#blindspot s4 speculation
Far fetched theory but (from what @kate-dammit-run said about secret brother/cousin, answer to my ask and @indelibleevidence said about Helios); what if Madeline and Silas Burke adopted the third Kruger child? 🤔🤯
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take2intotheshower · 6 years
I have not heard anything about Jane daughter being apart of season 4. just wondering will she be written out.
There has been a lot of speculation about whether Avery will have a part to play in Season 4, and at this moment we still don’t know. None of the bts shots we have seen so far have indicated that Kristina Reyes has been present on set or at the read-throughs. 
It does seem very strange that, at a moment when we have Kurt slowly recuperating after major surgery and Jane suffering mentally and physically from the effects of ZIP poisoning, Avery has not so far featured in the publicity for the new Season. It would be a huge opportunity missed if we don’t get to see Remi interacting with her daughter. Perhaps we will be told that Avery has been helping to care for Kurt at home, and that now he is back at work, she has left for college or university.  
Characters on this show do have a habit of disappearing once their purpose has been served. Sofia anyone?  
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poorreputation · 5 years
SPN 15X04 Atomic Monsters: Notes
Episode Summary (via IMDB): Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious death of a girl and the disappearance of another.
Written By: Davy Perez
Directed By: Jensen Ackles
Tagging: @thegalwhorants @emblue-sparks @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @sudo-apt-get-destiel @wildligia @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @stopmakingfaces (peeps put in bold are those tumblr won’t let me tag. It’s tumblr, what else is new?)
Spoilers below the cut:
Pre-Episode Thoughts:
A bit late, I know, but there's some things I wanna think out before going into this episode, that will affect my mood while watching.
1) This will be a Cas-less episode, and I have no idea when he will return. At least this time Cas will have left on his own terms, so maybe his absence will have a different feel to it, but I still strongly dislike episodes when he's gone. There truly feels like there's a void in the show, in the characters' interpersonal dynamics, without Cas there.
2) The tone of this episode. Sam and Dean investigate cheerleader deaths at Beaverdale, what hi-jinks will ensue? It could be a vintage bait-and-switch by Davy Perez, with us going "It's another MotW episode...? In the midst of a Destiel break-up? And an episode that's weirdly upbeat and cheery?" And that throws me off, quite a bit, especially considering this was the first episode filmed this season, as it's directed by Jensen Ackles. Was Jensen given a more light-hearted script as his final directorial episode for SPN? Or, is this actually going to be a heavy episode in disguise, to throw off the crowd who just want the show to be Sam&Dean against the world? Kinda like 13X05... (Yockey wrote that episode, but Perez was, according to IMDB, an executive story editor)
3) It's Davy, so I expect good things, and PR isn't showrunning, but I'm always cautious with Cas-less episodes. The Cas gap in S13, starting at the midseason finale, was especially frustrating (and set up by Buckleming, so that explains the quality). This is Davy, I need to have good vibes. 
Episode Thoughts:
- We begin at the Bunker, lights red, Dean kicking some Demon ass. Looks like it's part of Sam's vision from 15X01.
- Benny? Not that Benny? (It is, played by Ty Olsson)
- Dean's looking for someone. Probably Sam.
- Namedropping Sioux Falls, Bobby and Jody, murdering people? Sam taking Demon blood, killing Dean. All a dream, just a dream? A premonition?
- So far, the episode's very heavy. Dean mentions Jack, Rowena, but not Cas. The absence of Cas' name, or even Sam bringing him up, at least not yet, we're meant to notice.
- Sam insisting Dean work the case alone. Even the Bros-only, Monster of the Week episode is muted.
- The girl who's dead, Susie, had a best friend named Veronica. Another of the students then comments how Veronica is mourning, 'Like a piece of my heart is gone'. So, best friends, maybe something more, separated by death, in the first episode since the Destiel breakup? Nothing queer here.
- Dean's day-drinking. When's the last time he's done that? S13 grief-arc?
- Becky married? With kids? Eeeeew, Chuck's stalking her.
- Becky talks about how she turned her dark obsession into something, unbelievably, healthy. She actually feels shame for the stuff she did to Sam in S7.
- Looks like Billy, Susie's friend, is a part of a Vampire nest. Or, is it just the Dad? But, the Mom looks like she's in charge. I don't know if the Dad would do anything without her approval.
- As a result of Becky's pep-talk, Chuck begins to write, again.
- Sam and Dean show up at Billy's place, confronting the Dad. I still think the Mom's involved, but I'm not sure about Billy, himself.
- Maybe Billy's the Vampire, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone. But, his parents are getting him the blood he needs, without his asking.
- Becky critiquing Chuck's work, especially the part where 'there's no mention of Cas'. The ultimate Bronly and Wincest shipper is really a Cas fan, a TFW fan. I know, I saw the Funko Pops on the mantle.
- Billy's a Jack mirror. "I killed someone I loved". Billy to Susie, Jack to Mary. And, in an episode with Benny, a Vampire with a heart of gold, who befriended Dean, and was killed by Dean, and Dean's now gotta kill Billy.
- (Speculation) Sam's visions are actually Chuck's ideas for an ending. That's it, Chuck's been wavering on an ending, and his ideas are leaking to Sam. Now that Chuck's certain of the ending, regardless of the destination, maybe Sam's visions will get more frequent, detailed. 
- So, still no mention of Cas (on Chuck's end). Maybe like in S4 with Lilith, Cas will be a dark horse, coming from Chuck's blindspot.
- Now, the Sam and Dean Funko Pops are on the desk with Chuck, as he continues to write.
Post episode thoughts:
-Billy was executed by Dean, while Sam stood in the background, as Billy was on his knees. Hell, Billy's Dad, now that I think about it, was a Cas mirror: willing to take the blame for his son's actions. The imagery of the Mom holding Sam and Dean at gunpoint makes me think of Dean to Jack (Or Dean in general). There's also the Mom's need for day-drinking, paralleled with Dean's.
-Earlier in the episode, during Sam's dream, when Dean says Sam went to Sioux Falls and did something bad to Bobby and Jody, does he mean AU!Bobby? Why would that Bobby be in Sioux Falls in the first place, everyone outside of the Wayward crew thinks he’s dead. Would Jody have called in backup, and AU!Bobby would’ve gotten killed along with her?
-Sam and Dean confronted Veronica, and there's an emphasis on Dean calling out Veronica's eulogy for Susie. As I stated earlier, Veronica and Susie being mirrors for Dean and Cas. Dean, who's spent the whole of 15X04 trying to cheer-up a distressed Sam, while being the living embodiment of the "This is Fine" meme. Dean, who then tries to invalidate Veronica's grief, believing she's putting on an act, because that's exactly what Dean's doing, now.
Those are my thoughts for this week’s episode! This was a really meaty episode, one I’m sure Dean could get behind (Bless you, Davy).
If you like my stuff, and want to be tagged in future notes/metas, let me know!
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janedoetattoos · 5 years
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Blindspot Season Four Finale Survey Results!
Thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! I love getting to see what everyone thinks will happen! Tonight we’ll find out if our predictions are correct!
1. Will our main characters still be working for the FBI at the end of the season?
Yes = 17.95%
Yes, but they will be plotting against the FBI secretly = 15.38%
No, they will go rogue = 64.10%
Other = 2.56%  Response: Patterson and Reade still work at the FBI but are rogue agents getting details and researching for everyone else who have all left
2. Do you think the tattoo cases are done or will we see another this season?
They won’t solve any other tattoos this season = 40.00%
I think they still have another one or two they can crack = 60.00%
3. Do you think Reade and Zapata will officially get together before the end of the season?
Yes = 65.00%
No = 35.00%
4. Do you think Weitz will still be the Director of the FBI by the end of the season?
Yes = 55.00%
No = 45.00%
5. Did Kurt’s mom lie about anything?
She lied about her current drug addiction situation = 30.00%
She lied about why she left Kurt and his sister with their dad = 30.00%
She lied about how extensive her connection with Shepherd was = 57.50%
She did not lie about anything, she was telling the truth = 2.50%
We won’t find out, so it will be left up to speculation = 55.00%
6. Do you think any of these characters will show up again before the season ends?
Kurt’s mom = 17.50%
Nas =17.50%
Avery = 22.50%
Boston = 67.50%
Surprise! A character we previously thought was dead! = 22.50%
No one = 15.00%
I think another person not mentioned will appear = 7.50% Had three responses which were: Keaton, Keaton, and Lincoln
7. Will anyone on the team be arrested?
Jane will be arrested = 75.00%
Kurt will be arrested = 5.56%
Zapata will be arrested = 30.56%
Reade will be arrested = 8.33%
Patterson will be arrested = 16.67%
Rich Dotcom will be arrested = 16.67%
(I saw 4 people skipped this question, so I’m assuming they think no one will be arrested. Looking back, I should have made that an option, my apologies.)
8. Do you think anyone will not survive the remaining episodes?
I think all the main characters will live = 67.50%
I think Jane will die = 0
I think Kurt will die = 2.50%
I think Patterson will die = 0
I think Zapata will die = 2.50%
I think Reade will die = 2.50%
I think Rich Dotcom will die = 0
I think Dominic will die = 60.00%
I think Madeline will die = 32.50%
I think Weitz will die = 5.00%
I think Someone else will die = 7.50% There were three responses: Brianna, Kathy, and Kathy
9.  Last question! Any guesses as to what the cliffhanger will be for this season? There were 20 responses:
I think the team will be on the run in various countries, working outside the law
I think it may end with someone getting hurt/arrested, most likely Jane or Tasha
Jane and Kurt will go rogue, but when they run they find out the rest of the team joined them so they can stick together.
The team are suspected of terrorism and there are warrants out for their arrests? Maybe? It's so hard to call this one!
The FBI will run to the government agencies
Idk but imma die
I think that Madeline and Dominic will frame the team (with the help of Weitz) for Helios and then the team will have to go on the run together to avoid being arrested.
I think it's the team losing their jobs or getting on the wanted list and becoming fugitives and having to go on the run. I think maybe Rich is the only one who could still be an FBI employee by the end of s4.
Besides Madeline's threat on the East coast, I think Weitz will go through with the threat to Kurt to label Jane a terrorist then Kurt will go down too for "aiding and abetting" Then the entire team eventually has terrorist charges against them. So they all go rogue.
Jane gets arrested, and the team go rogue to save her.
Weitz will be trapped under an avalanche or hanging over a crevasse as he goes after our team, and they have to decide whether to turn back and save him or save themselves.
The team has to flee from the authorities because Weitz tells the truth about Jane's misdeeds while she was Remi.
Wietz throws the team under the bus by framing them to save his own ass and the team becomes 'FBI Most Wanted' They will be spending the next season working together as a covert team to clear their names.
I’m not much of a Jeller fan, really. But, I’m sure that something will split Jane and Kurt or someone wants to cause strife between them. And I’m sure someone (or plural) is going to die.
Jane is a Illuminate member.
Rich and Patterson get together. We will find out Patterson's first name.
Maybe with the whole Patterson and Rich situation that’s currently going on. They are kind of screwed if anyone finds out, which seems high considering Dominic of course is involved. So maybe them getting arrested. Possibly something with Borden or maybe with Reade, he hasn’t gotten too much storyline as of late—besides with Tasha and him dancing around each other instead of telling one another how they feel.
Car crash or something in Iceland like a blizzard
Jane is taken to a black site.
Bethany kidnapped
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take2intotheshower · 6 years
what do you think will be Jane reaction when she find out that Tasha had something to do with Blake killing Roman?
I think the main problem will be that we have a 1-2 month time jump when we start Season 4, during which a lot could have happened in terms of the information Remi has collected. I’m hoping we will get flashbacks.
She should find out about Roman’s death on or shortly after the day we left her. It only needs someone like Patterson to say at Kurt’s bedside “I’m so sorry, Jane. First your brother and now this.” Remi won’t know immediately how Roman died, but it would be natural for her to try and obtain details as quickly and as discreetly as possible. Patterson and Rich had already traced Blake’s phone to Cape Town (”Blake Crawford’s cell phone just went live in South Africa”), and they will soon be on her trail as the person most likely to have shot and killed Roman. No doubt the gun she used will lead them back to her anyway. Once Remi discovers the identity of her brother’s killer, Blake will be added to her hit list.
It’s not so easy to guess how and when Remi will learn of Tasha’s involvement in Roman’s death, but it does not bode well for Zapata when she does. During our “hiatus period” Reade and the team should have traced Blake to wherever she is now hiding out, and learned that Tasha is with her (via the Wizardville app or by other means). If the Writers leave this discovery until the start of S4, our team’s detective capabilities will have undergone an incredible decline. Cue huge feelings of betrayal in both Patterson and Reade, while Rich wonders whether the whole Tasha sacking scenario by the CIA might have been a set-up and that she could be working undercover. 
Remi’s number 1 priority will be to make contact with her old co-conspirators and get up to speed on what’s been happening while she’s been “out”. She will learn about Oscar, Markos, Shepherd and the others. She has already reached out to Hobbes, and we may even see her making contact with our old friend Rossi. And in her shoes I’d be hatching a plan to release Shepherd from the CIA’s clutches.
She daren’t spend much time alone in the company of her FBI “friends” at first for fear of breaking her cover, at least not until she has gathered some intel on her situation. Some mistakes could be put down to ZIP memory lapses, but not all. This assumes, of course, that Remi does not yet have Jane’s memories to help her. What would be intriguing would be if we get shifts back and forth between the Remi and Jane personas, helping Remi to fill in the gaps in her knowledge and enabling her to work alongside the team without raising too much suspicion.
Remi is going to need to be particularly careful around Kurt and her newly-discovered daughter. Kurt is going to be in ultra-protective mode where Jane is concerned, and he is going to be fixated on finding a cure to the exclusion of practically everything else - even his own welfare. But he is observant and he will notice changes in her behaviour, as will eagle-eyed Rich, of whom Remi as yet knows nothing…..  
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