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okay so I was feeling veryyy tired and mehhh towards end of garba today BUT THEN THE DJ PPL PLAYED THIS SONG it was smth like "radha radha dhoond rahi kisi ne mera shyam dekha" and my heart was like 😍💙✨️ when they went "O RADHE RADHE" and it was so upbeat like they played it on the same beat as chogada...felt like kanhu being like CMON SAKHI U CANT BE SITTIN DOWN LIKE THAT U GOTTA JOIN IN 💃🦚🙏✨️
#it was mataranis and kanhus blessings bro#gopiblr#krishnablr#krishna#devi shailputri🙏#hope everyone had a good garba if they did it <3
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#MeriPheri wishes you all a joyful and blessed Govardhan Puja! ✨🌼#May Lord Krishna’s blessings bring prosperity#happiness#and strength to your home. Let's celebrate the spirit of devotion and unity as we honor the divine lifting of Govardhan Hill! 🌿🙏#GovardhanPuja#HappyGovardhan#MeriPheri#FestiveVibes#Blessings#LordKrishna#Celebration#Traditions
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#🌟🎉 Happy Janmashtami from SarabHerbs! 🎉🌟#Celebrate the joyous occasion of Lord Krishna’s birth with our range of herbal products that bring health and harmony to your life. 🕉️✨#May your day be filled with divine blessings#love#and prosperity. 🙏💫#HappyJanmashtami#SarabHerbs#HerbalWellness#DivineBlessings#KrishnaJanmashtami#HealthAndHarmony#AyurvedicHealing#NaturalCare#CelebrateHealth#3h#plants#ayurvedic#reading#nirvapain#urjashakti#success#nature
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It is better to perform one's own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another. By fulfilling the obligations one is born with, a person never comes to grief."
─ Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 47 《薄伽梵歌》,第 18 章,第 47 節。
■ 印度教 黑天 Krishna (Hinduism )/ God of protection、 Compassion、 Tenderness and Love、 Lord of Yogis、 Svayam Bhagavan (Krishnaism-Vaishnavism) member. of dashavatara.
■ 薄伽梵歌 भगवद् गीता Bhagavad Gita/ 是印���教的重要教典,敘述了印度兩大史詩之一《摩訶婆羅多》中的一段對話(位於《毗濕摩篇》的23–40),也簡稱為神之歌(Gītā)。學術界認為它成書於公元前五世紀到公元前二世紀。《摩訶婆羅多》中敘述的事件導致了現在爭鬥時的到來,在這個年代的開始(大約五千年前),黑天向他的朋友兼奉獻者阿周那講述了《薄伽梵歌》。它是唯一一本記錄神而不是神的代言人或者先知的言論的經典。《薄伽梵歌》被多數印度教徒視為聖典,雖然它是詩史的一部分,但是它也被視為奧義書之一,內容總共有七百句,分為十八章。
《薄伽梵歌》 描述了阿周那與黑天之間在俱盧之野戰爭前,在戰場上的對話。當時的阿周那看見許多親戚朋友都在敵對陣營,感到難過而困惑,因此向正在充當他馬車夫的黑天尋求指導。黑天對阿周那的勸導,採用了許多印度教基本的宗教信念與概念,而且他也向阿周那展現他與宇宙為一體的神身,最終成功說服阿周那參戰。

Each person is born with a unique dharma. Dharma means "right direction"; it is your inherent purpose or true calling in life. It is what you were born to do. For example, if someone is born with a special talent for singing, it is their dharma to follow that in life. If someone is born into a poor family and is given the gift of intelligence, it is their dharma to take care of their family.
Dharma is essentially your duty in this world. You have not chosen it; it was written on your soul from the moment you were born into this reality. Out of that duty, thoughts arise to carry it forward.
For instance, imagine a girl who grows up in foster care.
Both of her parents were drug addicts who abandoned her, and she became pregnant at 17 without planning for it.
What is her dharma?
Her dharma is to be present for her child, unlike her parents, and to alter the generational pattern of abandonment. In doing so, she heals her ancestral wounds and herself in the process. If she chooses to have an abortion or give up the child to the care system, she will be constantly bombarded with negative thoughts and shame.
As Krishna reminds Arjuna: "It is better to perform one's own duties imperfectly than to master the duties of another. By fulfilling the obligations one is born with, a person never comes to grief." - Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 47.
This verse emphasizes the importance of embracing your own path, no matter how challenging it may be. Even if it brings you no reward, no outside recognition, finding and sticking to your dharma will drive on forward in their spiritual journey. It is the path to inner peace and lasting life satisfaction, but also the door to hell if you deviate.
#wisdom#buddha#buddhism#dharma#tibetan buddhism#life#薄伽梵歌#bhagavad gita#krishna#黑天#hinduism#thank you 🙏#you're blessed
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DAY 6101
Jalsa, Mumbai Nov , 1, 2024/Nov 2 , Fri/Sat 12:08 am
🪔 ,
And the wishes to the Ef ..
November 02 .. birthday wishes to Ef Erlika from Indonesia 🇮🇩 .. Ef Abhijit Jagtab from Pune .. and .. Ef Dipagala Gala .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
November 01 .. birthday wishes to Ef Vishan Lal 🪈 from Gurugram .. Ef Honey Aishu from Bangkok - Thailand 🇹🇭 .. Ef Nouranne Achraf from Egypt / France 🇪��🇫🇷 .. Ef Pankaj Shukla from Indore .. Ef Shubhra Rattan .. and Ef Somraj Mane from Kolhapur .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
may this new year in your lives bring greater joy and prosperity ❤️🌹

Govardhan Pooja ... नमस्कार 🙏
and the festivities continue .. as do all the rituals .. and among all this Australia declares the month of October as a heritage month of Hindu festivities .. grace and divine blessings ..
But the intimacy of soft celebrations and the adherence to the control of many environmental obligations is revered .. as another year of the year of Lights ends , to another day of light ..
The intrigue of religious festivities .. their time and date and occasion still brings a wonder to many .. indeed to a great many .. and the readings of our Ef Sudhir and his dedicated research on the subject does evoke curiosity .. and awareness ...
The Calendar
There are two lunar calendars in the Jyotish Shastra… One is Purnaant and the other is Amaant…
There's a gap of 15 days between the two, although the order of the months are the same…
For instance, Deepavali's Lakshmi puja is on Purnaant Kartik Amavasya… while the same day is Amaant Ashwin Amavasya in some states…
So, the festival has a different reason in each region, and one common reason at the national level…
Like, the South, where the Lakshmi puja night of diwali is to recall the victory of Krishna over Narakaasur… In the North, it's for the return of Shri Ram to Ayodhya…
The concept of a civilisation made of many cultures dates back to the Treta Yug…
Diwali is celebrated for different days in different places… One day, three days, five days and eleven days… depending on the local history…
Yes… the different calendars, different cultures, but the same festivals, and the same civilisation…
You know, what… I think it's always an advantage when we do something that has no precedence… when there is nothing to refer…
This organisation of a nation is first envisaged in the chronicles of the satyug… each kingdom was called a country… group of countries was a region… the collective of regions was called a nation…
In Hindi - देश, प्रदेश तथा राष्ट्र…
What calendar do I follow?
I follow Rishi Varāhamihira's Brihat Samhita… In that, there is no need of dividing time into months and years…
The movements of cosmic objects don't need a calendar to have months and years… Only days are enough… Just count the days from a no-moon or a new-moon… the patterns are measurable and predictable…
The diwali always happens on the same no-moon night… regardless of which month in which state…
Thus, all the differences are dissolved in the universal medium… 🙂
About the light…
Darkness is not displaced by light… darkness is eliminated by light…
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
Easiest way to do it is: Use one lamp to light the next… A series of lamps… Hence, Deepavali… Deep + Aavali - strings of light…
एक ब्रह्म है… एक सत्य है… एक ही है परमात्मा… प्राणों से प्राण मिलाते चलो.
my obsessed gratitude ..
my love and regard ...

Amitabh Bachchan
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A sense of purity is a way to perfection -Learning
Hare Krishna! 🙏 What a profound reflection on the deeper layers of the Ramayana and the purpose behind the trials of Sita Mata and Shri Ram. It’s true that each incident in their lives holds powerful lessons for dharma, resilience, and societal responsibility. Sita Mata stepping beyond Lakshman Rekha was indeed a catalyst that revealed Ravana’s true nature and set the stage for the battle of good over evil. It exposed not only Ravana but also brought forth the struggles and challenges in adhering to dharma, especially when society is quick to judge without understanding.
Sita Mata’s Agni Pariksha and eventual return to Mother Earth reflect the sacrifices made to uphold purity and righteousness, even if misunderstood by the world. This sacrifice not only illustrates her own unwavering commitment to dharma but also shines a light on the shortcomings of society itself. Through this, she left a legacy of strength, purity, and resilience that lives on, inspiring us to pursue our own truth in the face of judgment.
Her sons, Love and Kush, symbolize the continuation of dharma and the grace of Sita Mata and Shri Ram, reminding us of the eternal blessings of their lineage.
May we all find inspiration in these timeless stories to lead lives filled with compassion, dharma, and respect for the divine play unfolding in every soul's journey. Hare Krishna, and may their blessings be with you always. 🙏
#spiritual awakening#spirituality#holy spirit#new age and spirituality#philosophy#spiritual disciplines#truth#quotes#love quotes
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🌸 Happy Govardhan Puja! 🌸
On this auspicious day, we celebrate Lord Krishna's divine love and protection, remembering how he lifted the Govardhan Hill to shield his devotees from storms and hardships. Govardhan Puja reminds us of the power of devotion and the strength that faith brings to our lives.
✨ Let’s take a moment to honor the gifts of nature and seek blessings for abundance, protection, and peace. ✨
May Lord Krishna bring happiness, prosperity, and joy to your life. Let’s celebrate this day with gratitude and prayers for a blessed future. 🌿💫
Wishing everyone a blessed Govardhan Puja! 🙏🌺
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Happy Janmashtami to you from Maadhu Creatives! 🌼 May the blessings of Lord Krishna fill your life with happiness, love, and boundless creativity. 🙏
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Celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna, the epitome of love, wisdom, and joy! 🌸✨ May His blessings bring happiness and prosperity to your life. Happy Krishna Janmashtami! 🙏🎉
#DivineLove#festivals of india#KrishnaLila#LoveAndPeace#CelebrateDivine#FestiveVibes#HinduFestivals#Bhakti#SpiritualAwakening#RadheKrishna#KrishnaJanmotsav#Devotion#HappyJanmashtami#KrishnaJanmashtami#LordKrishna
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❤️ Bhagavad Gita 🙏
Hare Krishna, to Everyone! ♥️
यह श्लोक हिन्दू ग्रंथ गीता का प्रमुख और प्रसिद्ध श्लोकों में से एक है। यह श्लोक गीता के अध्याय 4 का श्लोक 7 और 8 है।
"यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्"
"परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे"
अर्थ: मै प्रकट होता हूं, मैं आता हूं, जब जब धर्म की हानि होती है, तब तब मैं आता हूं, जब जब अधर्म बढता है तब तब मैं आता हूं, सज्जन लोगों की रक्षा के लिए मै आता हूं, दुष्टों के विनाश करने के लिए मैं आता हूं, धर्म की स्थापना के लिए में आता हूं और युग युग में जन्म लेता हूं।
"I am the Beginning, Middle, and End of all." — feeling blessed.
🌼𑜞᭄with ℒℴ��ℯ 🌹💞
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Why Lord Krishna Known As "Keshava"
The Reason Why Lord Krishna Known As "Keshava"
Shree Vishnu Mahapuran - 5.16.19 to 5.16.23
Devarshi Shree Narada Ubacha - O Jagannath, O Achyuta!! You are blessed, blessed! You have slain that Keshi by Leela who was causing grief to the gods. I came here from heaven with an anxious heart to see such a battle between man and horse as never before. O Madhusudan! My heart is very much amazed and satisfied with the actions you have done in this incarnation of yours. O Krishna! When this horse tilted its neck and gazed at the sky with rage, all the gods and Indra were afraid. O Janardan! You have killed this evil spirit Keshi, so you will be known as 'Keshav' in Lokadi.
He is called Keshav because of killing a horse named Keshi.
Jai Shree Keshava 🕉🙏🚩
#krishan#lord krishna#krsna#hare krishna#krishna#harekrishna#bhagavadgita#bhagvadgita#bhagavatam#bhagwad gita#bhagavad gita#lordkrishna#lordvishnu#lordram#lordshiva#vedic astrology#vedas#vedic jyotish online#vedic astro observations#astrology numerology vedicastrology#astrology#spiritualawakening#spiritual enlightment#spiritual awakening#spirituality#enlightenedconsciousness#enlightenyourself#enlightenedones#enlightenment#spiritual development
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cos i couldnt get enough 😂
- replies with a wholesome and sweet paragraph LITERALLY EVERY TIME
- asks you about your day
- tells you what him and his fam did that day
- helps you make friends ('Don't worry - you're so sweet and kind! You have got this! 🤗')
- emotional breakdown support 101
- does random facetimes to show you nice things he finds in the forest
- does group vid calls to show everyone
-- > does 'campfire sessions' on group vid call where you all play antakshari or tell stories together
- gives the best life advice, on parallel with Krishna's (surprise surprise amirite)
y/n : hi Ram ji :)
Rama : Hi my priye y/n, so good to hear from you! You know, today we saw this beautiful flower in the forest that I'm pretty sure is a Golden Arch Dendrobium - Lakshmana says we have come to the areas of Bharat where it is a native plant! Its colour was so mesmerising and bright - it looked so lovely in Sitey's hair! I wish you were here to see it 🥰 [Sends pic of flower]
y/n : *sends 10min voice note of emotional breakdown*
rama : *sends multiple vns back right away with lots of affirmations and emotional support. if your love language is physical touch he also posts you a hand-knit jumper or a crochet teddy for you to snuggle*
- another one for speed dial
- happy to help in every circumstance
-- > but may not help with picking outfits as he'll find smth nice to say for every option 😂💓
- BEST motivation and motivational speeches
- will pretend to study with you on vid call so you can have a study buddy 🥺
- if you can't sleep at night, will be on phone call telling a wholesome story to send u to sleep (most likely smth about his or shri ram's adventures)
- will highly appreciate you sharing your fave Shri Ram bhajans with him
- begins and ends every convo with 'JSR 🙏' (Jai Shri Ram)
- in summary: your fave uncle and grandad in one
- in bg of all of Shri Ram's vid calls and says hi haha (he loves to sing in the antakshari and is also such a big hype man 😁)
- you know that trope about going to dads with all your 'dad needs' like fixing the sink,, well that is radhe with LITERALLY EVERYTHING
- solves all your problems
- is also on speed dial
- is the caring older sister (without the brown eldest sibling trauma 💀)
- reposts all the dumb pics of herself that kanha tags her in and adds individual captions with the patience of only kanhas eternal consort 🥰
kanha : *posts of a pic of himself looking swag and radhe scratching her nose mid blink* RADHE ❤️
radhe : *resharing* I've never looked so good, new pfp material 😂
kanha : *comments* wow i get to be in ur pfp 🥹🥹🥹🥹 #blessed
radha : like u are not literally in all of them 🙄
y/n : *posts a vid of radha single-handedly doing dhakka to y/n's broken down car, kanha doing 😍 face in bg*
#guess whos back lol#gopiblr#krishna#krishnablr#hindu memes#hindu mythology#ramayana meme#shri ram#hanuman#radharani#ramayana squad are wholesome beans 🥺#lakshmana takes some time to get comfortable with u tho
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Happy Krishna Janmashtami to Everyone. Today, we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna, the embodiment of love, wisdom, and devotion. 🙏✨
🕉️ On this auspicious day, may Lord Krishna's blessings fill your life with joy, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment. 🌠💖#kloudcourseacademy #KrishnaJanmashtami #LordKrishna #FestivalOfLove #SpiritualJourney
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i really love your profile. Your thoughts.
Stay blessed :) jay shree krishna
Radhe Radhe! 🦚💛🙏✨ tysm for your kind words, may krishnji always shower his blessings on you<33
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Hare Krishna Sakhi,
Agar aap paagal ho toh aap jaisi paagalpanti Thaakurji sabko dein.
🥲 ❤️ Sirf Thakurji ke piche
Log kehte hai pagal , hu main ye bhi na jaanu.. dil lutaya hai maine, ab kisiki na maanu!
Hare Krishna Sakhi❤️ Thaakurji bless you more
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DAY 5812
JWMari,Jaipur Jan 15/16, 2024 Mon/Tue 12:41 am
January 16 .. birthday greetings to Asha of Egypt 🇪🇬 - Ef Rasha Zayed .. and Ef Krishna Ramdas from Washington DC the Capital of the United States 🇺🇲 .. love and affection from all the Ef Family .. 🙏🏻🚩 .. LE PANGA !! 👊🏽🩷💋
yes Le Panga be the call of the Jaipur Pink Panthers, Kabaddi team, owned by Abhishek .. who played brilliantly today .. on home ground, Jaipur .. the Pink City !!

and victory ..

.. and a confusion in the understanding of the game points .. 🤣

anxious moments in the game ..

... a few questions in the offing ..

.. and questioning the referee decision ..
but the ref is the ref .. can't argue .. so long as we win ..😁

glum ..

... and the love of the people ever blessed by it ..

A confusion on birthdays .. there are 2 Rasha's .. both from Egypt .. Rasha Zayed .. birthday Jan 16 .. and Rasha Fouad .. birthday Mar 2 .. so wished the wrong one , got corrected and discovered the error .. my apologies .. 🙏
Jaipur .. the city where several work related took place .. now a revelation .. huge development and changes .. such a delight and yes a surprise to see all that has come up in and around ..
Came in here to cheer the team and be with Abhishek and his 'baby' ..
back to the grind .. early ..
Love and wishes

Amitabh Bachchan
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