepter.
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marysittingathisfeet · 6 months ago
A City Made of Precious Stones
“Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted,     I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise,     your foundations with lapis lazuli.  I will make your battlements of rubies,     your gates of sparkling jewels,     and all your walls of precious stones. Isaiah 54:11,12
Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted...Jerusalem is a city that has had over sixteen wars fought over it in history. In addition, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured 44 times.
God promises that he will rebuild with turquoise, lapis lazuli, rubies, jewels, and precious stones. In the book of Revelation the New Jerusalem comes out of the as a giant cube. It is 1400 miles long, wide, and tall. it was made of precious stones, gold, and giant pearls.
"And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. 11 It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. " Revelation 21:10, 11
What is Jasper? Jasper is a Greek word that means speckled stone. It is an opaque form of quartz that can be red, yellow, brown, or dark green in color. Here in Revelation Jasper is described as a clear jewel similar to a diamond that reflects the light and is symbolic of God's glory.
Revelation gives a further description of this city...
The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.[The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass. Revelation 21:18-21
Jasper is the first foundation. Jasper traditionally portrays God's absolute purity and perfection. God's purity and perfection is the foundation of His kingdom. It is the catalyst for all that God does.
The image of the city painted in Revelation that I see is a city that literally glows. Not only is the Jasper glowing, but the city itself is pure gold, but clear as glass. I once was privileged to view the many treasures taken out of King Tut's tomb. The gold was exquisite. The pure gold was bright and beautiful that seemed to glow. I had never seen gold like that before. The gold on our modern jewelry pales in comparison. Each level of the city was a different jewel. This brings to mind the Priest's breast piece that the priest wore over the ephod. An ephod is an apron made of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and worn by the High Priest. It is described in Exodus 28. God commanded that the breast piece was to be made of scarlet, purple, gold, and blue like the Ephod.
Then mount four rows of precious stones on it. The first row shall be carnelian, chrysolite and beryl; the second row shall be turquoise, lapis lazuli and emerald; the third row shall be jacinth, agate and amethyst;  the fourth row shall be topaz, onyx and jasper. Mount them in gold filigree settings.- Exodus 28: 17-20
Here we see the precious stones and jewels once more. Each stone represented one of the twelve tribes. Thus the stones of the New Jerusalem represent the 12 tribes as well. Each stone was a reflection of the light. As sacrificial fires were lit, the stones would glow. They had no ability to glow on their own, but are a reflection of the light. Jesus is known as the light of this world. Revelation tells us that the new Jerusalem does not need a light for God is its light.
I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Revelation 21: 22-23
John 3:19 tells us "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil." Jesus is the light.
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12. Jesus is not only the light that opens our eyes to God's truth, but He is the light of the world and will be the light of the New Jerusalem. The light will be so bright, it will light the world.
The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. Revelation 21:24
Precious stones also adorned Lucifer.
You were in Eden,     the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you:     carnelian, chrysolite and emerald,     topaz, onyx and jasper,     lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold;     on the day you were created they were prepared.
He was called a morning star, but he has no light in himself. Like the Ephod, his only light was what was reflected from the true light.
How you have fallen from heaven,     morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth,     you who once laid low the nations! Isaiah 14:12
So Lucifer was adorned with stones, however, he only had 9 stones, not the twelve previously mentioned. In the Bible the number 12 represents perfection of order and government. It also represents God's people. In the Old testament it represented the 12 tribes which made up Israel. In the New Testament, it represents the church and the 12 apostles.
Why did God cover Lucifer in stone? God is perfect and Holy. Everything God does has a good reason behind it. Often it is to show God's Glory. However, the stones that made Lucifer beautiful, also made him proud. Lucifer forgot that he was but a reflection of God.
Your heart became proud     on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom     because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth;     I made a spectacle of you before kings. Ezekial 28:17.
Twelve symbolizes order, whereas nine symbolizes finality, divine completeness, and judgment. Lucifer was adorned only with nine stones. Although Lucifer was perfect and complete, he fell away from God. He was judged and cast from heaven itself. Someday he will be cast into the lake of burning sulfur; the final judgement for him.
Revelation 20:10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
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ava869522 · 6 months ago
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Radiant Elegance: Swiss Blue Topaz Cabochons in Stunning Jewelry Designs
Nonetheless, Topaz in blue is the most valued in the Topaz family for Swiss blue topaz designer Jewelry because of its glimmering shine and striking play of colors. Albeit numerous jewels are accessible in the blue variety range, like Sapphires, Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Kyanite, and so forth, many are not ideal to wear consistently. This charming blue stone sits on a place of 8 on the hardness scale, implies you can wear your Swiss Blue Topaz Jewelry consistently.
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ishakapoor1 · 7 months ago
What are different types of gemstones
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Gemstones are classified into various types based on their mineral composition, rarity, and other factors.
Here’s an overview of different types of gemstones:
1. Precious Gemstones
Diamond: Known for its brilliance and hardness, diamonds are the most valuable and sought-after gemstones, often used in engagement rings.
Ruby: A deep red gemstone, rubies are highly prized for their color and rarity. They symbolize love and passion.
Sapphire: Typically blue, sapphires are durable and come in various colors, except red (which would be classified as a ruby).
Emerald: Known for their rich green color, emeralds are often associated with royalty and are among the most valuable gemstones.
Online Shop For Gemstones
2. Semi-Precious Gemstones
Amethyst: A purple variety of quartz, amethyst is popular in jewelry and known for its calming properties.
Topaz: Available in a wide range of colors, including blue, yellow, and pink. Blue topaz is particularly popular.
Garnet: Found in various colors, garnet is often red but can also be green, yellow, or orange.
Aquamarine: A light blue to greenish-blue gemstone, aquamarine is related to the emerald and symbolizes the sea.
Peridot: A green gemstone that often has a yellowish hue. It’s one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color.
3. Organic Gemstones
Pearl: Formed inside mollusks, pearls are unique organic gemstones. They come in various colors, including white, black, and pink.
Amber: Fossilized tree resin, amber is usually golden or brown and often contains ancient insects or plants trapped inside.
Coral: Made from the skeletons of marine organisms, coral gemstones are often red, pink, or white.
Jet: A type of lignite, jet is an organic gemstone used primarily in mourning jewelry.
4. Rare and Exotic Gemstones
Tanzanite: A blue to violet gemstone found only in Tanzania. It’s known for its vivid color and rarity.
Alexandrite: A rare gemstone that changes color from green in daylight to red under incandescent light.
Opal: Known for its unique play-of-color, opal displays flashes of color as it moves. There are different types, such as black opal, white opal, and fire opal.
Paraiba Tourmaline: A vivid blue-green tourmaline, famous for its neon glow, found in Brazil.
5. Quartz Varieties
Citrine: A yellow to orange variety of quartz, citrine is often mistaken for topaz.
Rose Quartz: A pale pink stone often associated with love and emotional healing.
Smoky Quartz: A brownish-grey variety of quartz, smoky quartz has a mysterious and earthy appeal.
6. Other Popular Gemstones
Moonstone: Known for its adularescence (a soft glow on the surface), moonstone is often associated with the moon.
Lapis Lazuli: A deep blue metamorphic rock used as a gemstone, often flecked with gold pyrite.
Best Online Shop For Gemstones
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lbjewelry · 8 months ago
The Mesmerising Allure of Blue Gemstone Jewelry - LB Jewelry Designs - Dallas, Texas
Welcome to the world of LB Jewelry Designs where the captivating allure of our Blue Gemstones holds a special place. From the depths of deep and medium sea blues to the tranquillity of pastel hues, these mesmerizing gems are highly coveted by our clients. Their versatility sets them apart, as they effortlessly complement any skin tone and fashion style, making them an irresistible choice when buying jewelry.
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From laid-back days to glamorous evening affairs, let our exquisite Blue Gemstone creations be your guide to a world of modern elegance. With each piece meticulously designed, you'll look and feel fabulous, no matter where your adventures take you. Whether you opt for a show-stopping necklace, stackable bracelets, or delicate, dainty jewelry, be prepared to elevate your outfits with an array of blue beauties. 
The aesthetic appeal of LB Jewlery’s pastel blue gemstones showcases delicate and tranquil hues. These gems are often associated with a sense of calmness and tranquillity, reminiscent of clear skies, calm tropical waters, and the fragrant blooms we enjoy in nature from hydrangeas, delphinium, and hyacinths. Our clients are especially drawn to these subtle shades in the Spring and Summer months as standalone pieces or combined with other gemstones for a layered and contrasting look. With feelings that evoke warmth, freshness, and serenity, our most desirable gemstone creations include pastels in Aquamarine, Larimar, Opals, Blue Lace, and Topaz to the medium blues of Apatite and Turquoise stones. 
Our dark blue gemstones have a classic and timeless appeal, making them a popular choice for jewelry meant to be cherished for generations. The deep blue hues in our Lapis Lazuli, Kyanite, Sapphire, and Agates add a touch of sophistication and refinement to each of our pieces. These deep shades are associated with trust and loyalty, conveying a sense of inner strength and wisdom. Each LB Jewelry Design piece is meticulously crafted using only the finest materials, ensuring unparalleled beauty, durability, and longevity.  To offer unique creations, our statement jewelry, layered designs, and minimalist styles often include intricately detailed settings, as well as natural, rough gemstone cuts purchased from the stone markets in countries around the world.LB Jewelry Design offers a timeless elegance and sophistication that transcends trends and seasons. Discover the enchanting allure of blue gemstones and elevate your style with our exquisite collection of meticulously crafted pieces. Whether you're dressing up for a night out or adding a touch of glamour to your everyday look, our blue gemstone jewelry is the perfect choice for any occasion.
The allure of wearing blue gemstone jewelry is undeniable. From the captivating aesthetics that range from vibrant to tranquil hues to the symbolic meanings that resonate with wearers on an emotional level, blue gemstone jewelry holds a special place in the world of adornment. Its versatility, rarity, and connection with nature make it an enticing choice for those seeking elegance, sophistication, and a touch of personal expression. Whether it's for a special occasion or everyday wear, blue gemstone jewelry continues to captivate and inspire, leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to wear it.
LB Jewelry Designs offers a timeless elegance and sophistication that transcends trends and seasons. Discover the enchanting allure of blue gemstones and elevate your style with our exquisite collection of meticulously crafted pieces. Whether you're dressing up for a night out or adding a touch of glamour to your everyday look, our blue gemstone jewelry is the perfect choice for any occasion.
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swarishjewels · 9 months ago
The Role of Numerology in Gemstone Selection for 925 Silver Jewelry
Numerology, the study of numbers and their mystical meanings, has been used for centuries to guide decisions, including gemstone selection. When combined with 925 silver jewelry, numerology can add an extra layer of personal significance and intention to your pieces. Let’s explore how numerology influences gemstone choices and how you can incorporate this practice into your 925 silver jewelry collection.
Understanding Numerology
Numerology is based on the idea that numbers carry inherent vibrations and energies. Each number, from 1 to 9, as well as the master numbers 11, 22, and 33, is associated with specific qualities and characteristics. By calculating your life path number or focusing on specific numbers, you can choose gemstones that resonate with these energies.
Calculating Your Life Path Number
To find your life path number, reduce your birthdate to a single digit. For example, if your birthdate is July 10, 1990, you would add 7 (month) + 1 + 0 (day) + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 (year) = 27. Then, reduce 27 to 2 + 7 = 9. Your life path number is 9.
Gemstones for Each Life Path Number
Life Path Number 1:
Gemstones: Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper
Qualities: Leadership, independence, innovation
925 Silver Combination: A garnet ring in 925 silver enhances your innate leadership qualities.
Life Path Number 2:
Gemstones: Moonstone, Pearl, Jade
Qualities: Cooperation, sensitivity, diplomacy
925 Silver Combination: A moonstone pendant in 925 silver can help you navigate relationships with grace.
Life Path Number 3:
Gemstones: Amethyst, Citrine, Turquoise
Qualities: Creativity, expression, joy
925 Silver Combination: A citrine bracelet in 925 silver boosts your creative energy and joy.
Life Path Number 4:
Gemstones: Emerald, Peridot, Green Aventurine
Qualities: Stability, practicality, hard work
925 Silver Combination: An emerald necklace in 925 silver supports your quest for stability and growth.
Life Path Number 5:
Gemstones: Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Turquoise
Qualities: Freedom, adventure, change
925 Silver Combination: A turquoise ring in 925 silver inspires you to embrace new experiences.
Life Path Number 6:
Gemstones: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Pink Tourmaline
Qualities: Love, responsibility, nurturing
925 Silver Combination: A rose quartz bracelet in 925 silver enhances your ability to give and receive love.
Life Path Number 7:
Gemstones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz
Qualities: Introspection, spirituality, wisdom
925 Silver Combination: An amethyst pendant in 925 silver deepens your spiritual insight.
Life Path Number 8:
Gemstones: Onyx, Garnet, Black Tourmaline
Qualities: Ambition, power, success
925 Silver Combination: An onyx ring in 925 silver reinforces your strength and determination.
Life Path Number 9:
Gemstones: Opal, Clear Quartz, Labradorite
Qualities: Compassion, humanitarianism, transformation
925 Silver Combination: An opal necklace in 925 silver symbolizes your transformative and compassionate nature.
Master Number 11:
Gemstones: Moldavite, Celestite, Moonstone
Qualities: Intuition, enlightenment, inspiration
925 Silver Combination: A moldavite pendant in 925 silver enhances your intuitive and inspirational qualities.
Master Number 22:
Gemstones: Garnet, Hematite, Smoky Quartz
Qualities: Master builder, practicality, vision
925 Silver Combination: A garnet bracelet in 925 silver supports your vision and practical endeavors.
Master Number 33:
Gemstones: Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Pink Sapphire
Qualities: Compassion, teaching, spiritual growth
925 Silver Combination: A rhodonite ring in 925 silver helps channel your compassion and spiritual growth.
Incorporating Numerology into Your 925 Silver Jewelry
Personalized Pieces:
Choose gemstones based on your life path number and incorporate them into your favorite 925 silver jewelry pieces, such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets.
Gift Giving:
Select gemstones based on the recipient’s life path number for a meaningful and personalized gift.
Intentional Design:
Design custom 925 silver jewelry that combines multiple gemstones representing different aspects of your numerological chart, creating a holistic piece.
Daily Wear:
Wear jewelry with numerology-selected gemstones daily to keep their positive energies close to you.
Special Occasions:
Choose specific gemstones for important events or milestones, aligning their energies with your goals and intentions.
Caring for Your 925 Silver and Gemstone Jewelry
Clean your 925 silver jewelry with a soft cloth and mild soap. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage both the silver and the gemstones.
Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place, ideally in a jewelry box or pouch, to prevent tarnishing and scratches.
Regular Maintenance:
Periodically check the settings of your gemstones to ensure they are secure. Have a professional jeweler inspect and clean your pieces as needed.
Avoid Harsh Conditions:
Remove your gemstone jewelry during activities that expose it to harsh chemicals or physical damage, such as swimming or exercising.
Incorporating numerology into your 925 silver jewelry selection adds a layer of personal meaning and intention to your pieces. By understanding the vibrational qualities of different gemstones and aligning them with your life path number, you can create jewelry that resonates with your unique energy. Whether you’re designing for yourself or choosing a gift for someone else, numerology-guided gemstone selection enhances the beauty and significance of 925 silver jewelry.
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nahidasjewelry · 11 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rose Gold Round hoops 1.5”.
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