ironwills · 3 years
@bloodspillers​ || Event starter
He hasn’t been in this place for more than 24 hours yet and the Paladin couldn’t help but investigate the lingering mist. He was both curious about it but also worried some people might get lost in it and would require help. Thankfully this mist doesn’t have any fae’s trying to play tricks on him so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Boots tread lightly on the ground,the Miqo’te was being extra careful as he makes his way through the mist,not wanting to accidently trip on something or bump into someone. As he was making his way through the mist tho,a lingering feeling of dread kept following him.....He suddenly felt unsafe in this mist the deeper he got in it but he pressed on of course.
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Ears soon perk up at the distant sounds of footsetps,head turning round to face the direction they came from as he stopped in his tracks as brown eyes blink softly.
  “ Ah hello? Anyone there,do you need help? “
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