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That made Kanan look up, he hadn’t realized before she’d mentioned it. “Huh…” He responded. “…get so used to seeing them, it’s weird when they’re not there.” He said, eyes focused on the sky now. “…makes everything seem…far away.”
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“It feels... wrong.” This was what the Empire did. The pollution was so thick on this planet from their factories that it even impaired piloting, and the sky was the same grey no matter the location or time of day. “Like there’s no sky at all. As if there’s a ceiling on the whole planet.” It made her feel trapped.
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thezabrakassassin · 6 years
@blindedspectre liked for a thing
“Now look who we got here....” The Zabrak sigh as he walked forward, the walking stick giving of a clinging sound together with the metallic scraping from his leggs. “I asume you need my help after all, or are you back for a lovely visit?”
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torrent-captain · 7 years
continued from here with @blindedspectre !
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Kanan let out a long breath, running a hand through his beard. “I get a couple hours or so, here and there.” He shrugged. Not that that sleep was very restful…but it was something, wasn’t it? “What about you?”
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Rex almost laughed. “About the same.”
A moment of awkward silence passed between them. Though he and Kanan had come a long way from when they had first met on the walker, Rex wasn’t sure if it was his place to ask what was troubling him. So he deflected. “So... how are your eyes?”
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onein5million · 7 years
Never far behind
Jax had no idea what to expect going to the new base of the Ghost Crew. After losing contact with Kanan for several weeks, the cryptic message from Sabine asking him to come had him more than worried. He had only been hurt, she said, but didn't elaborate on how badly. Just that Kanan needed him. But that just led to more questions.
Why did Kanan need him, of all people, for comfort? They were hardly as close as they used to be. Kanan had Hera now, and the rest of the Ghost crew. Why would he be needed for this? It baffled him. And all he could think of is that it had to be serious to worry Jax with it.
Approaching the base, he was met by Zeb and Sabine, who led him to Kanan's quarters. Neither seemed Keen on divulging what happened to their fearless leader, Zeb giving him a somber expression when he asked how he was.
Sabine chimed the bell to signal that she was opening the door, she and Zeb leaving Jax alone at the doorway to talk to him.
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ncctifer · 7 years
@blindedspectre con’t from here
TombRaider Starters (accepting) @ncctifer
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“Huh?” Kanan asked, slightly dazed. “Yeah, me, totally fine, why so worried?”
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“I always worry about you.” She scrunched up her eyebrows before raising a finger to point at the stalactite he’d almost bumped his head into. “If you’re not careful, you’ll knock your tall ass out before we even make it twenty feet into the cave.”
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sinsof-ourfathers · 7 years
blindedspectre replied to your post: {{Welp, the water pipes are frozen. Yaaay. Winter...
And here I am in California and it’s over 90 degrees
{{Mmmm, 90 degrees... Also, most of the people I know on this site seem to be from California. Must be the time zones.}}
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teelathedxmned · 7 years
for blindedspectre
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“---I’ve had to do shit I wasn’t proud of to survive Order 66. I’m not looking for sympathy.” 
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ghostpiloted · 7 years
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❛ eleven, ten, nine . . . ❜     she is glancing back and forth over her shoulder, rapidly, because he should have been on board nearly twenty seconds ago, and the ship they have taken is about to take off in a matter of seconds — and, of course, now, is the perfect ( not ) time for him to not be answering her ( though, this is always how it goes, for them, for the most part ). hera frowns to herself ( six, five ) before she calls again, impatiently,     ❛ kanan. ❜     the shuttle’s door snaps shut immediately, and she turns around, as it takes off, surprised to see that he did make it inside. a relieved sigh falls from her lips, despite her annoyance from the moment before. she turns back to piloting the stolen ship, silent until he lowered himself into the seat beside her.     ❛ it took you long enough, ❜     and, then,     ❛ you good? ❜      /     @blindedspectre.
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fiighters · 7 years
continued from: x | @blindedspectre​
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          more than anyone, sabine understood not wanting to talk about the past, especially your OWN. & more than anyone else, sabine also knew how hard it was to OPEN UP to people, no matter how close she grew to them. but... since sabine had been brought into the ghost crew family fold, she knew that talking about things was IMPORTANT. “believe me, kanan, i understand... but you’re going to have to, eventually. & who BETTER to talk about it with than with someone who understands?”
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swpositivity · 7 years
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@garczeb / @storygiver​ said:
special shoutout to @blindedspectre, @fireacrossthegalaxy, @part-of-a-spectre-six, @rebelresolve, and @cxptainsideburns because they've made me feel the most respected as a trans mun. the headcanons we all have for our characters and the aus we've shared are precious to me and i love every interaction i have with these lovely people! ( from garczeb, sideblog to storygiver )
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specterfour-blog · 7 years
Starter for blindedspectre
Zeb has walked pass by Kanan a few times already. He has no doubt the Jedi know he was there. He scratches the back of his neck a bit shyly. Never before has he felt shy about bothering him in meditation but recently her feel … he doesn’t know. Something has changed around Kanan, asking for me respect that before. Not that he didn’t respect him before. He finally steps to him. “Hey … can I bother you for a minute?” He asks.
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crdered-blog · 7 years
 “-- YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TRAINED EZRA?” Hondo asks in quite the CASUAL tone as he moved to lift one of the boxes of cargo on to the Ghost -- a gift he was delivering to the Rebellion, although of course not one without a price. The old pirate can’t help but let out a jovial LAUGH at his own words; not laughter of SHARP MOCKERY toward the other, but rather, laughter in delight at the situation he spoke of. “You have done well, Jedi. The boy is sharp as a vibroshiv.”
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«You are not the captain.» The vocabulator Hera had installed is an old one, scavenged off of a ship that was only useful for parts. It was static-y, and could only communicate in Binary, but it still worked. «Captain.HeraSyndulla should be the one at the controls.»
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