#bloomgoblin writes
reywooten · 3 years
hi, i wrote a fic about the tragedy of being blaseball players who were created to only be around for a short amount of time
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reywooten · 3 years
anyway, thinking about townseb and whispers starting to filter into the hall about parker macmillan and the anticipated high incineration count and sebastian doesn’t want mike to be incinerated because of course not, he’s experienced it twice and it’s the worst pain he has ever been in and he wouldn’t wish it on his own worst enemy, but also part of him misses mike so badly and he would do anything to see him again
and so seb tries not to get his hopes up and he carefully doesn’t ask the breath mints about mike, and he doesn’t ask the fridays either
then the mt’s show up at the gates of the hall and he hears that other teams are on their way, the garages even, and he starts to let himself hope that they might be reunited
there’s general excitement as each team who were headed for the hall arrive and sebastian’s hope grows with each one because he is painfully familiar with the hall but he’s never seen it like this before. and then finally the garages show up
and seb is looking for mike among the newly arrived players and the other teams are crowding around them but he still doesn’t see mike. so he has to ask someone, and maybe it’s teddy, only to be told that not only is mike not with them, but they actually have no idea where he is or what is happening to him
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reywooten · 3 years
thinking about how rey and oz have such a long history and how oz is the only target rey ever let escape. thinking about the return of blaseball with oz playing for magic and rey in our shadows the entire time. thinking about them being friends, rey teasing oz about the broken off bit of its horn strapped onto their bat, naming the bat dollie jr just to annoy it. oz visiting the shadows between games to see rey. thinking about oz being the only creature that rey lets their guard down for. thinking about oz getting redacted and rey being completely unable to do anything about it and she can’t even mourn with the team because she’s stuck in the shadows. thinking about oz coming back but it’s Different and it’s not even on the magic anymore and it doesn’t visit the shadows anymore. thinking about rey finally leaving the shadows but it’s nothing like they thought it would be because oz isn’t there and her team is nervous around her and she decides that if everyone thinks she’s so scary, she’ll play that up even more and take out a sun while she’s at it.
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reywooten · 3 years
hi, i wrote another thing, it’s about jimmy mora and tiana wheeler playing against each other in the semi-centennial
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