#blooming panic salocin
l-mint-l · 20 days
Blooming Panic: Dress to Impress Headcanons
all characters
Ok outfits
I feel like he wouldn’t take the game that seriously 
and probably gives pretty high ratings because he doesn’t really care about winning
Either forgets to pose or only does like 3
Has to look up most of the prompts
The best outfits imaginable
He doesn’t even need to try that hard to slay
Probably wants to increase his chances of winning and votes conservatively 
Does like as many poses as possible on the podium 
When he sees a good outfit he rates appropriately though
Wins top 3 almost every time
Doesn’t need to look up what any of the prompts mean, just knows what to do
Silently rages over the game a little
He goes all in on his outfits but usually don’t come out the greatest
Wants to win so he votes everyone one star
Spams random poses
Has to look up a lot of the prompts but after a while memorizes them
Just messes around in the game for the whole round
Puts on anything and makes the most atrocious outfits on purpose
Does the pose 28 repeatedly each runway walk
Doesn't even look at the prompt
Very good outfits
Sometimes adds things that dont really fit with the theme just because she likes the clothes 
Has like a few select poses she uses each round and clicks them at a reasonable speed
Understands most of the prompts but usually keeps a page open to reference
Refuses to play
But if someone manages to convince him then very reluctantly trying to win
His outfits aren't the best and the fact nightowl beats him every round frustrates him
Doesn't pose at all
He has a list of all cycling prompts and keeps reference images of all of them on hand and organized
Plays just for fun and doesn't really care about winning
If they're playing in the voice channel likes hearing everyone being competitive in the game while laughing at their antics 
chooses some poses she finds funny and just uses those at a reasonable frequency 
Has pretty good outfits and usually gets in top 4 
Understands the prompts but sometimes uses references
Gets kinda competitive but not too serious about it
Joins BigLady in observing the others antics if it’s being played in the voice channel
The two of them joke about everyone for days after they’ve played
Has decent outfits but the outfits do get a little chaotic looking sometimes
Spams random poses
Has to look up a lot of the prompts
Oh boy
First 3 rounds didn’t understand how to put on items and had trouble walking around in game
Once he gets used to the mechanics a little(with the help of quest and biglady)
His outfits are not the best but he doesn’t really care
Doesn’t pose because he can’t really figure it out still
Votes everyone 5 stars because he thinks everyone's outfits deserve a high vote
Doesn’t understand the prompts
Has one of his children next to him explaining what the prompts are or if he’s in the servers voice channel June or Nightowl explain it to him
Gets toxic about it
The most atrocious outfits imaginable even though he’s trying
Doesn’t pose cause he’s too busy arguing with people in chat that his outfit is actually good
Has to look up a lot of the prompts
Smashes keyboard when he gets last place(it’s inevitable)
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vivixrocks2 · 2 years
Onienthief x salocin
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opheestra · 2 years
Blooming panic + tumblr textposts lol
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wordsofoleander · 2 years
🌸 where you should give the bloomic characters a kiss!
❥ 619 words ❥ tags: pure fluff, all of the characters except societyboy ❥ cw: owl's section may be a little bit suggestive ❥ notes: my thirst for pure tender fluff is unquenchable. can't believe this is finally leaving my drafts after like, half a year? enjoy!
— nightowl: on his collarbone
- there's no denying it when you hear nightowl's labored breathing and feel the rapid beating of his heart when you pull away from the crook of his neck. when you gaze even deeper into his half-lidded eyes and feel his grip on your waist tighten, you become just as lost as he is. hey cutie, you won't think of him as selfish now if he asked for seconds, right?
— quest: on his chest
- sometimes, after a long and tiring day at work, some quality time to unwind with each other is just what you and quest need. one of his favorite ways to do so is to hold his angel in his arms! he feels his heart skip a beat every time he feels you drowsily kiss him on his chest, just above the fabric of his shirt. with moments like these, there's nothing else in the world he could ever wish for.
— xyx: on his cheek
- when xyx sees you tiptoeing towards him and feels your lips on his cheek, he's gone. oh what have you done to him this time, doll? nowadays, he can't help but ask you to reward him with a kiss on the exact same spot for the little favors he does for you with a shit-eating grin on his face. the whole thing makes him feel like he isn't himself. gross. but the way he looks at you says otherwise.
— nakedtoaster: on his chin
- height difference go brr. toasty finds it hilarious how you could be standing on your toes and still be barely reaching the upper half of their face. though when your lips finally touch their skin, he finds his eyes closing shut and his lips letting out a quiet sigh of relief, wishing for the millionth time that their fast-beating heart calm down at least for a little bit.
bonus for the non-lis!
— onionthief: on his nose
- it’s amusing how one little kiss from you is enough to get onion to shut up completely. you’re convinced that it’s all worth it every time you see his cheeks brighten when you pull away. his full reaction is always a surprise, and you certainly can’t correctly predict what it will be. but when he’s feeling playful and starts to reach for your arm in hopes of revenge, you know you’ve hit the jackpot.
— two2: on the corner of their mouth
- it's become a common occurrence to make dinner together with two and their sister. they're so focused on the task that they don't notice the tiny bits of food left over on their face after taste testing the food. despite the shock from the siblings that comes after, there’s no better excuse than that to plant a quick and chaste kiss just centimeters away from his lips!
— june: on her forehead
- there's just something about feeling a kiss from you on her forehead that sets june's pulse racing. it melts your heart whenever you see her beam at you in response just as much as hers does the exact same thing when you kiss her. you note that there is a spring in her step after, and you can already tell that she’ll forever cherish these little moments with you.
— biglady: on her palm
- lady loves loves loves to cup your face in her hands and gush about how you're the absolute best. when you take one hand against your cheek and give it a smooch, her expression softens, cheeks with a light blush. though you better prepare yourself, as she'll be sure to pepper your face in kisses in return!
— salocin: on the back of his hand
- you once found yourself taking salo's hand in yours and giving it a peck in thanks, saying something about how he's the best grandfather figure you could ever ask for. who wouldn't? it takes you mere seconds to process his reaction. he's happy but... wait, shit. are you...? ohmygod i'm so sorry, salo. please don't cry—
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fafi-and-oblivia · 10 months
A quick note coming from Fafi on what Thanksgiving is, for those of you that don't celebrate it :] Thanksgiving is a holiday primarily celebrated in the USA and Canada. Its a meal where you come together with most commonly family but can also include friends as well. Its a time to give thanks and come together. Every family will do it differently and have different traditions but that's the basic description of the holiday. Anyhow enjoy!
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sal and his wife happily host everyone at their house
you, quest, nightowl, toaster, biglady, june, and even xyx show up in person
and everyone thinks onion isn't coming because of his lack of enthusiasm in the chats about the whole thing, but he shows up and surprises everyone
unfortunately two2 couldn't make it (his mom wouldn't let him 💀) but he hops on a facetime with someone so he can say hi to everyone
xyx is probably wearing a christmas sweater and sunglasses when he inevitably rolls in late
sal and his wife cook a lovely thanksgiving dinner but everyone else brings something to add
when everything is said and done, sal and his wife made a big turkey (and also a vegetarian roast!!), cranberry sauce and stuffing, quest brought mashed potatoes, biglady brings green bean casserole, xyx buys dinner rolls at the store, nightowl brings cookies, and june bakes like 3 pies
you bring enough drinks for everyone; cider, champagne, etc.
everyone sits around salo's dinner table (which surprisingly has enough room for everyone, but not enough chairs so some of yall have folding chairs or lawn chairs)
someone probably says grace based off of onion's insistence 
everyone digs in and banters throughout the meal, making the most of your time altogether 
quest is probably really nervously polite the whole time
he also probably scolds nightowl's table manners, which they all call him old for
you talk about work, school, the plane rides, love lives, plans for the future, and ofc bloomic 
sal tells everybody stories and you all listen intently and ask questions 
you crack jokes and talk as if you'd known each other your whole lives, as if you'd never been separated by thousands of miles and computer screens
you're pretty sure you even saw onion smile
and when everyone leaves the table that night, heading back to hotels and such, they leave feeling full; both their stomachs and their hearts
(Headcanon list made by Oblivia <3)
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A (Early) Thanksgiving to Remember
This fic is placed after Toasty’s route, SO THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR BLOOMING PANIC. You can pick who you want to come with to the party, this will change a few things and how you interact with the LI (love interest), it’s implied that you live with your current LI in the fic. I will italicize and underline all the choices so you know where to click. That should be all, enjoy! :) -Fafi
Who did you come with to the Thanksgiving dinner?: (Click option to proceed)
Nightowl Quest Toasty Xyx
(If there are any complications with the links let me know -Fafi) (Edits made to story on(11/25/2023): fixed some link issues I found, apologies for the inconveniences! everything should work smoothly now <3 -Fafi)
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pink-envelope · 6 months
I have some headcanons for the Bloomic side character's names.
It's really interesting to see every one else's headcanons for these because it becomes so obvious that not only do other people interpret these characters differently BUT they also have different association for names.
Any ways, here are mine plus a few headcanons:
BIGLADY- Her name is Riley to me, also has a very common last name. I just see her as a taller than average skinny white girl, maybe 5'7? She looks like her icon, Medium brown hair and brown eyes. She's conventionally attractive but can't find a gf because lesbian dating is hell. Sporty futch.
June- name is June, how did she get away with this? She's black and short, almost 5ft but no dice, officially 4'11. Her favorite color is green and you know it by looking at her outfits. Round sweet face with lips that naturally quirk upwards in a way she has a subtle :3 mouth. Popular but she doesn't know it.
SalociN- Nicolas with a hard to pronounce last name but every one in the small town he grew up in can pronounce it no problem. Has grown accustomed to it but when he goes to populated places he gets stares and double takes because he's a hot old man, striking grey eyes.
Onionthief- Christopher. A Latino called Chris? Ground breaking. His mother is the only one in the world who calls him his full name. Full name with middle and last is clunky to say and if you struggle with it for a millisecond he looks at you with dead eyes and breaks it down in a way that you just know he's been having to do since he was a child.
Twotwo- Desmond or "Des", named after their grandfather. Also black. Lanky and tall, 5'11 and not finished growing. Messy hair covers their eyes, what's under there? Nail biter, chipped polish combo. Has admitted to eating dog treats/food in the server because they were curious, "Every body's done it!".
Societyboy- Has a scum bag ass name and I have a few names I can think of but I don't want to needlessly hurt some one with these names so. Any ways after you two break up he decides to become a passport bro and disappears abroad a few weeks into the journey, his mother reaches out to you if by ANY chance you've heard of him but you haven't since the server incident. His body is never found.
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otakusheep15 · 21 days
Blooming Panic Restaurant AU
Hello tumblr dot com, I'm hyperfixating, and I'm going to make it everyone's problem. Shout out to Blooming Panic, I love this game so much I'm going insane.
Anyway, I was at work today, and I had a thought(tm) about a Blooming Panic AU where they all work at a small restaurant together, and I can't stop thinking about it, so here's a rough outline of my thoughts.
Reader (LovelyLola): You work at a company near the restaurant. It opened a few years after you began working. At first, you didn't pay it much attention, but as hours got longer and work got harder, you couldn't find it in you to keep cooking every night. Eventually, you give in and check out the restaurant, and it's nice. The staff is cool and welcoming, the environment is calm, and the food is amazing. Your visits increased from once a month to once a week to almost every single day. You pop in after work all the time, and the staff now know you by name. They love you a lot, and they're constantly trying to get you to quit your job so you can work with them instead. With how much you've been working lately, you're almost tempted to do so.
Salocin: He's the originator and owner of the restaurant. He opened it with his first wife, and ran it by himself after her passing. When he remarried his current wife, she quit her job to help him with the restaurant, much to his enjoyment. He's close to retirement, and he plans on leaving the restaurant to the current manager. He's a kind and fun boss, but he can be strict when he wants to. Customers love him, and he knows all of his regulars by name. He's chatty and has a tendency to distract his employees with his chatting, but he does his best to hold back so they can work.
NakedToaster: They're the current manager. They have no clue Salo intends on leaving the restaurant to them after his retirement. He tends to sit in his office most of the time, usually doing paperwork and the like. He practically owns the place already with how much he does. He hates taking to customers, especially if they have an issue. Most of the time they'll ask for Quest or Xyx to handle complaints in their place, not wanting to deal with any drama. As a manager, they are a bit strict, but fair. He's good at handling conflicts between employees, and everyone puts a lot of trust in him.
Xyx: He's the all-arounder of the bunch. He's that one employee who is trained in every position, except for manager. Salo offered him a position as a manager, but he thought it would be too much office work, which is boring, so he declined. His favorite position is the kitchen, as it's the most fun for him. Serving and hosting are fine as well, but he hates when he gets annoying customers. They're fun to mess with, sure, but it gets repetitive after a while. He can definitely get on people's nerves sometimes, but he's a good worker overall. He's the one Toasty is most likely to call on when they need someone to deal with rude customers, as he knows how to tell them off without being outwardly rude.
Quest: In this au, he was still in a gang. However, Salo is the one who finds Quest after he gets out of prison. He offers him a job as a grill cook, which helps Quest get off the streets, The job also gives him a chance to begin his change, and soon enough he's become a completely different person. He's kind, if a bit awkward. His coworkers love him, and he makes excellent food. He's basically a giant softie now, even if he still looks intimidating. Speaking of which. he is absolutely the one everyone calls on to stop fights. He's the intimidation guy. He's never gotten physical with a customer, as everyone usually backs off at just his appearance alone. Besides that, it's rare for him to deal with customers since he works in the kitchen, but he does occasionally deal with a customer when Toasty isn't feeling up for it.
Nightowl: He's that one server who flirts with literally every customer in the hopes of getting a larger tip. Some people find him to be a bit much, but most people like him and do tip him big. He's working here so that he can save up to pay for grad school. His mom refused to help him since he decided on a major she did not approve of, so he has to pay his own way. It's a struggle, but Salo pays well and is flexible with scheduling. He's a genuinely great server, and some customers come back just for him. He has a lot of personal regulars. If they're short-staffed, he will also double as a host, but that's very rare.
Onionthief: He's the new manager-in-training. Since Salo is retiring soon, he decided that the restaurant could use a new manager. Toasty is training him, and he's doing very well so far. He's much stricter, but he's a good manager, and he's open to learning and adapting when needed. He does not get along with Owl very well since he doesn't agree with his methods on gaining tips, but he's learned to deal with it. He's never worked in a restaurant before, so he can come off a bit spoiled, and everyone definitely makes fun of him for it. He's learning to undo his biases of the service industry, and he's doing well. His favorite part of the job is telling off rude customers, as it lets him let off some steam.
BigLady: She also works in the kitchen. She's the cook who seems really sweet but is actually so chaotic. Quest and her are very different, but they work well together. Unless Xyx is in the kitchen, in which case Quest is screwed. Sometimes, if she sees a cute girl come in, she will purposefully take her break at the same time so that she can go flirt, even if she's only been working for 20 minutes. She's the best cook of the three, and her dishes are usually the ones that get the most praise. She has a tendency to come into work a bit hungover sometimes, but she's still a good worker for the most part.
June: She's the main hostess. She's fairly new, only working for about nine months, but she's a great worker. People love how bubbly she is, and she compliments everyone who walks through the door. Sometimes she can be a bit shy, especially when bigger groups come in, but she does her best. On occasion, she'll double up as a server, but it's pretty rare since the restaurant is pretty small. She is one of two part-timers, and works on her days off from school. She loves this job a lot, and she recommends it to any new friends she makes. She's also the type to get so excited when her friends show up to eat while she's on shift.
Two2: He's the newby of the group, and he's adorably awkward. Owl is training them as a server, and everyone absolutely adores them. They're the other part-timer along with June, and they became instant friends. He also looks up to Nightowl a lot since he's around him so much. Two works almost every night after school and on the weekends. He loves this job a lot, and he has so much fun with the staff. It's a bit intimidating being the youngest, especially when he's the only one not finished with high school, but they're all nice to him and treat them like a younger sibling.
And that's all I have for now. I'm not the best writer, but if anyone wants to see more, I'll see what I can do. I've been brainrotting for a few days over Blooming Panic, so I'd love to write more.
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parodyofnature · 2 years
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been wondering about this for like a hot minute. here goes
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Blooming Panic Boys
Two obsessions hit hard at the same time today. Backstreet Boys songs and Blooming Panic LET'S GO
Just Want You To Know- (oh god why am I doing this to myself) Your break-up song with him. Something happened, you two just weren't compatible in the long run, but god he misses you. He wants you to be happy, and he wants you to think that he's moving on from you, because he knows that you'd be worried and upset if you realized he was still devastated from your breakup. But he would give anything if you could try one more time. (I linked the music video cause the song is bittersweet, but the music video is so goddamned funny)
Chances- This man is a hopeless romantic. Utterly hopeless, and he is blown away by how many completely random and out-of-his-control things had to happen for you to end up by his side. It's over-the-top, dramatic, and romantic as hell.
As Long As You Love Me- Quest's Angel could come from any background, Have done just about anything, and his love would not change. He loves you, not where you came from or who you were before him. The here and now are what matter to him, and in the here and now, all he asks is that you love him.
Love Somebody- This man is so in love with everything about you. Poetic, energetic, yet really grounded in real life. These are the things he openly admits he feels about you.
Helpless When She Smiles- You would almost never be able to get him to admit it, but this song is him with you. You bring reason and life and joy to him, drive him insane, and he'd do almost anything to make you smile. You're a calm in the storm of life and his mind, but you're also a storm in and of yourself, but he'd stay in your storm forever.
Treat Me Right- This boy gets a good breakup song. Hopefully not with you. I'm kinda picturing this one as him finally leaving the ex that hurt him so badly. He adored them, and they were fine in private, but around their friends, they would talk shit about him, and be horrible to him, and he finally realizes he deserves to be treated better than that. I just can't hurt him. I really can't. His break-up song is him realizing just he deserves to be happy and treated well.
Hey Mr. Dj (Keep Playin' This Song)- You and Nightowl at a club, and he's just praying that the DJ will play any song it takes to keep you in his arms. You look so good out on the floor, and he'd stay there all night with you if he could. Also, super horny song, perfect for the eager puppy :)
Passionate- ... yeah... eager, passionate nightowl... I just think that he would be this forward. Hell, he IS this forward in the game. Just... owl, please, why are you like this?
Chateau- Ok, so, Robo's headcannon that Nightowl and You divorce, but that you end up back together? This is the break-up/getting-back-together song. Nightowl still misses you, still remembers the little things about you. He meets up with you years after the divorce, just wanting to catch up, not planning on trying anything, but he then sees you and can't help himself. He'll respect what you want, but he's not letting this chance slip away. Still kinda boyish and bouncy, but matured. Perfect for 30/40 year old nightowl.
Safest Place to Hide- The world and work are really rough sometimes. But you and Toasty find a little peace and quiet with each other. This song just is the calm comfort that is Toasty's love for you..
Unsuspecting Sunday Afternoon- Idk, this just feels like the kind way Toaster would realize how he feels. He sees you, talks to you a few times, and he kinda has a sense of what's going on. But then there's that night, talking about Bloomic, about letting things go, and you whine when he says that you should probably log off so you can be ready for work the next day. He says goodnight, logs off, and it just. Hits him. Just how much he cares about you, how much he wishes that he could keep talking to you. It was a completely normal day, and the days are going to keep going forward, but now he knows how he feels about you, and its like the world has changed, but just for him. And he has no fucking clue if you like him too. And it kinda hurts, cause he really hopes you do.
You Can Let Go- Pure Comfort. You've been working too hard, You've been letting the world tear you down. Salo wants you to smile and rely on him if you want to.
Straight Through My Heart- Me any time Salo speaks. He said hello and I broke. I'd break up with anyone and everyone at the word from Salo. Absolute GILF. (Also, Vampire music Video, so it also works for nightowl, but I would kill for Old, Grizzled, Grey Vampire Salo. That sounds so sexy.)
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revenant-coining · 2 years
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[ID: 2 rectangular flags with 4 equally-sized stripes, a thin stripe, then a medium stripe. colors in this order from top to bottom, a gradient from white to dark blue. on the first flag is a white circle with an icon, a white silhouette of a 3 leafed plant. End ID]
BPSalociNcomfic: a gender connected to salociN from the dating sim Blooming Panic being one’s comfic character.
Etymology: "BP" for Blooming Panic, salocin, “comfic” a suffix for genders connected to things that bring one comfort
Pronounced: B-P sal-oh-sin com-fick (BP salocin comfic)
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heavensickness · 3 years
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my favorite texts from Blooming Panic part 1
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trashcanfanfics · 2 years
My hc names, ethnicities, and places they live for the blooming panic characters are as follows
Toasty: Taylor/Tate Carson Daughtry (from Colorado but moved to California as soon as they graduated)
Quest: Jaxon/Dylan Joseph Quinn (lives in Ohio but mom is of Asian decent)
Nightowl: Davon Noah Kang (Korean, family moved to NY when he was 3)
Xyx: Zachariah Ramil Garcia-Cruz (raised in Australia but his family's from the Philippines)
Cat: Catticus Catibeth Garcia-Cruz (someone left them behind when they moved :( so they started bothering people until someone took them in)
BIGLADY: Mariah Elizabeth Grayson (American, lives in Oregon)
SalociN: Rick (Richard) Haitao Chen (moved from China to California in his early 30s)
June: Abigail Jane Taffte (from Bromley but goes to college in London)
Two2: Jamie Grant Davis (lives in Idaho but was born in Washington)
Onionthief: Ivan/Issac Son Pham (adopted from Vietnam to a nice Japanese couple in Pennsylvania)
EDIT: I gave them middle and last names and where I think they're from
2nd EDIT: I added cat :)
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ivyruins · 3 years
my contribution to the bloomic meme community . aka memes i found while procrastinating
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lovelylola + salociN:
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societyboy in quest's route:
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natkidding · 2 years
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the ultimate peepaw let’s gooo
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storrmywiinds · 2 years
You blink, the nervousness building in your stomach as you meet eyes from across the stuffy bar.
You’ve seen him plenty of times, though you only know his name because of the whispers of other young women who have had not-so-brief interactions with him.
You wonder if he’s as charming as they say…
You secretly hope he approaches you and as you down another shot of something strong, you fear you might have enough courage to approach him.
Your knees wobble as you step off the bar stool and you lose your balance. A strong, firm hand holds you up by your elbow and when you look up to mutter a thanks to your savior, your words die at the back of your throat.
“Careful, Darling,”
His voice is smooth like honey, his brown eyes are rich and sweet; you could feel yourself drowning already.
“Dont want ya’ falling already…”
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