#blk team
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by ShermanZAtank Created April 15, 2012 https://tf2freakshow.fandom.com/wiki/CyborMedic
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mypastnow · 2 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Y'all love saying Miles Morales and Hobie Brown listens to shitty black male artists just because they're black but if i said they're Meet Me @ The Altar stans,y'all would get mad as hell🙄
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doktorlarkey · 4 months
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kinda guy to come up to you with molly and beg you to do it with him
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el-conejo-negro · 11 months
Patiently waiting on Hollow Knight: Silksong like...
(I know it'll be well worth the wait)
"Larger Cousin" digital, 2023
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the-thresher-shark · 5 months
CYN team's soldier and CYN team's Joron (my character)
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And also
BLK team's Engineer and WHT team's Virun (this is an adult Virun so they look very very different from my other posts of Virun)
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes:
✨yang xiao schlong✨
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ultra-force-au · 16 days
Bra Försök! …Men Nej
Sammanfattning: Röd försöker vara flörtig, Gul tar det inte.
Rating: G
Genre: Romans/Humor
Förhållanden: Före Röd/Gul, underförstådd Svart/Gul
Varningar: Ingen
Språk: Svenska
"Usch, måste vi?" Frågade Gul fruktansvärt.
Svart nickade helt enkelt. Han visste lika mycket som alla andra hur mycket hon skulle hata detta. Han sträckte ut sin hand.
"Jag är rädd så har, Gul. Om du inte behövde komma skulle jag mer än gärna låta dig bli kvar, men eftersom du gör..."
Hon stönade och suckade. Hennes händer gick mot armarna, som om hon redan kände kylan krypa på henne som en spindel som krypande på köttet. Röd lade sin arm runt hennes axlar.
"Tja hej, det finns inget att oroa sig för… Kompis." Röd blickade åt henne.
Han gjorde en fingerpistol och klickade ett par gånger för att lägga till den. Gul glodde på honom och sköt dolkar i hans själ. Hennes knytnäve förvandlades till hennes vapen medan hon lyfte det.
"Kalla mig 'kompis' sådär igen, Röd, så kommer du att träffa Lady Tomahawk nummer ett här." Hon hotade. "Och ta armen från mig."
Han rörde sig snabbt och höll sina händer upp.
"Okej, okej! Fan, Gul, du behöver inte vara så."
Hennes knytnäve gick tillbaka till det normala. Hon log.
"Nå, nu behöver jag inte."
"Kan ni behålla det här till senare?" Svart begärde. "Vi har inte tid för det här."
"Ja, förlåt, Svartis." Hon skrockade nervöst.
Hon tog hans hand och de gick ut. Röd följde efter dem. Han suckade tyst och glatt. Gul var läskig och kunde definitivt sparka honom i röv om hon ville, men wow, det var det som fick honom att älska henne så mycket. Spännande skrämmande men vackert sött.
Gul skulle vara Röds död en dag, han visste det bara.
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roseamongroses · 2 months
im planning something or whatever that yall wont see for a good year or so tbh but imma now ik what those power scaling bros feel like planning these matches out cause
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spikebit · 10 months
i am getting sooo close to finishing my digimon team in cybersleuth and i just know i'm gonna lose all desire to play this game once i'm done
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starlooove · 1 year
About that last reblog I agree 10000% but I can’t help but feel frustrated bc not even just woc, but poc in general have been saying this shit for YEARS and it’s just now that’s impacting yt women that ppl care and making posts spelling it out as if it’s some profound knowledge or conspiracy theory that they had to work hard to connect 💀
#maybe I’m just being a hater#I’m prolly just being a hater#but like. yeah. the prison system is built in racism and actively takes the rights of those imprisoned#we knew this since immediate post slavery#where they literally said no more slavery unless ur in jail#and yeah. the Justice system and prison system go hand in hand to create these situations where minorities are imprisoned at a higher rate#we knew this since immediate post slavery.#where they made laws about where black people could fucking stand.#like I’m glad ppl are getting with the program and all#but ur late as fuck and it doesn’t feel like ur gonna catch up till they screw you over again#and by that team we’ll be fucked twice#like in conclusion#thanks but it would’ve been nice if you listened when we said it#and don’t get me wrong like I understand not knowing everything all the time#but like. the prison system is bad should not have been something you learned in 2023 bc of a tweet about abortion im sorry#like for that to happen you’re either real young or just. ignored everything happening in 2020#with BLM#and I’m using BLM as a starting point bc I genuinely saw how many of y’all were like. shocked at what native and blk ppl specifically go-#-through so despite the thought that it was nothing new I see it as a net positive#but if you were over 20 then and just had the realization that the prison system sucks now?#where have you been the last 3 years 😭#I think I’m just in a bad mood but whatever#and it’s not the post itself#it’s more like the reaction in the notes#mfs going ‘OMMMG!!!!’ liek yeah okk now what?#what are u gonna do moving forward?#let’s stop sitting and staring and move forward
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romaevelizz · 6 months
Crybaby ˖ ࣪⊹
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K. TSUKISHIMA x Fem!reader ˖ ࣪⊹
Sum: Kei hated it how easily he let the team get to his head. What did they know, she was his crybaby after all.
Warnings: none, fluff, crybaby coded reader, kei being love sick, occ kei(kinda)!not proofread Tho reader is blk coded I hope everyone enjoys!
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
It was wierd the team thought as they watched their middle blocker standing in front of a girl with a tear stained face. Of course their first thought is he made her cry, but that was not the case. They couldn’t help but watch as this happened multiple times before practice until Kageyama said something.
“Who’s that crybaby you stand with after practice?” He asked making Tsukishima stop tying his shoe immediately glaring up at the setter.
“Yeah making pretty girls cry huh Tsukishima!” Noya yelled pushing the blondes head.
Kei leaned up pushing Nishinoya off him “No I’m not, and don’t fucking call her a crybaby.” He spoke making eye contact with Kageyama.
“Why is she your girlfriend?” Kageyama scoffed.
“Yeah she is jackass.” A lot of the team definitely was not expecting that answer out of him. Tsukishima with a girl who’s known for being whinny, with as little patience as they know Tsukishima has she’s his girlfriend.
“No way! How is that pretty girl going out with a bully like you!” Hinata shouted.
Because he was soft with that pretty girl. Of course kei teased her for crying easily and over the most stupidest things but he was alway there to comfort her if needed. His hand squishing her tear stained face tell her it’s all right and not to be dramatic, but earns a punch for call her dramatic.
But it didn’t matter what the team thought of them, because they honestly held heavy doubts, that maybe he was to harsh with her or even mean. He didn’t think he was and she never said anything. She would right if his words ever hurt her she’d speak up. Right?
His eyes looked over to her as they walked through the night market hand in hand, a smile on her glossy lips as she looked around the food trucks. He hated that he could tell him self that he didn’t care what others thought but it did, it bothered him a lot. Was he the reason she cried sometimes, that his snotty remarks actually hurt her feelings. How could he do that to her. How could he make her cry what kind of boyfriend was he if he made her cry.
He made her hurt didn’t he? The reason her pretty face was always wet with tears?
He blinked. “Yo are ya with me!” She laughed waving her hand in front of his face. “Am i distracting you” she teased.
“Tsk- no you’re not.” He scoffed.
“Booo! But anyways what has you all airheaded?” She asked tilting her head slightly her braids moving to the side with her motion.
“Nothing.” He hummed.
She pressed her lips together squinting at her boyfriend, his eyes staring into her dark ones. “Will you quite that.” He asked a small smile appearing in his face as his hand pushed her face away.
Even with the moments they shared, he continued to let it eat at him. They moved to a more secluded area sitting on the grass food in hand. He watched her as she ate, and talked, about anything and everything. He just listened, as she went on, smiling at small things she said.
How did he get so lucky.. a polar opposite that didn’t annoy him. Her melanin skin glowing under the street light as they ate her smile wide and so bright. Kei let his hand fall into his hand as she continued talking admiring her.
“So are you gonna tell me what’s wrong.” She asked.
She looked up as him her smile going away “what’s going through your head, I know better.” She did she knew him, mind you he hadn’t made any comment on what she was talking about nothing not even a snarky remark teasing her.
“So what is it baby?” She spoke leaning back in her hands.
He looked away from her gaze “nothing just something stupid.” He sighed closing his eyes.
He could feel her roll her eyes, the sound of her body shifting her now sitting right in-front of him. The feeling of her hands holding his face made him open his eyes.
“It’s nothikng don’t worry your tiny little head about it.” He spoke softly.
“Don’t lie what is it Kei? You know you have to talk to me to.” She spoke her brows frowning, don’t do that he thought.
“I understand but it’s nothing just letting people get to me head alright?” He spoke his hand squishing her cheeks her hands not yet leaving his face.
“Who? Is it about you-“
“It’s about us.”
She looked at him “bad things?”
He shrugged his shoulders “I guess..”
Her hands left his face, letting herself get comfortable on his lap her face close to his. “Tell me baby..”
He only looked at her for a moment his eyes looking at her lips then back to her eyes. “Do I ever make you sad?”
She tilted her head giving him an are you crazy look. “See I told you it was stupid.” He huffed.
“Why would people thing that, are they saying that?”
“Yes.” He groaned his head falling into her shoulder.
“Why?” She laughed.
He shot back pinching her cheeks “because you’re a crybaby!” He scoffed.
“Nuh uh!” She whined.
“Yuh huh!” He laughed.
Letting go of her face he watched her pout “I’m not a cry baby just open with my emotions!” She sassed.
“Uh huh sure you crybaby.” He spoke his hands resting in her hips.
“But it’s okay, you’re my crybaby.”
She smiled “shut up that’s so lame!” She scoffed pushing him.
“I thought it was good.”
“Lame!” She laughed.
“Yeah then why are you laughing you idiot!”
“Because that was cringy and stupid nothing my boyfriend would ever say.” She groaned her laughter causing him to smile.
“Whatever you idiot I can be romantic.” He said.
“Yeah I know you can but with actions not so much words.”
He scoffed “really!”
She hummed crossing her arms, making his eyes twitch “get off of me, that irritated me.”He spoke pushing her.
“Whatever! You love it.” She said getting back in his face.
He only raised a brow, “ya know ya do.” She whispered leaning on her hands, their lips grazing against one another.
“Want me to kiss you sweetheart?” He asked.
She grinned “I should be asking you that sir, you’ve been looking at me lips all evening.” She hummed.
He let her get closer their lips barely touching befor pulling away, “UGH! Why do you do that!” She whined.
“You gave me attitude.” He shrugged a grin on his face.
He watched as she fell back dramatically “you hate me!” She groaned.
“Mmhm sure do.” She sighs looking down at her smiling at her dramatic pose.
He let her complain a bit more befor leaning down kissing her lips. Only to be pulled by her for a real kiss. “Feel better…” he whispered a little breathless.
“Alway fee better when you’re here with me.” She said pushing his glasses up.
Yeah they didn’t know shit about them. He’d never hurt her, he never wanted to. She would be the only one to get true kindness out of him. Because he couldn’t afford losing her.
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Req are open!!! (Plz send something I’m desperate 😞)
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mypastnow · 4 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
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Kept forgetting to post this convo me and @kitkatperce had like i've been meaning to!
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slut4hee · 1 month
Never Have I Ever, Fell In Love With A Psycho | S.JY Teaser
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{Paring: Ghostface Jake x Blk Cheerleader Fem! Reader
Release date: Tba
{Synopsis: You are the Star Cheerleader of Woodsboro University, Highly favored by your professors and well loved by your peers. You’re known for being a kind hearted soul, who volunteers to help host the charity events at your school and playing your role as the notorious team captain of the cheer squad. So what could you have possibly done to become Ghostface’s target?
{Genre: smut, serial killer themes, angst, Jake is batshit crazy, college au, 18+ so (mdni).
{Warnings: explicit scenes, rough sex, oral (m&r receiving), unprotected sex, breeding kink, cum eating, knife play, dirty talk, fingering, pet names, mentions of murder, possessive behavior, obsession (Jake), stalking, character death (not reader or Jake), Jealousy, one sided love at first (Jake), profanities, kidnapping.
Your heart pounds out of your chest rapidly as tears and your now ruined eyeliner runs down your face. You sprint through the hallways of the school running for dear life, hoping and praying that whatever fucked up nightmare this was you will wake up from it soon. You can hear their eerie dark voice and evil menacing laugh behind you causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up.
Your vision is blurred from the tears that won’t stop falling from your eyelids, fear consumes you whole as you hear the footsteps getting closer and closer to you. Your breathing is ragged, your heart feels like it’s gonna explode any minute from the adrenaline that’s rushing through your veins.
They’re hot on your tail, you can hear them everywhere around you, from behind you, and in your head completely taking over your brain cells. Finally barging into a empty classroom you lock the door shut.
You spot a storage closet making your way into it, you place your hand over your mouth trying to ground yourself from making any noise while trying to control your breathing. You hear what sounds like the sound of metal dragging against the wall piercing through your eardrums.
The waterworks continues as you try to calm yourself down, fighting the urge to scream out loud because you’re so damn terrified. Your heart sinks to your stomach when you hear the door to the classroom slam open.
You hear footsteps walking slowly across the perfectly polished vinyl floors. A knife can be heard being slowly dragged against the desk causing a horrible sound to echo throughout the classroom causing your breath to hitch.
Your eyes go wide when you realize you given yourself away and you pray to god you wake up from this shitty nightmare as soon as possible. The footsteps grow closer to the storage closet as you peak out the little opening of the closet door.
A figure can be seen wearing a black hooded robe, a white skull like mask, and black gloves. You’re full on going into a state of panic when you recognize the masked person from the news and pictures and posters that’s been posted all around campus.
You heard the masked killer goes by Ghostface and he’s known for being a very heartless brutal serial killer. he’s killed 20 people so far and your heart sinks knowing you will mark the 21st person he murders if he was to kill you.
Just as you are processing the information in your head the door to the closet door swings open and you’re met with none other then Ghostface himself. Your heart feels like it’s not beating anymore as time seems to stop.
You don’t move a muscle, completely frozen and paralyzed from the fear and anxiety that’s coursing through your veins. The masked person slightly tilts their head to the side almost like they’re studying your every move.
Finally building up enough strength to speak you decide to do what anyone would do in this situation, beg for their life to spared.
“P-Please don’t kill me, I haven’t done anything wrong to you please I don’t want to die I’ll do anything you want just please don’t murder me” you plead from the bottom of your heart, hoping Ghostface will let you go. The masked figure doesn’t say a word but just stares at you. His breathing coming in steady and calm causing a gut wrenching chill to run down your spine.
suddenly the masked figure starts to chuckle lowly almost mockingly as they bring the cold metal knife to your chin gently lifting your face being careful to not cut through your pretty brown skin and finally they speak.
“Oh Y/n baby, how could you think so little of me? You think I would hurt the most precious thing I hold dearly to me? Do you think I would harm you my darling love, I’m so disappointed in you my love I thought you would’ve known better” the masked figure leans closer to your face, you can feel his hot breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear.
“You mean the world to me my sweet baby, I could never harm you I will kill myself before I lay a finger on you my dear” they hum reassuringly, tucking one of your braids behind your ear.
“W-Who are you! I-I don’t even know who you are how could you possibly be in love with me” you managed to blurt out despite of being scared for your life. Your eyes widened when the masked figure slowly removes their mask, revealing none other than Jake Sim, the top student in your physics class, the guy who never really speaks to anyone, the guy who sits in the back distant from everyone, the guy who nobody would have thought would be committing these horrible murders.
“What’s wrong baby girl? Surprised to see me” Jake smirks at you with an evil unhinged smile, the fear consumes you still, but the flutter in your stomach and the way your heart skips a beat has you questioning your sanity and now you find yourself asking yourself are you just as insane as him?
To be continued…
A/n: eeeee I’m so excited to write this story, I’m so down bad for Ghostface Jake so I know I’m gonna be creaming nonstop while writhing this 😭 but guys I hope you enjoy the teaser because i literally suck at writing them. Please feel free to reblog, share, comment, and like muah 💋.
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mascdestr0yer · 5 months
But I like it. . .
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Paige bueckers x fem!blk!reader
warnings: none
Synopsis: Paige and you have been together since you were both juniors in highschool. Now you both are seniors in college So while Paige was at practice and you've already booked your appointment, it was perfect timing to get your tattoo . . . of Paige's name.
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"I bought Chick-fil-A, you hungry?" I huffed as I heard my girlfriend come inside our apartment, I slowly walked out of our shared bathroom.
"yeah, a bit," I mumbled walking into the kitchen. She raised a bow at me, her hands resting on her hips. "A bit? I barely saw you today and you're already lying,"
"I'm not lying, it's not my fault you're a big back," I rolled my eyes, walking past her towards the refrigerator to get water. "Big back? Oh no baby never that," she sassed out, and I laughed a little. "Girl bye."
"why do you have tape behind your ear?" She peered over my shoulder, getting a closer look. "Move," I whined, gently pushing her head away, "it's not tape stupid."
"then what is it stupid?" She mocked me, and I rolled my eyes.
"I got a tattoo.." I mumbled.
"I got a-"
"heard you the first time, why? What does it say?" She gently grabs my waist pulling me closer, looking at my tattoo. She looks at it and sees 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓰𝓮 behind my ear. She looks down at me with a smirk.
"we're like chrisean and blue face," she joked and my face dropped.
"you play too much,"
"baby, I was just kidding." She softly tilted my chin up, "I like it."
"really?" My eyes lit up with excitement.
"yeah, I should get a tattoo of your name, but on my-"
We're cuddled up on the couch, watching law and order svu.
"it's fake.." I mumbled softly, burying my face more into her chest. It took her a moment to comprehend what I just said.
"no ring, no tattoo."
"bro I told basically my whole team about it," she groaned, sitting up with me in her lap.
"who's fault is that?"
"yours! You lied to me,"
"shh it's 10 at night, my love."
"my bad, but you still lied to me."
"it's just a tattoo,"
"but I liked it.." she mumbled with pout, being overly dramatic, Paige being Paige.
"we can get matching real ones next week,"
"really?" Her pout quickly fading, her hand gave my waist a small squeeze.
"kill yourself."
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