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floaromaxtowns · 2 years
Can clones be controlled like robots?
Before anyone come @ me: This is merely my interpretation, I'm not familiar with the lore in its entirety.
// That's the tragedy of clones.
In theory they can't be controlled because they are humans, with the ability to think for themselves. However, in practice it becomes very apparent just how easy it was to control these guys. They are humans, they are living beings, but their upbringing and other factors prevent them from truly being humans. In order to have the best soldiers for an army, they had to make the clones as compliant and obedient as possible.
Regardless of the canon material you follow. Apparently the creators of the show came up with the story of the inhibitor chips pretty late into the clone wars' story, because prior to it the clones were entirely on "their own accord".
With the chips' route, you can say how that's HEAVILY controlling, suppressing and instigating the way clones act and think. That's why in the new canon, you can claim how helpless they were when order 66 was issued (which led them to turn on their jedi generals). The chips feed the clones' need and drive to follow orders (that drive varies depends on the individual in question, but they all strive to achieve their goals), and there are some commands which the clones simply cannot oppose and they lose even more the small amount of humanity they have. I love the clones, and I'm dead sure the chips came in as an attempt to make them redeemable in one way or another. On top of trying to lessen the impact, of what they did.
However, if you choose to go with the un-chipped route, things can get a lot darker IMO. Because then you are delving into indoctrination, they were brain-washed to be always attentive/cautious towards the jedis, to such an extent they had no issues in turning on the people who supposedly helped them so much. And according to the old lore, many clones couldn't handle the aftermath of order 66 (the number of clones that defected or refused to follow the command was higher). They followed orders, but I'd say here they can be a tad more difficult to be controlled (ofc depending on the position).
I think I rambled too much haha so the short answer is...
Yes they can be controlled, but not at all like a robot or a droid.
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