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suzukiblu · 4 months ago
love is being stupid together  please please please!!!
He supposes he could test how effective the system setup would be. There are temperature, pressure, and EMG sensors involved, so significantly more developed than the typical fingerprint or optical scan, which implies just cutting off an authorized user’s hand or ripping out an eye wouldn’t actually work. The design is clunky and in definite need of streamlining, and definitely not suitable for mass production, but . . . well, a setup along those lines could be useful, considering.
He makes a mental note, the plans already effortlessly committed to memory, and debates what he’s actually expected to do with the actual paper. Stick it on the fridge back at the penthouse, he supposes. That’s the traditional approach, as far as he’s aware.
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suzukiblu · 3 months ago
May I please have a snippet of congratulations, it's a metaweapon?? Thank you!!
“I don’t want anything to do with you,” he says, feeling–off, for some reason he can’t place–and Superboy frowns deeper at him, then just rolls his eyes. 
“Whatever, I’ve got TTK,” he mutters to himself, and then does something infinitely more ridiculous than just grabbing his hand by just grabbing him and picking him up.
Match is actually incapable of processing the fact that actually just happened. 
“What,” he says blankly, and Superboy flies straight up through the collapsed ceiling with him and zips down the hall of the floor above without a single apparent care in the world. “I–you–I know how to fly, you idiot!” 
“You do? That’s great, buddy, we can go play later,” Superboy says, looking–proud, for lack of literally an better descriptor, what the fuck. Match seriously considers breaking his nose. Or his teeth. 
Or his neck. 
He never actually got the kill order, though, so he’s not sure if the Agenda actually has intentions for the idiot or not, and while he can always kill him later, he can’t un-kill him later if they do, so now he’s–now he isn’t–
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suzukiblu · 7 months ago
I would kill for more YJ baby acquisition!!
“That was a very different situation,” he says as carefully as he can. “And we weren’t in possession of all the information at the time.” 
“You’re not in possession of any information about this situation,” Bruce says, which isn’t even fucking true, dammit, but–
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suzukiblu · 6 months ago
If you wanna share more Tim/Bernard/Kon i eagerly await it!
“Okay, so the weighted blanket is a sexy weighted blanket, noted,” Bernard mutters breathlessly, and Kon bites his collarbone as gently as he can make himself and sucks as gently as he can make himself. “Ah, fuck–” 
“Sorry,” Kon breathes, and kisses the faint impression of his own teeth marks and the already-blooming hickey on Bernard’s skin apologetically before making himself go back to nuzzling the crook of his neck again, even as his gut simmers and simmers with the low, restless urgency that’s creeping up under his skin again too. “Sorry, sorry, just–is it okay? S’not too much?”
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
I just read all of the weird bonding of khryptonians and I love it so much! Clark insta adopted Kon ( as is right) and it’s really cool how you wrote it as an almost biological instinct thing
Look, as was pointed out by another Tumblr-person (whose username I have totally forgotten so my bad), in more than one canon Kryptonians spent SEVERAL centuries reproducing solely via birthing matrix, so GENETICALLY SPEAKING, Clark should be absolutely biologically PRIMED to adopt a surprise test tube baby!! Of course that's his baby! That is full-stop his baby! He doesn't know where the fuck he came from or who his other parent is, but that is irrelevant because B A B Y .
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
Love the Batman pov in the cryptid Batman fic!! Superman can have spoiler if he needs one but Robin is Batman’s. God that’s hilarious and hearing Batman’s internal monologue about how to contact dick is amazing, very long sigh suffering to make his baby happy using a phone and the whole thing about a net is fantastic
The Batman's cryptid-thoughts are SO fun to write, hahaha. It's just a weird creepy dad that doesn't understand this newfangled technology and won't share its Robins! That's just what it is!
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Oh my god yj accidental child acquisition is the cutest! And yes Kon is so ready to have that kid
“I know,” Tim says, and can’t help feeling the answer’s going to end up being I’m going to feel however Kon tells me to. It’s probably not a good idea–for several reasons, it’s probably not a good idea–but if anyone in this situation knows how to feel and what to do . . . 
He thinks about Kenley asking for the mango-flavored candy, and Kon being careful about whether they could have solid food yet or not, and Kon making sure the first thing they tasted was something that tasted good. He thinks about Kon convincing them to sit for Vic’s scans and carrying them himself when they didn’t want to ride in the Super-Cycle. 
He thinks about the sight of Kenley all wrapped up safe and secure in Kon’s jacket in the middle of a burning street full of bad people, and how quick Kon had a name for them. 
And how they only wanted a name from Kon. 
So yeah. Tim is going to feel however Kon tells him to for now, and figure out the rest of it later. 
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suzukiblu · 11 months ago
Ummmm!!!! It’s not fine!!! I would kill to keep reading that!
Kon . . . he’s not what the others think he is. He’s not what the others want. They think . . . they think he’s . . . something else. They think he’s something that can give them what they want. They think he . . . 
They just think he’s not broken.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Interdimensional whoring for TimKon!!!
“You always do make me feel so wanted,” Tim murmurs approvingly, breaking off the kiss to nip at Kon's lower lip; pushing a thumb in behind the corner of his jaw and lightly scraping across the stubble there. A little of the tension seeps out of Kon’s spine in response to the approving tone, and a little more when he parses the actual words Tim’s said. There’s still an obvious prickle of nerves hidden behind the way Kon smirks at him before biting his mouth in return, but Tim isn’t going to judge. This Kon doesn’t know this side of them like he does and knows he doesn’t know this side of them like he does, and on top of that he’s never done anything with another man at all, so a little anxiety isn’t exactly a surprise. Or illogical, really. 
Tim could never be disappointed in him like this, of course, but Kon’s very rarely been able to fully believe that, so again: not a surprise.
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
Amazon Kon makes me so sad for him at this moment, I hope he cracks his egg soon!!
“Fuck off,” Kon says through gritted teeth, and Kal’s hand squeezes his shoulder, and he knows he sounds upset, knows he looks upset, but–but–
They don’t want a���kid. And he’s not even a kid. And he doesn’t want–he doesn’t want–
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suzukiblu · 4 months ago
You write desperate Kon so good! Cassie gets cursed and Kon gets k'ed please!
The “ah!” happens when Cassie does actually take off and fly after all–or more like about two or three seconds after Cassie takes off and flies after all, because that’s when they blur into her room and his back hits her mattress and she kisses him fucking stupid through the impact. Kon moans the loudest he thinks he’s ever moaned without his cock in somebody and clutches eagerly at her back and hears the reinforced metal bedframe buckle, and when she shoves him down harder and actually pins him to the bed he comes blindingly hard right in his fucking suit, with his dick pinned against her abs and under both all her weight and all her strength, and doesn’t even care what a bitch it’s gonna be to clean later.
He probably says some stuff when he does, but fuck if he’d be able to tell anybody what it was. 
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
YJ baby acquisition!!!! Kon is SO ready to be a parent 
“This is Kenley,” Kon greets easily, giving them a little squeeze as he says their name. They stare silently at the new arrivals. “They're mine. Well, like, ours. Kenley, this is Kal. Superman. And that's Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Flashes.” 
“We had a bit of an incident with accelerated cloning tech on our mission today,” Tim starts carefully, then opens his mouth again to fill in the details, and Barry groans and smacks a hand over his face as the corner of Bruce’s mouth just barely noticeably tightens. 
“Jesus, not another mini-Luthor,” Barry mutters. 
Tim has the sudden and very intense urge to stab a Flash with a birdarang. Just a little bit. Not, like, fatally. Speedsters heal quick anyway, it’s not like Barry’d be out of commission all that long. And Wally could pick up the slack while he was anyway. 
Bart and Cassie are both glaring at Barry too, so at least he knows they’re on the same page. Kenley, meanwhile,  is glaring at everyone. 
Well, everyone but Kon, anyway.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
For wip Wednesday can I please have some trans Clark and cis Kon???? (Ps I am in love with your sugar baby Kon story and I am waiting with bated breath for a continuation of think pink whenever you get around to it, overall, big fan)
“Get out of the way, asshole,” Kon says, squaring up her shoulders. Making herself big and aggressive, making herself what a boy would be. That's what a boy would be, right? That's what a boy would do? 
She doesn't even know anymore. 
“No,” Match says, and Kon grits her teeth. Why couldn't she have been Kara's clone? Why couldn't she at least have been made right, if nothing else? Be the boy everyone thinks she is? Be–be what she's supposed to be, be what everyone wants? 
Be Superboy. 
Kal expects her to be Superboy. Wants her to be Superboy. 
He never even thought to ask if she might be anything else.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Cassie makes a baby is amazing! And Kon is a dad now! He helped make the baby! That makes him dad!!
I love when people give Kon a baby!!!
Thank you! ❤
Kon deserves all the babies. Every possible one.
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suzukiblu · 10 months ago
I love the gender fuckery theme!! Can I please have Cassie has a sexuality crisis and Kon have a gender one? Thank you!!
She explains. 
Lita’s still hurt, of course, because so was Kon. 
Turns out explaining doesn’t actually help, when the truth is something painful. 
Actually, it kind of makes it worse.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
Just checking in, you doing okay?
Yeah, I'm good, just a bunch of "shit I gotta do this" fell on my head all at once, so I paused my queue and polls for a bit. Sorry, didn't mean to worry anyone!
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