#bless youuuuu
septembermorningbells · 6 months
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again soooooo interesting how Juri’s knowledge that the duels/system are harmful devolves into acceptance and apathy because she literally cannot envision a future outside of it— of course tied to her sense of hopelessness about her love for Shiori/her lesbian identity in general, in contrast to Utena’s naive optimism about ideals of nobility, while still upholding the system, eventually allow her to start thinking outside of it.
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This is not a duel to possess the Rose Bride, something Juri admits is ‘probably’ not possible— it’s to reinforce her own view that the system cannot be changed, and therefore everything is hopeless.
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tatakaeeren · 2 years
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"Everyone is serious about this except you. I'd rather make any devil I kill suffer as much as possible. What are you trying to do? make friends with them?"
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kyunyu3 · 4 months
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siya-sayani · 5 months
Okk so this is for the man , the myth , the legend जिनकी दीवानी सारी लड़कियां हैं।
જન્મ દિન મુબારખ! ભગવાન કૃષ્ણ તમને આશીર્વાદ આપે અને તે તમને વધુ ને વધુ સફળતા અને સુખ આપે અને તે તમને તમારી રાધા પણ આપે!❤️❤️❤️. @shyam-kariya meeting you on this platform surely wasn't planned but man oh man when I met you and we started talking I was starstruck! Not kidding! I never really understood the reason why girls were mad abt you but all of it became clear when our night talks took place! U inspire me, make me feel heard and I have really learnt a lot from u! I made a friend for life ❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy the day to the best of your abilities 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 happy birthday to you once again! 💗💗💗
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There you goooo! Mere taraf se treattt! Enjoyyyyyy
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tiramegtoons · 13 days
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LMAO thank you so much!! this was quite a surprise... also as someone who appreciates asmr XD (i recognize that maya winky corpse bride meme from anywhere)
YEAH LET IT RAAAAAAAIN💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵
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twistedappletree · 2 months
update on the girl who i officially renamed in my phone:
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(and yes, i blocked her after hahahaha)
i also blocked her on hinge so she can’t find me there anymore. anyway, that pretty much is the update??? 100% certain she blocked me on everything too, so i gladly returned the favor~
had some thoughts on the situation though! mostly because she masqueraded herself as this super mature, “kind” person (she absolutely isn’t) when in reality, she’s highly insecure and incapable of basic communication. in retrospect, all of the bullshit she said to me the entire time was classic love-bombing and my gemini mind just found it fun and entertaining 😹 which is also why it isn’t affecting me now, because i kinda already knew it was acting.
still, i felt bad for her because when i said the date was “good” in my last post, i was just trying not to shoot the whole thing down. to be completely honest, it was absolute shit and awkward as hell LOL
i also noticed that the way she talked about herself and her achievements had a heavy undercurrent of uncertainty. i think she’s just a really lonely person in general because over and over, she just kept mentioning how she neverrrrrr goes out or makes friends or anything.
and compared to me: bright, social, always going places, trying new things, practicing new skills, meeting tons of people and making new friends almost everyday—i’m kind of wondering if that stirred some envy, actually. she kept telling me i intimidated her but it was almost in a weird jealous way, like these were all things she wished she could do. and whenever i confirmed i could do them, she was like “of course you can 🙄”
????? like idk it was just kind of bitchy and almost manipulative fr, the energy she was giving off was just rancid at that point. it was funny too bc she kept going on about how young she looks for some reason and…. 😬 she absolutely looked her age. pretty much all the pics/vids she sent me were filtered. not that that even matters much because the real deception was inside of her. everything about her seemed veryyyyyy fake and curated in an almost disturbing way and i saw through her shit immediately.
it’s done and over with. on a cooler note, i’m going for coffee on friday with one of the new friends i met at meow wolf!! they’re super chill, i’m so exciteddddd ✨
shit tho, at least i’m out here making community and living it up instead of hiding in my apartment all day and night 💀 really wouldn’t do well with someone like that tbh, bitch gtfooooo your little hole 😹
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thesamoanqueen · 10 months
Send this to your favorite tumblrs! ✨💜 Send love and friendship to someone 🌸🥰
So much love, thank you dear ily
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ashlingnarcos · 1 year
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found the pdf of the narcos pilot script and by god this note is the funniest fucking bit of meta-script that i've ever seen in me life
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
I got a headcannon I need to share:
Bisky and the girls (Alluka, Nanika, Mito, Palm, etc) helped Killua with a wedding dress for his wedding with Gon.
He got a shawl from Mito that was a bit yellowed from use and time, but asked Nanika to turn the silk parks of the dress black and the lacy bits purple. His veil turned dark grey.
The shawl became as white as the day it was made and he (occasionally) just wears that as his connection to his new family.
ANON I HAVE HELD ONTO THIS SINCE I GOT IT 🥺🥺🥺😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤧 it means so much to me, really you’ll never know! I was really scared to turn back anon on even though I’ve blocked like 2k plus people! B-but I really wanted GK fans back 🤲🤧😭🙏 who are too shy, or! You know!
So, nothing bad luckily happened for the first few months, and then I got this ask 🙏🤲
My reading comprehension skills are a bit confused, but I love the idea so much I still really wanna write a fic on it 🙏🤲
I love Ki in pastels and light colors, but I'd make an exception for you anon!
please wait for me someday i will come back and have the fic for you! SOMEDAY 😤🙏
Thank you so much for sharing your headcanon I adore it, and I love found family 🙏🥺😭🤲🤧 for Ki! I have only written one gen fic, but ahhhhh PLEASE KI DESERVES THE BEST AND A FAMILY WHO LOVES HIM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏😭 Ofc his sisters, but I love the relationship between Chimera Palm and Ki, I! Really love her 🙏 it's funny how much I 180ed on her when she changed tbh, but omg her being there for Ki is yes please, and Mito! Yes, please Ki needs Mito to be his Mom and she will be! Once Gonki get married! AHHHHH ITS ALL MY HEART NEEDS
OMG I NEED SO BADDDDD it's like I'm waiting, and then I'm like oh, fuck I gotta write it for it to exist orz
I would have to find some way to add Ikalgo and Leorio into itttt! Leorio trying his best to find Killua like a tiara for his dress, and it’s like hideous, but Ki just takes it and smiles so softly AHHHHHHHHH 🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏😭🤲 CUZ LEO IS LIKE HIS BIG BRO
Ikalgo adding like seashells to Ki’s dress 🥺🙏😭🤲
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Purple and Pink for the ask game!! :3
Thank you so much for asking and I’m looking forward to reading about you and your f/os! 😄🍬This was fun to write and I may have gone a little overboard with my writing and added Orange because I really love reminiscing on dates of ours together!
Purple: What is your favorite thing about their personality?
Me (About Keita) : I am so absolutely thankful for how protective, caring, devoted and understanding Keita is towards me! Once when we went to a youkai festival he practically had hearts thudding hard in his eyes with love when he saw me in a yukata for the first time. I felt so shy but also so happy x’). (He looked so dashing too 😍.. My Wolf…)
But during the festivals’ parade it was so crowded that we got separated and I was so anxious 😣..I was basically frozen to the spot but got too overwhelmed by the stuffiness and noise that I had to find a quiet and solitary place to calm down. I couldn’t find such a place so I just stood by the sidelines of the path, next to the food stalls.
Some guys then tried to hit on me and I felt so uncomfortable and scared and anxious. I was breaking out in sweat and mind shocked with fear and trauma flashbacks that all I could say was a weak no.
When they became even pushier and tried to lead me to a darker area my instincts told me to run away but the wooden sandals hurt my bare feet and they were very strong and aggressive.
In a moment of survival-genius I noticed that the food stall next to us had takoyaki and a spicy chili oil sauce pan and instantly, without even thinking of the repercussions; I splashed one of the guys’ eyes with it. He immediately started shutting and clawing his eyes in pain and agony, gaining some of the surrounding people’s attention.
The other guy, seeing that I hurt his ‘friend’, was super mad and his eyes were so dark and menacing.
I was about to run away despite my aching feet when I was suddenly held from behind. My heart literally jumped out of my chest thinking it was one of their ‘friends’, but then I felt such immense relief hearing Keita’s growling and deep voice coming from the warm, sturdy body holding mine.
Keita is a sacred wolf youkai that eats other lesser youkai for both demonic power and for vengeance against culprits that cross his path and hurt his dear ones. He had such a strong and forceful aura that the guy that got mad at me was scared out of his bones. Not to mention how Keita is highly infamous in the youkai world as ‘Hell’s Damnation’.
The youkai (a lesser spider demon) and his scathed eyed friend quickly backed off when they saw Keita’s dangerous glowing golden eyes and sharp claws, alongside a forced mental vision of Keita stabbing them right by their hearts, causing them to fall to their knees in that same vision, struggling to breathe.
“Disgusting swine. You Never. Hurt. What. Is. Mine.”
Then, as if nothing ever happened Keita embraced me even tighter and sighed with relief. “Thank Hells’ Storms that I was able to locate your scent. I was worried sick about you, my love Shiri.”
“Aww, Keita..” 💗 I replied and turned around to hug Keita back. “I’m glad you found me. I was scared to be without you in this crowd too.”
“But love, as I was rushing to protect you I saw how bravely you fought against them. I’m so proud of you. No wonder you’re my to be wife 😌💍👌🏼”
I felt so much love and safety with Keita…I adore him so much and I know he’d never hurt me.
Pink: What is your favorite thing about their appearance?
Me (About Keita) : Keita has mesmerizing golden eyes that shine like the sun and I adore how sturdy and toned his torso is 😍. Perfect bedtime pillow!
Keita (About Me): “Well, to let you in on the know how of our relationship I’ll clear some things up here ; a few years ago Shiri and I got engaged through our families due to Shiri’s special and divine blood running through her veins. She was a descendant of psychic priestesses with the ability to heal and intoxicate youkai by taking in her scent and has the ability to make them stronger by letting them drink some of her blood, or even; through kissing or making love with her.”
(I) “But aside from that, I was attracted to her bravery when facing injustice and for her strength to keep her heart soft despite all of the abuse she went through in the past.”
(II) “She’s so precious when she smiles warmly at me or snuggles up to me for comfort. It makes my heart go racing into a blubbering, frantic mess and I can’t help but want to hug her so tightly and feel her warmth close to me; her heart thudding and racing against me, just like mine: To remind me that I’m not hallucinating or dreaming this magical love I have with her.”
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
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"So, uh... since my baked treats are still nowhere near as delectable as yours, I spent hours, searching for a four leaf clover to give you instead." Rather hesitantly, Vivian would hand Shirou a four leaf clover she had carefully preserved in a mini glass bottle, sealed with a cork. "T-To be honest, I had at first been ambitious enough to find more than one, but before I knew it, I ended up napping away in some random field until 6 PM... therefore, this was the only one I could really manage to procure," she then goes on to awkwardly admit while lowering her self-conscious gaze towards her feet.
Of course, Vivian doesn't dare mention that the sole reason she even remembered Shirou's birthday was because it was literally a day before hers; after all, that alone was a coincidence she didn't want him to suddenly remember just with her bringing it up. Regardless, she'll soon bring herself to clear her throat. "A-Anyways... happy birthday, Emshi! I hope with this, you'll end up living a very long, fruitful life, being scorned by three dimensional women you may or may not find yourself seducing."
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The young boy had actually something in store for Vivian – but she would only learn about it the following day, obviously. They usually don’t make a big deal of birthday in his home country, Shirou believes it is a very special occasion even if he doesn’t values his own day most of the time. In fact, he is taken aback on how special her gesture was: four leaf clovers are rare, or so it is believed, so having someone go out of their way to find such a rare sight associate with good look and fortune for him? ❝ It was already amazing that you found one. ❞ if he had to guess, Shirou would say that her chances would be one in a few thousand (unless you buy the seeds online, but that would be cheating). ❝ This is a pretty cool gift, Vivian. You know, I could use a little bit of luck – but what about being scorned by three dimensional women ? ❞ that went way over his head… Was she talking about fictional characters ? ❝ Thank you, I loved it. ❞ there was a sincere smile as he held the glass with both hands before looking at her ❝ I just took a fresh batch of matcha cupcakes out of the oven. Would you like some? They are still hot. ❞
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ghostlypawn · 2 years
back to my roots.
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iamtired10 · 6 days
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sick in love
pairing - pham hanni x female reader
genre - pureeeee fluffffffffff!!!
synopsis - your girlfriend has this weird obsession with getting drenched in the rain, even though you’ve told her so many times not to. of course, she doesn’t listen, and now she’s sick—and somehow, it’s all your fault. now you’ve got to deal with this clingy, whiny kid, who's acting like it’s the end of the world while you play nurse.
warning - nothing much... just some fluff and whining
word count - 1.5k
a/n - guess who’s about to get super busy next week and won’t be updating for a while :)
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it all started with the rain.
nah, scratch that—it started with hanni’s bizarre love for the rain, the way she romanticized every single drop that fell from the sky as if it were some poetic blessing from above.
you knew better.
rain, to you, was wet and cold, and most importantly, the perfect recipe for catching a nasty cold.
but hanni? oh, hanni couldn’t care less.
but you tried everything to convince her.
“hanni, it’s literally pouring out here! you’ll catch a cold!”
you had pulled out your umbrella as soon as the clouds started weeping above the two of you, but hanni had other plans in mind.
she beamed, those signature crescent-shaped eyes gleaming as raindrops began to land on her cheeks.
“come on! it’s just a bit of rain. what’s the worst that could happen?” she took a playful step backward into the downpour, her carefree giggle piercing through the sound of the rain.
“i’ll tell you what’s gonna happen—you’re gonna get sick, that’s what!”
you were grumpy by nature, the forever practical one, always two steps ahead when it came to worrying about things like catching a cold.
you tugged her wrist back, trying to shield her with the umbrella.
but hanni? nope.
she shook her head like a puppy and ran further into the rain.
“catch me!” she twirled around, arms outstretched, water soaking her through.
you couldn’t help but watch her for a moment. she was beautiful, even when she was being an absolute menace.
but now wasn’t the time to admire her stubbornness.
now was the time to stop her from getting drenched head to toe.
“i swear to god, pham hanni, if you get sick because of this—”
oops, too late.
three days later, you found yourself exactly where you didn’t want to be: sitting in bed with a feverish hanni clinging to your waist, her breath slightly hot as she buried her face in your shirt.
“you’re so mean,” she grumbled between coughs, her voice raspy and whiny, the kind of voice that made you want to sigh in frustration and kiss her forehead at the same time. “you didn’t stop me from getting sick…”
you raised a brow, leaning back against the pillows. “i literally tried. multiple times.”
“yeah, well…” she sniffled dramatically, leaning more of her weight onto you, practically becoming deadweight. “you didn’t try hard enough.”
she looked up at you with the most innocent pout. the fever had made her eyes a little glassy, but she was still just as demanding as ever.
you loved her so much, but oh god, she was getting on your nerves today.
“hanni,” you said in your most grumpy tone, “you’re impossible, you know that?”
she only responded by hugging you tighter, squishing herself against your side. “i don’t feel good… i need cuddles.” she nuzzled into your neck, her breath fanning over your skin.
you could feel her warmth.
and not just the warm-you-up-on-a-cold-day kind of warmth, but the i-have-a-fever kind of warmth.
you sighed, pressing the back of your hand to her forehead to check her temperature.
she was still a bit too warm for comfort.
“you need to rest, babe," you whispered, though the gruffness in your tone barely masked the tenderness in your voice. “you’re burning up.”
hanni shook her head, her hair brushing against your neck. “nooooo, i need youuuuu,” she mumbled, her words slurred together like a stubborn child.
you rolled your eyes but pulled her closer, knowing full well that she wasn’t going to give you any personal space until she felt better. hanni had always been clingy, but when she was sick?
she was ten times worse.
if you even moved an inch, she’d whine and pull you back into her arms.
it was cute, you’d admit, but it was also exhausting.
“stop moving,” hanni grumbled, tugging on your shirt to pull you back against her. “i can’t get comfy if you keep wiggling around.”
“i have to get up and get your medicine. and water. and maybe some soup.”
“noooo,” she whined, her voice muffled by your shoulder. “i don’t want soup. i want you.”
you sighed again, this time with a softer edge, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “now you’re literally attached to me like a baby koala.”
“not a baby koala,” she mumbled, pouting again. “a sick, sad koala. big difference.”
“oh, sorry. a sick, sad koala,” you corrected, rolling your eyes playfully as you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her even closer. “better?”
she nodded, snuggling back into your chest, her fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt. “better… but i still feel awful. stay with meeeeee.”
you sighed, your grumpy exterior faltering as you softened under her gaze. it was hard to stay mad when she looked at you like that, all doe-eyed and needy.
you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, brushing some of her messy hair out of her face.
“okay, you big baby,” you murmured, “i’ll stay for a bit. but you need to promise me that you’ll take your medicine later, alright?”
“mm-hmm,” she mumbled, snuggling further into your embrace. “i promise.”
for a moment, it was quiet.
just the sound of her shallow breathing and the faint rustle of the sheets as she shifted closer to you. you closed your eyes, resting your chin on top of her head as you let the silence wash over you.
but of course, hanni had to break it.
“hey,” she whispered, her voice still soft but with a mischievous edge to it. “wanna kiss?”
you blinked, turning your head to look at her. “hanni, you’re sick.”
“so?” she pouted, her bottom lip jutting out in the most adorable way. “i still wanna kiss…”
you raised an eyebrow, your lips twitching as you fought the urge to laugh. “babe, you’re literally a walking virus right now. i’m not kissing you.”
hanni whined, her grip on you tightening as she buried her face further into your neck. “pleeease?”
“nope,” you said, shaking your head firmly. “not happening.”
“but i miss kissing you,” she mumbled, her voice small and pitiful. “just one little kiss?”
“hanni, you’ll get me sick,” you said, gently pushing her head away from your neck. “and then who’s going to take care of you?”
“i’ll take care of you,” she muttered, her voice muffled by the blanket she had wrapped herself in.
you couldn’t help but chuckle, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead instead. “nice try, but no. you’re gonna have to wait until you’re not contagious.”
hanni pouted again, clearly not happy with your answer.
but before she could whine any further, a sudden fit of sneezes cut her off.
you handed her a tissue, biting back a laugh as she wiped her nose, her expression utterly defeated.
“fine,” she mumbled, slumping back against you. “but as soon as i’m better, i’m kissing you everywhere.”
you snorted, rolling your eyes. “yeah, yeah. we’ll see.”
later that evening, after coaxing her into taking her medicine (which involved more whining and pouting on her part), you finally convinced her to settle down for a proper nap.
she curled up against you, her head resting on your chest as her breathing slowed and evened out.
you gently ran your fingers through her hair, the soft strands slipping between your fingers as you hummed quietly.
she was so peaceful when she was asleep, all of the day's frustrations and complaints forgotten.
but you knew as soon as she woke up, she’d be back to her clingy, whiny self.
and honestly, you didn’t mind.
you loved taking care of her, even when she was being a handful.
there was something special about being the one she relied on, the one she clung to when she didn’t feel well.
as the minutes ticked by, you found yourself growing more and more tired. the weight of the day and hanni’s endless need for attention had finally caught up to you, and your eyes began to droop.
just as you were about to drift off, you felt a pair of warm lips press against your cheek.
you blinked, opening your eyes to see hanni grinning up at you, her feverish cheeks still pink. “gotcha,” she whispered, her voice soft but full of mischief.
you groaned, pulling the blanket over both of your heads. “go to sleep, han.”
she giggled, snuggling closer to you as she closed her eyes again. “okay, okay. goodnight, babe.”
“goodnight,” you murmured, pressing one last kiss to her forehead before finally drifting off to sleep.
and despite everything—the rain, the sickness, the whining—you couldn’t help but smile.
because at the end of the day, hanni was your clingy, whiny baby, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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a/n - fluff sucks..
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feyhunter78 · 8 months
This new sweet, nerdy Miguel has me FERAL!!!!! HE'S SO CUTE I CAN'T —😩😩😩😩
I need some jealousy from him~ How do you imagine he acts when he feels jealous? He gets quiet and aloof, trying to avoid y/n so she don't notice? Or he gets angry and tries to mark territory? Hehe
I definitely want to write a full jealousy fic for him but I’ll give you a sprinkling of my thoughts while I plan for a full fic🫣
So, in the beginning before y’all get together he’s very quiet, really draws into himself, tries to act normal but is just a lot more reserved.
He’s afraid to voice how he feels because he doesn’t want to creep you out. (Gabriel got in his head. Bless his heart the poor boy is trying to help his brother, but he’s going about it the wrong way)
Very much a situation where he’s absent from class for a week or so because he gets sick and when he comes back he realizes another guy in class has been helping you with your notes.
You smile at the new guy, thank him in that sweet way you always thank Miguel and his stomach just churns and his chest starts aching. For a second he thinks he’s still sick, but when you smile at him and ask how he’s feeling the pain in his chest disappears.
He brushes it off, thanks you quietly for your concern, and throws himself into his work. For the first week you shrug it off thinking he’s still not feeling well, but after a while you end up confronting him which leads to:
“I just—I saw you and Brett, and, I’m glad you got help with your notes but you know you could’ve come to me.” He’s leaning against the wall, the wall you’ve trapped him against with your determined attitude and your inability to register when you’re invading his personal space.
“Miguel you were home, sick, and I didn’t want to bother you.” You remind him, your voice soft, tinged with concern.
He looks down at his feet, his shoulders hunched, his whole body curled in on itself. “You’re never a bother, not to me, so don’t—please don’t go looking somewhere else.”
But, when y’all get together???? Game changer. He’s still shy and he’s still the same Miguel you knew before but he’s more confident, he knows you won’t find it weird or creepy that he feels territorial over you. Now when a frat guy looks your way a bit too long in the courtyard he simply tilts your chin up with one finger and kisses you.
Of course his face is bright red after that and he buries it the crook of your neck, his big strong arms crushing you to his chest, and every time he does this you think it’s so cute.
If y’all are in private though, and say you have to go to a party or you’re going to be doing some joint event with a frat, he definitely likes sitting you in his lap and mouthing at your skin. Nothing too crazy on your neck, but he does leave a few large hickeys on your breasts, ones that sticks out from beneath the neckline of your shirt.
Just a bit of:
“Miguel! Come on, you know I didn’t bring any concealer.” You whine, your fingers tangled in his hair as his warm lips ghost over your skin, his tongue tracing the blossoming marks that trail down from your pulse point, dipping beneath the neckline of your shirt.
“I’m sorry mi dulce, I couldn’t help it, you look so pretty.” He says, as he dips his head biting down on the soft flesh of your breasts, his large hands holding them, pushing them up, his fang-like incisors scratching against your skin deliciously.
“I have to go, I’m going to be late for the mixer.” You try to tell him, your hands leaving his hair to lightly push at his chest.
One of his hands leaves your breasts, and spans your upper back keeping you pressed against him.
“Just one more? Please?” He asks, looking up at you with such adoration in his eyes you nearly grab your phone to text your sisters you’re not going to make it.
You sigh, but it’s halfhearted, playful, indulging. “One more.”
He smiles and captures your lips one more throughly distracting you as he lays you down on the couch under him.
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loveharlow · 4 months
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SEVEN [SEASON 2] - 002 (PART 2)
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[5.9k] Trying to lay-low in Kildare doesn't go over too well and just when things were looking up, it all comes crumbling down.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, gun violence, mild animal cruelty, general angst
A/N‧₊˚ if you didn't wanna report my blog from part 1, you're gonna want too after this also im posting this NOW because of the whole explicit blog situation🙄 i think we all deserve a little reward. THIS SONG IS ☺️🥹😖😫 "DID YOUUUUU TAAAAKE MY LOVVE AWAYY FROM MEEEEEE?"
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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IT TOOK ALMOST ALL NIGHT TO SAIL BACK TO KILDARE, the sun just rising once again when the six of you arrived at the edge of The Marsh at the crack of dawn. You were tired and starving, the guys and girls splitting off into two separate groups to go look for food.
You, Kie, and Sarah had found some watermelons just as the sun’s heat started to break through the Kildare clouds. You and Sarah were sitting in the grass while Kie took up the space on a metal bench, each of you munching on your respective melons, fingers stained pink.
Kiara was quick to urge Sarah to catch her up on what happened, the blonde girl spilling every detail about what happened from the moment John B and her disappeared.
“The boat tipped and I honestly thought that was it, I thought that was the end. Next thing I know, we’re waking up on a boat headed to The Bahamas…” She recounted. She told you everything, from finding the gold again at Ward’s vacation home to getting shot by Rafe, to…
“I’m sorry, you got married?” Kiara exclaimed, her eyes wide as her hand paused from where it was digging into the fruit. Sarah just had a sheepish smile on her face, chewing as she nodded.
“It’s not exactly legal, but…” She trailed off, throwing a chunk of the melon into her mouth and looking at both of you. “Yeah, we did.” She admitted, smiling and chuckling in Kie’s direction before she seemed to conjure up another thought. “And *gulp* Am I crazy, or is there something going on between you and Pope?” She spoke, mouth full of watermelon.
Kiara smiled and shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the Cameron girl. “Maybe...” She said, squinting her eyes as she looked out in front of her. “I’ve come to a couple of…realizations, recently, I guess.” She said under her breath, eyes peering at you for the shortest of moments, so swiftly that Sarah didn’t catch it and you barely did yourself.
“That’s not a no.” Sarah egged on, still eating. The three of you fell into silence for a few passing moments, the only sounds being the birds flying by and the chewing of fruit before Sarah spoke up once more, this time her questions aimed at you. “You okay? You’ve been kinda quiet.” She asked, her wide eyes peering at you.
You just shrugged, looking down at your lap as you spoke. “‘M fine. It’s all just a little surreal, y’know? Up until a couple of hours ago, I really thought you and John B were dead.” You said, building the courage to meet her eyes. “It’s honestly the biggest blessing that you guys aren’t but... a lot happened while you two were away. That’s all.” You assured her, sending her a tight-lipped smile and returning to eating.
“...It was really hard to find a a way to contact you guys. And we didn’t want to risk someone tipping off my dad or the police just yet. It’s gonna be a shit show when we get back to the island, that’s for sure.” Sarah scoffed, raking her fingers through her hair.
“...Sarah?” You piped up, the girl humming response. “It’s good to have you back.”
She smiled happily in response, her teeth showing as her cheeks reddened. “It’s good to be back.”
JOHN B DOCKED THE DRUTHERS TOO AT THE CHATEAU WITH LITTLE HESITATION, A familiar bundle of golden fur running towards him and jumping on him the second he was off the boat. 
“Woah, hey, hey…” He cooed, petting Marley softly as she pawed at his thighs and torso.
“Sorry about that,” You said, shielding your eyes from the sun. “We’ve been crashin’ here since…” You trailed off, shrugging as John B looked up at The Chateau, jutting his bottom lip out and shrugging one shoulder.
“The place looks great, actually.” He said, directing his gaze to the grass, looking side to side. “The weeds are gone and there aren’t any beer cans in the grass.” He laughed out.
“That would be courtesy of me.” JJ bowed dramatically. “Mowed the lawn and threw in a little extra service.” John B rolled his eyes playfully and walked towards the entrance of the home, the five of you following behind him. 
“Not to bring the mood down or anything but I’m not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home…” Kiara announced, walking at the very back of the group. “My parents have probably already arranged my funeral.”
“Same. I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston.” Pope cringed at the thought, holding the straps of his backpack. 
“...No one knows we’re here, right?” JJ threw out, deep in thought judging from the look on his face. “And you two-” He pointed at Kiara and Pope. “-aren’t gonna get in anymore trouble for showing up twelve hours later. Am I right or am I right?”
“You’re not wrong…” Pope seemed to contemplate.
“So that means we have twelve hours to do whatever we want.” JJ smiled, clapping his hands together. “A little pogue fellowship, how does that sound? Let the shit hit the fan tomorrow.”
“The cops are looking for us. It just seems really stupid…” Sarah reminded, a look of worry on her features.
“Sarah Cameron,” JJ approached the girl sitting on the rail of The Chateau stairs. “You’ve heard of my philosophy, right?”
“Stupid things have good outcomes all the time.” JJ spoke as you and John B mocked him, sending a smile in each other’s direction as you tried not to laugh. The blonde boy turned around, clapping his hands. “Who’s with me? Let’s go get some beer!”
KIARA HAD MANAGED TO STEAL SOME BEERS FROM THE WRECK, SEEMINGLY WITHOUT BEING NOTICED. By the time Sarah and JB had showered and JJ and Pope set up the lights and hot-tub, the sun had fallen again. The pit in your stomach had started to settle, allowing you to actually enjoy the fact that your friends were alive and well and back where they belonged. Although other events were still swirling in your mind and dampening your mood, you wouldn’t let it show.
The six of you crowded the hot-tub, shotgunning beers as music played faintly from a speaker plugged in near the porch. JJ and John B had some impromptu dance battle while Pope started freestyling out of nowhere, the remaining three of you watching it all like a comedy show from the comfort of the hot tub.
At some point , JJ rolled a joint that made it’s way through the group in record time. You currently had the object clutched between your fingers, laying on your back in the grass near the oak tree with Marley next to you as JJ and Pope wrestled in the grass. 
“Single-leg sweep!” John B cheered, watching Pope pin JJ to the ground — JB, Sarah, and Kie sitting and watching around a bonfire. 
Pope got up triumphantly, hands in the air as JJ got up and dusted himself off. He and JJ shook hands with lazy smiles on their faces before Pope snatched up his beach towel and turned around in the direction of The Marsh. “I’m done!” He called over his shoulder. “I’m outta here…”
“You want a round two?” JJ called in his direction, cupping his hands around his mouth.
Pope chuckled and waved him off without a glance back. “Yeah, I think I’ll take my losses.” The group’s attention was stolen by Kiara who grabbed her shirt from the lawn chair she was on, getting up and following Pope. 
You just scoffed and took another hit of your joint, watching from a few feet away as Sarah’s jaw dropped while John B and JJ cheered. “Really?” Sarah exclaimed. 
“Way to be discreet!” JJ called after the two.
“I leave and this is what happens.” John B sighed in mock disappointment, slapping his hands against his knees as he rose from his seat. “Your boy’s out.” He shook the red cup in his hand. “Beer time.” He told the two blondes before walking in your direction, your splayed figure going unnoticed in the dark of night as JB reached into the cooler to grab a fresh beer, his eyes landing on the art piece the four of you had engraved into the tree.
You watched as he slowly paused, his eyes glossing over as the boy attempted to suppress his emotions. 
“You better cry.” You spoke up, speech mildly slurred from your tipsiness. “It took me two hours to carve your long ass name into that...big ass tree.” John B looked around startled for a moment before looking at down at you laid out in the grass like a snow angel. You smiled and waved lazily at your friend.
He rolled his eyes and laughed, cracking open the canned drink in his hand. “You scared the shit out of me, little weirdo.” He said, taking a small sip. “I forget you’re a lightweight. You need a water or somethin’?”
You simply pursed your lips and waved him off. “Pfft. I am fine. And I’ll have you know I am not drunk or high, just…thinking.” The Routledge boy cocked an eyebrow at you, JJ and Sarah’s mindless banter filling the silence. “I’m serious!” You chuckled out. “I’m not, I swear. I just needed some time to think for a little bit…”
“...Are you kidding?” You asked incredulously, lifting yourself up to lean on one arm. “John B, you came back from the dead. And believe me, I am so glad that you and Sarah are back but I’m scared for you guys. Sooner or later, someone is gonna find out you guys are back on the island and when they do?…”
He simply nodded. “That's fair." He sighed. "We tried to get through to you guys for weeks before we were able to send that message.” You hummed in response before yawning. “And even though you haven’t said it yet, I missed you too.” He winked at you.
You flipped the boy off and plopped back down into the grass as the footsteps of someone else appeared.
“What’s happenin’ over here?” He asked cheerfully, slapping a hand on John B’s shoulder. He met your eyes but you looked away. You still didn’t want to talk to him. 
John B looked between the two of you skeptically before letting whatever thought he had go, pointing at the tree in front of him. “This cute little art project.” He told the blonde, referring once more to the memorial carving. “Killed the tree, though.”
JJ laughed, bowing his head down. “Probably, yeah…” He said, sniffing before looking at JB. “I fuckin’ missed you, man.” He said seriously, pulling John B into a tight hug. They buried their heads into each other’s shoulder, embracing one another as tight as possible.
“Kind of lonely over here!” Sarah called out, the two boys releasing one another as she waved the three of you over. The slapped each other on the shoulder and began walking back over to the bonfire, you getting up and whistling for Marley to do the same, the golden retriever standing up slowly and shaking herself off before following you. 
“Aww, look.” The blonde girl cooed from her place on a log, staring ahead as the three of you followed her gaze to find Kie and Pope sailing away on the HMS Pogue. 
“There he goes.” JJ cheered, sending a thumbs up to the couple on the boat. “He jacked your boat, dude.” He said to John B.
“Pope’s poking on the Pogue.” He replied with little emotion, staring out like he couldn’t believe it while Sarah wolf-whistled in their direction. Through her cheering and whistling, you thought you heard something in the distance, prompting you to turn around with a look of confusion etched across your face.
“Hold on,” You spoke up, the remaining pogues attention turning to you. “Did any of you hear that?”
“The chickens?” JJ threw out a possible solution, you shook your head.
“No, I heard something. Like a car door shutting…” You said confidently, eyes trained on the trees in front of you trying to see through them.
After a few moments of squinting, you managed to make out two figures creeping through the bushes and if you weren’t mistaken, they were both armed. “...There’s people in the woods. They have guns.” You said, a hard expression settling on your face as you quickly took hold of Marley’s collar.
“Wha- are you sure?” Sarah asked panicked, standing up from the log she was perched on and edging closer to John B.
“Yes, I’m sure.” You replied quickly. “Hide. Hide somewhere, anywhere but in the house.” You instructed, the three of them just staring blankly at one another. You looked at them stupidly, snapping your fingers to gain their attention. “Hello? Earth to Powerpuff Girls? Unless your wanna play bullet-tag with the strangers in the woods, I suggest you hide!” You whisper-shouted, guiding Marley into the chicken coop by her collar as your three friends seemed to silently decide on hiding in the large oak tree, not before John B put out the bonfire and followed JJ and Sarah who were scattering and climbing up the trunk of the tree one by one.
There was more than enough space for you to hide Marley in the coop, pushing her inside as quietly as possible as she started to whine lowly. You brought a finger to your lips, shushing the animal as you gently pet the top of her head. “It’s okay.” You assured, pushing her a little further in as the sound of leaves ruffling got closer. “Just sit and stay. Okay?” You instructed as you stood up and made a b-line for the tree, climbing up as quickly and quietly as possible, taking the hand that was offered to you and planting yourself on top of one of the thick branches.
Through the leaves and branches, you saw the two figures emerge into the lights of the backyard. 
It was no one other than Rafe and Barry.
There was no way they found out about Sarah and John B that fast.
Barry crept up the side steps to the front door, gun held in front of him as Rafe wandered through the backyard, right under your noses. He stopped in front of the freshly blown out bonfire as Barry threw open the door to The Chateau, creeping inside. 
“Where the hell are you?...” Rafe asked mainly to himself, eyes wandering from the smoking wooden planks. Just then, the sound of glass breaking came from inside the house, followed by the sound of Barry groaning in frustration just before the man in question came barrelling out of The Chateau. 
“Ain’t shit in there!” He shouted, jogging down the small staircase. 
“Nothing?” Rafe asked, his tone calm in contrast to the drug dealer’s.
“No, nothing, Rafe.” Barry spat. It seemed as if Barry’s frustration began to rub off on the Cameron boy.
“They were obviously just here based off the smoke, man.” Rafe reprimanded, voice raising slightly as he threw a hand out in the direction of the smoking pit. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Barry ignored him. “Great observation, Boy Scout.”
“They gotta be around here somewhere...” Rafe reminded, Barry rolling his eyes and began kicking things around in the yard as Rafe turned around, staring viciously at the length of the tree. 
“P.4.L.” Barry mocked the words carved into the wood, Rafe looking back and laughing with the man, the gun in his hand pointed directly at the carving. 
“Well, shit…” The Cameron boy chuckled breathily.
“So, your sister’s a ‘Pogue For Life’ now, huh?” Barry taunted, watching as the lazy smile on Rafe’s face dropped as he looked back at the tree. His eyes started twitching as he gnawed on the inside of his cheek, his nostrils flaring out too. You were no stranger to that look on his face — he was losing it…
“...Shit!” He hollered like a madman, the loud reverberation of his voice causing you and Sarah to flinch violently. Even Barry flinched behind the boy. Within seconds, Rafe had cocked the gun back and fired off several shots, the four of you ducking behind the branches as bullets flew. Barry, who tried to take the gun from his hand, ended up forcing the guns aim upwards, the four of you just narrowly missing being shot. 
“Rafe, chill!” Barry scolded, snatching the gun from the boy’s hands. “You gon' get our asses busted!” 
The silence that occurred after Barry’s warning was what allowed the duo to hear a faint whine coming from somewhere in the yard. Your hands clawed at the wood of the tree, your nails splintering under the force.
You prayed they would ignore it. That they would leave her alone.
But you knew that wasn’t going to happen the second Rafe rotated his whole body in the direction of the chicken coop, his face twisting as he walked towards it. Bending down in front of the small opening, he scoffed, running a hand down his face.
“Would you look at that?” He laughed, eyeing Barry before looking inside of the coop once more. The whining never stopped. “They left the damn dog.” He told him, voice raspy. He snapped his fingers and whistled, trying to get Marley to obey. “C’mere girl.” He tried, but she wouldn’t budge.
“The fuck…just leave it, man. What the hell you gon do with a dog?” Barry tried, annoyed at this point.
For what it was worth, your dog had a very good judgment of character. But you guessed that trait didn’t make Rafe too happy. It was like something in him snapped, shooting a hand out and grabbing Marley by the collar, dragging her out the pen when she wouldn’t listen.
She whined and barked, trying her best to resist his pull as her paws slid across the dirt. 
“No, no, no…” You muttered under your breath, moving to climb down the tree when a forceful hand wrapped itself around your arm, your eyes meeting JJ’s. “Let go. What are you-”
“You can’t go down there, are you crazy. He will hurt you.” JJ told you seriously, his eyebrows setting into a straight line. 
“The hell I can’t.” You spat back, trying to wiggle your arm out his grip to no avail. “If I don't go down there, he’s gonna hurt her.” You told the blonde in hushed tone. You hated how shaky and sad your voice sounded.
“We’ll get her back.” He told you, his grip tightening lightly in reassurance. “I promise you.” You shook your head at his words, swallowing harshly as your teary gaze went back to where Rafe was manhandling Marley. She wouldn’t stop crying out and it broke your heart.
“Jesus, you gon have to get a muzzle for that bitch.” Barry groaned. “And what you gon do when daddy asks where the mutt came from, huh, Country Club? ‘Cause you already know Snoozie’s gonna be looking up and down the island for her, missin’ posters ‘n shit gon be up before you make it back to Figure Eight.”
Rafe just licked his lips, positioned slightly bent down to keep a good grip on your dog. “Trust me, she knows where she is. They’re here, I know that for a fact.” He told Barry, his eyes wandering the seemingly empty yard. “You want your dog back?!” He shouted out into the empty yard space. “Looks like you're gonna have to put on your big girl pants and come and get her!”
That was the last thing you all heard before the two men were leaving, dragging a hysterical Marley behind them. Most dogs would bite when threatened. But Marley wasn’t a violent dog. That was one of the many things you loved about her. But in this moment you hated it.
BY THE TIME KIARA AND POPE HAD RETURNED WITH THE BOAT THE FOUR OF YOU NEEDED TO LEAVE, THE SUN HAD RISEN SIGNALING A NEW DAY. You were all silently petrified and hadn’t said more than five words in the last, what you guessed was, six hours or so. JJ perked up when he spotted his two friends in the small boat, slinging his backpack up on his shoulder and heading towards the two as the remaining three of you followed silently.
“Yo, don’t tie up yet!” He called out, skipping down the pier just as Pope was about to tie up the boat.
“What?” Kiara replied back, squinting her eyes from the sun.
“We’re dippin'.” The blonde told the girl, jogging towards the boat and coming to a stop in front of the two, throwing his bag into the boat.
“Wait, why?” Pope piped up.
“We gotta get the hell outta here.” John B said urgently, getting into the boat right after JJ, you helping Sarah down into the vehicle as JB held a hand out for her, the girl still limping mildly due to her injury.
“Rafe knows we’re here so we have to leave, like, now.” She panted out, sitting down in the boat as you climbed in after her, not saying a word.
“Okay, okay…” Pope spoke absentmindedly, hurrying to un-tie the portion of the rope he did secure, tossing it into the boat. “Wait, what about the dog? Where’s Marley?” Sarah, John B, and JJ all looked at each other then at you, prompting Kie and Pope to share a look before doing the same.
“...We’ll explain everything later.” John B threw out, caressing Sarah’s back. You didn’t protest or say anything, you were too angry to do anything. The pair of them glanced at you once more before getting into the boat themselves.
“We’ll sail a few miles out, find somewhere to camp out for a bit.” Pope announced, getting behind the wheel and starting the engine. "Then, you have to tell us what the hell is going on."
“LOOK, IF RAFE AND BARRY KNOW, IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE EVERYONE KNOWS.” John B started, hands on his head as he paced back in forth in the grass. The group had found an empty clearing a few miles away from The Chateau, an open field near The Marsh.
JJ scoffed, shaking his head. “I told you. We should’ve gone south, man.” He added. “Why does no one ever listen?”
The rest of you sat in the grass not talking. You were sitting criss-crossed, plucking individual strands of grass. 
“...I have an idea.” Sarah croaked, swallowing harshly as she stared down at her shoes. “With me back, my dad’s going to have to choose between me and Rafe.” You paused in your grass plucking, peering up at the girl. 
“Sarah-” John B started only to be cut off.
“He’s gonna choose me.” She said confidently, looking at John B. 
“Just please listen.” Her boyfriend pleaded, holding a hand out in her direction to let him speak. “Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah.”
“No,I…I know it sounds crazy-”
“Yeah, it does.” Kiara told her bluntly. 
“I know.” Sarah defended herself, biting her bottom lip and looking around at the five of you. “But he’s my dad. And I know him, and I know he loves me.” She pleaded with the group, rubbing her hands nervously against her thighs. “I’m just asking for two hours.” She concluded, eyes wide and begging for you all to understand.
You simply shook your head, looking out at the water in front of you. If Sarah believed that her father would choose her, who were you to disagree? You had your doubts but you kept them quiet. If you learned anything in the past month or so, it’s that you have to let people see who others really are for themselves, otherwise they'll never believe it.
Without any more objections, Sarah tucked her hair behind her ears and stood up, looking at the group of you one last time before walking off.
SARAH HAD BEEN GONE FOR NEARLY AN HOUR, THE FIVE OF YOU WANDERING OFF AWAY FROM ONE ANOTHER. Pope and John B were at the edge of water talking, Kiara was laying in the grass plucking flowers, and you were leaning on a nearby tree. 
You got the urge to look up from where you were digging the toe of your shoe into the dirt when the sunlight was no longer beaming on you, coming face to face with possibly one of the last people you wanted to talk to.
You sighed, crossing your arms. “What part of leave me alone do you not understand?”
The blonde scratched the back of his head, looking side to side before shoving his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “Look, I don’t know what I did to make you this mad at me. And even though I would really like to know and won’t stop bothering you until I find out, I promise I didn’t come over here to press you about it right now.”
“Then what are you over here for?”
“I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.” He said, eyes roaming your face as you looked away for a brief second. “You may hate my guts right now but we’re still pogues. And you know how I feel about you...” His voice lowered to a whisper as he leaned in closer. "That doesn't change just because you're pissed at me."
“I don’t hate you.” You didn’t mean to say it. You planned to let him talk to himself while you didn’t respond but something about JJ thinking you hated him really made your stomach turn. Sure, you felt betrayed and led on, but you didn’t hate him. You don't think you ever could.
It would take forces between the heavens and the earth before you would ever even come close to hating JJ.
“...And no. I’m not okay.” You said bluntly, straightening your posture. “I am angrier than I have ever been in my entire life and I can’t do shit about it, JJ.” You groaned, rubbing the back of your neck. “I don’t have any parental figure left, some psychopathic rapist who has an obsession with trying to ruin our lives just kidnapped my fucking dog, my best friend just came back from the dead and the only evidence we have to clear his name and keep him out of jail for a crime he didn’t even commit is being withheld by some batshit crazy woman who lives on a former slave plantation and has a live-in bodyguard, and you...” You ranted all in one breath, stopping yourself right before you went too far. 
JJ just nodded, rolling his lips in on themselves as he gave you a moment to collect yourself and catch your breath before speaking. “Yeah…yeah, that about covers it.” He said, the unhelpful statement causing you to roll your eyes. You don’t know if you purposefully left out the part about him and Kie or if it was a subconscious thing. You figured that would’ve been the best time, if any, to bring it up. But it also seemed like the most miniscule on your list of problems at the moment.
“Well…what about the box?”
“The what?” You said exhaustedly, squinting your eyes as he shifted his weight, allowing the sun to beam on your face. You were too blinded by the golden ray of light to notice how the blonde got distracted by you — the way the sun illuminated everything about you. It made the naturally lighter pieces of your hair more visible, it made your eyes a shade brighter, made your eyelashes more visible, and casted a heavenly glow across your skin. Deep down, he really wanted to get to the bottom of whatever he did to put you off from him this badly because the idea of having you in his life as more than a best friend was looking more appealing every second he looked at you.
Snapping himself out of it, he replied. “The, uh, the box of shit you stole from your mom’s office? That’s, like, hardcore evidence, right?” You pondered on the boy’s statement for a moment. It wasn’t like you’d forgotten about the evidence, it crossed your mind ever since John B’s text came through. But your biggest problem was Shoupe — you didn’t trust him. And you weren't sure if a couple of tapes would be any help.
“Ward has Shoupe and the entire Sheriff’s Department wrapped around his finger. If I hand over the only evidence we have and Shoupe chooses Ward over his oath as an officer, we lose everything.”
“But you don’t think it’s worth the risk if it can clear Bree?” He cocked an eyebrow, clearly questioning your judgment.
You bit your lip in contemplation, shaking your head. “...I’ll sort through everything and see what we can possibly bring to Shoupe. If things go south with JB and this whole key that Pope keeps talking about, I turn it all over to the police. Deal?”
JJ nodded his head, glancing back at his two friends at the edge of the water. “Deal.”
“In the meantime?” You threw out, pushing yourself off of the tree and adjusting yourself. “I’m gonna figure out how to get my damn dog back.” Just then, you saw the HMS Pogue coming towards the shore, Sarah perched on the edge.
The five of you stood up, approaching the edge of the water and watching as the girl let the engine die and the boat come to a halt. The guys moved forward to pull the boat up onto the sand, the girl taking the hand John B offered to assist her out of the boat.
“So, how’d it go?” He asked, hair blowing in the wind as you all crowded each other. Sarah looked to her feet, shaking her head.
“You guys were right.” She sniffled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “It didn’t work.”
Everyone nodded despondently, expecting nothing more or less but still disappointed by the outcome. Despite you and JJ’s separate conversation, the pogues weren’t completely aware of the evidence you were holding onto. You figured they'd forgotten. You didn’t want John B and Sarah to have run again, but you needed some time to get what you needed to at least attempt to clear their names without backfire.
“We still have one more opt-”
“What’s that?” Kiara interrupted you, looking petrified at the water ahead of her. You all followed her gaze, finding a fleet of boats with flashing lights sailing directly towards the six of you. 
“How’d the cops find us?” Pope added, taking a weary step back as the boats got closer. 
“They must’ve followed you here.” John B told his girlfriend. “It had to have been Ward.” He spoke rather calmly. 
“Stay on the beach with your hands in the air!” One of the officers commanded through a megaphone. But since when were any of you known to follow rules?
A shared look amongst the group had you all bolting in the opposite direction within seconds, almost tripping over one another in the process. Running on sand was a harder task than you ever imagined, the ground feeling as if it was slipping underneath your feet.
One quick glance behind you and the officers were hopping off their boats, chasing after you all. Your shoes were submerged when you had to run through a shallow bank of salt water to get to the other side of the beach, hoping the trees would hide you. 
Sarah started to slow down, the running causing a strain on her side. John B was quick to scoop her up, throwing an arm around her torso and slinging one of her own over his shoulders. Tree branches and bushes nipped at your calves but you paid no mind to it. 
You could hear the heavy footsteps and radio chatter of the officers behind you all, scattered in the woods, trying to find you all from any and every angle. Reaching the edge of a pond surrounded by weeds, you all let John B help Sarah in first before following, the water going above your knees. 
The further in you waded, the deeper it got until you all had to literally swim across the body of water, Sarah at the tail end of the group. The murky water splashed into your mouth and in your eyes but you kept going. 
The sound of splashing and yelling behind you signaled that you’d been spotted just as you reached the other side, you being the first one out of the water. With no where else to go, you all hid behind the largest tree in sight, the object able to conceal the half dozen of you.
Sirens blared in the distance, your heads snapping behind you to find two police cars flying down the dirt road.
“We’re trapped.” Pope panted, crouching behind the tree. “They got us surrounded. What do we do?”
“We’re not getting out of this.” JJ said, blonde strands soaked, his shirt sticking to his body as he rang out a bandana. “We gotta make a stand.” Pulling the infamous gun from his waistband and wiping it off. You looked at him crazy, snatching the object from his hand before he had a chance to react. Your own hair was sticking to your face, the damp feeling of your clothes making you uncomfy,
“That’s the complete opposite of solving the problem.” You told him as he absentmindedly reached for the weapon. You held it out of his reach, oblivious to John B watching the entire interaction occur.
He was grateful that he had friends willing to get into this kind of trouble for him. But his heart wouldn’t allow any of you to go down with him. Unbeknownst to you, JB had climbed down from the tree, taking hold of your wrist of the arm that held the gun.
Your eyes met his as he slowly took the weapon from your grasp, letting it fall to the ground. Your eyebrows furrowed as he looked at each and every one of you with the most detached look on his face. Smiling at you all, he spoke.
“It’s gonna be all right.” He choked out, gently letting your wrist fall. It was then that you knew — he was surrendering. He took slow, backwards steps away from you all kicking a pile of dirt and leaves over the gun to conceal it.
Just then, Shoupe arrived, wasting no time in drawing his gun in your friend’s direction. “John B! Step out into the clearing!” He hollered, officers surrounding you all from every direction and every single one of them armed. 
“I’m surrendering!” He told the man, hands in the air. 
“Aye, the rest of y’all stay right where ya are, keep your hands where I can see 'em.” Shoupe told the five of you behind JB, all of your hands going in the air slowly. 
“Hey, listen Shoupe, I wanna testify!” John B cut in, eyes red and teary. 
“It’s ‘bout time.” The man said, approaching the boy with two officers trailing behind him. All three of them pointing pistols at you all. “Get down, do not move a muscle. Everybody else, don’t move!”
Shoupe directed one of his deputies to detain John B, the man storming over as he holstered his weapon. He pat JB down quickly before snatching the boy up into a chokehold, clearly out of anger and not protocol. 
“Are you serious?!” JJ was the first to call out, voice echoing throughout the woods.
“Hey, what the fuck?!” You shouted yourself, taking one small step forward but the female officer that chased the car a month ago, Deputy Plumb, was quick to stop you, pointing her pistol right in between your eyes.
“Stay where you are!” She instructed firmly, her eyebrows setting into a fine line. 
You and your friends were forced to watch as the officer arresting John B, who Shoupe referred to as Deputy Thomas, slammed your friend onto his back into the grass and beat on him. You were all shouting and screaming but anytime you took a step, there was officer in your face with a fully loaded pistol or an assault rifle. And these people looked too trigger happy to be arresting a teenager.
Shoupe finally stepped in when Thomas had John B by the collar of his shirt. The man in charge attempted to pull his deranged officer off of your friend but he was pushed back as the man faced John B once more, nostrils flared as he held the boy mid-air.
“...This is for Peterkin.”
And with an uppercut, John B was out cold.
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