#blood sweat AND tears went into this one 🙏
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lemomix · 5 months ago
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that's right....ive been turned over to the dark side (stanely parable) (PLEASE click for better quality 🙏)
sorry for not being around for a while !! hope yall still like this one :>
(img below is the normal-ish ver)
aa!! here you go :3
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allurilove · 8 months ago
Hi. What if… miserable salaryman yandere. He is burdened by a capitalist society. 🙏 Eyebags, middle-aged, constantly needs to keep himself in check as to not snap and slam his annoying ass boss’ face into a desk repeatedly.. Poor man just wants a single peaceful day to himself without having a vein pop up from anger..
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Yandere salaryman had been working his ass off for this company. His blood, sweat, and tears practically built the damn thing. They needed more workers like him, but no one was willing to work more hours like he did.
He really did need the job though, and even if his boss was a lazy man that only sat in his office all day, he couldn’t afford to quit. He groaned and he put his head into his hands, trying to tune out the noises coming from his boss’s room. It wasn’t right how he could eat huge lunches, tune into his favorite shows, and then pass out right afterwards.
He shoved a couple of gummy bears into his mouth, angrily chewed them, and he went back to work.
Yandere salaryman had to go print some papers, and even walking a couple feet was a lot for him. He used his desk to push himself towards the printer, the wheels on his chair squeaked as he slowly spins to the machine. He sighed, pressing some buttons, and his eyes already started to droop.
He didn’t realize that he fell asleep on the printer. His cheeks smushed against the screen, and he accidentally kept printing more and more. He softly snored, mumbling about how he wanted to go on a vacation for once.
You were standing right behind the man, just awkwardly tapping your coworkers shoulder to get him to wake up. You needed to print some stuff yourself, and there was an angry line forming behind you.
“…excuse me?” You whispered into his ear and his body jerked awake.
“Fuck, what do you want?” The man snapped at you, his body tense, and his face was irritable. When he realized it wasn’t his boss he visibly relaxed, scratched his head, and he gave you a small smile. “Sorry about that.” He sighed, grabbing his papers, and he scooted his chair back to his desk.
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taste-thewaste · 10 months ago
For ficlet Friday- 8 please 🙏
Sending you all the queer joy, my dear! 🫶🌈
‘I felt seen, for the first time.’
Alex comes home from a jog around Central Park covered in sweat, chugging a water bottle, and finds Henry sitting at the kitchen island with his head in his hands. "Baby? Baby, what's going on?" Alex asks, alarm piercing his voice as he strides over. His hands grip Henry's shoulders solidly, and Alex feels the small trembles coursing through underneath his fingers. He waits, because if there's one thing he's learned about Henry it's that patience is his best friend. He can't rush him. Henry finally looks up, and tears are flowing down his cheeks. Alex's mind starts spinning. Phillip. Mary. Any number of people or things or situations that could have upset Henry--upset his Henry. Then his mind starts spinning with all the ways he will make those people answer for hurting Henry. His blood is roaring in his ears. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Alex asks softly, sitting on the chair next to him. "Tell me. I can fix it." "Oh, Alex." Henry swipes at the tears that have left tracks on his cheeks. "Nothing's wrong." Alex frowns. "You're crying." A small smile twitches at the corners of Henry's lips. "While you were gone, I went to the market, to get eggs for breakfast. While I was there, someone approached me. Just some girl, I've never seen her before, and she asked me how you were, and how it was living in New York, and she said she hoped we were happy." Alex nods slowly. "You're losing me, darlin'." "It was so...normal. She brought up our relationship like it was just a normal thing. Like it was okay." The tears start flowing down Henry's cheeks again, but he's smiling even bigger now. "She saw me, Alex. I felt seen, for the first time. By someone random." Alex reaches out and grabs Henry in a tight hug, feeling his own tears forming. He's so proud he could burst.
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ateez-himari · 6 months ago
Hi bb!!! How are you!?? I hope you're having a good day and resting between uni🥹
I had this question(four actually) I wanted to ask cause I just remembered it and I don't wanna forget it(them lol)
Sooo the first one isss at the time of mma 2019 when ateez performed blood sweat and tears, was it known to the fans that hima was yoongi's adoptive sister cause I would love to see the reactions of the bts memberss to their amazing stage😗😗
Second one isss have ateez met bts personally, as in talked to them or sat with them🙏 espically knowing how close hima is with the bts member as they are like her older brothers
Third onee isss has hima ever appeared on suchwita and if so did any of her members go with her or did she go solo, plus was she their for the same reason as jungkook(to eat lol😭😭) or did she go to promote their album(by my calculations I'm guessing it's golden hour since they always record the episodes before the albums are released) , and did they bring up any childhood memories they had of themselves
Fourthhh and last onee issss did hima visit jin after he was out of the military and did she by any chance film any thing with him(run jin, dance challenge, etc...)🥱
Please bb take care of yourself for meee stay healthy and hydrated and remember to always rest even when uni's annoying okay??? Or I'll scold you🫵💥💥
OMG MY SWEET I MISSED YOU!! 🥰I actually recently started working so I'm a little tired but otherwise resting whenever I can don't you worry!
• People found out around November 2019 that the two are related (someone leaked medical information since Hima asked Yoongi not to say anything as she didn't want her debut to be attributed to their relationship) so the news was fresh during the MAMA awards! She had some partner work with Wooyoung and San during their 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' segment which Jungkook and Jimin were so happy about but Yoongi looked about ready to kill them both. RM was shocked during Wonderland because since when did she become part of the demon line, the 11 year old who couldn't even get angry ?? J-Hope was cheering the entire time...maybe even a little teary eyed too but he'll never admit it. Taehyung was so happy to see her on stage after seeing her go through exhausting training for so long and was holding his phone up with 'our tiger cub' flashing across the screen. When came her part of 'Good-bye Baby' Jin made the most dramatic shocked face. Since both groups were sitting relatively close to each other (I think ATEEZ were in front of them ?) she hugged her brother right after getting off stage and J-Hope gave her a kiss on the forehead
• ATEEZ have definitely eaten with BTS more than a few times which at first was very awkward, the first few times would have them crumpled in their chairs unsure of what to say to their seniors while Hima was being her usual bubbly self. They were kind of surprised since she never really talked about any member other than her brother and they were under the impression that she was simply acquainted with the others. Her, Jimin, Seonghwa and Yeosang even went shopping together at some point (FYI him, J-Hope and Taehyung have gotten in trouble with gossip columns because they spoil her too much and 'reporters' thought that they were buying clothes for their girlfriends...no it's just their friend's sister who they were told not to coddle too much even tho her own brother would buy her a whole country. When fans asked about these incidents - at different times - they just ended up sending pictures of Hima in the clothes on Weverse)
• Hima actually made three appearances on the show; J-Hope brought her along during episode 12, Taemin insisted she come with him in episode 20 (since she was the main producer of 'Guilty') and episode 28 was to promote Golden Hour. The siblings talked about a few memories; playing basketball together, her visiting his studio when BTS had just made their debut, the first time she came to one of their concerts, etc. They did several dance challenges together, sang a few songs (by 'a few' I mean almost 20 minute worth that the editors had to strategically cut), talked about their respective long term injuries briefly, discussed the production process of the album, and Hima fell asleep on camera after one too many drinks
• A few days after his service ended she went to get something from her brother's studio and they accidentally ran into each other, which led to a very long scolding about how it was rude that she didn't come to see him earlier. They didn't get to spend much time together due to the comeback schedules followed by their North America tour, but he secretly came to one of their fansigns (he came backstage to not draw attention to himself). On Chuseok she came to his house with homemade food, giving both a chance to reconnect with each other after a long time apart. He knows she's been busy lately with personal projects, group schedules and the filming of 'Road to Kingdom' so he hasn't asked her to be in 'Run Jin' yet because she would likely accept even if it meant overexerting herself
(For relationship references she's best friends with Jungkook, slightly more distant from Taehyung since the age difference makes it a little hard to connect (but they still love each other), very close to Jimin because of their personalities, RM and her tend to connect over books that he recommends and go to bookstores together often, J-Hope is almost an older brother to her and Jin is more like an uncle)
Don't worry I'll keep taking good care of myself and you do as well okay ?? No scolding necessary here 🤧Love you Mina, as always thank you so much for your questions!! ❤️
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rabchunter · 2 years ago
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Work Hard, Play Hard, Eat and Drink Well has always been my philosophy.
I also say you gotta drink the wine and smell the roses, for reward sweetens hard labour.
So I went for a cruise in my new Jaguar, she is like driving pure silk, very few things in life give me pure pleasure, but I gotta say this car is one of them.
Then met up with some Brothers/ Friends and my evening was complete.
I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming, for through all the hardship, the loss, the sacrifices with dedication, hard work and my blood, sweat and tears with a determination to drag myself up the mountain I can truly say, LIFE IS GOOD.
The Roses 🌹 aroma is awesome, The Wine Exquisite 🍷 and the view from half way up my mountain is heavenly and keeps getting more beautiful 🙏💪⚔️🛡️🤠 www.theolehedgecreeper.co.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #jaguar #prestigecars #luxury #smelltheroses #drinkthewine #lifeisgood #success #hussle #hardwork #dedication #bloodsweatandtears #determination
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s1nn3rwrld · 2 years ago
10th time // Edward Dalton x Reader
Tw: swearing, blood, knives, close biting, blood drinking
AN: so my nephew wanted to watch daybreakers today bc he saw his mom (my sister) watching it and since my sister wouldn’t let him watch it, being the cool uncle I am watched it for the 500th time (not kidding) with him and he loved it. So now my gay self has to write a fic of Ed bc he’s so fine istg.
Rated: 13+/ 14+ (maybe)
Also p.s my nephew is only 6. 🤭 I hope I made the right decision. But gotta teach em’ young.
Short little shit bc I’m busy with college 🙏
I also didn’t proofread so-
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It was 20 minutes before sunrise. Ed had just came home and did the dishes.
You grabbed a pencil and paper from the table and start drawing, Ed peeked over a few times to see what you were drawing.
It wasn’t really anything special, just some lines and patterns crossing each other.
You yawned as Ed finished up. The sun was up by now, you could tell.
Ed walked to the couch, humming to himself. He did some work himself on a blood thing Bromley Marks were doing for some reason.
You stopped your drawing, put the pencil down and went to the couch. Ed looked stressed already, he just barely started. “Hey, you alright?” You fiddled with your black sweats, “I’m fine it’s just, Mr. Bromley wants me to do this stupid fucking shit that’s pointless.”
His eyes were glowing again, he growled slightly at the frustration he felt, he looked at you, like you were his prey.
He pinned you down on the couch and straddled you, even held down your wrists. “ED STOP” you kicked but he didn’t budge, you knew he was blood thirsty now, “wait wait wait Ed.” Tears were forming slightly, his breath on your neck scared you, “Ed please. I’ll give you blood, you don’t have to bite me.” He growled again but this time it was darker.
You managed to get out of his grip and run to the knifes, you grabbed a glass and cut your own hand with one of the knives. Ed was still on the couch, you could still see the glow of his eyes.
You poured your own blood in the glass. After you were done, Ed came walking to you, he grabbed your hand and licked the remaining blood.
He grabbed a cloth from his pocket and wrapped it around your hand. Sure he became savage all the sudden but he was gentle.
He grabbed the glass of blood and sipped it. Savoring the taste.
Frankie always said that you had a crush on Ed. You always denied it but it was true. It wasn’t just a stupid school girl crush, it was like you were in love with everything about him.
His eyes went to its natural pure gold color. You put your hand on his cheek, “Jesus your Cold.” You giggled, he did the same thing, “and your warm.” He smiled.
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