evwuniverse · 5 years
Happy New Year 2020! (Note to my Readers)
Hello Readers,
Happy New Year 2020! Thank you for taking this incredible journey with me through the changes I’ve made with this blog. From switching from WordPress into Tumblr was a huge stride but it was made for the better. I’m not sure how I’m liking not being able to see my analytics like I used to but I do know for a fact that most of my readers are from outside of Tumblr and I appreciate every one of you. With a New Year comes new goals on my end. I don’t know about all of you but I don’t make resolutions. Why? Because resolutions were made to be broken this is when I’ve decided at the start of every new year I’d compile a bunch of my long and short term goals and write them down. These are all of the goals in which I hope to accomplish in these 365 days of 2020. 
We have it 1/12/20 and I wish I would have gotten this post out sooner but so much has happened in my first week and a half of the new year. I want to share it all with you. During this time I’ve been able to accomplish my goal from last year that I made which was “I will receive a career opportunity in January of 2020.” I worked very hard in 2019 which helped me to manifest my career opportunity. Last week I have scheduled an interview as a teacher. I was super nervous and honestly, being new and not having as much experience as some of the teachers in the school system can be a huge shock. However, on the same day after they called my job while I was there, I was offered the position before I clocked on. Everything has been done and now I’m just patiently waiting to accept the job offer officially. I was rejected so much that when I finally was accepted for a position I felt on top of the world. All of my hard work in 2019 paid off and somehow I manifested this. Because of this, though I’ve been spending so much time trying to get prepared for this as things have been moving so quickly. I haven’t had much time to make posts and I apologize. This is why I’ve been so quiet recently. But not to fear things should be getting back on the right track by next week as far as my posting schedule. 
We all have goals in which we want to accomplish and I want to share with all of you some of the goals I have that I want to achieve in the new year. I will be listing them to make it easier and quicker to get an idea of what I’m trying to manifest in 2020 (I’m so happy to be alive to see this cool decade number). 
Becoming more active online and in online communities to reach my target demographic.
Creating engaging and entertaining posts that a lot of you will enjoy and continue reading.
Building a larger internet presence for myself.
Using social media a little more to communicate with family, friends, and online friends to update on various things. 
To manifest a stable living environment and financial security. 
Get a new car by the end of the year 
Becoming the best person I can be currently.
To explore and spend time for me instead of doing everything for everyone all the time.
Invest in the stock market through some sort of accountant (because hell I can’t do it by myself, me and numbers don’t click.)
Spend more time on my writing and try to begin a podcast that will go on Spotify at some point. 
Thank you for following my passions of both writing and virtual worlds. I can feel that this will be a fantastic year for all of us! If it hasn’t been yet don’t give up hope it’s just January you have 11 more months to make the best out of 2020. See you on the flip side. 
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