sophiasmithg · 7 days
Top Blockchain Development Platforms: A Guide for Business Innovators
Blockchain has become a mainstream technology in each sector. Initially, Blockchain was used as Bitcoin but today it goes beyond that expanding its applications across industries, including finance, gaming, real estate, supply chain management, and healthcare.
It was designed to foster efficient, secure, and transparent transactions, increasing its popularity even more.
Today, there are over 560 million cryptocurrency users worldwide.
There are 85 million Blockchain Wallets in 2024, with significant spending on Blockchain solutions.
90% of businesses are using blockchain technology in some form.
Blockchain platforms are capturing the market.
The Blockchain fever is high, businesses seek next-gen blockchain app development solutions that can improve efficiency and security. Here are the top Blockchain platforms to build future-proof Blockchain ecosystems and solutions. 
What do you mean by Blockchain Platforms?
But, do you understand the concept of Blockchain technology? 
Blockchain technology is a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that stores data within blocks linked together. Each block has specific storage, when it is filled, the data gets stored on the next block, linking it to the previous block for reference. You cannot alter this data due to decentralization and cryptographic hashing.
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Now, understand what Blockchain Platforms are.
Blockchain platforms help you build, deploy, and manage blockchain-based applications. These platforms offer the necessary tools, protocols, and infrastructure for developing and managing decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts on a blockchain network. 
They often include features such 
Consensus mechanisms
Identity management
Data storage
Blockchain integration capabilities
Different types of Blockchain platforms
Blockchain platforms are of four types-
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Public Blockchains: These platforms are open to everyone. Anyone with a stable internet connection can operate them, for example, Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Private Blockchains: these are public blockchain platforms with permission. It means, only authorized people can access them and perform actions. Users can access this blockchain only if they have a digital certificate or verification. Example- Hyperledger Fabric and Corda.
Consortium Blockchains: Consortium blockchain platforms allow multiple organizations to maintain and control the blockchain. A group of companies or institutions share and manage a digital ledger without a central authority. These platforms are used for collaborations requiring trust and privacy among a select group of participants, such as businesses, banks, or government agencies. Some popular examples are- R3 Corda and Hyperledger Fabric.
Hybrid Blockchains: It is a combination of public and private blockchains. Businesses using this network might have some restrictions in accessing specific data while some are public. Some hybrid blockchains are Dragonchain and Ardor.
87% of businesses will plan to invest in blockchain in 2024.
Benefits of Using Blockchain Platforms
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86% of individuals believe Blockchain technology can benefit their businesses. Businesses can use blockchain platforms for the following benefits.
Extensive resources
For developing a blockchain-based application, businesses must have several setups. However, the blockchain platform is a one-stop solution that provides structure and security to access necessary components, reducing the overall development time and effort.
Improved productivity
Blockchain platforms successfully eliminate third parties or mediators to transfer information. It ensures smooth peer-to-peer transactions and reduces transaction costs and settlement time, improving productivity and producing better ROI.
Eliminate fraud
Blockchain is known for transparent, immutable, and cryptographic security. So, once you store the data on the blockchain network, it is safe, as no one can alter it with authorization. 
You can a hire blockchain developer who can use reliable blockchain platforms to build blockchain applications.
Top Blockchain Platforms to Choose in 2024
1. IBM Blockchain
It is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) offering by IBM. It allows users to create secure and reliable blockchain networks. It works on Hyperledger Fabric, a trusted open-source framework that offers fully managed blockchain solutions.
Key features-
You can use the Platform Developer Tools to create smart contracts in different technologies, Node.js, Java, or JavaScript.
You can use the Ansible Playbooks or the Red Hat Marketplace to deploy networks effortlessly.
Manage multiple blocks and deployments with its intuitive console.
Integrate it with the cloud to scale their resources.
Ensures disaster recovery with high uptime.
This blockchain platform was introduced in 2017. It is faster and more efficient than other blockchains. It uses delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) to confirm transactions quickly and improve network speed. It offers a three-layer system to reduce delays often seen in traditional networks.
TRON has its cryptocurrency called TRX. It has changed how online content is created and shared, aiming to be a leading platform in Web3 as it decentralized content development and distribution.
Key features-
Tron supports Solidity smart contracts and tokens like BTT, USDT, and USDC.
It processes up to 2k transactions per second, faster than Ethereum.
Tron uses a three-layer structure and DPoS consensus for efficient network operation.
Super authorities manage and create blocks through a democratic process where top candidates earn rewards by participating with 9999 TRX.
3. Stellar
Stellar is an open-source blockchain platform for efficiency and faster cross-border payments. It allows developers to build secure blockchain apps and issue assets. It has its Consensus Protocol (SCP) that ensures fast and efficient transactions. It has its cryptocurrency called Lumens (XLM).
Key features-
It confirms transactions in 5 seconds with low fees.
It connects banks, payment processes, and users for efficient cross-border transactions.
Users can issue, buy, and sell digital assets like currencies and commodities.
Stellar integrates with the crucial network for real banking connections.
Developers can use SDKs to build applications.
4. Corda
Corda is a blockchain platform widely used by financial organizations and businesses. It maintains a unique identity across networks, minimizing security risks, and supporting regulatory compliance. Corda is designed for enterprises that want to adhere to regulatory compliance and interoperability, distinguishing it from other blockchain platforms like Ethereum.
Key features-
Corda supports multiple groups interacting on one network with secure identity management.
It ensures privacy with permissioned access to data and secures digital asset movement.
Corda complies with ISO 20022 and ISDA CDM regulations, focusing on identity and transaction integrity.
Developers use languages like Java or Kotlin to develop smart contracts and applications on Corda.
The Flow Framework guides nodes through ledger updates like asset issuance or trade settlement.
5. Ethereum 
Ethereum is the go-to blockchain platform for new projects. It introduced smart contracts and offers a virtual environment for creating decentralized apps easily. It is used to develop decentralized apps, NFTs, and smart contracts using Solidity programming. It now uses Proof of Stake for better energy efficiency and sustainable solutions.
Key features-
Ethereum is decentralized, secure, and immutable.
It is compatible with smart contracts for diverse decentralized applications.
The Ethereum Virtual Machine is a foundation for blockchain platforms adopting smart contracts.
Ethereum has Layer 2 chains to boost scalability and lower transaction costs.
6. Multichain
Multichain is a platform for businesses to create custom, private blockchains that can interact with each other. It is a flexible and scalable solution for specialized blockchain solutions.
Multichain ensures fast, secure, and cost-effective data transfer between blockchains. 
Key features-
Multichain creates and connects blockchains quickly.
It supports Ethereum, Layer 2 chains, Bitcoin, and COSMOS chains.
It supports unlimited digital assets and tokens, ensuring verification across the network.
Users can create diverse databases for data storage, and controlling transactions and assets.
Multichain ensures interoperability between different blockchains.
It reduces technical complexity for developers.
You must connect with a leading Blockchain Consulting to understand your blockchain platform’s requirements. 
Also Read: Blockchain App Development Cost
Tips to Select a Blockchain Platform for Your Business
While choosing the blockchain platform for your business, consider the following things.
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 Your platform should be scalable and can handle growing transactions and user base. Most of the businesses fail as they fail to scale due to their choice of platforms. Make your choice based on quality, affordability, and ease of use, especially for less transaction-intensive applications.
You must understand what type of blockchain you want for your business. Decide between public, private, or hybrid blockchain based on needs. Public offers open access but less control, private offers more control and security, while hybrid combines both for flexible data management.
Choose the blockchain platform that supports multiple programming languages to ensure compatibility with development needs and team skills.
Check what consensus mechanism (e.g., Proof of Work, Proof of Burn, or Proof of Stake) is supported by your blockchain platform, as it significantly affects network security and performance. 
Ensure the platform supports smart contracts. These automated programs enforce agreements on the blockchain, streamlining processes and reducing intermediaries.
Choose a Blockchain development company for better and more efficient Blockchain Development Services.
Blockchain Platforms for Investors
Many blockchain platforms are used by investors to tokenize their digital assets. Some of them are-
Bitcoin IRA
Build Scalable Blockchain Applications with OnGraph
OnGraph is a leading blockchain app development company for full-stack blockchain development services. We have expert blockchain developers who have successfully launched a Web3 decentralized platform- ROVI for everyone to trade, play games, wallet, and more. 
Connect with OnGraph for next-gen Blockchain app development services. From custom blockchain development services to readymade solutions, we can help your business scale and launch faster than ever.
What makes OnGraph unique?
Blockchain experts
Implement the latest security and regulatory measures
24x7 support
Full-stack blockchain app development
Connect with us.
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smalllifeblogger · 2 years
The Internet of Things for connecting devices to human value
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The Internet of Things for connecting devices to human value
Resource Link: https://tinyurl.com/35tr29w7
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our-babl-world · 6 years
Schnellste und skalierbarste Blockchain Plattform in Japan?
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Japans größte Bank die MUFG will bei der Entwicklung der Schnellsten und Skalierbarsten Blockchain Plattform mit Akamai Technologies zusammenarbeiten. Bis Ende diesen Jahres soll dies in die Testphase gehen und mit einigen ausgewählten Personen dann in der Praxis erprobt werden.
Bank MUFG gibt die Entwicklung der Blockchain Plattform in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt.
Die größte Bank Japans MUFG hat in einer Pressemitteilung bekanntgegeben, dass sie in einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Akamai Technologies eine Plattform entwickeln werden, die nicht nur für Kryptowährungen sondern auch für das IoT (Internet of Things) und weiteren Technologien verwendet werden soll. Dazu soll es wahrscheinlich einen eigenen internen "Mufg Coin" geben, dieser soll die hauseigene Währung dann bilden. Dieser ist dafür gedacht, dass die Bezahlung der verschiedenen Partner beschleunigt wird und zugleich die Kosten gesenkt werden. Mit der gemeinsamen Partnerschaft soll es ermöglicht werden, die weltweit sicherste und skalierbarste Blockchain Plattform, die cloudbasiert sein soll, zu schaffen. Laut der Pressemitteilung soll diese dann bis zu 1 Million Transaktionen in 1 Sekunde bewerkstelligen können. Das Potential könnte aber bis zu 10 Millionen Transaktionen pro Sekunde ausbaufähig sein. Original Aussage laut Pressemitteilung: As a result, MUFG and Akamai verified that by using this new blockchain technology under realistic business conditions, Akamai’s platform was capable to process transactions in less than 2 seconds, processing a million transactions per second. There is also potential to further develop this processing ability, permitting the handling of 10 million transactions per second. Dieser Test soll mit rund 100000 Freiwilligen beginnen und ausgeweitet werden. Wie wir aus dieser News Seite entnehmen können, soll dies durch eine App ermöglicht werden, bei der dann das eingezahlte Kapital direkt in die "Mufg Coins" umgewandelt werden soll. Wir werden hier auf jeden Fall dranbleiben, ob sich diese hochgesteckten Ziele mit der Blockchain Plattform verwirklichen lassen. So nun noch eines in eigener Sache. Es kommen in letzter Zeit immer mehr positive Nachrichten in Sachen Blockchain zum Vorschein. Ich denke dies ist der richtige Weg. (meine Meinung) Read the full article
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