carnival-phantasm · 4 years
I’m not sure how long ago it was, but congrats on your first 12-shift!!! What department was it in? I’ve only done 12’s in the emergency department, but I enjoyed it a lot. There’s so much to learn!!!! I miss being in clinicals but patient safety comes first! I’m a senior in nursing school rn, and idek if we’re gonna be working hands on with patients at all during the fall semester because COVID is so bad here in America.... this shit is terrifying, ngl. I hope you stay safe and healthy!!!
It was in the gynecology and obstetrics, it will be my department for my first semester of internship in medschool. Covid-19 is also widespread here in Brazil, but at least where I work they do a good work isolating any pregnant patient with symptoms so we can wear "full armor" in case we need to check them.
Thanks, and stay safe too!
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