#block me if you 💔 autistic dirk sorry anon
frenchfriedgiraffe · 3 months
i dont understand how people see dirk as autistic. he’s just traumatized and less socialized because he grew up in black wing. people will see any eccentric man with social difficulties and label it as autism.
i originally wasn’t going to answer this but i decided i will because why not. if you dont think dirk is autistic then thats fine, your allowed to have that opinion, but your wording is making it seem like dirk isnt allowed to be viewed as autistic at all, which is not nice.
dirk is allowed to be autistic and traumatised. while a lot of his actions and behaviour can be linked back to what happened at blackwing, the reason i personally hc him as autistic is because a lot of his actions fit a with him having autism, and arent really related to blackwing. the thing i can think off the top of my head is he stims a lot, which cant really be explained by “less socialisation”
anyway if you dont vibe with this headcanon sorry to break it to you but i will keep posting about it
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